Birth Records

Bath|Hanover|New Kent Co. VA|Unknown

Bath Co. VA

John Viers, father of Andrew, was born in Bath county, Virginia February 8, 1787, and in his younger days was a noted hunter. In Bath county, Virginia, and later in Gallia county, Ohio after he made his home there, he killed great quantities of game. In the latter county he shot the last bear killed in that part of the country. He died May 13, 1872.
His wife, the mother of Andrew, was born in Pocahontas county, now part of West Virginia, February 23, 1793, and she died May 17, 1840.

--Men of West Virginia, Biographical Publishing Co., 1903 [thanks Judy]

New Kent Co. VA

Vestry Book & Register of St. Peter's Parish 1684-1786, transcribed by C.G. Chamberlayne
Judith Via baptized 11 Apr 1699; father Amer Via
Margaret Via baptized 3 Aug 1701; father Amer Via
Mary Via baptized 15 Oct 1704; father Amer Via

Here's a photocopy of the original page (thanks to Judy):

Unknown (but probably Albemarle)

see bible records