Early Via Processioning Records
Jump to processioning records from the following counties: Albemarle|Hanover
Albemarle Co. VA
From: Fredericksville Parish Vestry Book, compiled and edited by
Rosalie Edith Davis
7 Mar 1752
"We have processioned all the lines within the precinct mentioned in the
Mar 23 1752
Capt. David Mills, present
Mr. Thomas Ballard, present
Mr. Andrew Ray, present
Mr. George Clark, present
Mr. Wm. Davis, present
Colonel John Henry
Mr. John Carr
Mr. John Michie
Mr. Wm. Viar
Mr. Thomas Scott
Mr. Wm. Buster
For the latter names on the list, "no persons appear'd to shew us the
lines therefore they are not procession'd."
28 Sep 1752
"In Obedience to an order of Vestry we have processioned Viz.
lines RICHD. LONG & BRUCE in Company; WM. THOMSTON line ROBT. VIA
in Company;
& DAVID HESTERS lines themselves in Company; GEORGE THOMERSONS
line, THOS.
George Thomerson
Wm. Tate
23 Jul 1755
Land processioned in Louisa Co., Virginia "we have processioned the lines
THOMASON & JOHN THOMAS in the presence of sd. persons; the
line between SAMUEL THOMASON & DAVID VIA in the presence of the
sd. Persons"
Hanover Co. VA
From: The Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish, Hanover County, Virginia
1706-1786, Transcribed and edited by C.G. Chamberlayne, Virginia State
Library and Archives, Richmond, 1940
14 Mar 1708/9
p. 217 The lands of James Blackwell Senr, Geo Turner,
Benj Buckley, Widdow Thompson, Gabriel Heath, John Barnet, and Amor Viah
being made one precinct, of which the said Geo. Turner, and Amor Viah,
were Appointed Overseers, who made this return on the Back of the Order
(viz,) in Pursuance of an Order of Vestry held for St Pauls Parish for
processioning of Lands We Amor Viah & Geo. Turner in Company with Robt
Thompson, Edwd Burnet, John Howard and George Jones, have procession'd
our lands into one precinct, except the failures hereafter mentioned and
also the divinding Lines betwixt each other without any Exceptions:...
Subscrib'd, Amor Viah, and Geo. Turner
17 Mar 1711/12
p. 226 The Lands of Robt Horsley, John Matlock, Peter Plantine,
Jonas Lawson, Wm Talley, John Talley, Mark Anthony, Marg: Via, Widdow Thomson,
Widd Burnet, Jno Peece & Widd Crawford being made one precinct, whereof
the Sd Robt Horsley & Jno Matlock were appointed Overseers, made ye,
return viz, 9ber ye, 24th, 1711, in Obedience to this Order of Vestry,
we the Subscribers have, with ye, within mention'd persons, procession'd
the Lands of the within mention'd Order
John Matlock, Robt Horsley
24 Sep 1711
p. 238 The lands of Robt Horsley, John Matlock, Peter Plantine,
Jonas Lawson, Wm Talley, Jno Talley, Mark Anthony, Mar Vin, Widdow Thomson,
Widdow Burnet, Jno Peece & Widdow Crawford being made one precinct,
whereof the said Robt Horsley & John Matlock were appointed Overseers
made, this return viz, 9br, ye 24th, 1711
3 Apr 1716
At a Vestry held at the Lower Church ye 3d of April 1716, it was ordered,
that ye Clerk record the returns for Processioning verbatim as they were
returned by the Overseers. "The lands of Robt Horsley, Jno Matlock,
Peter Plantine, Jonas Lawson, Wm Talley, Jno Talley, Mark Anthony, Mary
Via, Widd Tomson, Widd Burnet, Widd Peace & Widd Crawford being made
one precinct, whereof Robert Horsley & Jno Matlock were Overseers,
and made this return, viz in Obedience to the within Order of vestry, we
have Peaceably Procession'd the Lands of Jonas Lawson, Wm Talley, Mary
Anthony, Amor Via, Widd Thompson, Widd Burnet, Widd Peece & Widd Crawford
Peter Plantine not Present, being afflicted with an ailment and not fitting
to Come. John Talley having no Land adjoyning at Present.
Robt Horsley, Jno Matlock"
10 Aug 1719
p. 260 The lands of Rowland Horsley, Robt Horsley, Henry Crompton,
Wm Reynold's, Thos Sandige, Thos Lightfoot, Thos Gibson, Widd Thorp &
her Sons, John Bostick, John Garland for John Hopkins orphan, being one
precinct of which Rowland & Robt Horsley were Overseers who made this
return In obedience to the within Order, we the Subscribers, with
the within mentioned persons excepting Thos Lightfoot, Thos Gibson, Henry
Crompton, Majr Nicho Meriwether in lieu of whom were Hen: Kerby, Geo: Barker,
Henry Crompton Jr & Robt Via & with them have peaceable and quietly
Processiond the within mentioned Land accordingly
Jan 1719. Rowland
Horsley, Robt Horsley
29 Oct 1731 18 Oct 1735
Thos Frances
Thos Franches
Richd Glass
Richd Glass
Joseph Peace
Joseph Peace
Widdow Simmons
Widd Simmons
John Maske
John Mask
John Blackwell
John Blackwell
Robt Willsford
Robt Willsford
Saml Chamberlayne
Saml Chamberlayne
Doctoc Hopkins
Doctor Hopkins
Col Dandridge
Col Dandridge
Wm & James Blackwell
Wm & James Blackwell
John Turners Orphans
John Turners Orphans
Wm Turner
John Urssery
John Ussery
Jno Blackwell Junr
John Blackwell Jr
Widd Hughes
Widdow Hugh
Geo Jones
Geo Jones
Saml Peace
Saml Peace:
John Holden
now for John Thomson
Edwd Burnett
John Holden
Robt Thompson
Edwd Burnett
Benja Goodman
Robt Thompson
Saml Goodman
Benja Goodman
Wm Via
Saml Goodman
Wm Talley
Wm Via
Mark Anthony
Wm Talley
Richd Bullock
Mark Anthony
Thos Pollett
Richd Bullock
Richd Glass
Thos Pollett
John Holden
Richd Glass
John Holden
11 Sep 1739 23 Mar 1743
Thomas Franches:
Col Thompson
part for John Sandage
Wm Maske
Richard Gass
John Sandwich
Joseph Peace:
John Peace
for John & Wm Peace
Wm Peace
Widdow Simmons
John Ursery
John Maske
John Thompson
John Blackwell
Widd Markland
Robt Willsford:
John Holden
for Wm Mask
Saml Hill
Saml Chamberlayne
Thos Franches
Doctor Hopkins
Heirs of Richard Glass
to John Orsery
Widdow Simmons
Col Dandridge
John Mask
Wm & James Blackwell John Blackwell
to John Thompson
Saml Chamberlayne
John Turners Orphans
Col Dandridge
John Ursury
Wm Blackwell
for Col Roger Thompson John Turners
John Blackwell Junr
John Blackwell Junr
Widdow Hughes
Widd Hughes
George Jones
Geo Jones
Saml Peace
Saml Peace
Mr. John Holden
John Holden
Edward Burnett
Edwd Burnett
Robt Thompson:
Benja Goodman
to John Holden
William Via
Benja Goodman
Mark Anthony
Saml Goodman
Richard Bullock
to Widdow Markland Thos
William Via
William Talley
to Saml Hill
Mark Anthony
Richd Bullock
Thos Pollett
[Judy asks: However, looking
at 1755, 1759, 1763, and 1767 I find a William Vines. This William
is in the same precinct that the William in 1739 and 1743 was in.
That is just too much of a coincidence for me. Was the name spelled
Vires and miss transcribed as Vines. How could William Via in precinct
25 be listed in 1739 and 1743 and when the records pick up again in 1755,
1759, 1763, and 1767 a person by the name of William Vines be in the same
precinct previously occupied by William Via????]
Note: 21 Feb 1725/6 will of Thos Glass
Wit: Thomas Fitch, William Via, Mary Fitch
5 Mar 1734 proved by oath of William Via
18 Sep 1743
p. 309 Orderd into one precinct for processioning the Lands
of Michl Tucker, Amos Tucker, John Tucker, William Tharp, John Tharp, Chas
Tharp, Robt Via, George Barker, Wm Meanly, John Brothers, Richd Crawford,
Abraham Burnet, Thos Logwood, Henry Crumpton, Henry Wood, Wm Kerby, Wm
Reynolds Burnet, Robert Strange, Widdow Chapman, John Thomson, Wm Watkins,
John Goodwin, Joseph Baughon, Robt Goodman, Richd Leak, Widdow Wooddy,
John Phillips & that Mr John Street, and Robt Via see the said processioning
[Records that pertain to a second William Via]
11 Sep 1739 Mar 1743
Edwd Wade
Edwd Wade
Wm Via
William Via
Roland Horsley
Rowland Horsley
Mrs Crumpton
Mrs Crumpton
Edwd Wade Junr
Edward Wade Junr
Wm Wade
Vinkler Cobbs
Vinkler Cobbs
William Wade
David Holt
David Holt
Henry Wade Junr
Henry Wade
Henry Wood
Henry Wade Junr
Doctr Matthewson
Henry Wood
Richd Lancaster
Doctor Mattheson
Robt Bumpass
Richd Lancaster
John Clements
Robt Bumpass
Stephen Clements
John Clement
John Slaughter
Stephen Clement
Charles Talley
John Slaughter
Charles Talley
30 Sep 1751 17 Nov 1755
Anthony Hughes
Michael Tucker
Aaron Stark
Amos Tucker
David Richardson
John Tucker
Robt Hood
William Thorp
Wm Talley
John Thorp
Eleanah Rea
Charles Thorp
John Barker
Robt Via
Anthony Hughes
George Barker
Ralph Humphreys
Josias Via
David Bullock
Gideon Via
Robt Wheeler
William Mask
Zach Hester
Abraham Burnet
Gideon Via
Thomas Snead
Wm Burnet
Edwd Wade
Nocho Mills
Bond Burnet
Saml White
David Crew
Wm Kerby
William Reynolds Burnet
Henry Kerby Junr
Chapman's orphans
John Thompson
Gabriel Hill
John Goodwin
19 Nov 1759
p. 387-388 At a Vestry held for Saint Pauls Parish Novr 19th
1759 Ordered into one Precinct for Processioning the Lands of Michael
Tucker, Amos Tucker, John Tucker, William Thorp, John Thorp, Charles Thorp,
Robert Via, George Barker, the land That was William Meanly's, the Land
that was John Brothers, Richard Crafford, Abraham Burnet, Lewis Webb, Edwd
Wade, Bond Burnett, William Kerby, William Reynolds Burnet, Robert Stranges
Orphans, Tyree Harris, Thomas Austin, John Thomson, John Goodwin, Robert
Goodman, Mordecai Booth, Martha Wooddey, John Mask and that Robert Via,
and Charles Barker See the Said processioning, Perform'd and return their
proceedings according to Law. Ordered That if any of the Several
Persons appointed to See the Processioning performd, find any Persons Land
Adjacent to the lands Named, and not mentioned in the Orders for Processioning
that do See the Lands so left out of the said Orders processioned, and
return an Account of the Same with the other lands mentioned in the said
Orders. In Submission to your order, we Robert Via and Charles Barker
hath seen the above mentiond lands processioned, now owned by the following
persons Michael Tucker, Amos Tucker, John Tucker, Robert Via, John Thorp,
Charles Thorp, Robert Via, Charles Barker Sr, Charles Barker Jr, Gideon
Via, Josias Via, William Mask, Abraham Burnett, Edmund Wade, William Wade
Jr, Samuel Sneed, William Reynolds Burnet, William Spencer, John Goodwin,
Thos Elliott, John Thomson Decd, John Street, Robert Goodman Decd, Martha
Wooddey, John Mask Examined, Robert Via, Charles Barker
30 Nov 1763
p. 424 At a Vestry held for Saint Pauls Parish 30 Novr 1763
Ordered into one precinct for processioning the lands of Michael Tucker,
Amos Tucker, John Tucker, William Thorp, John Thorp, Robt Via, George Barker
the land that was William Meanlys, the land that was John Brothers, Richd
Crafford, Abraham Burnet, Lewis Webb, Edward Wade, Bond Burnet, William
Kerby, William Reynolds Burnet, Robt Strange's Orphans, Tyree Harris, Thomas
Austin, John Thomson, John Goodwin, Robt Goodman, Mordechai Booth, Martha
[The third William Via]
Sept 30 1767 Nov 12 1771
Michael Tucker
Amos Tucker
Amos Tucker
John Tucker
John Tucker
James Parsons
John Thorp
John Thorp
James Parsens
Robert Via
Robert Via
Archilus Hughes
John Barker
William Hughes
Robert Brown
William Via
Gideon Via
Josias Via
Gabariel Hill
Michael Tucker
for Saml Hill
John Barker
Abraham Burnett
Charles Barker
for Edwd Burnett
Edmund Wade
John Blackwell
Gabariel Hill
Charles Barker Senr
Robert Brown
Josias Via
William Lane
William Via
Joshua Snead
William Wade Junr
Joel Watkins
Edmund Wade
Turner Slaughter
John Pasley
Henry Wood
William Wade
Edward Watkins
30 Sep 1767
p. 463 In Obedience to the annexed Order to us the Subscribers
directed, we have processiond all the Lands belonging to the Several persons
therein mention'd except the following Persons (viz) Robert Brown, Gideon
Via, Gabriel Hill and Joshua Snead, owns the Lands at present, that formerly
belongd to William Meanly, John Brothers, Richard Crafford, and Lewis Webb.
We also have processioned the Lands of Charles Barker Sr, Josias Via, William
Via, William Wade Jr and Edmund Wade who were included in the said precincts,
and not Mention'd in the said order, all which Lands were quietly processiond
among the Several Owners thereof. Witness our Hands this 22d day
of January 1768 John Blackwell, Charles Barker
Nov 12 1779
Amos Tucker
Jno Tucker
James Parsons
Jno Thorp
Robt Via
Josias Via
Archelius Hughes
Wm Hughes
Wm Via
Michl Tucker
Jno Barker
Charles Barker
Edmd Wade
Gabriel Hill
Robt Brown
Wm Lane
Joshua Snead
Turner Slaughter
Jno Parsley
Henry Wood
Wm Wade
Edward Watkins