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Note that the entries from the Overseas Vias page have not yet been indexed on this page. Only deeds that we have tied to a particular Via have been added to this page.
Special thanks go to Judy Maupin
for providing much of the information aggregation.
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1708 "Returns made to the vestry of St Pauls Parish March 14th, 1708/9 from the Surveyor of the 39 Precincts that the said Parish was divided into for the Processioning of Lands by an order of the Said parish Vestry held September 24th, 1708/9 are here according to Law, and an order of the Said Vestry made on the Said 14th, of March Register'd Verbatim." George Turner and Amor Via were overseers of this processioning.
1716 At a Vestry held at the Lower Church ye 3d of April 1716, it was ordered, that ye Clerk record the returns for Processioning verbatim as they were returned by the Overseers. "The lands of Robt Horsley, Jno Matlock, Peter Plantine, Jonas Lawsom, Wm Talley, Jno Talley, Mark Anthony, Mary Via?". [This is the same land formerly processioned in the name of Amer Via, so perhaps he was deceased at this time.]
See other notes related to the search for Amer.
She is identified as a sister to James (listed in the census record)
in Partial Genealogy of the Via, DeHart and Other Families,
George W. Via, 1926, Floyd Press Print, Floyd, Va.: "Some time near the
close of the eighteenth century, William, James, Sallie and Nancy Via
to Patrick County, from Amherst County, but evidently raised in Henrico
County, near Richmond, Virginia, as my mother said that grandfather Via
and grandmother DeHart so stated this fact in conversation."
"Nancy Via married Stephen Akers. He died, leaving one son,
James, who is buried at the old Via grave-yard near the writer's
Nancy afterwards married Joseph Vaughan."
2. It is presumed Robert Via I died between 1764 when his lands were reported as processioned in St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co. and 1767 when he no longer appears in the processioning of St. Pauls Parish. In 1767 the names that appear in the procession of St. Paul's Parish are Robert Via , Gideon Via, Josias Via and William Via.
location of land
Also see a discussion of the distinction between several Williams of the 1700s.