91st PA: Samuel C Homan

Samuel C Homan

Before the war

He was born in 1845/46 (3 (18 in 1864), 7 [3 in 1850], 8 [14 in 1860]). He was born to John and Sarah Homan (6, 8--but see 7, 9). He was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania (3, 6, 7, 8).

In 1850, he was living in Locust Ward, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (7). He was living with John and Hannah Haman and others (7).

In 1860, he was living in ward 10, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (8). He was living with John and Sarah Homan, and two other people (8). He had attended school within the year (8).

When he enlisted, he was a carpenter (3).


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 6 inches tall, had a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and auburn hair (3).

During the war

He enlisted and was mustered into service, as a recruit, for three years, on 9 February 1864, in Philadelphia (1, 3). He was enlisted by Lieutenant Shipley, and was mustered into service by Lieutenant Burke (3). He as a private in company E (1, 3, 10).

He was shot in the [leg?] while skirmishing with the enemy on 27 October 1864 at Hatcher's Run, Virginia (1, 9).

He died at City Point, Virginia, on 6 November 1864 of those wounds (1) and from having his leg amputated (2, 3, 4, 6, 9 [7 Nov]). He was a private, in company E (10). On 15 November 1864, he was buried at Monument Cemetery, from his parents' house, 920 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (6, 9). He was single (6).

On 26 January 1865, company E published resolutions mourning his death (and fifteen others), and sympathizing with their families (5).


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)

2 list of deaths, company E

3 descriptive roll, company E, entry 138 (Samuel Homan)

4 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 18 November 1864 (Privt Homan)

5 'Headquarters company E', Philadelphia Inquirer 26 January 1865 page 5 (Samuel C Homan)

6 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 6 November 1864 (Samuel C Homan)

7 1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Locust Ward, microfilm series M432, film 814, page 158 = 315 handwritten (Samuel Haman)

8 1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 10, E.D., microfilm series M653, film 1160, page 662 = 228 handwritten (Saml Homan)

9 death notice, Public Ledger 14 November 1864 page 2 (Samuel C Homan)

10 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Samuel Homan)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

pension index, by name
Ancestry (accessed March 2007)
RootsWeb WorldConnect
accessed June 2009

1850 census

[1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Locust Ward, microfilm series M432, film 814, page 158 = 315 handwritten]
[identification is not completely clear. I found no other plausible entries in the LDS pilot index (accessed 20 June 2009), and the father's name and age make likely that this is the right Samuel]
Dwellings visited913         
Families visited913         
NameJohn HamanHannah "Louisa "Samuel "John "Sarah MorrisMary CannonHenry CrossingFrank HamonJames Graham
Occupation of males over 15 years[illegible; seems to begin 'Poness'] Store         
Real estate owned          
BirthplacePhilaNew JerseyPhiladodoDelawarePhilaIrelandPhiladaditto [?]
Married within year          
Attended school within year        1 
Over 20 & can't read/write     1    
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.          

1860 census

[1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 10, E.D., microfilm series M653, film 1160, page 662 = 228 handwritten]
Dwelling number1496    
Family number1575    
NameJohn HomanSarah "Chas DarenSaml HomanLouisa Johnson
OccupationUndertaker Carpenter  
Value of real estate owned2,000    
Value of personal estate1,000    
Place of birthPa""""
Married within year     
Attended school within year   11
Cannot read & write     
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.     

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 14 June 2014, from Fold3]

Homan Samuel
Co. E, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt
See also [blank]


death certificate

[death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 6 November 1864, Samuel C Homan]
[thanks to Ed McLaughlin for finding this!]
[the header is cut off]

1. Name of Deceased, Samuel C Homan.
2. Colour, White
3. Sex, Male
4. Age, 20th year
5. Single
6. Date of Death, November 6th 1864
7. Cause of Death, From Wounds recd in action & loss of Limb
[blank] M.D.
[blank] Hospital.
8. Occupation, Soldier
9. Place of Birth, Philadelphia
10. When a Minor, Name of Father, John Homan
Name of Mother, Sarah Homan.
11. Ward, Buried from 10th ward.
12. Street and Number No 920 Race Street [connected to #11; address buried from]
13. Date of Burial, November 15th 1864.
14. Place of Burial, Monument Cemetery.
Homan + Hughes Undertakers
Residence Nos 920 Race + 228 North 10th Sts

[death notice]

[death notice, Public Ledger 14 November 1864 page 2, Samuel C Homan]

HOMAN--On the 7th instant at the Fifth Corps Hospital City Point Va., SAMUEL C, son of John and Sarah Homan of wounds received October 27th before Petersburg, in the 20th year of his age, a member of Company F 91st Reg't PV.

The relatives and friends of the family, and the members of the 91st Regiment in the city, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No [illegible number, ending '20'] Race street, on Tuesday [?] afternoon, the 14th [?] instant, at 2 [?] o'clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery.

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revised 14 Jun 14
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions