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This page is 95%Research Groups & when a family link is found to someone on this site not in "Research Group", the Surnames will be added under Names tab. Besides our ancestor Abraham in Group-A, relatives Jacob, Abraham and Moshe in Groups B-D, this page also includes research Groups (1) Abraham, (2) Kopelmann, (3) Isak, (4) Kalman Moses and Misc.
Group-A: *names already on Geni *see also on Spira and Loew family pages
Abraham Ha-Levi OETTINGEN + (?)
Note: I had previously had above: Jacob Lichtenstadt, stepfather of below Abraham on Spira page *possibly same as reb Jacob Lichtenstadt who presided as parnas of the province until his death, and possessed enormous riches on Judaica Bohemiae
Note: Any relation to Abraham Öttingen-Lichtenstadt (abt 1618 - 1695 Prague), primator on web site "Newell, Eisendrath, Witmondt, Waag, Stanley, Guyon, Moatti, Bitoun, Le Baut" by J. K. Loren "Feb 1677 Elected as a "rashe ha-kahal" (elder) of the Prague Jewish Community (five elders were elected), Primator of the "Landesjudenschaft" (Provincial Jewish Community or Jews living outside of Prague) in Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic)" ?
- Salomon Halevi OETTINGEN-LEVY LICHTENSTADT Born: abt 1660 Died: bef 1714 in Prague *geni + Schifra SPIRA WEDELES Born: abt 1671 in Prague youngest daughter Father: Wolf Spira Wedeles rabbi and a banker. March 1698 elections: It is worth noting that the prominent secular function was re-assumed by Rabbi Wolf Wedeles, a man who was the true Land Rabbi for one-half of Bohemia and pretender to the post of Chief Rabbi of Prague
Note: Judaica Bohemiae: Abraham Aaron Oettingen-Lichtenstadt owed his position to his stepfather Jacob Lichtenstadt, whom he did not repay too well. In this connection, Glückel of Hameln (original
, Breuer) link: "Reb Jacob presided as parnas of the province until his death, and possessed enormous riches. But finally he came to strife with his stepson Abraham Lichtenstadt, so that toward the close of his life he was shorn of his wealth "The Memoirs of Glückel of Hameln, transl. by Marvin Lowenthal, New York, Schocken Books 1977, p.122". Abraham Aaron carried out his plan of dividing the Land Rabbinate between Rabbi Abraham Broda and his new in-law, Rabbi Wolf Wedeles
- Bella LICHTENSTADT Born: abt 1688 in Prague. Died: aft 1766 + R' Isaac (Jizchack, Itzchak Shlomo) ben Solomon Zalman BONDI Born: abt 1678 Died: abt 1713 or 1750 *see family
- Mordechai BONDI Born: 1716 in in Prague
- Chajim BONDI Born: abt 1707 in in Prague
- Simon ben Isaac BONDI Born: 1711 in in Prague
- Chayle BONDI Born: abt 1721 in in Prague + Samuel LICHTENSTADT (aka. LEV, OETTINGEN) Born: abt 1690 in Prague. Married: May 28, 1736 Died: Feb 4, 1751-2 below
- Samuel LICHTENSTADT (aka. LEV, OETTINGEN) Born: abt 1690 in Prague. Died: Feb 4, 1751-2 + Rifka (?) Born: abt 1693 Died: Apr 15, 1735 *2nd wife: Chayle BONDI Born: abt 1721 in in Prague above *3rd wife: Freudel (?) Born: abt 1695 Married: 1749 Died: Feb 4, 1751-2
- Edel (Ellen) LICHTENSTADT *geni + David (see WIENER-SPIRA family) (aka. David Michal WIEN) *1st wife of David Wiener-Spira: Mirl SCHLACKENWERTH Died: 1681 Father: Sinai Schlackenwerth
Note: any relation to on Judaica Bohemiae ..R. Leib Neustädtl (Nasch) the husband of R. Gaon Simon Spira's granddaughter Slawa Schlackenwerth. Simon’s grandson was the brother of Slawa, R. Aharon Sinai Schlackenwerhth.. and R. David Michal Wien, Simon’s great nephew AND ..Aaron Schlackenwerth
- Eliezer Halevi Lichtenstein Ottingen (Lichtenstadt)
- Sarah Osnat Ettinger
- Sarah Teomim (OETTINGEN),
*2nd wife of Abraham Aaron Lichtenstadt: Muskat (Muschkat) (?) Born: abt 1640 Married: aft. 1691 Died: 1719 *geni *1st husband of Muskat: Isaac ben Meir TAUSSIG SACHSEL
Note: Any relation to Abraham Öttingen-Lichtenstadt (abt 1618 - 1695 Prague), primator on web site "Newell, Eisendrath, Witmondt, Waag, Stanley, Guyon, Moatti, Bitoun, Le Baut" by J. K. Loren "Feb 1677 Elected as a "rashe ha-kahal" (elder) of the Prague Jewish Community (five elders were elected), Primator of the "Landesjudenschaft" (Provincial Jewish Community or Jews living outside of Prague) in Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic)" ?
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Note: "Israel Karpel Präger Judt, und sein Weib Malcke Schickin … Ihrem Söhne Lebel Karpel undt seiner Brauth Rösele, deß Lebel Engels dochter…"; ibidem: No.2280, LJA III, fol.195b /Oct. 16, 1672/: "Malka Schickin, nach dem Israel Karpeles Prager Juden verbliebene Wittib …alles ihren dreyen Söhnen sambt ihrer Weibern, benanlich dem Lebl und deßen Weib Roßel, dem Wolf undt dessen Weib Chawa, dem Herschel undt deßen Weib Chayele, …" AND "Weilen aber die Karpelischen Wittib undt Erben, aus einem, von des Eingangs ernanten Joseph Constans Jüdischen Vatter undt Mutter Benjamin Altschuel, undt Rösele, zue handen deren Leib: und respective Schwieger-Vattern Wolff Karpeles undt dessen Eheweib nunmehrige Wittib Chawele mittelst Jüdischen geschwornen gefertigt: Libro Testimonium 14. fol.363 ingrossirtem quittir- undt absolvirungs- Staar erwiesen, was massen dessen berührter Vatter undt Mutter, bereiths vor 23 Jahren, mit Haab undt Guth von hier in das gelobte Landt verreiset, undt vor ihrer abreise, Ihr zue hoffen gehabtes Erbtheil, von dem Leiblich- undt respective Schwieger Vatter undt Mutter Wolff Karpeles, undt dessen Eheweib Chawele herausgenohmen, undt darüber in optima forma juris quittiret, anbey sich, undt ihren Erben Einiges Erbrecht nicht vorbehalten"
Note: any relation to: Moysses Engel or Moses Back Engel OR Marguerite Engel + Isidor Stadler on Wolf page?
Note: Jewishgen Joseph Karpeles: There is a record of a Bohemian Jew who came to America around 1783/84 and who lived in Philadelphia during 1784/85. He was ,20 a son of Wolf Karpeles of Prague. According to a letter that has survived,21 Haym Salomon (l740-85), the famous financier of the American Revolution, engaged Karpeles as his arbiter to represent him in a legal dispute, which was supposed to be decided by a court of arbitration, concerning an inheritance worth 800 ducats. Both parties to the litigation were required to deposit a personal check in the amount of 4,000 ducats to guarantee that they would accept the decision of the court. This event shows the responsibility entrusted to Karpeles and the esteem in which he was patently held
Note: Benjamin may have worked at his father-in-law's textile shop. Feb. 15, 1701 he sold his "partial house" inherited from his father on Maisel Lane to his brother-in-law, Kalman Moses Lichtenstadt (married to the second daughter of Wolf Karpeles Jentl. He used this money to finance his journey to the Holy Land. He also took with him his wife's intended share of the inheritance from her parents, Wolf and Chawa?Any relation to: Abraham ben Jacob Altschul, of Leipa, Bohemia: Printer at Frankfort-on-the-Oder, in 1697 or others on jewishencyclopedia OR Josef Leipen byl synem Abrahama, někdy rabína v České Lípě
Note: Löbl Altshul lived with his maternal grandfather, sworn secretary (sofer neeman) of the Prague Jewish Community Wolf ben Israel Karpeles and grandmother Hayyele. We shall hear about Löbl's father Benjamin Leipen Altschul, his mother Rösel and other Karpeles relatives in connection with the journey of Rabbi Judah Hasid. Löbl was undoubtedly a restless and adventurous boy whom his grandfather had difficulty in handling. Sometime in the late summer of 1705, Löbl plotted to run away from home.. Löbl or Josef Constans as he was called after baptism, was undoubtedly an adventurous and inconstant type who could not stand living in the enclosed and confined Ghetto. His temperament and reduced financial possibilities (his own father deprived him of much of his heritage by unwise decisions in 1700) led him to pursue a career in the military. His inherent business talent predestined him to hold the post of quartermaster, or fourir. This term also became his second surname. Josef Constans Fourir eventually reconciled with his family and is mentioned in the records as a party to the family inheritance proceedings in 1712 and 1717.240) Josef definitely did not harm his former fellow Jews and undoubtedly conducted regular business with them as a quartermaster
Note: The Bohemian Chamber's account book of 1695 carries a record of two high fines paid by Jews; Aaron Ries paid 9,000 Fl. and a Moses Kallmens Lichtenstadt 8,000 Fl. Both penalties were charged for transgressions committed in 1693. (AMP, rkp. No. 4821: Liber Judaeorum albus (hereafter LJA) VIII, pp.222-224)) and (SÚA KK (ÈK), No. 718 (1494): Copey-Raittung pro Anno 1695: f 31b, 32a.(23. Junii?))
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | copyright:© 2004-2012