Marriages of Vias born before 1800
Marriage Records

We currently have records for these VA counties:

We also have records for these non-Virginia counties:
Garrard Co. KY|Hickman Co. KY|Mason Co. KY|Wilkes Co. NC|Gallia Co. OH

Albemarle Co. VA

All Albemarle marriages from Albemarle County, Virginia Marriages, 1780-1853, by John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr.

21 Mar 1759 Gideon Vie to Isabel ____ (Douglas Register, p. 4)
178? William Ballard to Fanny Vier (Hudson's Register; William Woods, minister)
7 Dec 1784 William Via to Mary Craig (from William's Pension Application)
14 Jan 1789 Micajah Via to Mary Mills, dau. of Henry Mills (Thomas Shelton & John Haden, witness)
27 Apr 1791 Wade Via to Fanny Maupin, dau. of Gabriel Maupin, Sr. & Anney (Daniel Maupin on bond; Joshua Nicholas, Gabriel Maupin, Jr., and Daniel Maupin, witnesses)
1797 Menoah Via to Judy Turner (William Woods, minister; on a return dated 6 Nov 1797)
3 Oct 1797 Roland Via to Anna Craig (Athanasius Thomas, minister)
5 Mar 1798 John Rogers to Milly Via (Vyer) (Micajah Via on bond; Richard Garrett witness; Athanasius Thomas minister)
6 Nov 1798 Abraham Stephens to Mary Via (James Old is on the bond; Alexander Garrett witness)
11 Aug 1801 Jonathan Via to Catherine O'Buck, dau. of Mary O'Bach (Peter O'Buck, Jr. affirms Catherine over 21; Peter O'Bach, Sr. and Peter O'Bach, Jr., witnesses; Athanasius Thomas, minister)
13 Apr 1805 Hezekiah Via to Elizabeth Jones (Blake Harris on bond; Athanasius Thomas, minister)
8 Sep 1806 Obediah Via to Ann Rogers, dau. of William Rogers (Athanasius Thomas, minister; William Rogers on bond; Alexander Garrett, witness)
1 Jan 1811 Thomas Via to Sally Griffin (Athanasius Thomas, minister; Jonathan Via on bond; David Via affirmed that Thomas was upwards of 21 years; Joel Harris of the court wrote: "Sally Griffin came before and made oath, that from her register she is between the age of 24 and 25 ... of my knowledge that she has been a widow for about three years, and was married at least 5 or 6 years ago")
15 Apr 1811 Nathan Sanales to Ann Via, dau. of Micajah
23 Oct 1812 Pleasant B. Via to Margaret Rogers, dau. of William Rogers (Wade Via on bond)
16 Aug 1814 Daniel M. Via to Susannah Maupin, dau. of Thomas Maupin (Wade Via, father; Alexander Garrett, witness)
17 Jul 1815 David Via to Elizabeth Bishop, dau. of Isaac Bishop (Benjamin Burger, minister; David Rodes, witness)
5 Feb 1816 Clifton Via to Judy Sandridge, dau. of Dillard Sandridge (John Gibson, minister; Micajah Via, father; David Rodes, witness)
19 Feb 1816 Samuel Bishop to Sarah Via, dau. of William Via, Sr. (William Via, Jr. on bond, affirms that Sarah is over 21; David Rodes witness)
14 Dec 1818 William Via to Nancy R. Maupin, dau. of Thomas Maupin (William Wertenbaker, witness)
24 Dec 1819 Fontaine D. Dunn to Nancy Craig Via (William Via gives consent and affirms that Nancy is over 21)
3 Dec 1821 Reuben Via to Levina Garrison, dau. of John Garrison, decd. (Matthew Turner, guardian for Levina, gives consent & signs bond; Thomas Via affirms Reuben over 21; Alexander Garrett, witness)
15 Dec 1821 Jonathan Via to Mary Elizabeth Via (on bond, Jonathan Via, Jr. affirms that Mary is over 21)
26 Mar 1822 Winston Via to Malinda Via (Benjamin Ficklin, minister; Benjamin Nailer on bond; Ira Garrett, witness)
13 Aug 1842 Brightberry Via to Susan Cox (Charles Cox on bond)
21 Feb 1844 Brightberry to Judah Hall (Benjamin Creel, minister; Hastin H. Hall on bond, who affirms that Judah is over 21)

Amherst Co. VA

26 Jul 1804 Robert Via to Patsey Lane
29 Jun 1825 John Via and Elizabeth Wright

Augusta Co. VA

16 Jan 1845 Jonathan Via to Elizabeth Powell.  (Augusta Co., Va Marriages 1748-1850, John Vogt & T. William Kethley Jr)

4 Feb 1863 William Via, 65, born in Albemarle, Widower to Amanda Washington Hoey, 16, born in Albemarle
Parents of the Groom: Wm Via & Mary Craig
Parents of the Bride: Wm Hoy & Marianna Garland

Bath Co. VA

5 Aug 1813 David E. Via to Susannah Johns

Botetourt Co. VA

7 Jan 1785 Robert Viers to Mary Carpenter

Buckingham Co. VA

1784 John Via to Sarah Wright  (from either his Revolutionary War Pension application or Sarah's application for widow's benefits--thanks to Jeff Viar)

Campbell Co. VA

1789 Littleberry Vias to Mary Stratton

Franklin Co. VA

31 Dec 1800 Josias Viar to Rachel Hale [the date on the bond below should probably be 1801, assuming that someone accidentally forgot to write the new year correctly--like you always have a problem with when writing checks in January]  (see also Franklin County Marriages 1786-1858, Marshall Wingfield, West Tennessee Historical Society, Memphis, Tennessee, 1939)
Mr Jeames Callaway.  Please to grant Josias Viar Lisens for to marry my Daughter Rachel hail and in so Doing you will oblige your friend Benjamin hail  Mr Jeames Calliway
Teste          John Viar
                   Benjamin hail
                  John hail

Know all men by these presents that We Josias Viar and John Viar are held and firmly bound unto James Manson Esq. Governor or Chief Magistrate of the State of Virginia in the Sum of One hundred & fifty Dollars to which payment well and truly to be made  We bind Ourselves and each of us, Our & each of our Heirs Executors and Admrs Jointly and Severally firmly by these Presents Sealed with Our Seals & Dated this 2d Day of January 1800

The Condition of this Obligation is Such that Whereas there is a marriage Shortly intended to be had & solemnized between the above bound Josias Viar & Rachel Hale now if there Shall be no lawful cause to Obstruct said marriage then this Obligation to be Void else remain in force.
          Josias Viar
          John Viar

4 Nov 1803 James Via m. Sarah  Hale, dau. of Thomas Hale
28 Apr 1804 David Via m. Nancy King
11 Jul 1808 Joseph Vaughn m. Nancy Akers [previously Via] (sur. James Via)  (Marriage Index: Selected Counties of MD, NC, VA, 1624-1915, CD #4, Broderbund Software)
1810 Willis Luttrell m. Sally Via (sur. James Viar)
17 Dec 1810 Thomas Newberry m. Sarah Jane Via, dau. of John
9 Jan 1812  Charles Vest m. Elizabeth Vier, dau. of John
15 Dec 1819 Robert Viar to Frances Parker [note: War of 1812 Pension application dates the marriage as 21 Dec 1919]
1823 John Smith to Judith Via (Franklin County Marriages 1786-1858, Marshall Wingfield, West Tennessee Historical Society, Memphis, Tennessee, 1939)
29 Apr 1824 Anderson Via m. Jane Vest

Halifax Co. VA

1 Oct 1800
    Know all men by these presents, That we William Smith and Lovell Poindexter of Halifax County, are held and firmly bound unto his excellency James Monroe esquire governor of the commonwealth of Virginia for the time being and to his successors for the use of the Commonwealth in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to which payment well and truly to be made to the said Governor and his successors As aforesaid we do bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators Jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this first day of October 1800
    The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas there is a marriage suddenly intended to be solemnized between the above bound William Smith and Elizabeth Vier of this county now if there be no lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage then this obligation to be void -- else to remain in full force and virtue.
                                                            William X Smith
                                                             L X Poindexter
Witness: _ Barksdale

Sep the 30th 1800 I hear by sertify that I am of the age of 21 years and am willing to be jind in the holy state of matarymony unto William Smith.
                                                              Elizabeth Vier
William Morris
Benjamon Smith

2 Jan 1805 William Viar marries Rebecca Toler Marr. Reg 1, p. 61 (no bond found)

2 Oct 1810
    Know all men by these presents, That we Micajah Viar and John Smith Junr of Halifax County, are held and firmly bound unto his excellency John Tyler Esqr governor of the commonwealth of Virginia, and to his successors, in the just and full sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to the use of the said commonwealth; to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs &c. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 2nd day of October 1810
    The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas there is a marriage intended to be solemnized between the above bound Micajah Viar and Rebeccah Smith of this county: Now, if there be no lawful cause to obstruct the same, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
                                                    Micajah X Viar
                                                   John Smith Junr
Teste: Samuel Williams

I Aus Bond Smith of the County of halifax do give my App_tion freely for my daughter Rebecky to Join in matrimony with Mycayger Viar this Second day of October in the year of our Lord 1810
                                                Aus Bond Smith
John Smith Jr
William Smith

4 Oct 1810 Micajah Viah m. Rebekah Smith (History of Halifax County by Carrington, 1924, p. 501)

Hanover Co. VA

last of Feb 1802 Edmund Via to Sally Jones (from Via Family Bible, Manuscripts Room, Alderman Library, UVA #21266)

1 Aug 1816 Gilson Via to Mary White (Married by Rev. Charles Talley.  Mary is the eldest daughter of Mr. John White, decd.)  (from Judy Pons)

7 Jan 1828 Carter Via with the consent of his father Josias Via, to Louisana Via, ward of Samuel Quay.  John Via and Robert Anderson, witnesses to the consent. Samuel Quay, surety. (from Leon Via)

Henry Co. VA

17 Nov 1846 James Via, of Patrick Co. to Mary Baker  min.  Joshua Adams  (Henry Co., Virginia Marriage Bonds, by Anderson Dodd, Clearfield Co., 1953.)

Nelson Co. VA

1 Dec 1809 Jno Via and Ann Wright. Security Jno Berry
28 Aug 1816 E (Elizabeth) Via m. Robert Cunningham -  bond Martin Via
24 Nov 1820 William Via m. Willy Lane  -  bond Martin Via
4 May 1824 Martin Via m. Nancy Tyree -  bond Jesse W Tyree
-- thanks to Chris and Buddy Viers

Patrick Co. VA

30 May 1800
William married Sarah Elizabeth Ingram.
Know all men by these present, that we William Via, Islam Hamby, & Alexander Ingram are held and firmly bound unto James Monroe Governor & chief magistrate of the commonealth of Virginia, in the sum of one hundred and fifty Dollars, to which payment well and truly to be made to the said Governor, and his successors, for the use of the commonealth, we bind ourselves, and each of us, and each of our heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.  Sealed with
our seals, and dated this 31st day of May Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred seven and in the XXIV year of the Commonwealth.

The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas there is a marriage intended shortly to be had and solemnized between the above bound Wm Via & Elisabeth Ingram.  Now if there is no lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage, then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue.

Sealed and delivered                               William Via (seal)
in the presence of                                     J Hamby (seal)
        Samuel Staples                                Alexander Ingram  (seal)

7 Sep 1801 Stephen Akers m. Nancy Via.  Consent of William Via.  Sur. James Via.  Min. Samuel King
M.R. 10 Sep 1801 (Marriages of Patrick Co. VA 1791-1850, Lela C. Adams, Bassett, Virginia, 1972)

15 May 1816
Richard Via to Franky Via (Marriages of Patrick County, Virginia, Lela C. Adams, Southern Historical Press, 1983.)  Bond as follows:
Sir please to let Richard Via Have Lisens to Marry My Daughter as witness My hand this 15 Day of May 1816
      William Via
      Samuel Staples

Know all men by these presents that we Richd Via & John Thomas are held and firmly bound unto his excellency Wilson C Nicholas Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and his successors in office, for the use of the commonwealth in the just and full sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents-Sealed with our seals and dated this 16th day of May 1816

The Condition of the above obligation is such, That whereas the above bound Richd Via hath this day obtained a license for his intermarriage with Franky Via of the said County.  Now if there is no lawful cause to obstruct
the said marriage, then this obligation to be void else remain in full force and virtue.
             William Via

5 Mar 1818 James Via and Nancy Godard
Sur. William Via, Wit. William Martin, Min Stephen Hubbard.

Garrard Co. KY

--submitted by Sue Bishop

11 Aug 1825 Garland Vier m. Frances Baugh

Hickman Co. KY

11 Nov 1846 Roland Via m. Sarah Estes

Mason Co. KY

--submitted by Sue Bishop

8 Jan 1830 Robert Vier m. Margaret Martin

Wilkes Co. NC

9 Feb 1815 Robert Viars m. Elizabeth Powell

Gallia Co. OH

17 Aug 1835 James Via m. Martha Tyler  (Ohio Marriage Index, CD400, Family Tree Maker)