James Johnson and John Branch complain of John Via, that on 1 Dec 1751
he became in debt to them for goods, etc. Order to Sheriff of Bedford Co.
to arrest Via in above suit, dated 16 Feb 175_
-- from p. 14, Albemarle Co. VA Court Papers 1744-1783 abstracted
and compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger III
Francis Viah shows Robert Emperson is indebted to him. Order to arrest
Emperson dated 13 June. Promissory note of Emperson to Francis Viah, dated
30 Jul 1766. Witness: David Laird
-- from p. 43, Albemarle Co. VA Court Papers 1744-1783 abstracted
and compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger III, Iberian Publishing Co., 1995
Micajah Via signs a petition in Albemarle Co. for the issuance of paper
money. "We pray and wish you to emit as much paper money as will
pay our domestic debt, and said money to be lawfull Tender, in all debts
due and Demands whatsoever."
--from pp. 213-6, William and Mary Quarterly, Second Series,
Vol. 2, Number 3, Jul 1922; thank to Judy Pons
Micajah Via, Sr. appointed surveyor of the road from Mechums River
at Roads Ford to run by John Rode's & McCullocks Mill to the Cove road
above the mill with the following male laboring tythes for his gang:
Benjamin Clar, John Rodes, Maryan Turner, Daniel Maupin, Wade Via, Micajah
Via Jr., Reverend Wm. Woods and Henry Mills.
--from Albemarle Co. Road Orders 1783-1816, Virginia Highway
Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville,
VA, 1975; thanks to Judy Pons
Micajah Via, Sr. appointed surveyor of the road from Moormans River,
600-700 yards above Robert McCullocks mill to the ford of Mechums River,
below Johnb Rode's about 2-1/2 miles distance--"a bad road to keep in repair."
--from Albemarle Co. Road Orders 1783-1816, Virginia Highway
Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, VA, 1975; thanks to Judy
Micajah Viar (his mark)
William Viar (his mark)
Geo Predy
Epas. Sydna
William Adams
Virginia, Halifax County
I John Wimbush Clerk of the County Court aforesaid Certify that William
McDaniel and William Hudson Gent before whom the annexed Power of attorney
was acknowledged and whose signatures are affixed to the Certificate of
Acknowledgment thereon endorsed, are Acting Justices of the Peace in and
for the said County to whose official acts, all due faith and credit is,
and ought to be given.
In Testimony whereof I have signed the Certificate and caused the seal of the said County Court to be affixed at office this 27th day of August in the year of our Lord Christ 1799 in the 14th year of the Commonwealth.
John Wimbush CHC
We William McDaniel and William Hudson of Halifax County do hereby certify that the within named Maccajah Viar and William Viar acknowledged the within Writing to be their act for the purpose Contained therein. Given under our hands this 26th Day of August 1799.
William McDaniel
William Hudson
--Library of Virginia, Chancery Cases, Albemarle County, Virginia,
Index Number 1805-025
Wm W Hening for complt
Albemarle County to wit
This day Thomas C Fletcher came before me a Justice of the peace for
the county aforesaid and made oath that the foregoing bill contained the
Given under my hand this 9th day of March 1803.
A Copy Teste
John Nicholas CHC
Sworn to in open Court the 10th of March 1803.
John Carr DC
--Library of Virginia, Chancery Cases, Albemarle County, Virginia,
Index Number 1805-025
The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas Thomas C Fletcher hath obtained from the county court of Albemarle an Injunction to stay all further proceedings on a judgment obtained in the said court by the said Poindexter against the said Fletcher and costs of suit, until the further order of the said court. Now if the said Thomas C Fletcher shall well and truly pay and satisfy the said Chapman Poindexter the judgment and costs aforesaid, and such other costs as shall be awarded against him in case the injunction aforesaid shall be disolved; then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue.
Tho C Fletcher
Minan Mills
Benjamin Cave
--Library of Virginia, Chancery Cases, Albemarle County, Virginia,
Index Number 1805-025
B. Brown for resp
Albemarle County
This Day David Anderson personally appeared before me Edward Garland
a Justice of the Peace & made oath to the foregoing answer according
to Law given under my hand this 6th June 1803.
Edward Garland
--Library of Virginia, Chancery Cases, Albemarle County, Virginia,
Index Number 1805-025
Wm Hudson
Micajah Viah (his mark)
Wm Cole
Chapman Poindexter (his mark)
Marbell Camden
At a court held for Halifax County the 26th day of December 1803
The foregoing Indenture was presented in court and proved by the oaths of William Hudson, William Cole and Marbell Camden to be the several act and deed of the said Micajah Viah and Champan Poindexter and Ordered to be Certified, that the same may be entered of record in the County court of Albemarle.
Teste John Wimbish CHC
Jan 2d 1804 duly Certified & to be recorded.
--Library of Virginia, Chancery Cases, Albemarle County, Virginia,
Index Number 1805-025
Chapman Poindexter (his mark)
Sworn to before me Wm Hudson a juctice of the peace for the County of Halifax this 24th Day of December 1803.
William Hudson
--Library of Virginia, Chancery Cases, Albemarle County, Virginia,
Index Number 1805-025
Micajah Vier (his mark)
Sworn to before me Wm Hudson a Justice of the peace for the County of Halifax this 24 day of December 1803.
Wm Hudson
--Library of Virginia, Chancery Cases, Albemarle County, Virginia,
Index Number 1805-025
5 Nov 1806 Micajah Via resigned his office of
Constable in Albemarle Co. (from an Order Book)
6 Nov 1807 "Ordered that the overseers
of the poor of this County bind out John via, son of Mary Via, to
Joseph Bishop until he arrives to the age of twenty-one years." (Order
Book 1807-1809, part 1) -- submitted by Brenda Clark
8 Sep 1813 It is ordered that the following hands (and others who may hereafter reside on the plantations on which the said hands are now employed) be the gang directed to work under John Rodes who is appointed Overseer of the road from Mechums River to McCullocks Mill dam to wit Matthew Roder Jr. Per list Matthew Rodes William Rogers David Owens William Watson, Elijah Garrison, Robert & Matthew Turner Frederick Lewis Richard Via Obediah Via Wade Via and Pleasant Via.
--Albemarle County Road Orders 1783-1816, by Nathaniel Mason Pawlett, Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, Virginia, December 1975, as determined from Albemarle Co. VA Order Book 1813-1815, pg. 189
7 Oct 1822 Menoah Via appointed guardian of Mary Ann Garrison, his niece and daughter of John Garrison. Security given by Matthew Turner.
19 Jul 1828 Micajah Viar had a letter left in the post office (from
advertisement in the Virginia Advocate--Charlottesville newspaper)
To the Honourable, the Delegates & Senators, Representatives of the Common Wealth of Virginia assembled at the City of Williamsburg.
The Memorial & Petition of the Dissenters from the Church of England, & others, in the Counties of Albemarle and Amherst, humbly __
That your Memorialists have never been on an equal footing with the other good People of this Colony, in respects of religious Priviledge having been obliged by Law to contribute to the Support of the established Church, while at the Same Time they were moved from a Principle of Conscience to support that Church of which they called themselves Members: Yet, in as much as this was the Mode of Government, established, either when they came into the Colony, or being Natives, when they became Dissenters from the Church of England, for the sake of good Order they have patiently submitted to their Grievences, continuing to be peacable & Loyal Subjects, always ready & willing to stand up with the foremost, in the support of Government & in the Defense of the just Rights & Property of the Subjects.
That when it became necessary, that the Form of Government should now be moddeled, in consequence of our having thrown off our Dependance, on the Crown & Parliament of great Britan, Your Memorialists flattered themselves, that this Form of Government, that would secure just & equal Rights to the Subject, would be the Choice of every Individual, both from the Consideration of the Justice, & good Policy that would be contained in it, and also from the Consideration that, by Join'd and strenous Endeavours of every one our Liberty, our, all __ be defended against the unjust violators, thereof & that therefore all should enjoy equal Priviledge.
That your Memorialists cannot disguise their real Concern to observe, that instead thereof there are many who are still violent for a re establishment of the Episcopal Church, and to have been informed, that to the End, there are sundry Petitions about to be presented to the House, signed by the Bulk of the People nor can they forbear signifying to this Honourable House their __ of the great Iniquity, contained in the Establishing of any one religion Denomination of People worshiping the same God, and all strugling in the same common Cause, in preferences to all others and that all and every other religious Sectary should be obliged to contribute to the support of that Church, thus established, when it is with the greatest Difficulty that they can support publick Worship in that Way and manner that they rather choose. Your Memorialists judge however, that they may rest quite easy, on refering it to the known Wisdom, Candour & Integrity of this Honourable House, how for such Petition should be heard & granted & also how for such a Mode of Government should be established.
Your Memorialists conceive that to put every religious Denomination on an equal footing to be supported by themselves in dependent of one another would not only be a reasonable & just Mode of Government, but, would certainly have an happy Influence, on the greater Purity of the several Churches; on their __ __ and friendly Intercourse with each other; on suppressing any thing like Feuds & Animosities amongst the People, and on attaching all of every denomination to Governt
Such a Form of Government is all that your Memorialists Desire, and what they Pray this Honourable House for, nor can they doubt of obtaining this, or any other reasonable Request from a Body so respectable, whom we trust have the equal Happiness of their Constituents in particular, and of the Common Wealth in general as their highest Motive.
That all propitious Heaven may inspire this Hon: House with Wisdom equal
to the Importance of the Business devoted upon them & that this Common
Wealth may become the Envy of the Nations & the Glory of the World,
shall ever be the ardent wish of your Memoralists and humble Petitioners.
20 Oct 1785 Another religious freedom petition signed by Micajah Via (Library of Congress; found by Judy Pons; transcribed by Earl Marshall) [This petition was signed by Micajah Via]
To the Honble the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia
A Memorial and Remembrance.
We the subscribers, inhabitants of Albemarle county,
having taken into serious consideration a Bill printed by order of the
last Session of General Assembly, entitled, "A Bill establishing a provision
for Teachers of the Christian Religion"; and conceiving that the same if
finally armed with the sanctions of a law, will be a dangerous abuse of
power, are bound as faithful members of a free State to remonstrate against
it, and to declare the reasons by which we are determined. We remonstrate
against the bill
Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable
truth, "that Religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner
of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by
force or violence". The Religion then of every man must be left to
the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every
man to exercise it, as these may dictate. This right is, in its nature
an unalienable right. It is unalienable, because the opinions of
men, depending only on the existence contemplated by their own minds, cannot
follow the dictates of other men. It is unalienable also; because
what is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator.
It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such
only, as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent
both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil
Society. Before any man can be considered as a member of Civil Society,
he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe; And
if a member of Civil Society, who enters into any subordinate Association,
must always do it with a reservation of his duty to the General Authority;
much more must every man, who becomes a member of an particular Civil Society,
do it with a saving of his allegiance to the Universal Sovereign.
We maintain, therefore, that in matters of Religion, no man's right is
abridged by the institution of Civil Society, and that Religion is wholly
exempt from its cognizance. True it is, that no other rule exists,
by which any question which may divide a Society can be ultimately determined,
but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may
trespass on the rights of the minority.
Because, if Religion be exempt from the authority
of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative
Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former.
Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited. It is limited
with regard to the co-ordinate departments: more necessarily it is limited
with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government
requires, not merely that the metes and bounds which separate each department
of power, be invariably maintained; but more especially, that neither of
them be suffered to overlap the great Barrier which defends the rights
of the people. The Rulers, who are guilty of such an encroachment,
exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants.
The people who submit to it, are governed by laws made neither by themselves
nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves.
Because it is proper to take alarm at the first
experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be
the first duty of Citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the
late Revolution. The freemen of America did not wait till Usurped
power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in
precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they
avoided the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this
lesson too much soon to forget it. Who does not see that the same
authority which can establish Christianity in exclusion of all other Religions
that the same authority which can force a Citizen to contribute three pence
only of his property, for the support of any one establishment, may force
him to conform to any other establishment, in all cases whatsoever.
Because the Bill violates that equality which ought
to be the basis of every law, and which is more indispensable, in proportion
as the validity or expediency of any law is more liable to be imp___ed.
"If all men are by nature equally free and independent;" all men are to
be considered as entering into Society on equal conditions, as relenquishing
no more, and therefore retaining no less, one than another, of their natural
rights. Above all, are they to be considered as retaining an "equal
title to the free exercise of Religion according to the ___ of conscience".
Whilst we assert for ourselves a freedom to embrace, to profess and to
observe the Religion which we believe to be of divine origin, we cannot
deny an equal freedom to those whose minds have not yet yielded to the
evidence which has convinced us. If this freedom be abused, it is
an offence against God, not against man: To God therefore, not to man must
an account of it be rendered. As the Bill violates equality by subjecting
some to peculiar burdens; so it violates the same principle by granting
to others peculiar exemptions. Are the Quakers and Mononists the
only Sects who think a compulsive support of their Religions unnecessary
and unwarrantable? Can their piety alone be entrusted with the care
of public worship? Ought their Religions to be endowed above all
others with extraordinary privileges, by which proselytes may be enticed
from all others? We think too favorably of the justice and good sense
of these denominations to believe that they either covet preeminences over
their fellow Citizens, or that they will be seduced by them from the common
opposition to the measure.
Because the Bill implies, either that the Civil
Magistrate is a competent judge of Religious truth, or that he may employ
Religion as an engine of Civil policy. The first is an arrogant pretension,
falsified by the contradictory opinions of Rulers in all ages and throughout
the world: the second, an unhallowed perversion of the means of Salvation.
Because the establishment proposed by the Bill is
not requisite for the support of the Christian Religion. To say that
it is, is a contradiction to the Christian Religion itself, for every page
of it disavows a dependence on the powers of this world: it is a contradition
to fact; for it is known that this Religion both existed and flourished,
not only without the support of human laws, but in spite of every opposition
from them; and not only during the period of miraculous aid, but long after
it had been left to its own evidence and the ordinary care of Providence:
nay it is a contradiction in terms, for a Religion not invented by human
policy must have preexisted and been supported, before it was established
by human policy: it is moreover to weaken in those who profess this Religion
a pious confidence in its innate excellence and the patronage of its Author;
and to foster in those who still reject it, a suspicion that its friends
are too conscious of its fallacies, to trust it to its own merits.
Because experience witnesses that ecclesiastical
establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and efficacy of Religion,
have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen Centuries has
the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have
been its fruits? more or less, in all places pride and indolence
in the Clergy; ignorance and servility in the Laity; in both, superstition,
bigotry and persecution. Enquire of the Teachers of Christianity
for the ages in which it appeared in its greatest lustre. Those of
every Sect, point to the ages prior to its incorporation with civil policy.
Propose a restoration of this primitive state, in which its Teachers depended
on the voluntary rewards of their flocks; many of them predict its downfall.
On which side ought their testimony to have greatest weight, when for or
when against their interest?
Because the establishment in question is not necessary
for the support of Civil Government. If it be urged as necessary
for the support of Civil Government, only as it is a means of supporting
Religion, and it be not necessary for the latter purpose, it can not be
necessary for the former. If Religion be not within the Cognizance
of Civil Government, how can its legal establishment be said to be necessary
to Civil Government? What influence in fact have ecclesiastical establishments
had on Civil Society? In some instances they have been seen to erect
a spiritual tyrrany on the ruins of Civil Authority; in many instances
they have been upholding the thrones of political tyrrany; in no instance
have they been seen the Guardians of the liberties of the people.
Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty may have found an established
Clergy, convenient auxiliaries. A just Government instituted to secure
and perpetuate it, needs them not. Such a Government will be best
supported by protecting every Citizen in the enjoyment of his Religion,
with the same equal hand that protects his person and his property; by
neither invading the equal rights of any Sect, nor suffering any Sect to
invade those of another.
Because the proposed establishment is a departure
from that generous policy, which offering an asylum to the persecuted and
oppressed of every nation and Religion, promised--a lustre to our Country
and an accession to the number of its Citizens. What a melancholy
mark is the Bill of sudden degeneracy. Instead of holding forth an
Asylum to the persecuted it is itself a signal of persecution. It
degrades from the equal rank of citizens all those who opinions in Religion
do not bend to those of the Legislative Authority. Distant as it
may be, in its present form, from the Inquisition, it differs from it only
in degree. The one is the first step, the other the last, in the
car___er of Intolerance. The magnanimous sufferer under this cruel
scurge in foreign regions must view the Bill as a beacon on our Coast,
warning him to seek some other haven, where liberty and ___ ___ in their
due ___ ___ ___tain repose from his troubles.
Because it will have a like tendency to banish our
Citizens. The allurements presented by other situations, are every
day thinning their number. To superadd (sic) a fresh motive to emigration,
by revoking the liberty which they now enjoy would be the same species
of folly which has dishonoured and depopulated flourishing Kingdoms.
Because it will destroy that moderation and harmony
which the forebearance of our laws to intermeddle with Religion has produced
among its several Sects. Torrents of blood have been spilt in the
old world, by vain attempts of the secular arm to extinguish religious
discord by proscribing all differences in religious opinion. Time
has at length revealed the true remedy. Every relaxation of narrow
and rigorous policy, wherever it has been tried, has been found to assuage
the disease. The American theatre has exhibited proofs that equal
and compleat liberty, if it does not wholly eradicate it, sufficiently
destroys its malignant influence on the health and prosperity of the State.
If with the salutary effects of this system under our eyes, we begin to
contract the bounds of religious freedom, we know no name that will too
severely reproach our folly. At least let warning be taken at the
first fruits of the threatened innovation. The very appearance of
the bill has transformed that "Christian forbearance, love and charity"
which of late mutually prevailed, into animosities and jealousies which
may not soon be appeased. What mischiefs may not be dreaded should
this enemy to the public quiet be armed with the force of a Law?
Because the policy of the Bill is adverse to the
diffusion of the light of Christianity. The first wish of those who
enjoy this precious gift ought to be, that it may be imparted to the whole
race of mankind. Compare the number of those, who have as yet received
it, with the number still remaining under the dominion of false Religions,
and how small is the former? Does the policy of the Bill tend to
lessen the disproportion? no: it at once discourages those who are
strangers to the light of truth, from coming into the region of it; and
countenances, by example, the nations who continue in darkness, in shutting
out those who might convey it to them. Instead of levelling as far
as possible, every obstacle to the victorious progress of truth, the Bill
with an ignoble and unchristian timidity, would circumscribe it, with a
wall of defense against the encroachments of error.
Because attempts to enforce by legal sanctions,
acts obnoxious to so great a proportion of Citizens, tend to enervate the
laws in general, and to slacken the bands of Society. If it be difficult
to execute any law which is not generally deemed necessary or salutary,
what must be the case where it is deemed invalid and dangerous? And
what may be the effect of so striking an example of impotency in the Government
on its general authority?
Because a measure of such singular magnitude and
delicacy, ought not to be imposed, without the clearest evidence that it
is called for by a majority of Citizens; and no satisfactory method is
yet proposed, by which the voice of the majority in this case, may be determined,
or its influence secured. "The people of the respective counties
are indeed requested to signify their opinion respecting the adoption of
the Bill to the next Session of Assembly." But the representation
must be made equal, before the voice, either of the Representatives or
of the Counties, will be that of the people. Our hope is that neither
of the former, will after due consideration, espouse the dangerous principle
of the Bill. Should the event disappoint us, it will still leave
us in full confidence, that a fair appeal to the latter will reverse the
sentence against our liberties.
Because, finally, "the equal right of every Citizen
to the free exercise of ___ Religion according to the dictates of Conscience,"
is held with the same ?tenure? with all our other ___. If we recur
to its origin, it is equally the gift of nature; if we weigh its importance
it cannot be less dear to us; if we consult the Declaration of those Rights
which pertain to the good people of Virginia as the basis and foundation
of Government, "R it is enumerated with
equal solemnity, or rather with studied emphasis. Either then we
must say, that the will of the Legislature is the only measure of their
authority; and that, in the plenitude of this authority, they may sweep
away ___ our fundamental rights; or, that they are bound to leave this
particular right untouched and sacred: Either we must say that they
may controul(sic) the freedom of the press; may abolish the trial
by Jury; may swallow up the Executive and Judiciary powers of the State;
nay, that they may annihilate our very right of suffrage, and erect themselves
into an independent and hereditary Assembly; or we must say that they have
no authority to enact into a law, the Bill under consideration. We
the subscribers say that the General Assembly of this Commonwealth have
no such authority; and that no effort may be omitted on our part against
so dangerous a usurpation, we oppose to it this Remonstrance; earnestly
praying, as we are in duty bound, that the supreme Lawgiver of the Universe,
by illuminating those to whom it is addressed, may, on the one hand, turn
their Councils from every act which would affront his holy prerogative
or violate the trust committed to them and, on the other, guide them into
every measure which may be worthy of his blessing, may redound to their
own praise, and may establish more firmly to the liberties, the prosperity,
and the happiness of the Commonwealth.
At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish September 2nd 1772 On the motion of William Via in behalf of his helpless Parents. 'tis agreed by this Vestry that he be allow'd one thousand pounds of Tobacco annually for their support.
At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish Novr 30th 1772 To William Via for services to his parents from 2nd Septr. at two pr. annum being 3 ms 250 Lbs of Tobacco
1774 November 28th To Wm. Via for services to his parents 1000 Lbs. To William Martin for paying Wm. Via for the year 1773
At a Vestry held at Charlottesville 9th day of May 1776 To William Via for services to his parents 1000 Tob.
At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish at William Tinsleys March ye 24th 1777. To Wm. Via for services to his parents 12 ms. 1000 lbs of Tobacco
At a vestry held for Fredericksville Parish at Will'm. Tinsley's June 30th 1777 To William Via for keeping his Father & Mother one year to commc. from the 1st Jany 1777. 14.
1777 December 17th At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish at the Poor House this day. To William Via for keeping his Father & Mother 1 year to commence as above (1st January 1778) 17.10
At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish at Stephen Jame's Feby 15th 1779 To William Via for keeping his Mother 1 year comming from the 1st Jany. last finding her provisions 45.
At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish at the Widow Fargusons September 8th 1780. To William Via for his support to the 1st Jany. next. 100.
1781 Feby 15 At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish the 26th of Feby 1781 at Charlottesville. To William Via for do. do. (his support) 600
At a Vestry held for Fredericksville Parish the 18th April 1782 To William Via Senr one year 6.
19 May 1767 Augusta Co. Court Order Minutes, p. 65, 134. Joseph Bousant to be summoned to show why he retains William Via, son of Frances Via (Viges).
24 Nov 1767 Augusta Co. Court Order Minutes, p. 483. Order summoning Joseph Bonsant, on complaint of Frances Viers, is dismissed.
18 May 1768 Augusta Co. Court (Chalkley's Abstracts of Augusta County Records, vol. 3, p. 149) "Robert Via aged 6 year, on the sixth of this month, son of David Via deceased, to be bound out."
21 Mar 1769 (Chalkley's Abstracts of Augusta County Records, vol. 3, p. 154) Mildred Viers was ordered to be bound to John Campbell, Elizabeth Viers to Robert Campbell, Gideon Viers and David Viers to David Laird.
22 Aug 1770 Francis Viers is bankrupt (Chalkley's Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish, p. 494)
Signed by Berry Via (and several others)
--Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXVIII, Number 2, May 1, 1900; thanks to Judy
7 Nov 1791
A number of Freeholders in Buckingham County show the General Assembly
of Virginia that an Inspection of tobacco at the mouth of Bent Creek in
this county will be of infinite utility - it being the most eligible situation
on the river between Lynchburg and Warminster with an easy road for the
conveyance of produce from the adjacent counties (to wit) Campbell, Prince
Edward, Charlotte, and Amherst. The petitioners ask that an act be
passed for erecting warehouses at the mouth of Bent Creek on the lands
of John Horsley.
William Barksdale
Francis Eperson
Jno Chambers
Jesse Layn
Wm Goin
L Bery Via
Jno Layn
Charles Lane
John Wright
Gidin Vier
William Vier
David Vier
Robt Via
Wm Horsley
(and others)
-- Virginia Genealogical Series Society Quarterly, Series XXXII, Vol. 4, November 1, 1994; thanks to Judy
23 Jun 1814 Gideon Via living in Buckingham County, Virginia, deposed in a chancery suit, says that he was born in 1730. (Chancery Suit: Allen vs Hylton O.S.244;N.S. 86 - Bill 1814)
Inventory of the Estate of Robert Hairston Dec'd ret'd & recorded.
On the complaint of Nancy Dority on oath, against John Heard stating that she conceives herself in danger of bodily harm from the menaces of the said John It is ordered that he enter into Recognizance to keep the peace for his good behaviour in that behalf, himself in 50 dollars & two securities in 25 dollars each Whereupon the said John Heard, together with John Tyre and John Vier his securities came into Court and severally acknowledged themselves to be indebted to his Excellency James Monroe Esquire, Governor or Chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the said John Heard in the sum of 50 dollars and the said John Tyre and John Vier in the sum of 25 dollars each, of their respective Lands and Tenements, goods and chattels to be levied, and to the said Governor, and his Successors for the use of the said Commonwealth rendered. Yet upon this condition that if the said John Heard shall keep the peace and be of good behaviour towards all the Citizens of the Commonwealth, and especially towards the said Nancy Dority for one year and a day from this time, then this Recognizance to be Void.
James Hayes
Geo. Anderson
Wm. Anderson, Junr.
Chris Tompkins
James Turner
Isaac Dabney, Kg.Wm.
Thos. Trevilian
D. Truehart
Edwd. Garland
R. Brooke
Thomas Hill
Parke Goodall
Geo. Clough
David Hall
John Lawrence
John Norvell
George Wily
Herman Hill (?)
Wm. Woody
Jno. Barker Senr.
Littleberry Wade
John Pasley
Charles Talley
Joseph Talley
Richar Mathew
William Talley
Chilbion White
Nicholas Mills Junr
Jno.Alexr Hill
Jos. Cross, Sr.
Edward Bass (or Boze)
W. Lawes
James Hill
David Gentry
Francis Mills
Tho. Dickenson
Wm. Armstrong
John White
Chas. Turner
Robt. White
George Meredith
John Winn
J. Syme
H. Watkins
Thos. Austin
John Cockburn
Henry H. Mallory
Tho. Richardson
Wm. Radford
David Meredith
John Meredith
Patrick Longan
Joseph Goodman
Richd. Anderson
Henry Timberlake
Reuben Turner
Will: Thomson, Junr.
Wm. Hickman
Tho. Porter
Owen Dabney
Ambrose Lipscombe
Wm. 0. Winston
James Richardson
Bowler Cocke
John Hickson
John Hill
Burnett Timberlake
O.Harris Thomson
Smith Blakey
Christopher Cauthorn
Charles Via Jr.
David Rowland
Heseka (Hezekiah ?) Bowles
Nathan Talley
John Winston
Wm. Ellis
Billey Talley
William Cocke
Wm. Street
?m. Earnest
Wm. Henderson
Barttlet Talley
David _____ke (?)
Thos. Bowles
John Ross
Solomon Pasley
John Hendrick
Wm. Norvell
Jeremiah Glinn
Jas. Richardson
Wm. Tinsley, Junr.
Shadrach Watts
John Christian
John Crenshaw
Thos. Green
Peter Christian
Robt. Kimbrough
Wm. Thompson (?)
Mor. Abrahams
Wm. Lemay
Peter Foster
Fortunatus Crutchfield
Thos. Tinsley
Richd. Taylor
Benj. Temple
Pettus Ragland
Geo. Dabney
Nathl. Anderson
John Thomson
Tho. Garland
J. Anderson
Gwan. Smith
Geddes Winston
Jas. Winston
Wm. Castlin
Armstead Carter
Richd. Timberlake
Jno. Clarke
Jno. Jones
J. McDougle
John Cobbs
Zachariah Hornaday
John Austin
Wm. Harris
Wm. Nelson
Fra. Taylor
Isaac Butler
Benjamin Thomson
John Starke, Jr.
Nelson ?
Will. Terrell
Ballard Smith
John Parsley
John Garland
John Anderson
Richd. Timberlake
W. Brame
William Brame
Wm. Jones
John Roberts
Samuel Butler
Major Winfree
Wm. Peatross
Zach. Stephens
Wm. Thomson
Wm. Sims
Archd. Vick
Jno. Hickman
Nelson Anderson, Jr
Thomas Smith
Claudius Vial
Zach. Clarke
Wm. Spiller
? Webb
Philip Tinsley
James Blarkroth
Wm. Jones
Jno. Catlett
Wm. Littlepage
Andrew Carter
Benja. Fokes
Edwd. Cocke
James Nelson
John B. Anderson
Thomas Mallory
Walter Austin
Littleberry Via
Richard Austin
Joseph Valentine
John Wingfield, Junr.
Benja. Mills
Wm. Barret
John Priddy
Edmund Anderson
Peter Vial
John Wingfield
T. Rootes
William Lumpkin
Wm. Lawrence
Saml. Crutchfield
D. Taylor
Jno. Crimes
George Crawford
Chaps. Austin
Ben. Johnson
Charles Hundley
Elisha Archer
John Timberlake
Charles Knight
John Cocke
William Powel
John Bowles
John Foster
John Overton
Geo. Hollan
Walter Grantland
Jno. Thomson
Wm. Gilliam
John Crenshaw
Nath. Talley
William DuVal
Ja. Tate
James Turner
Step. Davis
J. Johnson
Thomas Hardin
Thomas Hanes
Jeremiah Pate
John Bumpass
Joseph Hix
John Richardson
An. Morris
Robt. Sharp
William Hanes
Joseph Peace
Isaac Burnett
Walter Davies
Wm. Hooper
John England
Benjamin Harris
John Hite (?)
Henry Hicks
Stephen Pettus
Byrd Hendrick
Wm. Alexander
Peter Mallory
Wm. Harris
John Wingfield
Matthew Abbott
William Hines
John Carter
Matthew Whitlock
Jno. Harris
Foster James
John Ellis
Jno. Davis
John Priddy
Wm. Bowe
Christopher Butler
Thos. Coleman
Thomas Wingfield
Joseph Hicks
Saml. Winston
John ?
Wm. Quarles
Obadiah Harper
William Ogelsby
Dabney Turner
Thos. Batchelder
Demark May
William Barlow
William Claybrook
Reubin Davenport
John King
Pettus Ragland, Junr.
Paul Woolfolke
Jacob Williams
J. Heasenpat (?)
Wm. Bacon
Parkes Bailey
John Tinsley
Henry Cross
Finch Ragland
John Walker
Isaac Perrin
Jno. Miller
Stephen Hawke
David Hanes
James Lawrence
John Bow
Roger Gregory Junr.
John Beal
W. Johnson
John Wyatt
Henry Hicks
Wm. Hughes
Nathl. Pope, Jr.
John Roberts
Joseph Abrams
Joseph Valentine
John Pridy
Shelton Ragland
Thomas Billand
Thomas Wingfield
--thanks to Janelle Via McKown
p. 185 The Sherif of Louisa. (The following entries represent a bookkeeping
operation for the Sheriff of Louisa Co., Benjamin Brown, maintained in
this ledger, probably as a convenience to certain customers for payment
of fees. The size of the fees, expressed in pounds of tobacco suggests
they are land taxes, possibly against owners of land in Louisa who resided
in Hanover.)
1756 To: Nicholas Gentry 184 lb., Henry Edwards 113 lb., Nicholas
Gentry Senr. 46 lb., David Via 36 lb. Bal. carried to credit of B. Browns
Acct., p. 21 Credits: By: Their acct. agst. Maj. Snelson, Charles
Smith, & Wm Snelson last year 2,239 lb., Charles Smith for this year
355 lb., Robt. Eastis Junr. 143 lb., John Snow 254 lb., Samuel Winston
407 lb., Nicholas Gentry Junr. 184 lb., Richard Thurmond 113 lb., Henry
Edwards 113 lb., Griffith Dickason 355 lb., Nicholas Gentry Senr. 46 lb.,
David Via 36 lb.
--Magazine of Virginia Genealogy [need volume number] Thanks
to Judy Pons
Mr. James Currin. Jan. 1; Aug.20; Nov.25. Credits: (n.d.) (By
Edmond Shinger): Nov. 25 (By David Via) (Account settled and not carried
(Note: this transcription may be in error. Most likely
the above name Edmond Shinger is actually Edmond Stringer)
Mr. David Via. Jan 1, 12; Feb 13 (to Charles Smiths Acct.); May 6;
Jun. 24; Aug. 20; Nov. 25 (pd Jas. Currin); Dec. 18. Credits:
May 6 (By His Bond).
Saturday, the 24th of February, 1759
That the feveral Claims of William Robins, David Via, William
Price, David
Smith, William Robertfon, Stephen Garrett, John Brown, John Smith,
Vuaghan, Paces Turner Affignee of Jofeph Godwin, Thomas Barbour, Tillman
Weaver Affignee of Jacob Weaver, Valentine Bethell, George Neavill,
Boufh, James Thrailkeld, William Jett, Francis Thornton, Richard Poyne,
William Johfton, John Jones Affignee of James Herndon, John Tankerfley,
Whitloe, William Rayborn, Mitchell Baughan, Elizabeth Gray, Thomas
Jeconias Randal, James Mullin, William Barkfdale Affignee of John Burnett,
William Johnfton, Richard Vernon, William Afhford, Robert Jones, Samuel
Samuel Puryear, James Gray, Garrett Ridley, John Puryear, John Palmer,
Neale, William Dunn, Francis Kirkley, Andrew Hutchinfon, John Sandige,
Eftes, Hugh Sanders, Thomas Brocks, Jofeph Jeffrys, Robert Coleman,
Herndon, Henry Gatewood, Alexander Spence Head and Lawrence Young,
for taking
up Runaways therein mentioned, were feverally prefented to the Houfe
received, and referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of
Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia 1758-1761, edited by H.R. McIlwaine, Richmond, Virginia
Guion Miller rolls-- the National Archives. "Eastern Cherokee Applications
of the U.S. Court of Claims, 1906-1909." M1104.
Roll 280 Andrew Jackson Viar (application number 35712) claims that
his grandmother was Cherokee
Roll 269 Robert Viar (application number 33956), brother of Andrew
Jackson Viar
--thank to Jeff Viar