91st PA: James McKinney

James McKinney

Before the war

He was born in 1830/33, in Antrim, Ireland. [sources: place: 6 (Enteem), 7 (Entrim), 14 (Ireland). date: 6 (28 in 1861), 7 (28 in 1861), 8 (28 in 1861), 14 (30 in 1860)]

On 8 August 1850, he married Jane Stewart. She was born in Ireland, in 1826/30. They were married by Alderman Carr [?], in his office in Philadelphia. They had three children who were less than sixteen years old in 1864: [sources: 13, 14, 15]

In 1860, he was living in the 4th ward of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was living with his wife Jane and their children Margaret, James, and John. He was a laborer. [source: 14]

When he enlisted, he was a laborer, and was living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [sources: 6, 7, 8]


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 8-1/2 inches tall, and had a florid complexion, grey eyes, and brown hair. [sources: 6, 7, 8 (5'8")]

During the war

He enlisted and was mustered into service, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 5 November 1861. He was enlisted for three years, by Captain Sinex. He was mustered in service as a private in company H, by Captain Sinex. [sources: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16-19]

He was transferred to company D on 4 December 1861. [sources: 1, 8, 9]

On 20 August 1862, his wife, Jane McKinney, died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of natural causes. She died at, or was buried from, 1236 Ellsworth Street. She was buried in the Reformed Methodist Union Cemetery. [sources: 13, 15]

On 25 August 1863, he returned to his company from hospital. [source: 3]

He reenlisted as a veteran volunteer on 26 December 1863. He was reenlisted at Bealton, Virginia, on 24 December 1863. [sources: 1, 8, 13]

He was promoted to corporal on 28 April 1864 or 1 March 1865. [sources: 2 (28 Apr), 5 (1 Mar), 7 (1 Mar)]

He was wounded on 18 or 21 June 1864. [sources: 1 (21 Jun), 4 (18 Jun), 7 (18 Jun), 8 (21 Jun), 13 (18 June)]

He died on board a transport, on 22 or 26 June 1864, of those wounds. The transport was going to David's Island, New York Harbor, New York. And he was buried on David's Island, New York. He was in company D. [sources: 1 (22 Jun; burial record has 26 Jun), 4 (26 Jun), 5 (26 Jun), 7 (26 Jun), 8 (22 Jun), 10 (reported 12 Jul), 13 (26 June 1864), 16-19 (pvt)]

After the war

On 16 December 1864, the Philadelphia Orphans' Court appointed Margaret McKinney guardian of his minor children Margaret, James, and John, after requiring her to post $300 as security. [source: 13]

On 4 May 1865, Margaret McKinney (residence 525 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) successfully applied for a pension on behalf of his minor children. Her application was accepted on 16 January 1866, retroactive to 26 June 1864, and ending on 19 December 1873. The pension certificate, for $8 per month, was issued on 22 January 1866. [sources: 11, 12, 13]

On 28 December 1866, Margaret McKinney (46 years old, residing at 2007 Naudain Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) applied for an increase in pension. Her application was accepted on 23 July 1867, retroactive to 26 June 1864, and ending on 18 December 1873. The certificate was issued on 6 August 1867. She received the base $8 per month, and an additional $2 per month for each child, retroactive to 25 July 1866. [source 13]

On 9 January 1888, Mrs Maggie Wharton applied for a pension. She was the daughter of James and Jane McKinney, and was living in Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Her application was rejected because she had received a pension, and was not owed any money. [source: 13]


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)

2 special order 39, HQ 91st PA, 28 April 1864

3 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 25 August 1863 (Private McKinney)

4 company D, register of deaths (James McKinney)

5 company D, list of non-commissioned officers (James McKinney)

6 company D, descriptive roll, entry 18 (James McKinney)

7 company D, [second] descriptive roll, entry 99 (James McKinney)

8 Civil War Veterans' Card File, available at the Pennsylvania State Archives, searched 6 August 2004 (James McKinney)

9 company H, register of men transferred (James McKenney)

10 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 12 July 1864 (James McKenney)

11 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company D (James McKenny)

12 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company H (James McKinney)

13 children's pension certificate file, National Archives and Records Administration, RG 15, certificate WC 62,828, Margaret McKinney child of James McKinney

14 1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 4th ward, western division, microfilm series M653, film 1154, page 860 = 54 handwritten (Jas McKenny)

15 Philadelphia death certificates, Jane McKinney, 20 August 1862

16 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (James McKinney)

17 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (James McKenney)

18 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (James McKinney)

19 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (James McKenny)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

1850 US census
searching for James McKinney born Ireland 1829-31 in FamilySearch's index to the 1850 US census found 28 possible matches. The James McKinney who served in the 91st could be many of them--or perhaps someone still living in Ireland.
1870 US census
HeritageQuest index (accessed 15 October 2011)
1880 US census
HeritageQuest index (accessed 15 October 2011)
1890 US census, veterans' schedule
Ancestry index (accessed 20 Oct 11)
1900 US census
HeritageQuest index (accessed 15 October 2011)
1910 US census
HeritageQuest index (accessed 15 October 2011)
1920 US census
HeritageQuest index (accessed 15 October 2011)
1930 US census
Fold3 index (accessed 15 October 2011)

abstract of children's pension certificate file

[children's pension certificate file, National Archives and Records Administration, RG 15, certificate WC 62,828, Margaret McKinney child of James McKinney]
[abstracted from 33 pages on Fold3, October 2011]
8 Aug 1850
James McKinney married Jane Stewart, by Alderman Kim [?] or Carr [pp.4, 7 (familhy Bible), 25]
had three children who were minors in 1864: Margaret (born 15 February 1851), William James (born 7 July 1855), John (born 19 Dec 1857) [pp.3, 4, 8 (family bible), p.11, p.19 (has different dates)]
20 Aug 1862
wife Jane McKinney died in Philadelphia [pp.3, 4]
24 December 1863
enrolled on 24 Dec 1863 at Bealton VA in Co D 91st PA as a veteran private [p.6]
mustered in as private veteran [p.6]
18 June 1864
wounded [p.6]
26 June 1864
died on transport of wounds received 18 June 1864 [pp.4, 6]
died en route to Davis Island, New York, and was buried there [p.19]
4 Nov 1864
Hannay McHenry and Mary Devlin confirmed the truth of the claims in the application (p.12)
16 Dec 1864
Philadelphia Orphans' Court appointed Margaret McKinney guardian of Margaret, James, and John McKinney, on $300 security [p.33]
4 May 1865
Margaret McKinney swore to defend the constitution etc. (p.33)
5 May 1865
Margaret McKinney applied for a pension (application 92,113) on behalf of Margaret McKinney, William J. McKinney, and John McKinney, minor children of James McKinney, corporal co. D 91st Pennsylvania (dated 29 Oct 1864)
guardian's residence: 525 S. 4th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
attorney W N Ashman (1307 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA)
James Moore and Annie Taylor swore to her identity and the truth of her claims
Margaret McKinney swore that she was the guardian of James McKinney's minor children Margaret, William J, and John
30 August 1865
Adjutant General's Office replied to Pension Office with information summarized above [p.6]
23 Sep 1865
circulars 17, 20, and 9 [sent] (p.15)
28 Sep 1865
Mary Develin swore to the birthdates of the three minors (p.11)
30 Sep 1865
William McKinney, resident of Smyrna Delaware, uncle of the three minors, swore that he was present at the marriage of Jas McKinney and Jane Stewart, on 8 August 1850, at Philadelphia, by Alderman Ken [?] at his office on Pine Street; that the Alderman is dead, did not give them a certificate, that his books can't be located, that Jane (his sister-in-law) died on 20 Aug 1862
Pension Office received 4 October 1865
6 Nov 1865
Eli G Sellers certified that that McKinney was corporal in co. D, was wounded in action on 18 June 1864 in front of Petersburg VA, and that he died on 26 June 1864 while on the US transport going from City Point to David Island, NY Harbor [p.16]
Pension Office received 10 Nov 1865
16 Jan 1866
pension application accepted (p.13)
pension of $8 per month retroactive to 26 June 1864, ending 19 December 1873 (p.13)
certificate dated 22 Jany 1866 (p.13)
28 Dec 1866
guardian Margaret McKinney applied for increased pension, dated 26 November 1866 [p.25]
guardian's residence 2007 Naudain St, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 46 years old
other claims as above
attorney W N Ashman 1307 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pennsylvania [pp.18, 25]
application accepted 23 July 1867
certificate issued on 6 Aug 1867 for $8 per month from 26 June 1864 through 18 Dec 1873, and $2 per month for each child beginning 25 July 1866 [pp.18, 23]
15 Dec 1871
'Plurality claim erased Certf. to Pen. Agent' [p.24]
9 Jan 1888
Mrs Maggie Wharton, residing in Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, 34 years old, applied for a pension as a child of James McKinney (one of the three who were under 16 when he died) [pp.19, 21]
attorney Allan Rutherford of Washington DC [pp.19, 21]
[see p.27 for her agreement with Rutherford]
3 Feb 1888
the Pension Office notified Allan Rutherford that Maggie was pensioned on 6 August 1867 with William and John and no pension was due her
her claim was rejected

1860 census

[1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 4th ward, western division, microfilm series M653, film 1154, page 860 = 54 handwritten]
[identification is confirmed by the names and dates in his children's pension certificate file]
Dwelling number[327]    
Family number392    
NameJas McKennyJane "Margaret "Jas "Jno "
OccupationLab. Man    
Value of real estate owned     
Value of personal estate     
Place of birth" [sc. Ireland]"Penna""
Married within year     
Attended school within year  11 
Cannot read & write 1   
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.     

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 7 January 2015, from Fold3]

McKinney, James.
Co. H D, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
See also [blank]


[card 2, transcribed 9 January 2015]

McKenney James.
Co. H D, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
Original filed under
McKinny [sic], James.


[card 3, transcribed 12 January 2015]

McKinney [sic] James.
Co. H D, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
Original filed under
McKinny [sic], James.


[card 4, transcribed 13 January 2015]

McKenny, James.
Co. H D, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
Original filed under
McKinney [sic] James.


spouse's death certificate

[Philadelphia death certificates, Jane McKinney, 20 August 1862]
[transcribed from FamilySearch, 15 October 2011]

1. Name of Deceased, Jane McKinney
2. Colour, White
3. Sex, Female
4. Age, 3n5 Years
5. Married
6. Date of Death, August 20th 1862
7. Cause of Death, Natural Causes
Anthony Conrad

8. Occupation, -
9. Place of Birth, Ireland
10. When a Minor, -
11. Ward, 1st [?]
12. Street and Number, 1236 Elsworth st
13. Date of Burial, Aug 22d
14. Place of Burial, Ref Methodis [sic] Union

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revised 13 Jan 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions