Isaia *geni > had a son Josias (Joshua = became Joseph
abt. 1740
in Bohemia, Czech? + Barbara NETTEL *geni > who hat at least 2 sons; David and Moses below *any relation to? on geni Jakob Nettel & Katharina Kahn? <parents of Michael Nettel (1772 - 3/27/1825 Velká Bukovina 50, Chvalkovice, Náchod, Bohemia, Czech)
Note: Morawetz:
Census 1793, vol 4, p. 376
Königgrätzer Kreis, Herrschaft Nachod, Eypel Stadtl (einzige Familie):
Josias Morawetz, Gehört in Schutz nach Ledetsch Czaslauer Kreis (bei Ledetsch vorfindig), Brantweinbrenner, als erstgeborener und der Vater bei Nachod existiert, Weib Barbara, erstgeborener Sohn Dawid, ledig, zweitgeborener Sohn Moses, ledig AND Rudolf Morawetz - Ledeč n. s. Č.S.R
"První ledečská mechanická továrna na kartáče a štětce" OR see Oskar Morawetz web site developed by his daughter Claudia, with an extensive profile of her father's musical career, great deal of information and pictures of Morawetz ancestors, descendants and friends
David MORAWETZ Born: 1771 Died: 1823 age 52 est + Barbara KOHN Born:
1774 Died: 1842 age 68 est *geni
- Philipp (Filip) MORAWETZ Born: 1810 in ? Died: Oct 2, 1875 in Vienna, Austria *prev. here 1870 + Babette Barbara (see OBERLÄNDER family) Born:
1818 in ?Úpice (Eipel), Bohemia. Died: 1875 age 57 est
Father: Jakob (Jakub) Oberländer (1774 Náchod, Bohemia, Czech - 1862) Mother: Anna Lewit (1791-1883) *geni
Note: see Morawetz & Oberländer families in Upice history
3/11/2007 Tkalcovali tkalci- Dynastie Morawtzů OR Průmysl v Úpici a Židé
"..Morawtzové přišli do Úpice nejpozději v 80. letech 18. století, ale odkud se přistěhovali, nevíme. Tato rodina zpočátku vyráběla a prodávala v Úpici pálenku. Úpická vinopalna byla původně panská a náležela k pivovaru, ale již roku 1787 byla pronajata pálenkáři. Jim byl Izák Morewetz a po něm Michal Aron (patrně příbuzný Morawtze). Roku 1885 se z Č. Skalice přistěhoval Karel Morawetz a roku 1894 zde založil továrnu na váhy.. ..Na jaře roku 1851 zakoupili náchodský faktor Jakub Oberländer *geni, jeho zeť Leopold Abeles *geni, úpický faktor "Filip Morawetz a Markus J. Schwab" z Prahy pozemky z rozparcelovaného sychrovského dvora a začali zde stavět mechanickou přádelnu lnu..". The Villa house of the Morawetz family. Nr.11/12. Originally two wooden houses
were bought by Ludvik Morawetz in 1886. He had a house built here, but his son Moric had it rebuilt into its present condition 1900. On July 11, 1926, the first Czechoslovak President T.G. Masaryk, stayed overnight at the villa, when he
was visiting the town and employee nursery school built by Richard Morawetz in 1908
Eduard MORAWETZ Born: Feb 28, 1838 Died: Aug 27, 1908 in Upice age 70 est + Karoline MENDL or MENDEL Born:
1846 Died: 1921 age 75 est.
Siblings: Anna Mendl & Josef Bauer, Max Mendl, dr Gustav Mendl Sister-in-laws: Marie (nee Krasa) Mendl, Ottilie (nee Pollak) Mendl Mother: Therese Krasa
( - 4/23/1907 Prague) NFP
sister of Markus Krasa, Jakob Krasa, Marie Krasa & Salomon Ippen [parents-in-law of dr law Alois Klemperer (1846 - 4/8/1910 Vienna) NFPmore]
Theodor MORAWETZ Born: Feb 25, 1869 Died: Nov 30, 1917 in Upice. occupation: Fabrikanten in Eipel NFP obituary + Karolin (?)
- Oskar MORAWETZ Born: 1870 Died: 1888 age 18 est.
- Marie MORAWETZ Born: 1840 Died: 1920 age 80 est + Moritz J. (see OBERLÄNDER family) Born: 1831 Died: Mar 14, 1905 in Meran NFP Father: Jakob (Jakub) Oberländer (1774 Náchod, Bohemia, Czech - 1862) Mother: Anna Lewit (1791-1883)
Ludwig(k) MORAWETZ Born: 1841 in Upice, Bohemia. Died: May 22, 1901
in Upice, Bohemia age 60 est + Berta HELLER Born:
1852 in Olomouc, Moravia. Died: 1898 age 46 est.
Note: In abt. 1901, the Ludvik Morawetz & Moritz J. Oberländer factory employed approx. 1600 people OR Hronov history
"..Other weaving Spiegler & Sons Company (see Spiegler family) was built between 1879-1880, Spinning cotton M.J. Oberländer and L. Morawetz was built between 1889-1890 and was one of the most important in the region. Since there was plenty of cheap labor, more businesses came here, mostly of Jewish origin, and established smaller textile companies.."
Moritz (Moriz, Moric) MORAWETZ Born: Sep 28, 1872 in Upice, Bohemia. occupation: Industrialist from Upice. Died:
May 11, 1922 in Breslau, Germany age 49 NFP + Alice EHRLICH Born:
Jan 22, 1884 in Breslau, Germany. Married: Oct 18, 1903 in Breslau,
Germany. Died: 1944 in Auschwitz concentration camp age 60 est. Father:
Theodor Ehrlich konsul below ?
*any relattion to dr. Paul Ehrlich & Hedwig Pinkus?
- Ludwig MORAWETZ Born: Sep 26, 1904 in Upice, Bohemia.
Died: Oct 9, 1929 in Upice age 25 NFP
- Frank "Franz" MORTON" MORAWETZ Born: May
28, 1907 in Upice, Bohemia. Died: Mar 1990 in Montreal,
Quebec, Canada age 82 est. + Lida MACH Born:
1919 in Upice, Bohemia. Married: 1938 Died: 1977 in Greenwich,
Connecticut, US age 58 est. *2nd wife Carolla KOCH Born:
in Stuttgart, Germany. Married: Aft. 1950
- George MORTON Born:
+ Susan SINCLAIR Born:
private *2nd wife Barbara (?) Born: private
- Jessica MORTON Born: private
- Alexa MORTON Born: private
- MORTON Born: private
- Gregory MORTON Born: private
- Elizabeth MORTON Born: private
- Hella MORAWETZ Born: May 12, 1910 in Upice, Bohemia.
Died: Dec 26, 1995 in Norfolk, Connecticut age
85 + Carlo SACHS Born:
Mar 13, 1908 in Prague. Married: Sep 05, 1937 in Prague. Died:
1971 in Mexico age 63 est. Relationship ended with:
Divorce. *2nd husband Julian "Pete" STREET Born:
Oct 26, 1902 Married: Nov 11, 1964 in New York, N.Y. Died:
Jan 17, 1995 in Norfolk, Connecticut age 92
- son MORAWETZ Born: in Upice, Bohemia.
- Helena MORAWETZ Born: in Upice, Bohemia.
Elsa MORAWETZ Born: 1879 in Upice,
Bohemia. Died: 1942 age 63 est
+ Ludwig OLIVEN Born:
1862 Died: 1936 in Berlin, Germany age 74 est Siblings:
Hulda Oliven & Theodor Ehrlich above?, Malvine Oliven & Edmund Heller, dr. Albert Oliven & Clara Levi, dr. Max Oliven & Paula Gernsheim, Oscar Oliven & Sofie Loewe Father: Jakob Oliven (1832 - 3/15/1908 Vienna) NFP Mother:
Auguste Schöttlander
- Robert OLIVEN Born: 1903 in Berlin, Germany. Died: 1960
in Los Angeles, California age 57 est
- Lotte OLIVEN Born: Jun 08, 1906 in Berlin, Germany. Died:
Jul 27, 1993 in London, England age 87
+ Heinz "Henry" (see GRÜNFELD family) Born:
Jun 01, 1904 in Breslau, Germany. Married: Dec 21, 1931
in Berlin, Germany. Died: Jun 1999 in London, England age
at death: 95 est.
- Richard MORAWETZ Born: May 22, 1881 in Upice, Bohemia.
Died: Oct 18, 1965 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada age 84
+ Frida (see GLASER family) Born: June 13, 1894 Married:
Jan 10, 1915 in Prague. Died: Aug 30, 1997 in Toronto age 103 Father: Adolf Glaser
Mayor of the Jewish city of Prague 1919-1921
Hedwig Dub
Note: see Richard's story: In 1908 he built the first nursery school for the children of his employees in Upice, having 120 students and visited by president T.G. Masaryk in 1926. OR "
..Školka měla tři oddělení: jesle, mateřské oddělení a školka. Veškeré výlohy, výživa dětí, platy ošetřovatelek a učitelek, otop a osvětlení hradila firma. Všude byl úžasný pořádek a čistota, o čemž se přesvědčil i prezident T. G. Masaryk." In 1914, Richard purchased an estate with a castle in Světlá nad Sázavou
and the family moved there from Upice in 1915, after many
of the staff of the estate joined the army. They lived in the castle
till 1919 and in later years, the family vacationed there. The estate owned
originally 2000 hectares of farmland and 5000 hectares of forests - 80%
of the farmland was expropriated in the 1919 land reform
Prof. Herbert MORAWETZ Born: 1915 in Upice, Bohemia. Died: Oct 29, 2017 in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, NYC
+ Prof. Cathleen SYNGE Born: abt 1923 in Dublin, Ireland. Died: Aug 8, 2017 in Greenwich Village Father: John Lighton Synge (3/23/1897 Dublin, Ireland - 3/301995 Dublin) Mother: Eleanor Mabel Allen Grandfather: Edward Synge Grandmother: Ellen Price
Note: 1936 Herbert visited his Šternberk relatives (author's mother Heidi, etc.) *see Herbert's obituary: A man of boundless curiosity and broad intellectual interests, he spent his professional career as an influential professor of polymer chemistry. As he would say, he was born in 1915 under the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph. .He fled Czechoslovakia in 1939 and settled with his family in Toronto. He studied chemical engineering at the University of Toronto (left due to Jewish restrictions) and earned his PhD in chemistry at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now the Tandon School of Engineering at NYU), where he spent his professional life. Following retirement, he served as an editor for Macromolecules, published a history of polymer chemistry and his memoirs, and did volunteer translations from Czech and German for the Leo Baeck Institute. He had wide-ranging interests in history, art, literature, philosophy, science, and current events. He was an accomplished watercolor painter and continued to paint until he was 97 years old at his beloved Belle Isle and wherever he traveled. He was deeply devoted to his wife of 72 years, Cathleen Synge Morawetz, who passed away in August, and delighted in his growing family. He served as a true patriarch, bringing extended family together and building strong bonds across generations and continents... OR see Herbert's 2008 Mých devadesát let
(My ninety years) translated into Czech book on Academia, his other books OR obituary: A woman of extraordinary achievement, she was an inspiration to her large and growing family. She loved sailing in Lake Muskoka, had a wonderful sense of humor and was as much at home proving a complex theorem as getting down on the floor to play with her grandchildren. As a pioneering woman in mathematics, she served as Director of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, President of the American Mathematical Society, where she was the first woman to deliver their distinguished Gibbs lecture, and was a recipient of the National Medal of Science. She was twice a Guggenheim Fellow and served as a Trustee of Princeton University and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Her numerous honorary degrees include Brown, Princeton, Trinity College Dublin, Duke, Smith and New York University. She was deeply proud of her Irish heritage, including her great- uncle, the playwright John Millington Synge and her father, the distinguished mathematician John Lighton Synge... OR Cathleen's books. Also articles: 1998 - Cathleen S. Morawetz wins National Medal of Science, biography of Cathleen & her father; John Lighton Synge and his uncle John Millington Synge, famous Irish playwright, dramatist, poet, prose writer, and collector of folklore on encyclopedia
- Pegeen Ann MORAWETZ Born: private
+ David RUBINSTEIN Born:
- Eric Loren RUBINSTEIN Born: private + Lauren BRINKLEY Born: private
- Xavier Cole RUBINSTEIN Born: private
- Mathew Synge RUBINSTEIN Born: private
- John Synge MORAWETZ Born: private
+ Helene SAARI Born:
*2nd wife: Catherine ADAMS Born:
- Jeremy David LACINAK Born:
- Christopher Andrew LACINAK Born: private
*3rd wife: Loren TAPP Born:
- Aupala HUQ Born: private
- Keenan HUQ Born: private
- Dr. Lida Joan MORAWETZ Born: private
+ Jim Phillip JECK Born:
private *see Dr.Lida Morawetz Jeck Psychology Today profile
- William Richard JECK Born: private
- Daniel Mathew JECK Born: private
- Nancy Babette MORAWETZ Born: private
+ Manny Diego VARGAS Born:
- Alicia Elizabeth VARGAS-MORAWETZ Born:
- Marisa Pegeen VARGAS-MORAWETZ Born: private
- Oskar MORAWETZ Born: Jan 17, 1917 in Svetla nad Sazavou, Bohemia, Czech. Died: Jun 13, 2007 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada + Ruth SPAFFORD-SHIPMAN Born:
Nov 30, 1930 Married: 1958. Died: Oct 31, 2016 *obituary
Note: see Oskar Morawetz web site - developed by his daughter Claudia, with an extensive profile of her father's musical career, great deal of information and pictures of Morawetz ancestors, descendants and friends. Composer, teacher, naturalized Canadian 1946; B MUS(Toronto) 1944, D MUS(Toronto) 1953. His teachers were Karel Hoffmeister (piano) and Jaroslav Kricka (theory) in Prague and
Julius Isserlis (piano) in Vienna. He developed at an early age an ability to sight-read orchestral scores at the piano and at 19 was recommended by George Szell for the assistant conductor's post with the Prague Opera. After the Nazi invasion of the Sudetenland in 1938, Morawetz appliedfor a Canadian visa, but because of the strongly anti-refugee policy of the Canadian Immigration Dept it was granted to him only after several refusals. After brief periods of residence in Vienna and Paris, he arrived in June 1940 in Toronto, where he continued his studies with Alberto Guerrero (piano) and Leo Smith (harmony). As a composer, however, he is essentially self-taught...see more on Encyclopedia of Music in Canada or The Man and Musician Behind the Oskar Morawetz Music Library .pdf AND ...Ruth will be remembered for her cheerful and outgoing personality and her passion for gathering supportive audiences for up and coming artists. She maintained a passion for music and piano playing, and performed in concert with singers at the Princess Margaret Hospital just days before her passing. Ruth was predeceased by Oskar Morawetz, a distinguished Czech composer whom she married in 195.8.
- Claudia Louise MORAWETZ Born: private
+ Kevin James TATE Born:
- Andrea Michelle TATE Born: private
- Heidi Melissa TATE Born: private
- Richard Norman MORAWETZ Born: private
+ Marzena PEKALA
Born: private
- John Peter MORAWETZ Born: May 4, 1919 in Svetla nad Sazavou, Bohemia, Czech. Died: Apr 5, 2015 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada + Maureen MCKEE Born: unknown Died: bef. 2015
Note: obituary ..Predeceased by the love of his life Maureen and his cherished daughter Sylvia, he will be lovingly remembered by his children,.. John's sharp mind and curious spirit were with him to the end. He read the Globe and Mail from start to finish every day, never forgot his high school chemistry and physics, and was an inexhaustible source of historical facts and figures. He was an engaging conversationalist and storyteller, and the magnanimous host of many a social occasion.
Family retreats were one of John's many passions. From Svetla in his childhood Czechoslovakia to Fairmount, Belle Isle and Rathmore in the Muskokas, he was able to foster his love of the outdoors, athletics (tennis anyone?) and his dreams of family solidarity.
His adventurous spirit, pragmatic nature and strong family values carried him through many challenging times. He was a pillar of strength, providing a constant example of enthusiasm and possibility. A remarkable man, he will be warmly remembered by all who had the privilege to know him...
- Sonja Eleanor MORAWETZ Born: private + William "Bill" SCANDRETT Born: private *2nd husband: Steve BLEVINS Born: private
- Justin Alexander MORAWETZ Born: private + Carol Ann MURRAY Born: private
- Olivia Jane MORAWETZ Born: private
- Quinn Isabelle MORAWETZ Born: private "twin"
- Emma Kathryn MORAWETZ Born: private
- Peter John MORAWETZ Born: private + Michelle Mary DALY Born: private
- Zoe Erica MORAWETZ Born: private
- David Richard MORAWETZ Born: private
- Sylvia Anne MORAWETZ Born: unknown Died: bef. 2015 + Jim R. HENDERSON Born: private
- Jennifer Carolyn HENDERSON Born: private
- Jonathan Kenneth HENDERSON Born: private
- Christian James HENDERSON Born: private
- Maureen Virginia MORAWETZ Born: private + Robert Shier "Robbie" COATSWORTH Born: private
- Signy COATSWORTH Born: private
- Alexandra COATSWORTH Born: private
- Gordon COATSWORTH Born: private
Born: private
- Kathryn Frida MORAWETZ Born: private + Edward Joseph "Ted" MORIARTY Born: private
- Ty Joshua MORIARTY Born: private
Born: private + Richard "Ric" SINCLAIR Born:
- Michael Richard SINCLAIR Born: private
- Helen Katrina SINCLAIR Born: private + James Shier
- Anna Kathryn COATSWORTH Born: private
- Mark Richard COATSWORTH
Born: private
- Tony Nicholas SINCLAIR Born: private + Leslie MORRISON Born: private
- Ben Daniel SINCLAIR Born: private
- Laura Katherine SINCLAIR
Born: private
Klara MORAWETZ Born: Apr 23, 1842 in
Úpice (Eipel), Bohemia. Died: Apr 7, 1919 in Vienna, Austria age
76 NFP + Adolf (see POLLAK family) Born:
Apr 25, 1830 in Humpolec
(Humpoletz) & Jewishgen Humpolec history, Czech. Died: Jun 13, 1913 in Bad Ischl,
Austria age 83
Therese Hellmann (abt 1809 - 11/23/1890 Prague, Bohemia) NFP
- Klementine MORAWETZ Born: 1844 in Upice (Eipel), Bohemia. Died:
1926 in Prague, Bohemia age 82 est + Eduard (see PICK family) Born: 1839 in in Česká Lípa (Böhmisch Leipa), Bohemia. occupation: Factory owner (kaufmann, tovarnik). Died:
1885 or Oct 19, 1898 in Prague, Bohemia *same Eduard as married to her sister Hermine below?
Sofie Auguste MORAWETZ Born: 1845 in Úpice, Bohemia. Died: abt. Jun 25, 1923 in Vienna 1, Stadiongasse 5. Buried: Zentralfriedhof 1 Tor, Group-19, Row-1, Grave-138 *, billiongraves *Sofie ref. Arthur birth genteam + Bernhard (see FRIEDMANN family) Born: Aug 13 or 20, 1836 in Pest, Hungary *Jewishgen Hungarian birth db "LDS 642961, Vol 1" occupation: Textilfabrikant, Chef der firma Heeg & Friedmann *ref. 4/7/1868 anno-search. Died: Jan 16, 1900 in Vienna *buried together & with sons Philipp, Arthur
Father: rabbi
Israel (Izrael, Isuael) Friedmann (abt. 1793 of Senica /Senitz /Szenitz /Szenicz, Trnava, Slovakia - 8/30/1881 Budapest *FS-Hung #317 bur. Salgótarjáni út Jewish cemetery J. Plot 50, Row 8 Mother: Charlotte (Scheindel) Diamant (abt 1793 - 3/29/1867 Pest or Buda or Óbuda, Hungary bur. old Vaci ut Jewish (Waitzner strasse) cemetery, exhumed and reburied at loc. 19/19/2 Kozma utca cemetery (Rákoskeresztúr), Budapest-XVII)
Note: see Wiener Zeitung newspaper (3/23/1858): "...Handelsmann in Pest (Hungary), erinnert: Es haben wider ihn die Herren Heeg und Friedmann, Handelsleute hier, durch Hrn. Dr. Huze auf einen pp. Heeg und Friedmann, Bernh. Friedmann, zu Wien den 23. August 1837
an eigene Ordre ausgestellten, ultimo Jänner 1838 in Wien bei..." OR in 1886, new "Heeg & Friedmann" textile factory (
mechanická tkalcovna na lněné a bavlněné zboží) was built in Šternberk (Sternberg) on Nádražní 6 street (now Nádražní sídliště), to accommodate the growing business and utilize latest textile machinery - owned by Arthur Friedmann below since 1910. The head office (sales) was located in Vienna 1, Niederlage, Rudolf square #13 (Wien I, Rudolfsplatz 13) OR see Friedmann Textile and Town Šternberk (1850-1969) Friedmann-Klimesch-Rohel families OR Šternberk (Sternberg), Olomouc, Moravia, Czech republic - Geni Project (many names, images, etc.) OR & their books, including 1 by Karel Fiala "Šternbersko Napříč Časem", etc. with Friedmann & Klimesch pictures I sent in. Šternberk was residence & birth of several Friedmann relatives, their spouses & relatives, as well Klimesch children; Arthur, Rudolf, Adele Heidi Rohel & her 7 children
- Arthur FRIEDMANN Born: Jul 12, 1877 in Vienna. Died:
Feb 06, 1929 on a business trip in Berlin age 51
+ Leonie (see BOHM family) Born:
Mar 31, 1884 in Vienna. Married: Mar 25, 1906 in
Vienna. Died: Jan 26, 1966 in New York, NY age at
death: 81. Father: Heinrich Bohm Mother: Clara (see Bach family)
Otto MORAWETZ Born: 1848
+ Elise POPPER Born:
in Nová Bystřice
(Neubistritz) Bohemia. Buried: Nov 12, 1919 NFP Siblings: Regine Popper & dr Ludwig (see Fürth family) (1853 - 12/11/1900 Sušice /Schuttenhofen, Bohemia) NFP, Josef Popper, Ignatz Popper, Klaudine Popper *Ludwig's obit also mentions brother-in-law: Jacob Fantl Mother: Fanny (?)
Note: any relation to? Popper
family weaving-mill mentioned in Nová Bystřice Jewish cemetery history "..Židovští podnikatelé se uplatnili ve zdejším textilním průmyslu. Ludwig Beer vlastnil mechanickou pletárnu, firma Popper syn tkalcovnu od r.1929.." ?
- Walter MORAWETZ Born: Mar 28, 1888 Died: Jul 18, 1921 in Upice age 36 est
+ Lilly KORNFELD *any relation to Emil Kornfeld (1860-1938) & Minna Glaser (1869-1959) on Glaser page?
- Marietta "Marulka" MORAWETZ Born: 1921 Died:
abt. 1990 age 69 est
+ Rick MCKENZIE Born:
- Emma MORAWETZ Born: 1851 Died: 1916 age 65 est + Ludwig (see SCHICK family) Born:
1845 Died: 1925 age 80 est.
- Hermine MORAWETZ Born: 1853 Died:
1919 age 66 est + Eduard PICK *geni same as above?
*2nd husband of Hermine: Dr. Samuel KRIS Born: 1847/8 Died: Oct 6, 1909 in Vienna NFP Siblings: dr.
Leopold (Leo) Kris (1854-1932) & Rosa (see Schick family) (1873-1928) Father: Nuchem Nathan Kris Mother: Agathe Weiser *geni-more
- Bertha "Betty" KRIS Born: 1878 occupation: French Teacher, one of the first women to get her Ph.D. degree at the University of Vienna, majoring in art history, archeology and philosophy, specializing in medieval Tapestries. Died: 1943 or 1948 in London, England age
65 est
+ Dr. Paul (see KURTH born KOHN family) Born:
1879 Died: 1924 age 45 est. Father: Leopold Kohn (abt 1834 - 2/10/1900 Vienna) NFP seniors der firma L. Kohn & Hock Mother: Ida Sorer *geni
Note: any relation to Benjamin Morawetz, grossbürger + Antonia (Antonie) Holly? <parents of Josef (Joseph) Morawetz (20.10.1856 -) & Euphemie (Eufemie) Ternka (2.3.1860 Kranowitz -), Franz Morawetz, Euphine Morawetz, Hans Morawetz> and descendants *see tree drawn by descendant Ewa Gorzalnik?