McIntosh (A Creek Chief)
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Navitive American Indians Profile (NAIP)©
McIntosh (A Creek Chief)

William McIntosh, whose admirable likeness is before the reader, was
a half breed, of the Muscogee or Creek nation. His father was a
Scotsman; his mother a native of unmixed blood. McIntosh was
intelligent and brave. In person he was tall, finely formed, and
of graceful and commanding manners. To these qualities he
probably owed his elevations to the chieftainship of the Coweta

General William McINTOSH
This noted halfbreed Chief of the Lower Creeks was the sone of a Scotch Officer in the British Army by an Indian Mother and he was born at the Creek town of Coweta in Alabama, on the lower Chatahoochee, nearly opoisite the present-day city of Columbus, GA. and killed at the same place by order of the Creek National Council on Apr 30, 1825.
Source: Mooney, Myths of the Cherokee, Pg. 215, Note (35)
We know little of the early history of this chief. The first notice we have of him is after his junction with the American forces in 1812. General Floyd{2} mentions him in his report of the battle, or, as it may with more propriety be termed, the massacre of Autossee; on which occasion two hundred Creeks were slain. The Indians were surprised in their lodges, and killed before they could rally in their defense. McIntosh and his Indian forces are reported by General Floyd to have "fought with an intrepidity worthy of any troops." Autossee was a favorite spot, and had been selected by the chiefs of eight of the Creek towns for a last and desperate stand against the invading army; but the sudden and unexpected attack of General Floyd terminated the contest. The chiefs of Autossee and Tallassee were among the slain. McIntosh is again spoken of by the Commanding General, Jackson,{3} as Major McIntosh, and is said by that officer, in his report of the famous battle of the Horseshoe, to have "greatly distinguished himself"{4} He also signalized himself in the Florida campaign by various acts of gallantry. We shall leave our warrior chief for awhile, and glance at a subject of great public interest, in relation to which he was destined to act a conspicuous part, and which finally brought about his death. In 1802, a compact was entered into between the United States and the State of Georgia; the fourth article of which stipulates, "that the United States shall, at their own expense, extinguish, for the use of Georgia, as early as the same can be peaceably effected, on reasonable terms, the Indian title to the lands within the forks of the Oconnee and Oakmulgee Rivers, etc. etc.; and that the United States shall, in the same manner, also extinguish the Indian title to all the other lands within the State of Georgia." The United States, in pursuance of this compact, proceeded from time to time, by treaties, to extinguish the Indian title to lands within the limits of Georgia. The first treaty of cession, after the formation of the compact, was concluded on the Oconnee River, near Fort Wilkinson, in the month of June following; a second was negotiated in the City of Washington, in June, 1806; a third was the treaty of conquest, of August, 1814; a fourth treaty was negotiated in January, 1818; a fifth in January, 1821.{5} Under these several treaties, the Indian title to about fifteen millions of acres of land was extinguished; and the United States paid Georgia, in money, one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in lieu of lands which had been ceded to the Indians. These various and successful efforts to fulfill the intention of the compact of 1802, so early as 1811, alarmed the Creeks. In order to arrest this inroad upon their domain, they enacted a law in that year, at Broken Arrow,{6} forbidding, under the penalty of death, the sale of any more lands, except by the chiefs of the nation, ratified in general council. This law was formally re-enacted in 1824, at the Polecat Springs. McIntosh is said to have proposed this law. After the treaty of 1821, various unsuccessful efforts were made to consummate the stipulations of the compact of 1802; but the Creeks refused to listen to any overtures. Meanwhile, the Executive of Georgia became impatient of the delay, and opened a highly excited and painful correspondence with the Government at Washington, in which the President was charged with bad faith; and, among other things, with attempting to defeat the objects of the treaty by the introduction of schools and other plans of civilization and improvement among the Indians. If you enlighten the Indians as to the value of their possessions, it was argued, you increase the difficulty of obtaining their consent to part with them. It was answered by the Federal Executive, that every- thing on the part of the United States had been done in good faith; and the improvement of the Indians, which was complained of, was only a continuation of the policy adopted by Washington, and continued throughout the successive administrations to the present time. This policy, which one would think needed no defense before a civilized and Christian people, was maintained by unanswerable arguments. No efforts, consistent with principle, were spared by the Executive at Washington to gratify the desires of Georgia, nor did Congress ever refuse the means to effect a purchase of all the lands held by the Creeks within her limits. During the latter part of the administration of President Monroe, Messrs Campbell and Meriwether were appointed commissioners to make another attempt to treat with the Creek Indians. Letters were received at Washington from the commissioners, inquiring whether the Executive would recognize a treaty entered into with McIntosh? They were answered by the Secretary of War, Mr. Calhoun, that no treaty would be respected unless made with the chiefs of the nation. Meanwhile the commissioners called a meeting of the Indians at the Indian Springs, a reservation occupied by McIntosh. Among those who attended was the Chief of Tuckhabatchee. When the proposition was made by the commissioners to purchase their country, that chief rose and said: "You asked us to sell more lands at Broken Arrow; we told you we had none to spare. I told McIntosh then, that he knew no land could be sold except in full council, and by consent of the nation." The chief then added: "We have met here at a very short notice -only a few chiefs are present from the upper towns; and many are absent from the lower towns." He concluded by saying: " That's all the talk I have to make, and I shall go home." Whereupon he left the ground, and returned to Tuckhabatchee. Though McIntosh had attended the meeting to sell the country, he is said at this point to have wavered. He. looked round among the Indians, but saw no chief of influence, except Etomie Tustennuggee, whose consent he had procured to his scheme. The commissioners, however, intent upon the treaty, calmed the fears of McIntosh by a promise of protection from the United States. The treaty which had been prepared was read and signed by the commissioners, by "William McIntosh, head chief of the Cowetas" Etomie Tustennuggee, by his X, and by thirteen others, who, though chiefs, were of inferior rank; and, lastly by about fifty men of no rank or power whatever, many of them being of the lowest and most degraded of their countrymen.{7} This treaty was executed at the Indian Springs, on the 12th of February, 1825, and on the 2nd of March following reached Washington. The very speed by which it had been transmitted indicated the fears entertained by the commissioners, and by Georgia, that the nation would protest against it, and cause its rejection. The Creek agent, Colonel Crowell,{8} sent with it to Washington a protest against its validity. This confirmed the apprehensions of the Secretary of War, who, as it was generally understood, preferred delaying its submission to the Senate until further information could be received from the Indians, or to reopen the negotiation with a view to obtain the ratification of the treaty by the acknowledged chiefs of the nation. It was feared, that, if the treaty should prove, so far as the Creek nation was concerned, invalid, its ratification by the Senate would create intense excitement, and be the signal for bloodshed among the Indians. President Monroe, however, thought proper to lay the treaty before the Senate, together with the agent's protest, and leave it to that body to decide, as in its wisdom it might think best. He was led to this course by the, consideration that the term of his office was about to close. The treaty was accordingly sent to the Senate, and was ratified on the 7th of March, 1826. Meanwhile Mr. Adams had succeeded to the presidency- the treaty was returned to him from the Senate, and approved. The Creek nation had now become greatly excited; and McIntosh, fearing the result, claimed protection from Georgia. We believe it was promised. The Creeks, however, had resolved on revenge. Menawa, whose likeness will appear in this work, and who is called the "Great Warrior," was commissioned by the chiefs to raise a party, to march to the Indian Springs, and execute the judgment of their law upon McIntosh, on his own hearth-stone. They were also directed to slay Etomie Tustennuggee, and any other chiefs who had acceded to the treaty. With the usual promptitude of the Indians in the prosecution of bloody business, Menawa was soon at the head of one hundred of his Oakfuskee braves, and after a rapid march arrived before the house of the fated McIntosh, before day, on the morning of the first of May, just seventy-seven days after the signing of the treaty. The house having been surrounded, Menawa spoke:- "Let the white people who are in this house come out, and so will the women and children. We come not to injure them. McIntosh has broken the law made by himself, and we have come to kill him for it." This summons was obeyed by all to whom it was addressed. McIntosh's son, Chilly, who, having signed the treaty, was in the list of meditated victims, was enabled, by his light complexion, to pass out with the whites, and escaped. Only two remained, and these were McIntosh and Etomie Tustennuggee. The house was fired; the two victims, forced by the flames, appeared at the door, where they were received by a shower of bullets, and instantly killed. A half-breed, named Sam Hawkins,{9} was taken the same day and hanged; and Ben, his brother, also a half-breed, was fired upon and severely wounded, but escaped. Menawa was careful to give out that the white people should not be molested; that the Creek nation meant only to punish those who had violated their law. This bloody tragedy greatly excited the people of Georgia. Governor Troup threatened vengeance. It was feared that the State of Georgia might make it necessary for the General Government to interfere, and that these two powers might come in collision. President Adams, however, met the crisis with coolness and resolution, and at length the fever abated, and Georgia, though still demanding the possession of all the Indian lands within her limits, subsided into comparative quiet. Upon minute inquiry into the circumstances of the treaty of the Indian Springs, it was abandoned, and a new treaty was made at Washington on the 4th of January, 1826. The first article of the treaty of Washington declared the treaty of the Indian Springs "to be null and void to every intent and purpose whatever; and any right or claim arising From the same is declared to he canceled or surrendered." It is not difficult to imagine the inducements which led McIntosh to enter upon this treaty in defiance of the law of his nation, and its bloody penalty. He probably foresaw that his people would have no rest within the limits of Georgia, and perhaps acted with an honest view to their interests. The intercourse he had enjoyed with the army of the United States, and the triumph of their arms over the desperate valor of the Indians, which he had witnessed at Autossee, the Horseshoe, and in Florida, induced him to believe he would be safe under the shadow of their protection, even from the vengeance of his tribe. But there were, besides, strong appeals to his cupidity, in the provisions of the treaty of the Indian Springs, and in its supplements. By one of these, the Indian Spring reservation was secured to him; and by another it was agreed to pay him for it twenty-five thousand dollars. Moreover, the second article of the treaty provided for the payment to the Creek nation of four hundred thousand dollars. Of this sum he would of course have received his share. Such inducements might have been sufficiently powerful to shake a virtue based upon a surer foundation than the education of a heathen Indian could afford. Besides this, he was flattered and caressed by the commissioners, who were extremely eager to complete the treaty, and taught to believe that he was consulting the ultimate advantage of the nation. These considerations, in some measure, remove the odium from his memory. But it must still bear the stain which Indian justice affixes to the reputation of the chief who sells, under such circumstances, the graves of his fathers. Out of this occurrence arose two parties among the Creek Indians. One was composed of the bulk of the nation, the other of the followers of McIntosh, headed by his son, Chilly. The latter were intent on immediate removal. To aid them in this, the treaty of Washington, of January 24, 1826, provided for an examination of the country west of the Mississippi, and for the distribution of one hundred thousand dollars among the friends and followers of the late General McIntosh, if their party should number three thousand persons; fifteen thousand to be paid immediately after the ratification of the treaty, and the residue on their arrival west of the Mississippi. Provision was also made to ascertain the damages sustained by the friends and followers of General McIntosh, in consequence of the treaty of the Indian Springs, and contrary to the laws of the Creek nation. Every disposition was manifested by the General Government to heal those breaches, and quiet those animosities which had been produced by that unfortunate treaty. No subsequent collisions happened between the parties. The Creek nation were not long permitted to retain an inch of ground in Georgia. The treaty of Washington provided for a cession of the whole of it? except a small strip on the Chattahoochee. This, Georgia insisted on having. In 1827, a special commission was made out, directing Colonel McKenney, after he should have executed certain trusts confided to him, as joint commissioner with Governor Cass, in the Lake Country, to pass over to the Mississippi, descend the river, and thence proceed into the country occupied by the four southern tribes, to negotiate with the Creeks for the remnant of their inheritance in Georgia. This duty was performed. A treaty was concluded on the 15th of November, 1827, and ratified on the 4th of March following, which quieted for ever the controversy between Georgia and the United States, so far as it related to the Creek Indians.{10} The Creeks retired to their possessions in Alabama. But they were not long left in peace even there. That State demanded their removal from her limits, and was soon gratified by the General Government. A final treaty was made with this wretched people.{11} Subdued in spirit, and impoverished, they at length yielded to the power more than the persuasion of the whites, and crossed the Mississippi. Their present condition is said to be deplorable.{12} McIntosh died as he had lived, bravely. He knew the fate that awaited him, and met it like an Indian warrior. Having been thrown into the society of the more polished of our people, and having been the associate of our officers in the wars on our southern borders, he had acquired all the manners and much of the polish of a gentleman. He lived in great comfort; possessed slaves, whom he treated kindly, and at his death was about forty years of age. We do not know enough of his family to furnish a sketch of its members. Chilly McIntosh is an intelligent young man of good manners, and has considerable influence with his people, who emigrated with him to the West. One of the daughters, we believe, married a Mr. Hawkins, a sub-agent of the Government.{13} REF: 001-NOTES {1} His name appears also as MacIntosh, but he usually signed his name "Wm. McIntosh." Coweta, or Kawita, is the name of two former Lower Creek towns on Chattahoochee River, in Russell County, Alabama, situated two and a half miles apart, and commonly distinguished as Upper Kawita and Kawita Talahasi, or "Kawita old town," in various forms of spelling. The latter was the "public establishment" of the Lower Creeks and the headquarters of the agent. In 1799 it could muster 66 warriors, and about the year 1833 the town contained 289 families. From the fact that Kawita was regarded as the assembly place of the Lower Creeks, the name was frequently used synonymously with Lower Creeks, as Kusa, or Coosa, the name of the capital of the Upper Creeks, was sometimes used to designate that part of the tribe. In 1775, Bartram (Travels, p. 387, 1792) spoke of Kawita Talahasi as the "bloody town, where the micos, chiefs, and warriors assemble when a general war is proposed; and here captives and State malefactors are put to death." Consult Gatschet in Handbook of American Indians, edited by F. W. Hodge, I., 669, 1907, and his Migration Legend of the Creek Indians, 1., 1884. {2} General John Floyd, born at Beauford, South Carolina, October 3, 1769; died in Camden County, Georgia, June 21, 1839. In 1813 he was elected brigadier-general of the Georgia militia, and commanded at the battle of Atasi (or Autossee as it is here called, apparently after Drake) against the Creeks, November 29, 1813, in which he was severely wounded. On January 27, 1814, he commanded at Camp Defiance in battle with the same Indians. After serving in the Georgia Legislature from 1820 until 1827, he was elected to Congress for one term, and was later a major-general of militia. Atasi (from the Creek a'tassa, "war-club") was an Upper Creek town on Tallapoosa River, in Macon County, Alabama. In 1756 it contained forty-three warriors, and when seen by Benjamin Hawkins in 1799 it was a poor, miserable-looking place. When the Creeks were removed to Indian Territory the name was applied to a new settlement in the Creek Nation. {3} General Andrew Jackson, afterward President of the United States. {4} The battle of the Horseshoe Bend of Tallapoosa River, in the present Tallapoosa County Alabama, the final blow to the Creek hostilities, was fought March 27, 1814 In this battle nearly a thousand Creek warriors were killed. {5} The first of the treaties herein mentioned was signed by the United States commissioners and the Creeks near Fort Wilkinson on June 16, 1802, and was ratified by Congress, January 11, 1803; the second treaty was negotiated at Washington, November 14, 1805; and was confirmed June 2, 1806 (this treaty was signed by McIntosh}; the third treaty, or "treaty of conquest," was concluded by General Jackson at Fort Jackson, Alabama, August 9, 1814, and ratified February 15, 1816 (this treaty is signed by "William McIntosh, jr., major of Cowetau"); the fourth treaty was concluded at the Creek Agency, January 22, 1818, and confirmed March 28 following, William McIntosh being one of the signers; the treaty of Indian Springs (on the headwaters of Ocmulgee River, in the present Butts County, Georgia), January 8, 1821, was ratified by Congress on March 2. McIntosh was the first of the twenty-five Indian signers of this fifth treaty. {6} A translation of the Creek name Hlekatchka. It was situated on a trail ford crossing Chattahoochee River (for which reason it was also called Horse-path Town), probably in Russell County Alabama. It was destroyed in 1814, but subsequcntly was re- established, and in 1832 had 331 families. {7} The commissioners who negotiated the treaty were Duncan G. Campbell and James Meriwether, whose signatures are followed by those of "William McIntosh, head chief of Cowetaus," "Etommee Tustunnuggee, of Cowetau," and forty-nine others. Attached to the treaty, and made a part thereof, is a quit claim by the tribe to William McIntosh of a reservation including Indian Springs, "upon which there are very extensive buildings and improvements, and an agreement on the part of the commissioners to purchase McIntosh's holdings for $25,000. The entire transaction was little short of highway robbery of the tribe. {8} John Crowell, Agent for Indian Affairs, witnessed the treaty. {9} Sl. Hawkins was one of the two interpreters who signed the treaty of January 8, 1821. {10} See the Introduction. {11} This treaty was concluded at Washington, March 24, 1832, and was ratified April 4 following. Lewis Cass was the commissioner for the United States in this negotiation. {12} The Creek Indians are now [1944] one of the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, and are all citizens of the United States. For many years they maintained their own form of government, patterned after that of the United States, and until recently held a reservation of 626,044 acres. In 1906 there were 11,081 Creeks "by blood," and 6265 freedmen- Negroes who, or whose parents, had been held in bondage by members of the tribe. In the same year the United States held in trust for the Creeks the sum of $2,472,930, yielding an annuity of $123,646, and in addition the tribe received, through leases of tribal lands, etc., nearly $200,000, all in addition to individual earnings. When, in 1907, Indian Territory was consolidated with Oklahoma and was admitted to the Union as a State, the Creek national government was abolished and the former tribal lands are now held in severalty. The great Creek Nation, therefore, is now a thing of the past. {13} The portrait of Chilly was painted by J. M. Stanley in June 1843, but was burned in the Smithsonian fire of 1865. Stanley says of him (Portraits of North American Indians, Washington, 1852, page 14): "He speaks English fluently, and has seen much of civilized life, having spent much time at Washington transacting business with heads of Departments in behalf of his people. He is among the first men of his nation." Source & Reference Notes! REF:#001] "The�Indian�Tribes of North�America" By�John�R. Swanton; 1944 [Retired�from active membership on the�staff�of�the [Bureau of American Ethnology in 1944]

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Text - Copyright © 1996-2002 Paul R. Sarrett, Jr.
Created: Dec. 01, 1996; Mar. 29, 2002