One record names him 'McKnight' (35).
He was born in 1812/14, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Edward Knight and Elizabeth Donnalson. [sources: date: 30 (48 in 1861), 42 (53 at death in 1867). place: 42. parents: 55]
On 11 November 1838, he was married to Ann Catharine Hoff. She was born in 1814/15 (or 1824/25?), in Philadelphia, Pennsylania, to Jacob Hoff and Elizabeth Kremer. They apparently had at least the following children:
[sources: 32, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60]
On 6 April 1844, they went through a Roman Catholic religious marriage ceremony, in Galveston, Texas. [source: 55]
When he enlisted, he was living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [source: 30]
He enlisted on 24 October 1861, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was mustered into service as surgeon on 7 November 1861 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [sources: 1, 13, 30 (4 Nov 61), 49, 52, 5 (enlisted and mustered in on 4 Nov)]
Dr Henry M Smith, Surgeon General of Pennsylvania, assigned Knight to duty as the 91st's surgeon, after Knight was examined by a State Board of Medical Officers, which recommended him to Governor Curtin as fully qualified for duty. [source: 55]
In November 1861, he acknowledged receiving supplies from the Union Relief Association of Philadelphia. [source: 39]
One of his tasks as surgeon was to sign death certificates. For example, on 20 February 1862, he signed a death certificate for William Willis. Another was to sign certificates of disability. In February or March 1862, he signed one for Charles McIlvain. About 5 April 1862, he signed one for Peter Herder, who had been accidentally injured by a mule. And on 23 August 1862, he signed one for William Whitman, who died of typhoid fever. [sources: 37, 43, 47]
On 22 May 1862, he signed a certificate of disability for discharge for Edward J Doolittle, who was in company H of the 9th New York cavalry, but was temporarily attached to the 91st Pennsylvania. [source: 50]
On 29 June 1862, he, along with the other commissioned officers in the regiment (except Colonel Gregory), signed a statement denying accusations that they were on the verge of open mutiny, that the regiment had been reduced to 400 men, and that Colonel Gregory was too lenient to Confederates and too harsh to men in the regiment. [source: 38]
On 14 August 1862, he certified that William Black (H) was disabled. [source: 48]
On 19 August 1862, he testified at the court-martial of E Carroll Brewster. His testimony was not helpful to Brewster. He had prescribed treatment for neuralgia and neuralgic rheumatism, perhaps six times in the previous three weeks. And on the day Brewster was accused of being drunk on duty, he had prescribed Dover's Powder, composed of opium and ipecacuahana, to be taken once in three hours. But he testified that Brewster's condition should not have caused him to stagger, and Dover's Powder would not cause him to appear drunk. Perhaps because he was so unhelpful, Brewster's counsel questioned him only briefly, and the judge advocate who was prosecuting Brewster did not cross-examine him. [source: 36]
On 17 September 1862, John Groff was supposed to ask Knight if he could ride in an ambulance. I do not know whether he did, or how Knight responded if he did. [source: 46]
At some point in 1862, Dr Carlos W Knight was on duty with Isaac Knight. [source: 55]
He was medical director of the division in December 1862. [source: 52, 62]
On the November-December 1862 muster roll, he was reported surgeon, on 14-day sick leave. Perhaps this is for the attack of typhoid fever (also described as typhoid remittent fever) he experienced in December. [source: 55]
On 7 February 1863, he was acting medical director. [source: 14]
On 23 March 1863, H F Martin, surgeon in chief, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Corps, reported that Knight was 'labouring under a cardiac affection, functional in character, and apparently the sequence of Typhoid fever'. He had 'pain in the chest, palpitation of heart, loss of appetite, mental depression and a deficiency of red globules in the blood'. Martin recommended that he be transferred to a position in which he could avoid 'all sources of excitement, exposure and irregular diet'. On 25 March 1863, J McKinney, surgeon in chief, 1st brigade, concurred. [sources: 55, 56]
He was the division's Medical Director at the Battle of Chancellorsville. [sources: 15, 45]
On 25 May 1863, he went on a five-day leave. He was still reported absent with leave on 2 June, but had returned by 3 June. [sources: 21, 22, 23]
On 22 June 1863, the regiment received a special order from Brigade Headquarters assigning him as surgeon-in-chief of the brigade if an engagement occurred. He was present, as surgeon, at Gettysburg on 2 July 1863. He was serving at the division hospital, and was ordered to return to the regiment on 6 July 1863. On 2 August 1863, he was relieved from duty as surgeon in chief, because of disability. [sources: 4, 7, 17, 18, 20]
He was a witness to the charges and specification Joseph Sinex filed against Morris Kayser, and testified in his court-martial. [source: 20]
On 4 August 1863, he was ordered (by special order 207, headquarters, Army of the Potomac) to report to Washington for medical treatment. He left on 5 August 1863. On 24 August 1863, he received a medical certificate at Philadelphia, which recommended leave for 20 days. The leave was to expire on 13 September 1863. It was extended for 20 days on 12 September 1863. It expired on 2 October 1863, but was extended for 20 days on 1 October 1863. He had returned by 23 October 1863. [sources: 8, 16, 19, 25, 26, 27 28, 29]
Private Bender of company G [either Jacob Bender or John Bender] was ordered to report to him on 16 December 1863, to nurse Captain Faust, who died two days later (9). And Philip Toushant (co.I) was detailed as hospital nurse on 19 December 1863, and ordered to report to him immediately. [source: 10]
He reenlisted as surgeon at Bealton, Virginia, on 26 December 1863. [source: 30]
He was Surgeon in January 1864. When Dr Carlos Knight saw him in January 1864, he had hypertrophy of the heart. [sources: 44, 55]
On 21 January 1864, he examined John Brown and approved his enlistment. On 26 January 1864, he examined George Rodearmal and approved his enlistment. [sources: 24, 54]
On 2 February 1864, he examined William W Burns and approved his enlistment. [source: 51]
On 3 February 1864, his mailing address was I D Knight, Surgeon US Volunteers, Wheeling, West Virginia. He was unable to provide information about James Kiernan. [source: 45]
On 2 March 1864, he placed Francis Gregory in the hospital at Chester Pennsylvania. [source: 11]
Henry McKane (C) was detailed as hospital nurse and ordered to report to Knight on 23 March 1864. [source: 12]
On 13 April 1864, he certified (from Warrenton Junction, Virginia) facts about the death of William S Willis, supporting Willis's mother's pension application. [source: 62]
He was discharged honorably effective 15 April 1864, because he resigned (apparently by special order, War Department, dated 21 April 1864). He was a surgeon. Effective 16 April 1864, he was appointed Assistant Surgeon of Volunteers. He was reported transfered as Assistant Surgeon of Volunteers on 17 April 1864. (The appointment was dated 19 January 1864.) [sources: 1 (18 Jul 64), 2, 13, 30 (18 Jul 64), 34, 49, 53, 55]
On 30 June 1864, he was appointed surgeon. He accepted that appointment on 22 July 1864. [source: 55]
On 13 April 1865, he was living in Wheeling, West Virginia. He was unable to provide any information about James Kiernan. [source: 45]
He was discharged on 10 November 1865. [source: 55]
He treated himself until about October 1866, when Dr Carlos Knight began treating him. [source: 55]
He died suddenly, on Sunday, 13 January 1867, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of disease of the heart. The funeral was held from his former residence, 1822 Hamilton Street, at 10 AM, on 16 January 1867. The services were at the Cathedral, at 11 AM. He was buried at the Cathedral Cemetery. [sources: 3, 33, 42, 55]
On 2 December 1869, Ann C Knight, his widow, applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension. Her post-office address was 1822 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her attorney was Robert S League. Her claim was approved on 22 August 1870, and she received $25 per month, retroactive to 13 January 1867. [sources: 3, 32, 55]
In 1870, Ann C Knight, his widow, was living at 1822 Hamilton Street, in ward 15, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was living with Henry, Mary, and Bernardo (presumably their children). [sources: 57, 58]
On 25 August 1870, the pension office referred Ann C Knight's application to a medical referee, who approved the pension as 'Medically Established'. The pension certificate file doesn't indicate why they required this extra medical review. [source: 55]
In 1880, Ann C Knight, his widow, was living at 1617 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was living with her son Bernaldo, her daughter Mary Henkele, and Mary's husband John E Henkele. [source: 59]
Ann C Knight applied for arrears under the act of 25 January 1879. On 15 October 1881 [?], the Pension Office rejected her application, apparently because she wasn't owed any, since Isaac had never filed for an invalid pension, and her pension began when he died. [source: 55]
On 4 February 1881, his widow, Ann C Knight, died. She died at 1617 Columbia Avenue, ward 29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She died of softening of the brain. On 8 February 1881, she was buried at Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [source: 60]
On 15 February 1883, Ann C Knight was dropped from the pension rolls. [source: 55]
On 5 March 1930, B Hoff Knight (5223 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia) wrote the Pension Bureau asking for information about Ann C Knight's birthdate and birthplace. On 2 April 1930, they replied that she stated she was 48 when she applied on 27 August 1869, and that Ann and Isaac were married at Galveston, Texas, on 11 November 1938. [source: 55]
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)
3 pension index, by regiment (Isaac D Knight)
4 letter, Sinex to Marvin, 2 Aug 1863
5 Welch, p.501
6 newspaper accounts of the 91st's arrival in Philadelphia on veterans' furlough
7 Pennsylvania Memorial, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
8 letter, Sinex to Marvin, 7 September 1863
9 special order 116, HQ 91st PA, 16 December 1863
10 special order 119, HQ 91st PA, 19 December 1863
11 letter, Gregory to Bennett, 16 June 1864
12 special order 24, HQ 91st PA, 23 March 1864
13 Regimental descriptive book
14 consolidated morning report, 7 February 1863
15 report of A A Humphreys, commanding 3rd division, 5th corps, of the battle of Chancellorsville, 10 May 1863
16 letters received, #17, received 27 August 1863, dated 24 August 1863; #29, received 18 September 1863, dated 12 September 1863; #36, received 4 October 1863, dated 1 October (Isaac D Knight)
17 special orders received, #2, received 22 June 1863 (Surg Knight)
18 special orders received, #7, received 2 August 1863 (Surg Knight)
19 special orders received, #8, received 4 August 1863 (Surg Knight)
20 record of Morris Kayser's court martial
21 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 25 May 1863 (I D Knight)
22 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 2 June 1863 (not named)
23 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 3 June 1863 (not named)
24 enlistment paperwork, George Rodearmal (I D Knight)
25 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 8 August 1863 (Surg. Knight)
26 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 19 September 1863 (Surg Knight)
27 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 4 October 1863 (Surg Knight)
28 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 5 October 1863 (Sur Knight)
29 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 23 October 1863 (Surg. I.D. Knight)
30 Civil War Veterans' Card File, available at the Pennsylvania State Archives, searched 5 May 2004 (Isaac D Knight)
31 [deleted]
32 pension index, by name (searched 21 May 04, on Ancestry) (Isaac D Knight)
33 [death notice], Philadelphia Inquirer 15 January 1867, page 5 (also published on 16 January 1867 page 4) (Isaac D Knight)
34 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 17 April 1864 (Surg Knigt)
35 company G, register of men discharged (Regt Surg McKnight)
36 court-martial record, E Carroll Brewster (Isaac D Knight)
37 [Peter Herder], Serial Set volume 1668, session volume 2, 44th Congress, 1st session, Senate Report 452] (J [sic] D Knight)
38 'Ninety-first Pennsylvania Regiment'. Philadelphia Inquirer, 11 July 1862, page 2 (J D Knight)
39 'Acknowledgement', Philadelphia Inquirer 25 November 1861 page 8 (J D Knight)
40 'Camp Chase', Philadelphia Inquirer 30 November 1861 (J D Knight)
41 'Departure of Col. Gregory's regiment', Philadelphia Inquirer 22 January 1862 page 2 (J D Knight)
42 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 13 January 1867 (Isaac Donaldson Knight)
43 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19 February 1862, William S Willis (Isaac D Knight)
44 'Arrival of the 91st regiment Pennsylvania volunteers' (Philadelphia Press 9 January 1864, page 2) (Surgeon J D Knight)
45 widow's pension certificate file, NARA, RC 15, certificate 51729 (Catherine widow of James Kiernan) (I D Knight)
46 court-martial record, National Archives and Records Administration, record group 153 (Records of the Judge Advocate General (Army)), John Groft, 25 March 1863, LL 231 (Dr Knight)
47 widow's pension certificate file, Sarah widow of Charles McIlvain, National Archives and Records Administration, RG 15, certificate 67,926 (I D Knight)
48 pension documents packet, National Archives and Records Administration, certificate 115,076, William Black (I D Knight)
49 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (J D Knight)
50 'Certificate of disability for discharge', for Edward J Doolittle (H 9th NY Cav, temporarily attached to B 91st PA), 22 May 1862, Alexandria, Virginia (I D Knight)
51 compiled service record, William W Burns, obtained from National Archives and Records Administration (I D Knight)
52 abstract of dependent's pension certificate file, WC 135,801, 19 May 1869, Eliza A Scott, mother of Thomas B Scott (I D Knight)
53 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Isaac D Knight)
54 compiled service record, John Brown (E) (I D Knight)
55 abstract of widow's pension certificate file, WC 144,673, National Archives and Records Administration, record group 15 (Ann Catharine Hoff widow of Isaac Donaldson Knight)
56 report by Dr Martin about Isaac Knight, 23 March 1863, camp near Falmouth Va, in Ann C Knight's widow's pension certificate file, WC 144,673 (I D Knight)
57 1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelpha, ward 15, district 43, microfilm series M593, film 1399, page 361 verso = 150 handwritten (FamilySearch) (Ann C Knight)
58 1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Philaelphia, ward 15, district 43, 2nd enumeration, microfilm series M593, film 1428, page 504 recto = 69 handwritten (FamilySearch) (Ann C Knight)
59 1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, enumeration district 617, microfilm series T9, film 1188, page 91 = 3 C handwritten (FamilySearch) (Ann C Knight)
60 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4 February 1881 (Ann C Knight)
61 dependent's pension certificate file, Catharine Kenney guardian of minor children of John S Haines (E), WC 144,827 (I D Knight)
62 dependent's pension certificate file, National Archives and Records Administration, record group 15, Eliza Willis mother of William S Willis, WC 146,647 (I D Knight)
63 * muster-out roll, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, record group 19, series 19.11, records of the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs (Isaac D Knight)
directory page | 1861 city directory entry |
4 | Adams Robert, jr., coal dealer, S E Front & Willow, h 919 N Front |
4 | Adams Joseph R., clerk, 919 N Front |
1016 | Verschoyle James, morocco manuf, 937 N Front, n 94 N Front |
507 | Keen & Coates ... tanners, 943 N Front |
507 | Keen Joseph S., tanner, 943 N Front, h 947 N Front |
507 | Keen Charles, 951 N Front |
81 | Booth Benjamin, chairmaker, r 953 N Front |
312 | Fling John, laborer, r 953 N Front |
1135 | Adams Robert, jr., 955 N Front & Front & William [under 'Coal Dealers'] |
81 | Booth Charles, 4 N 4th, h 957 N Front |
1044 | Weir William, driver, 967 N Front |
1071 | Wilson Clark S., shoe manuf. 967 N Front |
954 | Stine Adam, shoemaker, 967 N Front |
1860 census, Philadelphia, ward 16, E Div, page 38 handwritten | ||||
dwelling | family | name | occupation | 1861 city directory on Fold3 |
261 | 298 | James Nagler | wood engraver | Sherman p.731: no Nagler, etc. |
261 | 298 | Wm Humphrey | handle maker [?] | Sherman's p.469: no relevant William Humphries, p.468: no relevant Humphrey or Humphreys |
261 | 298 | Edwd Deman | clk | Biddle's p.227: no relevant Demar or Deman |
261 | 298 | Wm Denby | car driver | Biddle's p.228: no relevant Denby or Denley |
261 | 298 | Alexd Mattison | shingle finisher | [no relevant Mattison on Sherman's p.672, Matheson p.670, Mathison p.670] |
262 | 299 | Elijah Griffith | h painter | Sherman's p.379: 'Griffiths Elijah E., painter, N E Brown & 5th, h 917 N Front' |
262 | 299 | Elijah Reber [or Beber?] | moro dress | [no Elijah Behal on Biddle's p.54; no Bebel on Biddle's p.51; no relevant Reber on Sherman's p.812 or Rehel on Sherman's p.816] |
263 | 300 | Chas Baker | moroc manufac | Biddle's p.32: 'Baker Charles, morocco manuf. r 915 N Front & Margaretta bel 2d, h Camden Co n Milford |
264 | 301 | John Miller | Harness Maker | Sherman's p.690 has no John Miller harnessmaker; the closest I found was John C Miller, saddler, 114 Market, h 904 N 3d] |
264 | 301 | Geo Miller | Harness maker | Sherman's p.688 has a George Miller Jr harnessmaker at r 841 N 3d] |
264 | 301 | John Leppe | saw maker | Sherman's p.565 has no relevant Leppe, Lepe, etc. |
264 | 301 | Wm Ascum | saw maker | Biddle's p.23 has no relevant Ascum |
264 | 301 | Abraham Conford | saw maker | Biddle's p.178 has no Conford; Biddle's p.205 has no Cuford |
264 | 301 | Wm Van Flood | sadler | [no Van Flood on Biddle's p.1012; no relevant William Flood on Sherman's p.313] |
265 | 302 | Isaac Knight | M.D. | Sherman's p.535: 'Knight Isaac, M.D., 949 N Front' |
[page 39 handwritten] | ||||
266 | 303 | Frederick Many | Pudler [Pedler?] | [no Frederick Marry on Sherman's page 662; Mary on p.667; Many on p.659] |
266 | 303 | Wm Stublletine | Pudler [Pedler?] | [nothing relevant beginning 'Stub' on Biddle's page 964] |
267 | 304 | Nathan Rowland | iron master [?] | Sherman's p.851: 'Rowland Nathan, iron manufacturer, 945 Beach, h 923 N Front' |
268 | 305 | Wm B Elliott | coal mercht | Sherman's p.276: 'Elliott William B., coal merchant, Lewellen's av n Beach, h 925 N Front' |
269 | 306 | Jos Muhler | innkeeper | [no Joseph Muhler or Muehler on Sherman's page 717; no Jos Mahler on Shermans' p.654 |
269 | 307 | Chas Hahn | dealer | [no Charles Hahn dealer or on Front St on Sherman's p.389] |
270 | 308 | J H Conrad | coal mercht | Biddle's p.181: 'Conrad J. Hicks, coal shipper, 210 1/2 Walnut & Del av ab Poplar, h 908 N Front |
271 | 309 | Chas Foulke | sea captn | [no relevant Foulke or Foulk on Sherman's p.319 or Folk on p.315] |
NAMES. PRESENT AND ABSENT. | Isaac D Knight | ||
RANK. | Surg | ||
AGE. | |||
WHERE. | [P]hila P[a] | ||
BY WHOM. | Lt Col Ruff | ||
PERIOD. | 3 yrs | ||
WHERE. | Phila Pa | ||
BY WHOM. | Lt Col Ruff | ||
TRAVELING. | To place of rendezvous, No. of miles. | ||
From place of discharge home, No. of miles. | |||
Clothing Act | Due U.S | ||
Due Soldier | |||
AMOUNT for clothing in kind, or in money advanced. | |||
VALUE OF equipments, arms &c., received from the United States, to be paid for if lost or destroyed. | |||
Bounty | Paid | ||
Due | |||
Discharged by S.O. 710 War Dept July 18 /64 [sic] |
line | 38 | 39 | 40 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Dwelling number | 265 | ||||||||
Family number | 302 | ||||||||
Name | Isaac Knight | Mary " | John " | James " | Ellen " | Jonathan " | Jane [?] " | Saml " | Josphine [?] |
Age | 46 | 36 | 26 | 20 | 18 | 16 | 16 | 14 | 10 |
Sex | M | F | M | M | F | M | F | M | F |
Color | |||||||||
Occupation | M.D. | ||||||||
Value of real estate owned | |||||||||
Value of personal estate | 23.000 | ||||||||
Place of birth | Mexico | " | Penn | " | Maryland | Texas | " | Penn | " |
Married within year | |||||||||
Attended school within year | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Cannot read & write | |||||||||
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc. |
line | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Dwelling-house number | 862 | |||
Family number | 1084 | |||
Name | Knight Henry | - Ann C. | - Mary | - Bernardo |
Age | 30 | 55 | 24 | 20 |
Sex | M | F | F | M |
Color | W | W | W | W |
Occupation | doctor | Keeps house | At home | Store clerk |
Real estate value | 5000 | |||
Personal estate value | 1000 | |||
Birthplace | Texas | Penna | Texas | Texas |
Father foreign born | ||||
Mother foreign born | ||||
Birth month if born within year | ||||
Marriage month if married within year | ||||
Attended school past year | ||||
Can't read | ||||
Can't write | ||||
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc. | ||||
Male US citizen at least 21 years old | 1 | |||
[a '1' is written on Mary's line, but crossed out; Bernardo's line is blank--presumably the '1' should have been in Bernardo's box] | ||||
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ... |
line | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 |
Dwelling-house number | 1822 | |||
Family number | ||||
Name | Knight Ann C | Henry D | Bernard H | Mary E |
Age | 45 | 30 | 21 | 21 |
Sex | F | M | M | F |
Color | ||||
Occupation | ||||
Real estate value | ||||
Personal estate value | ||||
Birthplace | ||||
Father foreign born | ||||
Mother foreign born | ||||
Birth month if born within year | ||||
Marriage month if married within year | ||||
Attended school past year | ||||
Can't read | ||||
Can't write | ||||
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc. | ||||
Male US citizen at least 21 years old | ||||
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ... |
line | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 |
street name | Columbia Avenue | |||
house number | 1617 | |||
dwelling visit # | 26 | |||
family visit # | 26 | |||
name | Knight Ann C | - Bernaldo [sic] | Henkele Jno E | - Mary |
color | W | W | W | W |
sex | F | M | M | F |
age | 49 | 25 | 30 | 24 |
month born if born in year | ||||
relationship | Son | Son in law | Daughter | |
single | 1 | |||
married | 1 | 1 | ||
widowed/divorced | 1 | |||
married during year | ||||
occupation | Keeping house | Salesman in Book Store | Conveyancer | At home |
months unemployed | ||||
currently ill? | ||||
blind | ||||
deaf/dumb | ||||
idiotic | ||||
insane | ||||
disabled | ||||
school this year | ||||
can't read | ||||
can't write | ||||
birthplace | Penna | Texas | Penna | Texas |
father's birthplace | Pa | Maryland | Pa | Md |
mother's birthplace | England | Pa | Pa | Pa |
I have examined Dr. I. D. Knight, and find him labouring under a cardiac affection, functional in character, and apparently the sequence of Typhoid fever.
His disease is attended with pain in the chest, palpitation of heart, loss of appetite, mental depression and a deficiency of red globules in the blood.
I am of the opinion that a removal from all sources of excitement, fatigue, exposure and irregular diet would be beneficial, and therefore would recommend that he be transferred to a position where those causes of aggravation may be avoided.
Applicant enlisted August 6, 1861, at Galesburgh, Mich., for three years, [...] and was honorably discharged about April 5, 1862, at Washington, D.C., on certificate of disability, signed by Surgeons N. F. Marsh, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and J. [sic] D. Knight, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, cause of disability being loss of the use of his left arm, from fracture of the neck of the scapula, and dislocation of the humerus, caused by the upsetting of a wagon, one of the mules of which he was driving falling upon him and crushing him as above stated.
KNIGHT.--Suddenly, on Sunday, 13th instant, in the 54th year of his age, Dr. ISAAC D. KNIGHT, late Surgeon United States Volunteers.
The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1822 Hamilton street, at 10 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, 16th instant, without further notice. Service at the Cathedral at 11 o'clocl.