1 Sep 1780 John Via of Amherst Co. VA 290a Fishing Creek
Patents E, 1775-6, 1780-81, p. 897 (FHL 0029364) John Via for 30 shillings
sterling paid by John Via land containing (by survey 8 Nov 1768) 290 acres
in Co. of Amherst.
Thomas Jefferson Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all
to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye That in Consideration of
the Ancient Composition of Thirty Shillings Sterling paid by John Via unto
the Treasury of this Commonwealth there is granted by the said Commonwealth
unto the said John Via a Certain tract or pacell or parcel of Land Containing
by Survey made the Eighth day of November one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty
eight Two hundred and ninety acres lying and being in the County of Amherst
and is bounded as followeth to witt: Beginning at a white oak Saplin and
running thence new Lines north Thirty Eight degrees west Thirty four poles
to a pine North forty eight degrees west sixty two poles to a Hickory at
a Branch North three degrees west one hundred and one pole to pointers north
forty degrees west thirty nine poles to a pine North Sixty Eight degrees
east at fourteen poles a branch forty four poles to a Spanish oak South eighty
one degrees east one hundred and fifty four poles to a pine, South Thirty
degrees east one hundred and Twenty one poles to a pine South Twenty two
degrees west Ninety two poles to a white oak South forty five degrees west
one hundred poles to pointers and South seventy Seven degrees west at fourteen
poles a Branch Twenty two poles the first station This tract of Land
lyes on the north branches of fishing creek with its appurtenances to have
and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the
said John Via and his heirs for ever. In witness whereof the said Thomas
Jefferson Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his
hand and Caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at
Richmond on the first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
Seven hundred and Eighty and of the Commonwealth the fifth.
Tho Jefferson
1793 John Via, Jr. [references survey dated 26 Oct
1793] 300 acres in Franklin Co.
Robert Brooke Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all To
whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by Virtue of two Land
& Office Treasury Warrants Numbers twelve thousand Six hundred and Sixty
Six and twelve thousand four hundred and Seventeen there is granted by the
said Commonwealth unto John Via Junior a Certain Tract or parcel of Land
Containing three hundred Acres by Survey bearing date the twenty sixth day
of October one thousand Seven hundred and ninety three lying and being in
the County of Franklin on the branches of Runnet Bag Creek and bounded as
followeth to wit, Beginning at a Dogwood Corner to Jonathan peaks line on
a branch, thence with Peaks line North forty three and a half degrees West
thirty four poles to an Elm thence new line South fifty eight degrees West
forty Six poles to a Chesnut tree South ten degrees East forty four poles
to a dogwood on a branch South fifty nine degrees East twenty Six poles to
pointers South eight two degrees East forty two poles to a white oak South
fourteen degrees West twenty eight poles to a white oak South Twenty Six
degrees East Sixty two poles to a white oak South fifty two degrees East
twenty eight poles to a Spanish oak at a Road North fifty degrees East thirty
poles to Gum North eighty Six degrees East twenty two poles to pointers North
Seventy seven degrees East twenty six poles to pointers at a branch and down
the same as it meanders the same Curse sixty two poles to a Spanish oak North
nine degrees West one hundred and fifty two poles to an Elm on a branch and
down as it meanders North Seventy degrees East eighty poles to a Gum North
twelve poles to a white oak in his own line and with it North twenty degrees
East one hundred and four poles to a white oak North five degrees West forty
two poles to a Maple on a branch thence up the same as it meanders to the
Beginning with its Appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel
of Land with its appurtenances to the said John Via Junior and his Heirs
forever In Witness whereof the said Robert Brooke Esquire Governor of the
Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto Set his hand and caused the lesser
Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the twenty eighth
day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand and ninety Six and of the
Commonwealth the twenty first.
Robert Brooke
--Virginia Land Grants, Book 34, page 557 & 558
1796 John Via, Sr. [refers to a survey dated 28
Jun 1782] 75 acres in Franklin Co.
Robert Brooke Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to
whom these Presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by Virtue of two Land
Office Treasury Warrants Numbers twelve thousand six hundred and sixty six,
issued the twenty eight day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighty
two, and fourteen thousand two hundred and twenty seven issued the thirteenth
day of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, There is Granted
by the said Commonwealth unto John Via Senior, a certain tract or parcel
of Land Containing Seventy five Acres by survey bearing date the thirtieth
day of
October one thousand seven hundred and ninety three, lying and being in the
County of Franklin, on the North side of Runnet bagg Creek, and is bounded
as followeth to Wit. Beginning at a Maple on said creek in John Peeks
line, and with it, North ten degrees West twenty eight poles crossing said
Creek to a white oak in James Canadays line and with it North twenty five
degrees East seventy six poles to a red oak, thence new lines south fifty
eight degrees East sixty eight poles to a white Oak south six degrees West
sixty poles to a dogwood south forty two degrees East eighteen poles to a
Spanish Oak South twenty two degrees West one hundred and eight poles to
a Spanish Oak, South thirty five degrees East fourteen poles to a white oak
in Samuel Underwoods line, and with it, South forty degrees West Sixteen
poles to a poplar on the Creek, and up the same as it meanders to the first
Station, with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said Tract or parcel
of Land with its appurtenances to the said John Via Senior and his Heirs
forever In Witness whereof the said Robert Brooke Esquire Governor of the
Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his Hand and Caused the lesser
seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the Twenty seventh
day of September In the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Ninety
six and of the Commonwealth the twenty first.
Robert Brooke
--Virginia Land Grants, Book 35, page 597
9 Feb 1799 Gideon Viers of Bath County.
GRANTEE: Givens, James. Description: 100 acres on the waters of Stewarts
Creek a branch of the Cowpasture River, on both sides of John Lewis's Road,
on both sides of Stoney Run, adjoining the land of Gideon Viers, and John
--Land Office Grants No. 42, 1798-1799, p. 189 (Reel 108).
6 Apr 1820 survey for Menoah Via 31a Doyles River
and east side of Pasture Fence Mtn.
--"Land lying in the County of Albemarle:" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyors'
Plat Books, by Eric G. Grundset, 1998, courtesy of Judy Pons
12 Mar 1822 Manoah Via of Albemarle Co. VA 31a Doyles River Grants 71, 1822-24, p. 28
28 May 1828 Micajah Via of Albemarle Co. VA
52a Cattail Run Grants 71 1827-28, p. 81 In conformity with a Survey, made
on the twenty first day of March 1827 by virtue of two Land Office Treasury
warrants--50 acres by No. 1930 issued April 27th 1825 and 2 acres by No.
6645 issued May 19th 1819 there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto
Micajah Via a certain tract or parcel of land, containing fifty two acres
situated in the county of Albemarle on both sides of Cattail Run a branch
of Rocky Run and on the side of Piney ??? and Currants mountains and
bounded as follows: Beginning at a chestnut oak his own corner thence with
his own line S 19 E 111 poles to a black haw bush chestnut and dogwood pointers
on the north side of Cattail Run thence new lines S 6 1/2 West 5 poles crossing
Cattail Run to a pine thence S 52 3/4 W 22 poles to a pine; thence S 31 1/2
E 33 poles to a pine, thence S 2 1/4 E 33 poles to two chestnut oaks and
chestnut pointers on the north side of the Piney ??? thence N 88 W
34 poles to a red oak, chestnut and dogwood pointers thence S 71 W 12 1/2
poles to a chestnut oak on a ridge at the head of a hollow corner to Achilles
Wood thence with said Wood's line N 12 1/4 W 58 poles crossing Cattail Run
in all 150 poles to two chestnut sapling pointers-- to the said Wood and
himself and thence with his own line W 63 1/2 E 51 poles to the beginning
9 June 1829 land grant to Ambrose Briant of Montgomery County the
following appears:
Beginning at a black Oak Corner to McCutchins land, thence with one line,
S 49 degrees, E 242 poles crossing a branch to a poplar on a ridge; S 38
degrees W 106 poles to four chesnut Oaks and two black Oaks corner to Richard
Woods and William Viers land; thence with
a line of the latter N 35 degrees W 186 poles crossing a branch to a white
oak on a ridge corner to Frederick Gharsts land and thence with a line N
11 degrees, East 80 poles to the beginning.