Ancestry of Gaon of Vilna - descendent of Rashi (1040-1105) and from Dovid Hamelech
Note: see Frumkin, Nevies, Bender family tree .pdf, Ashkenazic tree, list of surnames that trace their descent back to King David. Sources; "Royal Descent: identifying the Vilnius Gaon's forbears and descendants", "Direct Descendants of King David and Princes of Septimania", "Eliyahu's Branches; the descendants of the Vilnius Gaon and his family" book, dr. Simon Braybrook
OR see Litvak forum on Vilnews or Our Vilne or Vilnius - Jerusalem of Lithuania or Vilnius on Jewish Encyclopedia or 7/18/2011; Lithuanian PM visits remains of Vilnius Great Synagogue ".. the prayer-house of the famed Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Eliyahu ben Solomon Zalman Kramer, 1720-1797 below.."
Rabbi David ASHKENAZI occupation: Rosh Yeshiva in Lemberg, Poland =current Lviv, Ukraine. Died 1645 + (?) had a son Moshe below *ref. according to prof. Louis Ginzberg, David may have been identical with rabbi David, son of Mordekhai Ashkenazi mentioned in Klilat Yofi
Rabbi Moshe KREMER Born: 1614 occupation: Chief Rabbi (Av Beit Din) of Vilnius (Vilna, Wilna), Lithuania. Died: 1687/8
+ (?) *see Adobe.pdf genealogy tree
- Rabbi Eliyahu (Eliahu) aka. "Khassid"due to his piety Born: 1620 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: Sep 16, 1710 in Vilnius + Rivka or Dvora (bat Petakhia) *geni Father: Rabbi Petakhiah (ca. 1610 - 1672 Vilnius) Grandfather: Rabbi Moshe Rivkas (1596-1671) came to Vilnius, Lithuania from Prague, Bohemia, Czech Republic in the early 17th century. During the Cossack massacres in 1655, Rivkas fled to Amsterdam, where he completed his commentary on the Shulkhan Arukh called "Be-er Hagolah" G-grandfather: Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Hirsh /Hersch Sofer (Fasi) (1570 Prague - 1601 Prague) scribe of the Kahal G-grandmother: Telza Hersch Sofer (see Katzenellenbogen family) (ca. 1580 - ) *geni G-ggrandfather: Rabbi Petakhiah ben Yosef ( - 1598) scribe in Prague, Bohemia G-gggrandfather: Yosef Hakhaver ( res. of Buda /Ofen later Budapest, Hungary - ) one of the members of the Jewish community of Vienna, Austria exiled to Prague, Bohemia in 1559 *geni, davidicdynasty
- Rabbi Yissakhar (Isacher) BAER (or BER) aka "Yissakhar Dov". Died: 1737
+ (?) *geni
- Rabbi Schloma (Schlomo) ZALMAN (Zalmen?) Born ca.1695 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: 1758 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Treina (?) Born: ca.1700 in Seltz Grodno provine, Belarus (Byelorussia) Father: Meir of Seltz Grandfather: Rabbi Benyamin Wolf (Ginzberg) of Seltz *geni *5 sons and 1 daughter
- Rabbi Gaon of Vilna Eliyahu (Eliahu, Elie) ben Solomon (Shloime) ZALMAN Born: Apr 23, 1720 in Vilnius, Lithuania. occupation: Gaon of all Gaons "The
Prince of Princes, Chariot of Israel and its Horsemen". Died: Oct 9, 1797 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Khana of Keidan. Born: abt 1724 in Kėdainiai (Keidan), Lithuania. Died: 1782 in Vilnius, Lithuania *geni Father: Yehudah Leib of Keidan, Lithuania *2nd wife of Eliyahu: Gittel LUNTZ Born: in Kelmė (Kelm), Lithuania. Married: aft. 1782 *no children Father: Meir Luntz
Note: see blog Eliyahu's Branches - updates of Chaim Freedman's book "Eliyahu's Branches, the Descendants of the Vilna Gaon and His Family" (Avotaynu 1997), JE, Avotaynu, Index of articles and Wikipedia: "Elijah (Eliyahu) ben Shlomo Zalman, known as the Vilnius Gaon, (also the Gaon of Vilna or "The Gra" from the Hebrew acronym "Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu") (4/23/1720 - 10/9/1797) was one of the most outstanding rabbis in recent centuries. He was an exceptional Talmudist, Halachist and Kabbalist, and was the foremost leader of non-hasidic world Jewry. He is commonly referred to in Hebrew as ha'Gaon ha'Chasid mi'Vilnius, "the saintly genius from Vilnius. He was one of the most influential Rabbinic authorities since the Middle Ages, and - although he is counted among the sages known as the Acharonim - he is held by many authorities after him as belonging to the Rishonim (Rabbinic authorities of the Middle Ages).."
- Shlomo-Zalmen VILNER Born: 1758 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: in childbirth abt 1777 + Rakhel KISSIN Born: abt 1758 in Vitebsk, Russia. Died: abt 1777 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: abt 1780 in Vilnius, Lithuania Father: Yisrael Kissin of Vitebsk, sometimes confused in sources with Yisrael of Shklov
- Treina VILNER Born: abt 1776 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Tsvi Hersh LIPSHITZ *the Lipshitz, Grad, Segal, Olkenitsky, Helman, Gurwicz and Kushilevky families descend from this branch
- Rakhel? VILNER Born: abt 1777 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: abt 1816 + Yaakov BARDIN Born: abt 1770 Father: Yekhezkel Bardin *the Bardin family is reputed to have originated in France or Italy where members were engaged in the silk trade
- Rabbi Gaon Yehudah (Jehuda) Leib VILNER (aka LEIB) Born: 1764 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: 1816 in Kudirkos Naumiestis (Neustadt-Sugind), Lithuania *see Adobe.pdf genealogy tree + (?) SERHEI Born: in Alinka, Lithuania. Died: ca. 1816 Father: Rabbi Avraham of Serhei & prior Lazdijai (Lazdei), Lithuania Mother: Esther Jaffe *geni, descendent of Jaffe and Bachrach families
*see Jaffe (Joffe) on Jewish Encyclopedia
- Ester VILNER Born: abt 1785 in Serhei, Lithuania. Died: abt 1860 possibly in Grafskoy, Russia *geni + Rabbi Zev Velvel (Halevy) KOMISAR Born: abt 1785 in Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania. Died: abt 1834 in Kovno *ancestors of three families: Komisaruk (Komesaroff), Zhmood and Grinblat, Zev came from a prominent family of scholars and communal leaders in Kovno and is the 1st generation of the Komisar/Komisaruk/ Komesaroff families
- Golda VILNER Born: abt 1786 in Serhei, Lithuania + Yitskhak FRIEDLANDER Born: abt 1783 in Virbalis (Virbaln, Wirballen, Verzhbolovo) Lithuania below Father: Tsvi Hirsh Friedlander "Morenu HaRav" in a prenumeranten list for the town of Verbelov published in Ratzon Yireim Vilnius 1859 Mother: (?) descendant of Gaon of Vilna, possibly Yitskhak Friedlander's wife Golda was a daughter of Rabbi Yehuda-Leib of Serhei, 2nd son of the Gaon
- Gittel VILNER Born: abt 1787 Died: 1857 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Yitskhak DANZIG Born: abt 1785 in Vilnius. Died: 1853 in Vilnius Father: Rabbi Avraham "Khaye Adam" Danzig, one of the prominent students of the Gaon of Vilna, whose father left his native Danzig to settle in Vilnius. Mother: Sarah Segal
- Yosef Yekhezkel VILNER "aka Yosef Yekhezkel" adopted the surname Vilner/Wilner Born: 1788 in Serhei, Lithuania. Died: 1849 in Serhei + Beila SHACHOR Father: Yisrael Isser Shachor
- Tuviah JURBARSKY Born: abt 1789 in Serhei, Lithuania. Died: 1867 in Jerusalem, Israel bur. Har Hazeitim, Jerusalem + Ryszla (?) Born: 1788 Died: 1848 in Jurburg, Lithuania Parents: Shepsel (?) & Gruny (?), recorded as Jurborskij, possibly source her husbands surname or resince of parents
- Rabbi Gaon Yissakhar (Yssakhar, Isachar) Berish (Ber) VILNER (WILNER aka.BERISH, NADIR the generous, liberal, charitable. Born: abt 1791 in Serhei, Lithuania. occupation: Merchant. Died: 1845 in Warsaw, Poland *geni + Golda (?) Died: 1867 in Warsaw Parents: Reuven (?) & Taube (?)
- Moshe VILNER (Wilner) Died: 1894
+ (?)
- Blima Balbina VILNER (Wilner) + Jacob (Cheim) BERNSTEIN
- Gabriela BERNSTEIN + Oskar PARNAS
- Jakub Oskar (Karol) PARNAS Born: 1884 Residence: Lviv (Lwów), Ukraine. occupation: University Professor,
Director, Biochemist. Died: Jan 29, 1949
in Russia detention, interrogation + Renata (?)
Note: Book; Stories of success: personal recollections, X, ".. Professor Jakub Parnas was an outstanding biochemist in the field of enzymol
ogy of carbohydrate metabolism (EmbdenMeyerhofParnas pathway) and energy
generation at that metabolism. In Poland, he is considered to be a father of Polish
OR ".. Still in Ufa professor Parnas realized that his son Jan Oskar Parnas born and educated in free Poland has been feeling himself to be of Polish nationality. Professor Parnas recognized his fault committed in January 1941 and recommended to his son to enter the Polish corps by general Anders on the Soviet Union's territory. Consequently, the young Jan Oskar Parnas took par in the conquest of Monte Cassino by the Polish corps of general Anders. After the war was finished he returned to Poland, By an unpredictable turn of fate his father professor Parnas has been arrested by NKGB in Moscov and died at the examination aft being brought to the prison on January 29,1949. He has been calunmiausly accused of spying for a western country.."
- Jan Oskar PARNAS Born: May 20, 1923
Dr. phil Maria (Maryla) Mathilde PARNAS Born: abt 1899 Died: Jun 4, 1932 in Vienna, Austria NFP + Dr. med Alfred (see HIRSCH family) Died: 1942/44 in Osvetim (Auschwitz) concentration camp, Poland Father: Wilhelm Vilém Hirsch (abt 1849 - 1927) Mother: Jula Heller *Maria's obit. also mentions Dr. Landau
- Rahel (Rachel) PARNAS Died: 1942 Treblinka concentration camp, Poland + Salomon BERNSTEIN Died: 1912
- Ewa-Anna
- Freidel VILNER Born: abt 1791 in Serhei, Lithuania. Died: in Virbalis (Virbaln, Wirballen, Verzhbolovo) Lithuania + Yitskhak WARSZAWSKY Born: 1791 in Virbalis. occupation: Stallholder, Peddlar Father: Hersh Warszawsky of Virbalis
- Refael VILNER Born: abt 1793 in Vistenitz =location? *Noakh Yashinovsky stated, that his grandmother Sarah and her husband Avraham went to Vistenitz to make peace between Refael (son of my brother-in-law Reb Leib, son of the Gaon) and his wife
- Menka VILNER Born: in Serhei, Lithuania + Sholem (Friedman) MENKIN Born: in Žagarė (Zager), Lithuania. Died: abt 1841 in Žagarė, Lithuania Father: Moshe Friedman *surnames used by descendants: Friedman derived from Sholem, Monfried which is Friedman in reverse, Menkin after Sholem's wife, Zagorsky after the town where the family lived & Solomon used in England, variations used to evade conscription
- Hinda VILNER Born: in Serhei, Lithuania + Rabbi Yosef COHEN
- Abraham (Avraham) VILNER ben Elijah of Vilnius, Lithuania. Born: abt 1750 or 1765 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: Dec 14, 1808 in Vilnius, Lithuania
+ Sarah MINDES-LIPSHITZ Father: Noakh "Mindes" Lipshitz Mother: Minda Pesseles
Note: JE: ".. ..According to the custom of the time, he married at the age of twelve, but continued his studies in the Talmudic colleges in other cities, and after a few years returned home, where he completed his studies under his father. Like his father, he never officiated as rabbi, but was a highly respected member of the Jewish community of Vilnius, in which he held various offices.. ..The last-mentioned were edited by his great-grandson Elijah, who calls himself Landau."
- Tauba of Dubrovno Born: abt 1768 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: abt 1812 in Dubrovno, Belarus. youngest daughter + Uri Shraga FEIBUSH of Dubrovno Father: Shlomo (?) ABD Dubrovno *Tauba was his 2nd wife, others were Sarah Khaya daughter of David, son of Pinkhas ben Azriel, author of Nakhalat Azriel and Feiga, sister-in-law of Yitskhak Khalavitzer
- Dov-Ber BLOCH Born: abt 1787 in Dubrovno, Belarus + Batsheva (?)
- Perl? Born: abt 1790 in Dubrovno, Belarus + Shabtai PERELS Father: Barukh Bendet of Haslawitz, brother of Rabbi Menkhem-Mendel of Shklov
- Eliyahu REEZEL Born: abt.1797 in Dubrovno, Belarus. Residence 1836: Safed, Israel. Died: 1837 in Safed *legend says that Gaon of Vilna saved him from the earthquake of 1837 which left him with a limp, while his wife and several children perished and is survived by two sons, who returned to Europe. His grave is believed to record his descent from the Gaon
- Khaim Naftali (Hyam Bloch) PHILLIPS Born: 1812 in Dubrovno, Belarus. occupation: Cigar Manufacturer, Hotelier. Died 1877 in Sydney, Australia + Julia MEYER Born: 1816 in London, England. Married: 1850 in London Father: Jacob Meyer Mother: Hannah Solomon ( - 1913 Sydney, Australia)
- unknown + Tsvi Hersh FRIEDLANDER Born: abt 1755 in Virbalis, (Virbaln, Wirballen, Verzhbolovo), Lithuania *referred to as Morenu Harav in a prenumeranten list published in Retzon Yireiim (Vilnius, 1859)
- Yitskhak FRIEDLANDER Born: abt 1783 in Virbalis, Lithuania + Golda VILNER Born: abt 1786 in Serhei, Lithuania above Father: Yehudah Leib Vilner of Serhei, 2nd son of the Gaon?
- Sarah FRIEDLANDER Born: abt 1790 + Mordekhai WINSTOCK Born: abt 1790
- Hessel FRIEDLANDER Born: abt 1797 *ancestor of the Kurland Friedlanders
- Shlomo FRIEDLANDER Born: abt 1799 + Sheina (?) *ancestor of the Suwalki Friedlanders, appears in a Prenumeranten list in Ratzon Yireiim (Vilnius 1859)
- unknown FRIEDLANDER Born: abt 1800
- Khaim FRIEDLANDER Born: bef 1800 + Peshe Leah (?)
- Yissakhar Ber KLATZKI Born: abt 1721 Died: 1807 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Malka GINZBERG Father: Asher Ginzberg Mother: Yuta Klatzes
Note: see Klacko family genealogy & the comment on Krasne guestbook ".. There was another Rabbi Mordkhe Klaczko in Vilnius, who died about 1839. He was a grandson of Issakhar ber Klatzki, the brother of Reb Elie ben Shloime-Zalman, more known as the Vilnius Gaon. This coincidence suggests that both Rabbies Mordkhe Klaczko had a common ancestor called Mordkhe. Rabbi Mordkhe Klaczko Meltzer was a rabbi also in Calvaria, from 1852 until his death 1883. Calvaria was merged as a part of Vilnius, after having been in the 19th century just a border town of. There is therefore no real difference between both destinations"
- Kalonymus Kalman KLATZKI Died: 1821 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Leah (?) Died: 1823 in Vilnius, Lithuania Father: Tsvi Yaakov (?)
- Asher Hertz KLATZKI Born: 1797 in Vilnius, Lithuania. occupation: Dayan in Vilnius. Died: 1866
- Yehoshua Heshel KLATZKI + Guta Miriam ROZENFELD Born: in Amdur, Lithuania Father: Tuviah Rozenfeld
- Eliyahu Moshe KLATZKI
- Ita KLATZKI + Moshe Aharon ZONENBERG Father: Zundel Zonenberg
- Mordekhai KLATZKI Died: 1839 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Rakhel (?) Father: Yitskhak (?) *renowned scholar in Vilnius
- Asher KLATZKI + Hene (?) "aka. Hene Rakhel Malka's" after her mother-in-law. Born: in Vasilishok, Lithuania. Died: 1831 in Vilnius, Lithuania Father: Yaakov Koppel
- Khana Reizel KLATZKI Died: in Vilnius, Lithuania + Aharon NATANSON Born: 1810 in Grodno, Belarus. Died: 1851 in Vilnius *Khana was his 3rd wife
- Miriam Mirel KLATZKI Died: 1835 in Vilnius, Lithuania + (?)
- Rivele KLATZKI Died: 1856 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Benyamin Wolf KLATZKI (born Ginzberg) Born: 1788 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: 1877 in Vilnius, Lithuania *one of the famous leaders of the Jewish community in Vilnius Father: Shimon Ginzberg
- Zalmen Eliyahu KLATZKI *possessed manuscripts written by his grandfather Rabbi Yissakhar Ber and was the only son who survived to adulthood + Lieba Gittel BERESHULS Born: in Brod, Poland
- Khaya Leah KLATZKI Died: 1860 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Arye Yehuda Leib DANZIG Born: 1816 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: 1880 in Vilnius, Lithuania Father: Eliyahu Danzig Mother: Fruma Treves
*at least 2 daughters
- daughter KLATZKI + Yaakov KAHANA Born: 1764 in Amsterdam, Holland. Died: 1826 in Vilnius, Lithuania Father: Avraham Kahana Mother: daughter of Lowenstam *Yaakov was brought up by his maternal grandfather Rabbi Shaul ABD Amsterdam
- Eliyahu KAHANA Died: 1821 in Vilnius, Lithuania
- Freida KAHANA Died: 1816 in Vilnius, Lithuania
- Reizel KLATZKI Died: 1833 in Vilnius, Lithuania + Azriel ZIV Born: abt 1760 Father: Gershon Mendel Ziv ABD Birz *Reizel was the most probable link with the Ziv (Sieff) and Grad families, based on the tradition related to Lord Israel Sieff by his great-grandfather that he was descended from a brother of the Gaon of Vilna. Sieff recalled the name of the Gaon's brother as Joshua, which was probably a distortion of Yissakhar Ber.
Azriel: the most likely connection between the family of Lord Israel Sieff and Gershon Mendel Ziv of Rassein. There is a conflict in the sources with regard to the identity of Azriel's father
- Efraim ZIV Born: abt 1782 *appears in 3 Prenumeranten entries in Ateret Shaul (S. Luria, Vilnius, 1841) + (?)
- Yosef ZIV of Kroz = location?
- David ZIV of Kroz
- Matityahu ZIV of Kroz
- Shlomo Zalmen Leib ZIV Born: abt 1800 *prenumeranten list in "Lekorot Hair Rassein Urabaneha" (M. Markovitch, Warsaw 1913) includes a Zalmen Ziv who may have been identical with Shlomo Zalmen Leib Ziv
- Avraham RAGOLER Born: 1722 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Died: 1804 in Kudirkos Naumiestis (Neustadt-Schirwindt), Lithuania + Hinda (?)
- Gershon RAGOLER Died: 1831 in Šeduva (Shadova), Lithuania
- Shmuel RAGOLER
- Arye Leib RAGOLER
- Shlomo Zalman SHOCHET
- Eliyahu RAGOLER Born: abt 1745 Died: in Kudirkos Naumiestis, Lithuania + Gita (Gisha) PESSELES widow Father: Mikhal Pesseles of Vilnius, Lithuania OR Eizik ben Leib of Kretinga, Lithuania *1st husband of Gita: Shlomo Zalmen, brother of Khaim of Valozhyn (Volozhin), Belarus
- Shlomo Zalmen RAGOLER Died: in Kudirkos Naumiestis, Lithuania + Khaya Sarah LASDINER Father: Yehoshua Reb Yankel Lasdiner appears in Rivlin's "Reb Moshe Rivkas" as "Reb Yaakov-Yankele Lasdiner." The handwritten notes in the Rivlin archive refer to him as "the Gvir Yehoshua Reb Yankele Lasdiner". Lasdiner may indicate that he came from Lazdei
- Avraham RAGOLER
- Meir RAGOLER Meir Died: 1842 in Jerusalem, Israel. Author of "Derekh Avot, Nakhalat Avot" and commentaries on "Pirkei Avot" based on the commentaries of the Gaon of Vilna + Nekha (?) Died: 1868 in Jerusalem, Israel
- unknown RAGOLER Born: abt 1770 in Kudirkos Naumiestis (Neustadt-Sugunt), Lithuania
- Mikhal RAGOLER Born: 1796 in Kudirkos Naumiestis, Lithuania. Died: 1878 in Jerusalem bur. in Har Hazeitim, Jerusalem
- Treina RAGOLER + Yitskhak Eizik LEVINSON *his 2nd wife
Father: Arye Leib Levinson ABD Kretinga, Lithuania
- Yissakhar Ber RAGOLER *the Romm family descend from this branch
- Khana Gisha RAGOLER + Rabbi Shraga Feivel SHACH
- Reizel RAGOLER + Arye-Leib (?)
- Tsvi Hersh TZINAS M"M, Polangen. Died: in Polanga, Lithuania
- Khaya Sarah RAGOLER + Rabbi MARK *the Behrman and Levy families descend from this branch
- Arye Leib HAMBURGER "aka Leib Halberstadt" Born: 1796 in Kudirkos Naumiestis, Lithuania. Died: 1889 in Jerusalem, Israel bur. Har Hazeitim, Jerusalem
- Moshe (Khassid) HINDAS + Rivka Riva (?)
- Eliyahu ABELES "aka Reb Eliya Reb Abbale's" Died: 1880 in Kėdainiai (Keidan), Lithuania
- Shlomo RAGOLER
- Natan Nota RAGOLER
- unknown? + son Volpa
- daughter RAGOLER
- Shmuel (Hakatan) RAGOLER
- Shalom RABINOWITZ + Khava (Eva) (?) Father: David (?)
- Keila Treina RAGOLER + (?)
- Yehuda Leib RAGOLER Died: 1808 in Shklov, Russia
- unknown? Born: abt 1750
- Yaakov Yisrael HEILPRIN ABD Khmilnyk (Khmelnik), Poland
- unknown?
- unknown FEINSTEIN Born: abt 1775
- Avraham Shmuel GRINGORT Born: abt 1780 *his son's tombstone on the Mount of Olives states that he was a grandson of Rabbi Avraham Ragoler, brother of the Gaon of Vilna
- unknown? Born: abt 1785
- Meir of Yanishok Born: abt 1724
- Moshe of Podzelva Born: abt 1725 *various Kremer families claim a relationship with the Gaon descend from Moshe of Želva, Podzelva, Lithuania
- son (?) Born: abt 1750 in Želva (Podzelva), Lithuania
- son (?) Born: abt 1775 in Želva (Podzelva), Lithuania
- Eliyahu KREMER *the Neeman family descend from this branch
- daughter of Shlomo-Zalmen Born: abt 1730 *ref. connection with Volpa, Epstein, Finfer families + Manush (?)
*appears in biography of Rabbi Pesakh Finfer and introductions to his books and those of his brother Yitskhak Finfer as their ancestor
- Riva (?) Born: abt 1750 + (?) *preserved in the oral traditions of her descendants as "the First Muma Riva.", significance of "first" is unclear, as is "Muma" which means "aunt" in Yiddish
- Gershon (?) Born: abt 1775 *claimed by his descendants to be a "great-nephew" of the Gaon of Vilna through the Gaon's sister. The Epstein family descend from this branch
- Shlomo ZALMAN Born: abt 1760 + Pera (?)
- Yosef Benyamin KRETCHMER Born: abt 1785 + Etel SHKEMER Father: Avraham Shkemer *the Volpa and Finfer families descend from this branch
- Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Died: 1765 *ancestor of several prominent families, including Rivlin, Eliash, who held influential positions in the Vilnius, Lithuania community
- Rabbi Moshe Died: 1765
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