91st PA: John Blazo

John Blazo

Before the war

He may be the John Blazo who was born on 8 April 1831, in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine, to John Blazo and Nanzy Towle. [sources: date: 12 (Apr 31), 13 (8 Apr 31), 14 (18 Apr 31); 4 (18 in 1861), 7 (18 in 1861), 8 (19 in 1850), 9 (9 in 1860), 10 (38 in 1870), 11 (49 in 1880), 15 (74 years 6 months 11 days at death). place: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15. parents: 8, 13, 14, 15]

In 1850, he may be the John Blazo living in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine. He was living with his parents, siblings, and two others. He was a farmer, and had attended school within the year. [source: 8]

In 1860, he may be the John Blazo living in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine. He was living with his wife Harriet, children George and Hannah, and a medical student. He was a farmer. [source: 9]

He may be the John Blazo who, on 28 March 1855, married Hannah F Hodgdon. They had one child:

[sources: 9, 14]

He may be the John Blazo who, on 9 May 1858, married Harriet Burley Burleigh, in Effingham, New Hampshire. They had three children:

[sources: 9, 10, 11, 14]

During the war

He enlisted in company H of the 6th New Hampshire Infantry, on 19 October 1861. On 28 November 1861, he was mustered in as a private in company H. [sources: 1, 4 (at Portsmouth, Va [sic], 5, 7 (at Keene NH)]

On 31 December 1861, he was taken sick to a hospital in Georgetown. [source: 7]

According to a later report, on 2 January 1862 he was returned to duty. However, on the January-February 1862 muster roll for company H of the 6th New Hampshire Infantry, he is reported absent sick at Georgetown Hospital, Washington DC, since 30 December 1861. [source: 7]

On the March-April and May-June 1862 muster rolls for company D of the 91st Pennsylvania Infantry, he is reported present. The March-April muster roll reports him 'Transfd by regtl order Washington Apl 9 /62 from 6 N.H. Vols.'. [source: 6]

Apparently the 6th New Hampshire didn't receive the notice that he was transferred. Their muster rolls from March-April 1862 through September-October 1864 report him absent sick at Georgetown Hospital. Eventually, they reported him discharged on 27 November 1864 because his term of service had expired. He was due $100 in bounty. [source: 7]

He is listed on the company D 91st Pennsylvania muster roll for July-August 1862, but not reported as present or absent. [source: 6]

On an 18 August 1862 Special muster roll, he is reported present, as a private in company D of the 91st Pennsylvania Infantry. [source: 6]

On 1 September 1862, he deserted at Camp near Clouds Mills, Virginia (also reported as on 20 August 1862 or 22 August 1862). He was then a private. [sources: 1 (20 Aug), 2 (22 Aug), 3 (no date, Alexandria VA), 4 (20 Aug, Alexandria VA), 5, 6 (20 Aug 62 (muster-out roll), 1 Sep 62 (Sep-Oct 62 muster roll))]

After the war

In 1870, he may be the John Blazo who was living in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine. He was living with his wife Harriet, children Hannah, Nancy, and Laura, and a laborer. He was a teamster, and owned $700 (?) in real estate, and $500 in personal property. [source: 10]

On 6 April 1877, the Adjutant General's Office, Washington DC, reported:

Was admitted to Seminary Genl Hosp'l Georgetown, D.C. Dec. 30, 1861 and ret'd to duty Jan'y 2, 1862. Investigation fails to elicit further information.

[source: 7]

In 1880, he may be the John Blazo who was living in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine. He was living with his wife Harriet, children Hannah, Ida, and Laura, and sister-in-law Comfort Burley. He was a farmer. [source: 11]

In 1900, he may be the John Blazo who was living in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine. He was living with his daughter Jennie and her husband, and his sister-in-law Comfort Burleigh. He was a farmer. He owned his farm, which was not mortgaged. [source: 12]

He may be the John Blazo who, on 19 October 1905, died, in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine. He died of syncope. He was a farmer. [sources: 14, 15]

Note on identification

Assuming that Charles Blazo (D) is his cousin (son of Robert T Blazo and Mary Polly Freeman) is very tempting. Assuming that Charles would come to Philadelphia to enlist seems extravagant--but the coincidence is remarkable otherwise. (See the Stoyle-Towle tree on Ancestry for more about Charles--but it does not mention any military service.)


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster) (p.207: "Blazo, John ... do [sc. Private] ... Oct. 19, '61, 3 [years term] Deserted August 20, 1862.') (John Blazo)

2 company D, register of deserters (John Blazo)

3 company D, register of deserters (John T Blazo)

4 Civil War Veterans' Card File, available at the Pennsylvania State Archives, searched 8 Aug 2004 (John Blazo; rolls have 'John Blaza')

5 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (John Blazo)

6 compiled service record, D 91 Pennsylvania Infantry (John Blazo)

7 compiled service record 6th New Hampshire infantry (John Blazo)

8 1850 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series M432, film 276, page 357 verso = 714 handwritten (FamilySearch) (John Blazo)

9 1860 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series M653, film 451, page 588 = 4 handwritten (FamilySearch) (John Blazo)

10 1870 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series M593, film 565, page 524 recto = 23 handwritten (FamilySearch) (John Blazo Jr)

11 1880 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series T9, film 491, page 458 = 6 B handwritten (FamilySearch) (John Blazo)

12 1900 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, enumeration district 247, microfilm series T623, film 603, page 116 = 9 A handwritten (FamilySearch) (John Blazo)

13 A history of the first century of the town of Parsonsfield, Maine. Portland, ME: Brown Thurston, 1888. Part IV: Genealogies. Page 366 (John Blazo)

14 John Blazo, in Stoyle-Towle tree, an Ancestry family tree, owner cheryl_stoyle, accessed 24 January 2015 (John Blazo)

15 Maine death records, 1617-1922, Maine State Archives (John Blazo)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

pension index, by name
Ancestry index (accessed March 2007)
pension index, by unit
checked H 6th NH and searched for John Blazo in all units on Fold3 (accessed 24 January 2015)
1890 US census, veterans schedules
Ancestry index (accessed June 2007)
1910 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 25 Jan 2014)
1920 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 25 Jan 2014)
1930 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 25 Jan 2014)
1940 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 25 Jan 2014)
Pennsylvania, veterans burial cards, 1777-1999
Ancestry index (accessed 25 Jan 2014)
Find a grave
accessed 25 January 2014
records of headstones of deceased Union veterans, 1879-1903
FamilySearch index (accessed 2 Mar 2014)
headstone applications for US military veterans, 1925-1949
FamilySearch index (accessed 2 Mar 2014)
Veterans administration pension payment cards, 1907-1933
FamilySearch index (accessed 2 Mar 2014)


John Blazo in the 91st PA database

1850 census

[1850 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series M432, film 276, page 357 verso = 714 handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[identification is uncertain]
[the FamilySearch indexer read the family name as 'Blaro'--but see the 'z' in 'Lorenzo' on line 7]
Dwellings visited58       
Families visited63       
NameJohn BlazoMary C. BlazoJohn Blazo JrMaria F BlazoLorenzo S BlazoJames W BlazoJohn C. MooreCatherine Moore
Occupation of males over 15 yearsFarmer Farmer   Reporter 
Real estate owned1800       
Married within year        
Attended school within year  1111  
Over 20 & can't read/write        
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.        

1860 census

[1860 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series M653, film 451, page 588 = 4 handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[identification is uncertain]
Dwelling number35    
Family number35    
NameJohn BlazoHarrietGeorge MHannah JN A J Sanborn
OccupationFarmer   Medical Student
Value of real estate owned     
Value of personal estate     
Place of birthMeN.H.Mass [?]MeN.H.
Married within year     
Attended school within year     
Cannot read & write     
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.     

1870 census

[1870 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series M593, film 565, page 524 recto = 23 handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[identification is uncertain]
Dwelling-house number196     
Family number196     
NameBlazo John Jr- Harriett- Hannah J- Nancy S- LauraCartland Alphonzo
OccupationTeamsterKeeping Houseat Schoolat Schoolat HomeFarm Laborer
Real estate value700 [?]     
Personal estate value500     
Father foreign born      
Mother foreign born      
Birth month if born within year      
Marriage month if married within year      
Attended school past year  11  
Can't read      
Can't write      
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.      
Male US citizen at least 21 years old1     
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ...      

1880 census

[1880 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, microfilm series T9, film 491, page 458 = 6 B handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[identification is uncertain]
street name      
house number      
dwelling visit #58     
family visit #59     
nameBlazo John- Harriet- Hannah J- Ida- Laura EBurley Comfort
month born if born in year      
relationship WifeDaughterDaughterDaughterSister in law
single  1111
married during year      
occupationFarmerKeeping houseWork in Cotton MillWork in Cotton [sic]  
months unemployed  33  
currently ill?      
school this year    1 
can't read      
can't write      
birthplaceMaineNew HampshireMaineMaineMaineNew Hampshire
father's birthplaceMeN.H.MeMeMeNH
mother's birthplaceN.HN.H.N.H.N.H.N.H.N.H.

1900 census

[1900 US census, Maine, York, Parsonsfield, enumeration district 247, microfilm series T623, film 603, page 116 = 9 A handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[identification is uncertain]
house number    
dwelling number224   
family number229   
nameBlazo JohnGordon James H- Jennie HBurleigh Comfort
relationshipHeadSon in LawDaughterSister in Law
birth dateApr 1831Feb 1851June 1859July 1831
# years married 1010 
mother of how many children?  0 
# of children living  0 
birthplaceMaineMaineMaineNew Hampshire
father's birthplaceMaineMaineMaineNew Hampshire
mother's birthplaceNew HampshireMaineNew HampshireNew Hampshire
immigration year    
# years in USA    
naturalized citizen?    
# months not employed00  
# months in school    
can readYesYesYesYes
can writeYesYesYesYes
speaks EnglishYesYesYesYes
free or mortgagedF   
# of farm schedule206   

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 2 Mar 2014, from Fold3]

Blazo, John
Co. D, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt
See also 6" N. H. Vols.


compiled service record

[compiled service record, John Blazo, D 91 PA]
[transcribed 4 images, 1 August 2014, received from National Archives and Records Administration]

[image 1]


Blazo John
Co. D, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Private | Private

1 22046405
2 22046496
3 22046585
4 22046664
5 22046804
6 22048165
[the rest of the card numbers are blank]

Number of personal papers herein 0
Book Mark: [blank]
See also 6 N.H. Vols.

[image 2]

E. B. Doughty [?]

[image 3, which consists of three cards]

B | 91 | Pa.
John Blazo
Pvt, Co. D, 91 Reg't Pennsylvania Inf.
Age 18 years.
Appears on Muster-out Roll, dated
Camp in the Field July 10, 1865.
Muster-out to date [blank]
Last paid to [blank]

Clothing account:
Last settled [blank]; drawn since $[blank]
Due soldier $[blank]; due U.S. $[blank]
Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $[blank]

Due U.S. for arms, equipments, &c., $[blank]
Bounty paid $[blank]; due $[blank]
Remarks: Deserted Aug. 20 /62 at Alexandria, Va

Book mark: [blank]
Fethers Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 91 | Pa.
John Blazo
Pvt, Co. D, 91 Reg't Pennsylvania Inf.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Sept + Oct, 1862.
Present or absent [blank]
Stoppage, $[blank]
Due Gov't, $[blank]
Remarks: Deserted in Alexandria Va. Sept 1 /62. Whereabouts not known

Book mark: [blank]
Hathaway Copyist.

[card 3]

B | 91 | Pa.
John Blazo
Pvt, Co. D, 91 Reg't Pennsylvania Inf.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for July + Aug, 1862.
Present or absent not stated
Stoppage, $[blank]
Due Gov't, $[blank]
Remarks: [blank]

Book mark: [blank]
Hathaway Copyist.

[image 4, which consists of 3 cards]

B | 91 | Pa.
John Blazo
Pvt, Co. D, 91 Reg't Pa. Infantry.
Appears on Special Muster Roll
for Aug 18, 1862.
Present or absent present
Stoppage, $[blank]
Due Gov't, $[blank]
Remarks: [blank]

Book mark: [blank]
Hathaway Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 91 | Pa.
John Blazo
Pvt, Co. D, 91 Reg't Pennsylvania Inf.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for May + June, 1862.
Present or absent Present
Stoppage, $[blank]
Due Gov't, $[blank]
Remarks: [blank]

Book mark: [blank]
Hathaway Copyist.

[card 3]

B | 91 | Pa.
John Blazo
Pvt, Co. D, 91 Reg't Pennsylvania Inf.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Mar + Apl, 1862.
Present or absent Present
Stoppage, $[blank]
Due Gov't, $[blank]
Remarks: Transfd. by regtl
order Washington
Apl 9 /62 from 6 N.H. Vols.

compiled service record, 6th New Hampshire

[compiled service record, 6th New Hampshire infantry, John Blazo]
[received 12 images from National Archives; transcribed 24 January 2015]

[image 1]

Blazo, John T
Co. H, 6 New Hampshire Infantry.

Private | Private
1 15086811
2 15086895
3 15086999
4 15087096
5 15087196
6 15087285
7 15087376
8 15087455
9 15087533
10 15087595
11 15087645
12 15087697
13 15087746
14 15087793
15 15087838
16 15087899
17 15087969
18 15088054
19 15088111
20 15088178
21 15088252
22 15088672
23 15088433
24 13153 - A 1896
[the rest of the card numbers are blank]

Number of personal papers herein 0
Book Mark: 13153 - A - 76
See also [blank]

[image 2]

J. F. Linden

[image 3, which consists of three cards]

[card 1]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry,
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Jan + Feb., 1862
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Govt, [blank]
Remarks: Sick at Georgetown Hospital, Washington, D.C., since Dec. 30, 61.

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Age 18 years.
Appears on
Company Muster-in Roll
of the organization named above. Roll dated
Keene N.H. Nov. 28, 1861.
Muster-in to date Nov. 28, 1861.
Joined for duty and enrolled:
When Oct. 19, 186 [blank]
Where Portsmouth
Period 3 years.
Bounty paid [blank]
Remarks: [blank]
Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 3]

B. | 6 | N.H.
John D. [sic] Blazo
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry,
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for payment to Dec. 31, 1861.
Present or absent [blank]
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Sick in Georgetown hospital - taken there by order Serg+

+Roll torn

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[image 4, which consists of three cards]

[card 1]

B. | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo.
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Mar. + Apl., 1862.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: At Georgetown Hospital, Washington D.C. Sick since Dec. 30, 1861.

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo.
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for May + June, 1862.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: At Georgetown hospital since [blank]

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 3]

B. | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo.
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for July + Aug., 1862.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Left sick at Georgetown Hospital Jan. '62.

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[image 5, which consists of three cards]

[card 1]

B. | 6 | N.H.
John D. [sic] Blazo.
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Jan. + Feb., 1863.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Left sick at Georgetown D.C. January 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 2]

B. | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Sept. + Oct., 1862.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Left sick at Georgetown Hospital D.C. Jan. 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 3]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Nov. + Dec., 1862.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Sick at hospital Georgetown, Va. since Jan 1861. [sic]

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[image 6, which consists of three cards]

[card 1]

B. | 6 | N.H.
John D. [sic] Blazo.
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for May + June, 1863.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Absent. left at Hospt. Georgetown D.C. Jan. 1, 1862

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 2]

B. | 6 | N.H.
John D. Blazo.
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on Special Muster Roll
for Apl. 10, 1863.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Left sick at Georgetown, Md. since Jan 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[card 3]

B | 6 | N.H.
John D. Blazo
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Mar. + Apl., 1863.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Sick at Georgetown Md. since Jan. 1, 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
F. A. Wright Copyist.

[image 7, which consists of three cards]

[card 1]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Nov. + Dec., 1863.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: sick in Hospital Georgetown D.C. Since Jan. /62.

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blaso [sic]
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Sept. + Oct., 1863.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: sick in Hospital Georgetown , D.C., since Jan. 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[card 3]

B | 6 | N.H.
John D. [sic] Blazo
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for July + Aug., 1863.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Sick at Hosp. Washington, D.C., Since Jan. 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[image 8, which consists of three cards]

[card 1]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for May + June, 1864.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: sick at Washington D.C. since Jan, 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Mch. + Apl., 1864.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Sick in Washington D.C. since Jan. 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[card 3]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Jan. + Feb., 1864.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: sick in Hospital Washington D.C., since Jan. /62

[image 9, which consists of three cards]

[card 1]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Nov. + Dec., 1864.
Present or Absent [blank]
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: Discharged Nov 27 /64 by Expiration of service

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt, Co. H., 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Age 18 years.
Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll, dated Alexandria, Va., July 17, 1865.
Muster-out to date [blank]
Last paid to [blank]
Clothing account: [all blank]
Due U.S. for arms, equipments, &c., $[blank]
Bounty paid [blank]; due $100 [blank]/100
Remarks: Mustered out Nov. 27 /64 by expiration of service

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich. Copyist.

[card 3]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
Pvt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for July + Aug, 1864.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: sick at Washington D.C., since Jan. 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[image 10]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo.
Pvt., Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Age 18 years.
Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll, dated
Poplar Grove Ch. Va., Nov. 27, 1864.
Muster-out to date Nov. 28, 1864.
Last paid to unknown
Clothing account: [all blank]
Due U.S. for arms, equipments, &c., [blank]
Bounty paid [blank]; due $100 [blank]/100
Remarks: +Left sick at Washington D.C. Jan. 1862 absent since -
x Mustered out by reason of expiration of term of service.

Book mark: 13153-A-(EB) 1876. (over)

F. A. Wright Copyist.

[image 11]

[stamped:] 15088433 DEC 9. 1891.

x In red ink on roll.

[image 12, which consists of two cards]

[card 1]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
PVt, Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Infantry.
Appears on
Company Muster Roll
for Sept. + Oct., 1864.
Stoppage, [blank]
Due Gov't, [blank]
Remarks: sick at Washington D.C. Since Jan. 1862.

Book mark: [blank]
Scherich Copyist.

[card 2]

B | 6 | N.H.
John T. Blazo
[blank], Co. H, 6 Reg't N.H. Inf
Book mark: 13153 - A - 1876
War Department,
Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, Apr. 6, 1877.
"Was admitted to Seminary Genl Hosp'l Georgetown, D.C. Dec. 30, 1861 and ret'd to duty Jan'y 2, 1862.
Investigation fails to elicit further information".

History of Parsonsfield

[A history of the first century of the town of Parsonsfield, Maine. Portland, ME: Brown Thurston, 1888. Part IV: Genealogies. Page 366]
[Transcribed 24 January 2015, from Ancestry]


John Blazo, second son of Daniel Blazo, married Nancy Towle May 1, 1825; died Dec. 1, 1878; wife died Jan. 11, 1846. They had seven children: Mary, Nancy, John, Lorenzo, Mariah, James H. and Enoch W. Mary was born March 3, 1826, died Sept. 25, 1876; Nancy, b. June 19, 1827, d. Jan. 11, 1846; John, b. April 8, 1831, m. --- resides in Parsonsfield; Mariah, b. Feb 9, 1836; Lorenzo, b. June 9, 1837; Enoch W., b. Nov. 30, 1839, d. Aug 30, 1840; James H., b. June 16, 1844, m. Abby Fogg, resides on homestead.

death record

[Maine death records, 1617-1922, Maine State Archives]
[transcribed 24 January 2015, from Ancestry]

No. of Record, 24
Name, John Blazo
Place of Death, Parsonsfield, Me
Street, [blank] No., [blank] Ward, [blank]
Date of Death: Year, 1905 Month, 10 Day, 19
Age: Years, 74 Months, 6 Days, 11
Place of Birth, Parsonsfield Me.
Sex, M. Color, W. Married, Single, Widowed, or Divorced, W.
Occupation, Farmer
Name of Father, John Blazo
Maiden Name of Mother, Nancy Towle
Birthplace of Father, Parsonsfield, Me
Birthplace of Mother, Madison, N.H.
Occupation of Father, Farmer
Deceased was wife of [blank]
Widow of [blank]
Cause of Death, Syncope

York 1905
If death was in a hospital, or other institution, give its name, [blank]
How long an inmate, [blank]
Previous residence, [blank]
Name of Physician (or oter person) reporting said death, J. M. Leavitt
P.O. Address, Effingham, N.H.
Undertaker, S. F. Stanley
P.O. Address, S. Hudin, Me


I hereby certify that the above death record is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

A. B. Leavit
Clerk of Parsonsfield, Me.

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revised 24 Jan 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions