Note: any relation to? Josef Oberländer + Goldele Linz--Auerbach ( - 1699 new Jewish cemetery in Náchod, Hradec Králové, Czech) *geni *source: I. Weber, Hugo Gold pg.47: daughter of Ephraim aka. Gumprecht Linz-Auerbach ( - 3/7/1666
Vienna) *Hugo Gold p-530: Gumprecht is son of Sanwel Linz-Auerbach, homeowner (Schwarz, p. 255, No. 3. AuE), p. 224, no. 10. last owner of this house is
Josef Oberlander (Schwarz, p. 248, no. 11) OR book "1793 6 vol. Bohemian census of Jewish families (Soupis židovských rodin v Čechách z roku 1793)" Ludmilla Oberländer Náchod home owner <mother of Abraham Oberländer, Jakob Oberländer, Johanna Oberländer> OR Thomas Oberländer & unknown "parents of Rebecca ( m. 1611 Horní Blatná /Platten, Bohemia -)> on Siegfried Mühle gen. site OR Elias Oberländer von 1675 auß dem Reich OR Samuel Oberländer (1692-1720) OR tenor Alfred Oberländer (12/26/1857 Náchod - 4/22/1906 Berlin-Charlottenburg) OR any relation to? on kramerius 9/5/1909; Samuel Leib Oberländer, herr kaufmann Jakob Gratz
Jakob (Jakub) OBERLÄNDER Born: 1774 in Náchod, Bohemia, Czech. Died: 1862 + Anna (see LEWIT family) Born: 1791 Died: 1883 Father: Bernhard Lewit ( - 1809) *partial source: pvh.ff.cuni.cz Mother: Katharina Mauthner (1759 - 1804) *geni
Note: see Oberländer & Morawetz families in Upice history
or Profit.cz
10/21/2007 Přilnu ke lnu OR Průmysl v Úpici a Židé
"..Na jaře roku 1851 zakoupili náchodský faktor Jakub Oberländer, jeho zeť Leopold Abeles, úpický faktor Filip Morawetz a Markus J. Schwab z Prahy pozemky z rozparcelovaného sychrovského dvora a začali zde stavět mechanickou přádelnu lnu.." OR Hugo Gold "Geschichte der Juden in Náchod" with H. Moritz Oberländer, Jonáš Lewit, Jonath. Lewith, Rieh. Lewith, "Der T. V. ist Josef Lewith. Die Gemeinde hat
zwei Friedhöfe, deren ältester Grabstein aus dlem J.
1648 ist. In Üpice und Broumov sind kleinere Betstuben"
- Babette Barbara OBERLÄNDER Born: 1818 in ?Upice (Eipel), Bohemia. Died: 1875 age 57 est + Filip "Philip" (see MORAWETZ family) Born: 1810 in? Died: 1870 age 60 est Father: David Morawetz (1771 - 1823) Mother: Barbara Kohn (1774 - 1842) *geni
Note: for one year In 1903, Josef Čapek painter, writer, poet bio worked at the Upice textile
weaving-mill (tkalcovně) firm B. Oberländer. *see article on Oberländer, Morawetz, Abeles, Heller & Buxbaum families in Upice history
Babette's locket Top row: Hermine Kris, Emma Schick, Auguste Friedmann, Klementine Pick, Klara Pollack, Marie Oberländer -
Bottom row: Anna Oberländer, Philip Morawetz, Eduard, Otto, Ludwig and Jakob Oberländer
Maria (Marie) OBERLÄNDER Born: 1820 Died: Jul 1, 1887 in Vienna age 67 NFP + Leopold (Jiří?) ABELES Born: Dec 7, 1816 in Erlach (near Vienna). Died: Jul 18, 1890 in Vienna age 74. Since both are buried with individuals below, I am assuming they're their children Siblings: Fanny Abeles & unknown Weingarten, David Abeles (abt 1825 - 11/14/1885 Vienna) NFP procuristen der firma Leop. Abeles & Söhne & Therese Winternitz "ch. Karl/Carl (1864 - 10/22/1909), Gustav, Rosa" [sister of Frida Winternitz (1856 - 9/15/1903 Vienna) NFP & Ignaz Horowitz ( - ) "ch. Irma, Paula, Marianne (1893 - 3/12/1904)" children of Anna (nee ?) Winternitz (1820 - 1/31/1897 Vienna) NFP] Daughter-in-law: Marie (nee Bum) Abeles Grandchildren: Nelly and Hugo Abeles Great granddaughter: Marie Schiller (abt 1893 res. Vienna - 1980 Evanston, IL, USA) daughter of Vienna's president of board of trade.
*Davd Abeles is also bur/w Julianne Gort (1887 - 10/15/1918)
Note: Leopold (Leop.) Abeles see letter "
page-1 & pg-2" and links: Profit.cz
12/2/2007 Košer textil z Kostelce OR Textile firm Leopold Abeles & Söhne
in Roth-Kostelec (Böhmen), Erlach (Niederösterreich), Börsennotiz Prag and Vienna, see history of Červený Kostelec: "The year of 1841 had special importance for Červený Kostelec. A factor of a Prague firm Leopold Abeles came to the townlet. Abeles began his own factory enterprise – he built a warehouse, starch factory, drying chamber and mangle soon followed by a mechanical cotton-spinning work room. With Abeles, the cotton came to the town and pushed the linen production definitely aside to the second position. The modern spinning mill was built in 1873. It employed 300 weavers and for Abeles worked another 600 local ones. To the profile of the textile production in Kostelec added a fabric dying as well. The first dyer began in 1837; forty years later,
there were 16 dye-houses. In 1860 the firm just, started operation. Since 1864, it fully concentrated on dyeing and modifying the fabric. For Kostelec began acompletely new phase of its development. It quickly changed into an industrial centre...". Leopold Abeles "
se ubytoval v domě čp.108. Ten dům on nekoupil, ale pouze tam bydlel. Potom koupil dům čp.183 a to byl základ jeho budoucí továrny.
Továrnu rozšiřoval a unikátem ve své době bylo postavení tkalcovny odlité z železobetonu. Lidé té budově říkali "vysokostavba" nebo také "mrakodrap". Leopold also bought a small factory in Ceska Trebova
from Mr. Matysek in abt. 1849, expanded it and in 1882 sold it to Vienna firm HPS - Hermann Pollack’s Söhne
, owned by brothers Leopold a Bedřich Pollack
Hugo ABELES Born: 1853 in? Died: Oct 15, 1882 in Vienna age 29 NFP occupation: Gesellschafters Firma Leop. Abeles + Malvine /Malwine (see POLLAK family) Father: Moriz (Moritz) Pollak Mother: Sophie Janowitzer (1831 - 4/9/1899 Prague) NFP
Ida (Ada) ABELES Born: Sep 4, 1851 in Červený Kostelec, Bohemia. Died: Jan 1, 1942 in New York + Josef POLLAK
Born: Feb 2, 1841 Married: Nov 13, 1870 in Vienna. Died: Oct 22, 1915 buried in Vienna NFP
Siblings: Emil Pollak ?children of Charlotte (nee Goldschmid) Pollak (1819 - 4/9/1885) NFPmore on Prager page?
- Lili Caroline POLLAK Born: Jul 2, 1871 Died: Jan 3, 1970 in Chicago, Illinois buried Jul 10, 1970 in Vienna with Fritz and Isidor + Isidor POPPER
Born: Apr 4, 1860 Died: Dec 1, 1930 in Vienna
- Dr. Marie POPPER Born: 1893 Died: 1980 + Dr. med Walter (see SCHILLER family) Born: Dec 3, 1887 in Vienna. Emigrated: 1937 to USA. occupation: Gynecologist and pathologist, 1938-1944 in Cook county hospital Chicago, IL. Died: May 2, 1960 in Evanston, IL
Friedrich "Fritz" Schiller (12/27/1854 Turneu, Bohemia - 1938) kommerzialrat Mother: Emma (see Friedmann family) (1/22/1868 - 5/4/1938 Vienna) NFP
- Dr. Kurt POPPER Born: abt. 1897 Died: tombstone is "in memoriam", possibly deported by Nazis
- Dr. Hans POPPER Born: abt. 1898 Residence: may have emigrated Nov 10, 1945 to Switzerland, came back to Austria. Died: 1953 in Austria *source (Sauer /Reiter-Zatloukal - Advokaten 1938 (2010))
- Dr. Fritz POLLAK Born: Oct 2, 1872 in Vienna. occupation: Lieutenant. Died: Jul 25, 1970 in New York *US-Census Buried Sep 8, 1970 Döblinger cemetery, in Vienna *Fritz is buried with Elisabeth Hissberger-Pollak born Jul 4, 1900, died Jan 20,1997 in New York US-Census and buried Feb 4, 1997 in Vienna *geni
- Ernst POLLAK Born Sep 16, 1879 in Vienna. occupation: 1915 First Lieutenant (oberleutnant) in WW-1. Residence: 1942 in N.Y.
- Dr law Heinrich ABELES
Marie ABELES Born: 1861 Buried: Mar 13, 1906 in Vienna age 45 + Dr. Heinrich ARENS Died: Jul 2, 1927 in Vienna
*geni Siblings:
Otto Arens & Anna (nee ?)
?there is an obituary of Marie Bum ( - 3/11/1906 bur 3/13/1906 Vienna) NFPmore & dr Heinrich Arens
Aguste ABELES Born: abt 1862 Died: Mar 25, 1942 in Vienna + Hermann (see EISSLER family) Born: abt 1846 Died: Oct 2, 1901 in Vienna NFP Father: Josias Schnume Lazar Eissler (8/10/1804 Bzenec /Bisenz, Moravia - 5/15/1876 #11 Walfschgasse, Vienna-1) Mother: Johanna Henriette Spitzer (6/30/1822 Bzenec, Moravia - 6/5/1891 Ausee, Austria) NFP
Clara (Klara) OBERLÄNDER Born: abt 1825 Residence: # 7 Hohenstaufeng, Vienna-10. Died: Feb 18, 1894 in Vienna NFP + Dr. med (?) KATZ
k.k.Reg. Azt
- Ida KATZ + Dr. Adolf KOHN
- Virginie KATZ Born: Aug 10, 1857 in Innsbruck, Austria. Died: Dec 18, 1916 + Josef EHRLICH
Born: 1847
in Brtnice (Pirnitz), Moravia, Czech
Charlotte OBERLÄNDER Born: abt 1824 Died: Feb 20, 1899 in Vienna, Austria NFP + Isaac Isak Daniel (see PICK family)
Born: abt 1824 Died:
Sep 15, 1904 in Vienna
Minna (Mina) OBERLÄNDER Born: abt. 1827 Residence: #6 Negerleg., Vienna-12. Died: Oct 18, 1880 bur. Vienna NFP + Dr. med Moriz (Moritz) BARDAS Born: abt 1823 in Prostějov /Prossnitz, Moravia. Died: Jan 13, 1891 in Vienna *Die Neuzeit (1/16/1891), NFP *geni Siblings: Ignaz (Ignatz) Bardas (abt 1821 - 11/22/1905 Vienna) & Marie (Maria) Levith /Lewit/Lewith (abt 1830 res. # 12 Auhofstr., Vienna-13 - 12/30/1922 Vienna) privat [ch. Arnold Roderich Bardas Edler von Bardenau (12/10/1854 Prostějov /Prossnitz, Moravia - 4/30/1931 #12 Auhofstrasse, Vienna-13 bur. Heitzinger cem.) baptised (evangelist) Jan 7, 1878 in Vienna, k.k. Hofrat im Eisenbahnministerium, Generaldirektor der Suddeutschen Donau-Dampfschifarths-Gesellschaft, enobled; On the occasion of trade was Arnold Bardas, c.k. Court Counsellor at the Ministry of Railways, the supreme decision of Emperor Franz Joseph I of 23 October 1909 without taxes ennobled. Charter of 26 March 1910, then won the predicate of Bardas nobleman Bardenau (Edler von Bardas Bardenau) NFP *geni & Isabella Wimmer (3/18/1853 Vienna m. 12/29/1878 - 12/13/1884 #38 Spittelberggasse Vienna-7) {parents of dr. law Walter Bardas von Bardenau (9/11/1879 - 8/7/1955) father of Herbert & Elisabeth Gasser [parents of Marion Bardas *geni source]} <daughter of Alois Wimmer & Walburga Liebl> *2nd wife of Arnold Bardas: Pauline (Paula) Michele Tennenbaum (12/1/1866 Ybbs an der Donau, Austria m. 1/21/1888 - 11/15/1905 Vienna) NFP-more {parents of Gabriele (Ella) & dr. law Arnold Minibeck (from Lienz, Austria m. 9/7/1907 Vienna div. 1/11/1913 Vienna - ) *2nd husband of Gabriele Bardas: Hans Maendl} <daughter of Carl Tennenbaum k.k. notar & Michele Harum>" *3rd wife of Arnold Bardas: Emma Cäcilie Friedmann (4/25/1862 Vienna stadt 594 m. 7/16/1910 Vienna - 10/15/1957 Vienna-13 bur. Heitzinger cem.) <daughter of Theodor Alfred Friedmann (abt 1823 - 12/17/1895 Vienna -Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) NFP & Elisabeth Schulhoff *geni>, Otto Bardas (abt. 1856 - 10/22/1930 Vienna -Bucharest, Romania) NFP oberinspektor der bundesbahnen i.R. & Anna Glaser {parents of Lilli & dr. Robert Hans Jokl} <sister of Carl (abt 1863 - 4/15/1931 Vienna) NFP director & Antoniette (?) {parents of dr. Edwin, Ferry}, Adalbert (pharmacist /apotheker) ( m. 1855 in Vienna? - ) & Amelie (?), Ernestine & (?) Werner, Elise Glaser children of (?) Glaser *geni>, Wilhelm Bardas (1864 Vienna - ) genteam] *1st husband of Emma Friedmann: Julius Frankl (1/31/1852 Bratislava /Pressburg, Slovakia m. 11/6/1881 Vienna - 1/30/1908 #12 Auhofstarsse, Vienna-13) NFP grossgrundbesitzers und bauunternehmers, ritters des Franz Josefs-Ordens, etc. "ch. Otto, Robert, Paul, Wilhelm, daughter or daughter-in-law Blanche born von Bene-Jary and grandparents of Hanns" <son of Wilhelm Frankl & Julie Hirschl {daughter of Hermann Hirschl (1795 Bratislava - 2/9/1867 #1 Bäckenstrasse, Vienna-1 bur. Währing cem.) handelsmann in Pressburg, Privatier in Vienna & Therese (Theresia) Pollak (1796 Bratislava - 3/15/1874 # 75 Obere Donaustrasse, Vienna-2 bur. Währing cem.) NFP} wew-1180-more>, Fanny Bardas (abt 1821 res. #8 Radetzkystr., Vienna-13 - 3/3/1891 bur. Vienna) & Alexander Kurz (8/1/1813
Prostějov, Moravia, Czech - 7/25/1879 Pressbaum, Wien-Umgebung district, Austria) *geni-more *Minna is also bur/w Michael Hein (abt 1813 res. #4 Pestalozzig., Vienna-10 - bur. 2/18/1883 Vienna)
Father: Wolf Bardas Mother: Freudl Hess P-grandfather:
Markus David Bardas (1748 Prostějov - 4/1/1821 #49 Prostějov) & Jetl /Jittl (nee ?) (1748 Prostějov - 11/21/1822 #39 Prostějov)
*geni *also on WOLF page
*2nd wife of Moriz Bardas: Fanny KLEIN Married: 1882 in Vienna *geni Siblings: Leopold Klein, Sara Klein & Gustav Wihl (res. Manchester, England), male Klein & Rudolfine Lichtenstein Father: (?) Klein Mother: Henriette Rosenfeld (abt 1809 - 12/9/1893 Vienna) NFP *1st husband of Fanny Klein: (?) KALMUS *genteam
- Wilhem "Willy" BARDAS
Born: 1887 in Vienna
Moritz J. OBERLÄNDER Born: 1831 Died: Mar 14, 1905 in Meran NFP + Marie (see MORAWETZ family) Born: 1840 Died: 1920 age 80 est
Filip (Philip)
Morawetz (1810 - 1870) Mother: Babette Oberländer (1818 Úpice /Eipel - 1875) *above
Note: see Průmysl v Úpici a Židé
..around 1901, M.J. Oberländer a Ludvik Morawetz factory employed aprox. 1600 people. The Oberländer-Morawetz families owned 6 factories, 3 were partnerhips, 2 owned by Morawetz and 1 owned by Oberländer family. In 1905 the partnership dissolved,
Oberländer family kept the factory in Hronov, and Richard Morawetz and his brother Moritz managed the business in Úpice. There is also a mention of Baxbaum a Oberländer in 1945 Úpice (Samuel, Julius, Alex brothers Buxbaum) and Gebrüder Buxbaum in Großschwadowitz (Velké Svatoňovice). *any relation to Edith Buxbaum? AND archives: F. M. Oberländer, tkalcovna bavlněného a lněného zboží, Úpice 1866-1931 F.M. Oberländer a Hronovská přádelna bavlny a. s., spojené přádelny a tkalcovny Úpice 1932-1940 Lnářské textilní závody, Úpice 1941-1945 AND .. faktor se zavedl r. 1862
J. M. Oberländer. Jeho obchod se nacházel ve staréradnici. Tkalce, kterým zadával práci, mel v Brusnici, v Kyjích a ve Studenci. Zboží bylo režné i bílé domácí plátno a posílal jej nejvíce do Nemcka. Obchod mu šel dobre, takže již r.
1890 založil mechanickou tkalcovnu na lnené i bavlnené zboží na Závodi. Dalším faktorem a vydavaćem byl Otto, syn Phillipa Morawetze. R. 1860 si zarídil v Pálence panství náchodského vydavaćství. Zprvu zde byl v nájmu, pozdeji Pálenku zakoupila v r. 1887 zde postavil tkalcovnu lneného a bavlneného zboží. V roce 1868 se v Úpicie tabloval Eduard, také syn Phillipa Morawetze, který mel najatý pivovar... OR Hronov history
"..Other weaving Spiegler & Sons (see Spiegler family) was built between 1879-1880, Spinning cotton M.J. Oberländer and L. (see Morawetz family) was built between 1889-1890 and was one of the most important in the region.."
Friedrich "Fritz" OBERLÄNDER Born: abt 1860 Locations also mentioned: Brno (Brünn), Vienna. occupation: Industrialist F. M. Oberländer in Upice, flax spinning (flachsspinnerei) gabersdorf in Trutnov (Trautenau), cotton spinning in Hronov (Hronow), Bohemia obit. Died: Mar 28, 1926 in Upice (Eipel), Bohemia NFP + Klara (Clara) BUNZL Born: 1873 Died: 1958 age 85 est.
Filip (Philipp) von OBERLÄNDER Born: Nov 30, 1875 in Upice, Bohemia, Czech. Died: Mar 3, 1911 in Lavalle, Sudan, Africa
Note: Notable people of Upice
: "Philipp is a son of a Upice manufacturer, global traveler (Africa, North America, etc.), sportsman and buffalo hunter, who use to send trophies to the Czech castles and museums. Author of a Sportsman booklet, pub. 1911 AND "Industrieller. Jagdreisen in Nord-Amerika und Afrika
; unterstützte die Säugetiersammlung vor allem durch die Finanzierung einer zoologischen Sammelreise R. Grauers nach Zentralafrika (1909-1911)"
- Berta (Bertha) OBERLÄNDER + Hermann RINKEL occupation: Textile Manufacturer
any relation to Fontane archiv bat: Erinnerungen an einen berühmten Urgroßvater Joachim Rinkel u. sein Vorfahr Th. Fontane
In: Potsdamer
Morgenpost v. 14.11.1994. (ZA 1994+)
bat: Was Theodor Fontane an seinen Sohn schrieb... Familie übergibt dem Potsdamer Archiv OR on ship B. Bohlen departing Germany & arriving in Texas
on Nov 2, 1846: Joachim Rinkel and wife Anna, nee Verleben, and sons Johann and Joachim OR Ferdinand Rinkel (Jan 3, 1856 Landeshut, Schlesien, DE - ) AND Ferdinand Rinkel + Emmy Meirowsky, parents of Margot Rinkel (27.3.1904-29.1.1996 Zürich) + (?) Schonemann/Schoenmann ( - bef 29.1.1996) and Eva Rinkel (source: André Rinkel) OR on 1943 expropriation list: Rinkel Aron,
Rinkel Grete,
Rinkel Amalie,
Rinkel Georg &
Rinkel Elsa
OR the Rinkel's on genealogy.com?
- Herbert RINKEL occupation: Lieutenant in the Bohn Hussars + Martha FONTANE *geni Grandfather: (?) Fontane, German poet
see Fontane genealogy, as the poet may be Henri (Heinrich) Theodor Fontane, wikipedia
(Dec 30, 1819 Neuruppin, Brandenburg - Sep 20, 1898 Berlin) + Emilie Rouanet-Kummer, children George Emilie Fontane, Martha Fontane (1860-), Friedrich Fontane (1864-) OR Wertvolle Autographe aus dem Nachlaß von Martha Rinkel, geb. Fontane jetzt im Besitz des
AND Theodor Fontane, Unveröffentlichte Briefe an den Sohn Friedrich AND Emilie Fontane, geb. Labry, Unveröffentlichte und unbekannte Briefe an den Sohn Theodor
Fontane und an seine Frau Emilie AND Theodor und Martha Fontane. Ein Familienbriefnetz. Hrsg. von Regina Dieterle. Theodor Fontane: Meine liebe Mete.
Ein Briefgespräch zwischen Eltern und Tochter (Rez. P. Kuhnau)
- (?) RINKEL
- (?) RINKEL
- (?) RINKEL became crippled in World War II
- Franz RINKEL Died: in California *same as Franz who owned a house on No. 2 Bruckenalle in Berlin, before it was confiscated by the Nazis?
- Hedwig OBERLÄNDER Born: Jul 5, 1868 Died: Aug 17, 1920 age 52 + Max (see PINKUS family) Born: Dec 3, 1857 Married: May 13, 1888 Died: Jun 19, 1934 age Father: Josef Pinkus (10/26/1829 Neisse O/S, Prussia - 1/9/1909 Prudnik /Neustadt Upper Silesia, Prussia now Poland) Mother: Auguste Fränkel (6/28/1838 Neustadt, Prussia - 6/24/1919 Neustadt) *geni