

[NI193594] Gospel Herald Vol 75 # 32 Aug 10 1982 pg 550. Hostetler, Ruth d/o Ferdinand & Lina (Gerber) Balmer b Harper, KS Jun 18 1902 d at Harper, KS hosp Jul 17 1982 aged 80y. On May 23 1925, she m Amra H Hostetler who survives. Also surviving are 5 daus Dorothy, Helen Mrs Vern Miller, Betty Mrs Clinton Schmidt, Rosella Mrs Henry Kliewer, & Charlene Mrs John Oswald, 1 son Delbert, & 2 sis' Rena Glassbum & Dessie Headrick. She was memb Pleasant Valley Menn Ch, funeral Jul 20 in charge of Elmer Wyse & Vern Miller; bur Pleasant Valley cem.

[NI193611] Gospel Herald Vol LIV # 32 Aug 15 1961 pg 726, 727. Hostetler, Leah d/o Mr & Mrs Fred Beyler b Harper, KS Sep 1 1890 d her home, Harper, KS Jul 2 1961 aged 70y 10m 1d. Mar 20 1913 she m Oliver Hostetler who survives. Also surviving are 5 daus & 1 son Elda Mrs Don Kreider, Des Plaines, IL; Mildred Mrs Lloyd Hartzler & Edna Mrs Harold King, Atlanta, GA; Opal Mrs. Elbert Pankratz, Arvada, CO; & Clarence, Des Plaines, & 2 bros Alfred, Harper; & Crist, Protection. 1 son preceded her. She was memb Pleasant Valley Ch, where within the hour of her passing, she had arranged & placed a floral offering. Services at ch, in charge of James Detweiler.

[NI193612] Gospel Herald Vol 71 # 19 May 9 1978 pg 386. Hostetler, Pearl d/o Mr & Mrs Christian Hauder b Jan 8 1893 aged 85y. She m Earl Helmuth who d 1952. On Jul 21 1962 she m Oliver Hostetler who survives. Also surviving are 1 son Clarence, 5 daus Mrs Lloyd Hartzler, Mrs Elmo Kline, Mrs Don Kreider, Mrs Harold King, & Mrs Elbert Pankratz, 22 gchdn, & 9 ggchdn. She was memb Pleasant Valley Menn Ch, Harper, KA, funeral in charge of Robert Zehr; bur in ch cem.

[NI193704] GOSPEL HERALD Vol X # 45 Feb 7 1918 pg 822, 823, 824. MILLER, Naomi Ruth only d/o Edwin & Sadie Miller b Dec 21 1917 d Jan 19 1918 aged 29d. Funeral Forks Ch Jan 21, by D D Miller

[NI193799] PA 1910 Miracode Index
Grover C Clark 24 W PA Cambria Head of Household
Wife Susie 25 PA
Dau Rosella M 03 PA
Dau Catherin J 01 PA

[NI193826] 1910 CENSUS: Fourth Avenue, Hastings Borough, Cambria Co., Pa; Taken April 26, 1910 by Luther S. Clark; SD# 16, ED# 116, Pg# 18A, Dwelling# 315, Visit# 368: Thomas, Levi A., head, Age 35, white, male, married for 15 years, Born PA, Parents born PA, Occ. Foreman for Coal Mines, works for a wage, currently working, Can read, write, and speak English, home is owned; Sarah M., wife, Age 34, white, female, married for 15 years, Born PA, Father born Germany, Mother born PA, Can read, write, and speak English; Mary M., daughter, Age 14, white, female, Born PA, in school, Can read, write, and speak English; Michael W., son, Age 13, white, male, Born PA, in school, Can read, write, and speak English; Naomi K., daughter, Age 11, white, female, Born PA, in school, Can read, write, and speak English; Gertrude E., daughter, Age 9, white, female, Born PA, in school; Mary R., daughter, Age 3, white, female, Born PA; Archibald S., son, Age 2, white, male, Born PA.
1930 CENSUS: Jerome, Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., Pa; Taken April 15, 1930 by N. H. Blough; SD# 24, ED# 13, Pg# 13A, Dwelling# 214, Visit# 224: Thomas, Levi A., head, home is rented for $11 a month, not a farm, Age 55, white, male, married at age 19, Can read, write, and speak English, Born PA, Parents born PA, Occ. Foreman for Coal Mines, works for a wage, not currently working, not a veteran; Sarah M., wife, Age 54, white, female, married at age 19, Born PA, Parents born PA, Can read, write, and speak English; Margaret, grand daughter, Age 16, white, female, Born PA, in school, Can read, write, and speak English; Justine, grand daughter, Age 13, white, female, Born PA, in school, Can read, write, and speak English; Francis X., grand son, Age 10, white, male, Born PA, in school, Can read, write, and speak English.

[NI193874] NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: Father Of Local Nurse Succumbs: Miss Hannah Thomas, of City Hospital Staff, Is Summoned to Beaverdale: William Thomas, of Beaverdale, who had been ill for some time, died at that place at 8 o'clock last evening. He was the father of Miss Hannah Thomas, a nurse at the Johnstown City Hospital. Miss Thomas was summoned to Beaverdale late yesturday afternoon by message announcing his critical illness.

[NI193938] PA 1910 Census Miracode Index
Alfred Tansley Age: 29 State: PA Color: W Dist: 0148 B-Pl: England Visit: 0139 Co: Cambria Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents:
Wife Edith 26 England
Dau Jean E 05 PA
Dau Hazel G 03 PA
Son Robert H NR PA

[NI194089] 1850 census Upper Turkeyfoot Twp., Somerset Co., PA
507 27 Caton, Thomas 48 M Labourer PA
Mary 64 F PA
Dinah 18 F PA
Lucian 6 ? PA
1870 Census Summit Twp., Somerset Co., PA 10 Aug Jno. Hicks, p. 12
3 76 81 Caton Thomas 73 M W Farm Lab. PA
Caton Noah 40 M W Farm Lab. 150 PA
Caton Mary 30 F W Keeping house PA
Caton Mary 20 F W Dom. Ser. PA
Caton Susan 13 F W Dom. Ser. PA
Caton Sarah 3 F W PA
Caton Ida 4/12 F W PA Apr. 70

[NF00002] Alvin & Londa Lambert - Alvin Lambert & Londa Shaffer were married Mar 7, 1934, in Cumberland, MD. They live in Cuyahoga Falls. Mr. Lambert is retired from ACE Trucking Co. They celebrated their golden wedding Anniversary with family & friends.

[NF00004] At the home of Rev. Leon G. Lowder, bapt. minister

[NF00013] Spent their honeymoon in Detroit, MI with Elmer's aunt & uncle, William & Minna (Poltrock) Rogers.

[NF00024] 16 Dec 1949 - Married 50 yrs Ago - Windber Couple to Observe Golden Wedding Ann - Windber - Mr. & Mrs. Sankey Shaffer, 3120 Graham Ave. will celebrate their 50th wedding ann Sun. The couple will be honored at a supper for the immediate families tomorrow eve. Open house will be Sun 2-5 & 6-8 pm. The Shafers were m 18 Dec 1899, Cumberland, MD, by Rev. J. M. Yingling, pastor of Cumberland Meth Ch. Sankey Shaffer b 21 Feb 1877, Somerset Co., s/o Melchoir & Elizabeth (Kuhns) Shaffer. He retired after working 59 yrs in Dist. coal mines. He last was an employee of B Quality Coal Co., Windber. Mrs Shaffer b 5 Jan 1881, Imler, Bedford Co., d/o George & Catherine (Fickes) Deffibaugh. The couple are memb's Grace Luth. Ch., Rummel. Both are in good health. They have 8 living chldn - Elmer, Windber; Chester, Allegan, MI; Anna, w/o John Clapper, El Paso, TX; Fleta, w/o Thomas Miller, 2906 Graham Ave.; Elizabeth w/o Arthur Thomas, Windber; Beatrice, w/o Elbie Heeter, Akron, OH; Alonda, w/o Alvin Lambert, Windber & Ira, Akron, OH. There are 19 gchldn & 6 ggchldn.

[NF00248] Anniversary, Miller Couple notes 65th - Windber - Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Miller have celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Mr. Miller & Fleta Shaffer m 24 Oct 1926 in the parsonage of Mount Zion Luth. Ch., Scalp Level, Rev. John Richter. Mr. Miller b 28 Dec 1902, Piedmont, WV., s/o William & Bessie Miller. Mrs Miller b 9 Nov 1907, Ashtola, d/o Sankey & Rosella Shaffer. Mr. Miller was employed 42 yrs, Berwind-White Coal Co. The Millers, memb. Grace Luth. Ch., Rummel. They have a gchild. A dau. is deceased. // Marriage certificate. This Certifies, That on the 24th day of Oct in the year of our Lord 1926 Thomas Rudolph Miller of Rummel, PA & Fleta Luella Shaffer of Rummel, PA were by me united in Holy Matrimony at the Parsonage, Scalp Level, PA According to the Ordinance of God & the laws of PA Witnesses Arthur Thomas, Elizabeth Shaffer Rev. John A. Richter Pastor Grace Luth. Ch., Rummel, PA

[NF00249] Wedding Date Memento - Windber Couple Plan Golden Wedding Fete Tomorrow - Windber - Open house for relatives & friends will be held 6 pm tomorrow in honor of Mr. & Mrs. William R. Miller, 1906 Graham Ave., Windber, who mark their 50th wedding anniversary. The couple were honored yesterday at a family basket picnic at the Miller home. The couple m 3 Aug 1898, Point, Bedford Co., Rev. H. B. Seese, pastor of Point Evangelical Ch. Mr. Miller b Bedford, s/o John H. & Julia Ann (O'Leary) Miller. His wife, Bessie Studebaker, b Point, d/o Thomas Rudolph & Mary Jane (Dull) Studebaker. The Millers came to Windber 1908 & have resided here since. Mr. Miller retired Jun, 1947 after serving as an employe of Berwind-White Coal Mining Co., Windber, 38 yrs. The couple have been subscribers to J-town Tribune for past 35 yrs. 1 of the couple's prize possessions is a heavy iron pot in which their wedding dinner was prepared. Both are in good health. They are the parents of 3 living sons - Thomas R., m Fleta Shaffer; William Lamont, m Gladys Younker, & Howard Peck, m Fern Statler, all Windber. 2 sons & a dau. are deceased. There are 7 gchldn.

[NF00264] Joseph Calvin DEFIBAUGH; age 25; white; res: Imler, PA; [son of] George & Catharine DEFIBAUGH; occ: day laborer Sarah Amanda IMLER; age 26; w; res: Osterburg, PA; [dau. of] John & Susan IMLER; occ: housework lic: 1 Dec 1900; marr: 20 Dec 1900; at St Clairsville, PA; by Rev E.E. PARSON, Minister

[NF00295] Marriage Certificate: This certifies that Oscar Strenge of Chicago, IL & Anna Bonnes of Chicago, IL were united by me in marriage on 5 Aug 1912 at Chicago, IL; witnesses, Frank Edward Bemke, & Martin Peterson; married by judge of superior court

[NF00361] 3:00 PM
Reception was held at 6:30 PM at Arch View Banquets, 3429 S. Archer Ave., Chicago, Cook Co., IL

[NF00406] Johnstown Trib 8/22/1929. MR. & MRS. H. LAMBERT, NATHANIEL ST, DALE, MARRIED 59 YRS TODAY. Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Lambert, Dale Boro, are quietly observing their 59th wedding ann today. They reside with their son-in-law & daug Mr. & Mrs. George Crum, 929 Nathaniel st. Hiram Lambert & Rebecca R. Miller m Aug 22 1870, by Rev. Edward Bevins. They resided in Johnstown for several yrs, after which a farm at Daley, Somerset Co, was purchased. They resided on the farm until the fall of 1912 & then returned to make their home in Johnstown. To this union were b 8 chldn: Minnie M., w/o H. K. Rock; Mary E., w/o I. A. Clark; Ida M., w/o Frank Mowry; Ivy S., w/o F. G. Sine; William C., Grace A., w/o W. E. Lohr; Cavilla N., w/o George Crum; & Elsie M., w/o Earl Berkebile. The chldn are all living with the exception of Mrs. Berkebile, who d Nov 21 1916, & Mrs. Sine, who d Jun 18 1917. There are 24 gchldn & 24 ggchldn. Mr. & Mrs. Lambert were b in 1853 on Jun 9 & Mar 9, respectively, & are, therefore, 76 yrs old. They are enjoying reasonably good health for their age & their chldn & host of friends & acquaintances wish them many more pleasant ann.s.

[NF00471] Milwaukee Court House. Witnesses were John Arndt and Fred Klotz. It was a Relegious service preformed by R. Adelberg.

[NF00588] by Rev. Charles L. Boehme

[NF00654] [DONE1097.ftw]

Notes from Hilda Troyer: Perhaps if we knew the basis upon which the early statement concerning Michael Troyer and Magdalena Mast was made in the Mast book, it would be more readily acceptable. One of the problems is the 28 year span (1753-1781) in birth dates for the children. If Michael had one wife bearing her first child at age 16, she would be 44 years of age at the birth of her last child. We do know the widow of Michael, Sr., was Magdalena and she died in Ohio in 1827. Until we learn additional facts to the contrary, Seth Troyer's statement is our fact, and we continue on that assumption.

[NF00827] Married: January 1st 1896 at the home of Uriah & Barbara Mostoller in Friedens. Minerva Alice Mostoller of Friedens & Wm. Frank Shaw of Hancock Co., IN.

[NF01007] Johnstown Trib c. 12/27/1932. Aged Stoyestown Couple Married 55 Yrs. STOYESTOWN, Dec. 27 -- Mr. & Mrs. George J. Wagner, aged 76 & 71 respectively, celebrated their 55th wedding ann Dec 23 at their home on Lincoln Hwy here. Mrs. Wagner, who was Sarah Lambert before her marriage, was b may 23 1861, Lambertsville, & Mr. Wagner was b Apr 28 1856, Buckstown. They have been resids of Somerset Co. all of their lives, & until 1927 were engaged in farming on a historic plot of ground near the old Forbes Rd of Rev War fame. Mr. & Mrs. Wagner are parents of 13 chldn, 10 of whom are living: Mrs. I. D. Berkebile, Stoyestown; Orlo Wagner, Johnstown; Lester G. Wagner, former Sheriff of Somerset Co, Somerset; Mrs. G. C. Ream, Boswell; Mrs. A. C. Berkebile, Hooversville; Hastings S. Wagner, Wilbur; Kline E. Wagner, Harrison; Milton S. Wagner, Detroit, MI; Gladys F. Wagner, Pittsburgh; & Telford V Wagner, Stoyestown. There are also 23 gchldn & 11 ggchldn.

[NF01145] Johnstown Trib, nov 2 1883 m at Adamsburg on 25th by Rev. D S Poling, Mr. Aaron Custer & Miss Catherine Ream, both Richland Twp.

[NF01158] Johnstown Trib Democrat, Wed., Mar 20 1963 Area Couple To Mark 50th Ann. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shaffer, Johnstown, will celebrate their golden wedding ann. Sun. Open house is planned from 2-8 pm at their residence. Mr. Shaffer & Catherine Myrtle Berkebile were m. Mar 23 1913, at the parsonage of Rev. David Hildebrand, pastor Conemaugh Ch. of the Breth. The celebrators are the parents of 7 chldrn, 6 of whom are living. The living chldrn are: Lewis, m. to Margaret Hofeltz, Los Angeles; Harold, m. to Julie Selan, Johnstown; Homer, m. to Ora Mae Smith, Detroit; E. J., m. to Dottie Christie, San Francisco; Betty, w/o Harry Kiser, & Niel, m. to janet Eppley, both of Baltimore. The couple has 14 gchldrn & 9 ggchldrn. Mrs. Shaffer b. Nov 20 1896, in Adams Twp., dau. of Emanuel & Elizabeth (Custer) Berkebile. Her hus. b. Conemaugh Twp., Cambria Co., s/o David J. & Martha (Custer) Shaffer. Mr. Shaffer will note his 74 b-day ann. Apr 1.

[NF01530] Johnstown Trib, Jun 5 1868 m 28 May at resid of bride's mother in Millville Boro Rev. M J Montgomery, Mr. Jacob Custer of Conemaugh Sta to Miss S A Masters of Millville.

[NF01534] Rev. Charles B. Rebert


[NF01673] Herbert W. KOENIG, age 27, b. Johnstown, living: Johnstown, m. Eva M. LINK, age 29, b. Jackson Twp., Cambria Co., living: Johnstown, m. on 5 July 1925, at Ebensburg by J. T. YOUNG, J.P. MLD Vol. 73, page 222. Groom's parents are William J. KOENIG, & Mary ______. Bride's parents are Jacob LINK, & Catharine ROSE.

[NF01711] Johnstown Tribune, 2/12/1875 Married in this place on the 4th by Esq. Strayer, Israel Custer of Richland & Miss Sarah A Berkey of Conemaugh Twp.

[NF01847] The Somerset Herald, Jan 13 1897 Mr. GEORGE W. MILLER, Milford twp, & Miss MARY LONG, Brothersvalley twp, were married at the home of the bride's parents, on Tue evening, Jan 5 1897, Rev. W. Houpt, of the Evangelical Ch., officiating.

[NF01882] Frank LEHMAN, aged 27 yrs, farmer, of Paint Twp, s/o John J & Susannah LEHMAN, & Sarah J CUSTER, aged 17 yrs, of Paint Twp, d/o Josiah & Susannah CUSTER, were m. 21 Mar 1886 at Scalp Level by Hiram MUSSELMAN. Consent of bride's parents given 18 Mar 1886. Witnesses: L.S. LIVINGSTON, Lewis J CUSTER, & Jacob D SWANK, J.P.

[NF02000] Rev. Edward H. JONES

[NF02119] Marriage recorded by (J. P.) Adam Miller, Somerset Co.y, PA John BLOUGH was m to Nelley BARKEY on 24 Apr. 1792 in Berlin, Brothersvalley Twp. Marriage was recorded in Somerset Co. Marriage Records (1791-1798).

[NF02642] Marriage performed by Rev. Jacob Schneider.

[NF03140] by J.K. Piercy

[NF03172] By Rev. John Williams

[NF03282] [DONE1097.ftw]

Barbara left Peter in 1799, taking the daughters and filed a court action in July of 1799 stating she feared bodily harm from her husband.

[NF03582] by Rev. Cummins

[NF03711] Friends Meetinghouse

[NF03922] Newspaper clipping BROTHERS MARRY SISTERS T.A. and A.A. Thomas Married to Mary and Katie Brasington At 8 o'clock yesterday at the home of the bride's parents at 219 Orner St., T.A.and A.A. Thomas married to Mary and Katie Brasington by Elder T.W. Burnhardt. Miss Katie wore a handsome dove colored henritta, trimmed with white brocade satin and lace. Miss Mary was dressed in beautiful brown colored henrietta trimmed in cream colored silk lace and ribbon. Both brides wore flowers presented to them by E.R. Wheeler and Mrs. George Adams. The rooms were handsomely decorated for the occcassion. Both couples entered the room together and A.A. and Katie were married while T.A. and Mary acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. They then exchanged places and T.A. and Mary were pronounced man and wife. Quite a concourse of friends were present to witness the ceremonies.

[NF03979] Newspaper clipping BROTHERS MARRY SISTERS T.A. and A.A. Thomas Married to Mary and Katie Brasington At 8 o'clock yesterday at the home of the bride's parents at 219 Orner St., T.A.and A.A. Thomas married to Mary and Katie Brasington by Elder T.W. Burnhardt. Miss Katie wore a handsome dove colored henritta, trimmed with white brocade satin and lace. Miss Mary was dressed in beautiful brown colored henrietta trimmed in cream colored silk lace and ribbon. Both brides wore flowers presented to them by E.R. Wheeler and Mrs. George Adams. The rooms were handsomely decorated for the occcassion. Both couples entered the room together and A.A. and Katie were married while T.A. and Mary acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. They then exchanged places and T.A. and Mary were pronounced man and wife. Quite a concourse of friends were present to witness the ceremonies.

[NF03998] by the Rev. Hubbard Saunders

[NF04729] 1798 Mar. 27: Hannah Casebeer m John Schmucker in Somerset, Somerset Co, PA. John Wells, JP, presided. Record on file in Somerset Co., PA.

[NF04970] M.C. Flegal, minister

groom: J. Milton SHOEMAKER, age 39, res: Cumberland, MD, bride: Flora V CRISSEY, age 21, res: Schellsburg, PA, groom's parents: Josiah & Barbara Shoemaker, bride's parents: James & Mary Crissey. License: 8 Apr 1912.
M.: 8 Apr 1912 at Schellsburg, PA by M.C. Flegal, minister

[NF05093] Orlinda RUDGE,DALE, MARRIED TO K.H.SANDERS 5th Memb of Family To Select Jun 10 as Wedding Day Ms Orlinda A. Rudge, d/o Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Rudge. 923 Lemon St, Dale became the bride of Kenneth H. Sanders, s/o Lloyd Sanders, 550 Centeral Ave, Moxham at a ceremony Sat 2:30 pm in Paradise Evangelical Church, Mt.Pleasant, Rev.A.M.Gahagan officated. The bride was 5th person in the Rudge relationship to select Jun 10 as their wedding day. Her parents were m Jun 10 1903. Her bro Edgar T.Rudge & Ms Hazel Leffler were united Jun 10 1926. The wedding date of Mrs. E. T. Rudge's parents, Mr. & Mrs.W.S.Leffler was Jun 10 1902. Exactly a yr after the marriage of E.T. Rudge & Ms Leffler, Ms Evelyn Rudge became the bride of Roy H.Harmon of Shellsburg, Bedford Co. 3 yrs ago on Jun 10, Robert J.Rudge m Miss Leotice Thomstatter. Attendants to the former Orlinda Rudge & Kenneth Sanders were Ms Mary Garnet Rudge, sis of the bride, & Ralph Sanders, bro of the bridegroom. The bride wore a white marqutisette gown & fingertip veil & carried a bouquet of white rosebuds & lilies of the valley. Her sis was gowned in pink with matching accessories & carried pink tearoses & larkspur. Edgar T.Rudge played "To a Wild Rose" & "Sweetest Story Ever Told" He also rendered the wedding march from "Lohengrin," by Wagner, & during the ceremony played "Venetian Love Song." Robert Rudge sang "At Dawning" & "I Love You Truly." After the nuptials, a wedding dinner was serv at the home of Rev.& Mrs. A.M. Gahagan with 30 guests attending. The couple left on a trip to NY following the dinner. The former Orlinda Rudge is an employee of the Buser Silk Corp. Mr. Sanders is employed at Lorain Div of Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp.

[NF05094] Wedding Jun 10 1903 At the home of the brides parents, Wed 8 pm Rev. F.D. Ellenberger, pastor of Bedford St Evang Ch united in marriage Robert T. Rudge of Moxham & Ms Mabel C. Hite, d/o Capt. H.J. Hite & wife, Dale Boro. George Rudge, bro of the groom & Ms Callie Hite, sis of the bride were the attendants. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Hite home. The guests were principally the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. Mr. & Mrs. Rudge received a large no. of useful presents, among them a fine family Bible from the groom's father. Mr. & Mrs. Rudge will go to housekeeping in Dale Boro.

[NF05292] by Rev. John N. Unruh

The Somerset Herald, Wed Oct 3 1883 WAGNER-KOONTZ Married, on Sep 2 1883, at Shade Furnace, by Rev. John N. Unruh, Mr. CHARLES L. WAGNER, of Buckstown, to Miss ELIZABETH KOONTZ, of Shade.

[NF05306] Date ukwn, Johnstown Trib. LINEN SHOWER FOR BRIDE A linen shower was held Tue eve at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Sciles Long honor of their dau. Edith, m Charlie Thomas, a prominent young man of the 17th Ward, Wed eve. Many handsome & useful presents were received by the bride. Those in the party were as follows: Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Slick, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Grove, Mr. & Mrs. Sciles Long, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mock, Bracken A. Helsel, Frank H. Helsel, Harry Long, Frank Long, Masters Doresey Long, Curtis Long & Oscar Long; Mses Katie Dull, Nellie Miller, Marguerite Cobaugh, Elizabeth Oldham, Rozella Werth, Flora Shires, Ella Moore, Viola Sifert, Jennie Ferguson; Mesdames Guy Koontz, Alroy Small, Harry Thomas, Ida Jacoby, Ms Emma Marks & Master Walter Helsel.

[NF05348] Rev. Frank Wetzel

[NF05834] Marie & Arthur were m. by Rev. Cyril W. Houston. Marie was from Central City, & Arthur had been a resident of Cairnbrook.

[NF05859] Nellie & William were both from Shade Twp. when they were married by Rev. Cyril W. Houston in 1934.

[NF05928] He & Martha were residents of Shade Twp. at the time of the marriage in 1897. T. O. Mock, J.P. officiated. The wedding took place at the home of George Ross in Shade Twp.

[NF06107] [DONE1097.ftw]

Johan and Catharina were married by Reverend Joshua Kocherthal in St.
Peters Lutheran Church.

[NF06114] Married by Bishop Levi Miller, Amish Church.

[NF06188] [DONE1097.ftw]

[Broderbund WFT Vol. 11, Ed. 1, Tree #1097, Date of Import: Aug 3, 1998]

Joseph and Isabella divorced, Joseph died within a year and Isabella
married John Sandberg.

[NF06200] Mary Casandra married at age 14 to flee stepfather

[NF06201] [DONE1097.ftw]

[NF06202] Marriage performed by Edward Savage. Items taken from the Reporter of
June 5, 1880. Married, at the residence of the Bride's father, in Lakeside, May 23, 1880, Mr. Robert B. Banks, and Miss. Josephine Jones. Witnessed by Lyman C. Jones and ??? Robertson.

[NF06203] Married by a "Justice of the Peace" Charles Albert Parker.

[NF06213] Marriage took place at the Becker residence on Rolph St.,Tilsonburg, Ont., Canada by E. Bosworth, Baptist minister in the prescence of C. W. Hill and Nellie Becker, sister of Edith who married Herb Hardy.

[NF06246] [DONE1097.ftw]

Matthyas and Rebecca were married in the Catskill reformed church. (Lutheran)

[NF06248] [DONE1097.ftw]

Marriage performed by Wm. P. Chamberlain of Waterford, PA., witnessed by
S. B. Long and Wm. H. Clark.

[NF06249] At the residence of the bride's father, Lyman C. Jones, Esq. Dec. 6th, 1879, by Rev. J.E. Fitch, Mr. Wm. T. Waite, and Miss Alice R. Jones, all of Bingham Lake, Cottonwood Co. MN

[NF06255] They were married by S.W. Folger with witnesses Abraham Brown and
Harriet Adams.

[NF06261] Their marriage took place about 4 mo. after the last battle of the war was fought in Oct 1781. Formal peace was established on 3 Sep 1783. British troops remained in NY City until Nov 1783.

[NF06266] They were married by Rev. John Garnett, Primitive Methodist Church and
witnessed by Joshia Germe(?) and Elizabeth Wrong.

[NF06290] [DONE1097.ftw]

Cornelius and Malinda were married by J. Garnett with witnesses Joseph Green and Elizabeth Wrong in Elgin Co., settled on the homestead and then went to Illinois.

[NF06291] [DONE1097.ftw]

Saphronia and David were married by Rev. W. McKermand with witnesses J.B. Nash and Warren White....they settled in Houghton, Talbot district.

[NF06292] [DONE1097.ftw]

Saphronia and Samuel were married by Rev. W. McDermand with witnesses John Underhill and David Troyer. After the marriage they settled in Illinois. They were the parents of one daughter and three sons. Saphronia lived to be 101 years old.

[NF06293] [DONE1097.ftw]

Were married by Rev. G.J. Ryerse with witnesses Michael Troyer and Michael Horton.

[NF06295] Susanna and Nelson were married by Rev. W. McDermand, banns, witnesses
J.B. Nash and Henry Barrett....they settled in Houghton.

[NF06296] Mary and Edwin were married by Rev. W. McDermand with witnesses Michael
Troyer and Robert McKermand.

[NF06297] [DONE1097.ftw]

Abagail's husbund at time of "Heroic Deed" at Long's Point, Ontario,

[NF06327] The location of the Island of Schouwen is now in Sweden.

[NF06419] Wittnessed by Henry Barrett & David Loucks

[NF06439] Officiating Minister: John Wilkinson, Elder in Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connection Church Witnesses: Ephraim M. Fick and Christian Fick

[NF06449] Wittnessed by John Troyer & David Loucks

[NF06456] Wittnessed by Edward DICKINSON & Henry BARRETT

[NF06473] by Rev. George W. Zahnizer


[NF06712] Johnstown Trib-Demo. Ms Shelby Jean Shaffer, d/o Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Shaffer, 104 Merchat St., Geistown, & Albert Charles Kautz , s/o Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kautz , 473 Edward St., will exchange nuptial vows at 7 pm Fri Nov 1. Rev. Arthur T. Moffat, pastor of Beulah Evang UBC, Bedford St., will perform the double ring ceremony in Overbrook EUB Ch, Southmont. Following the nuptials a reception will be held in ch basement. Ms Shaffer, a 1955 grad of Richland Twp HS, is employed in Diana Beauty Salon, Main St. Her fiance attended Westmont-Upper Yoder HS & is employed in Johnstown Plant, Bethleham Steel Co. After a honeymoon trip the couple will reside at 1583 Franklin St.

[NF06720] by Rev, John Felix

From: The Somerset Standard, Fri., Sep. 9, 1870 Married: SHAFER-BENDER - On the 22d of Aug., 1870, by Rev, John Felix, Mr. LEVI SHAFER, of Bedford co., PA, to Miss B. E. (Barbara Ellen) BENDER, of Shade twp, Somerset Co., PA.

[NF06900] [Miller.ftw]

April 18, 1954, Celebrated Golden wedding anniversary

[NF07320] by the Rev. J. H. Watterick

The Somerset Democrat, Wed, Jan 3 1877 KOONTZ-RISHEBARGER Married on Thur. evening, Dec 28 1876, at the Lutheran Parsonage, Hooversville, PA, by Rev. J. H. Watterick, Mr. JOSEPH H. KOONTZ & MARTHA J. RISHEBARGER, both of Stoyestown, Somerset Co., PA

[NF07463] by Rev. John N. Unruh

From: The Somerset Herald, Wed., Oct. 3, 1883 LAMBERT-STATLER Married on Sep. 20, 1883, at the Lutheran parsonage, in Hooversville, by Rev. John N. Unruh, Mr. CHARLES W. LAMBERT, to Miss CARRIE STATLER, both of Shade.

[NF07535] June 10, 1978 Miss Glenna Brooks, Leetonia - Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Brooks, 85 Lisbon St., Leetonia are announcing the engagement & forthcoming summer marriage of their daug Glenna Gaye to Kevin Robert Flick, s/o Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Flick, 253 Hawley Ave, Salem. The open church ceremony will take place Jun 10 at Leetonia Un Meth Ch with Rev. Alan Colgan officiating. Miss Brooks is a Leetonia HS grad & her fiance graduated from Salem HS & is employed at the Youngstown Office Supply as warehouse manager.

[NF07551] by Rev. Cyrus HOOVER

[NF07591] The Salem News, Salem, OH Karen Flick & Mr. Sidwell to be married. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Flick, 253 Hawley Ave., are announcing the coming spring marriage of their daug Karen Lynn, to Philip H. Sidwell, s/o Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sidwell, King Rd. The wedding will take place Fri Apr 27 at 2:30 pm St. Stephens Episc Ch., 220 W. 4th St., E. Liverpool. The reception following the ceremony will be held at the home of the bride-elect's sis Mrs. Harry Brokaw, 1048 Bradshaw Ave., E. Liverpool. Ms Flick is 1978 grad of Salem HS & is employed at Jean Frocks Inc. Mr. Sidwell is 1975 grad of United Local HS, & employed by the Eljer Co here.

[NF08408] From: The Somerset Standard, Fri., Jan. 6, 1871 SNYDER-WEIMER Married, on the 25th of Dec., 1870, at the Lutheran parsonage, by Rev. R. Smith, Mr. JACOB SNYDER and Miss ADA WEIMER.

[NF08466] at the Joseph P Reiinger homestead, by Rev. Emanuel Blough, of the Dunkard Ch.

[NF08554] "the Mountain Echo" Oct 7, 1898 issue: License issued: JW Cantrell, 19,
Yellville/AE Wickersham, 18, Yellville.

[NF08688] [4.4.ftw]

Joan McKim married Robert Ketchum on the evening of Nov. 26, 1949 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in St. Joseph with Dr. E.B. Whitcomb
officiating. Richard McKim of Morrill, KS, cousin to Joan sang "Because", "O
Promise Me", and at the close of the ceremony "The Lord's Prayer". The
sanctuary was decorated with palms and white candles in a tall candelabra.
Joan wore an Eton jacket suit of Glocca Morra green with cocoa accessories. She carried a white Bible topped with white carnations centered with an orchid.
The bridesmaid, Marjorie Ann Ketchem of Clarksdale,MO, cousin to Robert, wore a suit of midland blue. Her hat was winter pink draped with a burgundy velvet.
Robert's best man was his father Joseph. The ushers were Gene Green, Roger Krofft and Fred Davis. A reception for relatives and close friends was held at the home of the bride.

[NF08802] This family was baptized into the L.D.S. Church in the Hamilton Ward Bldg., in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio.

[NF08894] [4.4.ftw]


Christian was the second husband of Elisabeth HEINRICH. Her first husband was Heinrich SAUER, and the third was Herman MAUTE. Her marriage to Christian resulted in two children Gottfried and Christian.

[NF09436] [4.4.ftw]


Married by Rev. C.E. Holmes

[NF09446] [4.4.ftw]

From the Middlebury paper, Friday, December 21, 1906. The marriage of Ethel Ford and Roy H. Jontz occurred at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs Harvey L. Ford, west of town, at high noon yesterday. Miss Ruth Elliott played the wedding march and their Pastor, Rev. H. D. Wright, spoke the solemn words that joined them as husband and wife. About thirty relatives and friends were present and an elaborate wedding dinner was served immediately following the ceremony. The happy young couple are two of our best young people. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jontz and is the popular clerk in his father's. The bride is an accomplished musician and is the leader of the Methodist choir. They will begin housekeeping at once in a portion of the residence occupied by his parents.

[NF09499] [4.4.ftw]

He and Elma honeymooned in Pennsylvania and Atlantic City, New Jersey

[NF09569] [4.4.ftw]

There are two Certificate Of Marriage for Vincent B. Morales and Mabel L. Power. One dated June 29, 1942 and May 8, 1944. Both were issued in Los Angles, California by Bert P. Woodan , Justice of the Peace.

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