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Rabbi Baruch Born: abt. 1640 occupation: Chief Rabbi of Timişoara or (Temešvár), now Romania. Died: 1700 + (?) *ref Lowyfamily.org
Note: "may, could" be a descendant of our ancestor Sinai Loew, elder brother of Jehuda Loew "the Maharal of Prague"
Note: see Jewishgen Úsov, Moravia (Ausse, Mahrisch), Czech Republic history article Abraham Leipniker 1753, Wool dealer, living in big house; abt 1760 and Senator John Forbes Kerry ancestors and the Lowy family living in Usov in the later 1700s & 1800s OR image of Abraham's script, pen-and-ink drawing Úsov 1771, from the University College in London, Library Services
Leopold LÖWY Died: Bef. 1870 + Katharina "Katti, Katty" STERN Born: abt. 1798/9 in Nový Hrozenkov
, Moravia, Czech. Died: Sep 2, 1886 in Brno, Moravia NFP
- Rabbi Albert LÖWY Born: 1817 in ? Emigrated to London, U.K. between 1848-1870 Married: 1871 occupation: Rabbi of Jewish community in Paddington
Note: jewishgen Usov history: see Albert Löwy from Usov went to England and became active in Jewish causes. As Secretary of the Anglo-Jewish Association in the latter half of the 1800s, he was among those arguing for Jewish nationalism, unlike many others in Czechoslovakia at that time who favored assimilation
- Wilhelm LÖWY Born: Mar 6, 1826 occupation: k.k. Hauptmann i. B. in Vienna. Died: May 22, 1912 in Vienna + Emma Friedrike (see FRÄENKEL family) Born: Nov 9, 1841 in Ratibor, Prussian Silesia. Married: Feb 25, 1871 in Breslau. Residence: moved to Czerningass 7, Vienna. Died: Dec 28, 1928 Father: Moritz Fränkel (12/14/1804 Zülz O/S, Prussia - 12/11/1885 Wroclaw (Breslau Silesia) current Poland) Mother: Rosalie Elliason (8/30/1813 Cosel, O/S, Prussia - 12/19/1870 Breslau, N/S, Germany)
- Robert LÖWY Born: Jan 23, 1872 in Vienna, Austria Died: in London, England his uncles + Rosa WUNDERLICH Born: Jun 6, 1874 in London, England. Died: in London, England (?)
- Rosalia LÖWY Born: July 18, 1876 in Vienna
- Felix LÖWY Born: Nov 24, 1877 in Vienna. Emigrated to London, moving to Frognallane
- Gertrud LÖWY Born: Jun 14, 1882
- Moriz (Moritz) L. LÖWY Residence: moved to Budapest, Hungary
- Alois (Aloys) L. LÖWY Born: Feb 28, 1831 in Úsov, Moravia moved to Baden, Austria + Ernestine SPITZER Born: Mar 12, 1845 in Vienna. Married: Aug 18, 1867 in Vienna Father: Carl Spitzer Mother: Regine Schiec *Vienna cem. has Ernestine Löwy (1844/45 - 06/27/1879)
- Siegfried LÖWE Born: Sep 12, 1834 in Úsov. Died: Mar 31, 1918 in Vienna, Austria. occupation: Commercial agent, Exporting Merchant + Josephine (see LÖW family) Born: Oct 31, 1845 in Boskovice (Boskowitz), Moravia. Married: Mar 20, 1870 in Brno. Died: Nov 17, 1897 in Vienna Father: Benjamin Löw (abt 1797 - 7/26/1876 Brno) Mother: Betty Spitzer (9/1817 Straznice, Moravia - 1/19/1898 Brno)
Note: Siegfried, Josefine, son Felix Löwe buried together in Vienna. Their 1st child (Lina) was born in Vienna where Siegfried is listed as commercial agent. Following year he is listed as exporting merchant, which led him to Budapest, Hungary, where 4 further children were born
- Lina (Linda) LÖWE Born: Apr 4, 1870 in Vienna + Wilhelm SCHLOSS Married: Mar 16, 1902
- Jenni LÖWE Born: Apr 21, 1872 in Budapest. Deported to Theresienstadt. Died: in Holocaust, Treblinka
- Felix LÖWE Born Oct 6, 1873 in Budapest. Died: Mar 19, 1935 in Vienna
- Otto LÖWE Born Jan 7, 1875 in Budapest. Died: in Holocaust, Theresienstadt *see March 2004 notes on Otto and Jenni - Inquiry details Kerry relatives' fate holocaust deportations
- Ida LÖWE Born: Feb 22, 1877 in Budapest, Hungary. occupation: Jewish musician *ancestors & relatives. Died: Jan 19, 1960 in USA + Friedrich "Fritz" (see KOHN family)Born: May 10, 1873 in Horní Benešov (Bennisch), Moravia. Married: Sep 1, 1900 in Vienna, Austria. Died: Nov 21, 1921 in Boston, MA. Father: Benedikt Kohn (abt 1824 Troubek
by Kroměříž /bei Kremsier, Moravia - 1876 Horní Benešov) master brewer, who studied in Vienna Mother: Mathilde Fränkel (1845 Głogówek/ Oberglogau, Silesia, Poland - 1935 Vienna) *source Wer Einmal War book pg.1477, shamema.com web site
Note: Friedrich, like his brother Otto Kohn, converted to Catholicism and changed his name to Frederick Kerry. He worked as an accountant at his uncle's shoe factory. In 1905, the family immigrated to U.S. via Ellis Island, lived in Chicago, before settling in Boston. Fred and Ida had two more children, Mildred and Richard. The family lived in Brookline, where Fred became prominent in the shoe business, regularly attending Sunday church services. *He did not tell anyone about their Jewish roots. In 1921, Fred Kerry, age 48, entered a Boston hotel and shot himself in the head. Some say the suicide was due to financial stress or depression. *see From Bennisch to Boston - Why the tiny Czech village of Horní Benešov was rooting for John Kerry to win the White House
Note: Mathilde
is from (or lived on) the ring 21 in the Upper Silesian Beethoven's small town Oberglogau. Who might call a baroque house his Own, belonged, actually, to the "better" in the small town in the Hotzenplotz in Oberglogau in the ring. The Fränkels were respectable merchants, late industrialist and, in the end, also cultural patrons. Samuel Fränkel founded in the capital town Neustadt, directly in the Prudnik, the textiles "Fränkel-Werke", even today as state "Frotex-"Works not only the employer of the town are. Samuel Fränkel was a big cultural patron of the town, makes friends with GerSchlesischer cultural mirror 39, 2004 19 hard captains. He organized author's readings and chamber concerts, last with world-famous pianists like Raul Koczalski, Wilhelm baking house, Walter Gieseking in the Prudnik. Selma Fränkel (1855 Wroclaw 1925 Oberglogau) married into the Oberglogauer family. The concert pianist who had studied in Wroclaw and Vienna and in 1885 to Oberglogau came, been active in the Hotzenplotz as a piano pedagogue and maintained ammerkonzerte and gave charity concerts. Their most significant pupil was the composer Prof. Gerhard Strecke. As this his entrance examination in the Kgl. Academic institute of church history in Berlin had passed, the examining piano professor thought: ? You must have had very good piano lessons ? (cf Walter Kwasnik: Oberglogau as a music town, in: Music of the east, in 1969). The Filius of Selma Fränkel was a medicine professor and co-founder of the first Oberglogauer academy connection "Brasikaria" which owned big cultural influence in the town
- Erich KERRY
- Mildred KERRY Born: 1910
- Richard KERRY Born: July 28, 1915 occupation: worked in the U.S. State Department and later in Foreign Service. Died: July 29, 2000 + Rosemary FORBES Married: Jan 24, 1941 Died: Nov 14, 2002
Note: see Rosemary on twextra OR Rosemary was the beneficiary of the Forbes family trusts - includes genealogy OR Rosemary, Richard and family picture
- Margery KERRY Born: 1941
Senator John Forbes KERRY Born: Dec 11, 1943 in Denver, Colorado + Theresa HEINZ, widow of Senator Heinz, heir to the H. J. Heinz Company. Occupation: Massachusetts Senator *2004 Democratic nominee for President
Note: John's mother Rosemary (nee Forbes) "may be linked " to Duke Borivoj I (852/3- ca 888/89) and his wife Saint Ludmila (860-921), grandmother of St. "Good King" Wenceslaus, founders of Premyslide dynasty of the Kings of Bohemia. Her ancestors were related to the British Royal family and the Czech Premyslides. Senator Kerry thus has common ancestry with his "9th cousin, 2x removed" President George W. Bush. *see Kerry's 14 generations tree
John's children:
- Alexandra KERRY
- Vanessa KERRY
Theresa's children:
- John HEINZ
- Andre HEINZ
- Christopher HEINZ
- Diana KERRY
- Cameron F. KERRY *married a Jewish woman and converted to Judaism in 1983
David WASSERTRILLING (WALLNER) Born: May 3, 1858 in Boskovice. occupation: Merchant in Vienna. Died: Feb 13, 1942 in Vienna age 83 + Rosa TAUBER Born: Aug 19, 1870 in Vienna. Married: Dec 13, 1891 in Vienna. Deported Apr 27, 1942 Wien Wlodawa Holocaust. Buried in Vienna Father: Alfred Tauber Mother: Johanna Ehrenstein (1841/42 - 12/2/1888 Vienna)
Note: any relation to Tauber Aaron, Charlotte, Minna on this site OR Johanna Tauber residence 1954 Vienna + Fritz Philipp Spiegl, father of Rudolf Spiegl (1889 Zurndorf, AU - 1967 Vienna) m. Josefine Geiringer (1890 Vienna - 1953 Uruguay
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright:© 2004-2012