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extracts from Judaica Bohemiae documents
Prague parties were named after their leaders. The party leader in the 1650s and 1660s, Hayyim (Joachim) Mendel Lichtenstadt. Ziskind Bumsla (Bunzel) left the Bunzel party at the end of 1660s. Baruch Neustädtl, moved over to Liga. Behind this certainly dramatic move was a property litigation with his brother Leib Neustädtl. Family disputes, probably involving property matters, were also behind the departure of another wealthy figure, the above-mentioned Jacob Brandeis (who joined Liga in the second half of the 1680s). The enmity between Jacob Brandeis and his two brothers Naftali and Samuel came to a head in 1693 with a memorable affray in the Lesser Town.163) There were also shifts to the opposite side. In the mid-1660s Elias Marle (1602–1682) moved over to Catena, although he was back in the Lichtenstadt party by the beginning of the 1670s. In the latter part of the 17th century, the first faction bore two names: Bunzel and Bondy. The first title came from Ziskind ben Simha Bumsla (Bunzel) (died 1676), the second from Ezriel (Israel) Bondy (died 1716). During that same period, the opposing party used more names: Lichtenstadt, Marle, Abeles and Sachsel. These designations were derived from Menahem Mendel Lichtenstadt (died 1660) and his son Abraham ben Menahem Lichtenstadt (died 1695) Elias Marle (died bef.1669), Moses ben David Abeles (died 1694), Isaac Taussig Sachsel (Sachs) (died 1691) and his son Samuel (died 1724). The third, Todres faction bore the name of its founder Moses Hayyim ben Elazar Todres Mezia (died 1709). The Bondy faction referred to as "Catena" i.e. chain was chiefly a party of the wealthy, whereas the Sachsel faction was termed "Liga", was a party of the mediumly well-to-do families OR Wolf Wedeles's principal competitor in the rabbinical court, R. Feisch Manes Halfan Lichtenstadt or Moses Kallmens Lichtenstadt
Chief Rabbi of Prague, Moses Mendeles, who lost his position in 1623 on the basis of an ignoble denunciation by Jacob Bassevi. In the 1650s, a more important role in the party of the rich was played by the family of Ziskind Bumsel, in the 1660s and 1670s by the families of Jeiteles, Raudnitz and Koynes, and from the 1680s onwards by the families of Spira-Wedeles and Bondy related by marriage. Among the party elite in the last quarter of the seventeenth century were Jakob Raudnitz (d. 1678?), Moses Koynes-Ulma (d. 1691), Jonas Jeiteles (d. bef. 1729), Ezriel (Israel) Bondy (d. 1716), Salomon Bondy (d. 1736), Wolf Wedeles (1640–1715), Löbl Karpeles (d. 1725) and Zekel Aron Raudnitz (d. before 1718), Isaac Taussig + Muschkat (?), their son primas Samuel Taussig Sachsel. *2nd husband of Muschkat: Abraham Aaron Oettingen Lichtenstadt. Samuel's son-in-law: R. Baruch Austerlitz, his nephew: Hayyim OR primas Moses Abeles died Nov 4, 1694. The Abeles party supported R. Abraham Broda
The Todres party R. Gabriel Elkesch (Eskeles) who came from the renowned Maharal family. (Moses Hayyim Todres, son Hirsch and Gabriel Elkesch were relatives). The successful and wealthy businessman "morenu we-ha-rav-rabenu (mwhr)" R. Hayyim Todres was also rabbi at the Klausen Synagogue and, from 1693 onwards, at the Pinkas Synagogue. In 1696, Todres' adherents included: Löwel Wehle, Lachman Raudnitz, Israel Duschens, Josef Marle, Baruch Ausers, Abraham Singer, Abraham Schnürdreher, Schmelke Winternitz OR Joachim Roßtheusch[er] Todros OR Mordecai Jeiteles moved away from Prague in 1686, his brother is Hirsch Jeiteles OR in 1665 Meir ben Isaac Tausk (father of future primas Isaac Sachsl and rabbi Simon Sacerdot Katz) and Samuel Tausik Sachsl, who was still young in 1687, paid only 6 Sch.M. in property tax. After the death of his father Isaac in 1691, he inherited his extensive property and undoubtedly belongedto the upper class OR R. Moses Malach (Engel) alias Moses Back famous printer, R. Nehemie (Nahman) Raudnitz, R. Obadiah ben Isakhar Beer, Zelig Schmuel Singer OR Prague native Ester bat Samuel Jekels, a widow of Judah Berlin, to whom they sent a special envoy, Abraham ben David Ginsburg
1687 Property Taxes: Lemmel Lichtenstadt [4], Hirschl Simon Garteles (Jeiteles) [5], Joachimb Israel [6], Sekel Aaron Raudnitz [8], Wolf Karpel [20]. Samuel Abraham Jekeles [5], Wolf Isack [4], Lebl Isack Tausk [5], Markus Joseph [4], Aron Selig Kalman [8], Lipman Selig [6], Schlome Ber Höckling [–], Noach Leb Klein [5], Jakob Leb Tausk [6], Isack Joseph Khue [4], Joseph Anschel [–], Isack Leb Tausk [–], Mandl Hirsch Lotz /Arbeter/ [4], Isack Jacob Maul [5], Isack Jacob Hylens ? [–], Schlome Jacob Maul [3], Jokel Salamon [8], Gabriel Samuel Pusch [4 ], Mayer Markus Stum [3], Hirschel Ura [4], Salomon Smul [–], Kasriel Fleischer [pasul], David Jacob Mazil [4] und Moyses Isack Brandeis [10], Samuel Lebl Tausk Fleischhacker [15], Lasser Bezallels [9], Moyses Juda [–], Juda Löbl [3], Beer Juda [5], Simche Ausch [–], Löbl (Moses) Brandeis [4] OR supervision of students was carried out by six elected inspectors: in 1688 this post was filled by: Wolf Gräz, Mayer Bierschänck, Abraham Simha Enoch, Simon Berlin, Wolf Beer Chaskes, Kallman Seelig Schreiber; in 1689: Jacob Beniamin Popper, Isaac Neustädtl, Salamon Wolff Kheffez, Marcus Basch, Moyses Eißenstadt, Naftele Karpeles
1688 Property Taxes: 1688. Erwählten Beambten, aus der Prager Judenschaft / Eltiste 1. Primas Ißrael (Ezriel) Bondi [50 ß*/ 177Fl.44 kr], 2. Joachimb Todres [20 ß/ 35 Fl.26 kr], 3. Jonas Jayteles [37 ß/ 20Fl. 2 kr], 4. Seelig Libochowiz (Jebrak) [7 ß/ 39Fl], 5. Aaron Katz Planta [65 ß/ 223Fl. 37 kr],.. Gemain Eltiste: 1. Lieberman Liechtenstadt [6 ß/ 7Fl. 51 kr], 2. Salamon Bondi [55 ß/ 124Fl.58 kr], 3. Jeckel Strakoniz [7 ß/ 0], 4. Löbl Neustädtl [85 ß/ 60Fl.53 kr], 5. Laßar Siskhünd Bunzl [10 ß/ 4 Fl.14 kr]... Beysitzere: 1. Jacob Jerusalem [45 ß/ 152Fl.55 kr], 2. Abrahamb Bassevi [=R. Abram (nekhed) R. L. Basch 8 ß/0], 3. Lipman Borges [7 ß/ 11Fl.53 kr], 4. Samuel Thorsch [6 ß/ 1Fl.49 kr], 5. Samuel Koreff [6 ß/0], 6. Gerschel Kaffkes [7 ß/ 17Fl.18 kr], 7. Benjamin Utitz [7 ß/ 4Fl.9 kr], 8. Selig Büschitz [16 ß/ 36Fl.43 kr], 9. Sender Schermer [-(pasul)/ 7kr.], 10. Anschel Schulhoff [15 ß/ 5 Fl.11 kr.], 11. Wolf Liebeschitz [26 ß/ 85Fl.15 kr], 12. Marcus Fanta [– (pasul)/ 57Fl.8 kr], 13. Sanwel (Sabel) Schable [17 ß/ 41Fl.24 kr.], 14. Löbl Wähle [15 ß/ 23Fl.3 kr], 15. Moyßes Satan [4 ß/ 26Fl.23 kr.], 16. Salamon Straschiz [19 ß/ 7Fl.7 kr], 17. Löbl Fanta [- (pasul)/ 39Fl. 3kr]...”
1689 Property Taxes: “Anno 1680 den 10 Januarii Raths Wahl / Die Eltisten, Isaac Sax Primas [40 ß/109 Fl. 33 kr], Israel Bondi [50 ß*/177Fl.44 kr], Isaac Raudnitz [died before 1683], Moyses Koynes [- (pasul)/106 Fl.54 kr], Isaac Chayes [d. 1687], Gemein Eltiste / Anschel Schulhoff [15 ß/ 5Fl.11kr], Sabl Wahle [d. 1682], Wolf Freundt [- (pasul)/1Fl.58 kr], Wolf Klabor [-(pasul)/perdon 16 Fl.43 kr], David Josl Praedicant [d. 1680], Beysitzer: Sabel Schable [17 ß/41 Fl.24 kr], Sender Schermer [-(pasul)/ 7 kr], Michel Wiener [110 ß/ 63Fl.46 kr], Eliaß Libekh [- (pasul)/ 4Fl.57 kr], Löb Neustättl [85 ß/ 60Fl.53 kr], Salomon Koreff [6 ß/0], Chaßka Mislap [7 ß/ 9Fl.34 kr], Lipman Borges (Porges?) [7 ß/ 11Fl.53 kr], Selig Bischitz [16 ß/ 36Fl.43 kr], Kußl Metzls (Jekutiel Lewit, Kußl Melitz) [d. 1684]...”
1698 Elections: While Samuel Taussig Sachsel who kept his title of primas, Selig Libochowitz, Aaron Katz Reiterles and Lazar Michael Wien were elected on behalf of the Sachsel party, Wolf Wedeles, Löbl ben Gerschom Karpeles, Seckel Aaron Raudnitz and Aber Schnürdreher were elected on behalf of the Bondy-Todres party. The Bohemian Chamber appointed Feit Fanta as the ninth, neutral governor
1701 Elections in the Old-New Synagogue: As was generally expected, the capacity of primas was acquired by Samuel Taussig Sachsel. The other persons to become the representative assembly's members are as follows: Moses Hayyim Todres, Selig Josel Libochowitz, Jakob Jerusalem and Meir Kadisch. Elected community elders were Löb ben Gershon Karpeles, Abraham Lichtenstadt (Lasch), Aber Schnürdreher, Pinchas Wiener and Abraham Juda Weltsch. Belonging to Liga were: Samuel Taussig, S. J. Libochowitz and Abraham Lichtenstadt; to the Todres party, apart from Todres himself, Meir Kadisch and Aber Schnüdreher; Löb Karpeles and Jakob Jerusalem were members of Catena. The appurtenance of the other electees is somewhat uncertain; A. J. Weltsch may have belonged to Catena, whereas Pinchas Wiener to Liga. It is worth noting that Ezriel Bondy and Wolf Wedeles did not become members of the assembly. It cannot be precluded that the two men did not run for election..
1702 As members of his team, Samuel Taussig Sachsel chose Israel Duschenes, Lazar Wiener, Moses Jitschin, Löbl Rosenberg and Moses Nachod; his partner Wolf Fränkel opted for Salomon Bondy, Anschel Güntzberg, Lipman Torna, Hirschel Klaber and Jakob Mayer
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