He was born in Scotland (9, 13). He was born in 1841/42 (9 (20 in 1862), 13 [52 at death in 1894]).
When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 9 inches tall, and had a light complexion, hazel eyes, and sandy hair (9).
He enlisted and was mustered into service on 20 January 1862 (1, 7, 9). He was enlisted for three years, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Charles L Zinn (9). He was mustered in as a private in company H (1, 15, 16). According to the pension index by regiment, he also served in company G (12, 14).
He fought at the Battle of Gettysburg (11).
According to a letter written by Colonel Gregory, "J Jamison" began working as Gregory's hostler on 23 September 1863, and was still his hostler on 29 September 1863 (2). "J Jamison" was also detailed as Gregory's servant on 28 September 1863 (4, 5). A later letter claims "James Jameson" was Gregory's hostler from 29 September to 16 October (3). He had returned by 23 October 1863 (6). But Bates has no James Jameson, and John Jamison was transferred to the Veterans' reserve corps on 1 July 1863, according to Bates (1). Perhaps Gregory's hostler was actually David Jamison.
He reenlisted as a veteran volunteer (1).
He mustered out on 10 July 1865 with his company (1, 7). He was a private, in company H (15, 16).
In 1890, he was living at 1729 Leib Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (7, 8). His occupation was carpets, at 1732 Leib (8).
He died of cerebral apoplexy, on 9 January 1894, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (13). He was married (13). He was a carpet manufacturer (13). He died at, or was buried from, 1729 Leib Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (13). He was buried at Palmer Vault on 13 January 1894 (13).
On 31 January 1894, his widow, Anna L [?] Jamieson, applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension (10, 12, 14).
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)
2 letter, Gregory to Marvin, 29 September 1863
3 letter, Gregory to Marvin, 14 November 1863
4 special order 97, HQ 91st PA, 28 September 1863
5 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 29 September 1863 (J Jamison)
6 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 23 October 1863 (Priv Jamison--perhaps this was John Jamison)
7 1890 US census, veterans schedule, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 363, page 1 (image 779 on <www.ancestry.com>), line 7 (David Jamieson)
8 1890 Gopsill's Philadelphia directory (David Jamieson)
9 company H, descriptive roll, #99 (David Jamison)
10 pension index, by name (David Jamieson)
11 Pennsylvania Memorial, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (David Jamison)
12 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company G (David Jamieson)
13 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9 January 1894, #14832 (David Jamieson)
14 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company H (David Jamieson)
15 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (David Jamison)
16 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (David Jamieson)