91st PA: John Q Adams

John Q Adams

Before the war

He was born in New York, in 1839/40. [sources: date: 2 (25 in 1865), 4 (29 in 1870), 5 (40 in 1880). place: 2, 4, 5]

When he enlisted, he was a farmer. [source: 2]


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 7 inches tall, and had a fair complexion, grey eyes, and brown hair. [2]

During the war

He also served in company K of the 9th US Infantry. He also served in the "Old War" (presumably the Mexican-American War). [source: 6]

He was drafted from Cheltenham. He enlisted and was mustered into service on 2 March 1865. He was enlisted for one year, at Norristown, Pennsylvania, by Captain Yerkes. His service was credited to the Sixth Congressional District. He was a private in company G. [sources: 1, 2, 8]

He received clothing worth $36.82. [source: 2]

He mustered out with his company on 10 July 1865. He was a private, in company G. [source: 1, 8]

After the war

He married Anna [unknown family name]. She was born in Ireland, in 1842/45. They apparently had at least these children:

[sources: 4, 5, 7]

In 1870, he was living in Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was living with his wife Anna and children Charles, Henry, William and Mary. He was working in a cloth factory. [source: 4]

On 10 January 1888, he applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension. [sources: 3, 6]

In 1880, he was living in Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was living with his wife Annie, and children Charles, Henry, William, Mary Sarah, John, James, and Eliza [?]. He was a farm laborer. [source: 5]

On 19 May 1888, his minor dependent, Sarah A Adams, applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension. [sources: 3, 6]

On 28 September [?] 1888, his widow, Annie Adams, applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension. [sources: 3, 6]


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)

2 company G, descriptive roll, [#57] (John Q Adams)

3 pension index, by name (John Q Adams)

4 1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, Cheltenham Township (post office Jenkintown PA), microfilm series M593, film 1377, page 287 = 28 handwritten (John Q Adams)

5 1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, Cheltenham Township, supervisor's district 4, enumeration district 2, microfilm series T9, film 1157, page 46 = 48 D handwritten (John Q Adams)

6 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company G (John Q Adams)

7 1900 US census (not transcribed), Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, Cheltenham Township, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 199, microfilm series T623, film 1442, page 114 = 23 A handwritten; see also p.113 = 22 A handwritten (William Adams et al., also Charley and Harry)

8 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (John Q Adams)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

1850-1860 US census
no John Q Adams of the right age born NY living in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania; many candidates living in NY; I didn't try sorting out which was my John, because I have too little data to judge
(I did try looking for someone born in Louisiana in Montgomery County Pennsylvania or in New York state, and did not find any plausible candidates on FamilySearch (accessed 2 March 2012)
1890 US census, veterans' schedules
Ancestry index (accessed October 2006)
[note that there is an Annie widow of David in Lancaster, with no other identifying information. Given her children's location in 1900, this is unlikely to be my Annie]
1900-1930 US census
FamilySearch index--no Annie Adams approximately the right age in Montgomery County Pennsylvania; many elsewhere (96 entries), whom I didn't try identifying
In 1900, William, Sarah, John, James, Eliza, Owen, and Josiah were all living together, without Annie, which suggest she had died (Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, Cheltenham Township, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 199, page 114 = 23 A handwritten)
In 1900, Annie was not living with their son Charley in Cheltenham Twp (p.113 = 22 A handwritten) or with Harry, who was living next to him (same page)
RootsWeb WorldConnect
'Kelly Matz family tree', a gedcom available on Rootsweb WorldConnect (viewed October 2006, last updated 30 May 2002, contact Kelly Matz) has a John Quincy Adams, born 1839, died 1888, married Annie Mullen, child [unknown] Adams. Perhaps he is this John Q Adams. I did not receive a response to a message asking for more information.
Pennsylvania Veterans' burial cards
Ancestry index (looked only at Montgomery County burials) (accessed 10 December 2010)
Pennsylvania Church and Town records
Ancestry index (accessed 29 Feb 2012)
headstones of deceased union veterans, 1879-1903
FamilySearch index (accessed 3 Mar 2012)
applications for headstones for military veterans, 1925-1941
FamilySearch index (accessed 3 Mar 2012)
Find a grave
searched John Q Adams buried in Montgomery County PA; John Adams died 1884-1888, buried Montgomery County PA (accessed 3 Mar 12)


John Q Adams in the 91st PA gedcom on RootsWeb WorldConnect

John Q Adams in the 91st PA database

1870 census

[1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, Cheltenham Township (post office Jenkintown PA), microfilm series M593, film 1377, page 287 = 28 handwritten]
[identity is likely, since he was drafted from Cheltenham, and his widow's name is Annie according to the pension index by name]
Dwelling-house number206     
Family number206     
NameAdams John Q- Anna- Charles- Henry- William- Mary
OccupationWorks in cloth factoryKeeping houseAt Home"" 
Real estate value      
Personal estate value      
BirthplaceNew YorkIrelandPennsylvaniaPennaPennaPenna
Father foreign born 11111
Mother foreign born 11111
Birth month if born within year     May
Marriage month if married within year      
Attended school past year  1   
Can't read      
Can't write 1 [?]    
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.      
Male US citizen at least 21 years old1     
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ...      

1880 census

[1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, Cheltenham Township, supervisor's district 4, enumeration district 2, microfilm series T9, film 1157, page 46 = 48 D handwritten]
[identity is likely, since he was drafted from Cheltenham, and his widow's name is Annie according to the pension index by name]
street name          
house number          
dwelling visit #377         
family visit #405         
nameAdams John Q- Annie- Charles- Henry- William- Mary- Sarah- John- James- Eliza [?]
age403716141310752 [?]1
month born if born in year          
relationship WifeSonSonSonDaughterDaughterSonSonDaughter
single  11111111
married during year          
occupationFarm LaborerKeeping HouseWorks in Woolen Mill [?]Farm Laborer [?]Works in Woolen MillAt SchoolAt School   
months unemployed          
currently ill?          
school this year   1 11   
can't read          
can't write          
birthplaceNew YorkIrelandPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvania
father's birthplaceNY [?]IrelandNYNYNYNYNYNYNYNY
mother's birthplaceLouisiana [?]IrelandIrelandIrelandIrelandIrelandIrelandIrelandIrelandIreland

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 7 Mar 2014, from Fold3]

Adams, John Q.
Co. G, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
See also [blank]


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revised 7 Mar 12
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions