From a French Surname Dictionary: Vial+Viau (altere en Viaud (+), Viault (+), Viaux), forme du Centre et de l'Ouest; Viel (+), Vie (+) (Nord)
1675 The first reference to William Vier is made in a land patent (Headrights)
to Mr. Henry Aubery of 5100 acres on 4 Oct 1675 for transporting 102 persons
to Virginia, on of which was William Vier.
--Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, Patent Book No. 6, pp
1677 Amer Via (one of 14 persons in group) is transported to Virginia
by John Rea and John Webb of New Kent Co. VA.
John Webb & John Rea. 700 acres, in Upper part of New Kent
Co., on South side of land formerly taken up by Andrew Davis on
Machumps Cr: _____ of _____
1677 500 acres belonging to said Webb & 200 to said
Rea. Trans. of 14 persons: Thomas Davis, Charles Halsy, Abigail
Neale, Rich. Davenport, James
the frenchman; Daniell Steere, Tho. Turpin, Tho. Barber, Amor ( or
Amos) Via, Fr. Derige, Tho. Wallbrooke, Jo. Bird, Morrice Thomas,
Deborah Buncks.
--Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, Patent Book No. 6, pp
178-9, 619
1698 Pierre Viet, from France, settled at Manakintowne, Goochland Co.
--The Compendium of American Genealogy, First Families of
America, p. 322
Pierre Viet is listed as a founder of the Huguenot Colony of Manakintowne
--The Huguenots at Manakintowne, p. 209
1710 Jacob Vier, 26 years old, carpenter and a Lutheran was included
with a large group of Palatines from Germany to England.
--The New World Immigrants CD
1714 Viet, Pierre n.a.: Virginia, 1714 953 p75
--Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1982-85 Cumulation,
p. 3141