91st PA: John C Moore

John C Moore

Before the war

He was born on 20 January 1841 ((8, 9 (citing pension file; another page has 10 January 1841); 2 (25 in 1865), 3 (35 in 1865), 6 (29 in 1870), 7 (40 in 1880), 8 (59 in 1900), 10 (9 in 1850), 11 (19 in 1860), 12 (69 in 1910)). He was born in Walker Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (2, 6, 7, 8, 9 [citing pension file], 10, 11, 12). He was born to Samuel Moore and Samuel's second wife (9 (citing pension file)).

In 1850, he was living in Walker Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (10). He was living with Samuel and Nancy Moore (presumably his parents), and with others (10). He had not attended school in the previous year (10).

In 1860, he was living in Walker Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (11). He was a laborer, and had $150 in personal property (11).


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 8 inches tall, and had a fair complexion, fair eyes, and light hair (2, 9 [fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair]).

During the war

He also served in company B of the 49th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry (9). He was enlisted on 15 August 1861, and discharged on 30 October 1864 (9). He had typhoid fever from 26 November 1861 to 1 march 1862 (9).

He was a substitute (1, 2). He enlisted and was mustered into service, at Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, on 23 March 1865 (1, 2, 3, 9). He was enlisted for one year, by Captain Lloyd (2, 3). He reported for duty on 23 March 1865 (2). His service was credited to the seventeenth congressional district (2). He was mustered in as a private in company D, at Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania (1, 3, 15).

He mustered out with his company on 10 July 1865 (1, 9). He was a private, in company D (15).

After the war

On 31 January 1867, he married Mary A Kyler (8, 9, 12). They apparently had the following two children (8 (2 children, neither alive in 1900), 9, 12 (2 children, neither alive in 1910)):

In 1870, he was living in Mapleton Borough, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (6). He was living with his wife Mary Ann (6). he was a laborer (6).

On 28 December 1877, a rail car ran over his left foot, badly injuring it (9).

In 1880, he was living at 1125 Washington Street, ward 4, Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (7). He was living with his wife Mary A (7). He was a railroad laborer (7).

In 1890, he was living in Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (14). He had rheumatism [?] (14).

On 20 October 1890, he successfully applied from Pennsylvania for a pension (4, 5).

In 1900, he was living on Mifflin Street, ward 3, Huntingdon Borough, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (8). He was living with his wife Mary, and with John Nash (8). He was a day laborer, and had been out of work for 3 [?] months in the previous year (8).

On 20 February 1907, he again applied for a pension (4).

In 1910, he was living at 1311 [?] Mifflin Street, Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (12). He was living with his wife Mary A (12). He was living on his own income (12).

In 1912, he was living at 1019 Miffling Street, Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (9).

He died of apoplexy on 4 April 1913, at Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (4, 9). He was buried at Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, on 7 April 1913 (9).

On 16 April 1913, his widow Mary Moore successfully applied from Pennsylvania for a pension (4, 5).

In 1920, his widow, Mary A Moore, was living at 1019 Mifflin Street, ward 3, Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (13). She was living with her partner Sue Bartle (13).

On 30 November 1920, his widow, Mary Moore, died, in Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (9). She was buried on 2 December 1920 in River View Cemetery, Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (9).


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster) (John C Moore)

2 company D, [second] descriptive roll, entry 78 (J C Moore)

3 Civil War Veterans' Card File, available at the Pennsylvania State Archives, searched 9 August 2004 (John C Moore)

4 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company D (John C Moore)

5 pension index, by name, available on Ancestry (accessed 15 December 2010) (John C Moore)

6 1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntington County, Mapleton Borough, microfilm series M593, film 1349, page 827 = 1 handwritten (John Moore)

7 1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon Boro, ward 4, supervisor's district 7, enumeration district 192, microfilm series T9, film 1134, page 165 = 13 handwritten (John Moore)

8 1900 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon, Huntingdon Borough, ward 3, supervisor's district 12, enumeration district 9, microfilm series T623, film 1414, page 165 = 9 B handwritten (John Moore)

9 'Moore's of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania', a gedcom, available on RootsWeb WorldConnect, contact c cain updated 24 November 2005, accessed 16 December 2010 (John C Moore)

10 1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Walker Township, microfilm series M432, film 784, page 162 = 323 handwritten (John Moore)

11 1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Walker Township, microfilm series M653, film 1115, pages 666=20 handwritten to 667=21 handwritten] (John Moore)

12 1910 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon Borough, ward 3, supervisor's district 13, enumeration district 68, microfilm series T624, film 1349, page 38 = [10A] handwritten (John C Moore)

13 1920 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon Borough, ward 3, supervisor's district 14, enumeration district 75, microfilm series T625, film 1564, page 39 = 11 A handwritten (Mary A Moore)

14 1890 US census, veterans' schedule, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon, supervisor's district 7, enumeration district 193, page [blank] (John Moore)

15 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (John C Moore)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

1930 US census
Footnote index (accessed 25 December 2010)

1850 census

[1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Walker Township, microfilm series M432, film 784, page 162 = 323 handwritten]
[identification is probable, given the location, and the parents' names in the gedcom in reference #9 above
Dwellings visited74        
Families visited75        
NameSaml MooreNancy "John "James "Rachel "Saml "Martha "Oslando [?] GibsonJane M. Moore
Occupation of males over 15 years" [sc. Laborer]        
Real estate owned         
Birthplace" [sc. Penna]""""""""
Married within year         
Attended school within year         
Over 20 & can't read/write         
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.         

1860 census

[1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Walker Township, microfilm series M653, film 1115, pages 666=20 handwritten to 667=21 handwritten]
[I did not transcribe the other people at this residence, headed by William C Robb, farmer]
[identification is likely, given the location]
Dwelling number[139]
Family number[137]
NameJohn Moore
Value of real estate owned 
Value of personal estate150
Place of birthDo [sc. Penna]
Married within year 
Attended school within year 
Cannot read & write 
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc. 

1870 census

[1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntington County, Mapleton Borough, microfilm series M593, film 1349, page 827 = 1 handwritten]
Dwelling-house number8 
Family number8 
NameMoore John- Mary Ann
OccupationLaborerKeeping house
Real estate value  
Personal estate value  
BirthplaceDo [sc. Penna]Do
Father foreign born  
Mother foreign born  
Birth month if born within year  
Marriage month if married within year  
Attended school past year  
Can't read  
Can't write  
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.  
Male US citizen at least 21 years old1 
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ...  

1880 census

[1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon Boro, ward 4, supervisor's district 7, enumeration district 192, microfilm series T9, film 1134, page 165 = 13 handwritten]
street nameWashington Street
house number1125 
dwelling visit #17 
family visit #17 
nameMoore John" Mary A
month born if born in year  
relationship Wife
married during year  
occupationLaborer RRKeeping house
months unemployed  
currently ill?  
school this year  
can't read  
can't write  
father's birthplacePennPenn
mother's birthplacePennPenn

1890 census, veterans schedule

[1890 US census, veterans' schedule, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon, supervisor's district 7, enumeration district 193, page [blank]]
[identification is probable, despite the absence of reference to his service, because of the location]

[line] 7
[house] [blank]
[family] [blank]
[name] John C Moore
[rank] Do [??--followed by several illegible letters; seems to refer to 202 Pa]
[enlistment date] [blank]
[discharge date] [blank]
[length of service] [blank]
[post office address] John C Moore
[disability incurred] Rhm [?]
[remarks] [blank]

1900 census

[1900 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon, Huntingdon Borough, ward 3, supervisor's district 12, enumeration district 9, microfilm series T623, film 1414, page 165 = 9 B handwritten]
[identification is probable; this is the only candidate in Huntingdon]
house number   
dwelling number207  
family number209  
nameMoore John- MaryNash John
birth dateJany 1841Jany 1847June 1846
# years married3333 
mother of how many children? 2 
# of children living 0 
father's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvania
mother's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvania
immigration year   
# years in USA   
naturalized citizen?   
occupationLaborer Day  
# months not employed3 [?]  
# months in school   
can readYesYesYes
can writeYesYesYes
speaks EnglishYesYesYes
free or mortgagedF  
# of farm schedule   

1910 census

[1910 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon Borough, ward 3, supervisor's district 13, enumeration district 68, microfilm series T624, film 1349, page 38 = [10A] handwritten]
streetMifflin Street
house nr1311 [?] 
dwelling nr216 
family nr216 
nameMoore John C.- Mary A
sexMM [sic]
age69 [?]62 [?]
marital statusM1M1
#years present marriage4343
mother of # children 2
mother of # living children 0
father's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvania
mother's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvania
speaks EnglishEnglishEnglish
occupationOwn income 
nature of industry etc.  
employer etc.  
out of work 15 Apr 1910?  
# weeks out of work 1909  
can readyesyes
can writeyesyes
school since 1 Sep 09  
owned free or mortagagedF 
nr on farm schedule  
civil war vetUA 
deaf & dumb  

1920 census

[1920 US census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Huntingdon Borough, ward 3, supervisor's district 14, enumeration district 75, microfilm series T625, film 1564, page 39 = 11 A handwritten]
streetMifflin Street
house number1019 
dwelling visit number252 
family visit number259 
nameMoore, Mary ABartle, Sue
free/mortgaged (if owned)F 
age at last birthday7279
marital statusWdS
year of immigration  
year of naturalization  
attended school since Sept 1919  
can readyesyes
can writeyesyes
birth placePennsylvaniaPennsylvania
native language  
father's birthplaceU.S.Maryland
father's native language  
mother's birthplaceU.S.Pennsylvania
mother's native language  
can speak EnglishYesYes
industry, business  
employment status  
number of farm schedule  

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 28 January 2015, from Fold3]

Moore John C
Co. D, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt.
See also [blank]


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revised 28 Jan 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions