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*Some of the information already added on Geni -- Last update: May 2, 2011
Origin of the name is from the city of Speyer in the Rheinland (Speyer was known by the name "Spira" as early as the fifth century. Family of scholars and rabbis of Speyer, Rhenish Bavaria, with numerous branches in other parts of Germany, and in Prague Bohemia, Galicia, and Poznan Poland. It originally bore the name "Ashkenazi," to distinguish it from the Kahane or Katz-Spira family. Many prominent families of Bohemia added to their names that of "Spiro" or "Spira" ie; Frankl-Spiro, Fränkel-Spira, Wiener-Spiro, Kohen-Spira and Porges-Spiro *see Group-1 note, Group-2 & Note-1 *sources: Oberländer relative, Lawrence Weinberg, Levie-kanes.com, J. K. Loren Rootsweb, Loeb site, Porges site, JewishEncyclopedia, Judaica Bohemiae --Ancestor of below names?? Rabbi Shimshon (see SPIRA family) rabbi in Posen (Poznan), Poland *geni OR? Salomon Salman SPIRA below: Salomon Salman Spira is Peter Rohel (c)'s 15th great grandfather *path
Salomon Salman SPIRA (bef. 1462 - ) *geni father of > Menachem Mann SPIRA (bef. 1471 - ) father of > Kalman Yerushalmi SPIRA Born: bef. 1504 *geni father of > Yosef Yerushalmi SPIRA Born: bef. 1522 > father of below Yechiel Michel Spira *ref. document and
Lawrence Weinberg
Note: JE 5 Benjamin Wolf Spira: Son of Jehiel Spira; died at Prague Oct. 12, 1630. He was for more than thirty years associate rabbi and director of a Talmudic academy in that city. Although universally respected his extraordinary modesty prevented him from accepting the chief rabbinate of Prague; but he took charge of it temporarily from 1629 until his death
Note: book ref. Jahrbücher der Gesellschaft" für Geschichte der Juden in der Čechoslovakischen Republik 1929 bis 1936. IV. Jahrgang, 1932, ref., JE 2 son of Benjamin Wolf Spira ( - 1630) rabbi at Frankfort, Lemberg, Brez in Lithuania, Lublin, Cracow, Vienna, Prague (1640) and also Rabbi of Bohemia born 1599, died Dec. 3, 1679 at Prague. He led an ascetic life, and collected many pupils about him. He wrote "Moreh Yehezkiel Katon" (Prague, 1695), penitential prayers ("selihot") on the sufferings of the Jewish community of Prague when that city was besieged by the Swedes in 1648 AND Simon Wolf (Aharon Simeon ben Benjamin) Spira (1599 - 1679 Prag) "Er war Rabbiner in Frankfurt a.M., Lemberg, Brez (Litauen), Lublin, Krakau, Wien (hier wohl nicht offizieller Rabbiner) und von 1640 an in Prag. Er führte ein asketisches Leben und hatte zahlreiche Schüler. Sein Werk More Chason Jecheskel enthält Bußgebete (slichot) anläßlich der schwedischen Besetzung Prags "? AND on Judaica "..The close of a period that was soon to appear as the good old times was symbolized by the death of the very aged Chief Rabbi Aaron Simon Spira on Kislev 29, 5450 / December 2, 1679. In the passing-away of this
exceptionally pious man, the community lost a natural moral authority, which
fact henceforth established a long-lasting political problem.." AND Tobias Jakobovits: Die Erlebnisse des Oberrabbiners Simon
Spira-Wedeles in Prag (1640-1679) in: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft
für Geschichte der Juden in der âechoslovakischen Republik, IV,
1932, s. 253–296."
Note: JE 4 Asher Anshel Spira son of Aaron Wolf Spira; died in 1661 at Vienna, in which city he had married the daughter of the wealthy and learned Moses Mirels. He was the ancestor of the Fränkl-Spira family. Bibliography: Podiebrad-Foges, l.c. p. 149. *see Moses HaLevi Heller-Wallerstein (1520 Wallerstein - 1580), Chief Rabbi of Germany on Maharal page
*2nd wife of Bejamin: Esther bat Koppel (see FRÄENKEL family) Born: abt 1655 or 1661 in Vienna. Married: 1678 in Fuerth. Died: Sep 8, 1720 in Prague *rootsw Father: Jakob Koppel Ha-Levi Fränkel/Fräenkel (1600 Bairsdorf, Germany - 4/17/1670 Vienna) Mother: Ella Holleschau
Note: JE; son of Asher Anshel Spira; died at Prague in 1712. He was educated by his grandfather Aaron Simeon Spira, in that city. He was the father of the parnas Simon Wolf Frankl and ref? Wolf Fränkel (nephew of Wolf Wedeles), who up to then had been a rather inconspicuous, yet extremely affluent and capable member of Catena. Wolf Fränkel was the son of rabbi Ascher Anschel Wedeles and grandson of famous rabbi Simon Spira. Wolf Fränkel, known also as Slaves, was the father of future primas Simon Fränkel
Note: JE "Simon Wolf Spira-Fränkel, head of the Jewish community in Prague for two decades beginning 1724.. He was wealthy by inheritance, and his extensive business interests brought him often into contact with the great of the land; he thus gained a knowledge of the laws of the country which raised him high above the mass of his brethren. Founded an orphan asylum, and won lasting popularity by elevating the standard of the Jewish school system.."
*2nd wife of Simon Wolf Spira-Fränkel: Lana BERLIN Born: abt 1680 in Halberstadt, Germany. Died: May 16, 1723 in Prague Father: rabbi Abraham Berlin (abt 1652 - ) rabbi in Halberstadt Grandfather: Jehuda Berlin (abt 1620 - ) *rootsw or ? Lana LIEBMANN*3rd wife of Simon Wolf Spira-Fränkel: Freudel (Friedel) FRÄNKEL-SPIRA Born: 1704 in Prague, Bohemia. Married: aft May 16, 1723 Died: May 12, 1767 in Prague *below Father: rabbi Anschel Fränkel-Spira (1682-83 Prague - 1711 Prague) *rootsw *1st husband of Freudel: rabbi Samuel (Rabbi) LEVI Born: abt 1700 occupation: Rabbi of the Klaus Synagogue in Prague
*2nd wife of Meir: (?) GÜNZBURG (Ginzburg?) *geni /Ginsberg Father: rabbi Moshe Günzburg (Ginsberg?) *above
*3rd wife of Meir: Jutel "Gitel, Yittel" (see LEIDESDORF family) Born: abt 1721 or 1725 in Vienna, Austria. Died: Oct 15, 1781 in Eisenstadt, Austria *which childen belong to which wife is unknown and one of the wives may have died 1739
- Ester (Esther) FISCHEL MARGALIOTH BUNTZEL Born: 1735 in Prague, Bohemia. Died: 1818 in the Hague, Holland + rabbi Baruch Bendit DUSCHENES from Prague, Bohemia. aka. DUSNUS in Holland, DUSHNIT, DUSCHNITZ. occupation: Av Beth Din of Nijmegen, Holland. Died: 1803 in Nijmegen
- Judith Lea DUSNUS Born: ca. 1755 in Prague. Died: 1822 in the Hague, Holland + rabbi Mozes Hartog /Zvi Hirsch (see LEHREN family) Born: 1739 in Mannheim, Germany. occupation: Dayan and Parnas. Died: 1815 in the Hague Father: rabbi Hirsch Akiva Lehren ( - 1774 Mainz, Germany) Mother: Gelle Uri /Peis Kanstat (of Mainz - 1773 Mannheim)
Note: any relation to Efraim's wife Reisel Lehrer above ?
- Serel DUSNUS + Israel LANDAU Divorced: Father: rabbi Yechezkel (Ezekiel) ben Yehuda Landau (10/8/1713 Opatów, Poland - 4/29/1793 Prague, bur Fiberchova cem?) *wiki, JE chief rabbi of Prague, best known for the work Noda BiYehudah by which title he is also known, descendants of Rashi Mother: Liba ben Jacobke of Prague (1720 Dubno, Poland - 1/10/1789 Prague) *geni1more, geni2
*2nd wife of Israel: Sprintza Tova FRÄNKEL Father: Meir Fränkel Mother: (?) Landau
- Hartog (Hirsch, Naphtali) DUSNUS + Sara Strauss COHEN of Frankfurt, Germany
- Jacob DUSNUS + Clara Rachel Abraham COHEN of Prague?
- Roosje DUSNUS + Mozes Calmer LISSA occupation: Founder of the Bank Kann & Lissa Father: Abraham Lissa chief rabbi of Frankfurt
- Hyacintha LISSA + Eliezer (Eduard) KANN occupation: Banker. Father: Hirschel Eliazer Kann (family originally from Frankfurt) founder of the Bank Kann & Lissa with Mozes Lissa above
- Esther FISCHEL or FISCHEL MARGALIOTH BUNTZEL Born: 1769 in Prague + Jacob Koppel (see FRÄNKEL family) Born: 1769 Died: 1850 Father: Issachar Bärmann Fränkel Mother: Esther Fränkel
- Rabbi Moshe (Moses) FISCHER (born? FISCHEL MARGALIOTH BUNTZEL) Died: Dec 7, 1833 Eisenstadt + Pesel Elisabeth (see KUH family) Born: 1759 Prague. Died: Nov 11, 1842 Eisenstadt Father: Naftali Hirz Herzl Kuh (10/17/1771 Vienna, Austria) Mother: Judith Malka ( - 9/25/1804) *geni
- Marcus Meir FISCHER Born: 1788 Prague. Died: May 22, 1858 Prague ref.
- Regina FISCHER Died: 1792 Prague
- Theresia FISCHER Died: 1797 Prague
- Ester FISCHER Born: 1799 Died: Sep 1, 1877 Eisenstadt + Eleaser Lazar LAZARUS Born: 1759 Died: Aug 27, 1847 Eisenstadt
- Max LAZARUS Born: 1825 Died: 1913
- Israel SPIRA-FRÄNKEL Born: abt 1713 in Prague, Bohemia + (?)
- Israel SPIRA-FRÄNKEL Born: abt 1700
Note: JE "..His (Simon Wolf Fränkel-Spira) successor as the head of the community was a son of his brother Koppel, Israel Fränkel. His valuable services to the community in advancing the home manufacture of silk, and in improving the "Invalidenbräuhaus," of which he for a long time was the lessee, were recognized by the Bohemian "Landesgubernium." Israel Fränkel, who was a devoted student of the Mishnah, died in his birth-place, Prague, on April 15, 1767"
*2nd wife of Schaltiel: Machisch (?) Died: 1748
Note: JE 1; Aaron, grandson of Jehiel Spira? rabbi of the Meisel Synagogue, Prague. Bibliography: Landshuth, 'Ammude ha-'Abodah, p. 12; Zunz, Literaturgesch. p. 438; Podiebrad-Foges, Alterthümer der Prager Judenstadt, pp. 76, 149, Prague, 1870 *I have Aaron's grandparents as Rabbi Aaron/Aron (Simon, Shimon Simeon) Spira Wedeles (1599 Prague - 12/2-3/1679 Prague) above
JE 10 Isaac Spira died 1749 in Prague. son of Jehiel Michael Spira. He was rabbi at Lissa, then at Jung-Bunzlau H. Gold, Bohemia (1704-27), and finally at Prague, and was the teacher and father-in-law of Jonathan Eybeschütz. He wrote novellæ on Talmudic treatises, likewise responsa, etc.; but none of his works has been printed. Bibliography: Buber, l.c. p. 118; Fuenn, l.c. p. 111.
Note: JE 7 son of Aaron Simeon Spira. He was for twenty years chief rabbi of Bohemia. Bibliography: Podiebrad-Foges, l.c. pp. 73, 148 et seq. Possibly same person as: "March 1698 elections: It is worth noting that the prominent secular function was re-assumed by rabbi Wolf Wedeles, a man who was the true Land Rabbi for one-half of Bohemia and pretender to the post of Chief Rabbi of Prague .. Among the party elite in the last quarter of the seventeenth century were.. Wolf Wedeles (1640–1715).." from Judaica Bohemiae
Note: JE 1 son of Benjamin Wolf Spira (No. 7?) and grandson of Jehiel Spira? Rabbi of the Meisel Synagogue, Prague. Bibliography: Landshuth, 'Ammude ha-'Abodah, p. 12; Zunz, Literaturgesch. p. 438; Podiebrad-Foges, Alterthümer der Prager Judenstadt, pp. 76, 149, Prague, 1870
Note: JE 8 son of Benjamin Wolf Spira. He was rabbi at Tiktin, and afterward preacher and director of a large Talmudic academy at Prague. He published "Eliyahu Zuta," a commentary on that part of Mordecai Jafe's "Lebush" relating to the Shulhan 'Aruk, Orah Hayyim (Prague, 1689, 1701). His valuable work "Eliyahu Rabbah" (Sulzbach, 1757), containing discussions on the Orah Hayyim, was printed posthumously by his son, whose name is not given. "Shishah Shitot," novellæ on six Talmudic treatises, were published by his grandson Elijah b. Wolf Spira (Fürth, 1768). His manuscript works, including commentaries on the Bible and Talmud, as well as sermons, responsa, etc., were destroyed by fire in 1754. Bibliography: Eliyahu Rabbah, Preface; Fürst, Bibl. Jud. i. 239 (contains many incorrect statements); Zunz, Monatstage, p. 19 AND Elias, who from 1696 occupied the function of first chief justice, was a pious, erudite man who proved as a competent rabbi in Kolín nad Labem. Related to Salomon Bondy Died: 1736?
Note: Aaron Ries must have also been a spy. His presumed services for the Habsburg Monarchy could explain the authorities' surprising tolerance to his criminal economic activities. (He may have also worked for the Prussian government.) It should be mentioned that Rachel, daughter of Rabbi Wolf Wedeles, was omitted from the official genealogy of the Fränkel-Wedeles family. Undoubtedly this happened in order that the name of her notorious husband would not appear in it
Note: any relation to: "1565-1574
Klage (Appellation) des Juden Möstlin (Mosse) zu Lichtenstadt in Böhmen als Anwalt seiner Tochter Bölin (Bela) gegen Jakob
Friedrich Rieß, Bürger zu Oettingen, vormals Jude David zu
Dürrwangen, wegen Herausgabe von Heiratsgut, Aussteuer bzw.
Kindern nach Übertritt des Beklagten zum Katholizismus"
*2nd wife of Simon Ries: Miriam (?) *geni
*previously I had Schifra's husband as Rabbi Isaac ben Solomon Zalman (see Bondi family) (1664 - ) rabbi of Prague, as stated in several other sources - which was incorrect
Note: Judaica Bohemiae: Abraham Aaron Oettingen-Lichtenstadt owed his position to his stepfather Jacob Lichtenstadt, whom he did not repay too well. In this connection, Glückel of Hameln (original, Breuer) link: "Reb Jacob presided as parnas of the province until his death, and possessed enormous riches. But finally he came to strife with his stepson Abraham Lichtenstadt, so that toward the close of his life he was shorn of his wealth "The Memoirs of Glückel of Hameln, transl. by Marvin Lowenthal, New York, Schocken Books 1977, p.122". Abraham Aaron carried out his plan of dividing the Land Rabbinate between Rabbi Abraham Broda and his new in-law, Rabbi Wolf Wedeles AND on Judaica Bohemiae: Salomon Oettingen Lichtenstadt, son of Abraham Aaron Lichtenstadt, had become engaged to Schifra, the youngest daughter of Rabbi Wolf Wedeles
*2nd husband of Shifrah Spira: Rabbi David ben Abraham (see OPPENHEIMER family) Born: 1664 in Worms, Germany. Married: aft 1712 in Bratislava, Slovakia. occupation 1691: Chief Rabbi in Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Moravia & in 1718 of Bohemia. Died: Sep 12/23, 1736 in Prague *see Jewish Encyclopedia
*2nd wife of Benjamin Wolf Spira (Wedeles): (?) BONDI Married: 1710-1711
Note: Simon Pressburger is your (Peter Rohel) 11th great grandfather *path
Note: google book Grabsteininschriften des Prager Isr. Alten Friedhofs - by Solomon Judah Leib Rapoport - see above, Günzburg, Loew pages; "..Aron Schlackenwerth ( - 1693-4) sohn S. Sinai's welcher Letzterer ein Schweigersohn Simon Spira's war, gemeinderepräsentant, ft. 1694. Mirl tochter des vorgennanten Aron Schlackenwerth, enkel des Dr's Simon Spira, gattin des Abraham S. Anschel Günzburg, ft. ende 1714. Simon S. des genannten Abraham Günzburg, einer der honoratioren der gemeinde, ft. 70 jahre alt ende 1778. Seines Vaters Bruder Moses Günzburg unternahm aus Frömmigkeit eine Reise nach Palästina. starb jedoch auf dem Wege in Sidon..
Note: Michael Honey chart says he died 1676 in Altona. Testament book has st. 1635 (st notation in other places indicates death). Die Famalie Frankel has died 1640 in Vienna. Mechl Wiener & Perl ben Chayim, his father David Chayim Wiener are listed in "Anaf Etz Avoth" (H) by Shmuel Sanvil Kahana, Krakow 1903, page 26 (XXVI) under item 211 (resh, yod, alef) as son son of gaon Chayim m'Worms - source dr. Yehuda Klausner
Note: Michael remained in Vienna and his memory was perpetuated by his gift of several valuable curtains to the Old-New School of Prague
Note: any relation to on Judaica Bohemiae; Liberman Lichtenstadt Katzenellenbogen, Menahem Mendel Lichtenstadt ( - 4/21/1660) and his son Abraham ben Menahem Lichtenstadt ( - 1695) and Lieberman Lichtenstadt mentioned along with Hayyim Todros OR Salomon Oettingen Lichtenstadt, son of Abraham Aaron Lichtenstadt, had become engaged to Schifra, the youngest daughter of R. Wolf Wedeles OR Avraham Aharon Lichtenstadt (died 1702) Court Jew OR land primas Abraham Aaron Oettingen-Lichtenstadt (mentioned in 1689) and Reb Jacob Lichtenstadt, who presided as parnas of the province until his death, and possessed enormous riches OR Abraham Lichtenstadt on Wolf family web site OR Hindel Rakhel bat Moshe Lichtenstadt (1725 Eisenstadt - 1752 Wien) on Eskeles page OR Edel Lichtenstadt (d. 1708 Altona-Hamburg) OR Rabbi Hayim Lichtenstadt mentioned in a letter (1674-75), possibly same as Hayyim /Joachim/Lichtenstadt primas of 1660 OR Rabbi Feisch Manes Halfan Lichtenstadt, possibly same as Feischel Liechtenstadt OR Moses Kallmens Lichtenstadt OR Abraham Liberman Lichtenstadt?
Note: Judaica Bohemiae .. On January 28, 1698, a decree concerning new elections was issued, ordering that the functions of governors be divided according to the aforementioned instructions. With the exception of the one appointed neutral governor, the others were to be elected. The electors were obliged to elect four candidates from each of the two permitted parties. The elections were held in mid-March (before March 17). While Samuel Taussig Sachsel who kept his title of primas, 340) Selig Libochowitz, Aaron Katz Reiterles and Lazar Michael Wien were elected on behalf of the Sachsel party, Wolf Wedeles, Löbl ben Gerschom Karpeles, Seckel Aaron Raudnitz and Aber Schnürdreher were elected on behalf of the Bondy-Todres party. The Bohemian Chamber appointed Feit Fanta 341) as the ninth, neutral governor. Usually, Fanta voted with Samuel Taussig. It is worth noting that the prominent secular function was re-assumed by Rabbi Wolf Wedeles, a man who was the true Land Rabbi for one-half of Bohemia and pretender to the post of Chief Rabbi of Prague!..
*another wife of Salman Wien: Malke unknown *geni *see also descendants on Loew page
Note: Tombstone 11408, year 1714: On Monday the 5th of tammuz, which corresponds with Monday 18 June 1714, the rabbi, our teacher Ascher Anschel Spiro, member of the beth din, teacher of responses and torah teachings, and head of the community of the Zigeuner (gipsy) synagogue, son of the head and leader, the important rabbi Michal from Vienna. *see stories from Vienna page 180
*another wife of rabbi David Wiener (David Michal Wien): Elen LICHTENSTADT Father: Abraham (see Lichtenstadt family) *geni-more
Note: JE: any relation to Bella Horwitz, daughter of the martyr Be'er ben Hezekiah ha-Levi Horwitz and wife of Joseph ben Ḥayyim Ḥazzan, who died at Prague in 1713 In 1705 she published "Gesch. des Hauses David." In conjunction with Rachel Porges, the wife of Löb Porges, she edited a primeval history, mostly legendary, of the Prague Jews, entitled "Eine Schöne Geschichte, so Ist Geschehen, Ehe noch Jehudim zu Prag Gewohnt." She also wrote a "Teḥinnah" for the ten penitential days
Judaica Bohemiae: Prague Jews and Judah Hasid. A Study on the Social, Political and Religious History of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries -Part One. What is remarkable about the group of the most wealthy people in the ghetto is the high proportion of close relatives of the late Chief Rabbi gaon Simon SPIRA. R. Katriel KROTOSCHIN was his son-in-law, Wolf Anshel FRENKEL his grandson, Rabbi Michael WIEN his nephew, Wolf SPIRA WEDELES his son, Rabbi Leib NEUSTÄDTL (NASCH) the husband of SPIRA’s granddaughter Slawa SCHLACKENWERTH. Simon’s grandson was the brother of Slawa, Rabbi Aharon Sinai SCHLACKENWERHTH. The immediate family also included Rabbi Naftali BRANDES, the husband of Simon’s granddaughter Judita and Rabbi David Michal WIEN, Simon’s great nephew. Only four people in the top ten were not members of the SPIRA clan. It is hard to believe that such an extensive concentration of property in a single family would have gone unnoticed at the time.
Top 20 wealthy men in Prague |
ghetto 1687 |
1 | Rabbi Katriel KROTOSCHIN | Sch.M. 125 | 11 | Rabbi Baruch NEUSTÄDTL (NASCH) | Sch.M. 60 |
2 | Rabbi Wolf Anshel FRENKEL | Sch.M. 120 | 12 | Rabbi Jacob ben Gershon BRANDES | Sch.M. 60 |
3 | Rabbi Michael WIEN | Sch.M. 110 | 13 | Rabbi Israel DUSCHENES | Sch.M. 58 |
4 | Rabbi Wolf SPIRA WEDELES | Sch.M. 95 | 14 | Rabbi Leib R. G. KARPELES | Sch.M. 55 |
5 | Rabbi Leib NEUSTÄDTL (NASCH) | Sch.M. 85 | 15 | Rabbi Naftali Gershon BRANDES | Sch.M. 55 |
6 | Rabbi David AUSTERLITZ | Sch.M. 85 | 16 | Rabbi Simha PIK | Sch.M. 55 |
7 | Jacob Muntes ROßTÄUSCHER | Sch.M. 70 | 17 | Rabbi Zalman YT BONDI | Sch.M. 55 |
8 | Hirschl Zimel POLL | Sch.M. 65 | 18 | Rabbi Zanwil TACHI | Sch.M. 55 |
9 | Rabbi Aharon Katz PLANTA | Sch.M. 65 | 19 | Rabbi Chajim Faubers TAUSK | Sch.M. 55 |
10 | Rabbi Aharon S. SCHLACKENWERH | Sch.M. 60 | 20 | Rabbi David R. Michael WIEN | Sch.M. 55 |
JE 19 Menahem Zion b. Meïr Spira: a native probably of Speyer, Germany. He wrote in 1430 "Ziyyuni" (Cremona, 1560), a cabalistic commentary on the Pentateuch, prefaced by a song for the Sabbath and enumerating the labors forbidden on that day. Bibliography: Steinschneider, Cat. Munich, codices 68, 76.; Landshuth. l.c. p. 193;Zunz, S. P. p. 110; idem, Literaturgesch. p. 523.
JE 11 Isaac Kohen-Spira: Died: in 1582 at Kraków (Cracow), Poland = son of David Kohen-Spira. officiated as rabbi in Cracow, was the father-in-law of Rabbi Meïr Lublin. He had a namesake and contemporary, Isaac Kohen-Spira, who was probably rabbi at Kreminiec, and afterward at Cracow. Bibliography: Frankel, Zeitschrift, iii. 386; Ha-Karmel, xii. 658; J. B. R., Bemerkungen zu I. M. Zunz Ir ha-Zedek, p. 18, Brody, 1878.
JE 9 Isaac Spira: Died: March 16, 1711 in Lviv (Lemberg), current Ukraine = son of Eliezer Spira. wrote "Elef ha-Magen" (notes on the four ritual codices), printed by his son Nathan Spira (Zolkiev, 1732).
JE 17 Jacob Kohn - Spira = son of Isaac Spira. lived at Lviv (Lemberg), current Ukraine in the 17th century. He was the author of "Be'er Mayim Ḥayyim" (Cracow, 1616), a commentary on the Pentateuch and on Rashi's commentary. Bibliography: Buber, l.c. p. 112.
JE 13 Isaac ben Nathan Spira: Born: 1624 Died: 1649 in Kraków (Cracow), Poland = son of Rabbi Nathan. Polish merchant. He was a man of means, and when, in May, 1641, the Jewish community of Cracow was financially embarrassed he voluntarily made it a loan of 800 Polish gulden in gold. When, toward the end of the eighteenth century, his tombstone began to decay, the community showed its gratitude by erecting a new one. Bibliography: Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. iv. 1207; Fürst, l.c. iii. 372; Friedberg, Luhot Zikkaron, pp. 61-62, Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1904.
JE 15 Israel ben Nathan Spira (aka. Israel ha-Darshan) Died: 1700: scholar, rabbi, and preacher of the seventeenth century;. While still young he was called to Kalisz in Poland, where he founded a large school which soon became famous. Among his most prominent pupils were Jehiel Michael Segal and Selig Margolioth. Israel was the author of "Bet Yisrael," a commentary on the "Hilkot Shehitah," of which 201 paragraphs appeared in Berlin in 1726. Appended thereto was a second work. "Bet Perez," a commentary on the treatise Megillah which he wrote in honor of his son-in-law. Bibliography: Benjacob, Ozar ha-Sefarim, p. 74;Friedberg, l.c. pp. 7-10.
JE 16 Jacob ben David ha-Kohen Spira: rabbi of Nový Jičín (Neutitschein), Moravia in 17th and 18th centuries; relative of Isaac ben David Spira. He was the author of "Ohel Ya'akob," haggadic novellæ (Frankfort - on - the - Oder, 1719). His sons Moses Moeschel and Isaac severally added to it "Likkutim" to difficult passages in the Midrash and Yalkut and novellæ to Yoreh De'ah. Bibliography: Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 1257; Nepi-Ghirondi, Toledot Gedole Yisrael, p. 187; Benjacob, l.c. p. 19; Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael, p. 577; Azulai, Shem ha-Gedolim, ii. 3; Fürst, l.c. i. 17.
JE 18 Judah Löb Spira (Pap): Rabbi of the 17th and 18th centuries; officiated probably in Frankfort-on-the-Main. He was the author of "Ha-Rekasim la-Bik'ah" (Altona, 1815), containing brief notes on the Bible. Bibliography: Steinschneider, l.c. col. 1373; Fürst, l.c. iii. 372.
JE 22 Nathan Nata Spira: Died: 1662 Reggio, Italy = son of Reuben David Spira, associate rabbi of Cracow. He was sent from Jerusalem to Germany and Italy to collect alms. Most of his works are cabalistic in nature, including "Tub ha-Arez" (Venice, 1655; Zolkiev, 1781), on the excellencies of the Holy Land, on the holy vessels, etc.; "Yayin ha-Meshummar" (ib. 1660), on "Yayin Nesek"; "Mazzot Shimmurim" (ib. 1665), on the mezuzah, zizit, etc. Azulai saw the manuscripts of his religious discourses and of several of his cabalistic works. Bibliography: Azulai, l.c. i. 148; De Rossi-Hamberger, Hist. Wörterb. p. 301; Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 2051.
JE 21 Nathan Nata Spira: Died: Nov. 13, 1761 in Eibenschütz = son of Selig Spira and grandson of Nathan Nata Spira. He was rabbi in various communities, his last charge being at Eibenschütz, in Moravia, where he officiated only one year, dying in early manhood. Bibliography: Dembitzer, Kelilat Yofe, i. 118 (contains Spira's epitaph, in which must be read instead of
JE 3 Aryeh Löb Spira (aka Klein Löb) Born: 1701 Died: May 19, 1761 in Vilnius (Wilna), Lithuania = son of Isaac Spira. (see image) Holograph Letter of Baruch Spinoza, Dated 1665. (From Van Vloten and Land, "Benedicti De Spinoza Opera."); associate rabbi in Wilna. At the age of seventeen he corresponded with the rabbi of the Karaites at Troki. Aryeh Löb acquired a knowledge of mathematics and Hebrew grammar. He wrote "Nahalat Ariel" and "Me'on 'Arayot" (Dyhernfurth, 1732), a double commentary on the treatise Soferim. Bibliography: Buber, Anshe Shem, p. 118; Fuenn, Kiryah Ne'emanah, pp. 111 et seq. (contains Spira's epitaph).
*see also Miscellaneous Names page from Judaica Bohemiae documents
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012