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April 2011 - Joined GENI - Please Join our "Geni Family Group" - and Help Us Migrate Your Relatives :)
*Some of the information already added on Geni -- see also Group-1 below -- info. also provided by Pierre M. Hahn below, Paul (see Rie family) -- Last update: February 11, 2011
Michael HAHN Born: abt. 1751 occupation: Leather Merchant. Died: Mar 29, 1802 + Katharina ABELES (or Abedles?) Born: 1752 in Vysoká Libyně (Hochlibin, Hoch Libin) or Rakovník, Bohemia, Czech? Married: abt. 1769 Died: Jan 20, 1819 in Kdyně #159 (Neugedein), Bohemia sources: Familiant Book, CZ, Kouty (Kauth) 1.5 mile from Kdyne Vol 66, census 1801, Hugo Gold
Note: If Abeles, Katharina could ber related to Vysoká Libyně family; Rubin Abeles (ca 1720 -) father of Isak Rubin (ca 1745 -), grandfather of Isack (ca 1770 -), g-grandfather of Rubin (1793 -), gg-grandfather of Israel (ca 1825 - bur Kožlany) & Franziska Popper (1834 from Říčany res. Hochlieben =Vysoká Libyně?- 1937 Prague, bur Kožlany) "ch. 9 known", ggg-grandfather of Richard (1864-1925), gggg-grandfather of Karl /Karel (1896 -), gggg-grandfather of Wilma & (?) Iggers OR possibly Juda /Jehuda (see Abeles family) (1760-70 res. H? bei Zedwitz, Petrovice, Hochlieben - ) ?
Note: Hugo Gold Kdyně history "..Dec 1, 1764 archives states the small house of Salomon Hahn in Kdyně is about to fall down. Hahn pays 25 zl. per year rent, does not want to pay for the repairs and wants a new hoese built.. In 1783 Salomon Hahn recieved a license to produce potash..
Feb 15, 1784 stěžuj si kdýňšti obchodnici, že pod ochranou vrchnosti stojici Židé ze K. Mojžiš Hahn a Macherl Hahn s různým koloniálnim zbožim hausiruji, nedbajice neděle a svátků, že navštěvuji rodiny a tim obchodniky kdyňské poškozuji. Již dvakráte byli zadrženi.. Učiteli rabiny byli Gottlieb, který ve K. pobyl asi 10 až 12 let, pak Löwenstein, Schwarz, Hahn a Kraus.." OR any relation to Jewishgen Všeruby 1722 census: Adam Hahn, over 60 years of age, leather and feather merchant, also a butcher, pays 3 guilders in taxes, lives in an estate-owned cottage, his annual income is over 40 guilders and has lived in Všeruby for 34 years.
Mojžíš Hahn, horse merchant, also a butcher, is 34 years old, has a wife Kitel, also 34. Children Ester 8, Aron 4, Plümel 6 months. His taxes are 23 guilders, contribution 6 guilders, also lives in an estate-owned cottage, makes more than 80 guilders annually. He has been living in Všeruby 10 years OR Samuel Hahn who lived at Schlüsselberg (Lnáre), Bohemia, Austria-Hungary. 1 Samuel Hahn lived on 22 January 1793 Woseletz (Oselce), Prachiner Kreis, Bohemia with wife Magdalena & children; Dawid, Abraham, Marek, Rosina, Anna and Ester. He was under protection at Horzowitz and only owned an empty "Chaluppen", supported his family through Schnittwaren und Hausieren [cut textiles and peddling]. He married Magdalena Bloch. In 1799 census for the Prachen Region Samuel Hahn appears with his family in Woseletz (Oselce), protected in Woseletz but owned only an empty cottage. He lived with his wife Magdalena, sons Dawid (single), Abraham (single), Marek (single) and daughter Rosina. Samuel Haan appeared in the 1811 Jewish Census in Schluesselburg (Lnare), he received his marriage allowance at Schluesselberg in 1777 and lived in Woselitz Gut. Samuel's first son was Abraham, who was already married and received permission to get married in 1808
Hugo Gold Kdyně "..Since the beginning of the 19th century Jews were found recorded in parish registers in Kdyně. At this time there lived a family: Jonatan Hahn merchant & Kateřina (nee Schwarz). They had 5 children: Rudolf (1800 -), Leopold (1801 -), Josef (1805 -), Michal (1807 -), Israel (1811 -). Rudolf Hahn & Esthera (nee Zúkker) from Čachrova, who lived in the previous Kdyně #159. They had at least 3 children: Karolina (1834 -), Jonatan (1837 -), Michal (1839 -). Their father was probably the son of the previously Jonathan Hahn .. Death registry: Jan Hahn (abt 1771 - 1831), Kateřina Hahn (abt 1745 - 1819), Kateřina Hahn (abt 1774 - 1823).. ."
Note: any relation to "Then the owners began to change quite often: in 1741 there resided Erasmus Zucker from Tannfeldu and after his death his widow's second husband Jan František Armand sv. from Linkern, though it will soon sell Dub owner close Černětic Jan Zádubskému from Schöntal."
Note: Hugo Gold Kdyně "..After 1840 exist in addition to the Kdyně named Jewish families the following: Adolf Augstein & Sophie (nee Fleischer) *same note on Adler page, then the commercial grain and distillery owner Jakub
Klauber & Karla Hahn, buyer Mořic Steiner & Klára Reach, Vilém Sonnenschein &
Aloisie Kohn. After 1840 to try the local grain merchants, of whom to name particular Isaka Augstein and Jakuba Klauber, renew famous markets Kdyně. Guberniálnim authorization of July 24, 1846 shall be permitted to take place in weekly Kdyně grain markets every Wednesday.. Synagogue: It was founded. 1863 and thanks the characters have it gentlemen, whose names are listed on the memorial board in the synagogue in 1871:
Isak Augstein, Eliáš Augstein, Eliáš Klauber, Israel
Lewit, Michal Hahn, Lipman Klauber, Jakub Hutter,
Leopold Gelert, Samson Klein, Abraham Klauber,
Abraham Augstein, David Klauber, Ignác Hutter, Markus Klauber, Josef Hutter, Simon Augstein.. In the (1860's-70's) Kdyně exist the Jewish family: trader Marek Klauber & Anna (nee Klein), buyer Jonáš Hahn & Anna (nee Lowenthal), teacher Josef Bloch & Barbora (Špérbrovou), Dr. med Josef Weisl & Cecilii (nee Klauber) from Prapořiši and their 2 sons.."
*2nd husband of Judith: Anton MARIAS Born: private
*2nd wife of Richard: (?) Married: 1950
Note: Hugo Gold Kdyně "..in (1860's-70's) exist in Kdyně these Jewish families: teacher Isak Hahn & Aloise (nee Lederer).. Death registry: Anna Geschmaiová (abt 1745 - 1831).."
*2nd wife of Steven: Sharon Joanne PARISH Born: private
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Note: see Haringman-Goitein genealogy web site, with Hecht adobe document, Baneth, Walk word documents & non-working url's Hahn, Oppenheim and Barnett=Zweigbaum
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Note: The Walk (prev. Senderowicz, Sender) family originates in Vilnius (Vilna), Lithuania and can be seen in the book "Ir Vilna" by Hillel Noach Magids =Steinschneider published in 1900, prominent Jewish families of Vilna. Members then moved to Germany, Belgium, France, US and Israel. Dr. Josef Walk of Jerusalem is the head of the Leo Beck Institute OR any relation to (?) Sabatka & Alexander Sender, son of Rabbi Jacob of Stutzek on our Maharal's page OR non-working link Alexander Sender Walk & Hana Walk (abt 1845 Vilnius - 1918 NYC, NY), daughter of Feiwel Walk & (?)
Note: see Haringman-Goitein genealogy site and Kahman Goitein & Elisabeth Barnett. The Goitein, Baneth Rabbinic families come from Moravia; Kojetín/Kojetein, Slovakia; Topoľčany, Stampen =Stampfen Stupava?, Nikolsburg =Mikulov, Moravia? and later Hungary; Hogyesz. The Baneth family originates in Prague ca. 1600 with Yom Tov Baneth. There are many variations on the name including Benet, Binet, Paneth, and Benedikt. There were many rabbis in the family and they held office in Nikolsburg, Stampi and Lipto-Szent-Miklos in Slovakia. The family spread out to Paks, Szurgo, Nitra and Hogyesz in Hungary in the 19th century and from there to Germany, England and Israel. Books on the family include"Mizpeh Yehezkel", "Peer Mordechai" and "Beer Hamoadim". Besides rabbis there are many academics in the family including the Orientalist Prof. David Hartwig Baneth, of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The Bineth Art Gallery in Tel Aviv is also from a member of this family
Note: see Haringman-Goitein genealogy web site
*2nd husband of Denise: Charles GALPERIN Father: Gregory Galperin Mother: Anna Gurevitch
*2nd husband of Francoise: Charles Zackary LEINKRAM Married: May 11, 1952 in Rye, NY. Died: Dec 12, 1996 in Bowie, MD
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*Pierre M. Hahn email, source of the first 6 generations
*2nd relationship of Pierre: Suchada NILCHAN Born: private Father: Sa-An Nilchan Mother: Kwanyuen Rojanasawat
Note: here? Hugo Gold Kdyně "..Sixth family in Kdyně was Michal Hahn & Regina Freund from Oseká. Hahn was a tailor and lived at Kdyně #59. Their children: Jindřicha, Kateřinu, Jonáše, Františka, Josefa, Jindřišku, Leopolda and Marka. Last was born 1856, first 1839.. June 26, 1914 elections - 1917 were elected : Rudolf Schwarz from Kolovče.. Ezechiel Hahn from Černikova.. David Hahn from Miletic and Šimon Schwarz from Kolovce"
Note: Kundratice article: "..Among the many old residents read the names of the new Jewish fellow citizens:
Samson Zucker, Judas Bloch, Salomon Roth and Elias Roth.. Among the numerous former Jewish residents Kundratice belonged to that manifests itself in written documents the family Bloch. That it came after the founder of the renowned frm Isaak S. Bloch, saw the light of day in 1805 in Kundratice the son of poor parents .. Bloch history of the company and its successful rise from the first flat-glass business, start of production through the mirror glass cutting shop in a leštírnou Frauenthal (in the original "Frauental"-note. Překl.) To bend Kremelna (Kieslingbach) factory to produce foil in Chlum (Chum) wrote later Isaak's grandson Richard Bloch and returned while he attained as well as old zápiskům Aussprungovým" and "Isak Bloch
(born in Kunraticích built (1863) large one-storey house called "Blochárna" the junction along the main road in the northern part of the city, before this house was in the 90th year 20 century stone fountain (Bloch Fountain");" and Frauenthal
"..Wealth then changed hands several times until it acquired in 1858 from Isak Bloch Hartmanic. He began to build a prosperous are industrial facilities. In 1863 he founded a workshop for leštírnu reflective glass." OR Radio Prague
"..For instance, in the neighbouring place Kundratice there was already before a synagogue. Then it suddenly came to a boom: To Hartmanice came more and more Jews, there originated here company Bloch. This company offered work also other person from the region."
Jonathan HAHN Born: abt 1740s + Libuscha (?) Born: abt 1740s from Bezděkov (Besikau), Bohemia
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012