91st PA: Joseph S Miller Jr

Joseph S Miller Jr

Before the war

He was born on 8 June 1842 (8, 9, 14; 3 (19 in 1861), 9 (82 at death in 1924), 10 (8 in 1850), 11 (18 in 1860), 12 (28 in 1870), 13 (38 in 1880), 14 (57 in 1900), 15 (66 in 1910), 16 (77 in 1920)). He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). He was born to Joseph S Miller and Lallie Vachre (9).

In 1850, he was living in ward 3, Spring Garden, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (10). He was living with Joseph and Ann Miller (presumably his parents), and with Franklin and Samuel Miller (presumably his brothers) (10). He had attended school within the year (10).

In 1860, he was living in ward 13, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (11). He was living with Jos and Sarah Miller, with Franklin, Samuel, and Anna Miller, and with Mary Donlan (11). He was a clerk (11).

When he enlisted, he was a clerk (3).


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 7 inches tall, and had a light complexion, blue eyes, and light hair (3).

During the war

He enlisted and was mustered into service on 20 August 1861 (1, 3, 4, 5, 7). He was enlisted for three years, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Captain Starr (3). He was a private in company A (1, 17).

He transferred on 2 January 1862 to the regular army (1, 2, 3, 5 [15 Dec 62]). When transferred, he was a private, in company A (17). He was discharged on 31 May 1864 (5, 6).

According to the pension index and the 1890 census, which do not mention any service in the regular army, he was discharged on 15 December 1862 (4, 5).

After the war

In 1862/63, he married Anne E [unknown family name] (14). They had one child (14, 15):

He began working in the Adjutant-General's office in 28 August 1866 (7).

In 1870, he was living in Washington, DC (12). He was living with his wife Annie E and his daughter Ada (12). He was a clerk at the War Department (12). His wife owned $5,000 in real estate and $1,500 in personal property (12).

On 15 June 1878, he was working in the Adjutant-General's Office, War Department, Washington, DC (7). Two other men who had served in the 91st were also working there: John McNeil and Franklin B Miller (7).

In 1880, he was living at 338 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC (13). He was living with his wife Annie and daughter Ada (13). He was a clerk at the War Department (13).

In 1890, he was living in Lincoln Post Number 3, Washington, DC (5).

On 20 October 1890, and on 8 February 1907, he applied from Washington DC for a pension (application 931,978), which he received (certificate 661,069) (4, 6).

In 1900, he was living at 3123 14th Street, Washington, DC (14). He was living with his wife Anne, his daughter Ada, Ada's family, and several others (14). He was a government clerk, and had not been out of work in the previous year (14).

In 1910, he seems to have been living in the Soldiers Home, Washington DC (15).

In 1920, he was living at 3112 Mt Pleasant, Washington, DC (16). He was living with his daughter Ada and her family, and several lodgers (16). He was a clerk for the US Government (16).

He died on 23 June 1924, at Washington, DC (4, 8, 9). On 25 June 1924, he was buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC (8, 9). He was buried with his spouse Ann E Miller (1839-1908) (8). He was a clerk in gov[ernment] service (9).


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster) (Joseph S Miller)

2 register of transfers, company A (Joseph Miller)

3 company A descriptive roll, entry 42 (Joseph S Miller Jr)

4 pension index, by regiment (Joseph S Miller)

5 1890 US census, veterans' schedule, Washington DC, Lincoln Post No 3, supervisor's district (Joseph S Miller)

6 pension index, by name (Joseph S Miller)

7 Employees of the War Department: Letter from the Secretary of War ..., page 7. House of Representatives, 45th Congress, 2nd session, Executive Document Number 99 (in Serial Set volume 1809)

8 Find a grave memorial 40201197 (accessed 25 September 2010)] (Joseph S Miller) [identification is based on the pension index card date of death] [note that the tombstone picture clearly has Joseph S Miller born 8 June 1842 and died 23 June 1924 [sic]]

9 District of Columbia deaths and burials, 1840-1964, extract on LDS Pilot site (accessed 25 September 2010) (Joseph S Miller) [identification is based on the pension index card date of death, and the Find a grave memorial, listed above]

10 1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Spring Garden, ward 3, precinct 1, microfilm series M432, film 818, page 525 (Joseph S Miller Jr)

11 1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 13, microfilm series M653, film 1163, page 595 = 175 handwritten (Jos S Miller)

12 1870 US census, Washington DC, ward 4, microfilm series M593, film 124, page 865 = 447 handwritten (J S Miller)

13 1880 US census, Washington DC, supervisor's district 17, enumeration district 64, microfilm series T9, film 123, page 394 = 51 C handwritten (Joseph S Miller)

14 1900 US census, District of Columbia, Washington, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 13, microfilm series T623, film 158, page 48 = 13 A handwritten (Joseph R [?] Miller)

15 1910 US census, Washington DC, Soldiers Home, supervisor's district 31, enumeration district 224, microfilm series T624, film 155, page 164 = 8 B handwritten (Joseph M Miller)

16 1920 US census, Washington DC, supervisor's district 40, enumeration district 284, microfilm series T625, film 212, page 198 = 6 A handwritten (Joseph S Miller)

17 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Joseph S Miller Jr)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

1930 US census
Footnote index (accessed 25 September 2010)

1850 census

[1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Spring Garden, ward 3, precinct 1, microfilm series M432, film 818, page 525]
[identification is likely, given the father's name in his DC death record--but note that the mother's name doesn't obviously match]
Dwellings visited1049    
Families visited1157    
NameJoseph S. MillerAnn M. MillerFranklin B. MillerJoseph S Miller JrSamuel C. Miller
Age343113 [?]86
Occupation of males over 15 yearsSadler [sic]    
Real estate owned1.600 [?]    
Birthplace" [sc. Pennsylvania]""""
Married within year     
Attended school within year  11 
Over 20 & can't read/write     
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.     

1860 census

[1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 13, microfilm series M653, film 1163, page 595 = 175 handwritten]
[identification is likely, given the father's name in his DC death record--but note that the mother's name doesn't obviously match]
Dwelling number1190      
Family number1207      
NameJos Y [?] MillerSarah "Franklin "Jos S "Saml C "Anna M "Mary Donlan
SexMM [sic]MMMFF
OccupationSurg Inst Maker Clerk"  Domestic
Value of real estate owned2500      
Value of personal estate500      
Place of birth" [sc. Penna]"""""Ireland
Married within year       
Attended school within year     1 
Cannot read & write      1
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.       

1870 census

[1870 US census, Washington DC, ward 4, microfilm series M593, film 124, page 865 = 447 handwritten]
[identification is likely, given the spouse's name in Find-a-grave and his occupation]
Dwelling-house number   
Family number   
NameMiller, J.S." Annie E" Ada
OccupationClk War DeptAt home" "
Real estate value 5,000 
Personal estate value 1,500 
Birthplace" [sc. Penna]D.C."
Father foreign born   
Mother foreign born   
Birth month if born within year   
Marriage month if married within year   
Attended school past year   
Can't read   
Can't write   
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.   
Male US citizen at least 21 years old1  
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ...   

1880 census

[1880 US census, Washington DC, supervisor's district 17, enumeration district 64, microfilm series T9, film 123, page 394 = 51 C handwritten]
[identification is likely, given the spouse's name in Find-a-grave and his occupation]
street namePennsylvania Avenue
house number[338]  
dwelling visit #[341]  
family visit #[414]  
nameMiller Joseph S- Annie- Ada
month born if born in year   
single  1
married during year   
occupationClerk War DeptAt HomeAt Home
months unemployed   
currently ill?   
school this year   
can't read   
can't write   
[I have not transcribed the mark in Joseph's row under 'can't write', because apparently all males on this page have a mark there]
birthplacePennDist of ColDist of Col
father's birthplacePennDis of ColPenn
mother's birthplacePennPennDist of Col

1890 census, veterans schedule

[1890 US census, veterans' schedule, Washington DC, Lincoln Post No 3, supervisor's district ]
[line] 4
[house] [blank]
[family] [blank]
[name] Miller Joseph S.
[rank] Private
[company] A
[unit] 91 Pa Inf
[enlistment date] Aug 20 1861
[discharge date] Dec 15 1862
[length of service] 1 year, 4 months, [blank] days
[post office address] " " [sc. Washington D.C.]
[disability incurred] [blank]
[remarks] [blank]

[line] 5
[house] [blank]
[family] [blank]
[name] " " "
[rank] Sergt
[company] [blank]
[unit] U.S. Gen Service
[enlistment date] Dec 15 1862
[discharge date] May 31 1864
[length of service] 1 year, 3 months, 15 days
[post office address] " " [sc. Washington, D.C.]
[disability incurred] [blank]
[remarks] [blank]

1900 census

[1900 US census, District of Columbia, Washington, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 13, microfilm series T623, film 158, page 48 = 13 A handwritten]
[identification is likely, given his occupation, wife's name, and daughter's name--but note that the 1920 census isn't easy to match with this]
street14th Street
house number3123        
dwelling number177        
family number218        
nameBurks [?] Samuel- Ada M- Lelian [?] C- Samuel CMiller Joseph R [?]- Anne EDarrag [?] Samuel- KatherineLewis, Willie
relationshipHeadWifeDaughterSonFather in lawM in lawCousinCousinServant
birth dateMar 1855Feb 1864July 1883Sep 1886June 1842Sept 1839Mar 1875Apr 1879July 1874
# years married1919  3737   
mother of how many children? 3   1   
# of children living 2   1   
birthplaceVirginiaDist ColDist ColDist ColPennsylvaniaDist ColPennsylvaniaDis ColVirginia
father's birthplaceVirginiaDist ColVirginiaVirginiaPennsylvaniaDist ColNew YorkNew YorkVirginia
mother's birthplaceVirginiaPennsylvaniaDist CoDist ColPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaVirginia
immigration year         
# years in USA         
naturalized citizen?         
occupationGovt Clerk At SchoolAt SchoolGovt Clerk [illegible] paper (Law) Servant
# months not employed0   0 0 0
# months in school  99     
can readyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
can writeyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
speaks Englishyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
free or mortgaged         
# of farm schedule         

1910 census

[1910 US census, Washington DC, Soldiers Home, supervisor's district 31, enumeration district 224, microfilm series T624, film 155, page 164 = 8 B handwritten]
[identification is uncertain. The only other candidate I have found is Joseph Miller, 66, born in Pennsylvania, living in the Government Hospital for the Insane in DC (supervisor's district 40, enumeration district 284, microfilm series T624, film 149, page 185 = 3 B handwritten), but he is not my Joseph Miller, since he was also living there in 1900 (series T623, film 164, page 215)]
house nr 
dwelling nr 
family nr 
nameMiller, Joseph M
marital statusWd
#years present marriage 
mother of # children 
mother of # living children 
father's birthplacePennsylvania
mother's birthplacePennsylvania
speaks EnglishEnglish
occupationEx Soldier
nature of industry etc. 
employer etc. 
out of work 15 Apr 1910? 
# weeks out of work 1909 
can readyes
can writeyes
school since 1 Sep 09 
owned free or mortagaged 
nr on farm schedule 
civil war vetUA
deaf & dumb 

1920 census

[1920 US census, Washington DC, supervisor's district 40, enumeration district 284, microfilm series T625, film 212, page 198 = 6 A handwritten]
[identification is likely, given his occupation, wife's name, and daughter's name--but note that the 1900 census isn't easy to match with this]
streetMt Pleasant
house number3112     
dwelling visit number41     
family visit number109     
nameShehan [??] Daniel M- Ada M- Joseph BMiller Joseph SMorgan [?] Frank V- Alice
relationshipHeadwifesonfather-in lawlodgerlodger
free/mortgaged (if owned)F     
age at last birthday565522773625
marital statusMMSWdMM
year of immigration      
year of naturalization      
attended school since Sept 1919  yes   
can readyesyesyesyesyesyes
can writeyesyesyesyesyesyes
birth placeDistrict ColumbiaDistrict ColumbiaDistrict ColumbiaPennsylvaniaDistrict ColumbiaVirginia
native language      
father's birthplaceDistrict ColumbiaPennsylvaniaDistrict ColumbiaPennsylvaniaIrelandVirginia
father's native language    English 
mother's birthplaceDistrict ColumbiaDistrict ColumbiaDistrict ColumbiaPennsylvaniaVirginiaVirginia
mother's native language      
can speak Englishyesyesyesyesyesyes
occupationContractornonenoneClerkWire chiefClerk
industry, businessgeneral  U.S. GovtTelephone CoU.S. Govt
employment statusEm  WWW
number of farm schedule      
[numbers in the last column seem to be counting entries, and obviously do not refer to entries on a farm schedule]

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 19 January 2015, from Fold3]

Miller Joseph S Jr
Co. A, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt
See also US Army.


War Department employment list

Employees of the War Department: Letter from the Secretary of War ..., page 11. House of Representatives, 45th Congress, 2nd session, Executive Document Number 99 (in Serial Set volume 1809)
Name. Organization in which served. Length of service. Discharged for disability contracted in service. Date of entry in office.
Miller, J.S. ... A, 91st Pa., and general service. Aug. 20, 1861 Mar. 31, 1864 ... Aug. 28, 1866

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revised 20 Jan 15
Contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions.