[NI157168] 1761, Her daug's to get 40 pounds from gfather Johannes
1870 Federal Census Franklin Boro, Cambria Co., PA
12 68 64 Miller Huges A. 33 M W Laborer 100 PA
13 68 64 Miller Susanna 24 F W Keeping House PA
14 68 64 Miller M. B. 5 F W PA
15 68 64 Miller John 2 M W PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Hugh A Miller Age: 73 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0105 Birth Pl: PA Visit: 0118 Co: Cambria Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Susan 63, PA
Son George S 38, PA
Mother-in-law Mrs Isabella Jones 84, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Silas C Miller Age: 39 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist: 0093 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0228 Co: Cambria Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mazie 37, PA
Daug Florence 13, PA
Daug Olive 12, PA
Daug Nellie 09, PA
Brother Jacob W 34, PA
SIL Mamie 35, PA
Nephew Newton 08, PA
Nephew Homer 04, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Daniel W Whitaker Age: 39 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist.: 0151 Birth Pl.: PA Visit: 0019 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mary E 36, PA
Son Lloyd R 13, PA
Son Leslie L 02, PA
1870 Federal Census Paint Twp., Somerset Co., PA pg 10 Enumerated 10 Jun 1870 by H J Boyts
35 74 69 Whitaker Amos 36 M W farmer 800 Pa
36 74 69 Whitaker Elisabeth 26 F W wife Pa
37 74 69 Whitaker Samuel 2 M W At Home Pa
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Amos Whitaker Age: 74 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist.: 0151 Birth Pl.: PA Visit: 0071 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: living alone
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Samuel G Whitaker Age: 42 State: PA Color: W Enumeration Dist.: 0031 Birth Pl.: PA Visit: 0046 Co.: Bedford Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Lavina 57, PA
Daug Minnie 19, PA
Son Harvey 18, PA
1850 Census Napier Twp., Bedford Co., PA Aug 23 Thos Hughes
40 29 29 Dannaker Catharine 60 F 800 Pa
Dannaker Emma 15 F Pa
[NI157292] After more than twenty years of marriage, John deserted his family, went west and became partners in a mining operation.
[NI157296] Charles was caretaker of Buchtel Collage (sometime around 1925) which later became The Univ of Akron, Akron, OH. His 2nd wife, Harriett, was a head nurse at Barberton Hosp, which is close to Akron. Charles was an inventor.
PA 1910 Census Miracode INex
Elmer Rayman Age: 39 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0165 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0203 Co: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Sarah 28, PA
Daug Clara 10, PA
Son Melvin 05, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Jesse Horner Age: 53 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0156 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0110 County: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Annie 48, PA
Son Albert J 29, PA
Dau Ada V 25, PA
Dau Harry O 21, PA
I, Jacob Steinla, of Greenville Twp., Somerset Co., PA, being in my 70th yr, being old & infirm, but of sound & disposing mind & memory & understanding, thanks be to God & Christ, for the same. Considering the certainty of death & the uncertainty of time thereof, & being desirous to settle, adjust, all my temporal affairs before it may please the Almighty God to call me hence. Therefore, hereby publish, pronounce & declare this instrument of writing to be my last will & testament in manner & form as follows: 1st of all, it is my will & desire, & do hereby order & direct, that all my just debts, if any, & funeral expenses, be fully pd & satisfied by Executors herein after mentioned as soon as possible after my decease. 2ndly I give to my wife the following: 1st the privilege of staying on the farm until sold & is allowed to keep 2 cows, is to have pasture & hay for them, is to have the garden & 1 ac of ground for her use. Also, I give to her $600, 100 of this is to be pd as soon as it is gotten out of the proceeds of the sale of personal property, the remainder as soon as the farm is sold, & the money collected to pay it. 3rdly: My chldn are Henry, Christian David, Catharine F., widow of J.D.Miller, Christiana Louisa, Lewis, Jacob Andrew, & Rosa Hannah. I give to my chldn equal shares out of the proceeds of my property after all expenses arising out of the settlement of my estate & my wifes share & funeral expenses & Just debts are pd. My farm cannot be sold until 2 yrs after my death by my executors unless he can get $2000, then is he to make immediate sale. My daug Rosa Hannah is to draw her share out of the farm as soon as she arrives at the age of 21, the said share of her is to remain a lieu on the farm until pd to her but is to draw no interest. My daug Catharrine F., widow/o J.D.Miller owes me $500 with interest as found on the note given by her husb now the said sum is not to be pd by her until after my real estate is sold & her just & equal share given to her to liquidate out of this. I appoint my son Lewis Steinla, Executor of this will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 2 Jun 1877. Jacob Steinla (his signature) Caroline Steinla (her mark)
Witness John C. Kendall, Jr. John C. Kendall, Sr. Lewis Steinley // Somerset Co., ss: On this 10 Jan 1878 before me A.F.Dickey, Register for the probate of wills & granting letters of administration in & for the Co. aforesaid, personally came John C. Kendall, Jr. & John C. Kendall, Sr. the subscribing witnesses to the will thereto attached, who being duly affirmed according to law, so say that they were present & saw & heard Jacob Steinla the testator sign, seal, publish, pronounce & declare the foregoing instrument as & for his last will & testament, & that at the time of so doing he was of sound mind, memory & understanding, to the best of their knowledge & belief. Affirmed & subscribed to before me the date aforesaid: J. C. Kendall, Jr. J. C. Kendall, Sr. A. F. Dickey, Register // 2nd & Final Acct of Lewis J. Steinla, Executor of Jacob Steinla late of Greenville Twp., Somerset Co., PA deceased. The accountant charges himself with the following items:
1. The homestead of said deceased sold to Catharine D. Miller for the sum of $1850 in payments as follows;
1/3 in Cash $616.66
1/3 in 1 yr from 27 Nov 1880 $616.66
1/3 in 2 yr from 27 Nov 1880 $616.66
2. To rent Recd for the homestead for the yr 1878 - $46
3. " " " " " " " " " 1879 - $46
4. " " " " " " " " " 1880 - $46
5. To 1 ton hay sold to Jacob Steinla, Jr. $4.50
6. To Jacob D. Miller note $500.00
Interest from 4 Jul 1873 to 4 Jul 1880 $210.00
Total $2702.50
The accountant claims credit for the following expenses & disbursements in said estate
1. Paid to J. M. Carter Med. services for said deed $6.00
2. " " I.J.Baer Calling sale $2.00
3. " " Wm B. Grease Passing a/c $9.00
4. " " Somerset Herald $6.00
5. " " Somerset Democrat $8.50
6. " " J.R.Scott Counsel fees writing deeds re $50.00
7. " " Wm. B Frease Recording Release on farm $3.00
8. " " Executor charges for time trouble re $75.00
9. " " Caroline Keidle Widow of said deed. now wife of Conrad Deidle bal of legacy under the will $510.00
Total $669.50
Ida spent her youth in Seneca, Shawano Co. Moved to
Townsend in 1914. Moved to Bear Creek, Outagamie Co in 1931. Moved to Clintonville in 1964.
1880 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by Geo.W.Benford Jun 1-10 1880
24 1 485A 20 3 3 Knepper Cyrus W M 28 Shoemaker PA Pa Pa
Knepper Annie W F 24 Wife Keeping house PA Pa Pa
Knepper Carrie W F 1/12 May PA Pa Pa
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
John M Rudolph State: PA Enumeration District: 0118 Color: W Age: 35 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0510 Co.: Cambria, Johnstown Relation: Husband ImageNum: 03920237 Other Residents:
Wife Winnie G 30, PA
Father-in-law Henry F Knepper 72, PA
1 non-relative
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Reuben Knupp State: PA Enumeration District: 0161 Color: W Age: 46 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0138 Co.: Somerset Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02450267 Other Residents:
Wife Carry 32, PA
Dau. Maurie 14, PA
Son Martin 12, PA
Dau. Ruth 09, PA
Son Harry 07, PA
Son Clark 05, PA
Son Edward 02, PA
Stepson Earnest Ludy 08, PA
Stepdaugther Florence 07, PA
1 non-relative
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Henry Kraft State: PA Enumeration District: 0139 Color: W Age: 57 Birth Place: Germany Visit: 0079 Co.: Cambria, Johnstown Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02510799 Other Residents:
Wife Caroline 47, Germany
Son Carence 14, PA
Dau. Lillian 12, PA
Dau. Hilda C E M 06, PA
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Carl Wiechler State: PA Enumeration District: 0140 Color: W Age: 49 Birth Place: Germany Visit: 0192 County: Cambria, Johnstown Relation: Husband ImageNum: 04910428, 04910429 Other Residents:
Wife Minnie 43, Germany
Daughter Edith 11, PA
Son William 09, PA
Daughter Emma 03, PA
Stepson William Lambrisky 19, PA
Stepdaugther Helen Lambrisky 14, PA
Stepdaugther Elizabeth Lambrisky 07, PA
1 non-relative
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Jonathan Lantz State: PA Dist: 0102 Color: W Age: 49 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0055 Co.: Lancaster Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02760768 Other Residents:
Wife Lydia 44, PA
Son Stephen 21, PA
Dau Susie 19, PA
Dau Elizabeth 18, PA
Son Henry 17, PA
Son Bennie 15, PA
Dau Mary 13, PA
Son Jonathan 11, PA
Son Amos 10, PA
Dau Lydia 08, PA
Son Jonas 06, PA
Son Iasac 04, PA
Dau Hannah 02, PA
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Annie Foward State: PA Dist: 0160 Color: W;W Age: 72 Birth Place: Virginia Visit: 0208 Co.: Somerset Relation: Boarder ImageNum: 01460019 Other Residents: Husband John P Lape
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
John H Lapp State: PA Dist: 0141 Color: W Age: 64 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0100 Co.: Lancaster Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02590139 Other Residents:
Wife Rachel 52, PA
Son Moses 25, PA
Dau Arie 16, PA
SIL Annie Stoltzfus 57, PA
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Gideon Lapp State: PA Dist: 0101 Color: W Age: 56 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0024 Co.: Lancaster Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02590009 Other Residents:
Wife Mary 52, PA
Son Christian M 21, PA
Dau Mary S 19, PA
Son Jesse J 17, PA
Dau Emma S 11, PA
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Joseph C Lauffer State: PA Dist: 0147 Color: W Age: 42 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0139 Co.: Cambria Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02610613 Other Residents:
Wife Augusta W 33, Germany
Dau Vida E M 11, PA
Dau Ethel 07, PA
Son Harry 06, PA
NR Ella Midson 16, Hungary
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Robert C Reed State: PA Dist: 0087 Color: W Age: 30 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0380 Co.: Dauphin, Harrisburg Relation: Husband ImageNum: 03890643 Other Residents:
Wife Anna M 28, PA
Brother-in-law Bernard M Laufle 17, PA
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
John Layton State: PA Dist: 0126 Color: W Age: 32 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0284 Co.: Somerset Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02700530 Other Residents:
Wife Ida 33, Maryland
Son John W 10, PA
Dau Cora 07, PA
Dau Rebecca 06, PA
Son Harry James 02, PA
Date of Arrival: Mar. 21, 1885 Final Destination: USA Ship's Name: Lessing Manifest ID Number: 38101 Port of Embarkation: Hamburg & Havre
Passenger's Name: Albert Poltrock Age: 25 Gender: Male Occupation: Carpenter Last Residence: Prussia
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
E P Lehman State: PA Dist: 0151 Color: W Age: 33 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0185 Co.: Cambria Relation: Husband ImageNum: 02770672 Other Residents:
Wife Mollie 30, PA
Dau Olive E 03, PA
Dau Verda May NR, PA
Brother Morris S 21, PA
[NI157929] May have been b in Porland, Pendleton Co., OR
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Enoc Short Age: 61 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0146 B Pl: PA Visit: 0537 Co: Cambria, Patton Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Josephine 50, PA
Daug Clara 20, PA
Daug Hariet 18, PA
Daug Minnie 14, PA
Son Ramon 11, PA
Daug Gereldine 06, PA
1850 Federal Census Carroll Twp, Cambria Co., PA Enumerated 15 Aug 1850 by Henry Cook pg 20A
33 52 53 Short Felix 49 M Farmer 700 Ireland
34 52 53 Short Luticia 38 F PA
35 52 53 Short Mary A. 12 F PA
36 52 53 Short Sarah 12 F PA
37 52 53 Short Luticia 10 F PA
38 52 53 Short Ellen 9 F PA
39 52 53 Short Paul 6 M PA
40 52 53 Short Martha 4 F PA
41 52 53 Short Enoch 3 M PA
42 52 53 Short Catherine 7m F PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Paul Short Age: 67 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0146 B Pl: PA Visit: 0602 Co: Cambria, Patton Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Daug Mary 18, PA
Daug Gertrude 15, PA
Daug Carry 12, PA
Son Edvan 10, PA
NR Joseph 28, PA
NR Bemitied 19, PA
NR John 22, PA
[NI158070] Trib-Dem Johnstown, PA, Dec 1947 MEYERSDALE, PA. Park M. WEIMER, 54, Meyers Ave, d Fri Presby Hosp, Pittsburgh where he had been a pt 10 dys, was bur yesterday Somerset Mem'l Pk. Servs Hoffman Funeral Home by Rev. Hess Wagner, pastor Trinity Luth Ch. Masonic rites at grave conducted by Meyersdale Lodge No. 554, AF & AM, of which he was memb. Mr. Weimer was b Dec 27 1893, Somerset Co, s/o Norman W. & Jeanetta Weimer. He formerly resided Somerset & Pittsburgh & was employed in 2nd Nat'l Bank here. He was affiliated with Div of Closed Banks & Fed Reserve Bank in Pittsburgh for several yrs. Mr. Weimer belonged to Jaffa Shrine, Altoona, Meyersdale Rotary Club & Mt. Zion Luth Ch, Pittsburgh. Survived by widow, Mrs. Nell (Braucher) Weimer; 3 daugs, Mrs. Mary Rudolf & Mrs. Beatrice W. Miller, Pittsburgh & Mrs. Betty W. Hilgendorf, Clarksburg, WV, & 5 gchdn.
[NI158071] Trib-Dem Johnstown, PA, Fri Jan 24 1941 - MRS. KATHERINE (HORNER) McMULLEN, 55, widow/o Adolph McMullen, d 4:50 am yesterday at home of daug, Mrs. Harold Schrock, W. Race St, Somerset, following lingering illness. Mrs. McMullen d/o William J. & Esther (Seese) Horner, both deceased. Her husb passed away 1938. Surviving are 2 daugs, Mrs. Schrock, mentioned, & Mrs. George Zimmerman, Jr., Somerset; 5 gchdn & these bros: Thomas Horner, Johnstown; Charles Horner, Windber; Archibald Horner, Somerset; & George Horner, Eton. Funeral servs 2:30 pm tomorrow at Schrock home by Rev. I. Hess Wagner, D.D., pastor of Trinity Luth Ch. Bur Husb Cem direction of Charles R. Hauger, Somerset mortician.
[NI158073] Trib-Dem Johnstown, PA, Mon Oct 24 1983. LIVENGOOD, Mrs. Martha C., 83, South Center Ave, Somerset, d Oct 22 1983, at Somerset Comm Hosp.; b Jul 14 1900, Addison, d/o Nelson N. & Mary (Lakel) Cupp. Widow of late William S. Livengood, Jr., former PA Sec of Internal Affairs. Survived by 2 chdn, Mrs. Edward (Mary) Bilinkas, Randolph, NJ; & William S., III, Somerset; 6 gchdn. Sis of Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford, Raleigh, NC. Memb Somerset COB, Somerset Welfare League & Somerset Garden Club. Friends received 2-4 & 7-9 pm Mon, serv at 1:30 pm Tue, Rev. Rodger Forry, officiating. Bur Husband Cem.
[NI158075] Trib-Dem, Johnstown, PA, Fri Apr 29 1983. LEHMAN, Manford N., 72, Somerset, d Apr 28 1983, Mem Hosp.; b Oct 5 1910, Brothersvalley Twp, s/o Ross & Annie (Hoffman) Lehman. Preceded in death by wife, Leora, who d 1981, & daug Florence. Survived by sons: Floyd & Kenneth, both Somerset; 5 gchdn & 2 ggchdn. Bro of Harold, William & Mrs. Floyd (Betty) Fritz, all Berlin; Mrs. Dorothy Frazier, Shanksville; & Nevin, Central City. Retired bricklayer. Memb St. Mark's Luth ch, Shanksville. Friends received 2-4 & 7-9 pm Fri Wilbur D. Miller Funeral Home, Somerset, serv 11 am Sat, Rev. Charles J. Hartbauer. Bur Somerset Co Mem Pk.
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Ross Lehman Age: 25 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0130 B Pl: PA Visit: 0181 Co: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Annie 19, PA
Ida B Landis Age: 32 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0164 B Pl: PA Visit: 0012 Co: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Daug Gladys B 10, PA
Daug Pearl M 05, PA
Daug Mary E 12, PA
1 non-relative
Trib-Dem, Johnstown, Pa., Mon Jan 31 1966. LANDIS, Mrs. Ida B., 87, formerly of Somerset Co, d Jan 30 1966, Un Ch of Christ Old Folks Home, Greenville; b Oct 14 1878, Stonycreek Twp, Somerset Co, d/o William J. & Sarah (Stoy) Glessner. Preceded in death by husb Mahlon Landis; 2 daugs, Marian & Mrs. Gladys Hankinson; sis Mrs. J.W. Oglevee, & 3 bros: John R., Robert H. & Pius J. Survived by 2 daugs Mrs. Pearl McClemens, Friedens, & Mrs. Mary Hostetler, Cairnbrook; 15 gchdn & these bros & sis': Mrs. Ellen Forney, Roger W., Mrs. Blanche Stone, Alvin S. & Merle K., all Somerset; Mrs. Ernest E. Korns, Boswell, & Mrs. Ruth Kates, Boca Raton, FL. Funeral arrangements in charge of Richard E. Hauger Funeral Home, Somerset, incomplete because of inclement weather.
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Carrie L Varner State: PA Dist: 0118 Color: W Age: 64 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0305 Co.: Cambria, Johnstown Relation: Husband ImageNum: 04860201 Other Residents:
Dau Bertha 31, PA
Brother Solomon Lininger 62, PA
[NI158087] Trib-Dem Johnstown, PA, Fri Nov 21 1947 - McQUADE, Andrew J., 52, Central City, Nov 20 1947, Windber Hosp., b Berlin, May 2 1895, s/o Edward & Ellen (Vogel) McQuade. Memb Central City Vol Fire Co 22 yrs, serv as pres, chief & foreman. Employed for 22 yrs by Reitz Coal Co Central City, where he was substation attendant. Surviving are widow, Anna (Romesberg) McQuade, Central City; 4 chdn; Richard, Stoystown; Mrs. Andrew Barwatt, Central City, & Edward & Isabelle, both at home; 2 gchdn, 1 bro, Robert, Oakdale; 3 sis', Mrs. Lee Pollard, Miami, Fla.; Mrs. Mary Jane Driggs, Berlin, & Mrs. Albert Shaffer, Somerset. Servs: 2 pm Sun McQuade resid, Rev. W.G. Hawk. Bur Berlin IOOF Cem. Johnson & Son Funeral Home, Berlin.
[NI158088] Trib Johnstown, PA, Wed Oct 8 1947. COMERER, Mrs. Mary C., 1405 Cambria Ave., Windber, 7 am Oct 8 1947, Raymond Hosp.; b Jul 1 1865, Huntingdon Co, PA, d/o David & Lucinda (Widney) Cisney. Survived by husb J.A. Comerer; 3 chdn, Harry, Windber; Mrs. C.D. Nupp & Margaret Comerer, 1405 Cambria Ave., Windber, & 3 gchdn. Friends received Meek Funeral Home after 6 pm Wed; serv 2 pm Fri. Bur Richland Cem., Meek funeral Home, Windber.
[NI158089] Altoona Mirror, Altoona, PA, Wed Dec 29 1954. William H. Shunk of 1110 17th st, who retired as an engineer on Pittsburgh Div May 1 1935, d 8:20 pm last night in Altoona hosp where he was admitted last Wed.; b Jennerstown Apr 1 1865, s/o Jonathan & Amanda (Shaffer) Shunk, & m Bertha Hays, who d Jan 7 1947. Mr. Shunk was memb 1st Meth ch, the Masonic orders & Jaffa Shrine. He came to Altoona & entered serv of the RR co as a fireman Dec 18 1888. Surviving are 1 bro & 1 sis, George E., Altoona & Mrs. Charles N. Persing, Bellwood. Friends received at Laughlin funeral home after 7 pm this eve.
[NI158091] Trib Johnstown, PA, Thu Aug 8 1940. MRS. MAGGIE (BORDER) CASSLER, 67, wid/o G.W. Cassler, d 11:25 am yest at home of her bro-in-law & sis Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Morgan, Hollsopple. She had been in ill health for sev mos. Native & lifelong resid of Hollsopple dist, Mrs. Cassler was b Davidsville Mar 17 1873, d/o Daniel & Rachael (Ream) Border. Her husb passed away Mar 1936. Mrs. Cassler was memb Christ Evang & Ref ch, Hollsopple, & active in Ladies Aux of congregation. Surviving are a son, George W. Cassler, supervising principal of Coraopolis schools; 6 sis': Mrs. Lenora Spangler, Hollsopple; Mrs. H.H. Cassler, Davidsville; Mrs. J.J. Holsopple, Hooversville; Mrs. F.R. Crouse, Mrs. H.C. Morgan, with whom Mrs. Cassler resid & Mrs. M.L. Suthard, & a bro N.O. Border, all Hollsopple. The remains may be viewed after 3 pm today at Morgan resid where servs will be at 2:30 pm Sat, Rev. James S. Carr, pastor of St. Paul's Evang & Ref Ch, Moxham. Bur Custer Cem., near Hollsopple, under direction of Meek Funeral Home, Windber.
1850 Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA 23 Aug 1850 J. J. Schell
39 140 148 Weller Jacob 37 M Farmer 5,000 PA
Weller Barbara 36 F PA
Weller Benji F. 16 M Laborer PA
Weller Elisabeth 14 F PA
Weller Cyrus A. 12 M W PA
Weller William F. 9 M PA
Weller David 7 M PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 23 Jul Pg 35 Christian Streng
24 345 343 Weller Jacob 58 M W Farmer 10,000 5,100 Pa.
Weller Elizabeth 53 F W Keeping house Pa.
Weller Franklin 16 M W Pa.
Weller Clara 9 F W Pa.
Bittner Susan 23 F W Domestic Servant Pa.
1850 Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA 23 Aug J. J. Schell
21 136 144 Weller William 34 M Farmer 500 PA
22 136 144 Weller Catharine 28 F PA
23 136 144 Walker Jonathan P. 39 M Laborer 1,500 PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 18 Jul Pg 35 Christian Streng
31 316 314 Weller William 56 M W Farmer 2,000 650 PA
Weller Catharine 50 F W Keeps House PA
Bar**t William 15 M W PA *Last name could be Barnt or Barart or Barort.
1850 Federal Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 28 Aug 1850 by J. J. Schell
37 196 204 Kantner John F. 58 M Manufacturer 4,000 PA
38 196 204 Kantner Sarah 50 F Maryland
39 196 204 Kantner John H. 24 M Carder Maryland
40 196 204 Kantner Sarah 19 F Maryland
41 196 204 Kantner Elisabeth 17 F Maryland
42 196 204 Kantner Ellen 13 F PA
1850 Federal Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 3 Oct 1850 by J. J. Schell
3 268 278 Woy Sarah 40 F PA
4 268 278 Woy Charles 11 M PA
5 268 278 Woy Catharine 6 F PA
6 268 278 Woy George 3 M PA
7 269 279 Swank Thomas 22 M Shoemaker PA
8 269 279 Swank Mary A. 22 F PA
Jacob & Mary Zimmerman purchased this homestead from Henry & Barbara Beam in 1801 & lived there until Jacob's death in 1834. His son Conrad & his wife Polly also resided at this homestead, named Carpenter's Hall. Jacob d in 1834 & his 1st son Jacob d in 1835. This is the resting place of both, Jacob & his son. Conrad & Polly his wife had 10 chdn. Conrad Zimmerman d Sep 13 1853, followed by Polly his wife Sep 17 1853, Mary our mother d Nov 1853. Followed by Susan Zimmerman Knupp, w/o Samuel & d/o Conrad in 1856. Also bur in this cem are wife #1 Caroline Snider Zimmerman w/o Jacob C. Zimmerman who d in 1850. Her 1st chld Ellisanna also is bur here along with Martha Jane of Jacob C. Zimmerman & Harriet wife #2 who d in 1865. She is last to be bur here. 4 generations of family are bur here. After death of Conrad & Polly it became the home of Jacob C. Zimmerman s/o Conrad & Polly who along with his wife Harriet Chorpening Zimmerman kept our mother Mary Zimmerman until she d Nov 1853. They sold the homestead to Margaret HORNER & left Somerset Co. to settle in Westmoreland Co. in 1867. All of Jacob C.'s chdn to Caroline, & 9 of his chdn b to Harriet, were b at the old plantation. Martha Jane is mistakenly marked by stone reading Ida Mathilda on the Wesley Horner Farm graveyard.
LAST WILL & TESTAMENT OF JACOB ZIMMERMAN (probate included): Somerset Co. Wills - Vol. 3, pg 182-184.Somerset Co, PA 27 May 1835, Personally came before me, Chauncey FORWARD, Register for Probate of Wills & Granting Letters of Admin in & for the Co. aforesaid, Martin HALTERBAUN , who being duly sworn doth depose & say that he is well acquainted with the hand writing of John ANAWALT, one of the subscribing witnesses to the written will, that he has often seen him write his name & that the name of John ANAWALT is in the proper handwriting of said John ANAWALT as a witness to the written Will. [signed] Martin HALTERBAUN Know all men by these presents that I, John KURTZ , Somerset Boro executors named in this written Will have renounced, released & quit claim & by these presents do renounce, release & quit claim all my rights & title to Executorship & to the Admin of goods & chattel rights & credits of whatsoever of the said Jacob ZIMMERMAN, deceased. Witnesseth my hand & seal 27 May 1835. [signed] John KURTZ. Witness present: Wm PHILZONE. Sworn & subscribed before me this 27 May 1835. C. FORWARD, Register. #21 1835. LAST WILL & TESTAMENT OF JACOB ZIMMERMAN. Filed, Proven & Registered 27 May 1835. C. FORWARD, Register. In the name of God Amen. I Jacob ZIMMERMAN of Somerset Twp, Co. of Somerset, Commonwealth of PA, being of good health of body & of sound & disposing mind & memory (praised be God for the same) & being desirous to settle my worldly affairs whilst I have strength & capacity so to do, do make & publish this my Last Will & Testament hereby revoking & making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, & 1st & principally, I commit my soul unto the hands of my Creator who gave it & my body to the at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named & also such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life. I give & dispose of the same in the following manner to wit: all my estate of what kind & nature so ever, the same may be in the Co. of Somerset aforesaid or elsewhere, I give & devise the same unto my dear wife Mary during her natural life, & from & immediately after her decease I give & devise the same to my 9 chdn & the share of my son Jacob to his chdn, that is to my sons Conrad, Philip, John, Daniel, & daugs Elizabeth, Mary, Susan, Catharine & Rossina, or to their legal heirs ea one an equal share & the 10th equal share to the chldn of my son Jacob to be equally divided to & amongst my said son Jacob's chdn share & share alike, & lastly I nominate, constitute & appoint my esteemed friend John Kurtz, Esq of Boro of Somerset to be Executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I the said Jacob Zimmerman, the Testator, have to this my last Will consisting of 1 sheet of paper, set my hand & seal this ____ day of ____ 1825 [signed] Jacob ZIMERMAN [spelled w/ one M] Signed, Sealed, Published & Declared, by the above named Jacob ZIMMERMAN as & for his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us, who at his request & in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto: the words "said my wife Mary & My" in the 16th line from the top were stricken out before signing. [signed] John WITT & John ANAWALT. // Somerset Co., PA, This 27 May 1835 personally came before me Chauncey FORWARD Register for Probate of Wills & Granting Letters of Admin in & for the Co. aforesaid, John WITT Esq, 1 of the subscribers. Witnesses to the aforesaid Will & being duly sworn doth depose & say that he was present & saw & heard Jacob ZIMMERMAN sign, seal, publish & pronounce & declare this foregoing instrument of writing as & for his Last Will & Testament & that he has often seen the other subscribing witness & they were called upon by Testator to witness the same that it is the proper handwriting of said John ANAWALT who has since deceased & that the said Testator Jacob ZIMMERMAN at the time of so doing was of perfect & sound mind, memory & understanding to the best of his knowledge & thought. Sworn & subscribed before me this 27 May 1835. [signed] C. FORWARD, Register & John WITT // Know all men by these presents, that we Mary ZIMMERMAN, John EMERT, & Philip BROWN of Somerset Co. & Commonwealth of PA, are held firmly bound unto the said Commonwealth in the sum of $200, lawful money of PA, to be pd to the said Commonwealth; to which pymt well & truly to be made, we bind ourselves jointly & severally for & in the whole, our heirs, executors, & administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals & dated 8 Jun 1835. The condition of this obligation is, that if the above bounden Mary ZIMMERMAN with the well announced administrator of all & singular the goods, chattels & credits of Jacob ZIMMERMAN deceased, do make or cause to be made a true & perfect inventory of all & singular the goods, chattel, & credits of the deceased, which have come, or shall come to the hands, possession, or knowledge of her the said Mary ZIMMERMAN or into the hands & possession of any other person or persons for her & the same to be made, do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the register's office, in Co. of Somerset, within 30 days from date hereof, & the same goods, chattel, & credits, & all other the goods, chattel, & credits of the said deceased, at the time of his death, which at any time after shall come into the hands or possession of the said Mary ZIMMERMAN or into the hands & possession of any to her person or persons for her do well & truly Admin according to law, & further do make or cause to be made a just & true account of said admin, within 1 yr of date hereof, or when thereunto legally required, & all the rest & residue of the said goods, chattels, & credits, which shall be found remaining upon the said administrator account, the same being the 1st examined & allowed by the orphans court of the Co. having jurisdiction, shall deliver & pay unto such person or persons, as the said orphans court, by their decree or sentence pursuant to laws shall limit & appoint, & shall well & truly comply with the laws of this Commonwealth relating to collateral inheritances, & if it shall hereafter appear that any Last Will & Testament was made by the deceased, & the same shall be proved according to law if the said Jacob ZIMMERMAN being thereunto required, do surrender the said obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in force. Sealed & delivered in presence of Wm. PHILZOR (signed by her mark) Mary "x" ZIMMERMAN. The names of the vendee list: William McGINNIS 1, sheep Ram $1.00, Samuel LENHART 1 sheep $1.03, Samuel LENHART 1 ewe & lamb $1.35, John CORDY 1 sheep & ewe $1.08, John CORDY 1 sheep & ewe $1.10, William McGINNIS 1 mare $25.30 // #21 1835 VENDEE LIST - Jacob ZIMMERMAN - Filed 9 Jul 1835 6 Registry . // The names of the vendee list & goods - Jun 19 1835: Conrad ZIMMERMAN 1 clock $00.74, John EMERT 2 cutting box steel $00.12, John EMERT 1 load of old iron $00.06 �, Conrad ZIMMERMAN 1 hand saw $00.26, John HORNER 2nd load of old iron $00.04, Philip ZIMMERMAN 3rd load of old iron $00.05, Henry ASH Jr. 1 cow chain $00.13, Henry ASH Jr. 1 straw knife $00.05, John CRAMER 1 load of shoemaking tools $00.25, Conrad ZIMMERMAN 1 drawing knife & sheep shear $00.15, Conrad ZIMMERMAN 1 chain $00.30, Wm. McGINNIS 1 thresher $00.88, Daniel BERKEY 1 sausage funnel $00.18, Philip BROWN 1 coffee mill $00.04, Conrad ZIMMERMAN 1 jack plain $00.06, Conrad ZIMMERMAN augers & chisels, etc. $00.19, Abraham BEAM Esq. 1 heckler $01.25, John LENHARD 1 spinning wheel $01.17, Philip ZIMMERMAN 3 pieces of stove pipe $02.25, Philip ZIMMERMAN saddlebag $01.50, John LENHARD 1 lime $00.43, John LENHARD 1 mush mill line $00.68, John EMERT 1 law book German $00.25, John EMERT 1 law book English $00.52, Joseph EMMERT 1 sythe, Daniel BERKEY pot $00.97, Christian YORDY 1 large cittle $00.25, Abraham BEAM Esq. 1 lot of drug $00.06, Philip BROWN 1 tub $00.04, Philip ZIMMERMAN 1 large tub $00.82, John CRAMER flour barrel $00.14, Conrad ZIMMERMAN 1 grindstone $00.82, Daniel BERKEY 1 bed $05.95, John SHAWLEY 1 steel $04.13 // Mary ZIMMERMAN, widow of Jacob ZIMMERMAN Vend. dec'd, The goods & chattel I kept at the appraisement: 1 horse $25.00, 1 bed $03.00, 1 man's saddle $00.12 �, 1 side saddle $00.37 �, 1 jack reel $00.12 �, 1 wool spinning wheel $01.25, � bushel $00.13 �, 1 stove & pipe $11.00, 1 stilyard $01.25, 1 cubord $05.00, 1 iron pot $00.62 �, 1 axe $00.37 �, 1 windmill $05.00, 11 head of sheep $70.00, 1 cow $13.00. // Brought over on this side the 1/3 of the 15 acres of oats more or less 24 gr acre $20.00, 1 field no 1 of winter grain 10 acres at $3 per acre $11.00, 2 � acres of meadow grass at $2 per acre $05.00, 1 field N) 2 of winter grain the 3rd of 5 acres $03.33 �, 15 lb of wool at $00.25 per lb. $00.75, 1 table $00.31 �, 2 wagon wheels $03.00, // Somerset Co., PA. Personally appeared before Abram BEAM, a JP in & for the Co. of Somerset, aforesaid, came Philip BROWN & Henry ASH Jr. who being sworn according to law that the Will appraise the property of Jacob ZIMMERMAN of Somerset Twp deceased to the best of their knowledge & ability. Sworn & subscribed before me, [signed 11 Jun 1835] Abram BEAM, Henry ASH Jr.& Philip BROWN. A list of the goods & chattel of Jacob ZIMMERMAN deceased & appraise by the house & above subscribed & sworn. ARTICLES OF GOODS PRAISED: 1 horse $25.00, 1 mare $22.00, 1 bed $03.00, 1 clock $00.18 3/4, 1 sattleback $01.50, 1 sive $00.37 �, 1 hand saw $00.75, 1 saddle $00.12 �, 1 side saddle $00.37 �, 3 piece of stove pipe $00.25, 1 load of old iron $00.37 �, 1 Jacob rille $00.12 �, 1 spinning wheel $00.18 �, 1 box of shoemaker tools $00.37 �, 1 stretcher $00.50, 2 barrels $00.18 �, 1 stove & pipe $11.00. // ARTICLES OF THE PRAISEMENT BROUGHT OVER: 1 Heckles $00,87 �, 1 stilyard $01.25, 1 augar chissele & plain $00.18 �, 1 sausage funnel $00.12 �, 1 cubard $05.00, 1 mush mill sive $00.18 �, 1 chain & neck collar $00.12 �, 1 drawing knife $00.12 �, 1 wool spinning wheel $01.25, 2 law books of the state of PA in G & E. $00.37 �, 1 chain $00.25, 1 sythe $00.12 �, 1 bulken tubb $00.25, 1 mille tubb $00.06 �, 1 large kittle $00.18 �, 1 iron pot $00.62 �, 1 shovel & hoe $00.18 �, 1 grindstone $00.75, 1 tubb $00.06 �, 1 axe $00.37 �, 1 wind mill $05.00, 12 head of sheep $11.00, 1 cow $13.00, 2 year old bully $05.00, The 3 of 15 acres of oats more or less at $4.00/acre $20.00, #1 field of winter grain 10 acres more or less 73 perch $05.00, #2 field of meadow grass the half 2 � acres $2.00/acre $03.33 �, #1 15 lb. wool at $00.25/pound $03.75, #2 3 lb. wool at $00.25/pound $00.75, 1 table $00.31 �, 2 wagon wheels $03.00 // To the honorable Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset Co. now came residing as orphans Court in & for the said Co. The petition of David GRIFFITH, trustee for the sale of the real estate of Jacob ZIMMERMAN dec'd, represents that the pursuance of the order of this Court after due & timely notice given of the day & place of sale, he did: Expose the real estate of said deceased at the order of the Court mentioned & Sold acc. #2 to John EMMERT at & for the sum of $888.34; Sold tract #3 to Jacob ZIMMERMAN & Benjamin ZIMMERMAN at & for the sum of $714.37 � ; & Pray the Court: Confirm the sale of so much has been sold & Direct the trustees to make a deed or deeds to the purchasers & Prays that the due order may be further continued for the sale of lot #1 & he will pray, etc. [signed] David GRIFFITH, Trustee // To the honorable Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset Co. now composing an orphans Court in & for the said Co.. The petition of John EMMERT intermarried with Sussanna ZIMMERMAN, one of the heirs & legal representatives of Jacob ZIMMERMAN, late of Somerset Twp, deceased, humbly represents: That the said Jacob ZIMMERMAN d sometime in the yr 1834, having 1st made his Last Will & Testament in what he appointed John KURTZ his executor, & the said executor having refused to accept of the trust, Letters of Administration with the Will annexed were granted to the widow Mary of deceased, that said deceased left issue of 10 chldn: 1 - Jacob, 2 - Conrad, 3 - Philip, 4 - Elizabeth, m David Ash, 5 - Mary m Joseph EMMERT - both of whom have since deceased leaving issue of 9 chdn: i - Eliza m John LINT, ii - Catherine, iii - Charlotte, iv - Isaac, v - Susan m John HETZER, vi - Sarah m Leonard STAHL, vii - Jonathan, viii - Leah m John COLL, & ix - Adaline. 6 - Susanna ZIMMERMAN, m John EMMERT, 7 - John, 8 - Daniel, 9 - Catherine m Daniel BERKEY, 10 - Rosanna m William McGINNIS - since deceased, issue 7 chdn: i - Daniel, ii - Andrew, iii - Mary, iv - Elizabeth m Jacob LENHART, v - Rosanna, vi - Harriet, & vii - Salome. // That said deceased d seized in her demesne as if fee & of to 3 tracts of land: the 1st tract situate in Somerset Twp adjoining lands of Daniel SNYDER, Jonathan LENHART & others, containing abt 200 acs more or less, abt 80 acs cleared with a frame house & stable thereon erected. The 2nd tract adjoining the 1st mentioned tract: Daniel SNYDER, Joseph RHOADS sawmill tract & others containing abt 200 acs more or less abt 40 acs cleared with a stable & threshing floor thereon; The 3rd tract lying in Somerset & Jefferson Twps adjoining land of Jacob SWENKE, Abraham BEAM Esq, & others with a cabin house & cabin barn thereon erected, containing 137 acs more or less, 80 or 90 cleared. Your petitioner prayers your heirs to grand a writ of partition to divide said land to & among the several heirs of said deceased if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole. Call to determine whether said lands will accommodate more than 1 of the 9 [10] heirs of said deceased & if so how many of said heirs it will conveniently accommodate, but if said lands cannot be so divided then to appraise the land & make report thereof to this Court. Since they will query & subscribe recommendations. I hereby join in the prayer of the foregoing petition. Witness [signed] Nevin SHOWARDS & Michael EMMERT. [signed by her mark] Susanna "x" EMMERT. // To the Honorable Judges of the Orphans Court of Somerset Co. Mrs. Susanna EMMERT rel: The Petition of the heirs of Jacob ZIMMERMAN, deceased, resulted here has been appraised by order of the Court that all of the heirs have been called to appear & taken the property to let the appraisers & have made default, she therefore prays the heirs to appoint David GRIFFITH, trustee to sell said real estate & the will be probated. [signed] Name not legible, attorney for Susanna EMMERT // Somerset Co. s.s.: Commonwealth of PA, to the Sheriff of Somerset Co., Greeting: Whereas at an adjourned Orphans Court held at Somerset in & for the Co. of Somerset, on 12 Oct 1853 before Honorable F.M. KIMMEL, Pres, J.C. KURTZ & Jonathan KNEPPER, Assc Judges of the same Court, the petition of John EMMERT m Susanna ZIMMERMAN one of the heirs & legal representatives of Jacob ZIMMERMAN late of Somerset Twp dec'd, humbly represents that the said Jacob ZIMMERMAN d sometime in the yr 1834 having 1st made his Last Will & Testament, in which he appointed John KURTZ his executor, & said executor having refused to accept of the trust, Letters of Admin with the Will annexed were granted to Mary widow of deceased that the deceased left issue 9 chdn: 1 - Jacob, 2 - Conrad, 3 - Philip, 4 - Elizabeth, m David Ash, 5 - Mary m Joseph EMMERT - both of whom have since deceased leaving issue of 9 chdn: 1 - Eliza m John LINT, ii - Catherine, iii - Charlotte, iv - Isaac, v - Susan m John HETZER, vi - Sarah m Leonard STAHL, vii - Jonathan, viii - Leah m John COLL, & ix - Adaline. 6 - Susanna, m John EMMERT, 7 - John, 8 - Daniel, 9 - Catherine m Daniel BERKEY, 10 - Rosanna m William McGINNIS - since deceased, leaving issue 7 chdn: i - Daniel, ii - Andrew, iii - Mary, iv - Elizabeth m Jacob LENHART, v - Rosanna, vi - Harriet, & vii - Salome. That said deceased d seized in his demesne as of fee of & into 3 tracts of land: the 1st tract situate in Somerset Co. adjoining lands of Daniel SNYDER, Jonathan LENHART & others, containing about 200 acs more or less, abt 80 acs cleared with a frame house & stable thereon erected. The 2nd tract adjoining the 1st mentioned tract: Daniel SNYDER, Joseph RHOADS sawmill tract & others containing abt 200 acs more or less abt 50 acs cleared with a stable & threshing floor thereon; The 3rd tract lying in Somerset or Jefferson Twp adjoining lands of Jacob SWENK, Abraham BEAM Esquire, & others with a cabin house & cabin barn thereon erected, containing 137 acres more or less, 80 or 90 cleared. Your petitioner prayers your honors to grand a writ of partition to divide said lands to & among the several heirs of said deceased if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole. & to determine whether said lands will accommodate more than one of the heirs of said deceased & if so how many of said heirs it will conveniently accommodate, but if said lands cannot be so divided, then to appraise the land & make report thereof to this Court at our next adjourn. Court Dec 6 1853. & they do pray & C. inquest awarded. Witness the Honorable F.M. KIMMEL at Somerset 15 Oct 1853. [signed] C.M. HICKS, Clerk. // The heirs are: 1 - Jacob, 2 - Conrad, 3 - Philip, 4 - Elizabeth, m David Ash, 5 - Mary m Joseph EMMERT - both of whom have since deceased leaving issue of 9 chdn viz: i - Eliza m John LINT, ii - Catherine, iii - Charlotte, iv - Isaac, v - Susan m John HETZER, vi - Sarah m Leonard STAHL, vii - Jonathan, viii - Leah m John COLL, & ix - Adaline. 6 - Susanna, m John EMMERT, 7 - John, 8 - Daniel, 9 - Catherine m Daniel BERKEY, 10 - Rosanna m William McGINNIS - since deceased, leaving issue 7 chdn viz: i - Daniel, ii - Andrew, iii - Mary, iv - Elizabeth m Jacob LENHART, v - Rosanna, vi - Harriet, & vii - Salome. // To the heirs & legal reps of Jacob ZIMMERMAN dec'd. Take notice that an inquest will be held at the late dwelling of said deceased in the twp of Somerset in Co. of Somerset on Tue 29 Nov 1853 for the purpose of making partition of the et al estate to & among the chdn & legal reps if the same can be done w/o prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof otherwise to value & appraise the same according to law, at which time & place you are required to attend if you think proper. [signed] R.R. MARSHALL, Sheriff The above notice served personally & by publication. // Inquisition indented & taken at the late dwelling house of Jacob ZIMMERMAN deceased in Twp of Somerset, Somerset Co. PA on 29 Nov 1853 before Robert R. MARSHALL, High Sheriff of said Co. By virtue of a writ of partition in valuation to him directed & to this inquisition annexed by the oath & affirmation of Jonathan RHODES, Christian ANKNEY, Simon HAY, Jonathan MILLER, Michael SHAFFER, Elial MARGOT, Philip MAURER, Sr., Joseph RHODES, John KING, Jonathan LENHART, Simon HAUGER, & Isaac D. ANKNEY, 12 free, honest & lawful men of his bailiwick who on their oath & affirmations aforesaid respectively do say that on the day & yr aforesaid they went to & upon the lands & tenements of which Jacob ZIMMERMAN deceased d, seized on the said writ mentioned & then & there did find that the said land & tenements could not be parted & divided to & among the chdn & legal reps of said Jacob ZIMMERMAN deceased w/o prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof & therefore the inquest aforesaid on their oaths & affirmations aforesaid have valued & appraised the same as followeth: #1 - at $5.20 per ac; #2 - at $3.68 per ac; #3 - at $7.00 per ac. In testimony whereof as well the said Sheriff of the inquest aforesaid have to this inquisition set their hands & seals the day & yr above written. [signed] R.T. CRINMAND, Deputy Sheriff; [signed] Simon HAY, Jos. RHODES, Jonathan MILLER, John KING, Jonathan RHODES, Jonathan LENHART, Michael SHAFFER, Simon HAUGER, Elia MARGOT, Isaac D. ANKNEY, Philip MAURER, & Christian ANKNEY. // Know all men by these presents that we David GRIFFITH, John W. PARKER, & John EMMERT are firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of PA in the sum of $6,000 lawful money of the USA, to which pymt well & truly to be made, we bind ourselves jointly & severally, our heirs, executors, & admins, firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated 6 Feb 1854. Whereas at an Orphans Court held at Somerset 6 Feb 1854, the heirs of Jacob ZIMMERMAN dec'd make default, the Court decree of sale of said real estate of decedent & grant & order of sale to David GRIFFITH, trustee for the sale of said real estate, as by the records of said Court move fully appears. Now the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded David GRIFFITH, trustee as aforesaid, shall well & truly & faithfully appropriate according to law the proceeds of the sale of said real estate whether he shall sell the same or on any further order granted for the purpose then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force & virtue. Witness: Jno. HICKS [signed] David GRIFFITH. // Somerset Co. s.s. At an adjourned Court (Orphans) held at Somerset in & for the Co. of Somerset on 6 Dec 1853 before the Hon Judges thereof: Iam H. POSTLETHWAITE, Esq. The Court confirm the inquisition on the real estate of Jacob ZIMMERMAN dec'd & grant a rule of on the heirs legal reps of dec'd to be & appear at an Orphan's Court to be held at Somerset in & for said Co. on 1st Mon of Feb next (1854) to accept or refuse to take the real estate of decedent at the appraised price, or show cause why the same should not be sold. Extract from the records of said Court, certified on 9 Dec 1853. [signed] C.M. HICKS, Clerk. The heirs are: 1 - Jacob, 2 - Conrad, 3 - Philip, 4 - Elizabeth, m David Ash, 5 - Mary m Joseph EMMERT - both of whom have since deceased leaving issue of 9 chdn viz: i - Eliza m John LINT, ii - Catherine, iii - Charlotte, iv - Isaac, v - Susan m with John HETZER, vi - Sarah m Leonard STAHL, vii - Jonathan, viii - Leah m John COLL, & ix - Adaline. 6 - Susanna, m John EMMERT, 7 - John, 8 - Daniel, 9 - Catherine m Daniel BERKEY, 10 - Rosanna m William McGINNIS - since deceased, leaving issue 7 chdn viz: i - Daniel, ii - Andrew, iii - Mary, iv - Elizabeth m Jacob LENHART, v - Rosanna, vi - Harriet, & vii - Salome. // In the matter of the Estate of Jacob ZIMMERMAN, dec'd. David GRIFFITH, trustee for the sale of the said decedent's real estate, makes return to the hon Judges of the Orphans Court, of Somerset Co., PA. That in pursuance of the order of said Court made on 6 Feb 1854, after due public notice according to law, he did on 1 Jul 1854 expose the premises therein described as Lot #1 to public sale in Boro of Somerset & then & there sold the premises at the rate of $5.21 per ac to Daniel WEYAND, Esq, which may be confirmed to the said purchaser by the Court & the said trustee ordered to make a deed therefore. [signed] David GRIFFITH by his atty. H.B. WOODS. // To the Hon Judges of the Orphans Court of Somerset Co.: The undersigned auditor appointed by the Court to make distribution of the funds in the hands of David GRIFFITH, trustee for the sale of the real estate of Jacob ZIMMERMAN dec'd, respectfully begs leave to submit the following report to wit: that said Jacob ZIMMERMAN died leaving issue 10 children to wit: 1 - Jacob, that the provisions of the Will of said decedent Jacob's share is to be given to his 4 chldn to wit: i - William, ii - Andrew, iii - Mary m William GEER, iv - Elizabeth m ___ SPROUL. 2 - Conrad, now dec'd leaving issue 10 chdn as follows viz: i - John, ii - Mary m John ENOS, iii - David, iv - Catherine m Abraham BUTLER, v - Jacob, vi - Sarah m Noah SHAULLIS, vii- Benjamin, viii - Abraham, ix - Susan, x - Henry. x - Philip, 4 - Elizabeth, m David Ash, 5 - Mary m Joseph EMMERT - both of whom have since deceased leaving issue of 9 chdn viz: i - Eliza m John LINT, ii - Catherine m John SAYLOR, iii - Charlotte, who has conveyed her share to John EMMERT, iv - Isaac, v - Susan m John HETZER, vi - Sarah m Leonard STAHL, vii - Jonathan, viii - Leah m John COLL, & ix - Adaline. 6 - Susanna, m John EMMERT, 7 - Catherine m Daniel BERKEY Jr., 8 - Daniel, who has sold to John EMMERT 9 - John, who has sold to Jacob C. ZIMMERMAN 10 - Rosanna m William McGINNIS - now deceased, leaving issue 6 chdn to wit: i - Daniel, ii - Andrew, iii - Elizabeth m Jacob LENHART, iv - Rosanna, v - Harriet, & vi - Salome.
1860 Census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA 13 Jun 1860 by Josiah H. Zimmerman
242 259 WAUGH James R. 34 M Day Laborer 200 PA
Louisa 28 F PA
Mary J. 6 F PA.
Martha 1 F PA
1880 Census Allegheny Twp., Somerset Co., PA H.L.Walker 2 - 19 Jun 1880
220B 29 116 118 Hoyle Levi W M 52 Farmer PA PA PA
Hoyle Susan W F 50 Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
Hoyle Caroline W F 24 Daughter At home PA PA PA
Hoyle Benjamin W M 22 Son Laborer PA PA PA
Hoyle Oliver W M 17 Son Work on farm PA PA PA
Hoyle George W M 13 Son Work on farm PA PA PA
Hoyle Mary A. W F 7 Daughter PA PA PA
1850 census Brothersvalley Twp., Somerset Co., PA
362 238 Rough John 48 M Farmer PA
Catharine 50 F PA
Mary 23 F PA
Henry 22 M PA
Caroline 20 F PA
Rosa Ann 15 F PA
Elizabeth 11 F PA
Boose John R. 2 M PA
Bowman John 21 M Cooper PA
Bowman Cornelius 18 M Laborer PA
1870 census Brothervalley Twp, Somerset Co, PA Jno. Hicks
2 172 176 Rauch John 68 M W Retired Farmer 27,300 5,500 PA
Rauch Catharine 73 F W Keeping House PA
Rauch Laub Mary M. 27 F W Dom. Ser. PA
1850 Federal census Brothersvalley Twp., Somerset Co., PA
349 147 Brougher Lydia 44 F Farming PA
Harriet 23 F PA
Elizabeth 19 F PA
Killian 17 M PA
Jeremiah 13 M PA
Catharine 11 F PA
Urias 5 M PA
1850 Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA 18 Oct 1850 J. J. Schell
9 361 372 Beam Abraham 52 M Farmer 10,000 PA
Beam Elisabeth 52 F PA
Beam Catherine 23 F PA
Beam Daniel L. 26 M Farmer PA
Beam Elisabeth 18 F PA
Beam Christopher 16 M Farmer PA
Beam Abraham 13 M PA
Beam Hariet 25 F PA
Beam Mary 1 F PA
Kiernan Ohara 1 M PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 2 Aug Christian Streng
25 518 512 Beam Abram 72 M W Farmer 20,000 5,600 PA
Beam Abram 30 M W Laborer 800 PA Deaf
Beam Elizobeth 34 F W House Keeper 1,000 PA
Beam Charles 16 M W * PA *Enumerator wrote, Was found as a baby abt 4 dys old & nobody knows
1850 Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA 27 Oct J. J. Schell
8 397 408 Hatzer John 68 M Laborer PA
Hatzer Elisabeth 68 F PA
Hatzer Samuel 30 M Laborer PA
Hatzer Mary 25 F PA
Hatzer Daniel 27 M Laborer PA
Hatzer Amy 1 F PA
1870 Federal Census Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 12 Jul 1870 by Hiram J. Boytz Pg 329 231 232 Yoder Jeremiah 23 M W farm labr 300 150 Pa
10 231 232 Yoder Elisabeth 19 F W wife Pa
Dr. Edmund M. Kimmel, bro/o Judge Francis M. & John O. Kimmel, Esq., b Berlin, Somerset Co., May 1, 1826. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co.)
1870 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 26 Jun 1870 by Christian Streng
24 155 165 Kimmel Edwin M 44 M W Physician 2,000 1,000 PA
Kimmel Emma 36 F W Keeping house PA
Kimmel Ella 17 F W PA
Kimmel Clara 15 F W PA
Kimmel Harry 12 M W PA
Kimmel Frank 7 M W PA
Kimmel Edmond 6 M W PA
Kimmel Louisa 2 F W PA
Kimmel William 7/12 M W PA Oct
1880 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by Geo. W. Benford Jun 1-10 1880
24 10 489B 13 89 106 Kimmell E.M. W M 54 M.D. PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Emma J. W F 47 Wife Keepng House PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Ella W F 27 Dau School Teacher PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Harry W M 23 Son M.D. PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Frank W M 17 Son Printer PA Pa Pa
Kimmell E.M.Jr. W M 15 Son PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Lulu w F 12 Dau PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Wm. S. W M 10 Son PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Emily W F 2 Dau PA Pa Pa
Rhodes Jane W F 19 Servnt Servant PA Pa Pa
1850 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA pg 7, 20 Jul 1850 by Jno. J. Schell
19 4 4 Schell Henry F. 27 M Merchant 1,600 Penna
Schell And'w. J. 23 M Clerk Penna
Schell Rose A. 24 F Penna
Stewart Ada B. 12 F Penna
1870 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 21 Jun 1870 by Christian Streng, p3
18 30 31 Shell Henry F 47 M W Banker 19,000 10,000 PA
Shell Rose A 47 F W Keeping house PA
Shell Mary A 18 F W PA
Shell Susan L 12 F W PA
Shell Steward 1 M W PA
Cover Elizabeth 28 F W Domestic Servant PA
1880 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by Geo. W. Benford Jun 1-10 1880
24 9 489A 44 85 101 Schell H.P. W M 57 Prothonotary PA Pa Pa
Schell Rose A. W F 54 Wife HouseKeepng PA Pa Pa
Schell Mary A. W F 27 Dau PA Pa Pa
Schell Susan L. W F 22 Dau PA Pa Pa
Schell Stewart W M 11 Son PA Pa Pa
Hecker Elizabeth W F 14 Servnt PA Germany Pa
1870 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 25 Jun 1870 by Christian Streng
14 121 129 Schell Andrew J 43 M W Dealer in Livestock 2,900 1,200 PA
Schell Sarah 41 F W Keeping house PA
Schell James R 17 M W PA
Schell Lucy 13 F W PA
Schell Mary L 12 F W PA
Schell William H 7 M W PA
Schell Jacob Y 6 M W PA
Schell Charles D 4 M W PA
Schell Samuel P 2 M W PA
Schell Grace B 2/12 F W PA March
1880 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by Geo. W. Benford Jun 1-10 1880
24 12 490B 30 107 125 Schell A.J. W M 53 Clerk in Prothonotary Of. PA Pa Pa
Schell Sarah W F 51 Keepng House PA Pa Pa
Schell Lucy W F 23 Dau PA Pa Pa
Schell Wm. H. W M 17 Son PA Pa Pa
Schell Jacob Y. W M 15 Son Printer App PA Pa Pa
Schell Chas D. W M 13 Son News Dealer PA Pa Pa
Schell Samuel W M 11 Son News Boy PA Pa Pa
Schell Eddie G. W M 7 Son At School PA Pa Pa
1850 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA pg 7, 20 Jul 1850 by Jno. J. Schell
13 47 51 Schell John J. 29 M W Deputy Marshall 1,000 PA
Schell Rose B. 26 F W PA
Schell Ida C. 2 F W PA initial could be H.
Schell A. Campbell 0 M W PA
Ankeny Bell 9 F W PA
Foulk Elisabeth 21 F W MD
Schell Charles L. 19 M W Clerk PA
1870 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 24 Jun 1870 by Christian Streng
4 103 111 Shell John J 49 M W Merchant 53,300 715 PA
Shell Rose B 46 F W Keeping house 4,000 PA
Shell Ida H 22 F W Teacher 300 PA
Shell Alexander B 19 M W Tinner PA
Shell Ellen N 17 F W PA
Shell Anna 15 F W PA
Shell Myra J 13 F W PA
Shell Edith 7 F W PA
Shell Paul 5 M W PA
Shell Maud 2 F W PA
1880 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by Geo. W. Benford Jun 1-10 1880
24 17 493A 29 153 170 Schell Jacob J. W M 60 Farmer PA Pa Pa
Schell Rose A. W F 57 Wife Keeping House PA Pa Pa
Schell Edith W F 17 Dau PA Pa Pa
Schell Paul W M 15 Son PA Pa Pa
Schell Maud W F 13 Dau PA Pa Pa
1850 Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA 29 Jul 1850 J. J. Schell
19 12 12 Countryman Benjamin 58 M Farmer 1,540 PA
Countryman Mary C. 58 F Maryland
Countryman Alexander 22 M Blacksmith PA
Countryman Franklin B. 19 M Carpenter PA
Countryman George L. 15 M Laborer PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 27 Jun Pg 1 Christian Streng
37 24 24 Countryman Benjamin 72 M W Farmer 1,000 400 PA
Countryman Mary C. 73 F W Keeping house Maryland
Countryman Alexander 46 M W PA Insane
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 27 Jun Pg 1 Christian Streng
26 22 22 Countryman Alexander 43 M W Blacksmith 1,000 4,000 PA
Countryman Sarah 40 F W Keeping house 3,000 PA
Countryman George 15 M W PA
Countryman John 10 M W PA
*upp Anna 11 F W PA *Last name could be Rupp or Kupp.
Ku*s Henry 21 M W Works with Blacksmith Hanover *Last name could be Kuds or Kuss
1880 Census Levansville, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by C. J. Miller Jun 19-22 1880
481B 35 23 19 17 18 Countryman Alexander W M 55 Merchant PA PA PA
Countryman Sarah A. W F 50 Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
Countryman George F. W M 22 Son Clerk in store PA PA PA
Countryman John H. W M 20 Son Clerk in store PA PA PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 27 Jun Pg 1 Christian Streng
8 26 26 Countryman Franklin 39 M W Carpenter 2,000 550 PA
Countryman Mary 37 F W Keeping house PA
Lichty Nettie 3 F W PA
Friedline Wesley 11 M W PA
1880 Census Levansville, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by C. J. Miller Jun 19-22 1880
481A 44 23 18 9 9 Countryman Wash. W M 23 Laborer PA PA PA
Countryman Sarah W F 2* Wife Keeping house PA PA PA
Countryman Essa W F 1 Dau PA PA PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 26 Jul Christian Streng
37 371 369 Young Henry L. 39 M W Farmer 5,000 1,660 Pa.
Young Mary 41 F W Keeping house Pa.
Young Amanda 18 F W Pa.
Young Julia 16 F W Pa.
Young Franklin 10 M W PA
Swank Herman 20 M W Domestic Servant PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 22 Jul Pg 35 Christian Streng
40 333 330 Young William 34 M W Farmer PA
Young Sarah 25 F W Keeping house PA
Young Harvey L. 6 M W PA
Young Henrietta 4 F W PA
Young Austin 1/24 M W PA May
1850 Census Somerset Twp., Somerset Co., PA 1 Aug 1850 J. J. Schell
26 34 37 Young David H. 26 M Farmer 2,500 PA
Young Elisabeth 29 F PA
Young Daniel F. 6 M PA
Young Nancy B. 5 F PA
Young Alexander W. 3 M PA
Young Mary E. 1 F PA
Cossel Margaret 18 F PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 15 Jul Pg 35 Christian Streng
15 272 274 Young David 45 M W Farmer 5,000 1,750 PA
Young Elizabeth 38 F W Keeping house PA
Young Eliza 15 F W PA
Young Russel 10 M W PA
Young Milton 8 M W PA
Young Anna 6 F W PA
Young Sarah 3 F W PA
Swank S**** 16 M W Servant PA *Name could be Stann, Shann,Shawn, Sham, Stam, Starn.
[NI158187] Hon. Lewis Lichty b on what is now known as the *Highland Farm* in Somerset twp, Somerset Co., Feb 29, 1828. Admitted to the bar Nov 16, 1855. In Oct 1864 he removed to his present place of res., Waterloo, Iowa...In Mar 1873, he was elected mayor of that city, & was re-elected many times. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co.)
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 5 Jul Pg 18 Christian Streng
15 130 133 Kimmel George 36 M W Farmer 1,838 PA
Kimmel Mary 33 F W Keeping house PA
Kimmel Albert 10 M W PA
Kimmel Elizabeth 9 F W PA
Kimmel Richard 7 M W PA
Kimmel Anna 5 F W PA
Kimmel Russel 2 M W PA
Kimmel Mary B. 1/12 F W PA May
Berkey Nancy 24 F W Domestic Servant PA
Auman Joseph 15 M W PA
Henry Brubaker, the youngest child of Maj. John Brubaker, of Berlin, was b Berlin, Mar 31, 1827. He was educated by private tutors, & at Allegheny College, Meadville, PA. In 1848 he began the study of medicine under Dr. J.H. Reidt, of Berlin. Subsequently he attended the Jefferson Medical College, & Mar 8, 1851, received his degree of M.D. from that institution. He 1st began to practice in New Lexington, where he remained about 18 months. Then he located in Berlin for a brief period, or until 1856, when he settled in the town which has since been his home--Somerset, PA. Here he has enjoyed an extensive--and we may add, a lucrative--practice for nearly thirty years. Though various other medical practitioners have located in Somerset at different times, Dr. Kimmel & himself have chiefly been relied upon during the long period mentioned. The degree of A.M. was conferred upon him by Allegheny College in 1879. Dr. Brubaker m Miss Emeline Philson, of Berlin. They have 2 sons & 4 dau.s. Dr. Albert Philson Brubaker, their eldest child is mentioned in another entry. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Co.s, PA, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co., p. 431)
1870 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 21 Jun 1870 by Christian Streng
15 36 38 Brubaker Henry 43 M W Physician 3,500 2,000 PA
Brubaker Emeline 40 F W Keeping house PA
Brubaker Albert 17 M W PA
Brubaker Ella C 16 F W PA
Brubaker Emma * 14 F W PA initial may be an S or L
Brubaker Clara 8 F W PA
Brubaker Edwin S 6 M W PA
Brubaker Annie L 3 F W PA
1880 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by Geo. W. Benford Jun 1-10 1880
24 7 488A 25 61 74 Brubaker Henry W M 53 M.D. PA Pa Pa
Brubaker Emaline W F 50 Wife Keeping House PA Pa Pa
Brubaker Ella W F 24 Dau PA Pa Pa
Brubaker Darlie W F 21 Dau PA Pa Pa
Brubaker Clara W F 18 Dau PA Pa Pa
Brubaker Edward W M 16 Son Clerk in Drug S PA Pa Pa
Brubaker Nannie W F 14 Dau PA Pa Pa
Zimmerman Wm. W M 12 Servnt Servant PA Pa Pa
[NI158219] Dr. Albert Philson Brubaker, the eldest child of Dr. Henry & Emeline Brubaker, b New Lexington, Somerset Co. 1852. Having obtained an excellent literary education, he began the study of medicine, under his father's tuition, in 1870. Afterward he attended lectures at Jefferson Medical College, & Mar 11, 1874, graduated with great honor from that well-known seat of medical learning. In May 1874, he was appointed asistant physician to the medical clinic of the Jefferson College Hosp., & retained that position for 2 ys. In Oct 1874, he was elected 1 of the visiting physicians of the Charity Hosp., in which capacity he served for 5 yrs. In Dec 1874, he became a member of the Pathological Society by election. In Feb 1875, he was elected attending physician to the Northern Dispensary, which position he filled for 2 yrs. In May 1879, was appointed lecturer on the anatomy of the head in the Philadelphia Dental College. After lecturing 2 yrs he resigned to accept the position of demonstrator of physiology in the Jefferson Medical College, which chair he at present holds. He has also been examiner in physiology for 7 yrs in the Jefferson Robley Dunglison & Medical Quiz Associations. In 1882 he published a compend of human physiology, which was favorably noticed by the medical press of America & England, & a 2nd edition was called for within 1 yr of publication. In 1883 Franklin & Marshall College conferred the degree of A.M. upon him. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Co.s, PA, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co., p. 431)
John O. Kimmel, bro/o Judge Francis M. Kimmel, b Berlin, Somerset Co. Nov. 20, 1814. Was admitted to the bar Sep 15, 1857. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co.)
1850 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co., PA 20 Jul 1850 by Jno. J. Schell, p4
12 23 25 Kimmel John O. 35 M Merchant 2,500 PA
Kimmel Mary J. 29 F PA
Kimmel Emily 10 F PA
Kimmel John O., Jr. 8 M PA
Kimmel Margaret 6 F PA
Kimmel George W. 4 M PA
Kimmel Theodore 21 M Merchant PA
Kimmel Jacob 3/12 M PA
Grove Susan 18 F PA
1870 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 21 Jun 1870 by Christian Streng, p3
10 29 30 Kimmel John O 55 M W Attorney at Law 17,000 10,000 PA
Kimmel Mary J 50 F W Keeping house PA
Kimmel Margaret 24 F W PA
Kimmel George W 22 M W Printer PA
Kimmel Jacob P 19 M W PA
Kimmel William A 17 M W PA
Kimmel Mary S 14 F W PA Middle initial may be an L
Kimmel Parker 12 M W PA
1880 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA by Geo. W. Benford Jun 1-10 1880
24 15 492A 21 132 149 Kimmell J.O. W M 65 Atty at Law PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Margaret W F 35 Dau PA Pa Pa
Kimmell Parker W M 23 Son Law Student PA Pa Pa
Wilt Ambrose W M 14 Servnt Servant PA Pa Pa
Tendale B.*. W M 29 Boarder Civil Engineer Virginia Mdry Va.
Hon. Francis M. Kimmel b Berlin, Somerset Co. in 1816. He was admitted to the practice of law on Mar 19, 1839. He ran as an independent Whig candidate for president judge of the 16th judicial dist., then composed of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford & Somerset Co.s, & was elected by a large majority. In 1862 he moved to Chambersburg, Pa. where he lives in 1884. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Co.s, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co.)
1850 Census Somerset Boro, Somerset Twp, Somerset Co., PA 22 Jul 1850 by Jno. J. Schell, p2
13 9 10 Kimmel F. M. 32 M Atty. at Law 3,000 PA
Kimmel Phoebe 27 F PA
Kimmel Jane 5 F PA
Kimmel Miraim 3 F PA
Kimmel Paul 3/12 M PA
Shaffer Elisabeth 20 F PA
Hammilton Edward 45 M B Servant PA
[NI158222] George Barnett b Brothersvalley twp 1811, s/o Nicholas Barnett, a native of Germany. George was a farmer all his lifetime, & d 1878. He m Mary Barnhart. Their chdn were Noah, Henry F., David, Jeremiah, Adam, George E. John W., Charles, Josiah, Catharine, Mary & Sadie. [George's father had resided near Hagerstown, MD, for some yrs before he became a res. of Brothersvalley twp abt the yr 1800 & began farming. George's sib.s were: John, Jacob, Nicholas, Mary, Elizabeth, Catharine, & another dau.] (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset, & Fulton Co., 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co.)
1850 Federal Census Berlin Boro., Brothersvalley Twp., Somerset Co., PA
323 84 Brubaker John 70 M Grocer PA
Sarah 66 F PA
Henry 23 M Doctor PA
Conrad Sarah 18 F Seamstress PA
Samuel Swank b near Frieden's, Somerset twp 1800 d 1875. His chdn were: Josiah, Noah, Jacob, Jeremiah, John, Samuel, Hiram, Daniel, Tilden, Charles, Mary (Hoover), Eliza (Berkey), Susan (Washer) & Lavina. (Source: The History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Co.s, 1884, Waterman, Watkins & Co.)
1850 Federal census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA
74 77 SWANK Samuel 51 M Farmer 5000 PA
Catharine 47 F PA
Noah 24 M Farmer PA
Jacob 22 M Potter PA
Jeremiah 20 M Farmer PA
John 17 M Farmer PA
Hiram 15 M Farmer PA
Mary A. 12 F PA
Samuel 10 M PA
Eliza 9 F PA
Susan 7 F PA
Daniel 9/12 M PA
1860 Federal Census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated by Josiah H. Zimmerman
215 232 SWANK Samuel 62 M Farmer 7000 1148 PA
Eliza 18 F PA
Susan 16 F PA
Daniel 11 M PA
1860 Federal Census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated by Josiah H. Zimmerman
212 229 SWANK Noah 35 M Day Laborer 50 480 PA
Catharine 23 F PA
1860 Federal Census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated by Josiah H. Zimmerman
213 230 SWANK John 28 M Day Laborer 565? PA
Lavina 24 F PA
Neff 6 M PA
Nathan 4 M PA
Newton 1 M PA
1860 Federal Census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated by Josiah H. Zimmerman
206 SWANK Samuel 22 M Merchant 1800 PA
1850 Federal census Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA Enumerated 16 Oct 1850, p. 150
127 132 BLOUGH Michael 26 M Farmer PA
Elisabeth 22 F PA
1880 Federal Census Jenner Twp. South, Somerset, PA by J.H.Gardner
321A 8 32 33 Blough Michael W M 36 Farmer PA PA PA
321A 9 32 33 Blough Elizabeth W F 30 Wife Keeping house X PA PA PA
321A 10 32 33 Blough Frank W M 25 Son Farmer PA PA PA
321A 11 32 33 Blough Emma C. W F 19 Daughter-in-law Keeping house PA PA PA
321A 12 32 33 Blough Herbert N. W M 5/12 Dec. Grandson PA PA PA
321A 13 32 33 Short Margaret W F 75 Mother-in-law Boarder PA PA PA
321A 14 32 33 Steele Nellie W F 11 Servant X Domestic servant PA PA PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
William J Blough Age: 29 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0155 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0206 Co.: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Martha 26, PA
Dau Ellen C 06, PA
Dau Hannah 04, PA
Dau Irene NR, PA
[NI158273] Somerset PA Daily American, 1989 - BOWMAN - Bessie S. Bowman, 93, Berlin, formerly of Stoystown RD 3, d Feb 18, 1989, Maple Mountain Manor. b Jun 15, 1895, Somerset Twp, d/o John & Maggie (Keller) Schrock). Preceded by parents, hus. Larence ("Petie"), an infant dau., 2 sis.s & 1 bro. Survived by son Robert E., m Jenetta Miller, Friedens; 5 gchdn & 6 ggchdn. a member of Somerset COB & Somerset Grange. Family received friends Sun eve & will receive friends 2-4, 7-9 pm Mon at Deaner Funeral Home, Stoystown, where services is 10 am Tue, Rev. Roger L. Forry. Bur., Pike Cem., Brotherton
[NI158274] Somerset PA Daily American, 1987 - BOWMAN - Lawrence A. "Petie" Bowman, 95, Stoystown RD 3, d Sep 15, 1987, Somerset Com. Hosp. b Jul 28, 1892, Somerset Twp, s/o the late Josiah & Susan (Horner) Bowman. Preceded by infant dau., a bro. & 3 sis.s. Survived by wife of 68 yrs, Bessie Schrock; son, Robert E., m Jenetta Miller, Friedens; 5 gchdn & 6 ggchdn. Retired Somerset Twp farmer. Member Somerset COB & Somerset Grange. Family will receive friends 7-9 pm Wed & 2-4 & 7-9 pm Thu Deaner Funeral Home, Stoystown, where service will be 2 pm Fri, Rev. Roger L. Forry. Bur, Pike Cem, Brotherton
BOWMAN Melissa (Picking)18 May 1861 18 May 1945 84 years
Boswell PA News, 23 May 1945 - AGED STOYSTOWN R.D. WOMAN PASESS AWAY - Mrs. Melissa (Picking) Bowman, wid/o Noah Bowman, d Fri eve, May 18 on her 84 b-day at the home of her son & dau-in-law, Mrs. & Mrs. Orville Bowman, Stoystown. She had been ill for the past 4 wks. Mrs. Bowman who was well known, & highly respected throughout this community, b Jenner twp May 18, 1861, d/o the late Henry & Mary (Korns) Picking. Her hus. d 1926. Besides son mentioned, she leaves 2 gchdn. Funeral serv.s were held at Bowman home 2 pm Tue followed by additional serv.s 2:30 pm Mt. Tabor Reformed Ch. Rev. Arthur J. Miller, Stoystown officiated. Bur. ch. cem. under the direction of Jay O. Hay, Boswell mortician.
[NI158286] Harry O. Horner, 96, Stoystown, d May 25 1986, Maple Mtn Manor, Berlin; b Jul 20 1889, Quemahoning Twp, Somerset Co, s/o Jesse & Anna (Buechley) Horner. Preceded in death by parents; wife, Mary Elizabeth Crist, d Nov 6 1977; son, Clarence; 1 bro & 2 sis'. Survived by 2 chdn: 3 gsons: ggchdn. Life memb Horner Luth Ch & Woodman of the World. Retired Quemahoning Twp farmer. Friends received 2-4 & 7-9 pm Tue Hoffman Funeral Home, Allegheny St, Boswell, serv 11 am Wed, Rev. Richard A. Schlak. Bur Horner-Mt. Tabor Cem. Memorial contributions to Allegheny Luth Home would be appreciated.
[NI158287] HORNER Mary Elizabeth 14 Jun 1891 6 Nov 1977, 86 yrs 1977 HORNER - Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, 86, Stoystown, d Nov 6 1977, at home; b Jun 14 1891, Jenner Twp, d/o Jesse & Sarah (Pile) Crist. Preceded in death by parents; son, Clarence; 2 sis'; 5 bros. Survived by hus Harry O., & 2 chdn, Harold J., m Sara Fritz, Somerset, & Mrs. Sarah A. Ogline, Stoystown; 3 gchdn. Lifelong memb Horner Luth Ch, Quemahoning Twp. Celebrated 63rd wedding ann Apr 26 1977. Friends received 2-4 & 7-9 pm Mon & until noon Tue at Joseph H. Hoffman Funeral Home, 227 Allegheny St., Boswell, when body will be moved to Horner Luth Ch for viewing from 1 pm until time of serv 2 pm, Rev. William H. Snyder. Bur Horner-Mt. Tabor Cem. In lieu of flowers, family requrests donations be made to Allehgeny Luth Home.
[NI158313] LOHR Harold G.11 Dec 1907 12 Mar 1954, 46 yrs Boswell, PA News, 17 Mar 1954. Harold G. Lohr Passes Away Fri. Harold G. Lohr, aged 46, & res Stoystown, passed away Fri Mar 12 at his home; b Dec 11 1907, Johnstown, s/o James B. Lohr, Baltimore, MD, & Kathryn (Beech) Lohr, Somerset. He is survived by widow, Lucilla Specht; 3 chdn: Constance, Carol & Jerry, all at home, & 2 brors: Kenneth & Ronald, both Somerset. Funeral held 2 pm Mon in Deaner funeral home, Stoystown, Rev. David Bomboy officiating. Bur Stoystown IOOF cem.
PA 1910 Census Miracode IndexTheodore Miller Age: 31 State: PA Color: W Enumeration District: 0155 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0145 County: Somerset Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Cora 28, PA
Son Charles W 03, PA
Son Park A 02, PA
Gmother-in-law Julia Sell 71, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Sarah Dineen Age: 62 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0015 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0212 Co.: Bedford Relation: Mother Other Residents: Head of Household Johnson L Dineen
235 DESCS SURVIVE HYNDMAN RES, AGED 87- Mrs. Sarah C. Deneen, Whose Death Occurred Last Wk, Was Mother of 16. HAD 72 Gchdn. HYNDMAN, Mar 12 - Mrs. Sara (Crawford) Deneen, 87, who had 235 living descs, d last Thu at her home here after an illness of several wks of complication of diseases. Her death occurred the day preceding her 87th b-day. Mrs. Deneen was mother of 16 chdn, 8 of whom survive. Also survived by 72 gchldn, 141 ggchldn & 14 gggchldn. It is believed that the deceased has a record no. of living descs in this part of PA. Surviving chldn: Mrs. Mary E. Day, Meyersdale; Mrs. Allie Fuller, West Salisbury, Mrs. Martha J. Huffman, Hancock, MD; Mrs. Cassie Bell Divelbiss, Hyndman; Mrs. Barbara Leydig, Hyndman; Mrs. Maggie Smith, Jenners; J.E. Deneen, Hooversville; & Samuel J. Deneen, Fairhope. She was sis of John & Levi Crawford, both Hancock, MD; & Mrs. Martha Korns, OH. Mrs. Deneen's hus passed away 27 yrs ago. Funeral Sun, bur Hyndman Cem..
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Benajman F Day Age: 40 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0147 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0103 Co.: Somerset, Meyersdale Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Mary E 43, PA
Dau Emma F 17, PA
Son William F 16, PA
Son Irvin H 14, PA
Son John R 11, PA
[NI158370] Harry S. ROSE, 57, 204 Concord Dr., Bedford, d Sun Apr 28 1991, Altoona Gen Hosp. b Jun 13 1933, Cumberland, MD, s/o R. Milton & Mable (FRANTZ) ROSE, Bedford. In addition to his parents, he is survived by wife, Lois Shinholt MICKEY, whom he m Nov 4 1978; 3 chldn: Linda, w/o John SUTER, New Paris; Larry S. ROSE, New Paris; & Leslie D. ROSE, m Joyce A. GRATIS, Friendship Village, Bedford; & these stepchldn: Barbara J., w/o Charles V. McLAUGHLIN, Bedford; John C. MICKEY, m Dorothy MILLER, Bedford; Nancy J. STIFFLER, Hollidaysburg; David H. MICKEY, m Marcia MICKEY, Alma Bank; Timothy A. MICKEY, m Christi SNYDER, Frederick, MD. In addition, he is survived by 17 gchldn & 1 bro Mervyn C. ROSE, m Sue HOUSEWORTH, Bedford; & many aunts, uncles, nieces & nephews. He was preceded in death by an infant sis. He was memb Bedford COB. He was grad of Bedford HS, Class of 1952; was a memb Bedford Fire Dept No. 1; former sec-treas & present capt Bedford Fire Police & Bedford Boro Auxiliary Police. He was a Bedford Co. Deputy Sheriff, & was former scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 82. He was employed at Kennametal for the past 23 yrs. Funeral servs: Wed May 1 at 2 pm in Timothy A. Berkebile Funeral Home, Bedford, Rev. Claude Hall officiating. Bur Bedford Co. Mem Pk. Those wishing may make contributions to Bedford Fire Dept, Bedford Fire Police or a charity of choice in Mr. Rose's Memory
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Johnson L Dineen Age: 34 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0015 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0212 Co.: Bedford Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Ellen B 34, PA
Son Chas W 13, PA
Daughter Ada F 11, PA
Son Walter E 09, PA
Daughter Stella M 08, PA
Son Elmer L 05, PA
Son Melvin T 04, PA
Son Raymond C NR, PA
Mother Sarah 62, PA
PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
George Smith Age: 53 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0011 Birth Place: PA Visit: 0029 Co.: Bedford Relation: Head of Household Other Residents:
Wife Margaret 48, PA
Son Lee 20, PA
Dau Dora 19, PA
Son Clay 10, PA
Dau Carrie 06, PA
1910 Census Miracode Index
George L Daly Age: 25 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0170 Br Pl: Visit: 0124
Co: Somerset, Windber Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents:
Wife Daisy 22
Dau Christine NR
Sister Mary 17
[NI158478] HERALD OF TRUTH, Vol XLI, # 25, Jun 16, 1904 - pg 199. LIVINGSTON. On 29 May in Somerset Co., Pa, of consumption, Sister Elizabeth w/o Bro. John Livingston, aged 28y 8m 7d. She was memb Menn Ch for over 10y. She leaves husb, 4 little chdn, father & mother, 3 bros, 5 sisters. She was bur on 31st at Blough M. H by S.G. Shetler, James Saylor & L.A. Blough.
[NI158479] Gospel Herald - Vol LXII # 40 Oct 14 1969 pg 910-912. Livingston, John L s/o Jacob & Nancy (Lehman) Livingston b Conemaugh Twp, PA Sep 9 1874 d Conemaugh Twp, Hollsopple, PA Sep 15 1969 aged 95y 6d. Sep 11 1894 he m Elizabeth Hostetter who d May 29 1904. Surviving are 4 daus Nannie Mrs Charles Cable, with whom he resided; Mary Mrs Harry Blough; Mrs Agnes Kissell; & Elda Mrs Elmer Thomas, 19 gchdn, 46 ggchdn, 9 gggchdn, & 2 sis' Kathryn Conrad & Matilda Marsh. He memb Stahl Ch, funeral Sep 18, Sanford G Shetler & David C Alwine officiating; bur Blough cem.
1910 PA Census Miracode Index
Head of Household Uriah Lint State: PA Dist: 0042 Visit: 0071 Co: Fayette
Clarke Crosslnad Age: 34 Color: W;W Birth Place: PA Relation: Boarder
Sadie Crosslnad Age: 31 Color: W Birth Place: PA Relation: Boarder
Maude Crosslnad Age: 04 Color: W Birth Place: PA Relation: Boarder
Annie Crosslnad Age: NR Color: W Birth Place: PA Relation: Boarder
[NI158516] Gospel Herald � Vol 76 # 2 Jan 11 1983 pg 30. Blough, Mary A d/o John L & Elizabeth (Hostetler) Livingston b Somerset Co, Pa Mar 21 1900 d Mem'l Hosp Nov 30 1982 aged 82y. She m Newton H Thomas, who d 1960. She then m Harry Blough, who d 1970. Also preceding her was dau Wilma Speigle & twin sons Willard & Millard. She is survived by dau Rheda Mrs Emmert Keim, & 2 sons Boyd & Sanford, 11 gchdn, 20 ggchdn, twin sis Agnes Kissel, & another sis Elda Thomas. She is also survived by 6 step chdn. She was memb Thomas Menn Ch, servs Dec 3, in charge of Donald Speigle & Aldus Wingard; bur in ch cem.
[NI158517] GOSPEL HERALD - Vol LVII No 3 Jan 21 1964 pg 70, 71.Hostetler, Noah s/o Isaac & Mattie (Miller) Hostetler b Somerset Co, Pa May 12 1884 d Duncansville, Pa Dec 9 1963 aged 79y 6m 27d. His wife, Emma Catherine Kauffman, preceded him, also 3 bros, 6 sis', 3 infant sons, & 1 gson. Surviving are 4 chdn Emma, Paul, Cora Mrs Freeman Thomas, & Charles. He was memb Blough Ch, & attended Hyasota Mission Sun school for 27y. Funeral Bough Ch Dec 11, in charge of Donald Speigle & Elvin Holsopple.
[NI158519] Gospel Herald Feb 16 1939 Vol XXXI No 46 pg 998,999,1000. Hostetler, Isaac s/o late Isaac & Mattie (Miller) Hostetler b Jan 3 1887 d Oct 21 1938 aged 51y 9m 18d. He m Jan 8 1911 Barbara Edna Thomas who survives him. To this union were b 4 sons: Lester Carl, Kenneth Harold, John Glendon, & Norman Merle. 3 gchdn also survive, 1 gchd having preceded him. Also survived by 1 bro Noah, 3 sis' Lydia wid/o Jacob Lohr; Leah w/o S J Holsopple; & Mary w/o Tobias Eash, & many relatives & friends. 2 bros Joseph & John & 3 sis' Elizabeth w/o John Livingstone; Amanda w/o Simon Thomas; & Mattie w/o Daniel Gilbert preceded him. His death was brought on by an accident in which he & 1 of his sons were thrown out of a metal silo as it collapsed & fell under the increasing pressure of the ensilage as it was being filled. Bro Hostetler had been memb Blough Menn Ch since early manhood. Funeral at home conducted by Bro Harry C Blough & at ch by Bro Sanford G Shetler & Harry C Blough. Bur adjoining cem.
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 28 Jun Pg 1 Christian Streng
5 33 33 Young Isaac 50 M W Farmer 7,000 1,050 PA
Young Eliza 56 F W Keeping house PA
Young Simon 24 M W PA
Young Jonathan 22 M W PA
Whipley Lydia 26 F W Domestic Servant PA
1870 Census Somerset Twp, Somerset Co, PA 22 Jul Pg 35 Christian Streng
5 334 331 Weller Frederick 29 M W Farmer 4,200 1,000 PA
Weller Mary 21 F W Keeping house PA
Weller Elizobeth 3 F W PA
Weller Charles E. 9/12 M W PA June
Weimer Elizobeth 19 F W Domestic Servant PA
Meyer Noah 19 M W Laborer PA