Navy List - June 1844


Regulations for The Admission of Seamen into the Coastguard Service; Pay, Allowances and Rewards.

Admiralty, 13th June, 1831.

1st. All Seamen who may enter the Coast Guard Service from His Majesty's Navy are to be subject in every respect to the control, the discipline, and the regulations by which the Coast Guard Service is governed.

2nd. The vacant situations of Boatmen will be filled up, from time to tine, by Seamen, as Ships of War are paid off ; of which the Captain or Commanding Officer shall select a given number according to the vacancies, of which he will be informed: from the Ships' Company, of the men whom he shall judge to be entitled to fill these situations, and who may be desirous of entering this Service.

3rd. The Captain or Commanding Officer shall make this selection with the strictest impartiality, and shall transmit to the Admiralty, in duplicate, a list of the names so selected, stating them to be the men best entitled of the Ship's Company : together with a duplicate Certificate of each, according to the following form, one copy to be kept as a Record at the Admiralty, the other to be transmitted with the appointment to the Board of Customs.

Certificate for a candidate for the situation of Boatman

" These are to certify that A. B. _________ has served under my orders _______ years - [Here state also his former services.] That he has been sober, attentive, and obedient to command, and is a healthy, active, and good Seamen, not more than (35 years of age, by Treasury letter 28th July, 1842.) nor under 5 ft. 5 ins. high, and is in all respects fit for the situation of boatman in the Coast Guard Service; and I consider him one of those best entitled to that reward, for good services, of any Seamen under my command who are fit for the Coast Guard and desirous to enter it."

4th. Seamen belonging to the Revenue Cruizers may occasionally be admitted into the Coast Guard ; and on their names being transmitted to the Admiralty, accompanied by a Certificate similar to the foregoing, signed by the Commanding Officer of the Cutter and the Inspecting Commander of the District, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty will select out of their names a certain number, having reference to the number of Candidates from Ships of War, and the number of vacancies to be filled up.

5th. The Scale of Pay and Allowances to be as follows:

  England and Scotland Ireland
  per Annum  
Day's Pay. Salary
  per Annum  
Day's Pay.
To a Chief Boatman �10 6s. �9 4 8 0 2 9�
To a Commissioned Boatman & Boatman. � 5 3s. �4 12 4 0 2 0

And the scale of the distribution of seizure rewards, according to the rank of those belonging to the Station or Vessel, according to the of those belonging to the station or vessel, who are present, or on duty at the time of the seizure, will be as under:


Chief Officer

Chief Boatmen

Riding Officer

Commissioned Boatman

Boatman and Extra-man       6

6th. All Civilians appointed to the Coast Guard Service are required to contribute to the Superannuation Fund, conformably with the terms of the Act 3 Geo. IV. cap. 113 to ; but Boatmen from the Naval Service, not being entitled to Superannuation, will not be called upon to contribute; and will be allowed, in lieu of Superannuation, their time of Service In the Coast Guard to tell as Service at Sea ; and in the event of their being discharged as unfit for further Service before they have served sufficient length of time to entitle them to a Pension, they will receive a Gratuity of One Month's Pay and Allowances for each year they shall have served ; but no such Gratuity will be allowed, to men who shall be discharged for misconduct.

By Command of their Lordships,

George Elliot

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