Via Deeds
Via Deed Abstracts
We have deed abstracts from the following Virginia
North Carolina: Wilkes
Albemarle Co. VA
15 Feb 1755 John Via land survey Virginia Surveyor's
Plat Book 1, Part 1, Virginia Archives Microfilm #392(114A) and 393,
1744-1755, p. 333
This is a plat of 125 Acres of land in Albemarle County Lying on the
North side Rocky Run On Appamattox. Survey'd for John Via 15th day February
John Staples Surv.
15 Jul 1761 Rowland Horsley to Charles Goodman
DB 3/92
Know all men by these presents that I Rowland Horsley did promise to give
Charles Goodman one Negro Boy named Roger which he, the said Charles Goodman
has in possession it being a Marriage Contract & given with my Daughter
Elizabeth I do warrant the said Negro Roger to the sd Charles Goodman &
Elizabeth his wife and to their Heirs and assigns forever in Witness whereof
I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this fifteenth Day of July one Thousand
seven hundred & Sixty one.
Rowland Horsley
Jeremiah X Burnett
Micajah Via
Bond X Burnet
10 Jun 1764 William Via, Sr. and William Via,
Jr. to Charles Goodman DB 6/139
William Via, Sr. and William Via, Jr. of Albemarle Co. VA sell to Charles
Goodman of same for 20 pounds 101a land on the South Branch of the North
Fork of the James River and above the mouth of Ivy Creek on the said river.
Land is bounded by Charles Goodman.
Wm Via, Senr.
Wm. X Via, Junr.
Nov 1769 Daniel Maupin to William Via, Jr.
DB 5/141
I, Daniel Maupin of Albemarle Co. for 80 pounds sterling to me paid by
William Via Junr. of Albemarle Co. 100a in Albemarle Co. bounded
as follows: Beginning at a red oak on the north side of ??grewana
in Hanover Co. line by the river side running through the river accordin
to the meanders ... to the mouth of Ivy Creek and up Ivy Creek ... to pointers
in the Hanover Co. line thence on Hanover line south ...
Witt: John
Daniel Maupin
Matt Mullins
Jas. Bowers
10 Jun 1773 William Via, Sr. and William Via,
Jr. to Charles Goodman DB 6/139
Between William Via Senr & William Via Jr of Fredericksville Parrish
Alb. Co and Charles Goodman of same
Wm Sr. and Wm Jr. sell for 20 lbs to Charles Goodman two certain tracts
of land in Fred. Parrish Alb. Co on the south side of the south branch
of the north fork of James River at and above the mouth of Ivy Creek on
the said River containing 75 a. in one of the tracts and 26 a. in the other
tract which is the upper piece on the River bounded round by the said Chas.
Goodman to the River and the said River is the bounds on the other side
with all buildings, houses, etc.
No witnesses
Wm Via Senr
Wm X Via Jr
[NOTE: Charles Goodman was the husband of Elizabeth Horsley,
daughter of Rowland Horsley.]
10 Nov 1779 William Woods to Micajah Via DB 7/397
Between William Woods & Sarah his wife of Albemarle Co and Micajah
Via of Albemarle Co. For 25 pounds paid by Micajah Via, sells 68a
of land in Albemarle Co. on Spring Creek and Mecham's River bounded ...
on David Mills line ... William Woods on Spring Creek thence down the same
to Mechams River
William Woods
25 Sep 1794 Robert Turner to Waid Via
DB 11/304
Robert Turner sells for 45 pounds 113a to Wade Via in Albemarle Co. on
the branches of Mecham's River bounded by Daniel Maupin, John? Bent?,
and others being part of an old tract that was formerly Soloman? Balew's?
Witt: Micajah
Robert Turner
Rowland Horsley
William Ballard
26 May 1798 Alexander Jemeson to William Via
DB 1/83
Indenture between Alexander Jemeson of Albemarle County and William Via
of Albemarle County of "they" other part...said Alexander Jemeson do make
a good and sufficient right to William Via of 65 acres more or less to
him ... land lying in Albemarle Co. on "they" north "sid" of "they" Grubby
Ridge on a branch of "Moremens" Roiver and bounded by ... then to John
Mullins lines...
Alexander Jameson
Witt: John Craig
Nathan Jameson
"... the wife of said Alexr Jemeson she being first privately examined..."
(wife not named)
12 Jun 1799 Zacharias Colley to Micajah Via
DB 13/136
Between Zacherias Colly of Elbert Co. in Georgia State and Micajah Via
in Albemarle Co. For 100 pounds, sells to Micajah Via 380a land in
Albemarle Co. lying on each side of Mechums River bounded by Thomas Garth,
Benjamin Taylor, Wade Via, Daniel Maupin, William Woods, B. C. and Micajah
Witt: R.
Zacharias Colley
David Owen
Jacob C. Dyer
Saml. Higginbothan
15 Aug 1799 Micajah Via grants power of attorney
to Chapman Poindexter WB 1/148
Chapman Poindexter has power of attorney from Micajah Via, of Halifax Co.
VA to sell 100a on the Rivanna River adjoining land owned by Wm. Via.
The 100a was land given to him by his grandfather's will.
9 Sep 1799 Chapman Poindexter to Thomas C. Fletcher DB 1/148
This indenture of bargain and sale made and entered into this ninth day
of September, one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. Between
Chapman Poindexter of the County of Halifax of the one part, and Thomas
C. Fletcher of the County of Albemarle of the other part. Witnesseth
that the said Chapman Poindexter for and in consideration of the full and
just sum of one hundred pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand
paid, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted bargained
and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said
Thomas C. Fletcher his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land
belonging to Micajah Via for which land the said Chapman has a power of
attorney from the said Via to dispose sell and convey the said land in
any manner he may think proper as will more fully appear by the said power
of attorney annexed to a deed from the said Poindexter to Phillip Day bearing
date the 15th of last August, with a certificate of the acknowledgement
of Micajah Via by William M. Daniel and William Hudson two Justices of
the County of Halifax annexed as appears by the certificate of the said
Clk of Hallifax Court with the seal of the county annexed, which said land
contains one hundred acres more or less, lying on the Rivanna river adjoining
the lands of John Baber, Joseph Hackley and William Via and given to said
Micajah Via by the Will of Grandfather as will more fully appear by the
records of the County Court of Albemarle. The said Thomas C. Fletcher
his heirs or assigns to have and to hold the aforesaid tract of land and
premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any ways appurtaining
free from the claim of the said Micajah Via and all and every other person
or persons whatsoever the said Chapman Poindexter doth warrant and will
forever defend. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal the day and year above written.
Chapman Poindexter
Signed seald and delivered in presence of
Phillip Day
W. Robertson
Nelson Barksdale
Charles Goodman
Rowland Goodman
At a Superior Court held in Charlottesville 15th day of April 1802.
This indenture of bargain and sale was produced into court and fully proved
by the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
3 Feb 1801 Micajah Via, Sr. to Thomas Garth,
Sr. DB 13/455
Micajah Via, Sr. sells 70a land for 28 pounds to Thomas Garth, Senr., bounded
by William Woods (B. Creeks) lines and the said Thomas Garth lines and
Walker Wade? This is the land that Zachariah Colley formerly
owned and lived on.
Witt: Joel
Micajah Via
Thos. Fredwell
Robert Garland
Benjm. Brown
3 Nov 1801 William Via to John Birckhead, Jr.
DB 13/586
This Indenture made and __ this third day of November one thousand Eight
Hundred and one between William Via of the County of Halifax and Chapman
Poindexter of the said County both of the State of Virginia of the one
part & John Birckhead Junr of the county of Albemarle & State aforesaid
of the other part Witnesseth that the said William Via & Chapman Poindexter
for sundry good causes, but more especially for and in consideration of
the sum of Two Hundred Dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereof
they do hereby confess and acknowledge, hath given, granted, aliened, enfeoffed,
Delivered & Confirmed and by these presents doth give, Grant, Alien,
Enfeoff, deliver and Confirm unto the said John Birckhead Junr his Heirs
and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of Land lying & being
in the County of Albemarle & State aforesaid and bounded as follows
Viz: Beginning at a Maple on the North Fork of James River corner to Thos.
Fletcher thence North Eighty five Degrees East Eighty poles to a dead pine
Corner to Robinson's in Hackleys line, Thence North Thirteen Degrees East
one hundred and thirty four poles to a Box oak Corner to Barksdale and
said Hackleys, thence West one hundred and seventy seven ½ poles
to three Thorn beams on the bend of said river at the mouth of a gu_ corner
to Barksdale, from thence to the first station - containing by estimation
one Hundred twelve and an half acres to be the same more or less together
with all Houses, Out Houses, orchards, Gardens, Fencies, Woods, under Woods,
Waters, Waterways, courses, Profitts, Commodities, Emoulments, Hereditaments,
whatsoever with each and every of there profits & emoluments - And
Reversion & reversions Remainder & remainders, rents, Use,
& profits of each and every part, and parts thereunto belonging or
on any wise appertaining thereunto. To have and to hold the said
tract or parcel of Land with each of its profits and emoluments - Hereby
granted or intended to be granted unto the said John Birckhead Junr his
Heirs & Assigns forever & to & for no other use intended or
proposed whatsoever - And we do forever Warrant & defend the said tract
or parcel of land against all and every claim or claims whatsoever that
shall or may here after appear, and this our Indenture shall oblige us
to make any other Deed or Conveyance the Law shall or may hereafter demand
or Require.In Witness whereof we the parties of these presence have hereunto
set our
hands & seals the day and year above written.
Wm X Via
Chapman X Poindexter
Signed sealed & delivered
in the presence of
John D Grymes
Francis Birckhead
Richard Birckhead
At a Court held for Albemarle City: the 1st day Feby [1802]
This Indenture was produced into Court and proved by the Oaths John
D Grymes, Francis Birckhead & Rich'd Birckhead Witnesses thereto &
by the Court ordered to be recorded.
John Nicholas
4 Apr 1803 Johnson Ballard to William Via DB
Between Johnson Ballard of Albemarle County and william Via of Albemarle
County $50 paid by William Via -- land in Albemarle County on west side
of Jones Mountains ...William Wood Sr. top of the mountain thence
along the top north ... to Mr. Colemans... in woods line thence on woods
line... .
Johnson Ballard
Brightberry Brown
Joel Harris
Joel Yancey
Charles Watts
4 Apr 1803 Johnson Ballard to William Via DB
Between Johnson Ballard of Albemarle County and William Via of Albemarle
County $50 paid by William Via -- land in Albemarle County on west side
of Jones Mountains ...William Wood's line top of the mountain thence
along the top north ...
Johnson Ballard
James Harrison
Brightberry Brown
Joel Harris
Joes Yancey
2 Sep 1803 William Coleman to
Roland Via DB 14/322
Between William Coleman & Francis his wife of Albemarle Co and Roland
Via of Albemarle Co. for 100 pounds paid by said Via ... land containing
112a in Albemarle Co. patented in the name of Achillis Garrison 13 Jul
1787 on the Ragged Mtn.
Witt: N?Rodes
William Coleman
Stewad? Owens
?? Blackwell
3 Sep 1803 Roland Via to Nathaniel Thomson &
c DB 14/332
Deed of Trust between Roland Via of Albemarle Co. of the first part and
Nathaniel Thomson and David Maupin of the second part. William Coleman,
in order to secure the payment of the following debts:
a bond of 10 pounds dated 21 May 1803
a bond of 22 pounds 10 shillings due 1 Jun 1805
a bond of 22 pounds 10 shillings due 1 Jun 1806
a bond of 22 pounds 10 shillings due 1 Jun 1807
a bond of 22 pounds 10 shillings due 1 Jun 1808
Roland Via, for $1 paid by said Nathaniel Thomson and David Maupin sell
unto the said Nathaniel Thomson and David Maupin a tract of land that the
said Via bought of Wm Coleman whereon Rowland Via now lives. 112a.
adjacent the lands of David Owens and Robert McCullock
Witt: M (or N)
Rowland X Via
Stuard Owens
R. Blackwell
3 Sep 1803 William Ballard to Menoah Via
DB 14/312
Between William Ballard & Fanney his wife of Albemarle Co. and
Menoah Via of Albemarle Co. For $100 specie paid by Menoah Via to
Wm. Ballard & Fanny his wife, they sell land in Albemarle Co. on the
foot of Pasture Fence Mountain adjoining the lands of Bezaleel Brown and
Nathan Harris and the said Wm. Ballard ... to said Brown & Harris ...
to William Ballard's field on a small run thence straight to the top of
a ridge above said field to a alarge Chestnut...on the side of Smith's
Pasture fence mountain thence on the old lines formerly the lines of Benjamin
Brown, Jr., decd. including all the land the said Wm Ballard purchased
of the said Brown's executors lying south west of the first line.
William Ballard
Fanney Ballard
14 Nov 1805 Micajah Via to Obediah Via
DB 15/279
I, Micajah Via of Albemarle Co. for and in consideration of the natural
love and affections which I bear to Obediah Via of Albemarle Co. as well
as for the further consideration of one dollar paid by Obediah Via give
to Obediah Via one chestnut sorrel mare, one red cow marked with a crop
and a slit in the left year and cross and underseal in the right
year, one Pide Cow same mark, one red hefer same mark, one yearling
same mark, thirting head of hogs, tow feather beds and furniture
... [ many other household and farming items]
Witt: John XRogers
Mecajah Via
Milly X
Recorded 2 Jun 1806
1805 William M. Viers to Pleasant Dawson DB 15/189-90
This Indenture made this twenty seventh day of February in the year one
thousand eight hundred and five Between William M Viers & Patsy Viers
his wife of Mason County & State Kentucky of the one part and Pleasant
Dawson of Albemarle County and State Virginia of the other part Witnesseth
that we the said William M Viers and Patsy his wife for the consideration
of one hundred and twenty pounds current money of Virginia to us in hand
paid by the said Pleasant Dawson the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge
have bargained Sold __ and delivered unto the Said Pleasant Dawson one
certain lot or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Albemarle
and adjoining ?Hardware? Diver on the north side Containing Forty seven
acres and three fourths of an acre it being part of the Land William Moon
Dyed possessed of, and was allotted to us as legal Representatives of Said
William Moon by a __ of the County Court of Albemarle and Commissioners
therein appointed for that purpose and Called on relinquished by them Lot
Number Seven, and is bounded as followeth to wit Beginning at a birch
on the River bank in Said Dawsons line thence south Twenty three degrees
East thirty poles to pointers thence North three degrees west Forty poles
to pointers Christopher Hudsons line, thence North fifty west twenty seven
poles to pointers in Said Dawsons line, thence north Seventy two west fifty
six poles to a Stake thence South thirty three west twenty seven poles
pointers thence South four east Sixteen poles pointers thence South twenty
four west Seventy eight poles to pointers on the river bank, thence down
the same as it meanders to the Begining Which lands and premises above
mentioned We the said William M Viers and Patsy my wife do bind ourselves
our heirs &c to forever Warrant and defend unto the said Pleasant Dawson
his heirs &c forever from the lawful Claim or Claims of us or any other
person or persons whatsoever in Witness whereof we have hereunto set our
hands and Seals this day and year above written
William Viers
Patsey Viers
Signed Sealed & Delivered
In presence of
Martin Dawson
William Hogg
Elijah Hogg
Fleming Turner
The Commonwealth of Virginia to John Watson and Martin Dawson Justice
of the Court of Albemarle County Greetings - Whereas William M. Viers and
Patsy his wife by their certain Indenture of Bargain & Sale bearing
date the date the twenty Seventh day of February one thousand eight hundred
five have conveyed unto Pleasant Dawson a certain tract or parcel of Land
lying in the County aforesaid containing thirty seven acres and three fourths
of an acre and whereas the said Patsy cannot conveniently travel to the
County Court of Albemarle to make acknowledgment of the said Indenture
these are therefore to require you or two of you that you go to the
said Patsy and examine her privily and apart from her said husband whether
she voluntarily Signed Sealed and delivered the said Indenture and whether
she is willing that the same Shall be recorded in the County Court of Albemarle
and __ his acknowledgment and Con__ __ tak_ you send and certify
to the Justices of our County Court of Albemarle __ ___ __ __ __ __ the
said Indenture __
John Nichols Clerk of our Said Court at the Court house the 27th day
of February 1805 and in the 29th year of the Commonwealth.
John Nichols C A C
Agreable to the within commissioners to us directed we have this day
proceeded to Examine the within named Patsy Viers and She freely
voluntarily and without the threat or pursuasion of her Said husband acknowledged
her right of dower in and to the within mentioned tract or parcel of Land
is willing the same may be recorded in the County Court of Albemarle given
under our hands and Seals this 27th day of February 1805
John Watson
Martin Dawson
At a Court held for Albemarle County the second day of September 1805
This Indenture was proved by the oath of Martin Dawson one of the Witnesses
thereto and continued for further proof the certificate of the acknowledgment
of Patsy Viers was by the Court ordered to be recorded and at a Court held
for said County the 8th day of Oct was further proved by the oath of Fleming
Turner another witness there to and at a Court held for Albemarle County
the 3d day of February 1806 was fully proven by the oath of William Hogg
a third witness thereto and by the Court ordered to be recorded.
John Nichols C A C
1805 William M. Viers to Pleasant Dawson DB 15/189
Between William M. Viers and Patsey Viers his wife of Mason Co. KY and
Pleasant Dawson of Albemarle Co. for 120 pounds paid by Pleasant Dawson
sold to him land in Albemarle Co. adjoining th Hardware River on the north
side containing 37 3/4a, it being part of the land William Moon dyed possessed
of and was allowed to us as legal representatives of said Wm Moon by decree
in Albemarle Co. lot number seven and bounded as follows: beginning at
a birch on the River bank in said Dawson's line ... Christopher Hundson's
line ... Dawson' line...
Witt: Martin Dawson
Wm. M. Viers
William Hogg
Patsey Viers
Elijah Hogg
Fleming Turner
Dower from Patsey
16 May 1807 Micajah
Via to Roland Via DB 16/110
Micajah Via of Albemarle Co. for 30 pounds sells to Roland Via 100a land
in Albemarle Co. on the north sides of Mechums River bounded by Thomas
Garth, Jonathan Via and Obediah Via
Witt: Jonathan
Mecajah Via
Obediah Via
Menoah X
16 May 1807 Micajah
Via to Obediah Via DB 16/111
Mecajah Via, Senr & Phillipe Via, his wife, for 40 pounds sells to
Obediah Via 289a land in Albemarle Co. lying on Mechums River bounded by
Daniel Maupin, Benjamin Taylor, Wade Via, William Woods, B.C. Fredrick
Roderick to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and premises
with all appertenances belonging unto the said Obediah Via and heirs and
the said Micajah Via & Phillipe Via for themselves and their heirs,
Witt: Jonathan
Micajah Via
Menoah XVia
Phillipe Via
Matthew Maupin
Recorded: Dec 1807
[the three times her name is written in the deed]
1 Sep 1807 Nathaniel Thomson & David Maupin
to Roland Via DB 16/25
Between Nathaniel Thomson & David Maupin of the first part and Roland
Via of the other part, all of Albemarle Co. Nathaniel Thomson &
David Maupin for and in consideration of $1 cash to us in hand paid by
the said Roland Via release to Roland Via land which the said Via conveyed
to us in trust to secure the payment of certain debt to William Coleman
on a certain tract of land containing 112a, it being land David Owens sold
to Mathew Rodes and adjacent to the lands of Robert McCullock
Nathaniel Thompson
David Maupin
5 Sep 1807 Roland Via to William Coleman DB 16/26
Indenture between Roland Via and Anna his wife of the first part and William
Coleman of the other part, all of Albemarle Co. Roland and Anna,
for the sum of 100 pounds paid by Wm. Coleman sell to him land on the Raged
Mountain containing by patent bearing date 13 Jul 1787 112a bounded as
Rolling X Via
Anna X Via
22 Jun 1807 Hezekiah Via to Bernard Brown &
Bezaleel Brown Personal Property Trust DB 16/147
Hezekiah Via, securing the payment of sixty dollars due by bond bearing
date 18 Nov 1806, which bond is to be discharged by instruments, to wit--1/2
to be paid 25 Dec 1807 and the other half 25 Dec 1808 and in consideration
of the sum of $1 in hand paid by the said Bezaleel Brown unto the said
Hezekiah Via, hereby acknowledged ... given, granted, bargained and sold
unto Bezaleel Brown one yellow dun collared mare with a white face--4 or
5 years old (which mare the said Hezekiah Via had of said Bezaleel Brown
by way of swap [I think this is to discharge the debt of Hezekiah Via]
Witt: Thomas
Hezekiah X Via
Bernard Brown
Bezl. Brown
12 Oct. 1811Obediah Via to John Colley DB 17/33
Obediah Via sold for 120lbs land in Albemarle County 170a on Mechums River
bounded by Wade Via and Myself and Taylors old old tract coners at Wade's
line... to the spring branch down to the river.
Witt:Rowland X
Obediah X Via
Wade X
Nancy Via
Macajah X Via
4 Jan 1813 Chas. Smith to Wade Via DB 18/414
Chas. Smith sold to Wade Via for 100lbs 170a. in Albemarle County on waters
of Mechums River bounded by Wade Via and Obediah Via , Joel Smith and James
Hamner decd. and Roderick and Mechums River begining at pointers on Wade
Via's line thence on a new line to the spring thence down the spring branch
to the river thence down the river to Smiths corner thence on the
said Smiths and Hamner Roderick and Wade Via to the beginning.
Charles Smith
Jefse Garth
Allen Dawson
5 Mar 1814 Wade Via to John Rodes DB 19/29
Between Wade Via & Frances his wife and John Rodes & Francina his
wife, all of Albemarle Co. In consideration of 12 pounds paid to
Wade Via by John Rodes ... land in Albemarle Co. ... Sladdens foard on
Mechums River it being corner to Jacob Smith & James Hamner's heirs
and Wade Via ... poles & pointers ... south bank of Mechums River 6a.
Witt: Daniel
Wade X Via
Frances X Via
William Rodes
14 March 1814 Peter Keebler to Jonathan Via
DB 19/36
Between Peter O'Boch, executor of Peter Hubler or Keebler, decd. of Augusta
Co. of the first part and Jonathan Via of Albemarle Co. of the second part.
Jonathan Via pays $400 for a tract of land in Albemarle Co. containing
120a. on the east branches of Doyles River on the south side of Foxes Mountain
adjoining the lands of Bezaleel Brown and James Harrison beginning at pointers
in Bezaleel Brown's (formerly John Mullins). This land was directed
to be sold by the last will and testament of the said Peter Hubler or Keebler,
dec. being all the land he had in Albemarle Co.
Witt: Bezl. Brown
Cornelius Maupin
William Via
William Maupin
Hezekiah Via
4 Sept. 1818 Obediah Via to Chas Harper
DB 21/273
For $95 sell land in Albemarle County 19a ... poles trees degrees
Obediah X Via
Nancy X Via
No Witt.
4 Sep 1818 Obediah Via to Joseph Harper DB 21/274
Btw Obediah and Nancy his wife of Albemarle County and Joseph Harper of
same - Obediah sells 107a land in Albemarle County .... pointers on
Mechums River corner to William woods ... to Taylors land.
Obediah X Via
Nancy X Via
1821 Nathan Harris to Hezekiah Via [need reference]
165 acres
1825 Roland Via to W. C. Maupin DB 25/282
Sells 100 acres previously deeded to him by Micajah Via
6 Feb 1848 Wade Via to Daniel Via DB 46/101
"For and in consideration of the love and affection I have for my said
son Daniel Via" deeds to him 229-1/2 acres where he now lives. Land
adjacent to D. John, R. Woods, Nathaniel Thompson, Jr. et. al.
1852 Hezekiah Via to William Wingfield Via [need
sells 165 acres
15 Mar 1853 Jonathan Via to Elizabeth Via
DB 51/74
Deed protecting Elizabeth's interest in certain items owned by her prior
to their marriage, including two beds, kitchen furniture, chairs, a table,
a side saddle, knives, forkes, saucers, cooking pot, tea kettle, skillet,
two bakers, and $160.
8 Oct 1853 William C. Bryant and Mary J. to Talton Via DB 54/14-15
This deed made the eight day of Oct eighteen hundred and fifty three
between William C Bryant and Mary J his wife of the county of Albemarle
and state of Virginia, of the first part, and Talton Via of the County
of Albemarle and State of Virginia of the Second parte; Witnesseth that
in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars paid in hand the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged. I the said William Bryant and
Mary J his wife do grant, bargain sell and convey with the said Talton
Via the following real estate that is to say a certain lot of land
lying, and being in the county of Albemarle and state of Virginia
containing fifteen acres adjoining the lands of Talton Via, ?Marit? and
William Bryant. It being a part of said Bryants tract of Land
sold off to said Via, to have and to hold the said property hereby
consigned and intended to be conveyed to him the said Talton Via his
heirs and assigns forever in full and absolute fee simple and the said
William Bryant and Mary J his wife, do for
themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators hereby covenant
and agree to and with the said Via his heirs, executors, administrators
and assigns as follows that is to say that he the said William C.
Bryant and Mary J his wife their heirs, executors, administrators will
warrant generally the property hereby conveyed unto him the said Talton
Via his heirs executors administrators, and assigns and that he the
said William C Bryant and Mary J his wife has a right to convey the
same to the said Talton Via his heirs and assigns shall have quiet
possession of the land hereby conveyed and that the said William C
Bryant, and Mary J his wife and each of their heirs, executors,
administrators. Will execute such further assurance of the said
land as may be requisite.
Witness the following signatures and seals the day and year first above mentioned.
William C Bryant
Mary J Bryant
Albemarle County to Wit I J J Pace a Notary Public for the County
aforesaid in the state of Virginia do certify that Mary J the wife of W
C Bryant whose names are signed to the foregoing writing bearing date
on the eighth day of October 1853 personally appeared before me in the
county aforesaid and being examined by me privily and apart from her
husband and having the aforesaid writing fully explained to her She the
said Mary J the wife of William C Bryant acknowledged the said writing
to be her act, and declared that she had willingly executed the same,
and does not wish to retract it.
Given under my hand this 8th day of October 1853.
J J Pace N.P
At a court held in Albemarle County the 4th day of June 1855 This deed
was produced into Court and being duly certified, was ordered to be
Ira Garrett C.C.
19 Jan 1854 Wade Via to Daniel M. Via DB 52/263
The following negroes: Isaac, Allen, John, Sally and her three children
(James, William and an unnamed infant), Eliza, Mary, Garland and Dabney.
Amherst Co. VA
25 Apr 1786 John Via to Absolom Stinchcomb DB F/117-8
Indenture the Twenty fifth Day of April One thousand Seven hundred and
Eighty Six between John Via of the County of Amherst of the one part and
Absolom Stinchcomb of the said County of Amherst of the other part …John
Via…hath Granted, Bargained, Sold, Aliened, Released and Confirmed …unto
the Said Absolom Stinchcomb … One Certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing
seventy two Acres and an half Acre of Land Lying and being on both sides
of the North fork of Elk Island Creek in the said County of Amherst … Corner
to the said John Via and with his lines … to the North fork of Elk Island
Creek forty … Crossing the North fork of Elk Island Creek to pointers in
the said Via's line.
Witnesses: Joel Walker, Charles Wingfield, William Via
10 Jun 1795 Gidion Via to Daniel Parrow DB G/598-9
Gidion Via of the County of Buckingham of the one part and Daniel Parrow
of the County of Amherst of the other part Witness that the said Gidion
… doth bargain sell & Confirm unto the said Daniel Parrow … one Certain
Tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Amherst on both
sides the north fork of fishing Creek Containing seventy two and a half
Acres being the said Gidion Via's own fourth part of a Tract of two hundred
& ninety acres Granted to John Via by Patent
bearing date the first day of September 1780, and is the ___ thereof and
includes the Plantation whereon the said Gidion Via formerly lived…
Gidion G Via
Witnesses: John Horsley, N Powell, Ro B Hall, Wm Chuk
18 Sep 1797 David & Elizabeth Via to Thomas Spradling DB H/235-6
Between David Via and Elizabeth his wife of the County of Amherst of the
one part and Thomas Spradling of the said County of the other parts. …David
Via and Elizabeth his Wife for the sum of Twelve pounds to him by
the said Thomas Spradling …, hath, granted Bargained and Sold … a certain
Track or parcel of Land containing Seventy two and a half Acres lying and
being in the County of Amherst on the North fork of fishing Creek and is
part of a larger Track containing two hundred and ninety Acres that John
Via dec'd left by will to his four Sons
(to wit) Gideon Via, David Via, John Via, William Via and is betwixt William
Via and William Lains …
Witnesses: John Horsley, Charles Taliaferro, and Samuel Arrington.
26 Jul 1824 William Via to Peter Christian
and Rebecca Layne DB Q/122-123
This indenture made the 26th day of July 1824 between William Via of the
first part Peter Christian of the 2nd part Rebecca Layne of the 3rd part
Witnesseth that the said Via in order to secure the payment of ninety five
dollars which he owes Rebecca Layne as appears by Specialty & in consideration
of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by the said Christian before
the sealing & delivery of these presents which is hereby acknowledged
he the said Via hath granted & sold & by these presents do grant
& sell unto the said Christian a Bay Mare & Colt a Calf and two
cows two Beds & furniture a sow and five shoats a chest saddle &
Bridle a horse Cart & Cupboard & the Reversion & reversions
remainder & remainders yearly and other rents issues and profits thereof
& of any part & parcel thereof & all the estate, right title
interest trust & property in the same both in law & Equity of him
the said Via in and to the said property unto the said Christian his heirs
&c Upon Trust never the less that the said Christian shall after the
first day of January 1825 if required by the said Layne after having advertised
the time and place of the sale of said property at some convenient public
place, proceed to sell the same & out of the monies arising from the
sale first to pay all reasonable charges attending such sale & then
the debt above mentioned & the residue of the money arising from such
sale to the use of the said Via & is agreed by the said Layne &
Christian that the above property shall remain in the possession of the
said Via until the day of sale at which time the said Via is to deliver
it up to the said Christian In Witness whereof we have set our hand &
seals the day and year above written.
William Via (his mark)
Rebecca Layne
Peter F. Christian
Amherst County Court Clerk's office July 26th 1824 this Deed Trust was
acknowledged by Wm Via, Rebecca Layne & Peter F Christian in said Clerk's
office the date aforesaid & ordered to be recorded.
Teste A D Davis Clk
Bath Co. VA
14 Jun 1791 John Edey & Frances to Gidian Viah DB 1/1
This Indenture Made this 14th day of June one Thousand Seven Hundred &
Ninety one Between John Edey of the County of Bath & State of Virginia
of the one part and Gidian Viah of the County & State aforesaid of
the Other part witnesseth these that the Said John Edey for the Consideration
of the Sum of Twenty Two pounds of Virginia money in hand paid (the Receipt
of which the Said Edey Doth hereby acknowledge) & for the Same I do
Bargain Sell alein & Confirm unto the sd Viah his Heirs & assigns
a Certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing fifty acres more or Less Lying
& Being in the County of Bath - & State aforesaid Begining at a
White Oak in the Original Line near a Small Branch thence with the Same
North Thirty Degrees East forty Eight poles to a Black Oak & White
Oak one of the original Corners thence with an other of Said Lines North
Seventeen East Seventy Six Poles to Two white Oaks an other of sd Corners
thence North seventy west Seventy Eight poles to a Hickry & White Oak
an Other of sd Corners thence South Eighty west Twenty Six poles to Two
Hickryes & Red Oak an other of sd Corners thence South Eighteen East
forty Two poles to a Sycamore & Hickry an other of sd Corners thence
South thirty four west Sixty four poles to Two white Oaks thence Leaving
the Old Line South three East Twenty five poles to a white Oak at the Edge
of the Bottom thence South Sixty Two East thirty Two poles to the Begining
Together with all its appertenances to have & to hold the same for
ever & the said Gidian Viah his Heirs or assigns Shall Ever hereafter
have Recourse to hold Occupy possess & Enjoy all the Singularly the
Land within those Lines Conveyd & the Benefits that may arise therefrom
& for the True performance I John Edey & francis my wife Do Bind
ourselves our Heirs Executors Administrator & assign firmly by these
presents in witness whereof we hath hereunto Set our hands and profixed
our Seals in the presents of the day & year above writen
John Edde
Francis Edde (her mark)
Bath June Court 1791
This indenture of Bargain & Sale Between John Edey and Francis
his wife of the one part and Gidian Viah of the other part was acknowledged
by the said John Edey and ordered to Record and Francis the wife of said
Edey personally appeared in Court and being first privately Examined as
the Law directs Voluntarily Relinquished her Right of Dower in the Estate
Charles Cameron C B C
8 May 1818 Gidion Viah to Clemontious & Margaret Swearinggin DB 5/381
This Indenture made
this eight day of May one thousand Eight Hundred and Eighteen between Gidion
Viah of the County of Bath & State of Virginia of the one part and
Clemintious Swearinggin of the County and State aforesaid of the other
Part Witnesseth that the said Gidion Viah for the consideration of
the Sum of four Hundred Dollars in hand paid (the Receipt of which the
Said Viah doth hereby acknowledge) & for the Same I do Bargin Sell
alien & Confirm unto the sd Swearinggin his heirs and Assigns a certain
Tract or parcel of Land Containing fifty acres more or less lying &
Being in the County of Bath and the Waters of Stuart's Creek and state
aforesaid Beginning at a white oak in the original line near a small Branch
thence with the Same North thirty degrees East forty Eight poles to a black
and white oak one of the original corners thence with an other of said
lines North Seventeen East Seventy Six poles to Two white oaks on an on
other of said corners thence North Sevemty West Seventy Eight poles to
a hickory & white oak an other of said corners thence South Eighty
West Twenty Six poles to two Hickorys and Red Oak an other of said corners
thence South Eighteen East forty two poles to a Sycamore & Hickory
an other of said corners thence South Thirty four West Sixty four poles
to two white oaks thence Leaving the old line South three degrees East
twenty five poles to a white oak at the Edge of the Bottom thence South
Sixty Two East thirty two poles to the Begining Together with all the appertenances
to have and to hold the same forever and the said Clementious Swearinggin
his heirs or assigns Shall ever hereafter have the __ to hold ocupy Possess
& Enjoy all and Singular the land within those lines Convey and the
Benefits that may Rise there from & for true performance I Gidion Viah
and Margaret my wife do bind ourselves our heirs Executors Administrators
and assigns firmly by these presents in Witness whereof we have hereunto
Set our hands and prefixed our Seals in the presents of the day and year
above Written.
Gidion Viah
Margaret (X) Viah (her mark)
Comm'th of Virginia
Bath County
We John Brown
and Joseph Mayo Justices of the peace in Said County and State aforesaid
do hereby certify that Margaret Viah parties to the above Deed for the
conveyance of Real Estate to Clemintious Swerngin bearing date on eht eight
diay of May and herewith anexed personally appeared before us in
our county aforesaid and being Examined by us privately and a part from
her husband and having this deed fully explained to her she the said Margaret
Viah Acknowledged the Same to be her Act and deed and Declared that she
had Willingly Signed Sealed and delivered the Same and that she Wished
not to retract it Given under our hands and Seals this 18th day of May
in the year of our Lord 1818
John Brown
Joseph Mayo
Bath County Clerks
Office June the 9th 1818
This Indenture
of Bargain and Sale from Gidion Viah and Margaret his wife to Clementius
Swearingen was acknowledged adn together with a certificate of the privy
examination of said Margaret was admitted to Record.
Teste Chs L. Francisco Clk
Fluvanna Co. VA
12 Jun 1795 Gidion Via to Daniel Parron DB G/598
Gidion Via of Buckingham to David Parron of Amherst 72 1/2a, part of a
tract of 270a granted to John Via by patent dated 1 Sep 1780
Gidion X Via
Franklin Co. VA
4 Apr 1791 William Rentfro to John Vie
DB 2/187
This Indenture made this 4th Day of April one Thousand Seven hundred and
Ninety one Between William Renfro of the County of Franklin of the one
Part and John Vie of the County of Buckingham of the other part Witnesseth
that the said William Renfro for and in Consideration of the Sum of Sixty
pounds Current money to him in hand paid by the said John Vie the Receipt
he does hereby acknowledge have bargained and Sold and by these Presents
do Grant Bargain sell
Release deliver and Confirm to the said John Vie and his heirs and
assigns for ever one Certain Tract of Land being all the Land I now Possess
Lying and Being in the County of Franklin on Runnet bag Creek Containing
one hundred and Seventy acres be it more or Less and Bounded as followeth
to wit Begining at a Black Gum in the new Survey South Thirty & half
Degrees East one hundred & fifty poles Crossing said Creek on a Branch
to a Beech North Seventy & half Degrees East one hundred & forty
Poles to a White Oak North one hundred & Ten poles Crossing a
Branch to a Poplar, North Sixty five Degrees East Twenty three poles
to a Black Gum South Seventy one Degrees East fifty four poles to the Corner
White Oak in the old Line East one hundred Poles to a Cucumber Tree on
a Branch thence Down the Branch to the Creek then north course to the Gum
at the Begining Together with all the appurtenances and Privileges and
the reversion & reversions, remainder & remainders and every part
and parcel thereof. To have and
to hold the above Granted Land and premises unto the said John Vie
his heirs and assigns for Ever and said William Renfro for him and his
heirs covenant and agree and with the said John Vie & his heirs and
assigns that he the said William Rentfro and heirs the above Granted Land
and Premises in an Indefeasible fee simple Estate unto the said John Vie
his heirs and assigns against the Claim or Demand of any Person or persons
whatsoever shall and will by these presents warrant and for ever Defend
in Witness whereof he the said William Rentfro have here unto
Set his hand and affixed his Seal the Day and Year above written.
William Renfro
At a Court held for Franklin County on Monday the 4th Day of April 1791
This Indenture was acknowledged by the within named William Rentfro
to be his act and Deed and the Same was ordered to be Recorded.
Teste __ Smith
15 Nov 1796 Samuel Underwood, Sr. to David Vier DB 3/422
This Indenture made this fifteenth day of November one thousand seven hundred
and ninety six between Samuel Underwood Senr and David Vier both of the
County of Franklin Witnesseth that the said Samuel Underwood Senr for and
in consideration of the Sum of thirty pounds Property to him paid by the
sd David Vier the Receipt Whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge have Given
granted Bargained and Sold & by these presents do give grant alien
enoff & confirm unto the said David Vier a Certain tract or parcel
of Land Containing two hundred and Sixty five acres be the same more or
less, Situate, Lying and being in the County of Franklin on both sides
of Runnett Bagg Creek Joining Peeks and Viers line and bounded as followeth
to wit Begining at a Poplar in Peeks line thence a new line No 40 degrees
East 60 poles to a white oak N11 degrees E 44 poles to a white oak N 76
E 47 poles to a Red Oak N 56 E 55 poles to a white oak in John Smiths line
and with it N 70 E 76 poles to a poplar on a Branch thence down the Same
as it meanders to a dogwood in John Viers line & with it N 38 W68 poles
to a Gum thence along an old Division Line between sd Vier & David
Viar partly West Crossing R Bagg Creek to the mouth of a branch thence
up the Same as it meanders to the Point of a Ridge and Still up the same
Ridge to Peeks Spanish oak Corner and thence with his line as it meanders
Crossing said Creek to the first Station to have and to hold the said tract
or parcel of Land together with the appurtenances unto the said David Vier
his heirs and assigns forever and the said Samuel Underwood Senr doth further
warrant and forever defend the said tract or Parcel of Land against the
claim or dem'd of all persons unto the said David Vier his heirs and assigns
forever in fee Simple In Witness whereof the said Samuel Underwood Senr
have hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and Year first above written.
Samuel Underwood
In presence of
John Peek
John Vier
Josias Vier
Franklin April Court 1797 The within Indenture was acknowledged by the
within named Samuel Underwood to be his Respective act and Deed and the
Same was ordered to be Recorded by the Court.
James Callaway CFC
1 Apr 1797 John Peek to John Vier, Sr. DB 3/418
This Indenture made this first day of April in the year of our Lord one
thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Seven Between John Peek & John Vier
Senr both of the County of Franklin witnesseth that for and in consideration
of the Sum of Fifteen pounds Lawful money of Virginia to him the said John
Peek in hand paid by the said John Via Senr the Receipt whereof he the
sd Peek doth hereby Acknowledge have given granted Bargained & Sold
and by these Presents doth Grant Bargain Sell deliver and Confirm unto
him the said John Via Senr one Certain Tract or Parcel of Land Situate
Lying and being in the County of Franklin and on the South fork of Runnett
Bag Creek Joining said Peeks lines on the West by a new Division line Begining
at a white oak in Peeks and James Cannadays lines thence nearly South two
hundred and twenty poles to a Red Oak in sd old Mead line Between sd Peek
and John Heard & thence Round as it meanders nearly West to the first
Station on a Corner White Oak and Containing one hundred Acres more or
less to have and to hold the said tract or Parcel of Land together with
its appurtenances unto the said John Via Senr his heirs or assigns and
the said John Peek doth further agree with the said John Vier Sr to Warrant
and forever defend the said tract or parcel of Land from the Claims of
all Persons unto the said Vier Sr his heirs and assigns in fee simple.
In witness whereof the said John Peek have hereunto Set his hand and Seal
the day and year above Written. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence
of James G. Radford.
James G.
John Peek
Josiah Vier
Memorandum that the day and year above written Quiet and Peaceable Possession
and Livery of Seizen of the within granted land Premises was made done
& Executed by the within named John Peek unto the within named John
Vier Senr according to the within mentioned Deed.
James G.
John Peek
Josiah Vier
Franklin April Court 1797
The within Indenture together with the __ of Livery and Seizen was
Acknowledged by the within named John Peek to be his Respective act and
deed and the Same was Ordered to be Recorded by the Court.
James Callaway
29 Mar 1798 John Peek to David Vier DB 3/566
This Indenture made this twenty ninth day of March one Thousand seven hundred
and ninety eight between John Peek & David Vier both of the County
of Franklin Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of
seven pounds ten Shillings to him the said Peek in hand paid by the aforesaid
David Via the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge having given granted
Bargained & Sold & by these presents doth give grant deliver
& confirm unto the later mentioned David Vier a Certain tract or parcel
of Land Containing fifty acres be the Same more or less, Situate Lying
and being in the County of Franklin & on the west side of R. Bagg Creek
between sd Peek & John Vier Jr. and bounded as followeth to wit Begining
at Peeks Corner White Oak thence new line one hundred and thirteen poles
to a white oak on Lane Branch in John Vier Senr Line with his Lines forty
two poles to Herds corner Red Oak thence with his Line forty poles to a
Spanish oak, thence thirty Eight po to a Red Oak thence twenty po to David
Viers line & with it to the Begining to have & to hold the said
tract or parcel of Land, together with its appurtenances unto the said
David Vier his heirs and assigns forever and the said John Peek doth warrant
& forever Defend the said tract of Land from the Claim or claims
of all persons unto the said David Vier his heirs assigns in fee simple.
In Witness whereof the sd John Peek have hereunto set his hand & seal
the day & year above written. In presence of
John Peek
Josiah Via
John Via
Franklin April Court 1798 the within Indenture was proved by the oaths
of the Witnesses thereto Subscribed to be the act & deed of the within
named John Peek and the Same was ordered to be Recorded by the Court.
Teste James Calloway CFC
5 Nov 1801 Samuel Underwood, Jr. to John Vier, Jr. DB 4/247
This Indenture made this fifth day November one thousand eight hundred
and one between Samuel Underwood Jun of the County of Franklin of the one
part and John Vier Jun of said County of the other part Witnesseth that
for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds in hand paid by the
said John Vier Jun the Receipt whereof he the sd Samuel Underwood Jun does
hereby acknowledge, hath given, granted, bargained & Sold unto the
sd John Vier Jun a certain tract or parcel of Land Containing forty five
acres be same more or less situate, lying and being in the county of Franklin
and on the South fork of Mill Branch bounded as follows to wit, Begining
at John Heards Corner Dogwood and Branch and thence with sd Branch up same
to a Corner Dogwood and thence by an old Line to a Hickory on a Ridge thence
down said Ridge to a Spring and thence with sd Spring Branch to Wm Newberry's
corner white oak on sd Branch __ Heards Line and thence with sd Line to
the Begining To have and to Hold the said tract or parcel of Land together
with its appurtenances unto the sd John Vier Jun and his Heirs forever
and the said Samuel Underwood Jun doth further covenant and agree to and
with the sd John Vier Jun to
warrant and for ever defend the sd Tract or parcel of Land against
the Claims or demands of all persons unto the sd John Vier Jun and his
Heirs in fee simple In Witness whereof the said Samuel Underwood Jun have
hereunto set his hand & Seal the day and year above written.
Samuel Underwood (his mark)
Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of us
James Canaday (his mark) James Hall (his mark)
George Wright (his mark)
Memorandum that on the day and year above written quiet and peaceable
possession, and Livery of Seizen & the within granted Land and Premises
was made and executed by the within named Samuel Underwood Jun unto the
within named John Vier Jun according to the within written Deed.
Samuel Underwood Jr
Delivered in presence of us
James Canaday (his mark) James Hall (his mark)
George Wright (his mark)
At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse in December 1801
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between Samuel Underwood Jr of the
one part and John Via Jun of the other part was proved by the oath of the
subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
James Callaway CFC
3 Dec 1802 John Via, Jr. and Sarah to Henry Rakes DB 4/389
This Indenture made this third day of December one thousand eight hundred
and two between John Via, Jun. And Sarah Via, his wife, of the County
of Franklin of the one part and Henry Rakes of this County of the
other part, witnesseth that the said John Via for in consideration
of the sum of one hundred pounds to have in hand paid by the said
Henry Rakes doth hereby acknowledge, have bargained, and sold, and
by those Presents doth assign forever one certain tract or parcel
of land one hundred & seventy acres to the same more or less, lying
and being in Franklin County on Runnet Bag Creek and bounded as followeth
to wit, Beginning at a Black Gum in the new survey, South thirty and half
degrees, East on hundred and fifty poles
crossing sd creek & branch to a beech, north seventy and
half degrees West one hundred and forty poles to a white oak, north
one hundred and ten poles crossing a branch to a Popular, north sixty
five degrees East twenty three poles to a Gum, South seventy one degrees
East fifty four poles to the Corner White oak in the old Line, thence
East one hundred poles to a Cucumber tree on a branch, thence down
the Branch to the Creek, thence North course to the Gum at the Begining,
together with all the appertances and privileges and every part and
parcel thereof to have and to hold, the above granted Land and premises
unto the said Henry Rakes, his heirs and assigns forever and the
said John Via, and wife, Sarah Via, for themselves and their heirs
doth further covenant and agree to and with the said Henry Rakes
that he said John Via and wife the above granted Land and Premises
in an indefensible fee simple Estate unto the said Henry Rakes, his
heirs and assigns against the Claim or demands of any person or persons
whatever Shall and will by these presents warrant and forever defend.
In witness where of the said John Via and wife have set their hand and
affixed their seals the day and year above written.
John X Via (his
Sarah Via
Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the presents of us
James Staton
George Wright
Moses Roberts
At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the 6th day of
December 1802,
This Indenture of bargain and sale between John Via, & Sarah his
wife, of the one part and Henry Rakes of the other was proved by the oath
of James Staton, George Wright, and Moses Roberts, the subscribing witnesses,
and Sarah the wife being first privily examined according to Law
voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in and to the Land and Promises
conveyed by this Indenture which is ordered to be recorded.
Teste James Calloway C.C.
12 Oct 1803 John Vier, Sr. and John Peek to James Canaday
DB 4/529
This Indenture made this twelfth day October one thousand eight hundred
and three between John Peek and John Vier Senr of the County of Franklin
State of Virginia of the one part and James Canaday of the sd County &
State of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the
Sum of Fifty pounds current money to them in hand paid by the sd James
Canaday the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge Have given, granted,
bargained, and sold, and by these Presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell,
deliver & confirm unto the said James Canaday a Certain Tract or parcel
of Land, situate lying & being in the County of Franklin and on both
sides of Runet bag Creek containing one hundred and eighty acres more or
less and bounded by and in __ within the following Lines as they now Direct.
Begining at a white oak East side Runet bag Creek in James Canadays Lines,
thence with his Line crossing sd Creek to a Hickory thence same to a Spanish
oak thence same to pointers, thence same to a maple, thence same to a white
Oak, thence same to a Dogwood, thence same to a white oak in John Vier
Senr new division Line between him and sd Peek thence with same to a white
oak in David Viers new division Line between him and sd Jno Peek thence
to a white oak in an old division Line formerly made between William Rentfro
and sd Jno Peek thence same to a white oak on sd Creek thence up
same as it meanders to a Poplar East side sd Creek, thence same to a White
oak in a new Survey made by the sd Jno Peek and Jno Vier Senr thence with
same to a White Oak, thence same to pointers to a Oak thence same to a
Spanish Oak in a new division Line between Jno Via Senr and James Canaday,
thence same to a sycamore on sd Creek, thence up the same as it meanders
to the Begining. To have and to hold the sd tract or parcel of Land
together with its appurtenances to him the sd James Canaday and his Heirs
and assigns for ever and the said John Peek and John Vier Senr does jointly
covenant and agree to & with the sd James Canaday to warrant and for
ever defend the sd Land and Premises from and against the Claims or Demands
of all persons unto the said James Canaday, and his Heirs forever in fee
simple. In Witness whereof the said John Peek and John Vier Senr
have hereunto set their hands and Seals the day and year first above written.
John Peek (his P mark)
John Vier (his mark)
Signed sealed & delivered in presence of
William Canaday Jr. James Radford
David Vier (his mark) William King (his mark)
David Vier Junr (his mark)
At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the fifth day
of December 1803
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between John Peek and John Vier
Senior of the one part, and James Canaday of the other part was proved
by the oath of David Vier, William King and David Vier Junior three of
the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
13 Dec 1803 John Vier, Sr. to William Martin DB 4/574
To all To whom these Presents shall come I John Vier Sen do Give greetings
Know ye, That I the sd John Vier Sen of the County of Franklin & State
of Virginia for and in consideration of the love, good will and affection
which I have & do bear toward my loving Cousin William Martin of the
sd County and State have given and granted, and by these Presents do freely
give, grant, deliver, and Confirm unto the sd William Martin his heirs,
executors or administrators one certain Tract or parcel of Land containing
thirty acres be the same more or less situate, lying and being in the County
of Franklin and State of Virginia and on the east side of Runnet bag Creek,
and bounded by & included within the following Lines as they now direct.
Begining at a
Sycamore on East side sd Creek in James Cannadays Line, thence with
his Line to a red oak in my line and Jno Peeks, thence same to a white
oak, thence to a red oak in sd Canadays line thence same to a white oak
an thence same to the Beginning To have & To hold the above granted
Land and Premises in fee simple estate to him the sd William Martin and
his Heirs &c for ever as his and their proper right and Title without
any manner of condition In Witness whereof I the said John Vier Sen have
hereunto set my hand and Seal this 13th day of December 1803.
John Vier Sen (his mark)
Signed, Sealed & delivered in presence of us
James Radford Matthew Martin
(his mark) David Vier Jun
(his mark)
At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the 2nd day of
April 1804
This deed of gift from John Vier Sen to William Martin was acknowledged
by the said John Vier Sen & ordered to be recorded.
Teste James Callaway CFC
[ Judy queries: John
Via Sr. states William Martin was his cousin. I know they used the
term cousin differently than we do today but do not know how the Martin's
may have been related to John Via Sr's family. Some possibilites:
1. John's mother was a Martin??
2. John's brother David married a Martin as did John's brother
William?? (William married Phoebe Martin).
I do wonder if David's wife Elizabeth was a Martin as Matthew Martin
and David Vier Jr. both witnessed John's will written in 1824.]
10 Mar 1804 John Via, Jr. to William Hale DB 4/575-6
This Indenture made this tenth day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen
hundred and four between John Via Jun of Franklin County of the one part
and William Hale of the sd County of the other Witnesseth that the said
John Via for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds to him in
hand paid by the said William Hale, the Receipt he doth hereby acknowledge,
have bargained and sold and by these Presents doth grant bargain, Sell
and deliver & confirm unto the said William Hale, his Heirs and assigns
for ever one certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing ninety six acres
be the same more or less, situate, lying and being in Franklin County on
the Branches of Runnet bag Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning
on a Spanish Oak in a Branch old line north nine degrees West Seventy one
poles to an Elm on a Branch and down it as it meanders north Seventy degrees
East eighty poles to a Gum North Twelve poles to a white oak in his old
Line and with it north 70 degrees West one hundred and forty poles to a
white oak, north five degrees West forty two poles to a maple in a Branch
thence up the same to Heards corner Dogwood, thence new Line between South
and South west course up it north ?Jary? Hill to the road, and the same
course continued with the Road joining Francis Hale and Thomas Hale corner
Spanish Oak, thence a straite course to a Gum in a Branch, thence down
the same to the Beginning To have & To hold the above granted Land
and Premises and Privileges thereunto belonging to the sd William Hale
his Heirs and assigns and the said John Via and his heirs doth warrant
and forever defend the above granted Land and Premises unto the sd William
Hale, his Heirs and assigns for ever In Witness whereof the sd John Via
hath set his hand and affixed his seal The day and year above written.
John Via
Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Dennis Sheridan Francis Hale Thos. Hale
At a court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the 3rd day of
April 1804
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between John Via of the one part
& William Hale of the other part, was proved by the oath of Dennis
Sheridan, Francis Hale, Thomas Hale the witnesses hereto and ordered to
be recorded.
Teste James Callaway CFC
10 Mar 1804 John Via, Jr. to Francis Hale DB 4/576-7
This Indenture made this tenth day of March in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and four between John Via Jun of Franklin County
of the one part and Francis Hale of the sd County of the other Witnesseth
that for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds to him in hand
paid by the sd Francis Hale, the Receipt whereof the sd John Via doth hereby
acknowledge Have bargained & sold and by these Presents doth grant
bargain, Sell and deliver and confirm unto the sd Francis Hale his Heirs
and assigns one certain Tract or parcel of Land containing ninety six acres
be the same more or less, situate lying and being in Franklin County on
the Waters of Runnet bag Creek and bounded as follows to wit Beginning
at a corner Spanish oak the west side of the Road thence up a Ridge __the
South side ten poles to a Dogwood on a Branch South fifty nine degrees
East of a South West Course to a white oak, thence old Line South ten degrees
East Twenty one poles to Pointers South eighty two degrees East forty two
poles to a white oak, South fourteen degrees West Twenty eight poles to
a white oak thence new Line East strate course to a Spanish oak on sd Road,
thence with the sd Road to the Beginning To have and To hold the above
granted Land and Premise with all appurtenances and Privileges thereunto
belonging to the said Thomas Hale his Heirs and assigns and the said John
Via and his Heirs doth warrant and forever defend the above granted Land
& Premises unto the said Francis Hale his Heirs and assigns for ever
In Witness whereof the said John Via have set his hand and affixed his
seal the day and year above written.
John Via
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Thos Hale Wm Hale Dennis Sheridan
At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the 3rd day of
April 1804
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between John Via of the one part
and Francis Hale of the other part was proved by the oath of Thomas Hale,
William Hale and Dennis Sheridan the witnesses thereto, and ordered to
be recorded.
Teste James Callaway CFC
10 Mar 1804 John Via, Jr. to Thomas Hale DB 4/577
This Indenture made this tenth day of March eighteen hundred four between
John Via Jun of Franklin County of the one part and Thomas Hale of the
sd County of the other part Witneseth that the said John Via for and in
consideration of the Sum of Twenty pounds to him in hand paid by the said
Thomas Hale, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge have bargained,
and sold and by these Presents doth grant, bargain, sell & deliver
and confirm unto the said Thomas Hale his Heirs and assigns for ever one
certain Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in Franklin County on the
Branch of Runnet bagg Creek, containing ninety six acres be the same more
or less and bounded as followeth, to wit Beginning an old Line Corner white
oak thence South seventy six degrees East 30 poles to a white oak, South
fifty two degrees East Twenty eight poles to a Spanish oak at a road north
50 degrees East 30 poles to a Gum, north 86 degrees East 22 poles to Pointers
north 77 degrees East 26 poles to pointers t a Branch, and down the same
as it meanders the same course 62 poles to a Spanish oak north 9 degrees
West 76 poles to a Spanish oak on a Branch thence up the same to a Gum,
thence Southwest course to a Spanish oak on the west side of the above
mentioned road thence a strate course to the Beginning To have and To hold
the above granted Land and Premises and privileges thereunto belonging
unto the said Thomas Hale his heirs and assigns and the said John Via,
his heirs doth warrant and for ever defend the above granted Land &
Premises unto the sd Thomas Hale his heirs and assigns forever In Witness
whereof he the sd John Via have set his hand and affixed his seal the day
& year above written.
John Via
Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Dennis Sheridan Wm Hale Francis Hale
At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the 3d day of
April 1804
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale between John Via of the one part
and Thomas Hale of the other part was proved by the oath of Dennis Sheridan,
William Hale and Francis Hale the witnesses hereto & ordered to be
Teste James Callaway CFC
9 Oct 1804 George Staton to David Via, Jr. DB 8/250
This Indenture made this ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred
and four Between George Staton of the one part & David Via Junr of
the other part both of the County of Franklin. Witnesseth that for
& in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds current money of Virginia
to him the sd George Staton Senr in hand paid by the sd David Via the receipt
whereof he does hereby acknowledge hath granted, bargained & Sold by
these Presents doth grant, bargain, Sell, deliver & confirm unto the
sd David Via Junr his heirs &c one certain tract or parcel of Land
containing fifty five acres be the same more or less situate, lying and
being in the County of Franklin & in the head of a branch north side
Runnet bag Creek called the Oatfield Branch and Bounded as followeth to
wit Begining on a poplar in the head sd Branch, thence to a white oak thence
to a chesnut tree thence to a chesnut oak, thence to a white oak, thence
to a white oak thence to a poplar on sd Branch, thence up the same as it
meanders to a white oak & thence same to the Beginning To Have &
to hold the sd tract or parcel of Land together with its appurtenances
to him the sd David Via Junr & his heirs forever, & the sd George
Staton Senr does further covenant & agree to & with the sd David
Via Jun to warrant & forever defend the above granted Land & premises
from & against the claims or demands of all persons in fee simple.
In Witness whereof the sd George Staton Senr have hereunto set his hand
& Seal the day and year first above written.
George Staton (his mark)
Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presents of
Wm Martin
Archer Napier Junr
2 Feb 1805 James Edwards to John Via Jr. DB 5/478
This Indenture made this second day of February in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and five between James Edwards of the County
of Franklin of the one part and John Via Jr of the said County of the other
Witnesseth that the said James Edwards for and in consideration of the
sum of forty pounds to him in hand paid by the said John Via, the Rect
he doth
hereby acknowledge have bargained & sold, and by these Presents
doth grant, bargain, Sell and deliver and confirm unto the said John Via,
his heirs and assigns forever one certain Tract or parcel of Land, containing
Sixty Seven acres be the same more or less Situate, lying and being in
Franklin County on the Branches of Runnet bag Creek and bounded as followeth,
to wit Begining at Robert Hairston's corner Poppler thence new lines north
twenty six Degrees East ten poles to a white Walnut, South thirty one degrees
East thirty six poles to a white oak, South Seven degrees East thirty two
poles to a Poplar, North fifty three degrees West thirty four poles to
a Maple on a branch, thence up the same as it meanders to Black Walnut
at the head of the branch, thence South Twenty Seven degrees East eighty
eight poles to a red oak, South eighty six degrees West fifty six poles
to pointers, north ten degrees West Sixty eight poles to a Lowerwood, north
Seventy one degrees West thirty poles to a Poplar at the head of Branch
thence down the Same as it meanders to a white oak, thence new Line running
of a North course to a Persimmon tree on the old Line, thence with that
to a red oak corner, north fifty five degrees East forty three poles to
a Poplar, north fifteen degrees East forty two poles to a red oak, north
seventy degrees East thirty six poles to a white oak South Sixty five degrees
East twenty eight poles to a Lowerwood in the said Hairstons line, thence
along the same north forty one degrees West forty three poles to the Begining
together with all appurtenances privileges and every part and parcel thereof.
To have and To hold the above granted Land and premises and the said James
Edwards for himself and his heirs doth further covenant and agree to and
with the said John Via and his heirs that the the sd James Bedews the above
granted Land & premise in an indefeasible fee simple estate unto the
said John Via his heirs forever against the claim or demand of himself
or any person whatever shall and will by these presents warrant and forever
defend. In Witness whereof the sd James Edwards have set his hand
and affixed his Seal the day and year above written.
James Edwards
Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Elish Rakes (his mark)
John Megehee (his mark)
Sarah Bantun (her mark)
At a court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the third day
of June 1805. This Indenture of bargain and Sale between James Edwards
of the one part and John Via Jr of the other part was proved by the oath
of the three subscribing Witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
Teste James Callaway C F C
19 Mar 1808 Samuel Bird to James Via DB 5/479
This Indenture made the nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred & eight between Samuel Bird of the County
of Franklin & State of Virginia of the one part & James Viars of
the County of Patrick & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth
that the said Samuel Bird for and in consideration of the Just & full
Sum of one hundred and twelve pounds current money of Virginia to him in
hand paid by the said James Viar the Receipt whereof the said Samuel Bird
doth acknowledge himself fully Satisfied and paid hath given granted bargained
& Sold & by these presents doth give grant bargain sell & deliver
unto him the sd James Viar his heirs and assigns one certain Tract or parcel
of Land situate lying and being in the County of Franklin containing by
estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less and bounded as followeth
to wit Begining at a corner white oak on the north side of Chesnut Creek
thence north thirty five degrees East Sixty four poles to a black oak on
Richards line thence South Sixty degrees East Eighty eight poles to pointers
at a Cleft of rocks thence south Seventeen degrees East forty four poles
to a black Gum on sd Creek, thence up sd Creek as it now meanders to the
Begining. Together with all and Singular the priviledges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining To have and to hold the
above sold Land and premises with all the appurtenances unto the said James
Viar his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of
him the sd James Viar his heirs and assigns forever against the claim of
him the said Samuel Bird his heirs or assigns and against the Claim or
claims all persons whatsoever shall and will forever Defend. In Witness
whereof the said Samuel Bird hath hereunto set his hand & Seal the
day and year first above written.
Samuel Bird
J Woods
Jehu Hail
Sarah Woods
At a Court held for Franklin County July 4th 1808
This Indenture of bargain & Sale between Samuel Bird of the one
part and James Viar of the other part was acknowledged by the said Samuel
Bird and ordered to be Recorded.
Teste James Callaway C F C
21 Oct 1814 James Via & Sally to Harbard Pinkerson DB 7/196-198
This Indenture made this 21 day of October one thousand Eight hundred and
fourteen between James Via & Sally his wife of Franklin County and
State of Virginia of the one part and Harbard Pinkerson of the County of
Charlotte and said State Witnesseth the sd James Viar hath for and in consideration
of the sum of one thousand Dollars to him in hand paid by him the sd Pinkerson
the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Bargained aliened Released and
confirmed and hereby doth bargain alien release and confirm unto the said
Pinkerson his heirs and assigns for ever a certain tract or parcel of Land
lying and being in the County and State aforesaid on Chesnut Creek and
bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a Black Gum on sd Creek in Wyler
Woods line and with it N10 W50 poles crossing a branch to a Spanish Oak
N70 W102 poles to a Black oak in Richards line and with it S40 W68 poles
to a White Oak on sd Creek and thence down the same as it meanders to the
Beginning containing by actual survey one hundred and three acres with
all woods ways Houses Remainder and Remainders Revertion and Revertions
with all and singular the appertenances thereunto belonging to the only
proper use and behoof of him the sd Pinkerson his heirs and assigns for
ever and sd James Viar & Sally his wife to and with the sd Harbert
Pinkerson that he with all his heirs and assigns all and each of them will
for ever warrant and defend the above described premises in fee simple
to the said Harbert and his heirs for ever against claim or claims of all
other persons whatever in Witness whereof he the sd James Viar & Sally
his wife hath set his hand and affixed his Seal in the day and date above
James Viar
Sally Viar
In Presents of
Lankford Brizendine
Lewis David
Joel Ashworth
At the Clerks Office of Franklin County December 24th 1814
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale between James Viar and Sally his
wife of the one part and Harbert Pinkerson of the other part was acknowledged
by the said James Viar and admitted to be recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate CFC
The Commonwealth of Virginia to Peter Saunders & Jos H Townes Gentlemen
Justices of the County of Franklin Greetings Whereas James Viar and Sally
his wife by their certain Indenture of Bargain and Sale bearing date the
21st day of October 1814 have Sold and conveyed unto Harbard Pinkerson
the fee simple Estate and in one hundred three acres of Land and whereas
the said Sally cannot conveniently travel to our County Court of Franklin
to make acknowledgment of the said conveyance, therefore we give unto you
or any two or more of you power to receive the acknowledgment which the
said Sally shall be willing to make before you of the conveyance aforesaid
contained in the said Indenture which is hereunto annexed, and we do therefore
command you that you do personally go to the said Sally receive her acknowledgment
of the same, and examine her privily and apart from the said James Viar
her husband whether she doth the same freely & voluntarily without
his persuasions or threats And whether she be willing that the same should
be recorded in our said County Court. And when you have received
her acknowledgment and examined her as aforesaid that you distinctly and
openly certify us thereof in our said County Court under your Seals, sending
there the said Indenture and this Writ. Witness Caleb Tate Clerk
of our said Court the 27th day of December 1814 in the 39th year of our
C. Tate
Franklin County to wit
Pursuant to the within commission to us directed We did this day examine
Sally Viar privily and apart from James Viar her Husband and made known
to her the contents of the annexed Indenture where She acknowledged the
same to be her act and deed declaring to us that she made the said acknowledgment
freely and voluntarily without the persuasions or threats of her Husband
and was willing the said Indenture should be recorded in the County Court
of Franklin. Given under our hands and Seals this 24th December 1814.
At the Clerks office of Franklin County December 24th 1814
This Commission for taking the acknowledgment and privy examination
of Sally Via with the certificate hereon was returned and admitted to be
Teste Caleb Tate
6 Jun 1818 Elisha Rakes to John Vier DB 8/217
This Indenture made this 6th day of June one Thousand eight hundred and
eighteen between Elisha Rakes of the County of Franklin of the one part
and John Vier of the said County of the other part Witnesseth that the
said Elisha Rakes for the consideration of the sum of forty five pounds
lawfull money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said John Via the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, Sold and
delivered and by these presents doth grant bargain Sell and deliver unto
the said John Vier one certain track or parcel of Land lying and being
in the County of Franklin on the north fork of Turkey cock Creek and containing
sixty seven & half acres more or less and bounded as followeth to wit
begining on a corner Creek thence down the branch as it meanders to a white
oak South five degrees West twenty two poles to a hickory, North eighty
five degrees West twenty two poles to a hickory, North eighty five degrees
West forty four poles crossing north fork of Turkey Cock Creek to a white
oak North thirty two degrees West thirty poles to a white oak, North nine
degrees East sixty poles to pointers, North forty six degrees West thirty
six poles to a white oak, North Forty four degrees East forty six poles
to a white oak, South twenty nine degrees East forty poles to a Gum North
forty six degrees East forty four poles to a white oak North Eighty one
degrees East fifty poles to a red oak, North fifty five Degrees East forty
three poles to a poplar, thence along the said line to a new corner on
a persimon tree, thence a new division line running Southward to the begining,
to have & to hold the said Land and premises to him the said John Vier
his heirs and assigns forever the said Elisha Rakes for himself his heirs
doth hereby warrant and forever defend a good and lawful right and title
in fee simple of the aforesaid Land and premises unto the said John Vier
his heirs and forever against the claim and demand of all people whatsoever
In Witness whereof the said Elisha Rakes hath hereunto set his hand and
affixed his Seal the day and year above written.
Elisha Rakes (his mark)
Sam'l Hale
John Via Jr.
Charles Vest (his mark)
At a Court held for Franklin County September 7th 1818
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale between Elisha Rakes of the one
part and John Vier of the other part was proved by the oath of Samuel Hale,
John Via Jr., and Charles Vest the witnesses hereto & ordered to be
11 Aug 1818 John Vier, Jr. to Charles Vest DB 8/217
This Indenture made this 11th Day of August one thousand eight hundred
& eighteen between John Vier Jr of the County of Franklin of the one
part and Charles Vest of said County of the other part, Witnesseth that
for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds in hand paid by the
said Charles Vest, the receipt whereof he the said John Vier does hereby
acknowledge have given, granted, bargained and Sold unto the said Charles
Vest a certain track or parcel of Land containing fifty five acres be the
same more or less lying and being in the County of Franklin and on the
South fork of Mill branch and bounded as follows to wit, Beginning at John
Heards corner Dogwood on said branch & thence with said branch up same
to corner Dogwood and thence by an old line to a Hickory on a ridge, thence
down said Ridge to a Spring and thence with said Spring branch to William
Newberry corner white oak in said branch on Heards line, and thence with
said line to the begining To have and to hold the said track or parcel
of Land together with its appurtenances unto the said Charles Vest and
his heirs for ever, and the said John Vier doth further covenant and agree
to & with the said Charles Vest to warrant & forever defend the
said track or parcel of Land against the claims or demands of all persons
unto the said Charles Vest and his heirs in fee simple in Witness whereof
the said John Vier have hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and year
above written.
John Vier (his mark)
Signed, Seal'd and delivered in the presents of us
Sam'l Hale
John Vier Jr.
Anderson Vier
At a Court held for Franklin County September 7th 1818 This Indenture
of Bargain and Sale between John Vier of the one part and Charles Vest
of the other part, was proved by the oath of Samuel Hale, John Vier Jr.
and Anderson Vier the Witnesses hereto, and ordered to be Recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.
5 Oct 1818 David Via & Nancy to Jeremiah Ferguson DB 8/244
This Indenture made this 5th Day of October the year one thousand eight
hundred & Eighteen between David Via & Nancy his wife of the County
of Franklin & State of Virginia of the one part and Jeremiah Ferguson
of the same County & State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth
the said David Via & Nancy his wife for and in consideration of the
sum of one hundred & fifty Dollars current money of Virginia to them
in hand paid by the said Jeremiah Ferguson the Receipt whereof they doth
hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained and Sold, and by these presents
doth grant bargain Sell deliver & confirm unto the said Jeremiah Ferguson
his heirs & assigns &c one certain Track or parcel of Land lying
in the County of Franklin on the head of branch North side Runnet bag Creek
called the Oatfield branch & Bounded as followeth containing fifty
five acres be the same more or less to wit Begining on poplar at the head
of the said branch thence to a white oak, thence to a chesnut tree, thence
to a chesnut oak, thence to a white oak, thence to a white oak, thence
to a poplar in the said branch thence up the same as it meanders to a white
oak & thence same to the Begining To have & to hold the said track
of Land together with its appurtenances to have the said Jeremiah Ferguson
and his heirs & assigns forever & the said David Via & Nancy
his wife doth covenant & agree to & with the said Jeremiah Ferguson
to warrant & defend the title of Land from themselves & their heirs
and from all other person or persons will warrant & forever defend.
In Witness whereof the said David Via and Nancy his wife have hereunto
set their hand & affixed their Seals this Day & Date above written.
David Via
Nancy Via
At a Court held for Franklin County October 5th 1818
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale between David Via and Nancy his
wife of the one part, and Jeremiah Ferguson of the other part, was acknowledged
by the said David Via and Nancy his wife the said Nancy being first privily
examined according to Law, voluntarily relinquished her right of Dower
in and to the Land and premises conveyed by this Indenture and the same
was ordered to be Recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.
George Stanton to David Via, Jr. DB 8/250
8 Dec 1819 John Vier to George Hairston, Sr. DB 9/94
This Indenture made this eighth day of December eighteen hundred &
nineteen between John Viers of Franklin County Virginia of the one part
and George Hairston Senr of Henry County & State aforesaid of the other
part, Witnesseth that the said John Viers hath exchanged a piece or parcel
of Land with George Hairston joining him on Runnet Bag Creek waters containing
by estimation Fifteen Acres more or less and bounded as follows at a line
marked by Wm Lovett as by agreement of the parties Begining at a Stooping
corner White Oak by the side of said Hairstons fence, thence a new line
south across the old path to a Poplar on the branch on said Viers line,
thence down said branch an East course rather South with his line to said
Hairstons corner Pointers, thence a North west course with said Hairstons
corner Pointers, thence a North west course with said Hairstons to the
Begining To have and to hold the aforesaid Fifteen Acres land with all
ways, woods, waters and water courses with all hereditaments thereunto
belonging or in any wise appertaining free from all encumbrances whatever,
to the only proper use & behoof of him the said George Hairston his
heirs and assigns forever. In Witness the said John Viers hath hereunto
set his hand and seal the day and year above written.
John Viers (his mark)
Signed sealed and deliv'd
In presents of
John Via Jr.
Alvin Lewis
Anderson Via
At a Court held for Franklin County June 5th 1820
This Indenture of Bargain and sale between John Via of the one part,
and George Hairston Sr of the other part was proved by the oaths of the
witnesses whose names are hereto subscribed and the same was ordered to
be Recorded.
Caleb Tate CFC
8 Dec 1819 George Hairston to John Viers DB 9/95
This Indenture made this eighty day of December eighteen hundred &
nineteen between George Hairston Senr of Henry County Virginia of the one
part and John Viers of Franklin County and State aforesaid of the other
part. Witnesseth that the said George Hairston hath exchanged a peace
of Land with said Viers containing fifteen acres on Runnet Bag Creek waters
which joins said Viers and bounded as follows, Begining on a small chesnut
tree near a Gate on said Hairstons line thence a new line South West course
to Elisha Rakes line to sd Hairstons line and with sd Hairstons line to
a Poplar, thence an East Course along Rakes line to said Hairstons line
to a Poplar corner, thence a North course to the Begining Chesnut tree
To have and to hold the aforesaid fifteen acres of Land with all ways,
woods, water and water courses, with all hereditaments thereunto belonging
or in any wise appertaining free from all incumbrances whatsoever to the
only proper use and behoof of him the said John Viers his heirs and assigns
and against him the said George Hairston or his heirs and assigns and against
all and every other claim or claims of all and every other person or persons
whatsoever In witness I herein hereunto set my hand and seal the day &
year aforesaid.
Geo Hairston
Signed sealed & delivered In presents of
John Via Jr.
Alvin Lewis
Anderson Via
At a Court held for Franklin County June 5th 1820
This Deed from George Hairston to John Via was proved by the oaths
of John Via Jr, Alvin Lewis and Anderson Via the witnesses hereto and the
same was ordered to be recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.
8 Sep 1822 John Via, Sr. to John Via, Jr. DB 10/141-142
This Indenture made this twenty eighth day of Sept in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twenty two between John Via Snr of the one
part, of the County of Franklin State of Virginia, and John Via Jr of the
County of Franklin and State aforesd of the other part Witnesseth that
for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to him in
hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained
and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain sell and deliver and
confirm unto the said John Via Jr his heirs and assigns forever one certain
tract or parcel of land lying and being in Franklin County on the West
side of Runnet bag Creek containing sixty acres more or less and bounded
as follows to wit Beginning on sorrelwood tree on Hairstons line, thence
new line SW 12 poles to a white oak corner, thence South East down the
ridge thirty poles to a corner red oak from thence South to a corner spanish
oak ten poles from thence SE to a poplar corner ten poles from thence a
East course about 30 poles to Ingrums line and from thence to Hairstons
line, and with Hairstons line to the Beginning. To have and to hold
the same granted land and premises and priviledges there and unto belonging
to sd John Via Jr, his heirs and assigns and the sd John Via Sr his heirs
and assigns doth warrant and forever defend the above granted land unto
the said John Via Jr his heirs or assigns forever. In Witness whereof
he the said John Via Sr have set his hand and affixed his seal the day
and year above riten.
John Via Sr (Seal)
Signd seal and delivered in the presents of us
Thos. Hale
Joseph Russel
Samuel Saunders
Spencer Cockram
Thomas Newberry
At the Clerk's Office of Franklin County the 1st day of October 1822
This Indenture of bargain and sale between John Via Sr of the one part
and John Via Jr of the other part was proved by the oath of Samuel Saunders,
Spencer Cockram and Thomas Newberry, three of the witnesses hereto and
admitted to record.
Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.
30 May 1823 David Via to Josiah Via DB 10/278
This Indenture made this 30th day of May in the year of our Lord 1823 between
David Via of the County of Franklin and State of Virginia of the one part
and Josiah Via of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth
that for and in consideration of the sum of seven pounds ten shillings
to him in hand paid by sd Josiah Via the receipt whereof he doth hereby
acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained and sold & by these presents
doth give grant deliver and confirm unto the sd Josiah Via a certain tract
or parcel of land containing fifty acres be the same more or less situate
being and lying in Franklin County on the West side of Runet Bagg Creek
between sd David Via and John Heard and bounded as followeth to wit Begining
at Peeks corner white oak, thence new line 113 poles to a white oak on
land branch in James Canaday's line thence with his line 42 poles to Herds
corner red oak thence with his line 40 poles to a spanish oak, thence 38
poles to a red oak, thence twenty poles to sd David Via old line, and with
it to the Begining To have & to hold the sd land with all its appurtenances
unto the said Josiah Via his heirs and assigns forever, the said David
Via doth warrant and for ever defend the sd land from the claim or claims
of all persons unto the sd Josiah Via and to his heirs forever. In
Witness whereof the sd David Via have hereunto set his hand and affixed
his seal.
David Via
Thos Hale
Phebe Via
Frances Via
At the Clerks Office of Franklin County the 2nd day of June 1823
This Indenture of bargain and sale between David Via of the one part,
and Josiah Via of the other part was acknowledged by the said David Via
and admitted to record.
Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.
11 Jan 1825 John Vier, Sr. and Sarah to Anderson
Vier DB 11/304
This Indenture made this eleventh day of January one thousand eight hundred
and twenty five between John Vier, Sen. and Sarah his wife of the County
of Franklin & State of Virginia of the one part and Anderson Vier of
said County & State of the other part witnesseth that the said John
Vier and Sarah his wife for the consideration of One Dollar in hand paid
by the said Anderson Vier hath given and the receipt which is hereby acknowledged
hath granted, bargained and given & delivered and by these presents
doth grant, bargain, give and Deliver unto the said Anderson Vier and his
heirs forever one certain tract or parcel of Land lying & being in
the County of Franklin on the north fork of Turkey Cock Creek containing
Sixty Seven & half acres more or less and bounded as followeth To Wit
Beginning on a corner birch on a branch thence down the branch as it meanders
to a white Oak South five degrees west twenty two poles to a Hickery North
Eighty Five degrees West forty four poles crossing North fork of Turkey
Cock Creek to a White Oak north Thirty two degrees West thirty poles to
a White Oak North Nine degrees East Sixty poles to pointers North forty
six degrees west thirty six poles to a White Oak North forty four degrees
East forty six poles to a White Oak South Twenty Nine degrees East forty
poles to a Gum North forty six degrees East forty four poles to a White
Oak North Eighty one degrees East fifty poles to a red Oak North fifty
five degrees East forty three poles to a Poplar thence along the said line
to a new persimmon corner tree thence across dividing line crossing a South
course to the beginning. To have and to hold the said land and premises
to him the said Anderson Vier and his Heirs and assigns forever the said
John Vier & Sarah his wife for themselves their heirs doth hereby Warrant
and forever defend a good and Lawful right and title in fee Simple of the
aforesaid Land and premises unto the said Anderson Vier his Heirs and assigns
forever free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever.
In Witness whereof the said John Vier & Sarah his wife hath hereunto
set their hands & Seals the day and year above written.
John Vier Sen
Abr Jones
John Vest
William Irvin (his mark)
Joel Hudson (his mark)
Littleberry Vest (his mark)
At the Clerks Office of the County Court of Franklin the 2d May 1825
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between John Via Sr of the one part
and Anderson Via of the other part was proved by the Oath of Littleberry
Vest one of the witnesses hereto And the said Clerks Office 6th October
1828. This said Indenture was further proved by the oath of John
Vest and Joel Hudson two other witnesses hereto and admitted to record.
Teste Caleb Tate CFC
David Austin to Josias Via DB 11/350
6 Nov 1830 David Via to James Cannaday DB 13/260?
25 acres
Andrew Boyd to Isaac Via DB 13/243
Andrew Boyd to Isaac Via DB 13/293
16 Apr 1825 Charles Vest & John Vier, Sr. to James Canaday DB
This Indenture made this Sixteenth day April One Thousand Eight Hundred
and twenty five between Charles Vest of the County of Patrick & John
Vier Senr of the County of Franklin of the one part and James Canaday of
the County of Franklin of the other part. Witnesseth that for and
in consideration of the Sum of Ninety Dollars to them in hand paid by the
sd James Canaday the receipt whereof they the sd Charles Vest & John
Vier Senr does hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained & Sold unto
the said James Canaday, a certain Tract or parcel of Land, Containing Eighty
acres be the same more or less Situate lying & being in the County
of Franklin & on a South branch of runnet bag Creek, and bounded as
followeth To Wit Begining on a Branch at pointers formerly a Dogwood on
John Heards line & Wm Hale's Corner, thence with said Heards line to
a corner White Oak on a branch in Wm Newberys line deceas'd, thence with
sd line up sd branch as it meanders to its head to four __ thence up a
hill by marked trees to a Corner Hickory in Daniel Griffiths line, thence
with it to an Elm, thence same to a double Chesnut tree, thence same to
a Corner White Oak in John Meghee Dec'd line, thence with his line running
down the south side of a ridge to the Waggon road to a corner Spanish Oak
in Wm Hale's line, and thence with his line to the Begining. To Have
and to hold the above tract or parcel of Land together with its appurtenances
unto the sd James Canaday & his heirs forever & the sd Charles
Vest & John Vier Senr does further Covenant and agree to & with
the sd James Canaday to Warrant & forever defend the sd Tract or parcel
of land against the Claims or demands of all persons unto the sd James
Canaday & his heirs in fee simple. In Witness whereof the sd
Charles Vest & John Vier Senr have hereunto set their hand & Seals
the day and year above written.
Charles Vest (his mark)
John Via (his mark)
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us
Pleasant Canaday
John Via Jr.
David Rakes
Stephen Heard (his mark)
At a Court held for Franklin County the 6th day of June 1825
This Indenture of bargain and sale between Charles Vest & John
Via Sr of the one part and James Canaday of the other was proved by the
Oath of Pleasant Canaday and David Rakes two of the Witnesses thereto.
And at a Court held for said County the 4th September 1832 This said
Indenture was further proved by the Oath of John Via Jr another Witness
hereto and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate CFC
6 Aug 1831 Littleberry Vest to Anderson Via DB 13/390
This Indenture made this 6th day of August 1831 between Littleberry Vest
of the one part & Anderson Via of the other part Witnesseth that for
and in consideration of the sum of One hundred dollars paid to him in hand
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted bargained and
sold, and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto him the sd
Anderson Via, one certain tract or parcel of land in Franklin County containing
thirty five acres be the same more or less, and bounded as followeth Begining
at a Spanish Oak in Joel Hudsons line, North West 45 poles to a chesnut
corner in Hudsons line, thence North East 12 poles to a Locust in L. Vests
line, thence South East 90 poles crossing Branch to a Chesnut Oak, thence
down the Branch as it meanders to a Cucumber at the forks of the Branch,
thence with Joel Hudsons line to the Begining together with all and singular
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To
have and to hold the said bargained land and premises unto him the said
Anderson Via, his heirs and assigns forever. And he the sd Littleberry
Vest doth Warrant and forever defend the said Land and premises unto him
the sd Anderson Via his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim of
him the said Littleberry Vest his heirs and assigns, or any other persons
claiming under him. As Witness whereof the said Littleberry
Vest hath hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and year first above written.
Little Bery Vest (his mark)
Sary Vest (her mark)
Isaac Huff
David Willis
John Vest
At the Clerks Office of the County Court of Franklin the 3rd October
1831 This Indenture of bargain and sale between Littleberry Vest of the
one part and Anderson Via of the other part, was proved by the Oath of
Isaac Huff one of the subscribing Witnesses - And at the said Clerks Office
the 26th of April This said Indenture was further proved by the Oath of
John Vest another Witness hereto - And at the said Office the 5th September
1832, This said Indenture was further proved by the oath of David Willis
the other Subscribing Witness and committed to record.
Teste Caleb Tate CFC
2 Feb 1833 Josiah Via to James Via DB 13/458
This Indenture made and entered into the second day of February in the
year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty three between Josiah
Via of the County of Franklin and state of Virginia of the one part and
James Via of the same County and State of the other part Witnesseth that
the said Josiah Via for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars
to him in hand paid by the said James Via the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged by the said Josiah Via have granted bargained sold and delivered
and by these presents do grant bargain sell and deliver unto him the said
James Via & his heirs forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the County of Franklin and State of Virginia on the waters
of Runnet bag Creek containing by estimation fifty acres be the same more
or less and bounded as follows to wit. Beginning at a corner White
oak on James Canadays land thence new line 113 poles to a white oak crossing
the land branch in said James Canadays line thence with his line 42 poles
to said Canadays corner red oak thence with said line 40 poles to a spanish
oak thence 38 poles to a red oak thence 20 poles to the late David Via's
line and with it to the beginning. To have and to hold the said land
with all its appurtenances to him the said James Via in an indefeasible
fee simple estate and the said Josiah Via doth further agree to warrant
and for ever defend the right and title of the above described land to
him the said James Via and his heirs forever against the claim or claims
of any person or persons, whatsoever. In Witness where of the said
Josiah Via has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal this day and
date above written.
Josiah Via (his mark)
At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the 4th day of
February 1833 This Indenture of bargain and sale between Josiah via of
the one part and James Via of the other part was acknowledged by the said
Josiah Via and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate CFC
5 Jun 1833 James Via to Moses G. Carper DB 13/538
This Indenture made and entered into this 5th day of June Eighteen Hundred
and thirty three between James Via of the County of Franklin and State
of Virginia of the first part, Moses G Carper of the same County and State
of the second part and James Canady of the aforesaid County and State of
the third part, Witnesseth that whereas the said James Via is indebted
to the said James Canaday in the sum of Seventy dollars and 38 Cents, and
the said James Via being desirous to secure the judgment of the same, and
whereas the said James Canady is security for the said James Via to Josiah
Via for the sum of Thirty dollars which security debt the said James Via
is also desirous of securing to the said James Canaday, therefore in consideration
of the premises & also of the sum of one dollar to him paid by the
said Carper, the said James Via doth grant bargain sell and deliver, and
by these presents do grant bargain sell and deliver unto him the said Moses
G Carper, his the said James Via's right and title to and sole interest
in a Certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the said County
of Franklin and State of Virginia on the Waters of Runnet Bag Creek it
being one and a half share in the tract of land of which David Via the
father of the said James Via died seized, and also one other tract adjoining
the above Tract containing 50 acres more or less, and bounded as follows
to Wit. Begining at Peeks corner White Oak & thence new lines
113 poles to a White oak on the land Branch in James Canday's line, thence
with his line 42 poles to a Spanish Oak, thence 38 poles to a red oak thence
twenty poles to said David Via's old line and with it to the Begining.
To Have and to hold the said Tracts of land with all their appurtenances
to him the said Moses G Carper his heirs or assigns forever, and the said
James Via doth further agree to Warrant and forever defend the said described
land and premises against the claim or claims of any person or persons
whomsoever. Yet upon Trust, Nevertheless that the said Moses G Carper
shall permit the said James Via to remain in peaceable possession of the
lands and receive the profits arising thereof until the 25th day of December
1833, at which time the said debt is to be discharged, and if the said
James Via should fail to pay unto the said James Canaday all or any part
of the above named debts by the 25th day of December 1833, then the said
Moses G Carper shall after giving ten days previous notice at some public
and convenient place, sell the said two Tracts of land To the highest
bidder for ready money at auction, and out of the money arising from such
sale the said Moses G Carper shall pay to the said James Canaday all or
any part of the said debt of Seventy dollars and 38 cents with all legal
interest that may be on the same, and also any part, or all of the Security
debt of Thirty dollars with any interest that may be thereon which he the
said James Canaday may have paid or may be likely to pay after first paying
al costa and expenses attending the above Deed of Trust, and sale of lands
&c. And should any balance remain after all the above named debts
interest and expenses are paid then the said Moses G Carper shall pay the
same over to the said James Via (if living, and if dead, to his wife Nancy
Via) But if the said James Via should pay to the said James Canaday the
above named debts &c by the said 25th day of December 1833, then this
Indenture to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
In Witness whereof the said James Via have hereunto set his hand and seal
this day and date above written.
James Via (his mark)
Henry B Johnson
At the Clerks Office of Franklin County Court the 1st day of August
This Deed of Trust from James Via to Moses G Carper for the purposes
herein expressed was acknowledged by the said James Via and admitted to
Teste Caleb Tate CFC
4 Nov 1833 David, Josiah, Richard and James Via
to James Canaday DB 14/15-16
This Indenture made and entered into this 4th day of November in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three between David Via
of the County of Clay and State Kentucky, Josiah Via of the County of Franklin
and State of Virginia, Richard Via of the County of Patrick and State of
Virginia, and James Via of the County of Franklin and State of Virginia,
of the one part and James Canaday of the County of Franklin and State of
Virginia of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said David, Josiah,
Richard and James Via, for and in the consideration of the Sum of One hundred
and Sixty dollars to them in hand paid by the said James Canaday, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained and sold,
and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, Sell and deliver, unto the
said James Canaday, all the right, title, interest and claim in the real
estate of David Via Sr. dec'd (Save one and a half fifths belonging to
the said James Via) the said interest in the real estate as devised by
the Will of the said David Via Senr dec'd, to the said David, Josiah, Richard,
and James his Sons, the said real estate lying and being in the County
of Franklin aforesaid, on the Waters of Runnet Bag Creek. To have
and to hold the said right, title, interest and claim, in and to the said
real estate of the sd David Via Senr dec'd to him the said James Canaday
his heirs and assigns forever free from them the said David, Josiah, Richard
and James Via, their heirs executors and administrators, and the said David,
Josiah, Richard and James Via, doth for themselves their heirs, executors
and administrators covenant and agree to and with the said James Canaday
his heirs &c to Warrant and defend a good and lawfull title to the
interest aforesaid unto him the said James Canaday his heirs &c against
all other claims or demands of any person or persons whomsoever In
testimony whereof the said David, Josiah, Richard, and James Via, have
hereunto Set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first
within Written.
David Via (his mark)
Josiah Via (his mark)
Richard Via (his mark)
James Via (his mark)
Peter Canaday
Isaac Canaday
William Martin (his mark)
Chesley Rakes (his mark)
Henry B. Johnson
James B. Canaday
At a Court held for Franklin County the 2nd day of June 1834
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between David Via, Josiah Via, Richard
Via and James Via of the one part and James Canaday of the other part was
proved by the oaths of Peter Canaday, Isaac Canaday and William Martin
three of the Subscribing Witnesses hereto and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.
13 Jan 1838 Josiah Via to George Whorley DB 15/462
This Indenture made this 13th day of January in the year of our Lord 1838
Between Josiah Via of the County of Franklin and State of Virginia of the
one part and George Whorley of the same county and State aforesaid of the
other part Witnesseth that the said Josiah Via for and in consideration
of the some of Two Hundred Dollars current money of Virginia in hand paid
by the said George
Whorley the receipt whereof he the said Josiah Via doth acknowledge
have bargained and Sold and by these presents doth grant bargain &
Sell unto the said George Whorley Two certain Tracks or parcels of land
lying in the county of Franklin on the waters of Shooting Creek containing
three Hundred & fifteen acres be the same more or less first being
Track of One Hundred & fifty acres and Bounded as followeth (to wit)
Begining at Richard Wood corner white Walnut tree on Shooting Creek &
down the same as it meanders to a mahogany thence new line So 76 E26 poles
crossing the creek to chesnut tree No 45 E36 poles to chesnut tree &
thence new line to __ on the creek thence up the creek South fifth West
58 poles to Sycamore thence off No 32 W26 poles to poplar thence new line
So 66 W8 poles to a red oak in Peter Saunders line North 85 W30 poles to
thence West course straight line to a corner Spanish thence So E straight
line to poplar & thence South straight line to the Begining Walnut
on the creek. Also one other Tract containing one hundred & Sixty
Six Acres more or less. Begining at two Lymons in John Mannings line on
the Creek with it N 55 E22 poles to two __ on branch down the same as it
meanders to the creek & down the same as it meanders to a Sycamore
on the said Creek thence So 64 poles to a cucumber and chesnut So 72 W32
poles to three Dogwoods No 64 W20 poles to chesnut oak No 26 W66 poles
to a Dogwood No 36 W64 poles to a Spanish oak No 68 W58 poles to a Spanish
oak No 24 W26 poles to a poplar No 61 W52 poles to a Spanish oak No 86
W60 poles to a __ S 77 W70 poles to the Begining. To Have and to
hold with all appurtenances privileges and every part an parcel thereof
and the said Josiah Via doth covenant & agree to and with the said
George Whorley that
he the said Josiah Via the above granted land and premises in fee Simple
Estate unto the said George Whorley and his heirs from the claim or demand
of him or his heirs or any other person will Warrant & defend in Witness
whereof the said Josiah Via have hereunto set his hand & affixed his
Seal this day and year first above Written.
Josiah Via (his mark)
Signed & Delivered
Sparrel H. Griffith
Isaac Via
Evan Griffith
In Franklin County Clerks Office, May 3rd 1838
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between Josiah Via of the one part
and George Whorley of the other part was proved by the oaths of Sparrel
H Griffith, Isaac Via and Evan Griffith the subscribing witnesses hereto
and admitted to record.
Teste Caleb Tate CFC
27 Apr 1839 Anderson Via to John Vest DB 16/57
This Indenture made this 27th day of April 1839 Between Anderson Via of
the one part and John Vest of the other part. Witnesseth that for
and in
consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars paid to him in hand
the Receipt whereof i hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and Sold
and by these presents doth grant bargain and Sell unto him the said John
Vest one certain tract or parcell of Land in Franklin County containing
thirty five Acres be the same more or less and bounded as followeth Beginning
at a Spanish Oak in Joel Hudsons line North West 45 poles to a Chestnut
corner in Hudsons line thence North East 13 poles to a locust in Beery
Vest line thence South East 90 poles crossing a Branch to a Chesnut Oak
thence down the Branch as it meanders to a Cucumber at the forks of the
Branch thence with Joel Hudson line to the beginning. Together with all
and Singular appurtances thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining.
To Have and to hold the said bargained Land and premises unto him the said
John Vest his heirs and assigns forever and he the said Anderson Via doth
warrant and forever defend the sade Land and premises unto him the sade
John Vest his heirs and assigns forever anymore from the clame of him the
sade Anderson Via his heirs and assigns or any other person claiming under
Witness whereof the sade Anderson Via hath hereunto set his hand and
Seal the day and year above written.
Anderson Via
At the Clerks Office of Franklin County Court May 2nd 1839
This Indenture of bargain and Sale between Anderson Via of the one
part and John Vest of the other part was acknowledged in the said Office
by the
said Anderson Via and admitted to record.
Teste Moses G Carper CFC
6 Mar 1858 Anderson & Jane Via to William Richardson DB25/255-256
This deed made the 6th day of March 1858 between Anderson Via & Jane
his wife of one part & William Richardson of the other part all of
the County of Franklin & State of Virginia Witnesseth that the said
Anderson Via & Jane his wife for one hundred & fifty Dollars hath
granted & sold to the said William Richardson 70 acres of land more
or less lying in Franklin County on the North fork of Turkey Cock Creek
& bounded as follows To wit: Beginning at pointers where formerly stood
a beech thence down a branch crossing several times S40 W59 poles to a
white oak in Radfords line & with his line N48 W54 poles crossing two
branches to a small Mahogany by a chestnut stump West 46 poles to a sorrel
wood in Cockran's line & with that line N9 E46 poles to pointers N46
W36 poles to a white oak N44 E56 poles crossing a branch to an apple tree
by a white oak stump S29 E40 poles to a white oak N46 E44 poles to a white
oak stump N81 E52 poles to pointers where formerly stood a persimmon thence
a straight line south to the beginning the said Anderson Via & Jane
his wife doth covenant and agree that the said William Richardson do have
quiet & peaceable possession of the above named land & premises.
Witness the following signatures & seals.
Anderson Via
Jane Via
Franklin County Virginia To Wit:
I Stephen Thomas a Justice of the peace for the County and State aforesaid
do certify that Anderson Via whose name is signed to the writing hereto
annexed bearing date the 6th day of March 1858 has acknowledged the same
before me in my County aforesaid. Given under my hand this 6th day
of March 1858.
Stephen Thomas JP
Franklin County
Virginia To Wit:
We William C. Saunders and Stephen Thomas Justices for the peace for
the County and State aforesaid do certify that Jane Via wife of Anderson
Via, whose names are signed to the writing hereto annexed bearing date
the 6th day of March 1858 personally appeared before us in the County aforesaid
and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having
the writing aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Jane Via acknowledged
the said writing to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly
executed the same and does not wish to retract. Given under our hands
this 6th day of March 1858.
Stephen Thomas JP
William C. Saunders JP
In the Clerks Office of Franklin County Court the 12th day of March
This Deed from Anderson Via and Jane his wife to William Richardson
was exhibited into the said office and together with the certificate herein
endorsed admitted to record.
Teste Ro A. Scott CFC
9 Jan 1861 John Via, Sr. to Stephen Thomas DB26/484-485
This deed made this 9th day of January in the year of 1861 between John
Via Sr. of the one part and Stephen Thomas of the other part. Witnesseth
that the said John Via Sr. doth grant unto the said Stephen Thomas one
certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Franklin
on Runnet bag creek containing Sixty acres more or less and bounded by
the land of Anderson Via, Samuel Jarnis, James Cannaday Sr and others (being
the same tract on which the said Via now resides) also one bay mare in
trust to secure the payment of bond executed to _. H. and I. Cannaday bearing
date and due on the 9th day of January 1861 for the sum of Eighty three
Dollars and nine cents. Now if the said John Via Sr. shall on or
before the 1st day of January 1862 fail to pay the above named Bond with
the legal interest thereon accruing then it shall be lawfull for
the said Stephen Thomas after having given at least ten days notice by
way of public advertisement posted at three or more public places in the
neighborhood of said land to sell the said land by way of public auction
to the highest bidder for cash after paying the said bond with the interest
together with the cost of recording this deed and carrying the same into
effect then pay the residue if any to the said John Via. Witness
the following signatures and seals.
John Via Sr.
Franklin County to wit
I Michael Knowles a Justice of the peace for the County aforesaid in
the state of Virginia do certify that John Via Sr. whose name is signed
to the writing bearing date on the 9th day of January 1861 has acknowledged
the same before me in my county aforesaid. Given under my hand this
9th day of January 1861.
Michael Knowles
In the Clerks office of Franklin County Court the 19th day of January
This deed of Trust from John Via Sr. to Stephen Thomas for the purposes
herein expressed was exhibited into the said office and together with the
certificate Therein endorsed admitted to record.
Teste Ro. A. Scott CFC
Hanover Co. VA
19 Aug 1788 Robert Via, Sr. to Robert Via, Jr. DB 1783-92 p. 296
This indenture made the 19th day of August in the year of our Lord God
MDCCLXXIII between Robt. Via, Senr of the Parish of St. Paul of the County
of Hanover of the one part, to his son Robt. Via Junr of the said Parish
and County of the other part, Witnesseth: That the said Robt. Via, Senr
for and in consideration of the love and affection which he beareth to
his said son Robt. Via, Junr and also for and in consideration of the tender
and affectionate care which the said Robt. Via Junr hath exercised toward
his Father at all times but particularly in his distress and sickness,
hath given, granted and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant
and confirm unto the said Robert Via Junr his heirs and assigns forever
all the following Estate to wit Eight Negroes Viz Peter, Tom, Jimboy, Jack,
Lucy, Sarah, Amy and Jane also two featherbeds of furniture also two pewter
dishes and a Bason and my Red Heffer with a Red Bull calf also a White
Barrow of a White Sow Shote and also a Bay horse colt two years old all
which Estate I give, Grant and confirm unto my said son Robt. Via Junr
his heirs and assigns
forever but with the following exception that my wife Fanny Ann Via
shall hold and enjoy two of the said Negroes to Wit Sarah and Amy During
her Widdowhood or as long as she shall use them well and provide for their
comfortable support and nourishment in food and Clothing but when she shall
Die or Marry or shall neglect them or let them suffer my said son is to
assume his undivided Interest in the said Slaves and I do by these
presents Warrant and Defend all the above mentioned Estate with their Increase
unto my said son Robert Via Junr his heirs and assigns forever Except as
to the above Exception with Respect to Sarah and Amy, in Witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the day and year above
Robt. R Via Senr (His Hand)
In presence of Elisha White
Manoah Lipscomb
Lucy Kent (mark)
court of Thurs. Sept. 4, 1788
2 Nov 1805 Charles Talley, Jr. & Elizabeth to Edmond Via
This Indenture made this the seckond day of November
in the year of our lord Christ one thousand Eight hundred & five, between
Charles Talley junr & Elizabeth his wife of the Parish of saint Paul's
& County of Hanover of the one part, and Edmond Via of the same Parish
& county of the other part, witnesseth, that the said Charles Talley junr
& Elizabeth his wife, for & in consideration of the sum of Four hundred
& fifty dollars current money of Virginia by the said Edmond Via, at &
before the ensealing & delivery of these presents, to the said Charles
Talley junr in hand paid the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged Have
granted Bargained sold aliened infeofed & confirmed, & by these
presents do clearly & absolutely grant Bargain sell alien enfeoff &
confirm unto the said Edmond Via his heirs & assigns forever, one certain
tract or parcel of land containing one hundred Acres situate lying & being
in the County aforesaid, on the Poney swamp a branch of Potopotomony Creek,
which is bounded as followeth, beginning on the said swamp at a Black gum
corner with William Wicker & runing from thence with the said Wicker along
a new line of marked trees, south fourteen & three quarters degrees west,
sisty six & half poles to a small persimmon tree by a dead marked pine on
elbow in the said Wickers old line thence along a line of old marked trees,
south thirty three degrees west sixty one & a half pole to pointers corner
with the said Wicker in Billy Talleys line, on the road, thence up the middle
of the road along Billy Talleys line north fifty nine degrees west Eighteen
poles, thence north fifty five degrees west, forty three poles, thence north
forty seven & a half degrees west, twenty five poles, thence north fifty
one & three quarter west twenty one & a half poles thence north forty
nine degrees west thirty four poles to corner with the land formerly Peggy
Hughes's now Richard Burnett thence along the said Burnetts line of marked
trees north thirty seven degrees East one hundred & five poles to a Corner
black gum, thence south forty one degrees East fourteen poles to a large white
oak thence south fifty one degrees East thirty two poles to an Elbow thence
wouth forty three degrees East twenty Eight poles to a corner on the swamp,
thence down the meanders of the swamp thirty seven poles to a corner maple on
the Poney swamp & thence up the Poney swamp Thirty Poles to the
Beginning. To have and to hold the said
Tract or Parcel of one hundred acres of Land with its appurtenances, to him the
said Edmond Via his heirs & assigns to the only use benifit & behoof of
him the said Edmond Via, his Heirs and assigns forever and the said Charles
Talley junr & Elizabeth his wife themselves their Heirs Executors &
administrators, the said tract or parcel of one hundred acres of land with its
appurtenances, against themselves their Heirs and assigns, and against the
clame or clames of all & every other person or persons whatever, to the
said Edmond Via his heirs and assigns, shall and will warrant and forever
In Witness whereof the said Charles Tallely junr and
Elizabeth his wife have hereunto set their hands & seals, the day month
& year above written.
signed sealed & delivered
Charles Talley junr
In the Presence of
Frances Wicker
Wm Wicker (his mark)
Martha Turner (her mark)
E Wicker
Received this the 2nd day of November 1805 of Edmond Via four hundred
& fifty Dollars being the Consideration money within mentioned.
Francis Wicker
Charles Talley junr
E Wicker
At a court of monthly session held for Hanover County at the courthouse on wednesday
the 27th of November 1805
This deed indented and the receipt thereto annexed
were acknowledged by Charles Talley junr a party thereto and is ordered to be
Teste William Pollard CHC
Teste Tho Pollard DCHC
The Commonwealth
of Virginia to John Kilby
and Parke Street
Gentlemen Justices of the County of Hanover greeting:
whereas Charles Talley junr & Elizabeth his wife have by their deed
indented bearing date the second day of November 1805 sold and conveyed unto
Edmond Via one certain tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred acres
situate lying and being in the County aforesaid on the Poney swamp, and whereas
the said Elizabeth Cannot conveniently travel to our County court of Hanover to
make acknowledgments of the said conveyance, therefore we do give unto you or
any two or more of you power to examine her privily and take her acknowledgment
concerning the conveyance aforesaid contained in the said deed which is hereto
annexed, and we command you that you personally go the said Elizabeth and
examine her privily and apart from her said husband concerning her executing
the said deed & take her acknowledgment thereupon and when you have
examined her as is aforesaid and received her acknowledgment that you
distinctly and plainly certify us thereof in our said court annexed to this
writ witness William Pollard clerk of our said courth the 24th day of February
1806 in the __ year of our foundation.
William Pollard
Hanover County to wit,
We do hereby certify that pursuant to the above
commission to us directed we did this day go to Mrs. Elizabeth Talley wife of
the above named Charles Talley junr and examined her privily and apart from her
said husband and she declared that she Willingly signed and sealed the deed in
the saidCommission mentioned, which was then shewn and explained to her by us,
and consented that the same may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals
this 3rd day of July 1806.
P Street
At a Court of monthly session held for Hanover County at the Courthouse on Wednesday
the 27th of August 1806
This Commission and Certificate were returned, and
are ordered to be recorded
Pollard CHC
Truly recorded
Teste Tho. Pollard DCHC
--Virginia Historical
Society, Benjamin Brand papers, Mss1 B7332 b 1219-1224, Section 28
Louisa Co. VA
28 Oct 1752 Edward Stringer to David & Frances
Via DB A/489-90
Edward Stringer of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa Co. to David Via and
Frances Via, his wife, and daughter of sd. Edward Stringer of same.
For paternal affection. 75a on both sides of Goldmine Creek ... Nicholas
Gentry's corner ... line between edward Stringer and Col. Syme
Witness: Nathl.
Edward ES Stringer
Thos. Dicken
Wm. Phillips
28 Nov 1752 Acknowledged by Edward Stringer
5 May 1758 Edmund Stringer and Susannah to David
Via DB B/273-4
Edmund Stringer and Susannah, his wife, of Louisa Co. to David Via of same.
60 lbs current money for 124a on branches of Godmine Creek ... Nicholas
Gentrys corner.
Witness: Wm.
Edmund Stringer
Nicholas Gentry, junr
27 Jun 1758 acknowledged by Edmund Stringer and Susanah, his wife, and
who declared her consent.
28 Oct 1760 William Via, of Albemarle Co. to
John Lankester, of Louisa Co. DB C/45-6
This Indenture this 28th Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and Sixty & in the thirty fourth year of the reign of
our sovering Lord George The second by the grace of God of Great britain
King defender of the faith &c between Daniel Maupin of the parish of
Fredericksville & County of Albemarle of the one part & William
Via of the parish & County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that
the said Daniel Maupin for & in consideration of the sum of Sixty pounds
Current money of Virginia to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery
of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge himself
therewith fully Satisfied contented and paid & thereof & every
part & parcel thereof do acquit & Discharge him the said William
Via his heirs Executors & Administrators Have bargained Sold Aliened
conveyed & Confirmed and by these presents do bargain Sell Alien enfeoff
release convey and confirm unto the said William Via his heirs and assigns
for ever one certain Tract or parcel of Land Situate lying on both Sides
of the South side of the south branch of the North fork of James River
being in the parish & County aforesaid containing three hundred acres
be the same more or less bounded as follows Viz Beginning at James Warrens
corner red oak on the Northside of the said River in the County line Running
thence down the same by the water __ making in a strait line one hundred
& thirty Six poles to a Hickory Thence North fifty degrees west Eighty
poles to a pine thence north five Degrees West one hundred and Sixty poles
to a white oak Thence west one hundred & two poles to a white oak thence
south forty Eight degrees west Eighty four poles crossing the said River
to a red Oak on the south side thence up the same by the water courses
making in a Strait line Sixty two poles to a Hickory Thence south thirty
five degrees west ninety poles to a pine thence north on Rowland Horseleys
Line to a red oak on the river bank from Thence down the river to the County
line crossing the river thence down the said County line to the Beginning
with all buildings houses orchards woods wayes waters underwoods &
meadow grounds & all & Singular the improvements and appurtenances
to the said Land belonging or in any wise appurtaining & the revertion
& revertions remainder & remainders rents __ and profits thereof
& every part and parcel Thereof & all the estate right title property
claim & demand of the said Daniel Maupin his heirs & Executors
&c of in or to the same or any part or parcel thereof free Clearly
of & from all former or other gifts grants bargains Sales Dowers Judgements
mortgages intailes Executions or any incumbrance whatsoever the quit rents
henceforth coming due to our sovering Lord the King his heirs & successors
only Excepted to have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land above
bounded with all Singular the improvements & appurtenances unto the
said Wm Via his heirs & assigns to the only proper use & behoof
of him the said William Via his heirs & assigns for ever & the
said Daniel Maupin Doth for himself his heirs & Executors &c covenants
promise & agree to & with the said Wm Via his heirs & assigns
that the right & title of the said Land & Premises with the appurtenances
and every part thereof against him & his heirs and Against all &
every other person & persons whatsoever to the said Wm Via his heirs
and assigns shall & will warrant and for ever defend by these presents
in Witness whereof the said Daniel Maupin hath hereunto set his hand and
seal the day and year above written.
Daniel Maupin
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of
James Harris
Dabney Pettus
James Woods
Memorandum that on the day & year within written peaceable and Quiet
Seizen of the Land & premises within granted and sold was had and taken
by the within mentioned Daniel Maupin and by him delivered over unto the
within named William Via according to the intent & meaning of the within
Daniel Maupin
In the presents of us
James Harris
Dabney Pettus
James Woods
Received the 28t Day of October of William Via Sixty pounds current
money of Virginia being the full Consideration money for the within Granted
and sold Land and premises thereof and Every part thereof hereby Acquit
& Discharge him the said Wm Via his heirs and assigns witness my hand
this day & year above written.
Daniel Maupin
James Harris
Dabney Pettus
James Woods
At a Court held for Louisa County the 28th Day of October 1760 This
Indenture was This day in Open Court acknowledged by Daniel Maupin to be
his Act & Deed and by the Court admitted to record & is recorded.
Teste James Littlepage __
28 Oct 1760 Daniel Maupin to William Via DB
Daniel Mumpin (Maupin) of the parish of Fredericksville & County of
Albemarle of the one part sold to William Via of the parish & County
aforesaid of the other part one certain Tract or parcel of Land Situate
lying on both Sides of the South side of the south branch of the North
fork of James River being in the parish & County aforesaid containing
three hundred acres be the same more or less bounded as follows Viz Beginning
at James Warrens corner red oak? thence north on Rowland Horseleys?.
Witt: James Harris
Dabney Pettus
James Woods
25 Aug 1761 Edward Stringer, Edmund Stringer &
David Via to Philip May DB C/122
Edward Stringer and Judith, his wife, of Albemarle, planter; Edmund Stringer
and Susanna, his wife, and David Via and Frances, his wife, of Louisa,
planters, conveyed to Philip May, of said county, blacksmith, 109 acres
lying on both sides the south branch of Gold Mine Creek beginning at David
Via's corner on the north side of a branch ... Samuel Thomasons line ...
Nicholas Gentrys corner ... Col. Symes line ... crossing the Creek.
Wit: William
Edward E Stringer
Edmund Stringer
Susanna Stringer
David Via
Frances Via
27 Oct 1761 Acknowledged by David Via, Frances Via and Susanna Stringer
and proved by the oathes of William Steel, Nicho. Gentry and Samuel Thomason.
27 Oct 1761 David Via to Nicholas Gentry, Jr.
DB C/116
This Indenture made the xxvii th day of October one thousand seven hundred
and sixty one Between David Via & Francis his wife of Louisa county
of the one part and Nicholas Gentry Junr of the County aforesaid of the
other part …. one certain Tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred
& twenty four acres be the same more or less situate Lying & being
in the County aforesaid & on the branch of Gold mine Creek being the
Land on which Edmund Stringer now lives & bounded as follows…Samuel
Thomasons line… to Edmund Stringers
Line….. to Nicholas Gentryes corner pointers
David Via
Frances Via
27 Oct 1761 Acknowledged by David Via and Frances his wife, who declared
her consent.
Nelson Co. VA
9 Sep 1808 William Via & Pheoby to
William Camden [need reference]
This Indenture made this ninth day of September in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and eight between William Via and Pheoby his
wife of the County of Nelson of the one part and William Camden of the
County of Amherst of the other part….. said William Via and Pheaby his
….. doth give grant bargain and sell unto the said William Camden and to
his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the County of Nelson and containing seventy two and a half
acres be the same more or Less it being the said tract or parcel of Land
left to the said Via by his father and adjoining the lands of Susannah
Spradling, George Shrader, George Hilton and Websters.
Witnesses: Leroy Camden, Micajah Pendleton, Hiram McGinnis, John Whitehead.
Patrick Co. VA
28 Oct 1802 James Via to William Via, brother DB 2/162
This Indenture made this 28th day of Oct in the year of our Lord one Thousand
eight Hundred and two Between James Via of the County of Patrick and State
of Virginia of the one part and William Via of the County and State aforesaid
of the other part Witnesseth that the said James Via for and in consideration
of the sum of two Hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said James
Via hath granted Bargained and sold and by these Presents do grant bargain
and Sell unto the said William Via the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge
one half of a certain Tract or Parcel of Land Containing by Patent ninety
six acres lying and being in the County of Patrick formerly Pittsylvania,
on the Waters of Smiths River, it being one half of a Tract of Land Conveyed
from Jeremiah Clarench to James Ingram, which was afterward conveyed from
James Ingram to Fanny Ann Via. To have and to hold the said Part
of Land with all its Rights, Priviledges Profits and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said William Via
his heirs and assigns forever In Witness whereof I the said James
Via have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year above
James Via L
In the 27th year of the Common Wealth
Signed Sealed and delivered
in Presence of Us
Patrick County October Court 1802
The Within Written Indenture was acknowledged by the Within named James
Via to be his Act and Deed and the same was ordered to be recorded by the
Samuel Staples Clk
18 Jan 1807 Giles Martin to William Via DB3/434
This Indenture made the 18th day of Jany in the year of our lord Eighteen
Hundred & Seven Between William Via and Giles Martin bouth of Patrick
County & State of Virginia Witnesseth that I Giles Martin for an consideration
of the Sum of forty pounds to him in hand paid by the said William Via
before assigning and Delivery of these presents the receipt hereof he doth
Bargain & Sell and Confirm & doth Bargain sell Confirm to the said
William Via one Certain tract or Part of Tracts of Land Containing one
Hundred acres of land more or less lying and being in the County of Patrick
on the Waters of Goblin town Creek and bounded as follows to wit begining
at a corner poplar in John Ingrum line & thence along the same a west
course Crossing a branch to a red oak Corner thence a new line to a corner
white oak thence to a corner red oak Concluding two acres more or less
the said Margin bought of Edward Lewis Begining at the red oak along the
ridge path a south course to a Chesnut in Massey line thence along to a
corner White oak in the old line thence a South Course to Corner White
oak in Martins line thence along the same an east Course to a corner white
oak in father stone Waldens lines thence along the same line another Course
to a Spanish Oak thence to a corner red oak Northe to a corner White oak
at the head of a branch from thence along John Ingrum line Crossing a branch
to the begining to have and to hold and to the said land & premises
with all the appertainances unto the said William Via and his heirs and
assigns for ever and the said Giles Martin doth for him Self & his
heirs doth Covenant with the said Via and his heirs will Warrant &
defend the said Land from the Claim or Claims of any person or persons
Whatsoever unto the said William Via his or assigns forever In Witness
hereof the said Giles Martin & Edward Lewis hath here unto set their
hands & Seals the day & year above mentioned assigned Sealed and
Delivered in the presence of us
Randol James (his mark)
Giles Martin
E Lewis
Patrick County April Court 1811
This deed was acknowledged in Court By the said Giles Martin &
E Lewis to be their act & Deed & ordered to be recorded
Teste Saml Staples Cl PC
30 Apr 1807 William Walden to William Via DB 3/26
This Indenture made this 30th day of April in the year of our Lord one
Thousand eight Hundred and Seven Between William Walden of Patrick County
and State of Virginia of the one Part and William Via of the sd Cty &
State of Virginia of the other Part Witnesseth that for and in Consideration
of the Sum of Twenty five pounds Current money of Virginia to him in hand
paid before the ensealing and delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged bargained Sold released and Confirmed unto the said
Wm Via one Certain tract or Parcel of Land Situate lying and being in the
County aforesaid Containing fifty acres and bounded as follows to Wit Begining
at a Corner black Gum in Edward Lewis's line thence a West Course along
Joseph Waldens new Survey to a white Oak on the top of the Ridge in James
Coxes line thence a South Course along the sd Coxes line to a Post Oak
thence a South East Course Crossing a Branch to a Poplar tree in James
Ingrums line thence East in the said Ingrums line to an ash thence running
north Course to the first Station with all Woods Ways Water and Water Courses
Trees Orchards Houses Fences and all other the Emoluments there unto belonging
or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the same unto the said
William Via With its appurtenances to hold and fully enjoy the same &c
I do for my heirs and so forth for ever Warrant and defend the right &
title of the Land and Premises to him the said Wm Via and his heirs for
ever against the Claim or demand of any Person or Persons Whatever either
in law or equity In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
my Seal the day and year above written.
William Walden (his mark)
Patrick County April Court 1807
The within written Indenture was acknowledged by the within named William
Walden to be his act and Deed and the same was ordered to be recorded
Samuel Staples CDC
18 Jan 1811 Giles Martin to William Via DB 3/434-5
This Indenture made this 18th day of Jany in the year of our lord Eighteen
Hundred Eleven Between William Via and Giles Martin both of Patrick County
& State of Virginia Witnesseth that I Giles Martin for an consideration
of the Sum of forty pounds to him in hand paid by the said William Via
before sealing and Delivering of this presents the recept hereof he doth
Bargain & Sell and Confirm & doth Bargain sell & Confirm
to the said William Via one Certain tract or Part of tracts of land Containing
one Hundred Acres of land more or less lying and being in the County of
Patrick on the waters of Goblintown Creek and bounded as follows to wit
begining at a corner poplar in John Ingrum line & thence along the
same a west Course Crossing a branch to a red Oak Corner thence a new line
to a Corner white oak thence to a corner red oak Concluding two acres more
or less the said Martin bought of Edward Lewis Begining at the red oak
along the ridge path a south Course to a Chesnut in Massey line thence
along to a corner White oak in the old line thence a south Course to corner
White oak in Martins line thence along the same an east Course to a corner
white oak in father & __ Waldens line thence along the Same line another
Course to a Spanish oak thence to a corner red oak North to a corner white
Oak at the head of a branch from thence along John Ingrum line Crossing
a branch to the begining to have and to the said land & premises with
all the appertainnances unto the said William Via and his heirs and assigns
forever and the said Giles Martin doth for him self & his heirs doth
Covenant with the said Via and his heirs will Warrant & defend the
said Land from the Clame or Claims of any person or persons Whatsoever
unto the said William Via his heirs or assigns forever In Witness
hereof the said Giles Martin & Edward Lewis hath hereunto set their
hands & Seals the day & year above
Giles Martin
E Lewis
Mentioned assigned Sealed & delivered in the Presence of us
Randal James (his mark)
Patrick County April Court 1811
This deed was acknowledged in Court By the said Giles Martin &
E Lewis to be their act & Deed & ordered to be recorded
Saml Staples CcPC
20 Nov 1811 Abel Pedigo to William Via DB3:484
This Indenture made this November the 20th 1811 between Abel Pedigo of
Patrick County Virginia of the one part & William Via of the said county
& state of the other part Witnesseth that the sd Abel Pedigo for and
In consideration of the sum of forty pounds good and lawfull money of Virginia
to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath
bargained sold & by these Presents doth sell & confirm unto the
sd William Via his heirs or assigns forever 140 acres of land more or less
lying in the County of Patrick on the branches of Goblentown creek &
Smiths river & bounded as follows to wit begining at a black gum in
Anthony Steels line thence a new line down the falling branch to the old
line thence with _ and oak corner So 23 degrees W106 poles to pointers
So 58 degrees east 121 poles to a white oak So 45 degrees east 64 poles
crossing a branch to a chesnut No 18 degrees east to a white oak thence
new lines to the wagon road thence with the road to a black Jack corner
thence a new line to a white oak in the old line No 55 degrees east crossing
a branch to a poplar No 9 degrees east 19 poles to the begining together
with all benefits & privileges thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining
there belonging to have & to hold the said land & premises unto
the Wm Via his heirs or assigns forever & the sd Abel Pedigo for himself
& his heirs doth covenant grant an agree to and with the said Wm Via
and his heirs that the said Abel Pedigo & his heirs the sd land &
premises with theirs and every of their appertaining unto the sd Wm Via
his heirs or assigns shall and will warrant and defend In Witness whereof
the sd Abel Pedigo hereunto set his hand & seal this November 20th
Abel Pedigo
Patrick County November Court 1811
This deed was acknowledged in court by the within Named Abel Pedigo
to be his act and deed & ordered to be recorded
Abr Staples CCPC
21 Sep 1812 John Adams to William Via DB3/602
This Indenture made this 21st day of September in the year of our Lord
1812 Between John Adams and William Via both of Patrick County and state
of Virginia Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of two
hundred Dollars Current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said
Wm Via the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said John Adams
has Bargained and sold and Confirmed and by these presents do grant Bargain
& sell unto the said Wm Via his heirs & assigns forever one certain
Tract or part of a Tract of land Containing two hundred acres more or less
lying and being in Patrick County on Smiths river and bounded as follows
to Wit Begining at the mouth of the fish __ Branch thence up the said branch
as it meanders to Rowland Ingram Corner ash tree corner in the said branch
South 111 E 104 poles to a white oak in Susannah Tennison line thence with
the same No74 E10 poles to a __ thence new lines No 82 E56 poles to a red
oak south 49 E28 poles to a Red oak No 57 E60 poles crossing a branch to
a red oak in James Ingrams Line thence with his line No 41 W110 poles to
a red oak on the branch thence Down the same as it meanders 36 poles to
a __ tree on the South side of Smith river thence up the same as it meanders
to the Begining To have and to hold the said Land and all Benefits &
Privileges Belonging to the said John Adams will Warrant and Defend the
right of the said land to William Via forever and heirs & assigns
In Witness hereof my hand & seal the Date above written.
John Adams
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the Presence of us
Edwd Lewis
Edward Lewis Jr
Patrick County April Court 1813
This Deed was acknowledged in Court by the within named John Adams
to be his act & Deed & ordered to be recorded.
Abr Staples DC PC
Daniel Ross Sr. to James Via DB 3/163
William Walden to John Slaughter DB 3/26
James & Sally Via to John Slaughter DB 3/198
Ben Hancock to James Via DB 4/128
11 Sep 1813 Charles Rakes to Roland Vier DB 7/15-16
This Indenture made this 11th day of September one thousand eight hundred
and thirteen between Charles Rakes of the County of Patrick and State of
Virginia of the one part and Roland Vier of the County of Nelson and State
of the other part Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the
sum of fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by the sd Roland Vier the Receipt
whereof I do hereby acknowledge have given granted Bargained & Sold
and by these presents I do give grant deliver and confirm unto the sd Roland
Vier a certain tract or parcel of Land Situate lying and being in the County
of Franklin and on a Branch of __ Creek & containing seventy five acres
be the same more or less & Bounded as followeth to wit begining at
a Mulberry tree in George Stantons line on sd Branch thence with Geo Casteens
line to Jno Worleys line to a Red Oak & with sd Worleys line to a Locust
tree in James Radfords line & with it to a Spanish Oak thence same
to chesnut Oak thence same to a chesnut tree thence to a new corner Chesnut
Oak opposite to the head of a Small Branch
thence a new marked line between sd George Stanton __ & the sd
Vier to the head Spring of sd Branch & with the same as it meanders
to its entrance into the first mentioned Branches & up it as it meanders
to the Begining To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land together
with its appurtenances unto the sd Roland Vier his heirs & assigns
forever & the sd Charles Rakes do Jointly warrant & agree to &
with the sd Roland Vier to warrant & forever defend the sd Land &
premises from & against the claims or demands of all persons unto the
said Roland Vier & his heirs forever in fee simple in
Witness whereof the said Charles Rakes have hereunto Set his hand and
Seal the day and Year first above written
Charles Rakes (his mark)
At a Court held for Franklin County September 6, 1813
This Indenture of Bargain & Sale between Charles Rakes of the one
part and Roland Vier of the other part was acknowledged by the said Charles
Rakes and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.
10 Mar 1817 Jacob Blackburn to William Via DB 4/386
This Indenture made this 10th day of March in the year of our lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventeen Between Jacob Blackburn of Patrick
County Witnesseth that the said Jacob Blackburn for and in consideration
of fifty nine Dollars to him in hand paid by the said William Via before
the assigning and the delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the
said Jacob Blackburn do acknowledge my self fully satisfied Contented and
paid for every part and parcel of land I have granted Bargain sold &
delivered and do grant bargain sell and deliver by these presents unto
the said William Via his heirs and assigns for ever one tract of land Containing
fifty acres more or less lying and being in the County of Patrick on the
waters of goblin Town begining on a white oke Corner on the head of a branch
on Isom Craddock & Wm Via Corner following Via line to a corner white
oke in Thomas Craddock land following Craddocks line to a white oke bound
on John Akers land __ follow the said Akers line to a white oke Corner
on the branch thence following the Branch down to a Corner White oak in
Isom Craddocks land thence up the branch to the beginning with all benefits
and privileges appertainences there unto belonging there unto to have &
to hold the fore said tract of land & premises unto the said William
Via his heirs & assigns for ever & the said Jacob Blackburn and
his heirs the said land & premises unto the said Wm Via & his heirs
& assigns shall warrant & for ever defend the said land from any
person or persons In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand &
fixed my seal the day and year above mentioned.
Jacob Blackburn (his mark)
signed & sealed in the presents of
John Blackburn
Patsy Via (her mark)
John Bickerson (his mark)
Patrick April Term 1817
This deed was acknowledged in Open Court by the within named Jacob
Blackburn to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
30 Apr 1823 Daniel Martin to William Via DB6/231
This Indenture made this 30 day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and twenty three Between Daniel Martin of the County of Patrick
of the one part and William Via of the same County of the other part Witnesseth
that for and in consideration of Fifteen pounds to him in hand paid the
receipt where of he doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold
and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell deliver and confirm unto
the said William Via one certain Tract or parcel of land lying and situated
in the County of Patrick on Smiths river containing by estimation one hundred
acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows to wit; Beginning
at a poplar thence up the river to lin tree thence 10 po to a white oak
thence south 73 West 28 po crossing a branch to pointers South 18 East
104 po Crossing a branch thence down the Fish trap Branch to the river
thence up the River to the Beginning with its appertenances thereunto belonging
or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the said Tract or
parcel of Land with all the apertenances unto the said William Via his
heirs and assigns forever and the said Daniel Martin for himself and his
heirs Covenant and agree to and with the said Wm Via and his heirs forever
a good and lawfull title in Fee simple to the aforesaid Tract or parcel
of Land with all and singular its appertenances against the claim or claims
of all and every person or persons whatsoever either in law or equity.
In Testimony whereof the said Daniel Martin had hereunto set his hand and
affixed his seal this day and year above written.
Daniel Martin
Signed sealed and delivered
In presants of us
Ansil Massey
Obadiah Massey
Patrick June Court 1823
This deed from Daniel Martin to William Via was acknowledged in Court
by the said Daniel Martin to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
Teste A Staples CPC
William Via to William Hancock DB 6/344
15 Mar 1827 William Via to Alexander and James Via DB 6/575
This Indenture made this 15 day of March in the Year of Our Lord eighteen
hundred and twenty seven, Between Wm Via of the County of Patrick and Alexander
Via and James Via Jr. of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that
the said William Via for the love good will & affection which he bears
towards his sons Alexander & James Via but more especially for and
in Consideration of the sum of One dollar to him in hand paid the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained & sold to the sd James
Via & Alexander Via a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being
in the County of Patrick on the south side of Smiths River containing three
hundred acres by survey baring date 18th day of May 1780 & bounded
as follows to wit Beginning on a poplar on the bank of the river thence
S45 W138 poles to a white Oak S 25 E72 po to a red oak South 34 W50 po
to a white Oak S 69 E73 po to a chesnut tree S 13 W50 po to a white oak
S 87 E60 po Crossing a branch in a white oak N 60 E72 po to a beach on
a branch thence down the same to Smiths river thence up the same as it
meanders to the begining with its apertenances to the sd Alexander Via
& James Via & their heirs forever against the claim or demand of
any person or persons whatsoever whether in Law or equity. In testimony
whereof I have set my hand & seal this date above written
William Via
Patrick March Court 1827
This Indenture of bargain and sale from William Via to Alexander Via
& James Via jr was acknowledged in Court by the said William Via to
be his act and deed and admitted to record.
William Edwards DC
Jesse & Elizabeth Corn to James Via DB 7/432
R. Thomas to James Via DB 7/290
James, Joseph & Sarah Cox to William Via DB 8/164
William Via to Fleming Via DB 8/71
2 May 1834 William Via, Sr. to Jefferson Taylor DB 8/345
This Indenture made this second day of May in the year 1834 Between William
Via Senr of the County of Patrick and State of Virginia for the first part
and Jefferson Taylor of the County and state afoursaid of the second part
and Jacob Helm of the County Floyd and State afoursaid of the third part
witnesseth that whereas the said William Via Senr stands Justly Indebted
unto the said Jacob Helms in the Just and full sum of thirty eight dollars
and 91 cents current money of Virginia due the first day of December next
and with interest from this day and whereas the said William Via senr being
desirous of making good and secure the payment of the aforesaid sum of
thirty eight dollars and 91 cents with the interest by the time aforesaid
to him the said Jacob Helm his heirs or assigns and for the further consideration
of the sum of one dollar to him the said William Via Senr. in hand paid
by the said Jefferson Taylor at and before the ensealing and delivery these
present the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath granted Bargained
sold released conveyed & confirmed and by these presents doth grant
Bargain sell release convey & confirm unto the said Jefferson Taylor
his heirs or assigns for ever one certain tract or parcel of Land Situate
Lying & being in the County of Patrick On the head waters of Widgeon
Creek containing Two hundred & nine acres be the same more or less
and bounded as follows Beginning at Pointers on Widgeon Creek and bounded
by the Land of __ Hall Richard Wood John _arris & John Thomas (it being
the land he said Via purchased of George McCutchion &c the bounds &
corners will more fully appear reference being had to the deed aforesaid
- To have & to hold the said Land &; premises to him the said Jefferson
Taylor his heirs or assigns for ever with all & singular its appurtenances
appertaining or in any manner hereunto belonging In trust never the
less if the said William Via Senr shall will & truly pay or cause to
be paid unto the said Jacob Helms his heirs or assigns on or before the
1st day of December next the said sum of thirty eight Dollars and ninety
one cents with the interest there on & the cost if any should accruing
in carrying the deed into affect then this deed to be nul & void but
if default should be made and the money not paid by the time aforesaid
then in that case when ever the said Jacob Helms his heirs or assigns shall
direct it may & shall be lawfull for the said Jefferson Taylor to sell
by way of public auction first advertising at least twenty five Days before
the day of sale at the Courthouse of Patrick & Floyd Counties on some
court day and at some public place in the neighbourhood of the said to
sell the same and the premises to the highest bidder for ready money and
apply the proceeds thereof to the satisfaction of the debt aforesaid interest
& cost or so much therof as will satisfy the debt and the cost &
the balance if any to refund back to the said William Via Senr. or his
legal representatives. In witness
whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals the Year & day
first above written.
William Via Senr (his mark)
J Taylor
J. Helms
By J. Taylor
Signed sealed & acknowledged before us
Wm Ayres
Anderson Crum
Austin Gunnell
Nathaniel Akers (his mark)
Patrick June Court 1834
This deed of Trust from Wm Via Senr with Jefferson Taylor trustee to
Jacob Helms was further and fully proved and together with the certificate
of proof and acknowledgment in the Clerks Office there on indorsed and
ordered to be recorded.
A Staples Clk
24 Sep 1844 Robert Via (son of William)
and Thomas Dehart to Banes Carter DB12/128-129
This indenture made and entered into this 24th day of September in the
year of Christ 1844 between Robert Via and Thomas Dehart the two surviving
executors under the last will and Testament of William Via deceased of
the County of Patrick and state of Virginia of the one part and Banes Carter
of the county and state aforesaid of the other part witness that the said
Robert Via and Thomas Dehart executors as aforesaid for and in consideration
of the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars current money of Virginia
to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained
sold released & confirmed and by these presents doth bargain sell and
release and confirm unto the said Banes Carter four tracts of land all
adjoining in the County of Patrick on the waters of Smiths river containing
ninety six acres it being the same tract conveyed by James Ingram to Fanny
Via and by the last will and Testament of the said Fanny Via bequeathed
to her two sons William & James Via with the following special reservations
in the deed from Ingram to Fanny Via in these words (only a small exception
of a small part called the mine holes with liberty to dig oar if any can
be found but for every other part have granted &c) and bounded as follows
to wit Beginning on a red oak thence new lines No76 E110 poles to a maple
on a branch So10 W148 poles crossing said branch to a poplar So81 N22 poles
to a chesnut oak So29 W60 poles to pointers No57 W60 poles to a red oak
on a ridge and thence on the same to the begining also one other tract
purchased from James and Joseph Case containing seventy acres more or less
and bounded as follows Begining at a post oak in Daniel Case and William
Via line thence with said cases line to Belchers line with Belchers line
to a post oak in said Via's line with his line to a white oak thence to
a black gum thence to a red oak on a ridge thence along the ridge as it
meanders to the beginning also one other tract purchased from William Waldon
containing fifty acres more or less and bounded as follows Begining at
a corner gum in Edward Lewis line thence a west course along Joseph Waldins
new survey to a white oak on the top of a ridge in James Cases line thence
a south course along the said Cases line to a post oak thence a south east
course crossing a branch to a poplar in James Ingrams line thence east
in the said line to an ash thence running a north course to the first station
also one other tract purchased of Abel Pedigo containing one hundred and
forty acres more or less and bounded as follows begining at a black gum
in Anthony Streats line thence a new line down the falling branch to the
old line thence with it to a red oak corner So23 W106 poles to pointers
So58 E121 poles to a white oak So46 E64 poles Crossing a branch to a chesnut
No 18 E to a white oak thence a new line to the waggon road thence with
the road to a black Jack corner thence a new line to a white oak in the
old line No55 & crossing a branch to a poplar N9 E19 poles to the begining
to have and to hold the said four tracts of land except the reservations
in the first mentioned tract with the appurtenances unto him the said Banes
Carter and his heirs forever against themselves the said Robert Via and
Thomas Dehart their heirs and against all persons claiming by through or
under them as executors of William Via deceased In Testimony whereof
the parties of the first part have hereunto subscribed their names and
affixed their seals the day and year above written.
Robert Via
Thomas Dehart
In Patricks Clerks office 27th September 1844
This deed from Robert Via and Thomas Dehart Exors of William Via dec'd
to Banes Carter was presented in the Clerks office aforesaid acknowledged
and admitted to record.
Saml G Staples DC
11 May 1848 James Ingrum and Rosina to Anderson Via DB 13/248
This Indenture made and entered into this 11th day of May 1848 between
James Ingrum and Rosina his wife of Patrick County and State of Virginia
of the One part and Anderson Via of the County of Franklin and State of
Virginia of the other part Witness that said James Ingram and Rosina his
wife for and in consideration of One hundred and fifty five dollars to
them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained
and sold unto the said Via One certain tract or parcel of land lying and
being in Patrick and Franklin County on Smith River containing fifty acres
be the Same more or less and bounded as follows to wit begining on a Chesnut
Oak in Ingrums old line near the top of the green hill thence a South East
Course to a corner Chesnut Oak South Course to a White Oak thence South
West course to a corner White Oak on Smith River up the River as it meanders
to Furgursons corner White Oak at the Foster old line thence with said
line to the begining To have and to hold the tract or parcel of land with
the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the Said Anderson Via his
heirs and assigns forever and the said James Ingrum and Rosina his wife
for themselves their heirs will warrant and will forever defend a good
and lawfull right and title in fee Simple to the said Via and his heirs
against the claims of us our heirs executors or administrators and against
the claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever In witness
whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and
year above written
James Ingrum
Rosina Ingrum (her mark)
John A Newberry
Sparrel Via
Isham Arrington
In Patrick Clerks office 12th December 1848
The deed of bargain and Sale from James Ingram & wife to Anderson
Via was presented in the Clerks Office aforesaid and acknowledged by Said
Ingram and admitted to record
Samuel G Staples DC
Pittsylvania Co. VA
19 May 1775 Apprenticeship - Andrew Ray to Benjamin Via DB
1774-1778, Page 144
Andrew Ray, planter of Pittsylvania and Camden Parish, to Benjamin Via
of same. Via, by indenture descending to said Ray, whereby Via was
to serve Ray until Via should arrive at the full age of 31 years, and for
divers causes and for the good will from said Ray to said Via, Ray discharges
said Via from all former indentures that may entitle Ray to any further
service from Via, provided Via, on his own free will executes this indenture:
to serve Ray from today until Dec 25, 1779, at the expiration of which
term, Via to pass a free man from the claim of Ray, which means Via redeems
years of his time that otherwise he might
have served. Ray, for the term aforesaid term, is to provide
Via sufficient accommodations as is by law required for indentured servants.
Via obliges himself to behave as a servant.
Signed Benjamin (B his mark) Via, Andrew Ray. Witnesses, Jno Salmon,
Jno Pursell, George Elliott. Recorded May 25, 1775.
Wilkes Co. NC
2 Sep 1785 State of NC to William Viars
State of North Carolina No. 631
To all to whom these presents Shall come Greeting Know ye that
we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty Shillings for Every hundred
Acres hereby Granted paid into our treasury by William Viars have Given
and Granted And by these Presents do Give and grant unto the said William
Viars a tract of land containing fifty Acres Lying and being in our County
of Wilks Lying on the Waters of Redders River Begining At a white oak on
the agreed Line made betwixt William Viars and William Teory Runing West
Eighteen chains twenty links to a Spanish Oak then North twenty seven chains
to a stake thence
East Eighteen chains twenty six Links to a pine then South twenty seven
Chains to the Begining As by the plat hereunto Annexed doth Appear
together with all Woods Waters Mines Minerals hereditaments and Appurtenances
to the said Land
belonging or Appertaining to hold to the said William Viars his heirs
and Assigns forever Yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly
or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time may Direct provided
Always that the said William Viars shall cause this Grant to be Registered
in the Registers Office of our said County of Wilks Within twelve months
from the date hereof otherwise the same shall be Void And of no Effect
in testimony whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent
and our Great Seal to be hereunto Affixed Witness Richard Caswell our Esquire
Governor Captain General and Commander in Chief at Kinston the twenty second
day of September in the tenth year of our Independence And in the year
of Our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Eighty five
By His Excell'y
Rd Caswell
I Glasgon Secretary
8 Feb 1816 William Viars to James Parsons 50 acres [need reference] --
thanks to [email protected]
Jul 1799 ______ to William Viar 609-1/2 acres bordered by Redder's
River [need reference] -- thanks to [email protected]
14 Sep 1804 John Shephard to William Viars 100 acres on Redder's River
[need reference] -- thanks to [email protected]
3 Mar 1808 William Viar to Robert Viar 100 acres on Redder's River [need
reference] -- thanks to [email protected]