91st PA: Homer C Stewart

Homer C Stewart

Before the war

He was born on 24 January 1840 (9, 10 (Feb 1840); 4 (21 in 1861), 8 (40 in 1880), 10 (60 in 1900)). He was born in Port Penn, Newcastle County, Delaware (4, 8, 9, 10). He was born to John Stewart and Rosana H Cozens (9).

In about 1844/1845, his father died (9). His mother remarried, to someone named 'Smith' (9).

He studied in Delaware's common schools (9).

In about 1856, when he was 16, he began working for a general mercantile store in St George's, Delaware (9). He worked there fore many years (9).

When he enlisted, he was a clerk (4).


When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 5-1/4 inches tall, and had a light complexion, grey eyes, and dark hair (4).

During the war

He also served in company A [B?] of the 7th Delaware Infantry, and in company A of the 20th Pennsylvania Militia Infantry (5, 6).

He enlisted and was mustered into service on 30 August 1861 as a corporal in company A (1, 3, 4, 7, 12). He was enlisted for three years, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Colonel Reiff (4).

He was discharged at Alexandria, Virginia, on 5 May 1862 on surgeon's certificate of disability (1, 2, 3, 4, 7 [Sep 63], 9). He had a long and severe attack of typhoid fever (9). He was then a corporal in company A (1, 2, 12).

After the war

He moved to Philadelphia when the war ended (9). He worked as a bookkeeper for eight years (9).

In 1868, he married Margaret L Hibberd (9, 10). They had two children (9, 10, 11):

He next worked as cashier on the Westchester and Media Railroad (9).

In 1880, he was living at 1712 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (8). He was a cashier (8). He was living with his wife Margaret, two daughters, a boarder, and two servants (8).

At some point, he was also treasurer of the Baltimore Central Railroad Company (9). He apparently lost his positions when the two railroads were purchased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company (9). He then started a real estate business in Lansdowne (9). He built many houses, and was (allegedly) responsible for much of the growth of Lansdowne (9).

In 1890, he was living in Darby, Delaware County, Pennsylvania (7).

In 1900, he was living in Kennett Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania (10). He was living with his wife Margaret, daughter Helen and her husband, daughter Estille, and several others (10). He was a farmer (10).

On 11 January 1902, he applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension (5, 6).

He was town councilman once (9).

He died in 26 November 1904, in Lansdowne, Delaware County, Pennsylvania (5 [1905], 9). He was a Republican (9). He was a Presbyterian (9).

On 15 February 1909 [?], his widow, Margaret L Stewart, applied successfully from Pennsylvania for a pension (5, 6).

In 1910, his widow, Margaret Stewart, was living at 210 North Lansdowne Avenue, Lansdowne, Delaware County, Pennsylvania (11). She was living with her daughter Estelle and a servant (11).


1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster) (Homer C Stewart)

2 Register of men discharged, co.A (Homer C Stewart)

3 register of non-commissioned officers, co.A (Homer C Stewart)

4 company A descriptive roll, entry 94 (Homer C Stewart)

5 pension index, by regiment (Homer C Stewart)

6 pension index, by name (Homer C Stewart)

7 1890 US census, veterans' schedule, Pennsylvania, Delaware County, Upper Darby, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 44, page 2 (Homer C Steward [sic])

8 1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 610, microfilm series T9, film 1188, page 8 = page 1D handwritten (Homer Stewart)

9 A History of Delaware County Pennsylvania and its people. Under the editorial supervision of John W. Jordan. Volume III. NY: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1914. (Homer C Stewart)

10 1900 US census, Pennsylvania, Chester County, Kennett Township, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 79, microfilm series T623, film 1393, page 40 = 11 A handwritten (Homer C Stewart)

11 1910 US census, Pennsylvania, Delaware County, Lansdowne Borough, western precinct, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 142, microfilm series T624, film 1339, page 245 = 3 B handwritten (Margaret L [?] Stewart)

12 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Homer C Stewart)

Sources checked unsuccessfully

Find a grave
accessed 12 Mar 11

Delaware County history

[A History of Delaware County Pennsylvania and its people. Under the editorial supervision of John W. Jordan. Volume III. NY: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1914.]
[page 834]

(II) Homer C. Stewart, son of John and Rosana H. (Cozens) Stewart [he is #1 in their list], was born January 24, 1840, in Port Penn, Newcastle county, Delaware, and died November 26, 1904, in Lansdowne, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. When a boy of four or five his father died and his mother married a Mr. Smith; and after receiving a preparatory education in the common schools of Delaware, he went to work at the age of sixteen. He was in the employ of a general mercantile store in St. George's, Delaware, where he remained for many years. At the outbreak of hostilities between the North and South, Mr. Stewart enlisted in Company A, Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, for three years, being discharged after one year for disability, induced by a long and severe attack of typhoid fever from which he recuperated with difficulty. At the close of the war he moved to Philadelphia, where he was engaged as an expert bookkeeper for eight years. When he received the offer, he accepted the position of cashier on the Westchester and Media railroad, and then that of treasurer of the Baltimore Central Railroad Company, and these positions he held until the two roads with which he was connected, passed by purchase to [page 835] the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. On looking around for an opening to establish a business of his own, he found it in the real estate business, then in its infancy, in Lansdowne. Mr. Steward was the first and chief pioneer in this line of endeavor in Lansdowne, and it is largely due to his judicious advertising and handling of real estate, that the place grew by leaps and bounds from a village to its present proportions. He laid out a large tract of land, known as Lansdowne Park, into streets and lots, and placed them on the market for building purposes. He continued in this business until a short while before his death. Mr. Stewart built many homes on Lansdowne, Baltimore, Windmere and Stewart avenues, the latter avenue being named for him. In politics he was a Republican, but he never held any office except that of town councilman on one occasion, his time and attention being too deeply engrossed with his interests to divide it with politics. In religion he was a member of the Presbyterian church, and his wife of the Society of Friends. He was one of the most public spirited and influential men that Lansdowne has had. Always he was in the forefront on all questions pertaining to the welfare of Lansdowne, and he was unfailing in his efforts to help towards material prosperity and a larger population. In his death the citizens of the place felt that they had suffered an almost irretrievable loss.

Mr. Stewart married, in 1868, Margaret L. Hibberd, born in Upper Darby township, Delaware county, a daughter of Joseph and Emily Hibberd. Both were descended from old Quaker families, the progenitors of which came from England upon the invitation of William Penn in 1680, to Pennsylvania. Mr. Hibberd was a successful farmer and a large land owner. Children of Homer C. and Margaret L. (Hibberd) Stewart: 1. Helen, married Horace Hafleigh, and lives in Lansdowne; children, Homer and Horace. 2. Estelle C., married Henry W. Pratt.

1880 census

[1880 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, supervisor's district 1, enumeration district 610, microfilm series T9, film 1188, page 8 = page 1D handwritten]
street nameGirard Avenue
house number1712      
dwelling visit #98      
family visit #99      
nameStewart Homer" Margret" Helen H" Estell CWebb LamphearReid Mary JDrew Hannah
month born if born in year       
relationship WifedaughterdaughterBoarderServantServant
single  [blank][blank]111
married during year       
occupationCashierKeeping HouseAt School PhysicianServantServant
months unemployed       
currently ill?       
school this year  1    
can't read       
can't write       
father's birthplaceN.J.PennaDelDelOhioIrelandIreland
mother's birthplaceN.J.PennaPennaPennaOhioIrelandWashington [?]

1890 census, veterans schedule

[1890 US census, veterans' schedule, Pennsylvania, Delaware County, Upper Darby, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 44, page 2]
[line] 14
[house] 135
[family] [blank]
[name] Steward [sic] Homer C.
[rank] Corporal
[company] A
[unit] 91 Pa Vol
[enlistment date] Aug 1861
[discharge date] Sep 1863
[length of service] 2 years, 1 month, 0 days
[post office address] Darby Del. Co. Pa
[disability incurred] [blank]
[remarks] [blank]

1900 census

[1900 US census, Pennsylvania, Chester County, Kennett Township, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 79, microfilm series T623, film 1393, page 40 = 11 A handwritten]
house number        
dwelling number234       
family number234       
nameStewart Homer C- MargaretHafleigh Helen H [?]- Homer S.Stewart Estille CWilson JohnLyndall AgnewRamsey Arthur
birth dateFeb 1840Sep 1844May 1869June 1899Nov 1878Mar 1840Nov 1876Dec 1879
# years married32325     
mother of how many children? 21     
# of children living 21     
birthplaceDelawarePennsylvaniaDelawarePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaS [?] DakotaVirginia
father's birthplaceDelawarePennsylvaniaDelawareDelawareDelawarePennsylvaniaS DakotaVirginia
mother's birthplaceDelawarePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaDelawarePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaS DakotaVirginia
immigration year        
# years in USA        
naturalized citizen?        
occupationFarmer    Day LaborerServantDay Laborer
# months not employed0    0  
# months in school        
can readYesYesYes YesYesYesNo
can writeYesYesYes YesYesYesNo
speaks EnglishYesYesYes YesYesYesYes
free or mortgagedM       
# of farm schedule114       

1910 census

[1910 US census, Pennsylvania, Delaware County, Lansdowne Borough, western precinct, supervisor's district 2, enumeration district 142, microfilm series T624, film 1339, page 245 = 3 B handwritten]
streetNorth Lansdowne ave
house nr210  
dwelling nr59  
family nr59  
nameStewart Margaret L [?]- Estelle PKane Julia
age6531 [?]46
marital statusM1SM1
#years present marriage[blank]  
mother of # children2 0
mother of # living children2 0
birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaIreland English
father's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaIreland English
mother's birthplacePennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaIreland English
speaks EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish
occupationOwn IncomeTeachingServant
nature of industry etc. Public SchoolsPrivate Family
employer etc. WW
out of work 15 Apr 1910? nono
# weeks out of work 1909 00
can readyesyesyes
can writeyesyesyes
school since 1 Sep 09   
owned free or mortagaged   
nr on farm schedule   
civil war vet   
deaf & dumb   

index to compiled service records

[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 20 April 2015, from Fold3]

Stewart, Homer C
Co. A, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Corpl | Corpl
See also [blank]


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revised 20 Apr 15
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions