He was born in 1824/25 (7 (36 in 1861), 15 (24 in 1860)). He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (7, 15).
He was married to Lizzie Croskey [?] on 11 January 1858, by Reverend Jos. Kennard (2, 17). He left no surviving children (2, 17).
In 1860, he was living in ward 14, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (15). He was living with his wife Elizabeth, and with others, in a boarding house run by Hannah Sharp (15). He was a printer (15).
When he enlisted, he was a paint[er] (7).
When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 7 inches tall, and had a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and dark hair (7).
He enlisted and was mustered into service on 10 September 1861 (1, 5, 7, 17). He was enlisted for three years, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Captain McAuther (7). He was a private, in company G (1, 19 (corp)).
He was mustered in as a corporal on 2 December 1861 (2, 17).
He was reduced to the ranks on 2 January 1862, by order of the Captain (5).
According to his pension file, he received a gunshot wound on 3 May 1863 at Chancellorsville Virginia (2, 16 [wounded in shoulder], 17, 18 [shoulder]). The post-battle report agrees with this (3). According to Bates, he was wounded on 3 July 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (1).
He was transferred at Washington DC on 30 September 1863 to company I, 1st Regiment, Veterans' Reserve Corps (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17). He was then a private, in company C (19).
He died on 10 January 1864, at Lincoln Hospital, Washington DC, of chronic diarrhoea (2, 17).
His widow applied successfully for a pension on 30 April 1864 (9). She was living at 720 Doak Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (17). Her application was approved on 5 July, and she received a pension of $8.00 per month, retroactive to 10 January 1864 (17).
On 23 September 1867, his widow, under the name Cora E Lehman, was married to Michael Gillen (a machinist, born Philadelphia, about 1851, never married before), in a Roman Catholic ceremony, by Hugh Lane (17). She continued to receive a pension, swearing that she had not remarried (17).
In 1870, Cora Gillen was living in the 24th ward of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (10). She was living with her husband, Michael Gillen, and with Mary and Whilmia [?] Gillen (presumably their daughters) (10).
After Michael Gillen died (either about 1880 or before 1876), she was married to William T McGuire (a merchant, born Ireland, 49 years old, married before and a widower), on 26 February 1884, in St Teresa Catholic Church, by Rev Hugh Lane (17).
Apparently, in March 1890, Sophia L Barber, who knew her as Cora Gillen, happened to see her at the Pension Agency, and heard her swear that she was still the widow of Frederick Lehman and had not remarried (17). When Sophia Barber approached her, she 'flew out' (17). Perhaps Sophia Barber contacted the Pension Office. For whatever reason, a special examiner, F H Sprague, investigated her (17). Besides Sophia L Barber, Mrs Mary Barber swore that Lizzie Lehman lived with and kept house for a single brother, named Harry Yeader [??], but presented herself as the wife of Michael Gillen, and had children she claimed as theirs (17). Four other witnesses (Susanna Bell, Harriet Brown, and Harriet's daughters Maggie Pedrick [widow of John Pedrick] and Lillie Vonphul [wife of George Vonphul]), who had witnessed Lizzie Lehman's statements at the Pension Agency, swore they hadn't known her well, had believed she had not remarried, and that she presented herself as Lizzie Lehman's widow (17). In a deposition on 3 June 1890, when she was living at 2320 South Street, she denied having drawn a pension (17). On 25 June 1890, Sprague found that Lizzie Lehman had knowingly committed perjury four times each year, had illegally drawn over $2300 from the US, and that her husband (Supt of the Public Market at 23rd & South St.) had no knowledge of her actions (17). He recommended that criminal charges be brought against her (17).
On 4 June 1890, she was charged with perjury in procuring a pension on 4 March 1890 (11). She was held on $1,000 bail (11).
On 18 August 1890, the United States District Court grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against Lizzie Lehman for making a false pension claim (12).
Lizzie Lehman pled not guilty (14).
On 3 December 1890, Lizzie Lehman was tried (14). After several hours, she withdrew her plea of not guilty and entered a plea of guilty (14). Several days later, Judge Butler sentenced Lizzie Lehman to four months' imprisonment and a fine of $100 (13).
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)
2 Pension file (selections), WC 26.161, Frederick Lehman
3 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 7 May 1863 (Private Lehman)
4 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 28 October 1863 (Privt Lehman)
5 company G, list of non-commissioned officers (Fredrick Lehman)
6 company G, register of men transferred (Fredrick Lehman)
7 company G, descriptive roll, entry 6 (Fredrick Lehman)
8 pension index, by name (Frederick Lehman)
9 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company G (Frederick Lehman)
10 1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 24, post office 49 St + Lancaster Avenue West Phila, microfilm series M593, film 1411, page 529 = 86 handwritten (Cora Gillen)
11 'Minor police news', Philadelphia Inquirer 5 June 1890, page 2 (Lizzie Lehman or Maguire)
12 'Must face juries', Philadelphia Inquirer 19 August 1890, page 2 (Lizzie Lehman)
13 [sentence], Philadelphia Inquirer 10 December 1890 page 1 (Lizzie Lehman)
14 'Defrauding the government', Philadelphia Inquirer 4 December 1890 page 8 (Lizzie Lehman)
15 1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 14th ward, microfilm series M653, film 1164, page 507 = 131 handwritten (Frederick Lehman)
16 'The ninety-first Pennsylvania volunteers', Philadelphia Press, Wednesday 13 May 1863, page 2 (Frederick Lehman)
17 widow's pension certificate file, certificate 26,161, Lizzie Lehman (Frederick Lehman)
18 'The Ninety-first Pennsylvania at Chancellorville', Philadelphia Inquirer 13 May 1863, page 8 (Frederick Lehman)
19 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Frederick H Lehman)
line | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Dwelling number | 889 | ||||||
Family number | 943 | ||||||
Name | Hannah Sharp | Ann Warren | Mary Edwards | Elizabeth Lehman | Annie van Deal [?] | Frederick Lehman | Harry Yeager |
Age | 65 | 52 | 25 [?] | 20 | 18 | 24 | 19 |
Sex | F | F | F | F | F | M | M |
Color | |||||||
Occupation | Boarding House | Seamstress | Do | Do | Printer | Machinist | |
Value of real estate owned | 2300 | 1200 | - | - | - | - | - |
Value of personal estate | - | 300 | - | - | - | - | - |
Place of birth | Do [sc. Pa] | N.J. | Do | Pa | Del | Pa | Do |
Married within year | |||||||
Attended school within year | |||||||
Cannot read & write | |||||||
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc. |
line | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
Dwelling-house number | 666 | " | " | " |
Family number | 561 | " | " | " |
Name | Gillen Michael | - Cora | - Mary J | - Whilmia [? perhaps Whilemia] |
Age | 28 | 27 | 7 | 6/12 |
Sex | M | F | F | F |
Color | W | W | W | W |
Occupation | Machinist | Keeping House | ||
Real estate value | ||||
Personal estate value | 200 | |||
Birthplace | Penna | Penna | Penna | Penna |
Father foreign born | 1 | |||
Mother foreign born | 1 | |||
Birth month if born within year | Dec | |||
Marriage month if married within year | ||||
Attended school past year | 1 | |||
Can't read | ||||
Can't write | ||||
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc. | ||||
Male US citizen at least 21 years old | 1 | |||
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ... |
1. Authenticated copy of minister's record showing marriage. Declaration and its affidavit showing widowhood + that soldier left no children.
2. Adjt. Genl's report showing muster as Corpl. Co. "G." 91. Pa. Vols. Dec. 2. 1861: + that he was "a private transferred to the Invalid Corps Sept 30. 1863."
3. Same report, showing he "Died Jany. 10. /64. at Lincoln Hosptl. D.C.["] Surgn. Genl's report, showing he died, time + place aforesaid of "Chronic diarrhoea."
4. Atty. W. N. Ashman, Phila. Pa.
Admitted July 5, 1864, to a Pension of $8.00 per month, commencing January 10, 1864.
W. N. Ashman.I, George Kelly Prothonotary of the District Court of said County, DO CERTIFY, that Jos Plankinton before whom the annexed affidavit was made, was at the time of so doing an Alderman and ex officio Justice of the Peace of the City of Philadelphia, duly commissioned and qualified to administer oaths and affirmations, and to take acknowledgements, &c. and to all whose acts, as such, full faith and credit are and ought to be given, as well in Courts of Judicature as elsewhere, and that his signature thereto is genuine.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court, this 28th day of April A.D. 1864
George Kelly PROTHONOTARY.Before me, an Alderman and ex-officio a Justice of the Peace, in and for the said County, personally appeared Joseph H Kennard who being duly affirmed according to law, deposes and says, that the above writing is a true and correct copy of the record of marriage of Frederick Lehman and Lizzie Croskey the same appears on the record of marriages of affirmant.
That the said record is in deponent's custody; that the above copy is in his own proper hand writing, and that he is a disinterested witness.
Affirmed and subscribed this nineteenth day of February A.D. 1864, before me J Hankinton
Alderman and Justice of the Peace.I certify on honor, That Frederick Lehman was a Private in Company G of 91st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Transfd to Comp. I 1st Regt. Inv. Corps in the war of 1861; that while in the service of the United States, and in the line of his duty, he contracted Chronic Diarrhoea in Service of U.S. and died at Lincoln General Hospital Washington D.C Jan. 11. 1864 And that while in the line of his duty he received a gunshot wound at Chancelorsville Va May 3rd 1863
Dated at Chester Hosp. Barracks on this First day of March 1864
E. G. SellersOn this nineteenth day of February A.D. eighteen hundred and sixty four personally appeared before me, an Alderman and ex-officio Justice of the Peace in and for the said County Lizzie Lehman, a resident of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, aged twenty four years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress approved July 14th, 1862: That she is the widow of Frederick Lehman who was a private in company G, commanded by Captn. E. G. Sellers, in the 91st regiment of Penna. Volunteers, in the war of 1861, who was transferred to Co. I. 1st regt. Inv. Corps, and who died of chronic diarrhoea at Lincoln Genl. Hospital at Washn. January 11th 1864. She further declares that she was married to the said Frederick Lehman deceased, on the eleventh day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight at Philadelphia, Penna. by Rev. Jos. H. Kennard that her husband, the aforesaid Fredk. Lehman died on the day above mentioned, that she has remained a widow ever since that period, and that deceased left surviving no child or children, as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereto annexed. She also declares that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the rebellion in the United States.
She hereby appoints W.N. ASHMAN, No. 1307 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., her true and lawful attorney, with full power to present and prosecute her claim, and to receive and receipt for any order, certificate or money which may be payable under it.
Mrs Lizzie LehmanAlso personally appeared Henry Yerger and Ellen Pratt residents of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw said Lizzie Lehman sign her name to the foregoing declaration, and power of attorney, and
they further swear that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of the applicant and their acquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be, and that they have no interest, direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. Deponents have known claimant many years: Know that she is the lawful widow of said Fredk Lehman deceased and that she has not married since his death, that deceased left no child or children surviving; and that claimant, by word and act, has always proved loyal to the U.S. govern't.
Henry YergerSworn to and subscribed and the power of attorney duly acknowledged before me, the day and year first above written, and I hereby certify that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this Claim. Witness my hand and seal.
H. Turnison [?]I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. 50709, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office. the reply to your inquiry dated May 27" 1864.
It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that Frederick Lehman was enrolled on the 10" day of September, 1861, at Phila. Penna in Co. "G", 91st Regiment of Penna Volunteers, to serve three years, or during the war, and mustered into service as a Corporal on the 2nd day of December, 1861, at Phila Penna, in Co. "G", 91st Regiment of Penna Volunteers, to serve three years, or during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. "G" of that Regiment, for the months of September and October, 1863, he is reported "a Private, transferred to the Invalid Corps Sept 30" 1863." On the Muster Roll of Co I 1st Regt. Vet Res Corps for Jany + Feby 1864 he is reported a Private "Died Jany. 10th /64 at Lincoln Genl Hospital DC." Cause of death not stated.
I am, Sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,I have the honor to return herewith application for Pension, No. 50.739 with such information as is furnished by the records of this Office. Private Frederick Lehman, Co. I, 1st Regiment Invalid Corps, is reported to this Office by Surgeon JC McKee as having died Jan 10th 1864, at Lincoln Genl Hosp Wash DC of Chronic Diarrhoea
Very respectfully,I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the original (85) orig. voucher upon which pension was paid to Lizzie Lehman, Cert. No. 26.161, by the U.S. Pension Agent at Philadelphia from March 4 /67 to March 4 /90, and the paid and canceled checks issued thereunder, and furnished to me upon my request, No. 406, dated June 4th, A.D. 1890.
Very respectfully,PAGES. | NAMES OF WITNESSES, ETC. | Exhibits. | Depositions. | REPUTATION. |
1 to - | Index | |||
- - - | Notice to claimant None | |||
2 to 3 | Summary | |||
- to - | [crossed out:] Claimant's statement | |||
4 - 5 | Sophia L Barber [?] | A | Good | |
6 - 7 | Mary Barber [?] | B | Good | |
8 - 9 | Cora E McGuinn [?] | C | Good. Pensioner. | |
10 - 11 | Susanna Bell | D | Good. | |
12 - 13 | Harriet Brown | E | Good. | |
14 - 15 | Lillie Vonphul | F | Fair. | |
16 - 17 | Maggie Redrick | G | Fair. | |
18 - - | Marriage Record | H | ||
19 - - | " " | I |
I have the honor to submit the following report in case of Lizzie Lehman after Gillam Now McGuinn residing No 2320 South St. Phila Penna. pensioned as widow of Frederick Lehman late Co. "I." 1st Reg't Penna. Res. Vol. Inf. under Certificate No. 26.161. Phila. Penna. Agency. In this case it appears that pensioner remarried to one Gillen Sept. 23. 1867 and after his death remarried to one Wm T McGuin Feb'y 26. 1884, with whom she still lives as his wife. During all these years pensioner has continued to draw pension as widow of Lehman committing perjury four times each year and having illegally drawn over $2300 from the United States. Pensioner
I find in a pleasant home She has a small store and her husband is Supt of the Public Market 23 + South Sts. I could not discover that he possessed any knowledge of his wifes [sic] action. I recommend that criminal proceedings be instituted.
Very respectfully,On this 5th day of May, 1890, at Phila, County of Phila State of Penna, before me, F. H. Sprague, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally apeared Sophia L Barber, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 47 years of age reside at No. 211 So 6th St Phila Penna am a widow and Janitor Orphans Court Bldg.
I knew Lizzie Lehman a pensioner of the United States as widow of Frederick Lehman. I have known her over twenty years When I first knew her about 1870 she was the wife of Michael Gillen. She then lived on Doak St. I don't [sic] recall number. She had two children by Gillen. Gillen died I cannot give year but before 1876 Some three or four years since I saw her at house on South Street 23rd. I stopped and talked to her. I had heard she had again married and I so told her she said Yes I am married. I next saw her some six months ago at the Pension Agency, this City I then said to her, what are you doing here? She said I am a witness I next saw her at the agency in Mch. 90 I then heard the Clerk ask her whats [sic] your name? She replied, Lizzie Lehman, and he then said
you swear you have not remarried and are still the widow of Frederick Lehman and she said yes. I approached nearer but she flew out and I did not get a chance to say anything more to her. I do not know the name of the man she is now living with as wife or Mistress. The last I knew Mrs Lehman was employed at the Arsenal and under name of Lizzie Gillen.
I never knew Frederick Lehman I know pensioner that she lived and cohabited with Michael Gillen as his wife and had at least two children by him and that he died. And she has been known as his widow. I only know by rumor and her own statement of her remarriage to the man she now lives with. I am not interested or related and understand contents of this deposition.
Sophia L BarberSworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of May, 1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
F. W. Sprague,On this 8th day of May, 1890, at Phila, County of Phila State of Penna, before me, F. W. Sprague, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Mrs Mary Barber, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 49 years of age, reside at No 217 South [??] St. Phila Pa am wife of John Barber Twenty Two years ago I lived in Doak St. btw [?] Bainbridge and Fitzwater and Broad + Fifteenth this City my next door neighbor was Mrs Lizzie Lehman who claimed to be the widow of a soldier who died in the army I never heard her say she was a pensioner She lived with a single boarder named Harry Yeager as near as I remember She sewed and kept house for her Brother We lived neighbors about one year. At that time I became acquainted with Michael Gillen who visited [?] Mrs Lehman and at one time was [?] talking with Mrs Lehman She showed us a paper and said she was married to Michael Gillen and that was her certificate. I did not read the paper and I do not know whether it was a marriage certificate
Page 6 Deposition BI am mistaken she did not say she was married to Gillen she said I am married and showed the paper. Gillen did not live at the house but came back and forth I saw her after in his in his Mothers [sic] because Mrs Gillen [sic] house was Grays Ferry Road bel South. I saw some children then that Mrs Lehman or Mrs Gillen claimed as hers. I called her Mrs Gillen and she answered to the name. I have known something [?] of her for past seven years Mr Gillen is dead but I dont [sic] know when or where he died.
I know nothing of Mrs Lehman or Gillen being a pensioner.
I am not interested or related and understand contents of this deposition
Mary BarberSworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of May, 1890, and I certify that the content were fully made known to deponent before signing.
F. H. SpragueOn this 3rd day of June, 1890, at Phila, County of Phila State of Penna, before me, F. H. Sprague, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Mrs Cora Elizabeth McGuinn, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 50 years of age - reside at No 2320 South St Phila Penna. I am the wife of William T McGuinn
I was formerly the wife of Frederick Lehman late of G. 91st Penna Vol Inf. who was killed at battle of Chancellorsville Va May 1863. I was married to him in Phila Penna. before the war. I received a pension as his widow I dont [sic] remember the number of the Cert. I remarried in Sept 23 1867 to Michael Gillen by Rev Hugh Lane a Catholic Clergyman. Mr. Gillen died about ten years ago. I then married Mr William L McGuinn about seven years ago at St Teresa Catholic Church and I have since lived with him as his wife. Gillen had never been married before my marriage to him. McGuinn had been married before and was a widower.
I drew the pension up to about one month before I married
Mr Gillen. I dont [sic] know what became of the pension certificate I last saw it. I have not got it now.
I was pensioned as Lizzie Lehman.
I know Mrs Sophia Barber and her sister in law Mrs Mary Barber. I did not see either of them at the Pension Agency in March or Dec last.
I did go the Pension Agency to be a witness for a friend a Mrs McKnight but she was not present. I did not wait. I do not recall any communication with Mrs. Barber.
I am sure I did not draw pension as Lizzie Lehman in March last or in Dec 1889 or 1890.
And further saith not.
I knew I could not draw pension after I remarried.
Lizzie LehmanSworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of June, 1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
F. H. SpragueOn this 4th day of June, 1890, at Phila, County of Phila, State of Penna, before me, F. H. Sprague, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Susanna Bell, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 46 years of age, reside rear No 1307 Fairmount [??] Ave, Am House Keeper. I am a pensioner of the United States as widow of Wm Bell. I have drawn a pension about 13 years.
I know Mrs Lizzie Lehman a pensioner of the United States. I knew her from girlhood. She married Lehman before the war. I first mer her about nine years ago as a pensioner and from that time to this I have been her witness off and on at the Pension Agency and had an engagement to visit her today and she was to be a witness for me and I for her. She has several times asked to make my address her address and I refused. I identified her on March 4. 1890. She then told me that she lived in the country with her people.
I never knew that she had remarried since the death of Lehman. I saw and knew Lehman before the war. I went some time to see
her downtown while Lehman was in the army and was then informed that a child I saw there was Lehmans [sic] adopted daughter. I dont [sic] know Lillie Vonphul [?] the other witness March 4. 90 voucher. She has been my witness my witness my mothers [sic] before me and I hers. I never have visited her much and only saw her at the Pension Office.
I am not mistaken in the identity of the woman [?] and knew of nothing wrong. Mrs Harriet Brown has been the other witness as well I cannot give her address She is a pensioner.
I am willing to identify Mrs Lehman at any time. I have heard her swear that she was still widow of Lehman and had not remarried since his death.
I am not interested or related and was informed contents of this deposition
Susanna BellSworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of June, 1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
G H SpragueOn this 5th day of June, 1890 at Phila, County of Phila State of Penna, before me, F. H. Sprague, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Harriet Brown, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 57 [?] years of age reside No rear 708 No 4th St Phila Penna. [written under the address: 1224 Callowhill] I am a pensioner of the United States.
I know Lizzie Lehman as a pensioner of the United States I have known her for past eight years I became acquainted with her through a Mrs Lewis now dead a pensioner. I never knew where she lived I have signed her vouchers as [?] I [?] thought [??] of what Mrs Lewis told me I can identify her at any time I never knew her to have remarried I did not know that she was married to Michael Gillen or that she was the wife of Wm T McGuire [?] of 2320 South St.
I can identify her at any time [sic]
I am not interested or related and was shown contents of this deposition
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of June 1890 and I certify that contents were made known to deponent before signing
F. H. SpragueSworn to and subscribed before me this [blank] day of [blank] 18[blank], and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
[blank]On this 6th day of June, 1890, at Phila, County of Phila State of Penna, before me, F. H. Sprague, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Lillie Vonphul, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 34 years of age. reside rear No. 708 No 4th St. Phila, Penna. [written under the address: 1224 Callowhill] I am the wife of George Vonphul. I am a Daughter of Harriet Brown a pensioner of the United States and I have at various times been at the US Pension Agency with my Mother when she drew her pension. I was introduced to Mrs Lehman by my Mother She never visited our house and I never visited her at her house in fact never knew where she lived. I knew her only as Mrs Lizzie Lehman. and as a pensioner of the United States. I never signed but one voucher for her that the one dated Mch. 4. 1890 which you show me; I recognize my signature I signed said voucher in the presence of Mrs Lehman and Mrs Susanna Bell also a pensioner. I saw Mrs Lehman exhibit her pension certificate
at the execution of said voucher and heard her swear that she had not remarried and was still the widow of Frederick Lehman. I never saw her outside the Agency. I gave my address as rear of 708 Fairmount Ave through mistake. I live in rear of 4th [?] St just above Fairmount Ave and am in habit of so designating my residence I can identify Mrs Lehman at any time and know her well from meeting her at the Agency. I took the oath that Mrs Lehman had not remarried because I believed she was not but my knowledge of her is not such and has not been intimate enough for me to know the fact if she had remarried. I did wrong but with no intention to do so. I am not interested or related and understand contents of this deposition.
Lillie VonphuillSworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of June, 1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
F. H. SpragueOn this 6th day of June, 1890, at Phila, County of Phila State of Penna, before me, F. H. Sprague, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Maggie Pedrick, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: I am 29 years of age in Oct next. reside rear of 708 North 4th St. Phila. Penna. I am the widow of John Pedrick and Daughter of Harriet Brown
I know Mrs Lizzie Lehman as a pensioner of the United States I became acquainted with her by meeting her at the Pension Agency here in Phila where I came with my mother to draw her pension I have been a witness to Mrs. Lehman's nonmarriage twice - about two [?] years since - at the time I did not know where Mrs Lehman lived and did not know whether she had remarried or not I took an oath that she had not because I believed she had not I did not intend to swear falsely
I have known Mrs Lehman some years by meeting her at the Agency. I can identify her at any time
I only knew her as Mrs Lehman. I heard her take the oath that she had not remarried and was still the widow of Frederick Lehman.
I am not interested or related and understand contents of this deposition
Maggie PedrickSworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of June, 1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
F. H. SpragueThis is to Certify, That the following is a Correct Copy of the Certificate of Marriage between Michael Gillen and Cora E. Lehman filed in this Department, as directed by the State Laws:
This is to Certify, That the following is a Correct Copy of the Certificate of Marriage between William T. McGuire and Cora E. Gillen filed in this Department, as directed by the State Laws:
Date of Marriage, Febry. 26. 1884
Full Name of Male, William T. McGuire
Occupation, Merchant
Residence, Philadelphia
Place of Birth, Ireland
Age of Male, 49 yrs
Color, white
Full Name of Female, Cora E. Gillen
Residence, Philadelphia
Place of Birth, Philadelphia
Age of Female, 28 Yrs
Color, White
Ceremony Employed, Roman Catholic
Name of Person Pronouncing Ceremony, Rev Hugh Lane
1339 Catharine
For the Health Officer. J.V.P. Turner
P19 Ex. I.
[page 34]
DEC 27 1890
East Dist
Cert No. 26,161
Name: Lizzie Lehman alias Gillen alias McGuire
P.O. address: 2320 South St. Philadelphia
County: Phila State: Penn
Recommendation: prosecution for perjury - [illegible word]
F. H. Sprague,
Special Examiner.
Dec. 24, 1890
Respy referred to Chief Law Division for consideration
F. [?] G. Butterfield
Actg Chief S.E. Division.
[blank] 188[blank]
[blank] Reviewer.
Approved: [blank] Chief Board of Review.
[blank] 188[blank]
Chief S. E. Division,
Examination: [blank]
o 6--208
18758b - 20 m
[page 35]
No 26.161
Lizzie Lehman
Frederick Lehman
Rank private [?]
Company I
Regiment 1st Vet Res Corps
Rate per month $[blank]
Commencing [blank]
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Duplicate Jacket
DEC 29 1890
Order 593-7M.
Lizzie Lehman or Lizzie Maguire was yesterday held in $1,000 bail, charged before United States Commissioner Edmunds with perjury in procuring a pension on March 4, 1890. The testimony was that the accused, who had married twice since her first husband died, swore that she was the widow of Frederick Lehman, of the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers.
The United States District Court grand jury yesterday brought in true bills of indictment against the following: ... Lizzie Lehman, alias Cora B. Gillen, alias Cora E. McGuire, making false pension claim.
Lizzie Lehman, who pleaded guilty to fraudulently drawing a pension after being remarried, was sentenced by Judge Butler to four months' imprisonment and a fine of $100.
After the trial of Mrs. Lizzie Lehman, who was also indicted as Cora E. Gillen and Cora E. McGuire, on the charge of collecting widows' pension money, the right to which she had forfeited by remarrying, had progressed for several hours yesterday in the United States District Court, the defendant withdrew her plea of not guilty and one of guilty was entered. It was stated by counsel that there were extenuating circumstances which it was hoped would be considered. Sentence was deferred.