He was born in 1835/36 (7 (25 in 1861), 12 (25 in 1861), 13 (25 in 1861), 17 [52 at death in 1889]). He was born in Bucks [County], Pennsylvania (12, 13, 17).
When he enlisted, he was a clerk (12, 13).
When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 7-1/2 inches tall, and had a light complexion, grey eyes, and brown hair (12, 13).
He enlisted and was mustered into service on 27 September 1861 (1, 7, 12, 13). He was enlisted for three years at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Captain Casner (7, 12, 13). He was mustered in as a private in company K, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Captain Dye (1, 7, 12, 13, 22 (teamster)).
He was appointed teamster on 8 October 1861 (11).
On 26 April 1862, Colonel Gregory detailed him as a clerk (6 [could the year be wrong?]).
He fought at the Battle of Gettysburg (15).
On 2 February 1864, he was a witness to the enlistment of William W Burns (E) (18).
On 22 February 1864, the superintendent of the volunteer recruiting service detached him for duty in the recruiting service, at Philadelphia (2, 4). On 15 March 1864, he witnessed the (enlistment) declarations of John Bliss and Charles Flood (K) (20, 21). On 27 April 1864, Sinex reported that he had been relieved, but had not yet reported to the regiment for duty (3). On 29 April 1864, he was reported returned from detached service (8).
On 1 May 1864, he was detailed as clerk at the regimental headquarters (5).
At some point, he was promoted to teamster (7, 9 [wagoner]).
He mustered out on 6 November 1864, when his term expired (1, 7, 14). He was a teamster, in company K (22).
On 21 July 1888, he applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension (16, 19).
On 11 January 1889, he died, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of pulmonary phthisis and enlarged liver (16, 17, 19). He was a clerk (17). He was married (17). On 15 January 1889, he was buried, in Palmer [Cemetery] (17).
On 9 March 1889, his widow, Sarah Stackhouse, applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension (16, 19).
In 1890, his widow, Sarah A Stackhouse, was living at 1332 Hewson Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (7, 8).
On 14 October 1909, a minor dependent applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension (16, 19). Kate G Stackhouse was either the helpless child, or the child's guardian (19).
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster) (W C Stackhouse)
2 letter, Sinex to Marvin, 7 March 1864
3 letter, Sinex to Fowler, 27 April 1864
4 special order 8, HQ 91st PA, 22 February 1864
5 special order 40, HQ 91st PA, 1 May 1864
6 [list of detailed men, probably from Sept 1864] (William Stackhouse)
7 Civil War Veterans' Card File, available at the Pennsylvania State Archives, searched 6 August 2004 (W C Stackhouse)
8 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 29 April 1864 (Pri Stackhouse)
9 1890 US census, veterans schedule, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, supervisor's district 128, enumeration district 353, page 2 (image 755 on Ancestry), line 49 (William C Stackhouse)
10 1890 Gopsill's Philadelphia directory
11 company K, list of non-commissioned officers (Wm C Stackhouse)
12 company K, descriptive roll, entry 78 (William C Stackhouse)
13 company K, third descriptive roll (William C Stackhouse)
14 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 3 November 1864 (Privt Stackhouse [?])
15 Pennsylvania Memorial, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (Wm C Stackhouse)
16 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company K (William C Stackhouse)
17 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 11 January 1889 (William C Stackhouse)
18 compiled service record, William W Burns, obtained from National Archives and Records Administration (William C Stackhouse)
19 pension index, by name (William C Stackhouse)
20 compiled service record, John Bliss (B) (volunteer enlistment) (W C Stackhouse)
21 compiled service record, 91st PA, Charles Flood) (Wm C Stackhouse)
22 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (William C Stackhouse)