[NI021580] Donald has two adopted children, Jason and Kelly Humphrey from his marriage to Pamela Estep, the children were hers from her previous marriage. The divorce of Donald and Pamela was final on 24 JUN 1982 Pamela was Donalds second wife. Donald's divorce from his first wife, Tonya Minge, was final on 13 JUN 1977. No children resulted from this marriage. Donald was divorced from his third wife, Vicki Robinson, this was final on Oct. 3, 1990. Two children resulted from this marriage Danielle and Joshua. Donald was remarried to his third wife Vicki Robinson on Dec. 11, 1991, at Gratis, Preble Co. Ohio.
[NI021581] John M. KIMMEL was an Old Order Dunkard Preacher.
[NI021615] William was married in 1839 to an unknown woman.
[NI021634] John had twenty children, six sons and fourteen daughters.
[NI021708] This John was the first John born to this family he died as a child.
[NI021712] This John was the second child born to this family named John.
[NI021763] Kate Ruth Poage was an adopted child of Gratton Elijah Poage Jr. and Mary Josephine Allen. Her natural mother was Elizabeth Nethercott who died 19 JUL 1888. Her birth father is unknown at this time. The IGI shows three dates for sealing to parents
[NI021766] Eliza Jane Clemmer was the second wife of William Mills. Her first husband was William H. Smith, 28 Dec. 1837.
[NI021847] They are two different Mills families.
[NI021853] Maggie Mills gave birth to a child, father unknown.
[NI022083] "Abraham Miller his will by word of mouth made and declared by him on the day of AD 1849 in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names of witnesses. My will is that David Bueghley intermarried with my daug Sarah now deceased receive the portion of my estate otherwise coming to the heirs of said Sarah as though he were a regular & legal heir thereto. Jacob A. Miller & John B. Meyer who being duly affirmed according to law did declare & say that they were present on (?) day of Jul 1849 at the dwelling house of Abraham Miller late of the twp of Summit, in the time of his last illness. Sworn & subscribed 5 Feb 1851."
[NI022084] Christian & John bought "the home farm" but Christian to VA in 1800, then to Preble Co. OH, & eventually to MD again; he had 10 children.
CLARENCE M. NELSON, JR. THUMBNAIL BIOGRAPHY Clarence McKinley NELSON, Jr.: Born April 6, 1923 at Albion, Nebraska, the first born of Ella Viola (Richards) and Clarence McKinley Nelson. Clarence, Jr. started to school at a rural public school near Albion at the age of five. While still in first grade his parents decided that Idaho was where they wanted to be and so they sold out,
lock-stock-and-barrel, and moved over the Oregon trail in their Model T Ford, to a farm near Melba, ID. Junior, as he was called, reentered school at Melba, still in first grade. He dropped out of school while in 10th grade and joined the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps). Following that he knocked around and finally became a Taxi Driver for the Hotel Boise Cab Company in Boise, ID. In the Fall of 1941, while deer hunting, he suffered a ruptured appendix, and when he woke up in the hospital he spotted and was smitten with a young student nurse named Clarice Emily Maust. On December 7th 1941, determined to avenge Pearl Harbor, he went to the Marine Corps Recruiting office and enlisted. On 4 June 1944 he and Clarice were married. At the end of the War, Clarence entered into an
apprenticeship to become a jeweler, but remained in the Marine Corps Reserve as a Staff Sergeant. Four years later the Korean War got him, and he had found his calling at last. He spent almost 33 years in the United States Marine Corps, eight of them at various overseas duty stations including two tours in Vietnam. He retired at the rank of Captain on the 31st of July 1976. Clarence and Clarice are the parents of a boy and a girl and the grandparents of four boys. Since retirement they purchased a long, long trailer and have visited every state in the Union and all the provinces of Canada, plus one 33-day tour of Mexico. When they're not travelling they keep themselves busy going to baseball games, doing club work (particularly, National Sojourners and Eastern Star). They say these
retirement years have been the "Best Years of Their Lives," and they intend to keep on doing what they're doing as long as physically possible.
[NI022101] Ron was hit by a car when he was 10 years old. The doctors thought he wouldn't make it. He was in a coma for ten days. Ron was 24 years of age before he realized the path he had chose for his life was wrong. On July 1rst 1984, with tears streaming down his face, he knelt down by himself in his little one room apartment and asked Jesus Christ to be his Lord. His life changed drastically!
[NI022104] Dad was a very creative and artistic person with a wacky sense of humor. He invented and built many things. He served in World War II in Italy as a Captain in supply. He had a creative flair for flower arranging which was unusual because of his fat stubby fingers. He took me fishing with him and taught me how to paint a room. His daughter, Ethy
[NI022105] Doranna Jontz was born as Betty Jane Jones. Betty's mother was Vera Gladys Jones and the father was Glen College. Vera put her up for adoption on Jan 13 1923. She was adopted by Roy and Ethel Jontz on Apr. 17 1923. Mom LOVED her grandchildren. She was always doing something nice for her family or one of her many friends. She loved to golf. She was my best girlfriend and I still miss her. her daughter, Ethy
He moved to Elkhart Co. at age 16 with his parents from Holmes Co., Ohio. At his marriage, he built a home in the woods at Pine Creek, near Goshen, IN. He was called to the ministry at age 40. He lived near LaGrange, IN for a number of
years. His last place of residence was North of Middlebury, IN. He was buried near his daughter's home near Howe, IN.
[NI022130] She was living with her daughter, Dora, for the last eight months of her life.
[NI022167] Gospel Herald - Vol LXI, # 11 - Mar 19 1968, pgs 263-264. Cable, Lydia, d/o Sem K. & Lucinda (Weaver) Johns, was b Mar 23 1879 d Feb 8 1968; aged 88y 10m 15d. She was m to Amos Cable, who d in 1937. She is survived by 7 chdn (Mrs. Nellie Thomas, Henry, Ralph, Robert, James, John, & Edna -Mrs. Elvin Lehman), 24 gchdn, 43 ggchdn, 3 gggchdn, 1 bro, & 2 sis'. She was a memb of Thomas Ch, Hollsopple, Pa. Funeral servs were held at Kaufman Ch, Feb 11, with Harry C. Blough & Harry Y. Shetler officiating; bur Thomas Cem.
He was a Colonel in the Polish service and a man of fine education.He was a judge. Michael was born in Alsheim, Bavaria. He was Resident Judge in Gimbsheim in Rheinhessen. He lived in the Pfalz Valley, Bavaria where his three sons and two daughters were all born. His first wife was Anna Margaretha SOUTER, the widow of John Oswald Of Gimbsheim. Three of his sons emigrated to America and settled in various parts of Pennsylvania and Maryland. He married as his second wife on May 24, 1732, Anna Elizabeth, the widow of Hartman Heinrich of Gimbsheim. Michael can be considered as the progenitor of all the first Kimmels in America. large land owner, well educated.
George Kimmel arrived on ship Neptune on 9-24-1751
Michell Kumell on the Ship Edinburg docked 9-19-1752.1662-1732
[NI022199] Clay Douglas Zigler was 7 pounds and 7 ounces and was 20 inches long at birth.
[NI022202] William Elbert Starn, 87, of Columbus, MO., formerly of Wooster, d. Tue Mar 8, 1994, after a brief illness. Services will be held Wed Mar 23, in Columbia, MO. He was b. in Orrville to George & Alice (Steiner) Starn & Married Margaret Helm 63 yrs ago. She survives. He was a graduate of Wooster High School, Bethany College, & Yale Divinity School & in his earlier ministry was in charge of youth work for the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ churches of Greater St. Louis.
[NI022204] Attended Ashland College for 2 yrs & received her nursing degree from Children's Hosp. of Philadelphia. She worked at the former Beeson Clinic, Wooster Community Hosp. & Hygeia Hall at the College of Wooster.
[NI022226] Johnstown Trib or The Johnstown Dem VICKROY, Solomon, 88, 141 Rodgers Ave., d. at 2 a.m. Dec 24 1960. B. November 26, 1872, in Johnstown, son of Adam & Susan (BERKEY) VICKROY. Survived by 2 sis.s, Mrs. Ashfield HEMMING, with whom he resided, & Mrs. Kate HAMMOND, Orlando, FL; also number of nieces & nephews. Friends received in John Henderson Co. Funeral Home, 632 Main St. where service will be held at 2 p.m. Tue. Rev. Archie Lynn. Interrment, Grandview Cem.
Elizabeth Lucille YAKUBIK weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 20 and 1/2
inches long.
[NI022240] Information here and in Stanley Ripley's notes are from Elma Zigler. After she graduated from high school, she went to work for the Ohio Farmers Insurance in Leroy, Ohio. She went to Leroy with her brother Russell, but when he was getting married in 1924 he told her she would have to find another way as he was going to move.She met Stanley through her best friend Edna Sheetz in 1924. Stanley had a brand new car. Elma saved dimes and never would spend them. She saved enough to buy silverware.Retired from the Seville Elevator in 1968, where she was an accountant or secretary since 1928 or 29.
[NI022241] Flossie May Zigler was never married and lived with her mother until Loda died and then moved to a trailer in Seville.
[NI022242] Worked for Maibach's Furniture Company of Sterling and then Barberton Hardware. Retired in 1970.
[NI022243] Harold was in the Army and fought in WWII. He spent time in England, France and at Utah Beach in Germany. He shipped home a foot locker with a bunch of stuff and golf balls and when he got home he had no golf balls. Someone had stolen them.
[NI022270] He worked in the muck fields and worked in Lodi. He rode his bike from Zigler farm homestead in Sterling all the way to Lodi and worked 8 hours a day for 5 cents an hour.
[NI022274] Maurice Zigler was a Staff Sergeant in Germany in 1945 according to Samuel Martin's 50th wedding anniversary announcement in the newspaper.
[NI022276] In about 1957; George FREUDEGER, Estella's father, and Russell were way out in the fields farming. George was driving the tractor and Russell was working the wagon when George had a stroke. Russell had never driven a tractor before due to his being half blind. Now he had no choice in the matter, he had to drive the tractor back from all the way out in the fields. He made it back alright in time to save his father-in-law. George never did completely recover and died two weeks later. By the early 60's Russell was completely blind, but that didn't deter him from walking to town every day. He knew the way by heart. It has only been in the last 10 years or so (about 1984) that he had to stop his daily walking due to health problems.
[NI022296] Robert Alton Zigler saw service in WWII from September 1941 to August 1945 with Company C 10th Infantry, 5th Division. He was wounded 3 times. He also saw service in Korea. His service number was RA 15014111. Bob's third grade picture is in Paul Zigler's files. According to Celia Harpster, Bob was a busy, busy kid. The Harpsters (Will & Minnie) had a fireplace with bookshelves on either side and he kept climbing up them.
[NI022297] Member of the Brewer Heights Garden Club.
[NI022298] Living in Wilmington, NC in 1997.
[NI022299] Living in Lockport, NY in 1997.
[NI022303] Retired from Westfield Insurance Companies.
She worked at Goodyear Aircraft in WWII from June of 1943 to August 1945
right after graduating from high school. Later she attended Goodyear
University. She has the John Cameron Family Bible from 1853.
Selestian Petit. 1880 Milton Twp, Wayne Co, Ohio census lists her as 29
years old with both parents born in France. May have had a twin named Celeste. According to notes of LaVonne Davis she spent her summers with Armedia Lodisca Starn and winters with (Aunt Icey) Isadora Starn in Barberton.
[NI022329] He was a farmer. In 1862 George Starn was a Twp. trustee in Greene Twp. Wayne Co. In the 1880 census George was listed as a farmer in Green Twp, Wayne Co., OH with his wife, dau. Mary & Andrew 66 possibly a brother.
[NI022334] This is George's son John. Therefore information about the spouse & children of John are assumed. Another source will be pursued. Marriage information in 75 yrs of Wayne Co Marriages lists a John Starn marrying Maggie Spear on 9/7/1869??
Mary Lee Howell may be part Indian.
art Indian.
[NI022346] In conversation with LaVonne Davis, Clifford said he was a cry baby and when he was big enough to pound nails into a block of wood his grandmother Caroline would pull them out and he would pound them in again. He said she died not long after that. Clifford lived in Sterling until 1928 then moved to Seville. Married at the Methodist Parsonage in Wooster by Reverend Vernon Wagner. He and his dad drove from Sterling to Seville and then took a street car to Wooster. Elsie took the train from Rittman Station to Seville. Edgar VANSICKLE wouldn't give consent until he went and saw Minnie. After they were married they lived with Clifford's mother in Sterling until their first child, Robert, was born. They then moved to a little house between Sterling and Seville and lived one year, moving then to Sterling where their other 3 children were born Worked for the Seville Elevator for 39 years retiring in 1965. When he was 10 years old he had to quit school to help his father with thrashing wheat and husking corn and shredding fodder. He worked full time and year round. On April 21, 1935 he joined what was then the "Seville United Presbyterian Church". In January, 1958 he was ordained an Elder. In April 1994 Clifford and Elsie were no longer able to care for themselves and their children decided to put them in a nursing home in Rittman, Ohio at 275 East Sunset. Their home and most of the contents were auctioned off in May of 1994.
[NI022347] Elsie, together with Ed Poete, ran the Harpster farm after Will died. Elsie helped Ed milk the cows. In the 1930's and 40's she wrote for the Medina and Wooster papers. When she left she was to receive $100 a bible and clothes. She had a paper signed by W. Harpster stating this.
[NI022352] According to the census records both of her parents were born in PA.
[NI022355] He was an attorney. Educated in public schools, Wooster College & OH Northern Univ. in Ada, OH. He was a school teacher for 5 yrs, Att. at law 18 yrs. Began practice of law at Orrville in 1899 & continued in practice there until 1913; removed to Wooster & continued to practice while filling office of prosecuting Att. ; mayor of Orrville, OH, 1 term; city solicitor of Orrville, 8 yrs; prosecuting Att. of Wayne Co. 1913-1917.
[NI022365] He worked at the Railroad pump station starting in 1920 filling trains with water. He was also a crossing watchman in Akron at one time. He was also a farmer and had thrashing machines. Robert Zigler also thinks he had a sawmill and this was confirmed by his son Maurice Zigler. In 1910 he bought out Joe Petit who had owned the thrashing outfit. He would always thrash his own thirty acres first in case there was any mechanical problem, so it would be on his own time. A picture of Samuel Martin and Armedia Lodisca Starn is in the files of Paul Zigler. Elma Zigler tells the story that he smoked a pipe, and when he was pretty bad sick he wanted a doctor. Elma met Doc. Wolfe who said he couldn't do anything but Samuel still said he wanted a doctor, so Wolfe came and talked with him. Samuel smoked his pipe and Doc said I'll smoke with you and Doc got sicker and sicker. He said later what kind of tobacco was it and Samuel said Maple City and Doc said "My God, it must have been strong stuff."
[NI022369] He was making $18 a week when they were married in 1928. His boss Mr. Franks at the elevator said "old married man - gotta have a raise" so next paycheck was $20.
[NI022399] His farm was located about one mile east of Berlin, Ohio.
[NI022416] Gospel Herald Vol XLV # 40 Sep 30 1952 pg 973, 974, 975. Miller, Baldwin Forrest s/o late Noah E & Sophronia (Hummel) Miller b Holmes Co, OH May 4 1893 d near Pryor, OK Sep 6 1952 aged 59y 4m 2d. He m Katie Hostetler Sep 17 1916. Surviving are wife, 4 sons Elmer, Lloyd, Floyd, & Eli, all Pryor, OK, 1 dau Fern Mrs Everette Scheffel, Pyror, OK, 6 gchdn, 8 bros Elias A, La Junta, CO; Alf B, Hutchinson, KS; L C, Manitou Springs, CO; David D, Berlin, OH; Noah T, Pryor, OK; Billie D, Protection, KS; Levi A, Strasburg, CO; & Harold, Pryor, OK, & 4 sis' Ursula Mrs S Enos Miller, Protection, KS; Mary, Hesston, KS; Nora, La Junta, CO; & Christina Mrs Frank Garber, Alpha, MN. 1 bro preceded him. The early part of their m life they lived at Protection, KS, later La Junta, CO, & then Pryor, OK. He was memb Menn Ch. He had been in ill health since suffering from a paralytic stroke in 1951. Funeral Zion Menn Ch, Pryor, OK in charge of Nelson Histand, asst by C Z Martin. Bur in adjoining cem.
Kurtis Hummel's wife Maggie died and Kurtis married her sister. He always
lived around Millersburg, Ohio and worked as a coal` miner or other day
[NI022435] She and her husband operated a store in Charm, Ohio in Holmes County. This store handled general merchandise which was needed during this early settlement.
[NI022486] Ziba was a Sarg't in the 80th Reg. Co. B Union Army. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862 at Loogootee, In. He was mustered into the army at Princeton, IN. Sep. 3 1862. His age was 22 years; eyes gray; hair light; height 5'9"; complexion light; born in Martin Co., IN.; ocp'n farmer; dischared at Wilmington, NC-May 5, 1865.
[NI022512] A branch of the Kilgour Clan was transported to Elset, Ireland, along with hundreds of other Scotchman, by King James I in 1616 and 1710, and later by Cronwell, who adopted this method of colonizing the Emeraid Isle with Protestants, in order to keep Catholic Ireland in subjection. This explains the rapid spread of the Clan in Ulster, who never took kindly to the land of thier adoption, and for a century or more, until their exodue to America, were bitterly opposed by the followers of the wild Irish Earle, and where their names, regardless of the relibious antagonish, is as well known as in Scotland, the ancient seat of the Clan. His father and grandfather unknown, Greatgrandfather was Douglas Kilgore b. & d. in Scotland.
[NI022570] Bob was killed in a surplus military training plane around National City, CA. He was test flying the plane pretty well intoxicated and this caused the crash.
When Rebecca Bryan Boone married Daniel Boone there was no honeymoon.
She immediatley became the mistress of a household that included the young children of Daniel's brother Isreal, who had died two months earlier. Isreal's wife had predeceased him, both victims of consumtion, or tuberculosis. The children lived in the household of Daniel's parents and had grown close to their Uncle Daniel. The children lived with Rebecca & Daniel until they left North Carolina for Kentucky in 1773 a total of some seventeen years. So Elizabeth knew her Uncle Daniel more as a father than a uncle.
[NI022823] Lived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
[NI022901] Story as told to Edythe M. Minton by his wife, Margaret. Zachary did not know where he was born. Nor did he know who his parents were. He was placed in a convent in New Orleans by the name of Le Fleur (date not known). There he was raised and educated until he was 21 years of age. He was raised as a Catholic. A Mr. Young took him to Colorado, where he learned to ride horseback and take life easy to regain his health. He worked for a department store in Warsaw, Indiana. It was here that Margaret Cutshall came into the store with her parents. He fell in love with her, and eventually married her. His age at marriage was 25. He took a job in Levenworth, KS., teaching spanish and spending his honeymoon. They stayed until he retired and all of the children were grown. Then they moved to Kansas City, MO. He was 9 years older then his wife.
[NI022909] changed his name to John Walter Moore, everyone called him "Jack"
May Belle Addington Carter among the finest on the harp. Member of the Singing Carter Family. "Charles Kilgore of King's Montain", by Huge Addington, pg. 148
Maybelle sang alto harmony and played lead guitar on most of the Original Carter Family recordings 1927-1941. She was considered the musician of the group and her style of playing became known as the famous "Carter lick."
[NI022987] Member of the Singing Carter Family.
Sarah Dougherty Carter was among the finest lady singers, the most comforting and uplifting in all our South-land. Member of the Singing Carter Family.
"Charles Kilgore Of King's Mountain", by Hugh Addington, pg. 148
[NI022997] Isreal Boone's wife had predeceased him, both victims of consumption, or tuberculosis. With his four children , he had lived in the household of his parents, in his last months and his children had grown close to Uncle Daniel. In August of 1755 Sarah Morgan Boone (his mother) appeared with Isreal at the Moravian colony, twenty-five miles northeast of the Fork of the Yadkin at Salem, appealing for treatment from the resident doctor. There Isreal remanied, hospitalized for several weeks, and when he left, the record noted that there was "small hope of recovery." The children however continued to live with Rebecca & Daniel in North Carolina until the family left for Kentucky in 1773, some seventeen years. Elizabeth Boone, Isreal's daughter (our great-grand mother) grew up more as a daughter of Rebecca & Daniel, then aunt & uncle.
[NI023015] Sarah Day Boone was an intelligent, well educated Quakeress who taught her bother-in-law, Daniel Boone to read. Apparently spelling and punctuation were not part of the curriculm. The following letter from Daniel Boone to sister-in-law Sarah (Day) Boone; wife of his brother Samel Boone (Sr) and mother of Mary (Boone) Bradley, the wife of Leonard Keeling Bradley. At the time of this letter, Sarah was living at the home of her son-in-law, Leonard Keeling Bradley, in Missouri. "Dear Sister October 17th 1816 With pleasure I rcd a later from your sun Samuel Boone who informs me that you are yett Living and in good helth considering your age I wright to you to Latt you know I have not forgot you and to inform you of my own situation Since the Death of your Sister Rabach I Live with flanders Calaway But amat present at my sun Nathans and in tollarable halth you can guss at my feiling by your own as we are So Near one age I Need Not write you of our Satuation as Samuel Bradley or James Grimes' Can inform you of Every Surcomstance Relating to our family and how we live in this World and what Chance we shall have in the next we know Not for my part I am ignerant as a Child all the Relegan I have to Love and fear God believe in Jeses Christ Dow all the good to my Nighbours and my Self that I can and Do as Little harm as I can help and trust in God marcy for the Rest and I Beleve god never made a man of my prinsepal to be Lost and I flatter myself Dear Sister that you are well on your way in Christianaty gave my Love to all your Children and all my frends fearwell my Dear Sister. Daniel Boone"
[NI023026] Daniel Boone Bryan enlisted in the Revolutionary War in Rowan County, NC in 1776 at the age of 18 years. He moved to Kentucky with his father and family in the Spring of 1779. He helped build and fortify Bryan Station.
[NI023064] Early settler of Kansas, had 12 children
Spent 6 years in the U.S. Navy (1940-46) as a enlisted man (Combat Photographer in the South Pacific)...got out and was in a photo business in San Diego...But, later got into the Army Reserves to go to flight school and fly their airplanes on the weekends...little did I know that the Korean "Police Action", would get me back into uniform...I was a lieutenant, and finally retired as a Major.
In 1948-49 I took flight training from my Brother Bryon who had a flight school and I learned on the GI Bill...it was later I got into the reserves to go to Army's flight school and then was called to active duty for the Korean conflict...I retired with almost 6000 hrs flight time, and about half of it flying helicopters. My aviation activities since retirment have been limited to radio controlled model aircraft...great fun...
[NI023119] Wife was killed mysteriously by hit and run driver.
[NI023133] German ethnic background, NOT Czech.
Boy One Sinclair b: 1770 d: Abt. 1840
Boy Two Sinclair b: 30 October 1771 d: Abt. 1840
Girl One Sinclair b: 12 September 1777 d: Abt. 1850
Girl Two Sinclair b: 05 April 1781 d: Abt. 1850
His father, John, was a native of Germany & was an early settler of Bedford Co., where d. He was m 4 times & was the father of 22 chldn. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Co.s, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co.)
1850 Census Napier Twp., Bedford Co., PA Aug 25 Thos Hughes
26 230 235 Border John 75 M 200 Md
Border Sarah 50 F Pa
Border Caroline 17 F Pa
Border Susan 13 F Pa
Border Cyrus E 9 M Pa
Border Catharine J 7 F Pa
[NI023438] Four brothers of Abraham came to Ohio from Kentucky and settled in Pickaway County, Ohio. They were Isaac, Michael, Simon, and John.
[NI023440] The first Hornback in the records is Simon. Perhaps in time the records will extend back beyond that. Simon Hornback was one of the associates of Daniel Boone, settling with him in Kentucky when the country was full of Indians. To be more secure he came down the Ohio River in a flat boat. He settled in Bourbon County, KY. At one time he was making salt on Licking River with other settlers when they were attacked by Indians. The redskins out numbered the whites who had to retreat fron tree to tree fighting as they went back home. One man killed three Indians in the engagement. They then obtained reinforcements and returned to their salt works. Boone on one occasion was taken prisoner by the redmen and was gone so long that his wife thought him dead and she packed her few goods on a mule and set out through the wilderness for Virginia. It is likley that the children of Simon were all born in Big Valley Pennsylvania as most of the men who went out to Kentucky had received grants of land for service to the government and the 1784 census of Hampshire County, Virginia, gives Simon Hornback with a family of thirteen. Therefore, the children were born in Virginia and they went to Kentucky after 1784. The Will of Simon Hornback is recorded in Will Book 3, pg. 114, of Bourbon County, Kentucky, written December 17, 1800. Witness were Andrew Trumbo, John Artman, and Martha Trumbo.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Cyrus Wissinger Age: 46 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 9154 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0438 Co.: Cambria Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mary E 44, PA
Daughter Elenaor 15, PA
[NI023624] RENELDER WALKER b abt 1748, Frederick Co., MD d KY (presumeably Whitley Co.) abt 1825. On 27 Nov 1778, Wilkes Co., NC he executed a Bond for his m to Mary Wilcoxson, with Charles & Daly Walker as Sureties. They were apparently capable of signing their names. Daly must have been a relative; he m in Wilkes Co. on the same day. Renalder & Charles were the bondsmen for Daly. NC Marriages Early to 1800, p.460; Wilkes Marriages Before 1800 Wilkes Co., NC, vol.1, p.25. 1 source even spells it Randler. Marriages of Wilkes Co., NC, p.191. While he was in NC he appears on the 1782 Wilkes Co. tax list (Capt. Abraham DeMoss� Dist.). He was listed as having no land, no negroes, 1 mule/horse & 1 cow. Absher, 1782 Tax List Wilkes Co., NC, p.13. See also NC Taxpayers, supra, v.2, p.210. Other Walkers shown at the same time were Charles, Zachariah & Archilus. Zachariah had 1 negro; Zachariah & Charles had land (Zachariah the greater) & they all had more animals than Renelder, suggesting that they were older & more established than he. He appears on the 1784 Wilkes tax list, still without any land. Absher, Wilkes Co., NC Taxables 1784- 1785- 1786, p.9. Raleigh A Randal Walker appears on a 1788 Fayette Co. tax list. Some Pre-1800 KY Tax Lists, supra, p.11. Renelder appears to have come to KY by 1802, when he 1st appears on the Knox Co. tax rolls without land; he had 1 male over 16 & under 21 (maybe Jesse). He had a Warrant for acreage on Clear Fork, which was then in Knox Co.. He appears on the 1807 Knox tax rolls with 1 white male above 21, 1 white male 16-21 & 2 horses or mules, & on the 1808 Knox tax rolls with 1 white male above 21, 1 white male 16-21 & 5 horses or mules. The 16-21 male cannot be Jesse, as he is separately listed on the rolls. He appears on the 1809 Knox tax rolls with 1 white male above 21 & 7 horses or mules. On 6 Apr 1813 he obtained Warrant Certificate No. 146 on 6 Apr 1813 from the Knox Circuit Court for 136 acs on the "Clare" Fork of the Cumberland River, pursuant to the Tellico Claims settlement. The land was surveyed on 2 Apr 1814, Survey No. 559. The Original page of the record in the KY Sec. of State's Office is ukwn; the Grant is dated 16 Jul 1827 & is recorded at Original pg 700-701. He is "Renalder" in these documents. He assigned his claim, however, as Gov Desha signed a deed to a Sampson Stanfield on 16 Jul 1827. Renelder made his mark. Another interesting thing is that the description of the land contains a call on a line between a Pendleton & a P. Walker, & the signatures of the witnesses are those of Pleasant Walker & Elias Walker. He appears in the 1810 Knox Co. census as Rinelder. In his household were 1 male 45 or over, 1 25-45, 2 16-25, 1 10-16 & 1 under 10. There was 1 female 45 or more & 3 aged 10-16. He had no slaves. He appears on the 1819 Whitley tax rolls with 135 acs on Clear Fork, 2 horses/mules. He had no slaves. He appears in the Whitley Co. Tax Lists, with land as late as 1821, but without land through the 1825 listing; the lack of a listing of land may be a result of an exemption he received from taxation in 1820 & not the actual lack of ownership. In the 1st Whitley Co. Order Book, p.106 there is found the following entry on Mon, 12 Jun 1820: "Ordered by the Court that Reanelder Walker be exempt from paying Co. Levie in future in case of infirmity." He does not appear on the 1826 listing. There was a great exodus of Walkers from Whitley Co. to MO abt 1825, & that has been taken as an indication that he d about that time. On 3 Oct 1826 Jesse Walker acted as agent for his bro, Samuel, which is mentioned here only as an indication that Samuel was already gone by that date.
1850 Federal Census Conemaugh Twp., Cambria Co., PA Enumerated 2 Nov by Henry Cook
32 446 496 Stutzman Daniel 44 M Farmer 2,000 Pa
33 446 496 Stutzman Mary 40 F Pa
34 446 496 Stutzman Hanah 17 F Pa
35 446 496 Stutzman Susanah 15 F Pa
36 446 496 Stutzman Levi 13 M Pa
37 446 496 Stutzman Benjamin 11 M Pa
38 446 496 Stutzman Sarah 6 F Pa
39 446 496 Stutzman Samuel 4 M Pa
40 446 496 Stutzman John 2 M Pa
41 446 496 Stutzman Daniel 6/12 M Pa
42 446 496 Grayham William 18 M Laborer Pa
[NI024131] Abraham purchased the 150-ac farm in Derry Twp, Mifflin Co., PA from his father Christian in 1816. He along with his half bro Daniel was the executor of his father Christian estate. Abraham dabbled in real-estate & was said to have been a shrewd land agent. He & John Hartzler foreclosed on Preacher Christian Esh from Fermanagh Twp, taking his 100-ac farm in Derry Twp. I guess business is business. Abraham & Catherine eventually moved to Lagrange Co., IN & are bur Maple Grove Cem., Topeka, IN where they rest with some of their chldn.
Served in the House of Representatives in 1848 & 1849.
1850 Federal Census Elklick Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 21 Oct 1850 by John H. Smith
13 136 140 Stutzman Jost. J. 37 M Teacher 3,500 PA
14 136 140 Stutzman Elisabeth 30 F PA
15 136 140 Stutzman Christain 20 M Student of medicine PA
16 136 140 Stutzman Benjamin F. 17 M Teacher PA
17 136 140 Stutzman Ann Mariah 13 F PA
18 136 140 Stutzman Sarah E. 1 F PA
19 136 140 Stutzman Marion 3/12 M PA
1870 Federal Census Salisbury Boro, Elk Lick Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 9 Aug 1870 by Michael F. Smith
1 51 59 Stutzman Elizabeth 44 F W HK 5,000 300 PA
2 51 59 Stutzman Christ. 38 M W Physician 2,000 500 PA
3 51 59 Stutzman Alice K. 14 F W PA
4 51 59 Stutzman Edith C. 14 F W PA
5 51 59 Stutzman Hattie 10 F W PA
6 51 59 Gould Lucy 9 F W PA
7 51 59 Gould George 2* M W Canada *age might be 12
could read & write both English & German
Jonathan Yoder lived in a number of different places including Berks, Mifflin & Juniata Co.s, PA, & McLean Co., IL, near Carlock. He was chosen preacher in 1825 & latter bishop. In 1849 2 sons, Elias & Amos, & his bro Joseph came to McLean Co., IL. Elias settled in Dry Grove Twp what is now the Kinsinger farm. His bro Amos came to the same place. In the spring of 1851 Yoder & the rest of the family came to Dry Grove Twp, McLean Co., IL. He bought a 40 ac farm not far from his son, Elias, & engaged in farming till about 1860 when he and his wife went to live with his son, Amos. Here Mrs. Yoder died February 2, 1869. Yoder then went to live with his daug Mrs. John Sharp near Congerville, IL. When Yoder came to McLean Co., he became a leader of the Amish people of Danvers & Dry Grove Twps. He also had quite a large following of his own people from PA who came abt the same time he did. Soon after his arrival he organized a congregation & they held meetings in the homes of membs. In the spring of 1853, a church house was built at Rock Creek, where are now the Rock Creek Fair Grounds, abt 5 mis north of Danvers. His death came in rather an unusual way. A minister's meeting was held at the home of his daug, Mrs. John Sharp, in the latter part of Jan, 1869. At the noon hr when Mrs. Sharp invited the ministers to the dining room, Rev. Yoder said he did not care to eat & would rather lie down & rest. The other ministers went to the table & after dinner when they came back into the room they found he was passing away. He d Jan 28 1869, at the age of 74 yrs, & was bur on Simon Lantz,s farm now the Lantz Cem. a few mis southeast of Carlock. Jacob Zehr, Christian Risser, & Joseph Stuckey gave appropriate remarks at the funeral.
1850 Federal Census Elklick Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 18 Oct 1850 by John H. Smith
35 45 47 Yoder Joseph J. 61 M Blacksmith Penna
36 45 47 Yoder Julian 24 F Penna
37 45 47 Yoder Susan 5 F Penna
38 45 47 Yoder Levi 2 M Penna
39 45 47 Yoder Mary 1 F Penna
A series of deeds together with Cumru Twp, Berks Co. PA. tax lists & census records Cumru Twp, Berks Co. PA 1790 Tredyffrin Twp, Chester County, PA 1800 Little Britain Twp, Lancaster Co. PA 1810 show that Jacob Kurtz & wife Barbara lived in Cumru Twp, Berks Co. PA at least from 1765 to 1791, moved to Tredyffrin Twp, Chester Co., PA in 1791, & to Little Britain Twp, Lancaster Co. PA by 1810 where he d, & that he was the ONLY Jacob Kurtz of his generation living in Cumru Twp, Berks Co. PA in 1786
Orphan's Court Berks Co. PA 2/13/1767: "petition of Barbara Ritter, about 17, only child of Martin Ritter deceased ofo QBP, who died intestate leaving personal estate in hands of Peter Leibenguth administrator, who intermarried with petitioner's mother, who lately died." Petitioner asks for guardian and chooses Jacob Kurtz
[NI024251] Magdalena's birthday 27 April 1789, changed it to 26 because conflict with tree trying to join her with her cousin.
[NI024340] Herald of Truth, Vol. XXIII # 5 Mar 1 1886 pg 77. PEACHEY. On ____, Menno Twp, Mifflin Co, PA Christian Peachey, aged 82y 4m 6d. He m twice, 1st wife d abt 50y ago & his 2nd wife abt 18y ago. He was father of 18 chdn, 31 gchdn & 15 ggchdn. He was memb AMC. Funeral serv by David & Christian Peachey.
1850 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA
210 218 GERBER John 63 M Farmer
Elisabeth 63 F
Catharine 20 F
1850 Census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA 16 Oct 1850 by J. J. Schell
129 134 BLOUGH Peter 59 M Farmer 5000 acres PA can't read or write
Christianna 46 F PA
Elisabeth 27 F PA
Jonathan 24 M Farmer PA
Samuel W 22 M PA
Julian 20 F PA
Andrew 17 M Farmer PA
Jessee 15 M Farmer PA
Sally 13 F PA
Christina 8 F PA
Michael 5 M PA
[NI024603] HERALD OF TRUTH, Vol XXXVII No 13 Jul 1 1900 pg 206, 207. HARTZLER. On 7 Jun 1900, Allensville, PA Yost Hartzler aged 73y 1m 3d. Bro Hartzler was memb AMC for upwards of 50ys. Funeral Jun 8, was attended by a large #, & conducted by Joseph Zook & Joseph H Byler. A family of 8 chdn, with gchdn & 1 ggchd remain. Bro Hartzler was descendant of venerable preacher Jacob Hertzler, who left Switzerland nearly 200ys ago, on account of religious persecution, & settled in Palatinate (Pfaltz) in France, whence he came to Amer in 1749, settling near Hamburg, Berks Co, PA on land bought from Thomas & Richard Penn.
1850 Census Conemaugh Twp., Cambria Co., PA 4 Nov Henry Cook
3 454 504 Yodder Daniel 48 M Farmer 3,000 Pa
Yodder Catherine 45 F Pa
Yodder Samuel 22 M Laborer Pa
Yodder Amelia 18 F Pa
Yodder David 12 M Pa
1850 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA
212 220 KAUFMAN Isaac 43 M Farmer
Mary 40 F
John 20 M Laborer
Mary 16 F
Jacob 14 M
Sarah 12 F
Susan 10 F
Tobias 7 M
Marianne 5 F
Isaac 3 M
LEHMAN Tobias 19 M Laborer
1870 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA 19 Aug H. J. Boyts
18 205 204 Kaufman Isaac 63 M W Farmer 43,860 87,700 Penna
Kaufman Polly 60 F W wife Penna
Kaufman Mary 25 F W at home Penna
Kaufman Joseph 20 M W at home Penna
Kaufman Catharnia 17 F W at home Penna
Kaufman David 14 M W at home Penna
Kaufman John 5 M W at home Penna
Blaugh Joseph 28 M W Farm Laborer . 300 Penna
Blaugh Susanna 26 F W wife Penna
Blaugh Edward 2 M W Penna
Blaugh Jacob 69 M W Retired Farmer Penna
1850 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA
191 199 YODER Tobias 38 M Farmer
Susanna 38 F
Elisabeth 15 F
Jacob 14 M
Catharine 10 F
Sarah 3 F
Joseph 9/12 M
1870 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 9 Aug 1870 by H. J. Boyts
38 24 24 Yoder Tobiaz S. 58 M W Farmer 8,000 1,400 Penna
39 24 24 Yoder Susan 58 F W wife Penna
40 24 24 Yoder Joseph 20 M W at home Penna
1 24 24 Yoder Lydia 16 F W at home Penna
2 24 24 Blaugh Rachel 38 F W Domestic Servant Penna
Herald of Truth, Vol XXXIII # 12 Jun 15 1896 pg 190. KAUFFMAN. On May 29 1896, Conemaugh Twp, Somerset Co, PA Jacob Kauffman, aged 80y 5m 9d. Bur 31st Levi L Yoder's burgrnd. Servs by Michael Yoder & Moses B Miller. This was lgst funeral ever witnessed in neighborhood of Thomas' Mills.
1850 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA
223 233 KAUFMAN Jacob M Farmer
Elisabeth 32 F
Isaac 7 M
Joseph 5 M
Catharine 2 F
WINGARD Catharine 22 F
1870 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA 13 Aug H. J. Boyts
21 126 121 Kaufman Jacob 55 M W Farmer 8,000 1,200 Penna
Kaufman Elisabeth 52 F W wife Penna
Kaufman Isaac 28 M W Carpenter Penna
Kaufman Joseph 25 M W Farm Laborer Penna
Kaufman Sarah 19 F W at home Penna
Kaufman Tobias 16 M W at home Penna
1850 Census of Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA
164 170 YODER Joseph 61 M Farmer
Elisabeth 61 F
1850 Federal Census Conemaugh Twp., Cambria Co., PA Enumerated 22 Oct by Henry Cook
22 212 241 Yodder David 39 M Farmer 810 Pa
23 212 241 Yodder Sarah 29 F Pa
24 212 241 Yodder Lydia 3 F Pa
25 212 241 Yodder Catherine 2 F Pa
26 212 241 Yodder Susan 44 F Pa
1850 census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator John J. Schell
215-101 Peterman, Christian 40 M Farmer PA
Magdlene 41 F PA
Jonathan 16 M Farmer PA
Daniel 9 M PA
Rufus H. 5 M PA
Charles 2 M PA
Julian 11 F PA
Michael 87 M Farmer PA
1870 census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 12 Jul 1870 by Hiram J. Boytz
20 227 227 Peterman Christian 62 M W farmer 5,000 1,080 Pa
21 227 227 Peterman Matty 61 F W wife Pa
22 227 227 Peterman Charles 21 M W farm labr Pa
23 227 227 Peterman Amaniah 18 M W at home Pa
1880 Federal Census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator O.W.Williamson Pg 20, 21 Jun 1880
439B 23 185 Peterman Christian W M 69 Farmer PA PA PA
439B 24 185 Peterman Magdalena W F 71 Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
439B 25 185 Peterman Daniel W M 39 Son Farm laborer PA PA PA
439B 26 185 Peterman Charles W M 32 Son Farm laborer PA PA PA
1850 census Paint Twp., Somerset Co., PA
84 Holsapple, Samuel 37 M Farmer - 500 Acres
Holsapple, Elisabeth 37 F
Holsapple, Jonathan 11 M
Holsapple, Noah 9 M
Holsapple, John 8 M
Holsapple, Samuel 6 M
1870 Census Paint Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated on 7 Jun 1870 by H. J. Boyts
30 5 5 Holsopple Samuel 57 M W farmer 1,500 775 Pa
31 5 5 Holsopple Elisabeth 56 F W wife Pa
32 5 5 Holsopple Noah 30 M W farm laborer Pa
33 5 5 Holsopple John 28 M W farm laborer Pa
34 5 5 Holsopple Elisabeth 23 F W At Home Pa
1850 census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator John J. Schell
216-109 Boyer, Peter, Jr. 37 M Farmer PA
Catharine 34 F PA
Elisabeth 16 F PA
Susan 13 F PA
John 9 M PA
Jonathan 4 M PA
Wolford, Samuel 30 M Farmer PA
1880 Federal Census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator O.W.Williamson Pg 20, 21 Jun 1880
439B 5 180 Boyer Peter W M 67 X Farmer PA PA PA
439B 6 180 Boyer Gertha W F 67 Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
1850 census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator John J. Schell
216-105 Foy, John 31 M Farmer PA
Julian 31 M PA
Rosanna 10 F PA
Michael 5 M PA
Yoder, L.ydia 26 F PA
Yoder, Mary 26 F PA
1870 census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 12 Jul 1870 by Hiram J. Boytz
13 226 225 Foy John 52 M W farmer 4,000 850 Pa
14 226 225 Foy Juliann 52 F W wife Pa
15 226 225 Foy Rosey 29 F W at home Pa
16 226 225 Foy Lydia 49 F W at home Pa
1880 Federal Census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator O.W.Williamson Pg 19, 18 Jun 1880
439A 46 171 178 Foy John W M 63 Farmer PA PA PA
439A 47 171 178 Foy Julia A. W F 63 Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
439A 48 171 178 Foy Roseanna W F 39 Daughter At home PA PA PA
1850 census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator John J. Schell
215-100 Yoder, Jonathan 24 M Farmer PA
Maria 22 F PA
John 5 M PA
Zachariah 1 M PA
1880 Federal Census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator O.W.Williamson Pg 20, 21 Jun 1880
439B 12 182 Yoder Jonathan W M 57 Farmer PA PA PA
439B 13 182 Yoder Maria W F 51 Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
439B 14 182 Lenston Carolina W F 19 Adopted PA PA PA
439B 15 182 Stahl Henrietta W F 8 G daughter PA PA PA
439B 16 182 John Clara J. W F 8 G daughter PA PA PA
1850 Census Stoneycreek Twp., Somerset Co., PA
247 111 YODER Samuel 46 M Farmer PA
247 111 YODER Elisabeth 45 F PA
247 111 YODER Julia 24 F PA
247 111 YODER Emanuel 22 M Farmer PA
247 111 YODER Sarah 21 F PA
247 111 YODER John 18 M Farmer PA
247 111 YODER Eli 16 M Farmer PA
247 111 YODER Elisabeth 15 F PA
247 111 YODER Franey 13 F PA
247 111 YODER Joshua 11 M PA
247 111 YODER Gertrude 9 F PA
247 111 YODER Jonas 6 M PA
1870 Census Stoney Creek Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated on 24 Aug 1870 by Christian Streng
17 205 208 Yoder Samuel 67 M W Farmer 2,000 400 PA
18 205 208 Yoder Julia 43 F W PA
19 205 208 Yoder Gertrud 30 F W PA
20 205 208 Pritts Wilson 10 M W PA
21 205 208 Fisher Peter 10 M W PA
1850 Federal Census Conemaugh Twp., Cambria Co., PA Enumerated 23 Oct by Henry Cook
12 258 292 Harshberger Henry 48 M Farmer 2,500 Pa
13 258 292 Harshberger Catherine 45 F Pa
14 258 292 Harshberger David 20 M Laborer Pa
15 258 292 Harshberger samuel 18 M Laborer Pa
16 258 292 Harshberger Henry 13 M Pa
17 258 292 Harshberger Barbara 15 F Pa
18 258 292 Harshberger John 11 M Pa
19 258 292 Harshberger Frances 4 F Pa