He was born in 1823/24 (3 (37 in 1861)). He was born in New York City, New York (3).
On 28 October 1844, he married Anna Matilda Ridey [or Reidy, or Reddy] (7). They were married at St Philip's Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (7). They had six children (7):
When he enlisted, he was a brush maker (3).
When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 7 inches tall, had a light complexion, blue eyes, and light hair (3).
He enlisted and was mustered into service for three years in company E on 2 September 1861, at Philadelphia Pennsylvania (1, 3, 7, 10, 11). He was enlisted by Captain Lentz, and mustered into service by Captain Starr (3).
He was killed in action on 3 May 1863 at Chancellorsville, Virginia, while charging the enemy (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9). He was a private, in company E (10, 11).
On 3 June 1863, his widow, Anna M McMakin, applied successfully for a pension (5, 6, 7). She was living at 335 Cherry Street, Camden, New Jersey (7). She received a pension beginning 3 May 1863, starting at a rate of $8 per month (7). She did receive an additional $2 per month for each child (7). The certificate was dated 11 September 1863 (7). (On 4 March 1876 her pension was transferred from the Trenton office to the Philadelphia office (7).)
On 2 October 1883, she married Thomas Marshall (7). They were married by the Reverend Rochis [?], who lived on Moore Street, above Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (7).
On 8 January 1885, a special examiner (M J Brooks) interviewed her, because she had not picked up her pension since 15 September 1883, and they wondered whether her case was involved with an alleged fraud by two clerks in the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Pension Agency (7). She was then living at 611 East Norris Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania (7).
On 27 September 1892, three of McMakin's children, William H McMakin, Julia McMakin Hilliard, and Henry B McMakin, applied unsuccessfully from Pennsylvania for a pension (5, 6). Their claim was rejected because all of them were over sixteen years old when they applied (7). The file does not explain why the attorney--a pension specialist!--filed their claim, or why the Pension Bureau requested further proof of their ages before denying it (7). Their mother, Ann Marshall, was living at 2028 East Susquehanna Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (7).
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)
2 list of deaths, company E
3 descriptive roll, company E, entry 58 (Francis C McMakin)
4 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 7 May 1863 (Francis McMakin)
5 pension index, by name (Francis C McMakin)
6 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company E (Francis C McMakin)
7 widow's pension certificate file, Ann M McMakin, certificate 5813 (available on Footnote (viewed January 2009)) (Francis C McMakin)
8 'The ninety-first Pennsylvania volunteers', Philadelphia Press, Wednesday 13 May 1863, page 2 (Francis McMackin)
9 'The Ninety-first Pennsylvania at Chancellorville', Philadelphia Inquirer 13 May 1863, page 8 (Francis McMackin)
10 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Francis C McMaken)
11 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Francis McMackin)
On this First day of June A.D. 1863, personally appeared before me Fred. G. Wolbert Prothy.
Anna Matilda McMakin a resident of Camden in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey aged 32 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions made by the Act of Congress approved July 14th, 1862:
That she is the Widow of Francis C McMakin Private in Company E commanded by John D Lentz in the 91st Regiment of Pennsylvania Vols in the War of 1861, who was killed on the 3d day of May 1863 in action at the battle of Chancellorsville Va
She further declares that she was married to the said Francis C McMakin on the 28th day of October A.D. 1844 (1844) that her husband, the aforesaid Francis C McMakin died on the day above mentioned, and that she has remained a widow ever since that period.
That deceased soldier left six children Henrietta Catharine Born Apl 20th 1846 Francis Cooper November 12th 1847 - George B Born June 6th 1850 - William H. Born July 29th 1852 - Julia V Born December 12th 1854. Henry B Born August 29th 1856
As will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereto annexed. She also declares that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided, or abetted, the rebellion in the United States. That her Post Office Address is No 335 Cherry St So Camden N Jersey
Sworn and subscribed to before me, the day and year above written, the contents having first been made known to herI have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. 23.399, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.
It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that Francis C. McMaken [sic] was enrolled on the 2d day of September, 1861, at Philadelphia in Co. "E" 91st Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, to serve three years, or during the war ['or during the war' is printed as part of the form, and not crossed out], and mustered into service as a Private on the 9th day of September, 1861, at Philadelphia PA, in Co. "E" 91st Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, to serve three years, or during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. E of that Regiment, for the months of March, April + part of June 1863, he is reported "killed in action at Chancellorsville, May 3" 1863".
I am, Sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant, Sam G Preck [?]I hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of the original Family Record produced before me the 1st day of June 1863.
Witness my hand and official Seal.
F CampbellOn this 28th day of May 1863 personally appeared before me F Campbell a notary public in and for the City and State aforesaid, Rev. N Cantwell resident of said city who being duly sworn, according to law, declares that the foregoing is a true copy from the record of Marriages of St Philip's Roman Catholic Church that said records are in his custody and possession, and that said extracts and copy was [sic] made by him, and in his own proper handwriting, and he declares that he is a distinterested witness.
N Cantwell [?]PAGES. | NAMES OF WITNESSES, ETC. | Exhibits. | Depositions. | REPUTATION. |
1 to | Index _ _ _ _ | |||
Notice to claimant - - - - | ||||
2 to 3 | Summary _ _ _ _ | |||
4 | Ann M Marshall, nee McMackin | A | ||
[the rest of the lines are blank] |
On this 8th day of January, 1885, at Philadelphia, County of Philadelphia, State of Penna, before me, M J Brooks, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Ann Matilda Marshall, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of afore-said pension claim, deposes and says: her name is Ann Matilda Marshall. Age 53 years. Post Office address. 611 East Norris St Phila Pa.
Q Were you the widow of Francis C. McMackin who was a member of Co E. 91st Pa vols
A Yes sir, I was the widow of Francis C McMackin
Q Did you draw pension on account of the death [of] your former husband Francis McMacken
A I did
Q When did you remarry, and to whom were you married subsequent to the death of your first husband, the soldier.
A I married Thos Marshall October the 2nd day 1883.
Q When did you last draw your pension
A I was last paid on the 15th of September 1883
Q Where and by whom were you married to Thos Marshall your present husband
I was married to Thos Marshall by [?] the Rev Rochis [?] residence on Moore St above Broad St this city
Mrs Ann M MarshallI have the honor to return herewith pension claim of Ann Matilda McMackin, Cert #5813, widow of Francis C McMackin late private Co E. 91st Pa vols, this case was drawn from the files of the office by Special Examiner A. B. Newcombe [?] for use in the Crim pros in the case of Mary Kuizie [?], Cert 3378, et al in which it was alleged that certain parties, to wit Thomas Lawrence and W. J. Fries late clerks in the Phila Pa U.S. Pension Agency, had drawn pension money in the names of a large number of deceased and remarried pensioners. Messr Lawrence and Fries were arrested Dec 4th 1884, and held in $1500 bail, each to await the action of the Grand Jury.
p2This claim was handed me for the purpose of making an examination as to whether this pensioner had died or remarried, in view of the fact of her not having drawn her pension since Sept 15th 1883.
Dep AThe papers are herewith returned with the recommendation that the name of this pensioner be dropped from the rolls of the U.S. Pension Agency at Phila. Pa.
Very RespectfullyOn the 24 day of Sept, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public of the City of Phila in and for the County and State aforesaid William H. Julia and Henry B. McMakin, aged 37 and 38 and 41 years, who being duly sworn according to law, makes [sic] the following declaration in order to obtain the pension provided by act of Congress approved [date crossed out]:
That they are the legitimate children of Francis McMakin who enlisted under the name of Francis McMakin, at [blank], on the 2nd day of September, 1861, in Co E" 91st Regiment Penna Vols. and served at least ninety days in the war of the rebellion; who was killed Chancellorsville Va May 3rd 1863.Also personally appeared Thos H Burns, residing at 1829 Warder St and Johannah Schill, residing at 1444 Pink St. Phila, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Wm H, Julia, + Henry B., the claimant [sic], sign their names to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimants and their acquaintance with them for 20 years and 13 years, respectively, that they are the identical persons they represent themselves to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
Thomas H BurnsSworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day of Sep A.D., 1892, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words [blank] erased, and the words [blank] added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
Frederick P WikoffWhereas I, Wm H McMakin, Julia V McMakin (now Hilliard and Henry B McMakin minors of Francis McMakin late a [blank] in company E, of the 91st Regiment of Penna Volunteers, war of Rebellion having made application for pension under the laws of the United States:
Now this Agreement Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of services done and to be done in the premises, I hereby agree to allow my attorneys W. H. Druen + Co of 121 So 7th St. Phila the fee of twenty five dollars, which shall include all amounts to be paid for any services in the furtherance of said claim; and said fee shall not be demanded by or payable to my said attorney, in whole or in part, except in case of the granting of my pension by the Commissioner of Pensions; and that the same shall be paid to them in accordance with the provisions of Sections 4768 and 4769 of the Revised Statutes, U.S.
Wm H McMakin 1468 Cook St. PhilaBe it Known, that on this, the 24th day of Sep A.D. 1892, personally appeared Wm McMakin, Julia McMakin now Hilliard) + Henry B McMakin, the above-named, who, after having had read over to them in the hearing and presence of the two attesting witnesses the contents of the foregoing articles of agreement, voluntarily signed and acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed.
Frederick P WikoffAnd now, to wit, this 27th day of Oct, A.D. 1892, I accept the provisions contained in the foregoing articles of agreement, and will, to the best of my ability, endeavor faithfully to represent the interests of the claimant in the premises, and I hereby certify that I have received from the claimant above named the sum of nothing whatever dollars, and no more; - dollars being for fee, and the sum of - dollars being for postage and other expenses. And that these agreements have been executed in duplicate without additional cost to the claimant, as required by law, in excess of the fee above named, I making no charge therefor.
WITNESS my hand the year and day above written.
W. H. Druen + CoPersonally came W H Druen + Co whom I know to be the persons they represent themselves to be, and who, having signed the above acceptance of agreement, acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 27th day of Oct, 1892.
Frederick P WikoffPayments on all former certificates covering any portion of same time to be deducted.
All pension to terminate [blank], date of [blank]
RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY:A claim, no 560,492, has been filed in this office by Henry B. McMakin et al., as minors of Francis (C) McMakin, who was a Private in Co E., 91st Reg't, Pa. Inf. Vols., and is alleged to have been killed May 3, 1863. Will you please to furnish [sic] WITH THE RETURN OF THIS CIRCULAR, a copy of such evidence as may be in your possession relative to the last payment of pension to Ann Matilda McMakin, widow of Francis C. McMakin, Co. E 91st Pa. Vol. Inf. Ctf. No. 5813, and whether any children were included in said or any previous payment.
Very respectfully,Sir: In reply to your letter of December 5. 1892, in case of Ann Matilda McMackin Certificate 5.813 Philadelphia Agency, Widow Roll, the records of this Office show last payment to have been made at $8 per month in September 1883 to September 4. 1883.
Died Oct. 2. 1883. Letter P.O. June 18.1885.
Letter herewith returned.
Respectfully yours,Before me a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania residing in the city of Philadelphia, Personally appeared Joseph Chambers, age 71 years, residing 69th + Race St W Phila who being duly sworn deposes and says in relation to claim of children of Francis McMakin late co E. 91st Pa vols, claim No 560.492. Deponent declares he was personally acquainted with the soldier + his wife the mother of the claimants since about the year 1847. and used to visit them very frequently, and deponent is well acquainted with the three children of the soldier, viz Wm H., Julia V., and Henry B. McMakin, and deponent declares he remembers when said children were born as he deponent lived a near neighbor to their parents when the claimants were born + visited the parents
I Frederick P Wikoff Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing in the city of Philadelphia hereby certify that Henry B McMakin, minor of Francis McMakin, late Co E. 91st Pa Vols. has brought to me this day the family Bible of his Parents + which Bible is now before me, and I find therein the record of birth of Julia Valette McMakin born December 12th 1853 and the entry + handwriting of said birth appears to have been written about the time the Birth of child is dated in the Bible as the writing + entries of birth in said bible is faded with age + lapse of time since written + said Bible is old in appearance. Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 7 day of Nov AD 1892
Frederick P WikoffI hereby Certify, That Henry born on 29" of July 1855 of Francis [?] C. McMackin + Matilda Reddy was baptized by the Rev M. J. Blacker on the 20" day of February 1859, according to the Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, and James Flynn and Selina Reddy were sponsors as appears from the Baptismal Registry.
Jno Conrad Sexton [?]Before me a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania residing in the city of Philadelphia Personally appeared Caroline D Wharton age 66 yrs, residing at 1339 Mt Vernon St Phila Pa who being duly sworn deposes and says in relation to claim of children of Francis McMakin, late of Co E 91st Pa vols, claim No 345,789 [sic]. Deponent also declares that she was personally acquainted with the soldier above named and his wife, the mother of the children, and deponent also declares that she was present at the church when the soldier + the mother of the children were married. Deponent declares she called on the mother of the children within a few days after the child William H McMakin was born, on July 29th 1851, Deponent declares that she used to visit the family about once a week. Deponent also declares she sees the three
US PENSION OFFICE FEB 3 1893children William H, Henry B, and Julia McMakin (now Hilliard) frequently and declares they are still living. Deponent declares she has no interest in their claim.
Caroline D WhartonBefore me a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing in the city of Philadelphia, Personally appeared Ann Matilda McMakin (now Marshall,) residing 2028 E. Susquehanna Ave Phila, Pa, widow of Francis McMakin, late Co E. 91st Pa Vols. who being duly sworn deposes and says that up to 4th of Sepr 1883 she drew Pension by Crtf No 5813, as Widow of the above mentioned soldier Francis McMakin but when she was remarried to Thomas Marshall her second husband on Oct 28th 1883 she discontinued drawing her Pension. Deponent declares she is not interested in this claim
Ann MatildaBefore me a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing in the City of Philadelphia, Personally appeared Julia V. McMakin (now Julia V. Hilliard residing at 417 York St Phila Pa, who being duly sworn deposes + says in relation to claim of herself and Brothers as minors of Francis C McMakin late of Co E 91st Regt Penna Vols claim No 560 492. Deponent declares she was born Decr 12th 1853, in Philadelphia Pa, but she declares she cannot get Record evidence of her birth by reason of their being no Public record of births, marriages, and deaths kept in Philadelphia at that time.
Julia V. HilliardBefore me a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing in the city of Philadelphia, Personally appeared Henry B. McMakin, residing 1460 Cook St Phila Pa who being duly sworn deposes and says in relation to the claim No 560,492 of himself + brother William McMakin, and Julia V McMakin (now Hilliard) Minors of Francis McMakin late Co E. 91st Pa vols, Henry B. McMakin declares that the family Bible of his parents that he now has in his posession [sic] bears the following record of birth Julia Valette McMakin born Dec 12th 1853, + said bible he herewith submits to the undersigned Notary Public.
Henry Bob McMakinIn relation to the claim of Minors of Francis McMakin, late of Co E, 91st Pa vols. claim No 560,492, and in reply to enclosed Department letter, we would say the best of obtainable evidence has been furnished to show the date of birth of the claimaints. We herewith enclose the Pension Ctf of the mother of the claimants, who was a Pensioner, until her remarriage when she ceased to draw the Pension. Please refer to evidence on file in the original claim of the mother Anna Matilda McMakin - also please review the evidence filed by us in the present claim of the minors.