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April 2011 - Joined GENI - Please Join our "Geni Family Group" - and Help Us Migrate Your Relatives :)
*Some of the information already added on Geni -- Last update: February 13, 2011
BEYKOVSKY /BEJKOVSKY *geni - see also descendants on Peter Lowe site
Note: Schwenda Familiant book (HBF 45) lists him as son of Samuel with wife Anna Bondy and sons, Jakob, Philip, Samuel, Joseph & Salomon. Not sure who he married 1st, therefore which wife is the mother of whom OR any relation to Mina Lustig (1799 -) + Philiph Geiringer (1798 -) on Geiringer page research group-5?
Note: see Maria Reinischer Note on Stern page: Joseph Reinischer "..spirit disteller. In the householslived There were also Isac Schwarzenber unmarried from Stadt Mittawodenn in Churfürst Kurland and Abraham Stransky unmarried from Muttitzer Pezlinowsker Freisasenviertel. Isac worked in the spirit distillery and Abraham with potach." and Franciska (nee ?) Stern who in 1793 lived in Jindřichův Hradec (Neuhaus), had a house in Svihov (Schwihau), was tenent of the spirit distillery (Pachterin des Brandwein und Flusshauses) in Jindřichův Hradec. "..Markus Stransky from Habern Czaslauer district also servant.."
OR any relation to Ludmilla Stransky (ca. 1790's) + Joachim Mautner of Sudoměřice on Arnstein page?
*2nd husband of Elizabeth: Victor ULLMANN Born: Jan 1, 1898 in Teschen. Married: Oct 15, 1941. ocupation: Composer. Arrested In Prague Sep 8, 1942, Terezin, deported to Auschwitz Oct 16, 1944. Terezin Book: Transport Bf- 8 Sep 1942 to Terezin. Transport Er- 16.10.1944 to Auschwitz. Died: abt Oct 18, 1944 in Auschwitz Siblings: Maximilian Ullmann, Paul Ullmann (11/21/1940 - 1/14/1943 Theresienstadt) Father: Maximilian Ullmann Mother: Malvine Billitzer *1st wife of Victor: Anna WINTERNITZ *2nd wife of Victor: Martha KOREF Born: Nov 2, 1894 Died: 1942 in Treblinka
Note: any relation to Olga Winternitz (5/4/1900 - 1/6/1986 Dundas, Ontario, Canada) & Gustav Gärtner (12/15/1888 - 2/13/1988 Dundas, Ontario) on Pollak page?
Note: any relation to Amalia Reach of Prague, residence 1890s apartment in Vinohrady Prague & dr. Leopold Feigl (abt 1813 - 9/13/1856) on Arnstein page OR Julie Hermann (1905-1944) & Vilos Gärtner (1887-abt 1942) on Pollak page?
*4th wife of Fritz: Eliska PSEMCKA Married: Mar 16, 1971 Died: Dec 7, 1976 in Prague?
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Note: any relation to Elsa Rubichek (abt 1893 - 3/7/1943) & Richard Gärtner (9/1/1886 - 3/7/1943) and Edith Roubichek (1/20/1903 - 2/6/1984) & Erich Gärtner (4/5/1890 - abt 1943) on Pollak page OR Trude Roubitschek & Franz Mosauer (1911-1969) on Glaser page?
*1st husband of Emma Deller: (?) GOLDSAND Residence 1939: emigrated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Note: Julius: tenant of an estate near Velen Subpächter der Firma Schoeller & co. in Sluha Post Mesic in 1910 Transport Am Praha to Terezin 24.4.1942; died Terezin 10.6.42 p/c Hauptgrundbuchsblatt, p/c Meldeamt 1913: Zustandig , Sluha. Letter from Fritz 12.6.45 Kamilla died in Terezin?, transport Am Praha to Terezin 24.4.1942; died Terezin 17.7.42
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*2nd wife of Josef Bejkovsky: Rosalie (?) Born: 1820 Married: Jun 6, 1869 *1st husband of Rosalie: Wolf DUB Died: bef 1869 *Vienna cem. has Rosalia Beykowsky (abt 1850 - 12/10/1929) bur/w Julie Fischer (1863 - 10/27/1931), Karoline Glück (1861 - 7/26/1934) OR Rosalia (nee Pollak) Bejkovsky ( - Vienna)
Note: any relation to Elizabeth Ornstein & Ignatz Fuchs, grain tradesman in Tabor, parents of Karoline Fuchs (4/6/1874 Tabor m. 1894 Prague - ) & Emil Pollak (1863 Bystřice res. Prague ca. WW-I - aft. 1938) on Pollak page?
*2nd wife of Samuel Bejkovsky: Katharina POLACEK Married: Jun 16, 1794 *geni *any relation to Polacek (Pollaczek) families in the Note section on our Bohm page?
Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2012