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April 2011 - Joined GENI - Please Join our "Geni Family Group" - and Help Us Migrate Your Relatives :)
*Some of the names already added on Geni -- Last update: March 11, 2011
Elieser Josua Feibelman GOMPERZ Born: 1610 in Emmerich, Germany. Died: Jan 14, 1675 in Cleve (Kleve), Germany bur. in Emmerich *geni + Jutta OPPENHEIMER Born: Oct 22, 1661 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. *the Gomperz family are descendants of Vögele (d. 1629), daughter of the Maharal of Prague OR see The Gomperz Family *see also Misc. Names bottom of page
Note: "Isaak was an elder in the Jewish community of the Znaim (Znojmo) region, owned two houses in Pullitz, numbers 114 and 138, and became a benefactor to the town of Pullitz. He developed a considerable business with the businessmen and counts of the area and kept close connections with the administrator of Pullitz, Count Adam Ignaz von Berchtold. The Count's wife, Countess Berchtold, born Albichl (1706-1774), tried to force a baptism on Isaak's third son by having her maid lie about witnessing a baptism. The castle priest informed Isaak about the plot which caused Issak to send his sons to another town with a rabbi. But his actions landed Issak in prison for several months until the plot was discovered. Isaak's epitaph reads: A precious and God fearing man, Eisak son of Jeremiah o.b.m. The beautiful? Lights have dimmed and darkened How have the days of Yitzchak been shortened and extingushed.." source: Margaret Hellmann
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*2nd husband of Rosa Gomperz: Bernhard MITTLER Married: Dec 3, 1876
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*2nd wife of Jakob Moritz Gomperz: Julie (see POLLACZEK family) Born: Dec 21, 1822, Married: Jul 3, 1849 Died: Feb 19, 1884
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Note: Hugo Gold - Moravia: "An der Schule war von etwa 1827
an Wolf Pollatschek aus Boskowitz (1794 bis
1866) angestellt. Eine seiner Töchter war durch ihre
Heirat mit dem Vater des Brünner Gemeinderates Gomperz die Mutter von Dr. Louis Gomperz. - Auch
ein Lehrer Goldschmied wirkte damals an der
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*2nd wife of Leopold Schöenfeld: Anna HERZL Born: 1859 Died: 1940
Note: Benjamin on Jewish Encyclopedia: "Austrian physician; born at Vienna Oct. 6, 1861. He was educated at the Leopoldstädter communal gymnasium and the University of Vienna, and received the degree of doctor of medicine in 1885. He was appointed assistant at the hospital of the university (1885-1900), and subsequently established himself in the Austrian capital as a physician and specialist in aural and nasal diseases. Since 1897 he has been curator of the baronin Hirsch Kaiser-Jubiläums-Wohlthätigkeit-Stiftung.."
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Note: Lucie Rie archive by Sophie Heath "..The Ries' British visas were sponsored by Theo Frankel, the second of four sons in a well-off Jewish Viennese family.. ..Birks notes that Hans Rie worked hard on behalf of fellow refugees while in England, writing letters and providing food and shelter from the Ries’ quarters.." OR Dame Lucie (Gomperz) Rie, famous for her pottery work OR Garth Clark Gallery - Artists and Pottery Studio OR Dame Lucie Rie & Hans Coper pdf. Hans Rie was a young businessman, working in the Brüder Böhm hat factory. He was one of the Gomperz family circle, an easy-going man, but with little in common with his wife, beyond a fondness for skiing. The marriage never really took and Lucie Rie devoted herself increasingly to her work. She also became close with the architect Ernst Plishke - more bio., giving him one of his first commissions designing furniture for her apartment. By 1938, Rie's refusal to take seriously the 'stupidity' of Nazism was no longer tenable. She and her husband escaped to England, intending to move on to the United States. Her decision to stay in London, alone, determined the course of the rest of her life and work. She moved into a house in Albion Mews, Bayswater, where Ernst (see Freud family) an architec, son of Sigmund adapted the interior for the Plischke furniture, she had brought with her. Hans Rie went on to America and the couple were amicably divorced. Lucie remained a good friend of her sister in-law Gertrude and her daughters Lottie (nee Bohm) Mackay and Maria (nee Bohm) Jacobson
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*2nd wife of Oskar *name chane in USA: Joseph Oscar GORDON + H. Agnes BRADFORD
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Note: Max vas a patron of the arts, bought from and commissioned many paintings and other works by Orlik, who developed a life-long friendship with his daughter Marie Gomperz documented through their correspondence, which continued until the time of Orlik's death. The extensive Gomperz collection of his work was exhibited at the Jewish Museum in Vienna in 1997. Orlik's oeuvre reflects this patronage and friendship through many portraits of members of the family and of their country estate of Oslawan in Slovakia and its surroundings
Note: In 2000 the most famous picture of his art collection (originally owned by his aunt Josephine von Wertheimstein above) which after the war was purchased by George Khuner was restituted through the Museum of Art in Raleigh, NC, USA: Lucas Cranach der Ältere etwa 1618: "Maria mit dem Kinde in einer Landschaft". New York Times: "North Carolina Art Museum Says It Will Return Painting Tied to Nazi Theft": After confirming that one of its most prized paintings had been stolen by the Nazis during World War II from an Austrian Jewish art collector, the North Carolina Museum of Art announced plans this week to give the painting back to its rightful owners, two sisters in Austria. The painting, ''Madonna and Child in a Landscape'' by Lucas Cranach the Elder, a German Renaissance artist, was deeded to the museum in 1964 by an art collector in Beverly Hills, Calif. The museum received the painting when that collector, Marianne Khuner, died in 1984. Since then, the work, which was painted around 1518, has hung at the entrance to the museum's Northern European collection.. ..The Commission for Art Recovery of the World Jewish Congress wrote the letter to the museum last March, and the Holocaust Claims Processing Office of the state of New York's banking department represented Mr. Gomperz's two grandnieces, Marianne and Cornelia Hainisch, through the process. Mr. Gomperz died in Switzerland in 1948 at age 87. But his heirs have worked since the end of the war to reclaim pieces of his collection. The Cranach painting is the 13th work they have recovered. The market value of the painting has been estimated at $500,000 to more than $1 million. CBS News: Doing "The Right Thing With Stolen Art: Yet when the museum simply gave the painting to them without litigation or conditions, the sisters suddenly became interested in finding a way for the painting to stay in North Carolina. "They wanted to right a wrong. Not so much about the money. It's really the righting of wrongs," said Dugot.
The sisters accepted what the museum could offer, $600,000 -- about half the painting's value -- and gifted the other half as a tribute to the way the museum handled itself. They also knew that by leaving the Cranach in North Carolina, the story of the painting and of their great uncle's sacrifice would continue to be told. As for the painting, there are plans for an exhibition which will explain its history and will honor Philip von Gumfretz and the generosity of his descendants."
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Leib CLEVE + (?)
Joseph Elias Elijah CLEVE /CLEVE-GOMPERZ + Sara Mirjam GUMPEL
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012