Wills of Vias Born Before 1800


We have wills from the following VA Counties:
Other Counties:
Boone Co. MO

Albemarle Co. VA

7 Apr 1782 Will of William Via  WB 2/408
I William Via of Albemarle Co. VA ... I give to my grandson Micajah Viar, son of William Viar, decd. the Plantation wheron I now live beginning at a branch above the new plantation and so up the said Branch to a pine on William Barksdale's line and so on the said line down to the River. Also I give to my grandson William Viar, son of aforesaid William Viar the remaining part of the tract of land up the River. And my daughter Sarah Viar to have liberty of the aforesaid lands for her own proper use during the time she remains a widow and no longer, and I do appoint James Epperson and Stephen Philips executors to this my last will and testament.
                                                William X Viar
Wit: Rowland Horsley
James Talbot
Mary Epperson

At a Court held for Albemarle County the Eight day of May 1783 This will was proved by the Oath of Rowland Horsley and Mary Epperson two witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded and on the motion of James Epperson an Executor therin named who made Oath according to Law. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate in due form on his giving Security, Whereupon he with Micajah Viar his security Entered into and acknowledged their Bond for performing the Same accordingly.
Teste __ Starling, Deputy Clerk

"Even though it once again does not prove the relationship, the probate of William's will seems to strengthen the relationship of father/son between William Via who died in 1783  and Micajah Via Sr."
--Judy Maupin

12 Jun 1836 Will of William Via WB 12/194
Names: Will proved 1 Aug 1836
1840 Will of Manoah Via WB 14/106
Wife: Judith Via
Neice: Mary Ann Gardner, whose husband is Garland T. Gardner
            Eliza Jane Gardner, daughter of  Garland T. Gardner
10 Sep 1847 Will of Jonathan Via  WB 25/354
To Elizabeth, all property both real and personal during her life.
Other half of estate to go to Jonathan's children after Elizabeth's death:  James B., Mary E., Henry O., Adam L., George A., Samuel M., Thomas D., Maria P. Via and Frances Anne Lane.
To son, John A. Via, $1.
Will proved 1 Mar 1858
3 Dec 1849 Accounts settled for the estate of William and Mary Via at Mary's death
Lists heirs:
20 Mar 1849 Will of Micajah Via WB 19/113
I desire that all the perishable part of my Estate be immediately sold after my decease, and out of the money arising therefrom all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid.  Should the perishable part of my estate be insufficient for the purposes above mentioned then I desire that my executor hereafter named may sell such part of my lands as they may deem sufficient and use of the monies arising therefrom to pay and satisfy such debts as remain unpaid from the sales of my perishable estate.  But should my perishable estate be more than sufficient to pay my just debts, the remainder of the money to be equally divided (after paying Heuly Sanales (formerly Heuly Via), Winston Via and Garland Via each one dollar as their portion of my estate) between Clifton Via and Brightberry Via.
2nd Granddaughter Sarah Via, daughter of Brightberry Via mentioned.
3rd I give to my sons Clifton Via and Brightberry Via all my real estate, to be equally divided between them, to them and their heirs and assigns forever.
Lastly, I do hereby appoint my friend Bezaleel Brown my executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others by me made.
In witness whereof I have herewith caused my name to be set and my seal to be affirmed this 20th day of March 1849.
                                                        Micajah Via
Signed, sealed, and declared in the
presense of us who at his request
and in his presence have subscribed
our names as witnesses
        M. R. X Jarman
        Thomas X Clark
        Bezl X Brown

At a court held for the County of Albemarle on the 7 May 1849, this will was proved by the oaths of Jarman and Clark, witnesses thereto and was ordered to be recorded.
                                                Teste    Ira Garrett  CC

Aug 1849 Appraisement of Micajah Via, dec.  WB 19/157
His property is appraised at approximately $28.00.
4 Oct 1856 Will of Brightberry Via  WB 24/99
Wife, Juda
Proved 6 Apr 1857
1863 Will of Hezekiah Via WB 27/208
Mentions wife (not named)
Oldest son: Wm. W. Via
Oldest daughter: Jane M. Via, wife of Thompson Via
son: Nimrod F. Via
daughter: Mary Elizabeth, wife of Adam L. Via
granddaughter: Lucilla Katharine, daughter of Nimrod
Will proved 3 Aug 1863

Amherst Co. VA

17 Aug 1781 Will of Jno. Via  WB 3/4
In the name of god Amen.  I John Via of the County of Amhurst being Very Sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto God, Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soul unto the hand of all mighty God that gave and my Body I Recommend to the Earth nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall Receive the same again, and as Touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bles me in this life, I give Demiss and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form
First, I give and bequeath to my four Sons my Lands and Tenements and Also I give to well belove Daughter Susanah Via and Mary Ann Via _ all my movible Estates to be prosesed and enjoyed By them for Ever and I do hereby utterly Disannul all wills and Ratifying and Confirming this my Last will and Testament in witness whereof I set my hand and Seal this Seventeenth Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty one.

Signed Sealed and Acknowledged John Via   LS
by the said John Via as his Last will Testament in presents
Daniel Perrow
Milley Perrow
Elis  X  Evens

At a court held for Amhurst County the Sixth Day of March 1786 This Last will & Testament of John Via Dec'd was presented in Court And proved by the Oath of Daniel Perrow & Elizabeth Evans Witness thereto And Ordered to be Recorded.
                    Test. Wm Loving Clk
Proven in court 6 Mar 1786.

20 Jun 1825  John Via guardian bond of Betsey Wright, orphan of Docia Wright WB 6:603
Know all men by these presents, that we John Via & Lewis Layne are held and firmly bound unto David S. Garland, Edmd Penn, James Dillard, Benjamin Taliaferro, Isaac Rucker, Thomas __ & Chs P. Taliaferro Gentlemen justices of the County Court of Amherst in the sum of fifty Dollars current money of Virginia for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dates this 20th day of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty five and in the 49th year of the Commonwealth.  The Condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bound John Via shall well and truly pay and deliver, or cause to
be paid and delivered unto Betsey Wright orphan of Docia Wright over the age of 14 years all such estate or estates as is now, or shall hereafter appear to be due to the said Betsey Wright when she shall attain to lawful age to demand the same or when thereto required by the Justices of the said Court, for the time being do also save harmless and indemnify the first above
mentioned Justices from all trouble or damage, that shall or may arise about the said estate or estates then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue.
                                                                John Via  (his mark)
                                                                Lewis Layne

At a Court held for Amherst County the 20th day of June 1825
This Guardian Bond was acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be recorded.

A. B. Davies  Ck

Augusta Co. VA

9 Jul 1766 Will of David Via
I David Viers of the County of Augusta & Colony of Virginia …my worldly Estate to Francis Viars...  I Bequeath unto my Well beloved wife whom I appoint my full and Sole Exectrix one Negroe Girl Daphine to one bond Due from John Lancaster which I allow to Pay my Debts which bond being Lost to one Note of hand due from Henry Harriss which I allow to my Creditors which note being lost for Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand this 9th Day of July 1766.
Witnesses: Chas Knight, Edward Warner, Adam Rebourn.
Surety: James Beard, David Laird
Proven in court 19 Aug 1766

Abstracts of Augusta County Records, vol. 3, p. 94, by Chalkley names wife, Frances, executrix. Directs that his bond to John Lancaster be paid and the note of Henry Harris collected.

Franklin Co. VA

1 Jun 1824 Will of John Via
I John Via Sen of Franklin County and State of Virginia … appointed this my last Will and Testament in the following manner Viz:   First: I leave my Land: containing, seventy acres be the same more or less that I now live on to my beloved wife Mary Via, during her life, and at her disease my will is that David Moore and Robert Moore Sons of John Moore have the land when they come of age.  Also I desire that my wife have my stock of all kind with the household and Kitchen furniture for her benefit and at her disposal as she shall think fit. This I acknowledge to be my last Will and Testament revoking all other wills made by me Given signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us this first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and Twenty four-  N.B. I appoint John Moore Executor and Mary Via Executrix of this my last will and testament.
Witnesses:  Thos Hale, Elizabeth Hale, Mathew Martin.
Proven in court March 4, 1844.
19 Sep 1824 Will of David Via [need reference]
In the name of God Amen  I David Via of the County of Franklin and State of Virginia being weak of Body but of perfect memory and calling to life the mortality of my body and that is appointed onst for all men to die have made and constituted this my Last Will and Testament, Viz, First I give and bequeath my Soul to almighty god who gave it me and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the Discretion of my executors not Doubting but I Shall receive it again by the mighty Powers of God at the general reserrection and as to my Worldly estate that has pleased god to bless me with I Dispose of it in the following manner, Viz,
Item. It is my will and desire that my son James Via have the land and appertainences that I now live on to Inherit and enjoy the same but on this Scale that is to Say that the land shall be val'd at my Death and it Shall be Divided that James Via my youngest son shall have the land but the residue shall be Divided into five equal parts  1 Part to each of these three Josiah Via David Via & Richard Via & the other 2 parts to James Via and at my Death or that of my wife then the movable property to be Divid between my Three Daughters Judy, Sucky & Phebe at the Discresion of myself or wife
this is my last will Disannuling all other wills or bequeths
Witnesses:  Thos Hale, James Canaday, Francis Hale (his mark), Henry B. Johnson, Wilson Hill.

At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse the 2nd day of July 1832 This last will and Testament of David Via was produced in Court, and proved by the oath of James Canaday and Francis Hale two of the Subscribing Witnesses hereto and ordered to be recorded.
                Caleb Tate  c_c

19 Dec 1833 Will of John Via  WB 4/192
In the name of God, amen.  I John Via Sen of the County of Franklin and State of Virginia being week of body but of good sound mind and mental facilities, and knowing that is appointed unto men once to die, have made and constituted this my last will and Testament, and Revoking all others that have been made by me, and first I resign my soul to God who gave it, and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken in full assurance of its ressuraction at the last day, and as my worldly estate, which it has pleased God to bless me with, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Via, all my lands, Stock of every description household and kitchen furniture, and every other article to have and to hold the same during her natural life and at her death, I will that
my Daughter Sarah Newberry have a certain tract or parcel of land which has been recently marked off in the presence of witnesses, Viz:  Beginning on Ingram's line on a corner white oak and Gum on the west Side of the Ridge, thence a Straight line a north course to John Via, Jr. corner Spanish oak on the same ridge to her the same during her life and then to heirs of her body - and to my Son Anderson Via, I give and bequeth all the residue of my lands including two tracts in one, which is the same I now live on, and also a rifle Gun, to have and to hold the same forever.  And to my son John Via a certain tract of land which I have already Deeded to him - and at my wife's Death all my moveable property of every description to be Equally divided between my two Daughters Sarah Newberry and Elizabeth Vest to have the same forever.
In witness where I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 19th day of December 1833.

John   X   Via            Seal

Henry B. Johnson
Samuel James
Isham Cockram
Joshua   X   Hall
Jonathan Hale

5 Mar 1834 Inventory of John Via, Sr., Decd.  WB 4/333
At a Court held for Franklin County the 5th day of May 1834
This last will and Testament of John via Sr. Dec'd was produced in Court and offered for probate and the Same being contested by John Via Jr it was continued, and at a Court held for the said county the 2nd day of June 1834 This said last will and testament was again produced in Court and proved by the oath of Henry B. Johnson, Samuel James, Isham Cockram, Joshua Hall and
Jonathan Hale the subscribing witnesses hereto and ordered to be recorded.  And on the motion
of Sarah Via who made oath and gave bond and Security according to Law Certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of administration with the will annexed in the Estate of the said John Via Sr. Dec'd in due form of law.

     Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C.In obedience to an order of the worshipful Court of Franklin
County to us directed after being sworn for that purpose we have proceeded to appraise the
property of John Via Decd shown to us by Sarah Via Administratrix as follows, to wit

2 Sows and 8 pigs                   $ 5.50
3 Burrows                     10.50
1 Horse       45.00
1 Still       30.00
1 Pot        1.00
1 Old anville and Some shop Irons                    1.50
2 Cows and Calves                    18.00
2 Heiffers                     10.00
1 Whipsaw       1.00
Plantation tools plow gear and log chains                    3.00
1 Old jointer and __                       .25
3 Wheels                      3.50
1 Handsaw 1 Auger 1 Barrel and Iron wedge &c.                  2.50
1 Lot of Castings                      2.50
1 Saddle and bridle                      2.50
1 Old Clock       5.50
1 Pair Steelyards                      1.25
1 Old Trunk       1.50
2 Beds and furniture for __                     8.33
1 Rifle Gun       5.00
3 water Vessels        .75
1 Lot of Pewter       2.50
1 Set Cupboard ware  1 jug  1 pr cotton cords                   1.50
1 Table and 5 Chairs      1.75
1 Wheel Burrow        .50
3 Barrels and 3 _ugs       .62½
1 Sl_g         .25
3 R__ hooks        .25

Given under our hands this 30th day of August 1834
    James Canaday
    Henry _ Johnson
    Jonathan Hale

At a Court held for Franklin County the 3rd day of August 1835
This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of John Via Decd was returned and ordered to be recorded.
    Teste Caleb Tate  CFC

17 Mar 1851 Inventory and Sale of Estate of Sarah Via [wife of John Via]
Inventory of the Property of Sarah Via Decd taken by John A. Newberry Admr of said Sarah Via and appraised by James Ingram and John Griffith March the 17th 1851  Dollars Cents
          1 Table  .50
          2 Whip Saw 1.00
          1 Flax wheel 1.50
          1 Large pot .50
          1 Oven 1.00
          Shovel Baker & pot rack                               .50
          Spice Mortor Smoothing Iron & pot Hook     1.00
          1 Lot Pewter 1.00
          1 Candle Stand & Tin Trunk                         1.00
          1 Large Trunk .50
          Lot of old Irons & tools 2.00
          1 pr Still ?cards? 1.00
          1 Large auger & Hatchet                                 .75
          Lot spools & Stone pitcher                              .50
          1 Jointer & Ma__ock                                     1.25
          1 Bedstead with the cord                                .75
          2 beds with the furniture & 1 stead               14.00
          1 Cow & bell 10.00
          1 Still with the cap & ___ and tub                16.50
               Cash $2.50 2.50

          One bond on John Via due the 8th Sept 1848 for      1.6_

                                   James Ingram Jr
                                   John Griffith

In the Clerk's Office of Franklin County Court the 7th day of April 1851
This appraisement of the estate of Sarah Via Decd was exhibited into the said office and admitted to record.
                                   M.G. Carper  CTC

Via, Sarah     A list of Property sold by John A. Newberry Admr of
Dec'd          Sarah Via Decd March 17, 1851
           List of Sales
          John A. Newberry         1 Still 17.00
          John Griffith                 1 Cow & Bell 10.00
          Sparrell Via                  1 flax wheel 2.00
          John A. Newberry         1 large pot                    .85
          Anderson Via               1 Oven & hooks          1.66
          Anderson Via               1 Whip Saw                2.06
          John Via                      1 Pair Stilgards 1.80
          Anderson Via               1 Baker & Shovel         1.05
          John Griffith                 1 Spice Mortor & Pot rack 1.37
                                              1 Smoothing iron      }
          Anderson Via               Candle Stand & old Cards 1.15
          John A. Newberry         Jointer, Hatchet & Ma__ock 2.10
          James Ingram               1 quart pot             . 74
                                               Auger drawing knife & ___ hook   .64
          Wm. Richardson           lot old Irons            .75

(carried to Sparrel Via account)
          Anderson Via               1 log chain & chain braces 2.75
          John A. Newberry         1 lot Spools & stone pitchers .65
          John Via                       1 Trunk 1.25
          Anderson Via                1 Bed stead with the cord .52
          Jackson Via                 1 Tin trunk hand saw & hammer 1.50
          Isaac Boyd                   1 bed & furniture 6.55
          Anderson Via               1 bed & furniture           14.30
          Isaac Boyd                   1 bed stead & cord .46
          Anderson Via                1 Table                2.15

In the Clerk's Office of Franklin County Court the 5th day of May 1851
This List of Sales of the Estate of Sarah Via Decd was exhibited into the said office and admitted to record.
                                   M.G. Carper CTC

Hanover Co. VA

19 Aug 1788 Will of Robert Via
Robt. Via, Senr of the Parish of St. Paul of the County of Hanover of the one part, to his son Robt. Via Junr of the said Parish and County of the other part?for and in consideration of the love and affection which he beareth to his said son Robt. Via, Junr and also for and in consideration of the tender and affectionate care which the said Robt. Via Junr hath exercised toward his Father at all times but particularly in his distress and sickness?unto the said Robert Via Junr ?Eight Negroes Viz Peter, Tom, Jimboy, Jack, Lucy, Sarah, Amy and Jane also two featherbeds of furniture also two pewter dishes and a Bason and my Red Heffer with a Red Bull calf also a White Barrow of a White Sow Shote and also a Bay horse colt two years old all which Estate I give, Grant and confirm unto my said son Robt. Via Junr ?with the following exception that my wife Fanny Ann Via shall hold and enjoy two of the said Negroes to Wit Sarah and Amy During her Widdowhood or as long as she shall use them well and provide for their comfortable support and nourishment in food and Clothing but when she shall Die or Marry or shall neglect them or let them suffer my said son is to assume his undivided Interest in the said Slaves.

    Elisha White
    Manoah Lipscomb
    Lucy Kent.

                                                                                            Robt. R Via Senr (His Hand)
Will proved 4 Sep 1788

[NOTE:  This is the Robert Via who married Fanny Ann Ingram; see her will in Patrick Co.]

12 Nov 1864 Will of Gilson Via
to wife Jane during widowhood, residue estate & then to his children Alice & Kate (by wife Jane, both unmarried, under age 21); to wife & daus Alice & Kate, equal division of any property sold; to wife during widowhood, plantation Dormus whereon he lives & land (ca 6-7 ac on east side ditch conveying water from deep branch to Totopotomoy Creek) begat of James E Jones; to wife during widowhood, slaves Burwell, Andrew, Daniel, Alberta, James, Patrick, Presley, woman Margaret, Lydia,Abbey (also value of negro man William killed by Yankees if money is ever recd); to said Alice/Kate, salves Jordan, John, George, Nelson, David, Winston, woman Lucy/her children Philip, Sally, Molly, Henrietta; to daughter Alice, negro woman Caroline/her child, feather bed, bedstead, bolster, 2 pillows, bolster case, 2 pillow cases, 2 sheets, 2 blankets, 1 comfort or counterpane; to daughter Kate, girl Lydia (dau of Abby), feather bed, bedstead, bolster, 2 pillows, bolster case, 2 pillows, 2 sheets, 2 blankets, 1 comfort or counterpane; to daughters Alice/Kate, plantation Talley's begot of exor Joel Jones decd; to daughters Alice/Kate, all land begot of James E Jones (west side ditch conveying water from deep branch to Totopotomy Creek), all land at north termination Mechanicsville Turnpike road (9½ acres) begot of Wm Christeman; all land begot of Crump adj estate said Crump & Fielding Fleshman (12 acres); land begot of Dr Chas R Cullin adj with line Dr John G Lumpkin (5 acres); to daughter Margaret Turner, confirms gift of negro woman Chloe & her oldest child Louisa, negro woman Charlotte & all her children; to daughter Va Johnson, confirms gift of negro woman Eliza & all her children (Harrison, Ned, Squire, Lucy, Eliza); names friend Ezekiel S Talley exor.

Wit: William Currie, Ezekiel S Talley Sig: Gilson Via
Rec: 24 Oct 1865, by oath Talley; 28 Nov 1865, by oath Currie
-- June Banks Evans, Hanover County Virginia Will Book 1 Circuit Court 1865-1865, Will Book 1 1862-1868 (Bryn Ffyliaaid PUblications, 1997 New Orleans, Louisiana)

Henrico Co. VA

10 Oct 1794 Will of Margaret Via   WB 2/308
In the name of God amen, I Margerat Via of the County and parish of Henrico, being in a low state of health, but still possessing my sound sense and memory, do make my last Will and Testament, viz: -
Item, I desire that all my just debts and funeral expences may be paid out of the moneys due from my father's estate, after that is done I desire the balance of the aforesaid moneys to be equally divided between my brother Gideon Via, my brother Edmond Via and William Wade's daughter Mahalay Wade them and their heirs forever.
Item, I give my feather bed and furniture to William Wade's daughter Mahalay Wade, and likewise all my wearing apparel to her and her heirs forever.
Item, I give my negro Boy Reuben to my brother William Via, and if he should die without heir lawfully begotten of his body, I desire the said boy Reuben may go to my brother Edmond Via he and his heirs forever.  I also desire that my estate may not be inventory'd or appraised.
I also leave William Wade sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament.  As Witness whereof I have hereunto set my and affixed my seal this tenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety four.

                                                                                    Margerat Via (her mark)

Signed, sealed and Delivered
In presence of
Wm. Smith, Elisha Williams

At a Monthly Court held for Henrico County at the Courthouse, on Monday the fifth of January 1795, This last Will and Testament of Margaret Via decd was proved by the Oaths of William Smith and Elisha Williams the witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded.

Patrick Co. VA

30 Nov 1795  Will of Fanny Ann Via   WB 3/301
In the name of God amen I Fanny Ann Via of Patrick county and state of Virginia being in low state of health but in full exercise of my reason calling to mind the mortality of the body I have made and ordained this my last will and testament viz
first I recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried with Christian burial at the discretion of my executor in hopes that it will be raised again at the last day and as touching such worldly goods as God has blest me with I  do dispose of in the following manner
Item I will & bequeath to my well beloved sons William Via and James Via my land to be equally divided between them
also I will and bequeath to my two beloved son James Via my horse and mans saddle.
I also will and bequeath to my well beloved daughters Anne Via and Sarah Amer Via my negroe woman named Amy and her increase to be equally divided between them
I also give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah A my best bed and furniture
also to my daughter Anne my other bed and furniture.
I also do will that the land be rented out and the negroe woman hired out until my debts be paid.
I also will and bequeath to my beloved daughter Anne my womans saddle.
I also will and desire that my daughter Sarah A Via be maintained out of the rent of the
land and hire of the negroe woman till she be able to maintain herself.
I also will and bequeath to my beloved son William Via my cow and cay
I also will the rest of my household furniture to be divided between my two daughters
I also will that my corn and fodder and meat be equally divided between all four of my children.
I constitute my son and my brother James Ingram William Via and James Via to be my executors of this my last will and testament  In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of November 1795

James Cox
William Slaughter [his mark]
Martha Ingram [her mark]
Nancy Lewis

21 Dec 1836 Will of William Via  WB 3/5-6
...unto my daughter Martha Dehart one certain negroe girl named Lucy …
unto my son Alexander Via one half of  white fal_ land I got of Jacob Wright… also one half of the new survey I made of land joining the Wright tract of land…
unto my son James Via the other of the said white fal_ land got of said Wright Joining my son Alexander .
unto Flegmon Via the tract of land he now lives on the place I got from Daniel Martin
…unto my son Robert Via one negroe boy named Greensville instead of land….
unto my daughter Elizabeth Massey the Black burro tract of land where she now lives….
unto the bodily heirs of my daughter Elizabeth Massey the tract of land I bought of Giles Martin called the Martin place after the
death of my wife Elizabeth Via .
unto my daughter Naomy A Via one certain negroe boy named Ruben …  Also one hundred dollars to be paid to her by my executors when she arrives to lawful age also one bed and furniture one good sixty dollar horse and bridle and saddle & one case of kives (sic) and forks and good set of plates also one cow and calf & one earling also good dressing and maintained off the estate till her mothers death unless she marries.
unto my beloved children viz Martha Dehart my son Alexander Via my son James Via also Flegmon Via also my son Robert Via also my daughter Naomy Via their proportionable part of the claim that I have in the estate of James Ingram decd to be paid to them as soon as my executor can collect it after the death of their grand mother Ingram.
It is also my desire that my wife Elizabeth shall have the liberty to sell my black woman named Nan is its her choice after my death at any time she sees cause upon twelve months credit and the money arising therefrom to be put out on interest at the disposal of my wife
… Its also my desire that my wife Elizabeth have control over all the balance of my estate after giving off whats herein divided and paying off my debts that she have full control during her life or widowhood but if she should marry to give up all but my black man Jack also one negroe girl named Merica and the house I now live in and the tract of land the house is on called the claunch tract and the Waldin tract Joining said tract of land the house is on
8 Sep 1858 Will of James Via  WB 5/336
     I James Via, of the county of Patrick and state of Virginia, being of sound mind and disposing memory, and being
     strongly impressed with the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life, do make this my last will and testament.

     First. I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid

     Secondly. I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary Via, the tract of land on which I now reside on Smiths
     River, Known as the "James Foley tract of land" to have and to hold during her life, and at her death to be sold at
     public auction, and the money when collected to be equally distributed between my children

     Thirdly. I will to my wife, Mary Via, My Black Horse & Gray mare my entire stock of hogs, Six head of choice
     cattle, one set of shop tools all necessary farming utensils - All the household and kitchen furniture that she wishes
     to keep - One negro woman named Jenetta, her child and the children she may hereafter have, At her death the
     above mentioned property or such as she may be in possession of is to be equally divided between my children

     Fourthly. I will to my son Elijah D. Via a tract of land known as the "Salmons tract" which I value at five hundred
     and fifty Also I will to my son Elijah D. Via the tract of land known as the "Price tract" which I value to him at two
     hundred dollars

     Fifthly. I will to my son Charles J Via the tract of land known as the "Lee tract" on the waters of Rockcastle and
     which I value to him at Eight hundred dollars and which he has disposed of to E D Via

     Sixthly. I will to my son James E Via the tract of land known as the "James Alexander tract of land" on the waters
     of Little Widgeon Creek which I value to him at four hundred dollars also I will to James E Via the tract of land
     known as the "James Hearbour tract of land" on the waters of Little Widgeon Creek which I value to him at five
     hundred dollars

     Sixthly. I will to my son William D Via five hundred dollars to be given, one half, when he becomes twenty one
     years of age and the balance in some twelve months afterwards, if that amount be due him when there is an equal
     division between my children

     Seventhly. I will to my son Doctor Green Via the tract of land known as the "John Alexander tract of land"
     bounded by Aaron Dehart, E D Via & others which I value to him at five hundred and fifty dollars

     Eightly. I will that all the property not mentioned above that I possess both personal & real estate to be sold
     publicly or privately as my executor Charles J Via sees proper on twelve months time

     Ninthly. I will that there shall be an equal division between all my children: those that have received more than
     others are to refund or pay back

     Tenthly. I will that the young children that are not of age shall be liberally or moderately educated - that is the five

     Eleventh. I will that my executor give off money to the five younger children as they become of age in proportion
     to the older or eldest children

     Twelfth. I will that my son Charles J Via shall be my legal and lawful Executor and to act as such in settling up my
     business and distributing moneys &c

     James Via

     John C Dehart
     N C Akers
     Smith F Walker

     Patrick County Court September 1858
     The last will and Testament of James Via deceased, was exhibited in Court proved by the subscribing witnesses
     and ordered to be recorded

     A copy Teste

     Henry Tuggle Clerk

Boone Co. MO

5 Oct 1870 Will of Winston Via  DB 47/183  [thanks to Wanda Darby]
In the name of God and the Government of my Country:
    I Winston Via of the County of Boone and State of Missouri do make and constitute ordain and publish this writing as my last will and testament in (names?) and from following (viz?):
   I bequeath to Samantha L. Williams and her bodily heirs the following described tract of land.  80 acres of the west half of the South West quarter of Sichon (I suppose this is a misspelling for Section) twenty four in Township forty Nine Range fourteen.
    I bequeath to Angeline A. Nichols and her daughter the following described land, 80 acres East of the East half of the North West quarter of Sechon Twentyfive in Town Forty nine Range 14.  This land is not to be sold nor their interest in it nor rented out for their benefit except a widow.  If her daughter lives to be grown and has children, this land is to be theirs, but if she dies without bodily heirs said land goes to Samantha L.Williams heirs.  My sugar Camp tract of land is to be equally divided between my two daughters Samantha L. Williams and Angeline A. Nichols.  But if Angeline A. Nichols leaves the place on which she now lives it is no longer hers.  After all my expenses are paid what money is left, I give
to Samantha Emma Williams.
    I do make and annual all other and former wills by me made declaring this instrument on the first page to be my only and last will.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of October one thousand eight hundred and seventy.
                                                                   Winston Via

Signed published and delcared in the presence of John W. Roberts, James A. McQuitty, John G. Frazier