COmstock, Custer Co. Nebraska
Comstock, Custer County Nebraska Community Page

28 Feb 1913:

A.G. ANDERSON was a passenger to Central City, Wednesday morning where he was called on account of the serious illness of his mother.

Mrs. F.C. DWORAK and Anna REJDA returned last Friday evening from St. Joe, MO. where they spent a few days last week on business.

Lost-Side lamp off my auto bewteen Comstock and my farm. Finder please return to J. T. ARTHUR.

70 YEARS AGO: 04 Mar 1915:

After three days of continuous snowfall, editor REIDER, referring to the rain in Biblical history, begun to wonder if there would be forty days and forty nights of snowfall.

Eva GIBBONS came from Lincoln with Edith BROWN of Sargent, who was called home by the death of her sister, Mrs. Joe BEARD, who died of scarlett fever.

John SHRIKE of Sargent, one-time band leader in Comstock, had spine surgery in St. Louis.

C. E. LEWIN was reappointed postmaster for four years.

Fifty people attended a farewell party for Maudie MYERS and Eric WINBERG. Maudie left for Independence. MO., to take up hospital training, and WINBERG, who had been employed at DIERKS, left for similar employment at Callaway.

A nine-pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James PAZDERKA.

Mrs. Ollie LEWIN and Carman WOOD were married at St. Paul. They were to farm near Cotesfield.

Thirty REBEKAHs came up from Arcadia and took in 15 candidates for the local lodge. They stayed over night in homes of lodge sisters.

M. F. LENSTROM went to Ansley Sunday to get some horses which SWANSON Bros. had purchased. He makes a good hand, working seven days out of a week.

R. STEFKA and wife moved from the Bob WILSON place to the Frank KRIZ farm. Frank KRIZ moved to one of the DONELSON houses until roads improved so they could move to Ord.

Ed and Fred ROTH and Birney GADDIS helped (Samuel) Pearl WALTON move to the MIKEL place.

49 YEARS AGO: 02 Mar 1933:

Loretta ELLEN ROTH and Lawrence WALDMANN were married at St. Mary's in Sargent. They were attended by Ray ROTH, Mary SMITH, Tom WALDMANN and Anna PTACNIK.

Mrs. Albert PLOCK passed away February 25.

John LENSTROM's family spent Monday evening at the Herman CARLSON home.

50 YEARS AGO:03 May 1934:

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. DYE observed their 50th wedding anniversary April 27 when a surprise party was held for them. They were married in 1884 and lived on a farm Mr. DYE homesteaded in 1879 until 1913 when they moved to Comstock.

The cast of characters of the senior class play, "Yellow Shadows" included Evelyn BUSSELL, Dan McVAY, Vera MATHESON, Margaret ARTHUR, Blanche LUEDTKE, Sherman MATHESON, Arthur ROTH, Wendell HOVEY, Irene SHEPPERD, and Raymond WALDMANN. The director was A. L. CAVETT assisted by Mrs. CAVETT.

A pirate scheme was carried out in decorations, place cards, menus and program at the junior-senior banquet. Edward HVEZDA junior class president, was toastmaster. The program: P-irate, Sherman MARTHESON, I-nitiative, Arnold KONVALIN, A-ctivities, Wanetta HOWLAND, T-actfulness, Wendall HOVEY, E-fficiency, Mr. BOREN.

35 YEARS AGO:28 Apr 1949

Thelma MOUDRY and Arthur RITZ were crowned queen and king at the senior-senior prom.

Ladd DURYEA was recognised for superior scholarship at the University of Nebraska

R. H. LEUL was seriously ill after undergoing surgery at Spokane, WA.

Mr. and Mrs. James TONAR. Jr. of Omaha were parents of a son, April 18.

25 YEARS AGO:28 Apr 1959:

Ed ROTH, a longtime resident of Comstock., died April 26th at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. (Mildred Labertha ROTH) John SPRINGMAN at Salt Lake City. Utah.