He was born in Baden, Germany, in 1816/17.
date: 4 (44 in 1861).
place: 4]
When he enlisted, he was 6 feet tall, and had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and dark hair.
[source: 4]
During the war
He enlisted and was mustered into service on 20 November 1861.
He was enlisted for three years, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Lieutenant (?) G Black.
He was mustered in as a private in company H.
He had rifle number 63.
[sources: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7]
He deserted, probably before 7 February 1863 (since none of the extant consolidated morning reports report him as lost to desertion).
On 8 March 1863, he returned from desertion.
[source: 2]
He deserted on 11 July 1863 or 29 April 1863 at Washington, DC.
He was a private, in company H.
[sources: 1 (11 Jul), 3 (11 Jul), 4 (29 Apr), 5, 6, 7]
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233.
(In the roster)
(Peter Alhister)
5index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania
(Peter Allheister)
6index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania
(Peter Allhister)
7index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania
(Peter Alhister)
Sources checked unsuccessfully
searched for Peter Alhister (no limits) (accessed 19 March 2012)
1890 US census, veterans' schedules
Ancestry index (accessed September 2006)
pension index, by name
Ancestry index (accessed September 2006)
LDS pilot site
searched for Peter Alhister, Pennsylvania (accessed 4 September 2010)
searched for Peter Alhister on FamilySearch (accessed 25 Mar 2012)
Find a grave
accessed 15 February 2011
searching for Alhister (no other limits) resulted in one hit: William Alhister, living in E Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1800 (accessed 19 Mar 12)
searching for Allhister or Al hister resulted in no matches (accessed 19 Mar 12)
1860 -- HeritageQuest (accessed March 2012)--no peter hester or plausible alternative 40-49 years old born Germany or Baden
Philadelphia city directories
searching 'alhister' in Fold3's OCR index found no entries (accessed 21 Mar 12)
1861 Biddle's Philadelphia directory page 10 has no 'Alhister' (accessed 21 Mar 12)
1861 Sherman's Philadelphia directory page 445 has no Hister
[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 6 Mar 2014, from Fold3]
Allheister, Peter.
Co. H, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
Original filed under
Alhister, Peter.
[second card, transcribed 6 March 2014]
Allhister, Peter.
Co H, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
Original filed under
Alhister, Peter.
[third card, transcribed 7 March 2014]
Alhister, Peter.
Co. H, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
See also [blank]