- The Cincinnati, Covington, Newport and fulton directory for 1840, by David Henry Shaffer
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 338] Ross, Ezekiel (N J)[Vanbergen, R & Co) [sic] res, N s 8 b Ra & E.
- [page 388] Vanbergen, Ross & Co, Lumber Mers, cor 8th and Plum.
- [I did not find an entry for Edgar Gregory]
- The Cincinnati directory, for the year 1842 (Charles Cist, compiler; Cincinnati: E Morgan and Co)
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 252, under 'Fourth ward'] Gregory Edgar M. (Ross G. & Co.) Elm between 3d and 4th
- [page 344, under 'Fifth ward'] Ross Ezekiel (R. Gregory & Co.) 8th bet. Race and Elm
- [page 426, under 'Seventh ward'] Ross, Gregory & Co. lumber merchants, cor. 8th and Plum
- The Cincinnati directory for the year 1843 (Charles Cist, compiler; Cincinnati: R P Brooks, 1843)
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 141] Gregory Edgar M. (Ross, G. & Co.) resides Mt Auburn
- [page 301] Ross Ezekiel, (R. Gregory & Co.) 8th bet Race and Elm
- [page 301] Ross, Gregory & Co. lumber merchants, cor Plum and 8th
- Robinson & Jones' Cincinnati directory for 1846, p.183
- [source: EveNDon]
- Gregory Burnet & Co. lumber mers, N W cor Plum and 8th
- Gregory Edgar M. (G. Burnet & Co.) Mt. Auburn
- [page 111] Burnett William, (Gregory, B. & Co.) N s 7th, bet Walnut and Vine
- Williams' Cincinnati directory and business advertiser for 1849-50, p.118
- [source: EveNDon]
- Gregory & Burnet, lumber dealers, n.w. c. 8th and Plum
- Gregory Edgar M. (G. & Burnet), s.s. Richmond, e. of John
- [page 51] Burnet William (Gregory & B.), n.e. c. 7th and Plum
- Williams' Cincinnati directory and business advertiser for 1850-51
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 116] Gregory Edgar M. (E. M. G. & CFo) 86 e 4th
- [page 116] GREGORY E. M. & CO. lumber yard, n. w. c. 8th and Plum
- [page 238 advertisement] CITY BANK, North Side Third Street, between Main and Walnut. DIRECTORS. E. M. GREGORY. [...] E M. GREGORY, Pres't.
- Williams' Cincinnati directory and business advertiser for 1851-52
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 105] GREGORY E. M. & Co. (Edgar M. G., James Dunlap & Charles Tanner) lumber mers, n.w. c. 8th and Plum
- [page 105] Gregory Edgar M. pres. (City Bank) 86 e. 4th
- [page (308)] City Bank, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, E. M. Gregory president; J.P. Resnor cashier; E. M. Gregory, L. D. Ingalsbe, J. P. Resnor, William Burnet, Thomas Heaton, J. K. Glenn, Wm. S. Scarborough, directors
- Williams' Cincinnati directory, city guide, and business mirror; or Cincinnati as it is in 1853 illustrated
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 102] Washington Life Insurance Company, 113 Walnut; Charter perpetual, Capital stock $150,000.--Directors, E. M. Gregory, ... Officers, E. M. Gregory, President, ...
- [page 153] GREGORY DDGAR [sic] M. (Pres. Wash. Life Ins. Co,) 13 w. 3d
- [page 268] CINCINNATI INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. JOHN WAGGONER, Proprietor. ... REFERENCES. ... E. M. Gregory, Esq.
- Williams' Cincinnati directory, city guide, and business mirror; or Cincinnati as it is in 1855 illustrated
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 89] Gregory Edgar M. (G., Ingalsbe & Co.) 107 Pike
- [page 89] Gregory Ingalsbe & Co. (Edgar M. G., Levi D.I., --,) bankers, 13 W. 3d
- Williams' Cincinnati directory, city guide and business mirror; or Cincinnati in 1856 illustrated
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 109] Gregory Abram J. 298 W. 7th
- [page 109] Gregory Edgar M. office 13 W. 3d, h. 298 W. 7th
- [page 109] Gregory Frank H. 13 W. 3d, h. 298 W. 7th
- Williams' Cincinnati directory for 1857.
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 135] Gregory Abram J., 298 W 7th
- [page 135] Gregory Edgar M., office 70 W 4th, h. 298 W 7th
- [page 135] Gregory Frank H., 298 W 7th
- Williams' Cincinnati directory, city guide, and business mirror; for 1858. Eighth annual issue.
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 112] Gregory E. M., 13 W. 3d, res. College Hill
- [I do not see entries for Abram or Justis Gregory]
- Williams' Cincinnati directory, city guide and business mirror, for the year 1859. Ninth annual issue.
- [source: EveNDon]
- [page 134] Gregory E. M., 31 W. 3d, res. College Hill
- [I do not see entries for Abram or Justis Gregory]
- Williams' Cincinnati directory, city guide and business mirror ... [1860] Tenth annual issue.
- [source: EveNDon]
- [I do not see entries for Edgar, Abram, or Justis Gregory]
- McElroy's 1860 directory
- [Edgar Gregory is not in the 1860 directory, unsurprisingly, since he moved to Philadelphia in 1860. one possibly relevant entry: "Gregory Uriah, lumber, 117 N 2d & 924 Rich, h 117 N 2d"]
- 1861 Philadelphia city directory (published by C Sherman and Son), page 376
- Gregory, Edgar N. [sic], lumber merchant, 924 Richmond, h 876 N 6th
- 1862 Philadelphia city directory (published by EC and J Biddle and Co and A McElroy and Co), p.256
- Gregory Edgar M., colonel, 876 N 6th
- 1863 Philadelphia city directory (published by EC and J Biddle and Co and A McElroy and Co), page 303
- Gregory Edgram [sic] M., merchant, 1438 N 13th
- 1864 Philadelphia city directory (published by E C and J Biddle and Co. and A McElroy and Co.), p.285
- Gregory Edgar M., Colonel, 1438 N 13th
- 1865 Philadelphia city diretory (published by Sherman and Co.), p.279
- Gregory, Edgar M., colonel, 1438 N 13th
- 1866 Philadelphia city directory (published by A McElroy), page 292
- Gregory Edgar M., general, 1438 N 13th
- 1867 Philadelphia city directory (published by A McElroy and Co), page 366
- Gregory Edgar M., Gen., USA, 1438 N 13th
- 1868 Philadelphia city directory (published by James Gopsill), page 686
- Gregory Edgar M., u.s.a., h 1438 N 13th
- 1869 Philadelphia city directory (published by James Gopsill), page 639
- Gregory Edgar M., h 1438 N 13th
- 1870 Philadelphia city directory (published by James Gopsill), page 652
- Gregory Edgar M., u.s. marshal, 435 Library, h 1438 N 13th
- 1871 Philadelphia city directory (published by James Gopsill), page 628
- Gregory Edgar M., u.s. marshal, 435 Library, h 1723 Master