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April 2011 - Joined GENI - Please Join our "Geni Family Group" - and Help Us Migrate Your Relatives :)
*Most information already added on Geni -- info. also provided by Herbert Morawetz, Oskar Morawetz web site, Susan L. Lubow web site -- Last update: February 27, 2011
Pinkas (Glaser) Born: in Bavaria (Bayern), Germany *geni - see also jewishgen Czech Archival Sources on the History of the Jews in the Czech Lands, by Lenka Matusikova
Note: Czech Archival Sources; The 1724 list of Jews, and also the records of the Theresianum from 1715, only mention a Jew called Elias Veith. This man lived in Postoloprty for 44 years, and in 1715 had a wife and 5 children. He held the office of Jewish magistrate or headman in Postoloprty. The information about Elias Veith states that he came to Bohemia from Austria at a very young age, earned his living by trading in linen and other goods, and paid 30 Gulden “protection-money” (Schutzgeld) to the manorial authorities each year. This information about Elias Veith is consistent with the fact, noted in several regional histories, that in 1671 the owner of the estate of Postoloprty, Count von Sinzendorf, brought 55 Jews to his estate who had been banished from Austria. We may speculate that Elias Veith was an ancestor of Elias Wolf Glaser and thus that the history of the Glaser family in Postoloprty can be traced back, rather insecurely, to the later 17th century. However, we cannot have absolute confidence in any of the links before 1783.. Jews settled on the estate of Postoloprty were recorded in 1715, with information going back to 1670.. This 1793 list records the glazier Elias Glaser, with his wife Barbara and his sons Lewi, Simon presently in Vienna, and Isaak. The family is recorded as being under the protection of the estate of Postoloprty. The 1793 list also records for the estate of Lenešice Elias’s son Wolf with his wife Katharina and his 2 sons. They owned a house which had been sold to them by the manorial administration and they lived from potash production..
Note: Czech Archival Sources; ..in 1797 Elias took on the surname Glaser for himself and his unmarried sons Simon, Löbl and Isaak. Elias is the first member of the Glaser family in Postoloprty who can definitely be verified in the sources. His adoption of the surname Glaser is confirmed in the records of the manorial administration of the estate of Postoloprty, currently held in the Regional State Archives in Třeboň. Among other documents, this archive contains official confirmations of adoptions of new first names and surnames by Jews from 1787 onward. As a glazier, Elias Wolf was in 1759 allowed to get married to Barbara Löwenfeld (Löbl). Their 4 sons can only be found in the Book of Jewish families, because the Jewish vital registers in Postoloprty only started in 1788. Oldest son Wolf was allowed to marry Kressel (Katharina) Kofman and gained his own position of licensed Jew on the estate of Lenešice. Wolf’s sons Michael (1787), Pinkas (1791) and Löwy (1796) were born there, while Elias (1807) and Moises (1810) were born in Postoloprty, because Wolf was invited back to occupy his father’s position as licensed Jew there. We do not know how many daughters were born to the family, because the Books of Jewish families only record sons...
Note: any relation to great grandfather of Franz (see Kafka family) *geni; Simon Heller (in Postelberg) & (?) "ch. Emanuel (1806 - ) & Anna Morawetz (of Roudnice) {parents of Klara Heller (1835 - ) & Josef Abeles (in Postelberg) *geni ?
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Note: Louny history by Hugo Gold "
..Z těchto nejstaršich rodin žid., které se usadily v L. již před r. 1860 a domohly se zde jistéhoi blahobytu, možno uvésti vedle staré rodiny Taussigů a rodiny Jáchyma Weila, jenž se po zminěných výtržnostech znova usadil v L., ještě aspoň rodinu Volfa Bulovy, Ludvika Katze, Marka Löwensteina, Jakuba Poláka, Emanuela Propera. Později přistupuj rodiny Neumannů, Kahnů, Neubergů, Hellerů, Glaserů, Getreuerů, Kohnů a j. Na venkově nejstarši rodiny vidime jen ve Vršovicich - uveden již výše Diensteinové, ve Slavětině rodina Reichů, v Citolibech Fantové v Lišfanech Holzelové, v Pobroměřicich a v Hrádku Munkové, v Raně Steinerové, V Chožově Ka(o)hnové?, v Senkove Propperové, v Lenešicich vedle Gllaserů i siará rodina Fdelsteinů, v Zeměchách Gläsnerové, Kahnové i Kohnové, na Pěnici Steinové, v Chlumčanech Taussigové a Fantové, v Ročově Fischlové a jini 4 ).....Dne 8. řijna 1874 došlo k novým volbám představenstva podle nových stanov a zvolen byl za př. Josef Kahn jeho náměstkem Josef Glaser, pokladnikem Josef Heller, kdežto pan David Neumann dostal do konce funkce dvě.. ..k novým volbám v r. 1877, dne 27. pro since a zvolen za př. Herrmann Bulova, jeho nám. Josef Glaser,.. Dne 23. ledna a 13. března 1881 zvolen př. zase Herrmann Bulova, nám. Jos. Glaser, pokl. Sigm. Heller,.. ..Dne 6. ledna a 20. ledna 1884 př. dr, Karel Taussig, nám. Simon Glaser, pokl. Alois Lederer,.. ..Dne 12. ledna a 26. ledna 1890 př. ..doz. s. Simon Glaser. Dne 2. ledna a 22. ledna 1893 př. dr. Adolf Nettl nám. Moric Kahn, pokl. Pavel Stein, doz. s. David Neumann.." *cont'd below on Julius Glaser note
Note: any relation to Anna Lobl bottom of page, Sigmund Löbl (aka Brumml) (bef 1660 Svihov
, Boh. -) OR Jehuda Israel Löbl ( - Nov 8, 1790 Úsov, Mor.), father of Selig Löwy (abt. 1741 Úsov - Oct 3, 1846 Úsov) & Schondl Löwy on Kerry page OR comment on Arnstein page ".. Č. IV. Dům „Stummerů". 1750 koupil Jakub Löbl. One dům od Matěje Pavlička. 1793 postoupil Nathan Arnstein dům č. IV synu Volfu Arnsteinovi, tento synu Nathanu 1840.."
Note: any relation to dr. Adolf Karpeles (1858 -) & Henriette Wolff (1873 -) on Brunner page OR on Lichtenstadt research page Löbl ben Israel Karpeles (bef. 1646 -) OR #14 of 20 wealthy men in Prague ghetto 1687 Löbl ben Gershon Karpeles, related to Rabbi Aaron Ries or Riess (Berlin - ) in group-1 on Spira page OR on Prague Misc. names page Löbl Karpeles ( - 1725) possibly same as Löbl ben Gerschom Karpeles in 1698 elections and 1687 property taxes Naftele Karpeles?
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Note: Louny property parcels history: "..Nevíme, jak to starosta provedl, ale 14. února 1882 sdělil, že spolu s příslušným c. k. nadporučíkem jezdectva zdejší posádky vybral čtyři parcely, na nichž by se jízdárna mohla otevřít. Jednalo se o pole ppč. 1251 židovského statkáře Josefa Glasera (above).. ..Omezíme se na konstatování, že dragounskému nadporučíkovi se nejvíce líbilo místo, jež nabízel Josef Glaser, a to jeho část ležící těsně za ohradou pana Antonína Teutschera. Bylo vzdáleno pouhých 310 metrů od kasáren, mělo předepsané rozměry a vedla k němu ze silnice cesta. Pan Glaser ovšem při dalším jednání uvedl, že pole ppč. 1251 je sice jeho, že však je i s hospodářstvím pronajal svému bratru Simonovi, a to s plným a neomezeným užívacím právem. A právě pan Simon Glaser se nakonec vyjádřil, že posádce nevyhoví, protože se nechce vzdát oněch 2888 m2 za Teutscherovou ohradou..
..U vědomí těchto podmínek se starosta a městská rada opět pokusili vyhovět. Když 28. srpna Hilbert koncipoval pro okresní hejtmanství dopis o výsledcích podniknutých kroků, konstatoval, že jsou nabízeny pozemky: ppč. 1217 (rytmistr Jindřich Günther z Loun), ppč. 1248 (Josef Valter z Loun), ppč. 1251 (Simon Glaser z Loun), ppč. 1259 (Antonín a Josef Gutwirthovi z Loun), ppč. 1261 (František Drtina) a nově také ppč. 1264 (Čeněk Drexler z Cítolib).."
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Note: any relation to + Georg Spitz married Mar 12, 1919 + Helene Weiseles (Jan 01, 1890 -) on Rindskof page OR Hugo Moser was in business with Robert Spitz, distant relative originating from Teplice (Teplitz) on his maternal side of the family. Relationship between Georg Spitz, Robert Spitz and Babette Spitz (1843-1888) on Moser page is unknown at this time
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Note: any relation to on this site: Adam Bloch (Kundratice?
/Kundratitz, Czech -) & Josepha Hahn (abt. 1812 Kdyně (Neugedein), Boh. -) children Jonas, Leopold, Barbara of Studeinbach? on Hahn page, Dov-Ber Bloch (abt 1787 Dubrovno, Belarus -) + Batsheva (?) on Gaon of Vilna page, Israel Bloch (Feb 18, 1845 Rethel - Mar 5, 1923 Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, Alsace, France) + Jeanne Thérèse Debré (Dec 31, 1849 Westhoffen, Bas Rhin, Alsace - Feb 18, 1869 Westhoffen) on Stern page, Natan Bloch (Dlouhá Ves
(Langendorf), Klatovy region, Boh. - 1849 Svihov) + Rosl Brumml (abt 1786 Svihov -) daughter Rachel on Löbl page, Rebeka Bloch + Mathias Fantl, parents of Wilhelm Fantl (Jun 21, 1844 Javornice
likely Dub, Prachatice region, Boh. married May 06, 1875 Myslkovice
, Boh. - Sep 22, 1925 České Budějovice) on Posamentir page, Mr. S. Bloch married 1867 + Karoline Adler (Jul 10, 1845 -) on Adler page, Mr. Bloch (ca. late 1700's ) + Louise Kreutzenach on Wertheimer page OR on this site research pages Mr. Bloch + Julie Grünhut (1841 in Votice
Wottitz, Boh. -) on Grünhut C-group #16, Elisabeth Bloch (1848 in? residence Kral Vinohrady, Prague -) + Mr. Grünhut on 2nd page group-16?
- Victor Felix GLASER Born: Oct 31, 1914 in Prague, Bohemia. Died: Oct 11, 1979 in Florida + Jirina "Gina" Ludmila NOVAK Born: private
- Alexander "Sacha" GLASER Born: Sep 4, 1920 in Prague, Bohemia. Died: Mar 8, 1944 in Auschwitz concentration camp, Poland
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Note: any relation to Herman Bejkovsky & Anna Bondy & Marie Lustig (mid 1700's - ), daughter of Abraham Lustig of Zvestov & Rosalie (?) on Bejkovsky page OR Hanus Lustig (abt 1920's - ) + Alix Rode on Rindskopf page OR Mina Lustig (1799 -) + Philiph Geiringer (1798 -) on Geiringer page research group-5?
Note: any relation to Anton Mosauer, son of Bernhard Mosauer & Sophie Lowenbein, son of Albert Mosauer & Slowe Baruch, daughter of Bar Baruch & Lea Deschenes (1782 -), daughter of Loebel Duschenes ( - Dec 8, 1792) & Chille Cheile Popper ( - May 17, 1774), etc. on Sharon Okouneff genealogy site OR in Vienna cem. Bernhard Mosauer (abt 1841 - bur. 2/12/1914) age 73 + Regine (?) (abt 1851 - bur. 12/21/1919) age 68 with Dr. Edmund Kraus (abt 1876 - 1/11/1931) age 55?
Note: any relation to Elsa Rubichek (1893 - 3/7/1943) & Richard Gärtner (9/1/1886 - 3/7/1943) and Edith Roubichek (1/20/1903 - 2/6/1984) on Pollak page + Erich Gärtner (4/5/1890 - abt 1943) OR Marie Roubicek (1820/30 -) + Josef Steiner (res. Dobreny near Kutna Hora) on Beykovsky page OR the 33 (nee Roubiček's) on Prague cons. registry?
Note: any relation to descendants of Abraham Löwy (abt. 1700 arriving 1716 in Úsov, Moravia - 10/29/1774 Úsov) & Torriah (?) on Kerry page, Lazar Löwy of Bratislava, Slovakia & Chulde Strauss of Frankfurt a. Main, Germany, parents of Leopold Löwy of Bratislava, gründer der Fa. Mendl & Löwy (1866) + Hermine Lederer of Česká Lípa, Boh., parents of Alfred Löwy (July 15, 1871 Vienna - Nov 17, 1901) occupation: Kaufmännische Ausbildung in Fürth, London, Amerika + Frida Wolf (Jan 21, 1877 Eisenstadt - Jul 11, 1963 Haifa, Israel) on Wolf page, Moritz Löwy + Saly Beran of Šaštín
(Stráže, Slovakia), parents of Henriette (Jety) Löwy (1832/38 - 1885 or 1920) *2nd wife of + Moritz Geiringer (Jun 2/4, 1834/36 Stupava, Slovakia - 1902) on Geirnger page, Salomon Löwy (1834 Myslkovice
, Boh. married: May 24, 1865 Sobeslau -) + Franziska Posamentir (Jun 13, 1844 Myslkovice, Boh. -), parents of Julius, Sofia, Ludmilla, Bertha, Hermina on Posamentir page, Mrs. Löwy + Beno Tauber (1853-1925) on Wolf page OR on this site research pages: Bertha Löwy + Samuel Hirsch, parents of Laura Hirsch (9.8.1874 Karlovy Vary married 14.2.1897 Prague -) + Philipp Grünhut merchant from Varnsdorf, Boh. on Grünhut page OR on external Posamentir-Stein site: Wolf Löwy (1786 Cernovice, Boh. - Apr 18, 1865 - Horepnik) + Rachel Stein (Oct 22, 1791 Horepnik - Nov 11, 1855 Horepnik), parents of Sarah Löwy (1821-) + Philip Stein (abt 1820 Votice, married Aug 19, 1856 Horepnik, Bohemia -)?
*see virtual cemetery: Julius Glaser (6/7/1863 Lenešice, Louny - 4/15/1939 Louny) and Klara (Brunner) Glaser dates/loc. added above
OR any relation to Prague cons. card Samuel Brunner (1825 Dobříš - 8.4.1912),
Marie Löwy "typo Liroy" (1830 Skřipel? -),
Sigmund Brunner (1853 Bezdědice part of Hostomice -),
Anna Brunner (1856 Bezdědice-),
Karolina Brunner (1861 Hostomice -),
Nikolaus Brunner (1866-),
Pauline Brunner (1869-),
Emma Brunner (1871-) and Klara Brunner (1873-)?
Note: Louny history by Hugo Gold "
..Dne 1. prosince a 8. prosince 1895 př. Julius Gláser,. ..Dne 29. června a 18. července 1897 zvolen sice Hynek Bulova za př., ale vzdal se pro churavost a zá něho zvolen zase Julius Glaser,. .. Dne 17. června a 8. července 1903 př. dr. Adolf Nettl, který však v dubnu 1905 opustil L. a odstěhoval se do Teplic, takže po něm na mimořádné valné schůzi zvolen př. dr. Karel Taussig. Nám. Pavel Stein, pekl. Jul. Glaser, účet. Leop. Freud, doz. s. Bernard Fischer. Dne 14. června a 25. června 1906 př. JUDr. Karel Thon, nám. dr. Karel Taussig, pokl. Siegfried Getreuer, úč. Julius Glaser, doz. s. Bedřich Novák. Dne 8. zář 1909 a 11. zář 1909 př. dr. Thon, nám. Pavel Stein, pokl. Jindřich Fanta, úč. Alois Stern, otec chudých Emil Heller, doz. s. Bedřich Novák. Dne 8. zář a 10. zář 1912 př. dr. Singer, nám. Pavel Stein, pokl. Julius Glaser, úč. Alois Stern, otec chudých Karel Kahn, doz. s. Bedřich Novák.. ..Již v r. 1885 vyskytla se myšlenka postaviti si vlastni dům židovský v L. pro účely spolkové, školni atd. K tomu účelu zvoleno komité stavebni, jehož členy byli pánové Isnác Bulova, Simon Glaser, David Neumann, Sigmund Taussig a dr. Adolf Nettl.. ..Jako padli přislušnici ž. o. lounské uváděj se: Ant. Glaser, Bedřich Heller, Vilém Heller a Arnošt Kraus z L,. ..Dnem 1. února 1918 nastoupil v L. dnešni rb. dr. Ludvik Brunner.."
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Note: any relation to Olga Pollak, daughter of Adolf Pollak (4/25/1830 Humpolec
- 6/13/1913 Bad Ischl, Austria) & Klara Morawetz (4/23/1842 Úpice, Bohemia - 4/7/1919 Vienna) on Pollak page OR Prague cards: Otto Glaser (1867 -) & Olga Smolka (1875 -) and Otto Glaser (1867 Teresov? -) & Olga (?) (1875 -) OR the 96 Pollak's on Prague cons. registry?
- Lilli GLASER Died: 1930's suicide + Bruno OESTREICHER
- Heinz OESTREICHER (changed to WALSH) went to England in a Kindertransport with his brother Herbert and were taken in by a minister of religion
Herbert OESTREICHER (changed to WALSH) Born: Jul 11, 1923 in Teplice (Teplitz), Bohemia. Died: Sep 12, 1945 in Heston west London, England during WW-II
Note: Herbert was a sub lieutenant in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve. On the day of his death, his aircraft suffered a malfunction over Heston, which meant that it was going to crash. Instead of bailing out of the aircraft, Herbert stayed with it to ensure that it did not hit any houses below. In doing this, he gave his life to save others
- Kaethe GLASER Died: perished in Terezin unmarried
- Babette "Mimi" GLASER came to the UK in the 1920’s + (?)
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Contact: Peter Rohel, 42 Cardigan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M8Z-2W2 | Copyright: © 2004-2014