Royal Navy - Machinery, Examination Of, On And After Change Of Engineer

Machinery, Examination of, on and after Change of Engineer

Circular No. 353

Admiralty, 14th January 1859.

Engines and boilers having, in some instances, been found to be in a worse condition than would appear to be consistent with proper care, and difficulty having been experienced in determining on who the blame ought to rest, whether on the Engineer in charge, or one or more of his predecessors, the attention of all Officers commanding of Steam Vessels is to be called to Article 1, Chapter 16, page 350, of the Admiralty Instructions, which provides that "The First Engineer is, when first appointed to a Steam Vessel, very carefully to examine the engines, paddle-wheels, and boilers, and if he discovers any defects in them, he is to report the same to his Commanding Officer", and their Lordships direct that in future a report of the examination be invariably made, and then transmitted for the information of their Lordships. In the event of circumstances rendering it impracticable to make the examination at the time the Engineer is placed in charge, a report is to be made to that effect; but the regulation is to be complied with as soon as the exigencies of the Service will admit.

Their Lordships are further pleased to direct that, in future, the Commanding Officers of all Steam Vessels shall cause a careful examination of the machinery and boilers to be made at intervals of not more than one year; and that a special report be made as to the results for the information of their Lordships.

By Command of their Lordships


To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c

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