We know
that there are several classmates from various years who either didn't
order any annuals and/or lost one or more of them over the years ...
So we sure
could use some help here ... hopefully we can locate individuals who
will let us borrow their copy of the missing year books, so that we
can be scan them and added to this collection ... If you happen to reside in
Southern California, perhaps we can meet up with my portable scanner ...
contact the
webmaster if you can help us in this monumental endeavor ...
as of 04/08/08 we are still searching for
yearbooks from the following
years ...
[1970], 81, 83,
84, 86, 87,
2000, 01, [02], 06,
07, 08 .... '09 :)
those years in [brackets] we have someone
who offered to load us their copy to scan :)
those pictured below we have hard copies of,
that are in the process of being scanned :)
Please note that some of the
following annuals pictured here "might"
have links that appear for individual pages within those specific
yearbooks ...
Sorry to tease you ... they
do not work ... just yet, but we're getting close :)