91st PA: Hiram S Perdue

Hiram S Perdue

Before the war

He was born in May 1836, in Southampton Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, to John Dicken Perdew and Rebecca Garriston. [sources: date: 14 (1837), 20 (May 1836); 4 (27 in 1864), 5, 7 (33 in 1870), 8 (43 in 1880), 9 (May 1836). place: 4, 7, 8, 9, 20. parents: 20]

In 1860/61, he married Elizabeth J Elbin. She was born in March [?] 1832, in Pennsylvania. They apparently had five children:

[sources: 5 (Elizabeth S), 8, 9 (5 children all alive in 1900), 10 (5 children all alive in 1910), 20]

When he enlisted, he was a farmer. [source: 4]


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 9-1/2 inches tall, and had a fair complexion, gray eyes, and sandy hair. [source: 4]

During the war

He was drafted from the 16th congressional district. He enlisted and was mustered into service on 21 September 1864. He was enlisted for one year, at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. He was a private in company F. [sources: 1, 4, 5, 15-16]

On 13 March 1865, he was reported returned from hospital. [source: 11]

On 17 March 1865, he was detailed for duty in the 3rd brigade pioneer corps. [sources: 2, 12]

He was discharged near Washington DC on 1 June 1865 by general order. He was a private, in company F. [sources: 1, 3, 5, 15-16]

After the war

In 1870, he was living in Southampton Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. He was living with his wife Elizabeth, and children Emanuel, Albert, Scott, and Mary Ann. He was laboring on a farm. [source: 7]

In 1880, he was living in Radnor Townshpi, Peoria County, Illinois. He was living with his wife Elizabeth, and children Albert, Scott, Mary Ann, and Nancy. He was a farmer. [source: 8]

He lived in Page County, Iowa. [source: 5]

On 27 December 1882, he successfully applied from Iowa for a pension. [sources: 13, 17]

In 1885, he was living in Sharps, Iowa. [sources: 6]

In 1900, he was living in Dallas Township, Taylor County, Iowa. He was living with his wife Elizabeth. He was a farmer. [source: 9]

On 17 July 1903, he died, in Dallas Township, Taylor Count, Iowa. He was buried in Memory Cemetery, New Market, Taylor County, Iowa. [sources: 5, 14, 18, 19]

On 25 July 1903, his widow, Elizabeth Perdew, successfully applied from Iowa for a pension. [sources: 13, 17]

In 1910, his widow, Elizabeth Perdew, was living in Sharpsburg, Marshall Township, Taylor County, Iowa. She was living with her son Albert and his family. She was living on her own income. [source: 10]

In 1914, his widow, Elizabeth S Perdew, died. She was buried in Memory Cemetery, Page County, Iowa. [source: 14]


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster) (Hiram Perdue)

2 special order 30, HQ 91st PA, 17 March 1865 (Hiram Perdew)

3 company F, register of men discharged (Hiram Padew)

4 company F, second descriptive roll, #28 (Hiram Perdew)

5 'Alphabetical listing of military veterans of Page County, Iowa' (searched 18 March 2005) (Hiram S Perdew)

6 William Alexander. List of ex-soldiers, sailors, and marines living in Iowa, page 640. Des Moines: state printer, 1886. (H S Perden)

7 1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Bedford County, Southampton Township (post office: Chaneysville), microfilm series M593, film 1304, page 626 = 18 handwritten (Hiram Perdew)

8 1880 US census, Illinois, Peoria County, Radnor Township, supervisor's district 3, enumeration district 225, microfilm series T9, film 241, page 369 ([illegible] Perdew)

9 1900 US census, Iowa, Taylor County, Dallas Township, supervisor's district 8, enumeration district 117 [?], microfilm series T623, film 461, page 45 A = 1 handwritten (Hiram S Perdew)

10 1910 US census, Iowa, Taylor County, Marshall Township, Sharpsburg, microfilm series T624, film 425, supervisor's district 8, enumeration district 39 [?], page 138 A = 12 handwritten (Elizabeth Perdew)

11 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 13 March 1865 (Private Perdue)

12 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 18 March 1865 (Priv Perdew)

13 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company F (Hiram S Perdew)

14 Find a grave, memorial 15705783, created by Bev, 11 Sep 2006, accessed 15 January 2011 [identity is confirmed by reference to his service in the 91st on the pictured headstone] (Hiram S Perdew)

15 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Hiram S Perdue)

16 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Hiram S Perdew)

17 pension index, by name (Hiram S Perdew)

18 headstones provided for deceased Union Civil War veterans, 1879-1903 (Hiram S Perdew)

19 Iowa, select deaths and burial, 1850-1990 (index-only, accessed on Ancestry 20 February 2015) (Hiram S Perdew, 66, born Bedford County PA, died 17 July 1903 Dallas Twp Taylor IA)

20 'Hiram S Perdew', in "Davis family tree", an Ancestry family tree, owner tadancer, accessed 20 February 2015 (Hiram S Perdew)

21 1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Bedford County, Southampton Township, microfilm series M432, film 751, page 154 recto = 307 handwritten (FamilySearch) (Hiram Perdue)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

1860 US census
Ancestry and FamilySearch indices (accessed 20 February 2015)
he is not living with his parents (who are in Southampton, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, microfilm series M653, film 1072, page 569 = 29 handwritten)
1890 US census, veterans schedule
Ancestry index (accessed 15 Dec 10)
1920 US census
Ancestry index (accessed 20 Feb 15)
1930 US census
Ancestry index (accessed 20 Feb 15)
1940 US census
Ancestry index (accessed 20 Feb 15)


Hiram S Perdue in the 91st PA database

1850 census

[1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Bedford County, Southampton Township, microfilm series M432, film 751, page 154 recto = 307 handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[identification is uncertain]
Dwellings visited158      
Families visited158      
NameJohn PerdueRebecca "Oliver "Susanna "Thomas "George "Hiram "
Occupation of males over 15 years" [sc. Farmer] "    
Real estate owned500      
Married within year       
Attended school within year  1   1
Over 20 & can't read/write       
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.       

1870 census

[1870 US census, Pennsylvania, Bedford County, Southampton Township (post office: Chaneysville), microfilm series M593, film 1304, page 626 = 18 handwritten]
[identification is probable; see the note on the 1880 census entry transcribed below]
Dwelling-house number130     
Family number130     
NamePerdew Hiram- Elizabeth- Emanuel- Albert- Scott- Mary Ann
OccupationLaboring in FarmKeeping HouseAt HomeAt HomeAt HomeAt Home
Real estate value      
Personal estate value      
Father foreign born      
Mother foreign born      
Birth month if born within year      
Marriage month if married within year      
Attended school past year  11  
Can't read      
Can't write      
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc.      
Male US citizen at least 21 years old1     
Male US citizen at least 21 years old who can't vote ...      

1880 census

[1880 US census, Illinois, Peoria County, Radnor Township, supervisor's district 3, enumeration district 225, microfilm series T9, film 241, page 369]
[identification is probable, since (1) his wife's name matches the name of the widow who applied for a pension, (2) the place matches the place from which they both applied for a pension (and in which he died)]
street name      
house number      
dwelling visit #3     
family visit #3     
namePerdew [illegible personal name]- Elizabeth- Albert- Scott- Mary Ann [?]- Nancy [?]
age4348 [?]1713118
month born if born in year      
relationship WifeSonSondaughterdaughter
single  1111
married during year      
occupationFarmerKeeping housefarm laborer[illegible] on farmAt schoolAt school
months unemployed      
currently ill?      
school this year  1111
can't read      
can't write    1 
father's birthplacePennPenPenPenPenPen
mother's birthplace[illegible]PenPenPenPenPen

1900 census

[1900 US census, Iowa, Taylor County, Dallas Township, supervisor's district 8, enumeration district 117 [?], microfilm series T623, film 461, page 45 A = 1 handwritten]
[identification is probable; see the note on the 1880 census entry transcribed above]
house number  
dwelling number9 
family number9 
namePerdew Hiram S- Elizabeth E
birth dateMay 1836Mar [?] 1832
# years married3939
mother of how many children? 5
# of children living 5
father's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvania
mother's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvania
immigration year  
# years in USA  
naturalized citizen?  
# months not employed0 
# months in school  
can readYesYes
can writeYesYes
speaks EnglishYesYes
free or mortgagedF 
# of farm schedule10 

1910 census

[1910 US census, Iowa, Taylor County, Marshall Township, Sharpsburg, microfilm series T624, film 425, supervisor's district 8, enumeration district 39 [?], page 138 A = 12 handwritten]
[identification is probable; see the note on the 1880 census entry transcribed above]
house nr       
dwelling nr249      
family nr249      
namePerdew AlbertIda MMabelRuthAliceMaryElizabeth
marital statusM2M1SSSSWd
#years present marriage1111     
mother of # children 2    5
mother of # living children 2    5
father's birthplacePennsylvaniaEnglish IrePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaOhio
mother's birthplacePennsylvaniaOhioOhioOhioOhioOhioPennsylvania
speaks EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish English
occupationLaborerNoneTeacherNoneNoneNoneOwn income
nature of industry etc.Odd jobs Public School    
employer etc.W W    
out of work 15 Apr 1910?No No    
# weeks out of work 19090 0    
can readyesyesyesyesyes yes
can writeyesyesyesyesyes yes
school since 1 Sep 09  myesyesyes 
owned free or mortagagedF      
nr on farm schedule       
civil war vet       
deaf & dumb       

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 18 February 2015, from Fold3]

Perdue Hiram S
Co. F, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt
Original filed under
Perdew Hiram
     or Hiram S


[card 2, transcribed 19 February 2015]

Perdew Hiram S
     or Hiram
Co. F, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt
See also [blank]



[headstones provided for deceased Union Civil War veterans, 1879-1903]
[transcribed 20 February 2015, from FamilySearch]

Perdew Hiram S
Pvt Co F 91 Pa Inf
WAR [blank]
DIED Jul 17" 1903
AT New Market Iowa
GRAVE [blank] SEC. [blank]
REMARKS [blank]
C.R. [blank] FOLIO [blank] VERIFIED [blank]

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revised 18 Feb 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions