91st PA: George Detterline

George Detterline


Although Bates has "Joseph Detterline", all other sources list his name as 'George'. [sources: see 1, 15, and others]

Before the war

He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, about 1837/38 [sources: place: 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14. date: 4 (24 in 1862), 6 (22 in 1860), 7 (32 in 1870), 8 (42 in 1880), 11 (46 in 1884?), 12 (54 at death in 1892), 14 (12 in 1850)]

In 1850, he was living in the 5th ward of Kensington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was living with Henry and Margaret Detterline and others, including George's sister Amanda, who later married Charles Holcomb, who also served in the 91st Pennsylvania. [sources: 14, 15]

He married Emma [unknown family name]. In 1900, she had had eight children, four of whom were alive. [sources: 6, 7, 8, 9]

In 1860, he was living in the 19th ward of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was living with his wife Emma, and with George (presumably their son), Margaret (his mother?), and Henry, Emma, and Harriet (his siblings?). He was a laborer. [source: 6]

When he enlisted, he was a brickm[aker?]. [source: 4]


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 10 inches tall, and had a dark complexion, grey eyes, and dark hair. [source: 4]

During the war

He enlisted for three years on 12 August 1862, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Lieutenant Closson. He was mustered in as a private in company H, on 19 August 1862, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, by Captain Dodge. He was paid $29 in bounty and premium. [sources: 1 (12 Aug), 2, 4 (19 Aug), 19]

George's younger brother Henry enlisted in company E of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry, one day before George enlisted in the 91st. On 3 May 1860, he was missing in action. [source: 15]

In May 1863, he was wounded in action. [sources: 1, 17 (wounded in hand), 18 (hand)]

Because of wounds, he was transferred on 13 November 1863 to the Veterans' reserve corps. When he transferred, he was a private, in company H. He served in company F of the 7th Veterans' Reserve Corps. The regiment reported his transfer on 22 July 1864. [sources: 1, 3, 4, 5, 13, 19]

He was discharged on 12 June 1865. He had served for thirty-four months. [sources: 2, 11]

After the war

On 8 July 1865, he applied successfully for a pension. [sources: 10, 13]

In 1870, he was living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was living with his wife Emma, and with Amanda, Emma, and Anna (presumably their children), and Margaret and Harriet. He was a brickmaker. [source: 7]

In 1880, he was living at 318 Dauphin Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was living with his wife Emma, his children Rachel, Mary, and Henry, and several other people. He was working in a morocco factory. He was disabled. [source: 8]

He was admitted to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers on 2 February 1884. In 1884, he was living in the Southern Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. He was receiving a pension of $4 per month. He had a wound in his right hand. [source: 11]

In 1890, he was living in the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Southern Branch, in Elizabeth City County, Virginia. He had a gunshot wound to his right hand. [source: 2]

He died on 22 March 1892, of phthisis pulmonalis. He was a brickmaker. He died at or was buried from 2603 East Dauphin Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was buried on 26 March 1892, at Greenmount Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [sources: 12, 13]

On 15 April 1898 [?], his widow, Emma Detterline, applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension. [sources: 10, 13]

In 1900, his widow, Emma Detterline, was living in the 19th ward of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was living with her son Henry. [source: 9]

On 14 July 1904, his widow, Emma Detterline, died, at 2642 [?] North 3rd Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was 62 years old, and had been born in Philadelphia. She was a housekeeper. She was living at 2642 N 3rd Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On 17 July 1904, she was buried, at Greenmount Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [source: 16]


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster) (Joseph [sic] Detterline)

2 1890 US census veterans schedule, Virginia, Elizabeth City County, National Soldiers Home, page [133] (image 125 on Ancestry), line 31 (George Detterline)

3 company H, register of men transferred (George [sic] W Detterline)

4 company H, descriptive list, #105 (George [sic] W Detterline)

5 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 22 July 1864 (Geo W Deterline)

6 1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 19th ward, microfilm series M653, film 1169, page 172 = 172 handwritten (Geo Detline)

7 1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 59th district, microfilm series M593, film 1405, page 275 = 79 handwritten (George Detterline)

8 1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 368, microfilm series T9, film 1178, page 288 A = 29 handwritten (George Detterline)

9 1900 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 19, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 401, microfilm series T623, film 1461, page 88 A = 1 handwritten (Emma Detterline)

10 pension index, by name (George W Detterline)

11 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Report of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, transmitting the report of the said board for the year ending June 30, 1884. January 5, 1885. Serial Set volume 2310, session volume 1. 48th Congress, second session. House Miscellaneous Document 11. Page 317 (Geo W Detterline)

12 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 22 March 1892, #21234 (George Detterline)

13 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company H (George W Detterline)

14 1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Kensington, ward 5, microfilm series M432, film 807, page 400 = 200 handwritten (George Detterline)

15 e-mail, Chad Holcombe to Harry Ide, May 2009

16 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14 July 1904 (available on the LDS Pilot site, accessed 19 July 2009) (Thanks to Bill Flis for finding this!) (Emma Detterlein)

17 'The ninety-first Pennsylvania volunteers', Philadelphia Press, Wednesday 13 May 1863, page 2 (George Detterline)

18 'The Ninety-first Pennsylvania at Chancellorville', Philadelphia Inquirer 13 May 1863, page 8 (George Detterline)

19 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (George W Detterline)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

1910 US census
HeritageQuest index (accessed May 2009)
1920 US census
HeritageQuest index (accessed May 2009)
1930 US census
Footnote index (accessed May 2009)

1850 census

[1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Kensington, ward 5, microfilm series M432, film 807, page 400 = 200 handwritten]
[note: Amanda married Charles Holcomb (see 15 above)]
Dwellings visited1402     
Families visited1524     
NameHenry DetterlineMargaret "Amanda "George "Margaret "Henry "
Occupation of males over 15 yearsBrick Maker     
Real estate owned      
Birthplace" [sc. Pa]"""""
Married within year      
Attended school within year    (1)(1)
Over 20 & can't read/write (1)    
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.      

1860 census

[1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 19th ward, microfilm series M653, film 1169, page 172 = 172 handwritten]
Dwelling number1250      
Family number1371      
NameGeo DetlineEmmaGeorgeMargaretHenryEmmaHarriet
OccupationLab  widow   
Value of real estate owned       
Value of personal estate       
Place of birthPhil      
Married within year       
Attended school within year       
Cannot read & write11 1   
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.       

1870 census

[1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 59th district, microfilm series M593, film 1405, page 275 = 79 handwritten]
Dwelling-house number570      
Family number627      
NameDetterline George- Emma- Amanda- Emma- Anna- Margaret- Harriet
OccupationBrick MakerKeeps House    Dress Maker
Real estate value       
Personal estate value       
Father foreign born       
Mother foreign born       
Birth month if born within year       
Marriage month if married within year       
Attended school past year  1    
Can't read1    1 
Can't write1    1 
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.       
Male US citizen at least 21 years old1      
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ...       

1880 census

[1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 368, microfilm series T9, film 1178, page 288 A = 29 handwritten]
street nameDauphin Street
house number318        
dwelling visit #256        
family visit #375        
nameDetterline George" Emma" Rachel A" Mary J" Henry CKenniff Jeremiah" Amanda" Thomas HRankins Geo W
month born if born in year         
relationship WifeDaughterDaughterSon WifeSonGrandFather
single  111  1 
married11   11  
widowed/divorced        1
married during year         
occupationWorks in morocco factoryHouse KeeperWorks in wosted [?] MillAt SchoolHomeBranch MoulderHouse KeeperHome Shoemaker
months unemployed         
currently ill?         
school this year   1     
can't read         
can't write         
father's birthplacePennPennPennPennPennPennPennPennPenn
mother's birthplacePennPennPennPennPennIrelandPennPennPenn

1890 census, veterans schedule

[1890 US census, veterans schedule, Virginia, Elizabeth City County, National Soldiers Home, page [133] (image 125 on Ancestry), line 31]
[line] 31
[name] George W Detterline
[rank] private
[company] H
[unit] 91 Pa Inf
[enlistment date] Aug 12 1862
[discharge date] Jun 12 1865
[length of service] 2 years, 10 months, - days
[post office address] National Soldiers Home Va
[disability incurred] GSW right hand

1900 census

[1900 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 19, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 401, microfilm series T623, film 1461, page 88 A = 1 handwritten]
[I did not transcribe the two boarders living at this residence, whose names were nearly illegibly light]
house number2642 
dwelling number12 
family number12 
nameDetterline Emma- Henry
birth dateMay 1842Jan 1879
# years married  
mother of how many children?8 
# of children living4 
father's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvania
mother's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvania
immigration year  
# years in USA  
naturalized citizen?  
occupation Presser Stocking
# months not employed  
# months in school  
can readYesYes
can writeYesYes
speaks EnglishYesYes
free or mortgaged  
# of farm schedule  

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 28 Mar 2014, from Fold3]

Detterline George W
Co. H, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt
See also VRC


death certificate

[death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 22 March 1892, 21234, George Detterline]
[source: www.familysearch.org]

1. Name of Deceased, George Detterline
2. Color, W
3. Sex, M
4. Age, Years 54 years [sic]
5. Married
6. Date of Death, March 22 /92
7. Cause of Death, Phthisis Pulmonalis
Henry Fisher M.D.
Residence, 2607 E. Norris St.
8. Occupation, Brick Maker
9. Place of Birth, County Phila
10 When a Minor, [blank]
11. Ward, 31st
12. Street and Number, 2603 East Dauphin
13. Date of Burial, March 26th 1892
14. Place of Burial, Greenmount cemetery
William A. Robson Undertaker.
Residence, 1393 [?] East Montgomery ave

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revised 28 Mar 14
Contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions.