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Moises (Moses?) GRÜNHUT occupation: Merchant + Elisabeth BLOCH Born: 1848 in? Residence: Kral Vinohrady, Prague, Bohemia, Czech. Died: Apr 13, 1929 in Prague XII Prager Tagblatt obituary occupation: Merchants widow from Domažlice (Taus), Plzeň region Bohemia *Prague cons. card
Josef GRÜNHUT Born: 1854 + Pauline GLASER Born: 1858 *2nd wife: Anna HAHAN Born: 1867
Emilie GRUNHUT Born: 1854 + Emil FREUND Born: 1855 in Leipa? Died: Nov 30, 1892
Group 24: names already added on geni - Ludmil Grünhut is your 1st cousin 4 times removed's husband's 2nd cousin's husband's grandfather
Ludmil (Ludmilly) GRÜNHUT of Cetna + unknown *geni
Josef GRÜNHUT Born: 1859 in Niměřice /Nimeritz. Married in Liben at age 24 + Mathilde (see SCHMELKES family) Born: Sep 15, 1859 Married: Jun 17, 1883 in Liben *geni Father: Joachim Schmelkes (abt 1818 - 8/19/1903 ) privatier *Prager Tagblatt Mother: Katharina Weinberg or Judita Weinberger *see 2nd cons-card
- Alois GRÜNHUT Born: Dec 14, 1862 in Jirny (Jirnech), Prague-East district, Bohemia, Czech + Emilie GINSBURG Born: Apr 15, 1864 Married: Jan 12, 1886 in Liben *geni Father: Philipp Ginsburg Mother: Anny (Anna?) Steiner of Piskove Lhoty (Piskova Lhota, okres Mlada Boleslav or Nymburk?) *see Prague cards for Raphael Ginsburg (1794-) OR Anna Steiner (1844-), daughter of Anton Steiner (1816-) & Josefa (Kalinka, Hischka) (1824-)
*2nd husband of Božena Bělská: Abraham GAYER (Born GAJER) Born: Aug 15, 1915 in Warsaw, Poland. Married: Nov 27, 1960 in New York city, NY, USA. Died: Jun 12, 2003 in New Hyde Park, Nassau, New York, USA *geni-more *1st wife of Abraham Gayer: Nelly HAMMER Born: Jul 2, 1924 in Cieszyn, Cieszyn county, Silesia, Poland. Married: May 19, 1946 Died: Dec 3, 1993 in Tennessee, USA *geni <parents of Anna Sarah Gayer (private - )>
Adolf Arnold GRÜNHUT Born: 1860 + Anna WEINER Born: 1860 Married: Nov 14, 1884 *also see Julie Weiner below Son-in-law: Josef Katz
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Salomon? GRÜNHUT *same as? (abt 1853 - 3/22/1929 Cheb/Eger) Chem. kaufmann in Tachau Prager Tagblatt, image + Rosa MELLION Born: 1860 in Strážov
, Klatovy (Drosau, Klattau). Residence? Mar 10, 1892 Drslavice, Klatovy (Drslawitz, Klattau) *see Strážov jewish history or Stadler of Strážov descendants
Note: any relation to Arnošt Mellion and his son Hugo Mellion (9/8/1918 Belgrade-) another ref WW-2 RAF fighter pilot, whose parents and brother died in concentration camps. After 1948 his family enterprise
was nationalized and property confiscated OR Bertha Heller (1852 Olomouc-1898) + Ludwig(k) Morawetz (1841 Upice-1901 Upice) OR Simon Heller (1843/49-1922 Vienna) + Anna Adler, Luise Elisabeth Heller (m. 1880) + Josef Adler OR Samuel and Jakob Heller wool firm in Krnov and Jakob in Brno as early as 1804, where he founded a wool refinery OR Franz (see Kafka family) and great grandfather Simon Heller (in Postelbergand) "ch. Emanuel (1806 - ) & Anna Morawetz (of Roudnice) {parents of Klara Heller (1835 - ) & Josef Abeles (in Postelberg) OR Austrian poet and journalist Seligmann Heller (1831 Roudnice nad Labem/Raudnitz-1890 Vienna)
Michael GRÜNHUT Born: abt 1834 married at age 26 Father: Israel Grünhut + Sara DWORELES Born: 1834 or abt 1839 Married: 5.1.1860 in Prague. at age 21. Father Salomon Koppelmann Dworeles
(1801 Prague-) + Barbora (?) (1808-) *2nd wife Franziska Upřimny (1826-) Sara's siblings: Regina Dworeles (1836-), Theres Dworeles (1837-) *not sure if this is Salamon's family: Löwy Dworels (1766-) + Esther (?) (1773-), children: Maria Dworels (1797-),
Josepha Dworels (1799-) & Salamon Dworels (1801-) 2nd card
Note: see card (1801-) & Barbara or Barbora THULAUI? (1808-) *2nd wife of Salomon Koppelmann: Franziska UPŘIMNY (1826-1889?), parents of Sara & Regina below, as well as Theres (1837-) *other Prague cards: Barbara Dworeles (1766-), Sara Dworeles (1770-), Rebeka Dworeles (1780=) with Simon Dworeles (1816-), Judith (Wehle) Dworeleš (1766-) *any relation to Pauline Dworeles (20.01.1876 - 30.11.1942 Theresienstadt), last residence: Wien 14, Vierthalergasse 9/19 on Dow?
Note: any relation to Ernestine Grünhut (1862 - 05/02/1896 Vienna) OR Josefa Tausig (1827-) on 1st Grünhut page?
Veith GRÜNHUT + Karolina WILDMAN Father: Nathan Wildman Mother: Sara (?)
Note: card also mentions Mcely/Mzell, Poděbrady & Teplice (Jewishgen shtetlinks Teplitz) OR any relation to the Dubsky family on Stern page?
- Elisabeth GREENHUT /GRÜNHUT Born: Oct 11, 1887 in Mlada Boleslav. Died: Apr 5, 1970 in Old Saybrook, Middlesex, CT + Isidor "Emil" BRUK Born: May 3, 1874 in Trnava, SK. Married: Dec 25, 1906 in New York, NY. Died: Apr 5, 1965, Hawthorne, California. Father: Jacob Bruk Born: abt. 1831 in Baja, Bacs-Bodrog, Hungary (now Serbia). Died: Jul 3, 1905 in Trnava, son of Pinkas Bruk Residence: 1828 Bezdan, Bacs-Bodrog, Hungary & Rosalia (?). Mother: Jeanette KLUG Born: abt. 1839, Sered, SK Died: Nov 20, 1913 in Trnava, daughter of Manheim Klug & Marie (?) Born: abt 1812 Died: Dec 12, 1884 in Trnava. *see Bruk descendants
- Carl "Charles" GREENHUT /GRÜNHUT Born: 1889 or abt 1888 Died: abt 1922 + Julia FREEMAN *2nd wife: Marian TREUMAN
- Helen GREENHUT Born: 1914 + Harold "Hal" GOODMAN
- Emma GREENHUT /GRÜNHUT Born: Feb 2, 1892 in probably Mlada Boleslav. Died: Dec 1977 + Julius PRESENDER Married: abt 1900 Died: abt 1929 *2nd husband: David TRIETSCH Married: Jul 11, 1944 in Rego Park, NY. *see descendants
- Egon "Eugene" GREENHUT /GRÜNHUT Born: Nov 2, 1893 Died: Dec 1978 in New York, NY + Miriam (?) *2nd wife: Aline LEE
Adof GRÜNHUT + Barbora (Babette) SCHWAGER
- Alfred GRÜNHUT Born: Jan 14, 1893 in Prague
- Elsa GRÜNHUT Born: Jul 30, 1896 in Prague
Note: any relation to Sally's genealogy: Barbara Kohner (ca 1770-) & Abraham Fleischman (ca 1760-) of Strážov, parents of Katharina Fleischman (1794-1850) & Benedict Stadler (1794-1845) OR Ignatz Kohner ( Jan 15 1871 Bohemia-), son of Adolph Kohner & Mary Epstein, the fourth of seven children. In 1906 Ignatz married Olga Kohner (no relation) of Bohemia, daughter of Phillip Kohner & Theresa Herman
(?) GRÜNHUT + Malvine FUHRMANN Born: 1864 in? Lovosice
/Lobositz (Litoměřice/Leitmeritz region), Bohemia
Rafael Filip GRÜNHUT Born: Feb 24, 1866 in? Malacky /Malatzka -Jewishgen n. of Bratislava, SK. Last residence: Primátorská /Primatorenstrasse 22, Praha: VIII. Transport AAp-219 (9.7.1942 Praha -> Terezín) Died: Aug 17, 1942 in Terezín (Theresienstadt) concentration camp + Ida ROSENBAUM (OVÁ) Born: 1873 *any relation to Bina Grünhut of Malacky or Theresia Grünhut (abt 1812 - 1/15/1893 Vienna 7, Kaiserstraße) on Geiringer page?
*see 2nd card: Rafael Philipp Grünhut (1866-) & Ida Rosenbaum (1874-), Leopold Grünhut (1874-), Leopold Grünhut (1897-) OR Vienna cemetery Ida Grünhut (1874-1929)
Friedrich GRÜNHUT Born: 1867 *see card
Alfred GRÜNHUT Born: 1869 in Němčic/Nemcitz, (Svitavy/Seitec region?). Occupation: chemist/chemiker + Hedwiga POLLAK Born: 1876 *see also 1st pg. group-9 Alfred Grunhut (1862 Nemcicich-) + Hedwig Pollak (1870-)
Bertha GRÜNHUT Born: 1871 in Lieben, Karolinen =Karlín =Prague 8
František GRÜNHUT Born: 1871 in Přerov Přerau (Olomouc region), Moravia *see card
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*Paula Nossal Siblings: Emilie Nossal & Adolf Wodnansky, Josef Nossal, Adele Nossal & Sigmund Mautner, dr. Alois Nossal, Bertha Nossal & Gustav M. Schneer Mother: Therese (see Mautner) Nossal (1842 - 12/21/1912 Olomouc) of Prague, Vienna NFP
*any relation to J.B. Nossal & Marie Koref (1834 - 12/23/1903) NFP family incl. Simon Schwarz on Neurath page and Flora (nee Nossal) Löwy ( m. 6/19/1901 - ) & Richard Riethof (8/11/1859 - 3/18/1903) on R|indskopf page?
any relation to 1888 Říčany fireman Robert Weiner hospodský - I.četař OR poet and and writer Richard Weiner
(1884 Písek -1937 Prague)
Ludvik GRÜNHUT Born: 1874 in Mcelle or Mcely/Mzell (Nymburk region) + Filipina (?) Born: 1875
Bernhard GRÜNHUT Born: 1874 in? Ljesko, Trenesin = ? (Melčice - Lieskové
or Moravské Lieskové
, Trenčín), Slovakia + Cazielie (Cäcilie Cecilie ) SCHWARZ Born: 1874
Otto GRÜNHUT Born: 1878 in Němčic (Nemcice?), Ledeč *see card
Stefani GRÜNHUT Born: 1880 in Lieben *see card
Rudolf GRÜNHUT Born: 1887 in Kralovice? (Zizkov region) + Olga ZAPPNER (ová) or ZAPNER Born: 1886 *2nd card
Note: any relation to Moric Zappner (abt. 1866 - 1913) of Dus’nik (Trhove-Dusniky?/Daleke-Dusniky?)
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012