William & Mary Ann (MILLER) GLASS & virtually all of their chldn & spouses, plus a larger group of extended relations from Miller, Glass,
Weakland families moved to the Howard/Chickasaw Co.s, IA starting in the mid 1860s.
[NI137016] Last Will & Testament of Robert P. CAUFFIELD I, Robert P. CAUFFIELD, Johnstown, Co. of Cambria, & State of PA, being of sound mind, memory & understanding do make & publish this my last will any me at anytime heretofore made. 1st, I direct al my just debts & funeral expenses to be fully pd & satified by my executor hereinafter named as soon as conveniebtly may be after my decease. 2nd, I give & bequeath to my daug Annie E. intermarried with Charles SHRINER the just & full sum of $1 hers to have & to hold her heirs & assigns forever. 3rd, I give & bequeath to my son, Robert J. CAUFFIELD, the just & full sum of $1 his to have & to hold his heirs & assigns forever. 4th, I give & bequeath to my son, Charles A. CAUFFIELD, the sum of $1 his to have & to hold his heirs & assigns forever. 5th, I give & bequeath to my son, William A. CAUFFIELD, the just & full sum of $1 his to have & to hold his heirs & assigns forever. 6th, I give & bequeath to my daug, Mary May intermarried with Charles RODDY, the just & full sum of $1 hers to have & to hold her heirs & assigns forever. 7th, I give & bequeath to my son, Harry A. CAUFFIELD the just & full sum of $1 his to have & to hold his heirs & assigns forever. 8th, I give & bequeath to my son, Willard William CAUFFIELD, the just & full sum of $1 his to have & to hold his heirs & assigns forever. 9th, All the rest residue & remainder of my estste the payment of my just debut & funeral expenses as aforesaid whether real, personal, or minded of which, I shall die seized, did possess or to which I shall entitled at my deceased, I give, devise, & bequeath to my beloved wife Ella CAUFFIELD for her own proper use & benefit forever. I do hereby make, constitute & appoint my beloved wife, Ella CAUFFIELD to be Executrix of this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof, I Robert P. CAUFFIELD, the testator above named have hereunto subscribed my name & affixed my seal 9 Apr 1912. Robert P. CAUFFIELD (seal) Signed, sealed, published & declarded by the above named Robert P. CAUFFIELD as & for his last Will & Testament in the presence of us, who have hereunto subscibed our names at his request as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Testator & of ea other. Lloyd K. Stine, Joseph Hornberger. Registered Jul 13 1912, & Lewtter Testamentary issued to Ella CAUFFIELD. Tibbott, Register Cambria Co. Wills bk 8, pg 674 - #9403
[NI137017] Funeral serv for Mrs. Ella (HILDEBRAND) CAUFFIELD, 80, 611 Sherman St, Kernville. Who d Tue night Mem Hosp. Will be at 2:30 pm Sat at residence. Rev. S. V. Carmany, pastor of 1st Evang Ch of which Mrs. CAUFFIELD was a memb, will officiate. Bur Grandview Cem. Directed by John Henderson Co, morticians. Mrs. CAUFFIELD was b Sep 2 1859 Indiana Co, d/o Charles & Catherine (MOCK) HILDEBRAND. Her husb Robert P. CAUFFIELD, d December 15, 1881. Surviving chldn: Annie E. OSBORNE, Burbank, CA.; Mary Mae RODDY, 611 Sherman St.; Robert J.; Charles A. & Harry H. CAUFFIELD, all Johnstown, & Willard M. CAUFFIELD. Harrisburg. A son William A. CAUFFIELD, d Apr 1928, Burbank, CA. Mrs. CAUFFIELD leaves 21 gchldn; 9 ggchldn. She was a sis of James C. HILDEBRAND, Johnstown.
[NI137025] Matilda & daug Emma left the Louisburg, Miami Co. KS community & were never heard from again
[NI137034] The Western Spirit Mon Feb 20 1984. Butts, Mrs. Stella Butts, 90, Paola, d Fri Feb 17 1984, at Country Haven Adult Care facility, Paola; b near Louisburg May 4 1893 d/o Frederic & Anna Kathryn Braun Wolf. Mrs. Butts had lived in this area most of her life & was a well known sales rep. for Avon Products for over 42 yrs.; m Arnold Mark Barnes Mar 7 1916, Paola. He preceded her in death Nov 27 1963. On Jul 11 1964, she m Lee Butts at Louisburg. The couple had lived in Paola for over 12 yrs, moving here from the farm near Gardner. She was a memb of Immaculate Conception Cath Ch, Louisburg. Her survivors include husb, Lee Butts of the home in Paola; 3 sons, Walter F. Barnes, Louisburg; Arnold W. Barnes, Spokane, WA., & Dale W. Barnes, Garland, TX; a daug, Mrs. Helen Cole, Overland Pk; 2 stepsons, Edward L. Butts, Lenexa; & Harold V. Butts, Arlington, TX; a step-daug, Mrs. Goldie (sic) Fern Hendrickson, Paola; 9 gchldn; 14 ggchldn; 9 stepgchldn; 21 stepggchldn; 5 stepgggchldn. The visitation will be 7-8 pm at Runyan Chapel, Louisburg. The rosary will be recited by Rev. Stanley Loncaric at 8pm. The servs will be 10 am Tue at the chapel with Rev. Mr. Loncaric officiating. Bur St. Mary's Cem., L.ouisburg. The pallbearers will be Fred Barnes Jr., James L. Cole, Gary G. Cole, Mike Barnes, Keith Virgin & Gary Haney. Honorary bearers will be Marvin Baxter, Ned Daniels & Mark Barnes.
Q. V. WOLF BUTTS (Article from Cass County Demo, Harrisonville, MO, Cleveland items, Jun 3 1943.) During the past several wks we have reported the serious illness of Mrs. Lee Butts. Mon of last wk she was removed to the Univ of KS Hosp, where her condition continued to grow more critical & abt noon on Decoration Day, May 30 she passed away. The family has lost a faithful companion & a loving mother, the comm. a conscientious friend & neighbor. Surviving are her husb L.A. Butts, 1 daug Mrs. Oliver Hendrickson, 2 sons, Edward, Cleveland, & Harold, KS City, & 5 gchldn. The funeral was held Tue afternoon at Cleveland Christian Ch.
Obit from Cass Co. Demo, Harrisonville, MO, Cleveland items, dated Jun 10 1943. There is gloom, grief & broken hearts in another home in the Cleveland community for the death angel came to call Mrs. Q.V. Butts to her eternal reward in heaven Sun, May 30 l943, at age 47 yrs, 8 mos, & 29 dys. She had been ill for the past 2 yrs, but had been bedfast for 4 1/2 wks. Q. V., d/o John & Ida Wolf, b Louisburg, KS, Sep 1 1895, where she lived until her marriage to Levi A. Butts, Paola, KS Feb 2 1915. Their 3 chldn are: Edward L., & Golda Ferne, w/o Oliver Hendrickson, both Cleveland, & Harold V., KS City. Besides husb & chldn there are 1eft to mourn the departure, the father, John Wolf, Louisburg; 3 bros, Charles, Hugo, CO, Arthur, Los Angeles, CA, & Ivan, Louisburg; 4 sis's, Elizabeth, w/o E. H. Meyers, Humbolt, KS; Grace, w/o J. H. Rice, Lenexa, KS; Alma, w/o Newton Kern, Sr., & Laura, w/o Ralph Reed, both Louisburg; 5 gchildren & countless other relatives, neighbors & friends. Some 27 yrs ago Mrs. Butts was converted & united with the Cleveland Christian Ch & has remained true to her faith & belief. She was a kind & loving wife & mother, her first thoughts always being of her home, chldn & gchldn. The sacred memory of her life will live on & on as an inspiration to those who knew & loved her best. The funeral serv was held at Cleveland Christian Ch, Tue 2 pm, conducted by Rev. Ray Priestly. Casketbearers were, Hugh Duncan, Jimmy Martin, Joe Glenn, Ernest Martin, Morris Job, & Walter Hooten. Bur. Cleveland Cem.
[NI137053] Never married. Ivan lived alone at the old home place northease of Louisburg, Miami Co., KS. He committed suicide by shooting himself at home place.
Anthony LAPE & his wife Sarah RICHWINE were from Carlisle, Cumberland Co., P A, both of German Ancestry. Anthony was a drummer boy in the War of 1812. They came to Quemahoning Twp then latter in JennerTwp & were membs of the Hoffman Zion Luth Ch. Sarah was m once before to a Mr. WOLF of whom 2 chldn were b: Samuel, & Mary, w/o Samuel ZERFOSS. To Anthony & Sarah 8 chldn were b: Elizabeth; John Welsh; Eva; Philip; David; Joseph; Susanna; & Catherine. Anthony was b Jan 5 1798 & d Apr 26 1882. Sarah was b Oct 6 1796 & d Sep 17 1869. Both are bur Hoffman Luth Cem.
1850 Federal Census Jenner Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 24 Oct 1850 by John J Schell
5 248 258 Lape Anthony 52 M W Farmer 3,000 PA
6 248 258 Lape Sarah 54 F W PA
7 248 258 Sipe Elisabeth 25 F W PA
8 248 258 Lape Philip 19 M W Farmer PA
9 248 258 Lape David 18 M W Farmer PA
10 248 258 Lape Joseph 16 M W Farmer PA
11 248 258 Lape Susannah 14 F W PA
12 248 258 Lape Katy Ann 12 F W PA
13 248 258 Sipe John 5 M W PA
1850 Federal Census Jenner Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 17 Oct 1850 by John J Schell
8 95 99 Lape John 24 M W Carpenter PA
9 95 99 Lape Rebecca 21 F W PA
1860 Census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA 8 Jun 1860 by Josiah H. Zimmerman
157 173 LAPE Philip 29 M Master Carpenter 540 PA
Catharine 25 F PA
Mary M. 5 F PA.
Sarah C. 2/12 F PA
Catharine LAPE 22 F Servant PA
[NI137082] Johnstown Daily Trib Dec 17 1906: DIED AT SON'S HOME - Mrs. Philip Lape, 72, Passed Away Today in 8th Ward. After a serious illness of more than a yr's duration, Mrs. Catherine Zimmerman LAPE, w/o Philip LAPE, d 7 am today at resid of her son & daug-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Willis A. G. LAPE, 8th Ward. She was b Quemahoning Twp, Somerset Co, Aug 19 1834, d/o John A. & Catherine ZIMMERMAN. On Oct 9 1853, she m Philip LAPE by Rev. J. K. MILLER, pastor of Stoyestown Luth Ch & father of J. K.; J. C.; & Dr. E. L. MILLER, of this city. When quite young she became identified with Horner's Luth Ch here. When well enough to go out, she rarely missed Sun morn serv. Besides her husb, Mrs. LAPE is survived by following chdn: Mrs. Henry W. HORNER, Jenners; Mrs. Chauncey PRITTS, Somerset; Mrs. Henry FISHER, Jenners; Mrs. Daniel J. CUSTER, Holsopple, all in Somerset Co, & Willis A. G. LAPE, mentioned above whom Mr. & Mrs. LAPE made their home for the past 5 yrs. John Welsh LAPE, another son, d when very young. Funeral serv 3 pm tomorrow by Rev. Dr. W. A. SHIPMAN, pastor, 1st Luth Ch. 6 membs of Speer Orr Camp, Sons of Vets, with which organization W. A. G. LAPE is prominently identified, will serve as pallbearers. Bur Grandview Cem.
Couldn't read or write but could speak english
said to be!st man killed by streetcar in Milwaukee, WI.
Deaths in KS PAOLA-Levi A. "Lee" Butts, 9O, Paola, d Tue in nursing home here. He was b Cleveland, MO, & had lived in Paola 13 yrs. Mr. Butts was a farmer before he retired. He leaves 2 sons, Edward L. Butts, Lenexa; & Harold V. Butts, Arlington, TX; daug, Mrs. Golda Ferne Hendrickson, Paola; 3 stepsons, Walter F. Barnes, Louisburg, KS, Arnold W. Barnes, Spokane, WA, & Dale W. Barnes, Garland, TX; a step-daug, Mrs. Helen Cole, Overland Pk; 9 gchldn; 9 step-gchldn; 21ggchldn; 14 step-ggchldn; 6 gggchldn. Servs 10 am Fri at Runyan Chapel, Louisburg; bur. Cleveland Cem. Friends may call 7-8 pm Thu at the chapel.
KS City Times Wed May 22 1985 The Miami Rep. Wed May 22 1985 Butts. Levi A. Butts, 90, Paola, d Tue, May 21 1985, Country Haven Adult Care facility. aka Lee. He was b Mar 23 1895, Cleveland, MO, s/o William Levi & Florence Larkin. Mr. Butts was a retired farmer. He had lived in Paola 13 yrs. He m Feb 2, 1915 to Q.V. Wolfe & she preceded him in death May 30 1943. On Jul 11 1964, he m Stella Barnes & she d Feb 17 1984. His survivors include a daug, Mrs. Golda Ferne Hendrickson, Paola; 2 sons, Edward L. Butts, Lenexa; & Harold V. Butts, Arlington, TX; 3 stepsons, Walter F. Barnes, Louisburg, Arnold W. Barnes, Spokane, WA, & Dale W. Barnes, Garland, TX; 9 gchldn; 9 stepgchldn; 21 ggchldn; 14 stepggchldn; 6 gggchldn. The visitation will be 7-8 pm Thu at Runyan Chapel, Louisburg. The servs will be at 10 am Fri at the chapel. The Rev. J. Lemert Whitmer will officiate. Bur Cleveland Cem. Serving as the pallbearers will be Buddy Hendrickson, Bob Hendrickson, Darold Hendrickson, Harold Hendrickson, Eddie Butts & Danny Butts.
[NI137167] James Oliver, s/o James Henry & Mayme Elsie (Laffoon) Hendrickson, was b Jan 7 1910, at the family home NE of Cleveland, Cass Co., MO. He graduated from Raymore HS, Class of 1929. On Oct 24 1936, he m Golda Fern Butts, (b Oct 21 1918, d/o Levi Andrew & Q.V. (Wolf) Butts.) She was b Louisburg, Miami Co., KS. Oliver & Golda Ferne were m by W.H. Elliott at Bapt Parsonage, Ottawa, Franklin Co., KS. They are parents of 6 chldn: James Oliver, Jr., Robert Lee, Carolyn Sue, Connie Mae, Harold Dean & Darold Gene (twins). Oliver spent most of his yrs running a dairy farm, but retired from Taylor Forge, Inc., Paola, KS. While the 6 chldn were growing up, Golda Ferne stayed home to care for them & the home. When the twins were abt 15 yrs old, she started work in a sewing factory. She is now employed by King Radio, Paola, KS. They presently reside at 6 E. Ottawa, Paola KS
[NI137208] Adopted by family BENDER & took their name
[NI137235] Well-Kwn Resid. of Lovejoy Passed Away in Local Hosp. A complication of diseases was responsible for the death in Indiana Hosp. Tue 5:30 pm of Mrs. Jane Fronk, aged 69 yrs, well-kwn resid of LoveJoy for many yrs. She was a member of the Love Joy Christian Ch & held the respect & affection of a wide circle of friends & associates. She was a d/o Wesley & Mary Boring. She leaves these daugs & son: Mrs. 0. V. McCune, Hillsdale; Mrs. Edward Burnheimer, Starford; Mrs. Steele Lydick, Greenwich; Mrs. Warren Boring, Kinport; & Merle Engle, Indiana. The body was removed to the Burnheimer home, from whence it will be taken Thu one pm, to Bapt Ch, Cookport, where the funeral servs will be conducted. Bur. McDowell Cem.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Henry Fronk Age: 49 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0078 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0098 County: Indiana Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Marga-et J 51, PA
Daughter Elsie 20, PA
Daughter Roxie 15, PA
Son-in-law Orrie Meese 27, PA
Granddaughter Beula 06, PA
Grandson Davi& 04, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Merle Engle Age: 31 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0081 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0154 County: Indiana, Indiana Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mayme 37, PA
Son Don 11, PA
Daughter Mary 04, PA
Son Fred 02, PA
Border Mary E Hazelett 73, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Jerry Lydick Age: 46 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0077 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0288 County: Indiana Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Annie 40, PA
Son Arthur 20, PA
Daughter Zada 19, PA
Son Steele 16, PA
Daughter Cora 13, PA
Daughter Eva 10, PA
Daughter Mabel 08, PA
Daughter Jane 05, PA
Son Medas 03, PA
1900 Census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA 22 Jun 1900 by Willis L. Powell. Written Sht No. 12A
139A 4 199 206 Kann Henry Head W M Mar 1818 82 M 24 Germany Germany Germany 1835 65 Farmer O F F 162
Kann Nancy Wife W F May 1853 47 M 24 1 1 PA PA PA
[NI137321] Ephriam Geiger, Larimer Twp lost one of her most respected citizens on Wed Dec 17 when Ephriam Geiger passed away. He had been seriously sick for only a few days, & the news of his death came as a sad surprise to his many Friends. He had, however, not been quite as well as usual for some length of time but yet this fact was hardly known to most people who knew him well. Mr. Geiger was b on the farm adjoining the one on which he & his wife spent the 32 yrs of their m life, on Aug 9 1859, he thus being aged 60 yrs, 4 months & 8 days at the time of his death. He was confirmed in the White Oak Luth ch, Jun 10 1876 & continued throughout all these yrs a most faithful & loyal memb of his ch. He was interested in all her work, very regular in attendance upon all her servs, & serv in an official capacity for many yrs-serving as trustee at the time of his death. Needless to say he is missed in the work of the ch. On Mar 31 1887 he m Ms Mary Dietle of Greenville, to which union 1 son was b, who preceded him in death Oct 1 1912. Besides his widow & Ms Margaret Christner, a niece who has lived with them for several yrs, he leaves 2 sis's, Lucinda Geiger, Meyersdale; & Mrs. Mary Korns, Southampton Twp. A large no. of other relatives & a host of Friends hold the memory of his irreproachable life as a rich heritage. Funeral servs, conducted at White Oak Luth ch by his pastor, Rev. Charles Lambert, Salisbury, on Fri afternoon, were largely attended.
1870 Census Larimer Twp., Somerset Co., PA Aug 25, 1870 By Lewis G. Dom.
2 8 8 Geiger William A. 40 M W Farmer 3,000 800 PA
Geiger Lavina 30 F W Keeping House PA
Geiger Minerva 12 F W At Home PA
Geiger Ephraim 10 M W At Home PA
Geiger Lucinda 08 F W PA
Geiger Chauncy 06 M W PA
Geiger Mary E. 2 F W PA
1870 Census Larimer Twp., Somerset Co., PA 31 Sep 1870
7 76 79 Harsh Oliver 28 M W Farmer 600 500 PA
Harsh Mary Ann 30 F W Keeping House PA
Harsh Benjamin 06 M W PA
Harsh Hannon 02 M W PA
Harsh Ellen 7/12 F W PA Oct.
[NI137338] J-town Trib-Demo Oct 11 1943 MRS. EDWARD DINGES CENTRAL CITY- Mrs. Elizabeth (Horner) Dinges, 70, w/o Edward Dinges, Central City, d 5:30 am today Mercy Hosp, J-town, where she had been a patient since Aug. 3. A d/o Solomon & Mary (Thomas) Horner, b Somerset Co. Jun 15, 1873. Mrs. Dinges was memb of Central City UBC & of the Central City Vol Firemen's Auxiliary. Survivors include 4 chldn- Mary, w/o George Rose, Ebensburg; Mercie, w/o John Findley, Central City, with whom she resided; Verna, w/o George Spencer, Phildelphia; & Erma, w/o Clyde Davis, Arbutus Pk, J-town. Also surviving are 12 gchldn & 4 ggchldn.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Edw O Dinges Age: 34 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 8141 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0015 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Barbra E 36, PA
Daug Mary C 11, PA
Daug May M 08, PA
Daug Irene V 06, PA
Daug Emma M 03, PA
Johnstown Trib-Dem 9 Jan 1961 - DINGES, Edwin C., 88, Cairnbrook, d Jan 7 1961, Hollidaysburg; b Feb 13 1872, Quemahoning Twp, s/o William & Catherine (MILLER) DINGES. Preceded by wife, Elizabeth HORNER, Oct 11 1943. Survived by these chdn: Mrs. Mary ROSE, Ebensburg; Mercie, w/o John FINDLEY, Cairnbrook; Mrs. Verna SPENCER, Philadelphia, & Erma, w/o Clyde DAVIS, Johnstown; 12 gchdn; 24 ggchdn, a bro Robert, Kelso, & 2 sis'; Mrs. Emma BLOUGH, Johnstown; & Mrs. Margaret SHAW, Bell, CA. Friends received 7 pm Mon Brumbaugh Funeral Home, Central City, servs at 2 pm Wed, Rev. Harry E. Hull. Bur Horner Cem, Ralphton
[NI137340] Obit J-town Daily Trib - Sep 12 1928: CURT C. MANGES, RUMMEL, EXPIRES - Bro of Local Women; Funeral Servs in Ch on Thu. RUMMEL, Sept. 12 - Curt C. Manges, aged 36 yrs, who had been ill at his home here for the last 18 mos, d 3:30 pm yesterday. Funeral servs 2:30 pm tomorrow in local COB, conducted by Rev. D. P. Hoover, pastor, assisted by Rev. John A. Richter, pastor of Scalp Level Luth Ch. Bur. Rummel Cem. Undertaker Eben H. Watts, Windber, will have charge of the burial. Mr. Manges is survived by his widow, Mrs. Shilo Manges, & chldn: George, Twila, Harold, Joseph, Donald, Jack & Hazel, all at home. He also leaves his mother, Mrs. Della Manges, Schellsburg, & these bros & sis's: Rush Manges, Point, Bedford Co.; James Manges, Detroit, MI; Mrs. Howard Mock, J-town; Mrs. George Dailey, Windber; Mrs. Stanton Barefoot, New Paris; Mrs. B. P. Barefoot, Reynoldsdale; Mrs. Forrest Miller, Schellsburg; Mrs. John Nees, J-town, & Ms Jessie Rose Manges, Windber.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Herbert V Sweitzer Age: 29 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0143 B Pl: PA Visit: 0061 Co: Cambria Relation: Head of Household Other Residents
Wife Edmira P 25, PA
Son Harry E 05, PA
Dau Helen L 03, PA
Niece Shiloh E Wirick 14, PA
[NI137343] Obit J-town Daily Trib - May 13 1926: PETER TRIMPEY SOMERSET, May 13 - Peter Trimpey, aged 79 yrs, d at 5 pm last eve at home of his daug, Mrs. Lewis Nair, of Edie. Death was due to infirmities incident to old age. The deceased's wife preceded him to the grave. Several chldn survive Mr. Trimpey. He was a retired farmer. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed. Undertakers Landis & Hauger have prepared the body for burial & it will be shipped to New Freedom, York Co., probably Sat morn for bur.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Herman Boyer Age: 51 State: PA Color: W Enumeration dist.: 0131 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0069 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Sarah 52, PA
Son Frank 23, PA
Son Wilson 22, PA
Son Ross 12, PA
Son Norman 10, PA
dau Bessie 07, PA
Pennsylvania 1910 Census Miracode Index
John Stombaugh Age: 64 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0144 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Visit: 0169 County: Cambria Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Rachael 64, Pennsylvania
Son-in-law Lawrence J Stzinger 30, Pennsylvania
Daughter Nellie I Stzinger 23, Pennsylvania
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Irvin Shockey Age: 29 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0139 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0113 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Annie 27, PA
Son Ray 06, PA
Son Robert 04, PA
Son Marling 03, PA
NR Alice Garlitz 17, MD
1 non-relative
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Freeman E Baker Age: 47 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0128 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0184 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Ida B 38, PA
Son Ralph E 18, PA
Daughter Grace E 14, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Levi L Hoyle Age: 49 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0128 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0097 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Elizabeth L 42, PA
Son William U 19, PA
Son Ralph E 15, PA
Son John P 13, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Louis A Beabes Age: 35 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0138 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0073 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents:
Wife Ella 26, PA
Somerset Ledger Dec 1913 LEWIS A. BEABES, d Fri at his home in Windber at the age 37. He was the s/o Noah Beabes, who resides near Somerset. Surviving are his widow, 1 dau, Wilma aged 18 mos, & the following bros & sis's: Harvey J., Somerset; Newton, Garrett; Mrs. Howard Peck, Fort Hill & Etta & Orrie both at home. He d because of a tubercular affection of the throat.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Howard G Peck Age: 29 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0136 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0199 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Lucy 26, PA
2 non-relatives
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Wm W Brant Age: 43 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0162 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0091 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mary C 42, PA
Daughter Ida Mae 17, PA
Daughter Elsie Jane 13, PA
Son Solomon G 11, PA
Son Harvey E 07, PA
Son Milton NR, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
David Foust Age: 40 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0131 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0160 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Lizzie 40, PA
Son Owin T 18, PA
Daughter Maggie M 15, PA
Daughter Sarah M 12, PA
Daughter Ada B 11, PA
Son John M 07, PA
Daughter Mary A 06, PA
Border Samuel Brant 49, PA
Augustine Byrne (father) was b Carroll Twp, Apr 18 1807 & d Chest Springs, Allegheny Twp, May 8 1864. He lived in Allegheny Twp all his life except during a short period spent in Washington Twp. He was farmer & memb Roman Cath ch. He m Miss Ann, d/o Charles DRISKLE, Allegheny Twp, to them were b 8 chdn: Michael, Allegheny Twp; Alice, deceased, w/o James Adams, also deceased; Thomas J.; Mary, deceased, w/o L. Leonard Litzinger; Margaretta, deceased; Sarah, w/o Benjamin Grove, Chest Springs; Matilda, w/o John McKensie, Chest Springs; Cecelia, deceased, w/o Andrew Noel; & George,J-town.(From Biographical & Portrait Cyclopedia of Cambria Co by Samuel Wiley 1896, Union Pub Co)
1850 Census Allegheny Twp., Cambria Co., PA 6 Sep by Henry Cook
5 151 155 BYRNE Augustine 48 M farmer 1,000 Pa
6 151 155 BYRNE Ann 47 F Pa
7 151 155 BYRNE Michael 21 M laborer Pa
8 151 155 BYRNE Thomas 18 M laborer Pa
9 151 155 BYRNE Mary 16 F Pa
10 151 155 BYRNE Sarah 13 F Pa
11 151 155 BYRNE Jane M. 11 F Pa
12 151 155 BYRNE Cecelia 8 F Pa
13 151 155 BYRNE Hiram 5 M Pa
14 151 155 BYRNE Alice 20 F Pa
1860 Census Chest Springs Boro, Clearfield Twp., Cambria, PA 23 Aug 1860 by James Munas.
165 15 1764 1766 Byrne Augustin 53 M . Farm Labourer 1500 500 Pa
165 16 1764 1766 Byrne Ann 56 F Pa
165 17 1764 1766 Byrne Sarah A. 21 F Pa
165 18 1764 1766 Byrne Jane M. 19 F Pa
165 19 1764 1766 Byrne Cecelia 17 F Pa
165 20 1764 1766 Byrne George H. 15 M Labourer Pa
THOMAS T. BYRNE, prominent & successful farmer of Clearfield Twp, this Co, s/o Augustine & Ann (DRISKLE) Byrne, & b Allegheny Twp, this Co, Mar 15 1832. Thomas T. Byrne was farm boy, & educ in common & subscription schools this Twp. When he began life on his own account, he was employed on old Portage RR & remained there 2 yrs, then the next 10 yrs engaged in shuck business. In 1865 he purchased farm on which he now resides, located in eastern part Clearlield Twp, this Co, containing 108 acs, underlaid with coal. At time of purchase the farm was only partially im-proved, & has since been cleared & improved, & it is now in good state of cultivation & 1 of most desirable farms in Cambria Co. He belongs to ch of his forefathers, Roman Cath ch. Politically he is dem. He m Miss Mary YEATLY Jan 9 1853, their union blessed by 10 chdn: John Cosmon, located in Altoona, Pennsylvania; Emmet, deceased, farmer, Chest Springs; Mary, w/o James Kelley; Charles, Altoona; Ann, Altoona; William, Altoona; Alice, deceased; Fannie, w/o Frank Adams, Clearfield Twp; & Thomas, farmer, Clearfield Twp. (From Biographical & Portrait Cyclopedia of Cambria Co by Samuel Wiley 1896, Union Pub Co)
1860 Census Chest Springs Boro, Clearfield Twp., Cambria, PA 23 Aug 1860 by James Munas.
163 31 1752 1755 Byrne Thomas 28 M . Cooper 1000 100 Pa
163 32 1752 1755 Byrne Mary A. 29 F Pa
163 33 1752 1755 Byrne Cosmos D. 5 M Pa
163 34 1752 1755 Byrne Vincent E. 3 M Pa
163 35 1752 1755 Byrne Henrietta 1 F Pa
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Julia Wable Age: 45 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0170 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0660 Co.: Somerset, Windber Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Son Earl Shaffer 16, PA
Daughter Gladys Wable 09, PA
[NI137455] Gospel Herald - Vol XLI # 17, Apr 27 1948, pg 406, 407. Stahl, Ira J s/o Jacob G & Ellen (Speicher) Stahl b Davidsville, PA Mar 26 1897 d near place of his birth Mar 20 1948; aged 50y 11m 24d. On Dec 25 1917 he m Nora Kaufman, who survives. Also surviving are 1 son Lorraine K, at home, 2 daus Romaine, Cromwell, IN; & Grace, student at Goshen College, 1 gson, 4 sis' & 3 bros Carrie Mrs Oscar Mishler, Davidsville, Pa; Emma Mrs Lloyd Croyle, Thomas Mills, Pa; Howard, Hollsopple, Pa; George, Medina, OH; Grace Mrs Leonard Naugle, Johnstown, Pa; Austin, Hollsopple, PA; Ruth Mrs Webster Brant, Somerset, Pa. His parents, 1 bro & 1 sis preceded him in death. On Feb 11 1912 he became memb Kaufman Menn Ch & remained memb until death. Funeral Servs were held Mar 23 at Kaufman Ch, in charge of Harry Y Shetler & Russel Shilling. Bur Kaufman Cem.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Hiriam M Wable Age: 59 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0157 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0172 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Sarah M 58, PA
Son William D 27, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Ernest Scott Age: 27 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0160 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0025 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Gertie 25, PA
Son John R 03, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Ross Coleman Age: 30 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0157 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0111 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mary 25, PA
Son Robert C 04, PA
Daughter Mary L NR, PA
6 non-relatives
RO John H Critchfield 22, PA
RO R A Critchfield 24, PA
[NI137520] J-town Trib-Demo Apr 4 1967 Page 22 BOWMAN - R. H. (Dick), 69, Meyersdale, d Apr 2 1967, Cumberland, MD. Born Feb. 19, 1898, in Stoystown, s/o late Josiah H. & Mattie (BRUBAKER) BOWMAN. Survived by widow, former Helen BAER, & son, Richard, Albuquerque, N.M. Past pres Meyersdale Lions Club; retired officer of former 2nd Nat'l Bank of Meyersdale, & officer in Meyersdale Breth Ch. Friends received at Konhaus Funeral Home, Meyersdale, where serv will be 2:30 pm Wed, Rev. William H. Snell. Bur Union Cem, Meyersdale.
[NI137522] J-town Trib-Demo Aug 26 1975 SPEICHER - Mrs. Elizabeth M., 98, Rockwood, d Aug 26 1975, Somerset Comm. Hosp. b Jul 16 1877, Lincoln Twp, Somerset Co., daug of Levi & Mary Ann (RHODES) BERKEY. Survived by these chldn: Mrs. Viola WALKER, Somerset; Ernest, J-town; & Mrs. Irene ISBELL, Rockwood; also 8 gchldn & 9 ggchldn. Preceded in death by 2 sons: Orlo & Clark, & these bros & sis's: Solomon K., Samuel M., L. Clayton, Harvey, Mrs. Annie HEMMINGER & Mrs. Amy KLINE. Memb Unit Ch of Christ, Rockwood. Retired schoolteacher. Former Sun school teacher. Memb DAR, Forbes Rd Chapter; WBA; Rebekah Lodge, Rockwood; Firemen's Auxiliary; Nat'l Retired Teachers Assoc, & Sr citizens' group. Friends received after 2 pm Wed at Richard E. Hauger Funeral Home, Somerset, where serv will be conducted at 2 pm Thu, Rev. Clarence Moore officiating. Bur Husband Cem.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Robert H Speicher Age: 34 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0149 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0153 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Elizabeth 32, PA
Daug Viola Marie 10, PA
Son Ernest Roy 07, PA
Daug Irene L 02, PA
2 non-relatives
[NI137524] J-town Trib-Demo Jan 18, 1995 SPEICHER - Ernest R., 92, Latrobe, formerly of Oakland, d Jan. 16, 1995, Youngstown, Unity Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA. b Jan 11 1903, Somerset, s/o Robert & Elizabeth (BERKEY) SPEICHER. Preceded in death by wife, former Louisa S. HUEBNER, twin sons; son, Robert A.; infant son, Roy R.; son-in-law, Rahl C. SHOUP; 3 bros; & 1 infant bro. Survived by these chldn: Betty Lou, Vinco; James P., m to Nancy Jane TOMPKINS, Armagh; & Richard L., m to Evelyn J. CORLE, Latrobe; also daug-in-law, former Shirley SCHLOSSER, J-town; 3 gchldn; & 1 ggchld. Bro of Viola WALKER & Irene ISBEL, both of FL. Also survived by 2 half sis's, CA. Memb Moxham Luth Ch. Charter memb of Teamsters Local 110. Memb Moxham Luth Mixed & Luth Men's bowling leagues. Retired from J-town Plate Glass Co. Family will receive Friends 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. Wed at Geisel Funeral Home, Dale, where funeral serv will be 1 pm Thu, Rev. Edward V. Devore. Bur Grandview Cem.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Charles M Woy Age: 35 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0160 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0505 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Carrie 33, PA
Son E*nest A 07, PA
Son Lloyd W 06, PA
Son Eugene E NR, PA
Somerset Herald 7 20 1927 Charles M. WOY killed in OH. Former well known Somerset Co. Citizen Electrocuted in Mine near Shawnee, OH on Jul 11, 1927 Charles M. Woy aged 53, was electrocuted Mon night Jul 11,while at work in a mine near Shawnee, OH, where he was helping sink a shaft. Mr.Woy had gone into the mine to help erect props & stepped into a pool of water that had been charged by a loose electric wire.In some way a circuit was made & Mr. Woy fell over dead. It is believed he came in contact with another wire when abt to lift the loose one from the water. The body was brought to the Woy home in Conemaugh Twp & at 11 am Thu; funeral servs were conducted by Rev. Paul Peters, of Somerset Evan Circuit. Bur Husband Cem following the servs in ch. Charles M. WOY was b a short distance East of Somerset in 1874 s/o Andrew WOY. He had been engaged in recent yrs as a contractor before going to Shawnee some mos ago to help complete a new mine there. Mr. WOY is suvived by his widow Mrs. Carrie YOUNG WOY 3 sons, Ernest WOY, Pittsburgh;Floyd & Eugene WOY at home; a daug Alma WOY also at home his mother, 3 sis's, Mrs Walter PLASTER Pittsburgh; Mrs. Charles F. COOK, Somerset & Mrs. George VOGEL Berlin & by 3 bros. Harvey WOY, Pittsburgh, Jacob WOY, Somerset Twp, & Edward WOY, Acosta.
[NI137533] Obit J-town Trib - Jul 1 1939: MRS. MANGES, 64, SOMERSET, DIES SOMERSET - Mrs. Elizabeth (Miller) Manges, aged 64, d at 1 am this morn at the home of her daug, Mrs. Harris Decima of 374 W. Race St after an illness of a few days. She was d/o Richard & Mary Miller & b in Bedford Co.. Mrs. Manges had been a resident of Somerset many yrs. Surviving are these chldn: Mrs. L. C. Berkey, Mrs. David Weimer, Mrs. Charles Hauger, Miles & Carl Manges & Mrs. Harry Decima; all of Somerset. She also leaves 18 gchldn & these bros & sis's: Frank, Roy, Earl, George & Ross Miller & Mrs. Dan McCreary, all of Bedford Co.; Charles Miller & Alvin Wertz, both of J-town; Warren Miller, Windber, & James Miller, Central City. Arrangements for the funeral are in charge of Charles Hauger, local mortician. Funeral servs will be conducted at 2 pm Mon by Rev. J. F. Messenger, pastor of Somerset Christian Ch. Bur Husband Cem.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Richard H Miller Age: 64 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0026 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0074 Co.: Bedford Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mary C 60, PA
Son Earl A 23, PA
Son Ross C 21, PA
Son Warren T 19, PA
Son Roy E 16, PA
GrandDaug Gold E Manges 14, PA
[NI137544] died young
1850 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 31 Jul J J Schell
4 65 69 Kimmel Samuel 37 M Blacksmith PA
Kimmel Mary 33 F PA Age might be 32.
Kimmel George F. 12 M PA
Kimmel John H. 18 M PA
Kimmel Sarah E. ** F PA Ink blot covers age.
Kimmel David F. ** M PA Ink blot covers age.
Kimmel Washington A. 10/12 M PA Ink blot covers age.
Canal and Portage Register, deaths and marriages
LEVERGOOD, Mrs ??? consort of Peter, Esq died 9/18/1840 in Johnstown at an advanced age.
1860 Census Johnstown, 3rd Ward, Cambria Co., PA HA McPike, June 16, 1860
701 10 819* 835 Le**good Jacob 53 M Master Farmer 15000 2000 PA
Le**good Jane C 49 F PA
Le**good Luther 21 M Merchant 2000 PA
Le**good Mary E 19 F PA
Le**good William 17 M Farmer Apprentice PA
Le**good Lucinda 14 F PA
Le**good Jacob C 12 M PA
Le**good Emma C 8 F PA
1850 Census White Twp, Cambria Co, PA 20 Jul, by Henry Cook
13 31 32 Gates Isaac 31 M Farmer 2,500 Pa
14 31 32 Gates Mary 31 F Pa
15 31 32 Gates Matilda 7 F Pa
16 31 32 Gates John 6 M Pa
17 31 32 Gates Lafayette 4 M Pa
18 31 32 Gates Joel 2 M Pa
19 31 32 Gates Isaac 3/12 M Pa
Pennsylvania 1910 Census Miracode Index
Sylvester Reighard Age: 47 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0093 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Visit: 0382 County: Cambria Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Annie B 52, Pennsylvania
Daughter Emma 19, Pennsylvania
Daughter Freda A 16, Pennsylvania
Daughter Edith A 14, Pennsylvania
Daughter Stella M 12, Pennsylvania
Son George S 09, Pennsylvania
Son Russell S 07, Pennsylvania
[NI137593] died young
[NI137595] died young
Pennsylvania 1910 Census Miracode Index
Elias Reighard Age: 49 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0128 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Visit: 0151 County: Cambria, Johnstown Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Rebecca F 44, Pennsylvania
Son Daniel M 23, Pennsylvania
Son Herman W 19, Pennsylvania
Daughter Gladysaf 17, Pennsylvania
Son Elias E 14, Pennsylvania
Son Ralph D 12, Pennsylvania
Daughter Mary L 06, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania 1910 Census Miracode Index
James Reighard Age: 35 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0128 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Visit: 0225 County: Cambria, Johnstown Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Martha 42, Pennsylvania
Daughter Mildred I 04, Pennsylvania
Son Elmer R 03, Pennsylvania
[NI137628] Scot family that had lived for a while in Dublin, Ireland, coming to Pennsylvania in the 1790's, first settling near Loretto, and then moving to the Cherry Tree area.
[NI137631] Samuel Link, 76, d DE Feb 1 1928. Body will Arrive Here Tonight & will be taken to Son's Home in Morrellville. Samuel Link, former Park Hill carpenter, d yesterday in Homeopathic Hosp, Wilmington, DE, following 2 operations for gangrene, performed within the last fortnight. The body will be brought to Johnstown tonight & taken to the home of H.H. Link, 186 Strayer st, Morrellville, s/o the deceased. Funeral servs Fri afternoon, bur Wesley Chapel Cem. along Ebensburg Rd. He was b Jackson Twp, this Co, s/o Ludwig & Sophia(Kephart) Link. He was bro of Mrs. Rachel Rosch, Campbell, NE. For a long time Samuel Link was located in East Taylor Twp as a carpenter & builder,before going from here to MD some yrs ago. Since 1920 he had been a resid of Harrington, DE. Besides his sis & widow, Mrs. Matilda (Adams) Link, he is survived by these chldn: Ira F. Link, Conemaugh;H.H. Link, Morrellville;Pearl, wife ofJoseph Stager, Moxham;S.W. Link, Canton, O.;Mrs. Clemison Oakes, Petersburg, O.; D.R.Link, Harrington; James C. Link, Juniata; Boyd Link,Waverly, Neb.; & Anson Link, of Kernville
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
D Walter Link State: PA Dist: 0123 Color: W Age: 26 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0283 Co.: Cambria, Johnstown Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02730461 Other Residents:
Wife Christy 26, PA
Dau Eileen 05, PA
GMother-in-law Margaret Goughmour 69, PA
[NI137660] From Biographical & Porttrait Cyclopedia of Cambria Co., PA 1896. AARON SHERBINE, a self-made man & prosperous farmer of near Wilmore, is the eldest of 5 sons of Daniel & Annie (Crum) Sherbine, & b Summerhill (now Croyle) Twp., Cambria Co., PA, Apr 20 1832. The Sherbines are of German ancestry, & most of the early members of the family in this country were members of the Luth. Ch. The immigrant ancestor, Daniel Sherbine, was a strict Luth., & came to PA before the Rev. War, in which he subsequently served as a Continental soldier. His father, Philip, was a native of PA, & a miller by trade. He left Somerset Co. about the commencement of the present century, & settled in the vicinity of Johnstown. He was a Luth. & a democrat, & m Miss Rummel, by whom he had 10 chdn: Daniel, Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, Mrs. Margaret Gochnour, Mrs. Nancy Fishel, George, Jacob, Conrad, David, Mrs. Phoebe McCreery & Mrs. Christina Gochnour. Daniel Sherbine, the eldest son, b Somerset Co. 1812, & d Altoona Jun 1887. He was a miller by trade, but in middle life purchased a farm in Croyle Twp., & dealt to some extent in lumber in Summerhill Twp.. He was an earnest Luth., & supported the Democratic party until the whigs went to pieces, & then became a republican. He was a careful business man, & a much-respected citizen. He m Annie Crum, d/o Evan Crum, a native of MD & resident of Croyle Twp.. They had 9 chdn, 5 sons & 4 dau.s: Aaron; Philip, now deceased; George, a farmer Summerhill Twp.; Sarah, w/o Clarence Gonsaulus, Altoona; Mary, m John England, Altoona; Catherine, w/o George Treese, Gallitzin; Matilda, & Isaiah, who is engaged in farming Summerhill Twp. Aaron Sherbine was reared on the farm, & carefully trained to all kinds of agricultural work in a dy when machinery to lighten & save manual labor was but little known. received his education in the common schools, & has followed farming all his life. In 1856 rented his present farm, which he purchased in 1870. His farm of 260 acres is highly productive & well improved, & underlaid with coal. In connection with farming, he was engaged for several yrs in the lumber business. a member of Lodge No. 537, IOOF, Wilmore, of which he is past grand, & has served continuously as treasurer since 1873, & has represented it as a delegate to the Grand Lodge of PA 5 different times. He is a staunch republican in political affairs, & has served his Twp. as supervisor for 1 term, as school director for 2 terms, & as J.P. 1 term of 5 yrs. He has fought the battle of life successfully in his chosen occupation of farming, where he has been successful in making a comfortable home for himself & acquiring a competency. Oct 16 1853, m Caroline Crum, whose father, Ephraim Crum, a resident Croyle Twp.. To their union have been b 9 chdn, who grew to maturity: Milton A., an engineer, & resided Summerhill; Samuel, Charles, Grant & George Lee, who are dead; Lucy & Emma, at home; Joseph, deceased; & Lyman, who is successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits in Croyle Twp.
Played ukelale. Had rheumatic fever which gave him heart problems & he was unable to work.
East Palestine Daily Leader Aug 7 1950 Arthurn Meek Dies Sun After Long Illness Following a long illness from a liver disorder, Arthur W. Meek, aged 47 succumbed early Sun at his home, 55 W. Oregon Ave., Sebring. Reared in this city, b here Nov 21 1902, in early life he took up the potter's trade & up to the time of his last illness had worked as a liner in the French-Saxon China Co. at Sebring. He moved to Sebring from here abt 9 yrs ago. Decedent was a memb of NB of OP, the Eagles, & the Meth Ch. Surviving are wife, Lucille Meek, a daug, Mrs. Joseph Kuniewicz & a son Robert, both of sebring. A sis Doris Meek lives in this city, as do many other relatives. Funeral rites will take place from the Moosman-Vogt Funeral Home at Sebring, Tue 1:30, Rev. S. S. Burnett Meth pastor officiating. Bur Glenview Cem, this city. Friends may call at the Funeral Home this eve. Bur Glenview Cem, East Palestine, OH
[NI137667] Robert Meek & Virgil Adams were in a boat that capsized in a cold Canadian river in Island Lake near Field, Ontario & were rescued by Canadian Lumberjacks.
[NI137670] The Salem News, Salem, OH Sep 12 1980 Dennis Triem Callahan, 94, 1842 Cleveland St., d 8 pm Fri at Diamondhead Nrsg Home, North Lima. He was b Jul 24 1886, Damascus, s/o Lote & Jessie Biddle Callahan. He was a potter for 50 yrs & retired 1954 from the Lomoges China Co. in Sebring. He was a life memb of Salem Elks Lodge 305. He is survived by his wife, the former Lucille Meek, whom he m Jan 12 1952. He is also survived by 2 daugs, Mrs. Henry Hussman, Salem & Mrs. George A. Ripple, Columbia SC, a son, Richard J. Callahan, Dayton; 2 stepchldn, Robert Meek, Alliance & Mrs. Arnold (Jackie) Flick; 11 gchldn & 19 ggchldn. Graveside servs 1:30 pm Mon at Damascus Cem with Rev. Joseph Kirby officiating. The Salem Elks Lodge 305 will hold a mem'l serv 2 pm Sun at Stark Mem'l. There will be no calling hrs.
Staff Sgt US Air Force. Serv Philippines Korean War. Trained pilots in simulators. S/o Mabel Raynes, Flick, Mauer & Otis Flick. lifelong resid of area. Was memb Holy Trinity ch, Amer Legion Post 56 & AM VETS & Elks Lodge. He serv with Air Force as a Tech Sgt Korean Conflict. Bur Damascus Cem from Arbaugh-Pearce-Greenisen Funeral Home with Rev. John Zimmann officiating. Was in Hutton Nrsg Ctr II for while prior to death. He was employed by Central Trust Bank of Canton as a purchasing agent retiring in 1980. 1 sis, Phyllis (Flick) Gibson, Salem; 2 step-sis, Mrs. Chester (Zella) Lucas & Mrs. Carson (Phyllis) McNealy, Salem; A step-bro, Rev. Richard Mauer, Carrol; & 6 gchldn.
Sep 21-22, 1985 Salem News p. 2 Flick Servs. The Order of Christian Bur will be held 11 PM Mon at Arbaugh-Pearce-Greenisen Funeral Home for Arnold R. Flick, 55, 500 E. 4th St. d 7:25 pm Thu at Hutton Nrg Ctr II, following a long illness. Rev. John W. Zimmann will officiate. Bur Damascus Cem. Friends may call from 7 to 9 P.M. Sunday at the funeral home, where an Elks Lodge memorial service will be held at 7 P.M.. Mr. Flick was b Nov 15 1929 in Salem, s/o Mabel Raynes Flick Maurer & the late Otis Flick. He was a lifelong resid of area. He was previously employed by the Ctl Trust Bk of Canton as a purchasing agent, retiring in 1980. He was memb Holy Trinity Luth Ch, Amer Legion Post 56, & AM VETS. He serv in Air Force during Korean Conflict. In addition to his mother of Salem, he leaves his wife, Jackie Meek; 3 daugs, Mrs. Harry (Brenda) Brokaw, E. Liverpool & Mrs. Philip (Karen) Sidwell & Miss Kathy Flick, Salem; 2 step sis's, Mrs. Chester (Zella) Lucas & Mrs. Carson (Phyllis) McNealy, Salem; step bro Rev. Richard Maurer of Carrol, & 6 gchldn.
E. Liverpool Eve Review Sep 21 1985 Arnold R. Flick Salem: Servs scheduled Mon for Arnold R. Flick, 55, 500 E. 4th St; who d 7:25 pm Thu at Hutton Nrsg Ctr II following a lengthy illness. A lifelong area resid, b Nov 15 1929, Salem, s/o Mabel Raynes Flick Maurer of Salem & the late Otis Flick. He retired 1980 from Central Trust Co., Canton, where he had been employed as a purchasing agent. Mr. Flick was a memb Holy Trinity Luth Ch & serv with US Air Force during Korean Conflict. He was a memb of Amer Legion Post 56, Am vets & Elks Lodge. In addition to his Mother, Mr. Flick is survived by his wife, Jackie Meek; 3 daugs, Mrs. Harry (Brenda) Brokaw, E. Liverpool & Mrs. Philip (Karen) Sidwell & Miss Kathleen Flick, both Salem; a son, Kevin Flick, Salem; a sis, Mrs. Phyllis Gibson, Salem; 2 stepsis's, Mrs. Chester (Zella) Lucas & Mrs. Carson (Phyllis) McNeely, both Salem; stepbro, Rev. Richard Maurer of Carroll, & 6 gchldn.Servs 11:00 am Mon from Arbaugh-Pearce-Greenisen Funeral Home, bur Damascus Cem. Friends may call at funeral home 7-9 pm Sun. An Elks serv is scheduled at 7 pm Sun.
[NI137710] day after he was brought home, he went into a siezure & was rushed to the hospital. Siezures were due to calcium deficiency
[NI137713] Alliance Review, Alliance, OH Sat Feb 1 1975 Scout Serv Proj to Beautify Pk. Gayla Meek is going after her Scout serv proj with brush in hand. Gayla plans to donate 50 hrs over the next 6 wks to varnish picnic tables for the pks. A memb of Sr Girl Scout Troop 395, Gayla has been involved in Scouting for 8 yrs. The serv proj is toward her aid bar. Gayla is a soph at Alliance HS & d/o Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Meek, 73 S. Linwood.
[NI137726] served as secretary of the interior under President Theodore Roosevelt.
[NI137727] became president of Williams College
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Charles F Poltrok State: PA Dist: 0011 Color: W Age: 36 B Pl: Germany Visit: 0088 Co.: Luzerne Relation: Husb ImageNum: 03620855 Other Residents:
Wife Tillie 33, Germany
Son Albert Walter 10, PA
Dau Elizebeth L 03, PA
Son Fredrick H NR, PA
1 non-relative
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Fredrick Paltrok State: PA Dist: 0030 Color: W Age: 36 B Pl: Germany Visit: 0141 Co: Luzerne, Freeland Relation: Husb ImageNum: 03620857 Other Residents:
Wife Lula 31, Germany
Son Herman 10, Pa
Dau Lousa 08, Pa
Dau Bertha 07, Pa
Dau Catherine 03, Pa
Dau Lula 02, Pa
POLTROK, Fred, d. 1952 From Hazleton Newspaper 14 Apr 1952, Fred Poltrok; Church - St. Luke Luth, Freeland; Undertaker - Nagel, Freeland; Place of burial - Freeland Cem; Occupation - coal miner
1880 Census Eckley, Foster Twp, Luzerne Co, PA
Herman 28 h laborer Ger Ger Ger
Louisa 30 w kh " " "
Frederick 7 s ah " " "
Charles 5 s ah " " "
Herman 3 s " " " "
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Herman Pottrock, Sr State: PA Enumeration District: 0030 Color: W Age: 59 Birth Place: Germany Visit: 0092 County: Luzerne, Freeland Relation: Husband ImageNum: 03580129 Other Residents:
Wife Louisa 62, Germany
Son Herman, Jr 33, Germany
Herman Poltrock, b in Germany. The town that he told him was Wittenburg,(not of Martin Luther fame). It was near Danzig on the baltic coast. It was a days travel to Danzig. He was a fisherman, carpenter/cabinetmaker turned miner. They migrated to PA thru the port of Philadelphia & settled in Eckley, PA. Married Louise Tobin or Tobijon (still pronounced tobin). Was one of 6 bros (no sis') Herman, Casper, Charles, Gustav, Albert
Date of Arrival: Apr. 05, 1880 Final Destination: USA Ship's Name: Mosel Manifest ID Number: 35626 Port of Embarkation: Bremen
Passenger's Name: Herm. Poltreck Age: 28 Gender: Male Occupation: Laborer Last Residence: Germany
Passenger's Name: Luise Poltreck Age: 30 Gender: Female Occupation: Wife Last Residence: Germany
Passenger's Name: Friedrich Poltreck Age: 4 Gender: Male Occupation: Child Last Residence: Germany
Passenger's Name: Carl Poltreck Age: 3 Gender: Male Occupation: Child Last Residence: Germany
Passenger's Name: Hermann Poltreck Age: 2 Gender: Male Occupation: Child Last Residence: Germany
Passenger's Name: Otto Poltreck Age: 6 mths Gender: Male Occupation: Infant Last Residence: Germany
From Hazleton Standard-Speaker, Fri. Oct. 9, 2001
Louise Mae Nagel
d - Wed
Pl of b - Freeland
Pl of d - Fritzinger Sr Living Comm, Drums
Ch - St Luke Evang Luth, Freeland
Spouse - Robert E. Nagel Sr, deceased
Father - Frederick Poltrock
Mother - Lulu Adametz
Undertaker - Cotterall-Petrilli, Freeland
Place of bur - Freeland Cem
Residence - Freeland
Age - 100
[NI137751] HUDOCK, Lulu P., d. 2000; From Hazleton Standard-Speaker, Sat. Apr. 29, 2000, Lulu P. Hudock d- Friday; Place of birth - Freeland; Place of death - Freeland; Church - St. Luke Evang Luth, Freeland; Spouse - George T. Hudock; d 1979; Father - Frederick Karl Poltrok; Mother - Lulu Mae Adametz; Undertaker - Cotterall-Petrilli, Freeland; Place of bur - Freeland Cem; Residence - Freeland
[NI137784] Stone in Daley Cem. no death date
[NI137817] Gospel Herald - Vol 81 No 20 May 17 1988 pg 350. Christner, Nettie Ellen Swartzendruber d/o Simon C & Mary (Kauffman) Swartzendruber b Johnson Co, IA May 14 1897 d Univ Hosp, IA City, IA, Apr 23 1988 aged 90y. On Jun 24 1926 she m Elam J Christner who d Sep 6 1969. Surviving are 3 sons Cecil, John, & Leo & 3 daus Eudora Mullet, Helen Swartzendruber, & Verna Diltz. She was memb Lower Deer Creek Menn Ch, funeral Apr 27, in charge of Dean Swartzendruber & Orie Wenger; bur Lower Deer Creek Cem.
[NI137818] Gospel Herald - Vol LX No 34 Aug 29 1967 pg 787. Swartzendruber, George D s/o Daniel & Katherine (Yoder) Swartzendruber b Johnson Co, IA Mar 28 1889 d Scheurer Hosp, Pigeon, MI Aug 7 1967 aged 78y 4m 10d. On Dec 16 1909 he m Naomi Swartzendruber who d 9y later. On Dec 17 1919 he m Lena Keim who survives. Also surviving are 6 chdn Katie Mrs Herbert Albrecht, Edwin, Lawrence, Glenn, Velma Mrs Ira Esch, & Edna Mrs Gerald Gascho, 2 bros Jacob & Daniel, 26 chdn, & 23 ggchdn. 1 bro Mahlon & 2 sis' Mrs George Miller & Mrs Joseph Keim preceded him in death. He was memb Pigeon River Ch, funeral Aug 9, Jesse Yoder, Herbert Yoder, & Willard Mayer officiating.
[NI137855] Josiah serv as Pvt in Co L, 6th Reg WV Inf. He enlisted 1 Oct 1861 in Mannington, Marion Co. WV, & was mustered out in Wheeling, Ohio Co., WV 10 Jun 1865, & lost his left leg at the knee. He moved to Marshall Co. in 1866, to Brooke Co. in 1868, to Hancock Co. in 1878, to Wood Co. in 1889, then back to Hancock Co. in 1900. The 1880 census shows the family to be near New Cumberland, Hancock Co. WV, with the family name spelled "Whipka". The 1890 Special Census shows him & his bro Freeman to be in Belleville, Wood Co. WV. The 1910 Hancock Co. WV census shows Josiah & Viola had 3 gdaugs & 1 gson living with them near Newell WV: Grace Sheets (b:1895), Willetta Whipkey (b:1893), Ethel May Whipkey (b:1892), & Claymont Virgin (1901-1918). Josiah's yr of birth seems uncertain: per 1850 PA Greene Co census, 1838; his headstone shows 7-5-1841, 1910 WV Hancock Co census, & death certificate, 1842; per 1880 WV Hancock Co. WV census, 1844. However, his own signed & notarized application for pension gives Jul 3, 1840.
[NI137856] He serv in GAR. from Aug 7 1861 to Aug 1865, as "Freeman Whipkey", Pvt Co B 7th WV Inf & wounded in right knee. His 1st initial was "S", since cem. records show that Sarah & Nancy were wives of "S. F. Whipkey", the same as census records show for "Freeman Whipkey". (Headstones in Anderson Cem show them to be bur on each side of him.) After his nephew Stanley d in 1893, Freeman & Nancy raised Stanley's daug Nellie, who later became Mrs. Ruben Piggott.
[NI137875] courthouse records Waynesburg, PA, Nelson Virgin was appointed guardian of Josephus on Apr 10,1871
[NI137879] The 1910 census shows Viola to be the mother of 7 chldn with 3 still living (Lulu, Alice, & John), & she & her parents to have been b in Ohio. After Josiah d, she lived with her gdaug Ethel & Carl Riser near Newell WV.
[NI137882] The Wood Co. WV marriage record gives Dora's birthplace as Washington Co. PA, but census records show her to be born in WV. By Josiah's signed statement to the Bureau of Pensions dtd 24 Nov 1911, he moved to Marshall Co. WV in 1866, then to Brooke Co. WV in 1868.
[NI137888] Nancy's Anderson Cem., Wood Co., WV headstone inscription reportedly shows "10/12/1865 - 1/27/1910", but the 1910 WV census lists her birthdate to be 1/1869, & her age 31.
[NI137958] Before marrying George Virgin, Julia adopted a son Arthur
[NI137962] Claymont was living in Newell WV, with Grandparents Josiah & Viola Whipkey, & cousins Ethel May Whipkey, Willeta Whipkey, & Grace Sheets. He d in the influenza epidemic of 1918, & is bur near his father in Section 11 Lot 415B of Riverview Cem, E. Liverpool OH.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Josiah H Bowman Age: 35 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0146 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0216 Co.: Somerset, Meyersdale Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mattie B 37, PA
Adopted son Redolphus H 12, PA
[NI137976] Ethel weighed only 2 pounds at birth, & was raised by her grandparents Josiah & Viola Whipkey. She attended New Cumberland & Washington Road School in Newell WV, finishing the eighth grade. She played the piano, was a charter member of both the Newell First Presbyterian Church & of the National Brotherhood of Potters, & President of the Rebecca Lodge in Newell. Ethel suffered from diabetes, & she died after gangrene in her leg forced an amputation.
[NI137992] Lyman worked in oil fields in Tyler Co., WV abt 1907, & pitched for a baseball team at Friendly, WV. Abt 1910 he moved to the E. Liverpool, OH area. It is anecdotal that in 1913 he roomed at the home of Vane (Sylvania Virgin) Staley in Irondale, OH, where he 1st met her sis, Noni (Lenora Virgin), his future wife. He worked at Thomas' Ceramic Co., E. Liverpool, OH, then he & his family farmed near Irondale, OH from abt 1931 thru the worst of the depression. He then worked at Homer Laughlin #8, Newell, WV, where his family then lived until they moved to Chester, WV in 1939. He d in Fox Nrsg Home, Chester, WV.
[NI138095] Ken, whose father was Robert L. Milligan, was adopted by Joseph E. Wiget on Feb 28 1958, in San Jose CA. Ken serv as an Electronic Tech in the US Navy, then degreed in Electronic Engineering, & worked for IBM in Milwaukee, MN. He d when the small plane he was piloting crashed in a snow storm near Cooperstown, NY.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Jacob Woy Age: 22 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0161 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0414 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Minnie 24, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Harvey Woy Age: 27 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0161 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0412 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mary 30, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
William H Manges Age: 41 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0161 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0429 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Elizabeth 35, PA
Daug Edna 16, PA
Daug Mary 12, PA
Son Harold 10, PA
Son Carl 08, PA
Son Miles 02, PA
[NI138144] m. February 27, 1851, Holmes Co., OH
[NI138145] William committed suicide and left a note for his family.
1870 Federal Census Salisbury Boro, Elk Lick Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 9 Aug 1870 by Michael F. Smith
19 40 47 Wagner Henry 51 M W Stone mason 400 125 PA
20 40 47 Wagner Elizabeth 46 F W HK PA
21 40 47 Wagner John S. 22 M W PA
22 40 47 Wagner Sadie E. 19 F W Maryland
23 40 47 Wagner Margaret H. 16 F W Maryland
24 40 47 Wagner Isabella 13 F W Maryland
25 40 47 Wagner Agnes 10 F W Maryland
1880 Federal Census Salisbury Boro, Elk Lick Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerator Harvey Hay 4 Jun 1880
7 10 287B 17 Ord Street 84 88 Wagner Henry W M 60 Stone mason PA PA PA
7 10 287B 18 Ord Street 84 88 Wagner Elizabeth W F 56 Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
7 10 287B 19 Ord Street 84 88 Wagner Agnes W F 20 Daughter PA PA PA
1850 Census Cumberland Valley Twp, Bedford, PA Sep 9 Thos Hughes
24 34 34 Cessna Joseph 40 M Farmer Pa
Cessna Juliann 35 F Pa
Cessna Weaver 19 M Pa
Cessna Marion 13 M Pa
Cessna Louisa 14 F Pa
Cessna Beuton 10 M Pa
Cessna Civilla 21 F Pa