AFO 232/1921.—Electric Radiators in Shore Establishments.

AFO 232/1921.—Electric Radiators in Shore Establishments.

(D. 38870/20.— 26.1.1921.)

Cases have occurred in which applications for electric radiators to be provided for Shore Establishments have been submitted for approval, without furnishing the information required to enable decisions to be given as to whether this method of heating is the most suitable and economical for the particular cases in question. t is desirable to restrict heating by means of electric radiators in view of the relatively high cost usually incurred with this method of heating.

2. In all such cases the following information is to be furnished when the application is submitted for approval :—

  1. Full reasons as to the necessity for same.
  2. Whether any means other than electric, e.g., fire places or stoves, exist, or could be provided for heating the room or building.
  3. Whether any heating system, e.g., hot water or steam, exists, which could be economically adapted or extended to meet requirements having regard to installation costs and running costs.
  4. The estimated cost of installing the electric radiators and that of other alternative means of heating.
  5. The estimated annual cost, including upkeep and maintenance of heating by electric or other alternative means.
  6. Where the supply of electric radiators is proposed consideration should in all cases be given to the use of those of service pattern. If radiators other than service pattern are proposed to be employed, satisfactory reasons for their use should be given.

3. Proposals for electric radiators should as a rule be inserted in the Annual Yard Machinery Proposals. If a separate submission be made for same, reasons should be furnished why the item was not included in the Annual Yard Machinery Proposals.

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