1916 12 26
Establishment of a Royal Naval Transport Service - Pay and Allowances
At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 22nd day of December, 1916.
Present, The King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.
Whereas there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the 14th day of December, 1916, in the words following, viz.:
Whereas by Section 3 of the Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions Act, 1865, it is enacted, inter alia, that all pay, pensions, or other allowances in the nature thereof, payable in respect of services in Your Majesty's Naval or Marine Force to a person-being or having been an Officer, Seaman, or Marine therein, shall be paid in such manner, and subject to such restrictions, conditions, and provisions, as 'are from time to time directed by Order in Council:
And whereas we consider that certain changes should be made in the Regulations governing the conditions of service of Officers of Your Majesty's Fleet employed on. Transport Duties:
We beg leave humbly to recommend that Your Majesty may be graciously pleased, by Your Order in Council, to sanction the establishment of a Royal Naval Transport Service, under the Regulations set forth in the annexed Schedule, with effect as from the 1st December, 1916.
The Lords Commissioners of Your Majesty's Treasury have signified their concurrence in these proposals:
- The following to be the grades, rank, and scale of pay of Naval Transport Officers:-
Transport |
Equivalent Rank. |
Consolidated Rate. |
Principal Naval Transport Officer |
If a Flag Officer, the Rank he holds |
�1,700 |
Otherwise Commodore, 2nd Class |
�1,100 |
Divisional Naval Transport Officer. |
Captain |
�800 |
Transport Officer, 1st grade |
Commander, unless already of higher
Rank when he retains that Rank. |
�550 |
Transport Officer, 2nd grade |
Lieutenant-Commander |
�450 |
Transport Officer, 3rd grade |
Lieutenant |
�400 |
Transport Officer, 4th grade |
Sub-Lieutenant or Warrant Officer |
�260 |
Deduction to be made at the following rates from the consolidated rates:-
(A.) |
(B.) |
If provided with hotel accommodation |
If provided with servants at the public expense. |
�100 a year |
�100 a year from the �1,700 a year |
�100 â year |
�100 a year from the �1,100 a year |
�100 a year |
�80 a year from the �800 a year |
�80 a year |
�20 a year from the �550 a year |
�80 a year |
�20 a year from the �450 a year |
�80.a year |
�20 a year from the �400 a year |
�70 â year |
�20 a year from the 4260 a year |
If provided with quarters or victualled, a deduction to be made equivalent to the regulated allowances for lodging and provisions.
- The consolidated rates to cover every allowance except:-
- Outfit allowance for Retired, Emergency, and Temporary Officers.
- Bonus of 25 per cent. for Retired Officers, which is to be assessed on the rate of full pay they would receive under ordinary conditions.
- The bonus of 25 per cent. to Emergency Officers, which is to be assessed on the same basis, but payment is to be in accordance with the special rules for Emergency Officers.
- The consolidated rates to be subject to the usual deduction for commuted retired pay and for gratuity on discharge from Active List.
- The above rates of pay not to apply to Engineer Officers, Accountant Officers, Chief Gunners, Chief Boatswains, Officers of the Carpenter Branch, Chief Officers of Coast Guard, Lieutenants and Quartermasters Royal Marines, and all these Officers to retain their present rates of pay and allowances.
- Officers granted a higher relative Rank under the above table to enjoy the status and wear the uniform of that higher Rank, but not to be entitled to use the higher naval title.
- Officers now serving to retain their present rates of pay until the termination of their present appointments in cases where it is to their advantage to do so.
His Majesty, having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed. And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.
Almeric FitzRoy.
� Crown Copyright
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