Qualifications for Entry of men in Coast Guard (Circular No 38-N) - dated 1869


Qualifications for Entry of men in to the Coast Guard.
(From Navy List for Dec. 1866).

Qualifications for Entry of men in to the Coast Guard - 1869.

Seamen who have served 8 years * with "Man's Ratings" in any Ship of Her Majesty's Navy, and not exceeding 37 years of age, are eligible, on their Ship being paid off, for Service in the Coast Guard., upon their receiving the necessary Certificate of Good Conduct from the Commanding officer of such Ship.

When a Ship is under order to be paid off, the Commanding Officer may send to the Admiralty a list of the men whom he recommends for admission to the Coast Guard, but no recommendations are to be made at any other time during the Ship's Commission.

Continuous Service men are eligible for the Coast Guard, although they may not have completed the term of service for which they entered.

Seamen Gunners on board the Gunnery Training Ships, may be recommended for the Coast Guard by the Captains of these Ships, when they have completed the Five Years� service as Seamen Gunners, provided they are otherwise qualified.

Men who have served 8 years with "Man's Ratings," in a Revenue Cruiser. and not exceeding 37 years of age, may be appointed to the Cord Guard an the recommendation of the Comptroller General.

The men so selected will he directed to join any District where there may be Vacancies, and will be placed on the Books of the Coast Guard Ship of that District, and victualled on board until lodgings are provided for them and they can be transferred to the shore.

All men entering the Coast Guard are to be informed that they will be retired as follows :-

Boatmen and Commissioned Boatmen at 50 years of age
Chief Boatmen and Chief Boatmen in Charge at 55 years of age
Second Class Chief Officer at 60 years of age

* This period of service, qualifying for entry, and the age of admission into the service of the Coast Guard, may be altered from time to time by the Lords of the Admiralty.

Circular No 38-N
Admiralty 7 July 1869

Qualifications for Entry of men in to the Coast Guard - 1869.

  1. Seamen who have served in any Ship of Her Majesty's Navy 12 years with Man's rating, 9 of which must have been continuous service, provided their age does not exceed 37 years, will be eligible for entry in the Coast Guard upon the recommendation of their Commanding Officer.

  2. Men who at the date of this order [7 July 1869] have served 6 years will be allowed to volunteer after 10 years' service with Man's rating, of which 8 must have been continuous service.

  3. There will be no restriction as to the number to be admitted from any particular Ship, but admissions will be made according to the number of vacancies in the Coast Guard, and Commanding Officers will be called upon from time to time to recommend men.

  4. Preference will be given to Seamen Gunners and Trained Men.

  5. Seamen Gunners will not be allowed to retain their Gunnery Pay, nor count time served in the Coast Guard as Gunnery Time towards Pension, except when actually doing duty as Instructors, but all Trained Men, including Seamen Gunners, will be allowed their Gunnery Pay of One Penny a-day.

  6. All Coast Guard Men will be liable to be embarked in turn for such cruise as the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty may appoint, and if found unfit for active service at sea, they will be discharged with such pension or gratuity as they may be entitled to from their services.

  7. The future age for absolute discharge from the Coast Guard, whether fit for service or not, will be 50 for Boatmen, Commissioned Boatmen, Chief Boatmen, and Chief Boatmen in Charge, and 55 for 2nd Class Chief Officers. A special report as to fitness will be annually made of every man over 45 years of age.

  8. Men will not be appointed from the Coast Guard Cruisers to the Coast Guard on shore unless they qualify as "Trained Men."

  9. A limited number of Stokers, under the qualifications stated in paragraph 1, will be allowed to enter the Coast Guard as a reward for good conduct, if there are vacancies, but the total number will not be allowed to exceed 300.

  10. A limited number of Shipwrights, not to exceed 50, will also be admitted under clause  1.

By Command of their Lordships
Vernon Lushington
To all Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, &c.

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