DEATHS, 1765-1818
CONVERSIONS, 1781-1785
>Compiled by
BARBARA BRADY O'KEEFE 2120 S.W. 127 Avenue Miami, FL 33175
ADAM, Catharine, see SHNABEL, Daniel
ADAM, James, 11 Oct 1807, son of Simon and Catharine Adam, and Mary, dau of Paul and --- Groskop; witnesses James Allgeyer and Margaret Fortmann.
ADAM, John, 21 Apr 1801, son of Simon and Catharine Adam, and Catharine, dau of Andrew and Barbara Hammerstein; witnesses John Egg and Philip Ruffner.
ADAM, Mary, see SHNABEL, Andrew ADAM, Sabina, see DAPPER, George ADAMS, Elizabeth, see KRAFFT, Michael
ADAMS, Paul, 12 Nov 1818, and Magdalen Hudel (?); witnesses Simon Adams and Joseph Huoben.
ADAMS, Simon, 13 Feb 1776, to Catharine Eck/Egg, both single; witnesses Joseph Hild, Matthias Seiffert, Mary Egg and Anna Maria Adams.
ALGAYER, Jacob, 7 Feb (1820?), at Philadelphia, by Rev. L. Barth, and Margaret Ellz; witnesses Rev. John Rosetty and John Victor.
ALLGEIER, Joseph, 9 May 1803, son of Sebastian and Catharine Allgeier, and Margaret, dau of James and Dorothy Lambert; witnesses the father of the groom and the mother of the bride.
ALLGEYER, Catharine, see REPPLIER, George
ALLWEIN, Conrad, 16 May 1773, at Christian Henrich's house, at Asperum Coil-em, to Catharine Weibel.
ALLOIN, Elizabeth, see WEIRICH, James
ALOIN, John, Sr., 11 Oct 1807, at Reading, in widow Fricker's house, and Magdalen Miller; in the presence of me, Paul Erntzen, parochus of the place.
ALOIN, John, 11 Aug 1816, at Reading, son of Conrad and Catharine Aloin, widower, and Magdalen, dau of Henry Eckenrod; witnesses John Arnold and Ph. Aloin.
ALOINE, Magdalen, see ORENDORFF, John ALOINE, Theresa, see GRETT, John
NAME="OCRUncertain082">ALTENDORFF, Mary Eva, see NAME="OCRUncertain083">HARTMAN, Francis
ALT GAYER, Sebastian, 2 July 1778, at Mass, in John Michael Sigfried's house among the Oley Hills, to Catharine Ruttner, both single, witnesses all that were at Mass.
ANGST, Daniel, 22 Aug 1809, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Angst, and Mary, dau of Joseph and Catharine Zweyer; witnesses Daniel Stewart and Catharine Zweier, (better Zweyer?)
ARENS, Elizabeth, see SHIMFESSEL, Peter
ARENS, George, 22 Jan 1805, and Margaret Egg; witnesses Adam Reichert and Elizabeth Arens.
ARENS, Jacob, 31 (sic) Nov 1796, in Caspar Dum's house, the banns having been called once, (it seems at Mass,) son of Jacob and Margaret Arens, and Mary Richner, dau of Martin Richner and Susan Gret, Catholics.
ARENS, John, 18 Apr 1796, son of Jacob and Margaret Arens, Catholics, and Elizabeth Dum, dau of Caspar and Eva Dum, Catholics.
ARENS, Margaret, see DUM, Valentine
ARENS, Peter, 8 Dec 1803, and Mary Egg; witnesses Peter Egg and John Grett.
ARENTS, Jacob, 22 Apr 1770, in the church, to Margaret Schmitt, both single, witnesses, Jodocus Riffel, Margaret Matthes, Gertrude Schmitt, etc.
ARENZ, Margaret, see ARNOLD, Peter ARNOLD, Christina, see ZWEYER, George
ARNOLD, Christine, see GRETT, Samuel
ARNOLD, James, 13 Oct 1816, before the congregation at Reading, son of John and Eve Arnold, and Catharine, dau of Abraham and Elizabeth Wolf.
ARNOLD, John, 20 May 1793, after the usual banns, before Mass, in the presence of a large congregation, son of John Arnold and his wife Elizabeth, and Eva Smidt, dau of Philip and Ursula Smidt.
ARNOLD, Peter, 9 June 1816, at Reading, before the congregation, son of Herman and Catharine Arnold, and Margaret, dau of James and Mary Arentz.
ASHBURNER, William, 2 Sep 1793, after being baptized, and Catharine Miller.
BACHMAN, Joseph, 16 Sep 1811, and Mary Covely renew their consent before John Kunss and H. Covely.
BACHMAN, Mary, see COVELY, John BACK, Appolonia, see SHONEBRUCK, Caspar BAUER, Catharine, see HARTMANM, John BAUER, Catharine, see KUNTZ, Paul
BAUER, Egidius, 19 Jan 1818, son of Peter and Rosine Bauer, and Magdalen, dau of Peter and Magdalen Egg; witnesses Joseph Rohr and John B. Covely.
BAUER, John, widower, 6 Apr 1790, after the usual banns of the Church, and Elizabeth Kuhn, maiden.
BAUER, John, 25 Dee 1817, at Goshenhoppen, son of Peter and Rosina Bauer, and Juliana, dau of John and Catharine Kunss; witnesses John Rohr and James Clemmer.
BAUER, Mary, see EGG, Joseph
BAUMAN, John, 24 May 1785, in the church, non-Catholic, to Magdalen Grett, both single. The groom promised to allow his wife, and their children free practice of their religion; witnesses Peter Bauman, Laurence Gubernator, our schoolmaster, and Nicholas Schmitt, our surgeon.
BAUR, Catharine, see LAFLEUR, John
BAUR, Francis, 3 May 1773, to Elizabeth Schmitt, both single; witnesses John Adam Both and Maria Ermann.
BEAVER, Christopher, 14 July 1805, and Susan Beyer; witnesses Michael Hartmann and his wife.
BEAVER, John, 1 Dec 1806, of Conrad and Margaret Beaver, and Barbara, dau of Nicholas and Susan Grett; witnesses Daniel Grett and Joseph Burgy.
BECHER, Elizabeth, see KOHL, Michael
BECK, John, 12 Apr 1743, both Lutherans; witnesses Catharine Spengler and several Protestants.
BECKER, Catharine, see LEDERMANN, John BECKER, Eva, see ZWEYER, John
BECKER, James, 8 Aug 1813 and Elizabeth Becker, renew their consent, having been married before a Protestant minister.
BECKER, Margaret, see SCHIMPFESSEL, Andrew
BECKER, Margaret, see LEPLE, Laurence
BENTON, Elizabeth, see HUVER, John BERGER, Magdalen, see SAUVERT, John
BERGLEIT, Joseph, 3 Dee 1816, at Lebanon (in the text, Libanon,) son of Joseph Bergleit and Anna Mary Varendorf, and Catharine, dau of Stephen and Catharine Firderer; witnesses Christian Miller and wife.
BERNER, John, 6 Sep 1790, after the usual banns of the Church, and the bridegroom, previously of no religion, having made profession of Faith and received the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and Eucharist, and Anna Hock.
BERNT, Mary, see EGG, John
BEVERTS, Magdalen, see HENRICH, Christian
BEWERTS, Catharine, see STAAB, John Adam
BEWERTS, Conrad, 1U Aug 1763* in Philip Schmid's house in Magunshi to Anna Margaret Eckroth.
BEYER, Susan, see BEAVER, Christopher
BEYLER, Balthasar, 16 May 1819, and Mary Mathews; witness, ---Bechtel.
BINDER, George, 14 June 1812, in the afternoon, son of George and Theresa Binder, and Catharine, dau of Henry and Christine Lora; witnesses Sebastian Allgayer and Peter Rittner.
BOCK, Catharine, see WOCK, Martin
BOCK, Joseph, 2 Dee 1787, the usual banns having been called, youth, and Elizabeth Meccle, maiden.
BOCK, Katharine, see CLEMER, Christian
BOCK, Leonard, youth, 2 June 1787, banns having been called, and Elizabeth Kremer, maiden, of Bucks (in the records "Bocks") county.
BOCK, Mary, see KOHL, Nicholas BOCK, Mary, see CONNOR, Peter
BOCK, Nicholas, widower and farmer, 13 May 1766, in the church at Gosschehopen, at Haycock, to Elizabeth Hartmann, single, dau of Michael; witnesses Joseph Lorenz, Jacob Kuhn, Magdalen Hartmann
NAME="OCRUncertain259">Kuhn.BOCK, Nicholas, 19 Oct 1790, after the usual banns of the Church, at John Eck's house, in Obersob fort township in Montgomery county, to Magdalen Eck.
BOCK, Nicholas, 21 Apr 1762 (?), in George Kohl's house, to Appolonia Kohl; witnesses the bride's parents and others.
BRADLEY, William, 1 Nov 1776, to Magdalen Grun (perhaps better Green), both single; witnesses Anthony Gruser and Nicholas Carty and their wives.
BRAND, Frederick, 8 Feb 1774, in the mission chapel, to Magdalen Kientz, both single and residents of Rockhill, Bucks county; witnesses Adam Schaffer, Adam Nagel, Catharine Egg and Albertina Kientz.
BRAND, Peter, 14 Nov 1773. at Reading, at Mass, to Catharine Ulrich, both single; witnesses all that were present at the ceremony.
BRAUN, Agnes, see FINCK, John Michael
BRAUN, Andrew, 9 May 1775, in the chapel, to Regina Gibson, both single. (Witnesses not named.)
BREYER, Elizabeth, see MULLER, Frederick BRODBECK, Margaret, see GIBSON, Frank
BRUCKS, Matthias, 7 Nov 1773. at John Joseph Riffel's house at Magungi, to Mary Kuhn, both single; witnesses John, Henry and Mary Kuhn and Anna Wider.
BRUNNER, Anna Mary, see RIEDCAKER, Jacob
BRYAN, Cherry, 14 Oct 1798, at Reading, after having received Baptism, and Elizabeth Gerstweiler.
BUCK, Barbara, see KEMP, John
BUCK, Elizabeth, see KOHL, Jacob
BUCK, Elizabeth, see KOLB, John
BUCK, John, 28 Apr 1796, in N. (Nicholas) M*Carty's house, in the presence of the congregation, to Sally M'Carty.
BUCK, Joseph, 20 Apr 1795, the banns having been called, son of Nicholas and Apollonia Buck, and Rosina Dum, dau of Caspar and Eva Dum.
BUCK, Sara, see MELCHIOR, John
>BUDDE, Maurice, 17 Nov 1811, son of Fr. Anthony Budde, and Catharine, dau of John and Rebecca Shorp; witnesses John Kunz and Richard Rohr.
BUGER, Magdalen, see WEBER, Matthias
BURGARTH, Philip, youth, 3 June 1787, the usual banns having been called, and Magdalen Eccorod, maiden. (In the Baptismal Register, whence this marriage there recorded by mistake has been transferred, Philip Burgarth is put down as a resident of Herford township, and Magdalen of " crimitz" county.)
BURGY, Catharine, see GIBSON, Henry
BURGY, Christine, see MILLER, John
BURGY, Elizabeth, see SHWEYER, John
BURGY, John, 30 June 1811, son of Joseph and Mary Burgy, Catholic, and Catharine, dau of George and Catharine Shreer, Catholic; witnesses Adarn Reichert and Valentine Dum.
BURGY, Magdalen, see MILLER, Daniel
BURGY, Philip, 9 Apr 1815, son of Joseph and Mary Burgy, Catholic, and Catharine, dau of Frederick and Catharine Reninger.
BURKARD, Esther, see ECKENRODT, Christian
BURKHARD, Joseph, 5 Sep 1802, son of Martin and Gertrude Burkhard, and Catharine, dau of Henry and Sophia Refshneider.
BURKOP, John, 18 Apr 1815, at Goshenhoppen, widower, and Margaret Will, widow; witnesses John Kunss and Barbara Kemp.
BURKOPP, John, 8 Sep 1799, by Rev. P. Helbron, and Juliana, widow of Francis Uhlein.
BUSSCH, Anna Maria, see SCHNABEL, Joseph
BUTZ, William, 13 Aug 1776, widower, to Magdalen Kuhn, single. (No witnesses named.)
CARDY/M'CARTY?, Patrick, 14 Feb (1744) at Haycock, to Ann Sanderson, (P ); witnesses the bridegroom's parents, brothers and sisters.
CARLIN, Anna, see WEISSENBURGER, Christian
CARR, Anna, see KANNER, John
CARROLL, Ann, see SHAW, Denis
CHEVIN, Peter, 3 May 1785, in the church, to Catharine Thum, both single; witnesses Peter Thum, Joseph L'eveille, Maria Thum and
Rose Thum. CHRIST, Barbara, see FUHLER, Ulric
CLEE, Charles, 10 Sep 1815, son of Ernest and Chirstine Clee, and Sara, (dau of Job and Anna Harvey; witnesses James and John Hartmann.
CLEE, Elizabeth, see HARTMAN, Michael
CLEMER, Christian, 10 Apr 1792, having first been baptized, to Katharine Bock.
CLEMMER, Elizabeth, see ROHR, Charles
COBLET, Bartholomew, widower, 21 May 1805, and Elizabeth Vingart, widow; witnesses John Grett and Christina Kuns.
COBLET, Catharine, see VOGELY, George
COBLET, John, 11 Jan 1803* so" of Daniel and Mary Anne Coblet, and Elizabeth, dau of Henry and Sophia Refshneider; witnesses Henry Refshneider and George Vogely.
COBLET, Mary, see QUEEN, Thomas COBLET, Philippina, see WINGART, John
CONNOR, Peter, 1 Sep 1816, before the congregation at Goshenhoppen, son of Peter and Rose Connor, and Mary, dau of Nicholas and Magdalen Bock.
C0VELY, Elizabeth, see COVELY, Henry
COVELY, Henry, 2 Feb 1809, son of Daniel and M. An. Covely, and Elizabeth, dau of John and Catharine Covely, second cousins; witnesses Bartholomew and Daniel Covely.
COVELY, John, 24 Nov 1808, son of Bartholomew and --- Covely, Catholic, and Mary, dau of Joseph and Agatha Rohr, Catholic; witnesses Bartholomew Covely and Joseph Rohr.
COVELY, John, 22 Sep 1817, and Mary Bachman; witnesses Joseph Rohr and Henry Dollhauer.
COVELY, Mary, see BACHMAN, Joseph
CREMER, Anna Maria, see ROTH, Michael
CREUTZER, Anna Mary, see WAGNER, Ferdinand
DANCKEL, Jacob, 25 July 1771, in the church, to Eva Gerich, the second marriage for both; witnesses Jacob Kuhn, Joseph Hild and their wives.
DAPPER, George, 16 Apr 1813, son of Andrew and Margaret Dapper, and Sabina, dau of Simon and Catharine Adam; witnesses Andrew Shnabel and Catharine Adam.
DEMUTH, Catharine, see HUCKI, Nicholas
DENIS, Anna, see EGG, John Laur
DEPRE, James, 16 Oct 1775, during Mass, in the house of the bride's father, to Elizabeth Hucki; both single; witnesses Anthony Hucki, Anthony Gruser, Catharine Hucki and Christina Depre.
DEPRE, Margaret, see KOHL, Joseph
DERHAM, Johanna, see GUBERNATOR, John Laurence
DIEDERICH, Catharine, see SEBOLD, Peter
DILLON, Daniel, 2 July 1817, in Fr. Hopp's house, son of Johnson and Sara Dillon, non-Catholic, and Elizabeth, dau of George and Margaret Hopp, Catholic; witnesses John Shmidt and Francis Ho pp.
DORST, Frederick, widower, and non-Catholic, 10 July 1774, in the Reading chapel, to Catharine Holier, widow and Catholic, witnesses all that were at Mass.
DOSSERT, Susanna, see MULLER, Isaias
DREXEL, Anthony, 13 Feb 1776, to Catharine Ermann, both single; witnesses all that were present.
DRIES, Mary, see ZWEYER, Anthony
DROLLINGER, Catharine, see WALTER, James
DUBON, Lawrence, widower, 7 Mar 1742, to Anna Mary Walburger (Luth.), widow of Jacob Krebs, in the presence of several witnesses.
DUM, Elizabeth, see ARENS, John
DUM, Elizabeth, see SAUVERT, Daniel
DUM, James, 12 Jan 1812, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Dum, and Juliana, dau of Thomas and --- Zweyer; witnesses George Arentz and B. M * Bright.
DUM, Rosina, see BUCK, Joseph
DUM, Thomas, 8 July 1804, and Mary Hoff; witnesses Mary Rogert and her daughter.
DUM, Thomas, 21 Mar 1809, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Dum, and Anna, dau of Nicholas and Susan Grett; witnesses Ad. Reichert,
Val. Dum and Peter Shimpfessel.
DUM, Valentine, 2 Apr 1799, at Adam Reichert's house, son of Caspar and Eva Dum, and Magdalen, dau of Jacob and Margaret Arens; witnesses Thomas Dum and Joseph Arens.
EBRERS, Catharine, see LAURENZ, Joseph
EBERT, Elizabeth, see LEHR, William
ECCOROD, Magdalen, see BURGARTH, Philip
ECK, Anna Maria, see MATTHES, John
ECK, Catharine, see ADAMS, Simon
ECK, Catharine, see UHLEIN, Francis
ECK, Elizabeth, see ILEIN, John Anthony
ECK, John, 16 June 1778, during Mass in the chapel, twice a widower, to Dorothy Schaffer, non Catholic and single; witnesses all that were at Mass.
ECK, Magdalen, see BOCK, Nicholas
ECK, Magdalen, see KAES, Peter
ECK, Mary Eva, see ORENDORFF, Christian
ECK, Peter, 26 Dee 1791, the usual banns having been called, lawful son of John and Eva Eck, and Magdalen Kaes, lawful daughter of Peter and Margaret Kaes.
ECKENROD, Barbara, see EYAN, George
ECKENROD, John, 12 Jan 1818, son of Henry and Elizabeth Eckenrod, and Mary, dau of Francis and --- Hartmann; witnesses John Allgaier and Christian Eckenrodt.
ECKENROD, Magdalen, see ALOIN, John ECKENROD, Mary Catharine, see MOHR, Joseph
ECKENROD, Peter, 26 Nov 1798, in Stephen Eckenrod's house near the Blue Mountains, son of Christopher and Anna Margaret Eckenrod, and Maria ---.
ECKENRODT, Christian, widower, 8 Feb 1818, having first obtained a dispensation from the second degree of affinity, son of Henry and Elizabeth Eckenrodt, and Esther, widow, dau of Christian and Esther Burkard; witnesses Fr. and Elis. Hartmann, and John and Mary Eckenrodt.
ECKENRODT, Mary, see HENRICH, Christian
ECKENRODT, Mary, see EYERSON, Joseph
ECKENROTH?, at Mass, --- Eckenroth? to Elizabeth Schimpfessel.
ECKENROTH, Catharine, see KUHN, John
ECKENROTH, Christian, Apr. 178^, according to the rites of the church, to Catharine Anna Schlosser, both single.
ECKENROTH, Christopher, 27 Apr 1779, to Anna Margaret Weibel, widow, born Henrich; witnesses all that were present.
ECKENROTH, Margaret, see HARTMAN, Michael
ECKRODT, Christian, 13 Oct 1811, at Reading, before the congregation, son of Henry and Elizabeth Eckrodt, and Elizabeth, dau of Francis and --- Hartmann.
ECKROTH, Anna Margaret, see BEWERTS, Conrad EGG, Catharine, see GRET, John EGG, Catharine, see HENRICH, John
EGG, Daniel, 23 May 1805, son of John and Charlotte Egg, and Mary Margaret, dau of Peter and Anna Margaret Kass; witnesses Peter Egg and Magdalen Kass.
EGG, John, Sr., widower, to Mary Magdalen ---; witnesses Francis Hartmann and Maurice Lorentz. (1762. BOK)
EGG, John, 10 July 1798, son of John and Magdalen Egg, Catholics, and Louisa, dau of Andrew and Barbara Hammerstein, Catholics; witness Dorothy Egg.
EGG, John, 4 Nov 1810, son of Josephand Agatha Egg, Catholic, and Mary, dau of Frederick and Margaret Bernt, non-Catholic; witnesses John Grett and his wife Catharine.
EGG, John Laurence, 6 Oct 1816, and Anna Denis renew their consent; witnesses John and Charlotte Egg.
EGG, Joseph, 9 Jan 1816, son of Joseph and Agatha Egg, and Mary, dau of Peter and Rosine Bauer; witnesses John Grett and John Bauer.
EGG, Magdalen, see BAUER, Egidius
EGG, Margaret, see ARE MS, George
EGG, Mary, see ARENS, Peter EGG, Mary, see REICHERT, Adam
EGG, Peter, 3 Sep 1815, at Goshenhoppen before the congregation, son of Peter and Magdalen Egg, and Susan, dau of Caspar and Sus. Shmidt.
EGG, Salome, see EGG, Daniel
EGG, Solomon, 8 Aug 1809, son of John and Charlotte Egg, and Anna, dau of Frederick and Catharine Ettinger; witnesses Andrew Ettinger and M. Grett.
EGG, Theresa, see GLASSMEIER, John EGG, Vernon, see KRAMER, Joseph
EHRMAN, John, 30 Jan 1758, in George Sigfrid's house in the Oley hills, to Eva Sigfrid; witnesses George Sigfrid, the bride's father, John Michael and Andrew, her brothers, and others.
EICHHORN, Francis, 12 June 1803, at Reading, and Eve Sigfrid; witnesses Sebastian Allgeyer and John Cunius.
EIMOLD, Peter, 22 Apr 1762, to Marian Meek; witnesses Maurice Lorentz and Joseph Lorentz.
ELLZ, Margaret, see ALGAYER, Jacob ELS, Catharine, see REICHARD, Anthony
ELS, Jacob, 5 Apr 1796, the banns having been called, son of John and Elizabeth Els, and Mary, dau of Henry and Catharine Engel, Catholics.
ELS, John, 6 Jan 1807, son of John and Elizabeth Els, Catholic, and Susan Plock, non-Catholic; witnesses George Rohrbach and Sophy Els.
ELS, Mary, see HAUSS, Jacob ELS, Sophia, see ROHR, William EMMERY, Elizabeth, see M'CARTY, Nicholas
EMS, Valentine, 6 Sep 1790, having previously been married by the Calvinist pastor, and the bridegroom first making his profession of Faith and having received the sacraments, to Juliana Hock, Catholic.
ENGEL, Mary, see ELS, Jacob
ERB, Peter, 1 Dee 1805, non-Catholic, and Christina, dau of John and Catharine Kunz; witnesses John Grett, Sr. and Philip Grett, Jr.
ERMANN, Catharine, see DREXEL, Anthony
ETTINGER, Catharine, see EGG, Solomon
EYAN, George, 10 Oct 1813, son of John and Anna Eyan, and Barbara, dau of Henry and Elizabeth Eckenrod, having been married before a lay judge, renew their consent, before John Allgayer and Elizabeth Rittner.
EYERSON, Joseph, 13 Apr 1817, before the congregation at Reading, son of John and Anna Eyerson, Catholic, and Mary, dau of Henry and Elizabeth Eckenrodt.
EYSENHUTT, Catharine, see KUNTZ, John
EYSENMANN, Christian, 17 Feb 1788, the banns having been called, and Susan Schos of --- township, in Berks county.
FEBINGER, Margaret, see ROHR, Joseph FELIX, Anna, see WATERS, Anthony
FELIX, Anthony, 5 July 1807, and Catharine Martin; witnesses John Kunz, Sr. and James Els.
FELIX, Barbara, see SIGFRID, George FELIX, Elizabeth, see RITTNER, John FELIX, Eve, see MARTIN, Anthony
FELIX, James, 12 Jan 1816, son of Martin and Barbara Felix, and Barbara, dau of John and Barbara Reese, non-Catholic.
FELIX, James, 16 Jan 1816, son of Nicholas and Mary Felix, and Elizabeth, dau of Joseph and Regina Shmidt; witnesses George Scmidt and Mary Shiosser.
FELIX, Martin, 24 May 1778, during Mass, single, to Elizabeth Haffner, widow. (No witnesses named.)
FELIX, Mary, see RODGER, James
FELIX, Nicholas, widower, 22 Aug 1773, to Anna Maria Stahl, single, both of Reading; witnesses, all that were present.
FELIX, Solomon, 9 Nov 1817, at Reading, son of Martin and Barbara Felix, and Mary, dau of John and Mary Leckis; witnesses Anthony Merten and Barbara Sigfrid.
FELUR, John, (or FELUE), 9 Jan 1774, to Anna Maria Jund, both single; witnesses the groom's brother and the others that were present at Mass.
FENSTERMACHER, George, 10 Feb 1807, and Susan Mattes; witnesses Peter Kass and Peter Egg.
FERNANDEZ, John, 24 Sep 1744, in Charles Pile's house, an Italian, to Margaret Leonard, an Irish girl; witnesses Charles Riles, James Darnay and others.
FINCK, Henry, 7 June 1778, during Mass, to Magdalen Henrich, both single. (No witnesses named.)
FINCK, John Michael, 21 Aug 1774, widower, to Agnes Braun, single. (John William Putz gives a bond of indemnity. Father Ritter observes, for the groom, who had been in his employ, but was now for two years freed from his service.)
FINE, Anna, see SHNABEL, John FINK, Magdalen, see GRETT, John FISCHER, Agnes, see SCHWARTZ, John FISCHER, Elizabeth, see SCHMITT, Nicholas
FLOWER, Christopher, April, 1784, to Magdalen Schlosser, both single; witnesses the brothers of the groom.
FLOWER, Joseph, 31 May 1812, and Rebecca Mayer, dau of Henry and Dinah Mayer, non-Catholics, a convert, renew their consent before George and Margaret Hop.
FLOWER, Margaret, see GUTLAN, John Joseph John
FORTMAN, Charles, 29 Nov 1798, Charles Leopold Fortman and Margaret, widow of John Sweetman; witnesses Joseph Rohr and Rev. Mr. Peter Helbron.
FOWLER, Edward, 5 Apr 1779, in the chapel, to Elizabeth MacAllister, widow, witnesses Francis Uhlein, John (Michat?) and Andrew Depre.
FRICKER, John, 16 Apr 1760, in the chapel (at Goshenhoppen) widower, to Salome Kohl; witnesses Michael Kohl, Maurice Lorenz and others.
FRICKER, Theresa, see KUHN, John FRIDERER, Catharine, see BERGLEIT, Joseph FRIDRICH, Barbara, see HECHT, William
FUHLER, Ulric, 17 Oct 1773, at Haycock, to Barbara Christ, for both the second marriage; witnesses Anthony Gruser and many others.
FUSS, Catharine, see SPRING, James
GANTZ, Balthasar, Apr 1774, in the chapel at Reading, to Salome Miller, non-Catholic, both single; witnesses to the marriage,
brothers and sisters of the several parties besides all that were present at Mass.
GANTZ, John, 15 Oct, 1771, the usual banns having been published for this marriage, to Catharine Miller, non-Catholic, both single; witnesses Balthaser and Jacob Gantz and Margaret Walter.
GARTNER, Anna Margaret, see MULLER, John Henry
GAUCKER, John, 27 Fob 1770, to Mary Barbara Weibel, both single; witnesses John Walter and Elizabeth Weibel.
GAUGER, John, 19 Aug 179H, in church after Mass, son of John Ganger and his wife Barbara, and Elizabeth Kemp, dau of John Kemp and his wife Catharine.
GEIDLINGER, Catharine, see KIENTZ, Michael
GERICH, Eva, see DANCKEL, Jacob
GERSCHWEILER, Philip, April, 1774, in the chapel at Reading, during Mass, to Catharine Schimpfessi, both single.
GERSTWEILER, Elizabeth, see BRYAN, Cherry
GERSTWEILER, John, 15 May 1809, at Reading, to Frances Ramstone; witnesses Michael and Elizabeth Gerstweiler.
GERY, Philip, 7 July 1789, after having been married before a lay judge, to Sara Schall renew their consent, according to the prescribed right.
GETH, Anna Mary, see HUVER, Francis GIBSEN, Mary, see HOPP, George GIBSON, Catharine, see RENINGER, Frederick
GIBSON, Frank, 5 Apr 1743, in Henry Gibson's house on the Schuyikill, son of Henry Gibson, to Margaret Brodbeck, a German; witnesses the bridegroom's father and mother and another married couple of the neighborhood.
GIBSON, George, 14 Jan 1794, the three banns having been called before Mass, son of Henry Gibson and his wife Catharine, Catholic, to Elizabeth Zweyer, dau of Stephen Zweyer and his wife Mary.
GIBSON, Gertrude, see MILLER, Jacob
GIBSON, Henry, blacksmith, 22 Sep 1766, to Catharine Schmitt, both single; witnesses Theobald Miller, John Adam Schmitt, Margaret Schmitt and Magdalen Bevertz.
GIBSON, Henry, 30 Oct 1803, to Catharine Burgy; witnesses A.
Reichert and C. Shonebr. (sic, Caspar Shonebruck.)
GIBSON, John, 8 June 1806, before the congregation at Reading, to Christine ---, non-Catholic.
GIBSON, Maria, see LORENZ, Joseph GIBSON, Regina, see BRAUN, Andrew
GILBERT, James, 27 Dee 1807, son of Nicholas and Mary Gilbert, non-Catholic, and Elizabeth, dau of Joseph and Mary Shnabel; witnesses John Grett, Jr. and Daniel Shnabel.
GILGERT, Jonas, 31 Jan 1815, son of Adam and Elizabeth Gilgert, non-Catholic, and Eve, dau of Nicholas and Susan Grett; witnesses John Grett and Sara Kemp.
GLASSMEIER, John, 1 Jan 1805, son of Peter and Catharine Glassmeier, non-Catholics, and Theresa, dau of John and Charlotte Egg; witnesses Daniel Egg and Catharine Korb.
CORDING, Theresa, see HONIG, Jacob GREENWALD, Barbara, see RUPPLE, Joseph GRET, Catharine, see HUNSBERGER, Peter
GRET, John, 28 Jan 1800, son of John and Elizabeth Gret, Catholics, and Catharine, dau of Joseph and Agatha Egg, Catholics; witnesses George Kemp and Philip Gret.
GRET, John Adam, 16 Apr 1804, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Gret, to Anna Mary, dau of James and Catharine Spring; witnesses George Spring and Susan Baumann.
GRET, Philip, 25 May 1801, to Elizabeth Reisinger; witnesses John and Elizabeth Gret.
GRET, Susan, see SPRING, Joseph
GRETT, Andrew, 17 Nov 1777, during Mass at Christian Henrich's house at Asperum Collem, single, to Elizabeth Henrich, widow Riffel. (No witnesses named.)
GRETT, Andrew, 14 Nov 1816, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Grett, Catholic, to Margaret, dau of of Joseph and Margaret Obold, Catholic, witnesses Philip Obold and Elizabeth Grett.
GRETT, Anna, see DUM, Thomas GRETT, Barbara, see SEIFFERT, Philip GRETT, Barbara, see BEAVER, John GRETT, Christian, 9 Apr 1815, at Reading, before the
congregation, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Grett, to Elizabeth, dau of Sebastian and Catharine Kiesel.
GRETT, Daniel, 26 Dee 1809, son of John and Elizabeth Grett, to Salome, dau of Joseph and Agatha Egg; witnesses Peter Egg and John Grett.
GRETT, Eve, see GILGERT, James
GRETT, John, 30 Jan 1776, to Elizabeth Seiffert, both single, witnesses the brothers and sisters of both parties.
GRETT, John, 11 July 1813, at Reading, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Grett, to Theresa, dau of Conrad and Catharine Aloine; witnesses Magdalen Shmidt and John Sigfrid.
GRETT, John, 31 Mar 1816, son of Nicholas and Susan Grett, to Magdalen, dau of John and Catharine Fink; witnesses Henry Fink and Susan Grett.
GRETT, Michael, 15 Nov 1774, in the church, to Catharine Hartmann, both single; witnesses Francis Hartmann, Andrew Grett, Jr. Anna M. Grett and --- Keffer.
GRETT, Samuel, 21 Apr 1816, at Reading in presence of the congregation, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Grett, to Christine, dau of John and Eve Arnold.
GRETT, Solomon, 10 Nov 1816, at Reading, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Grett, to Catharine, dau of Henry Shaefer.
GRIFFIN, Catharine, see RUFFNER, Simon GROSKOP, Mary, see ADAM, James
GROSSKOPF, Jacob, 5 Sep 1743, in the Philadelphia chapel, to Anna Mary Stumpf; witnesses a number of Protestants, relatives of the bride's father, who had recently come here with her.
GROSSKOPP, Jonathan, 4 Sep 181U, and Mary Shnabel renew their consent, in presence of Joseph Rohr and John Kuhnss.
GRUBLER, Anna, see JUTZ, Anthony GRUN, Magdalen, see BRADLEY, William GRUNEWALD, Elizabeth, see MILLER, Michael
GRUNEWALD, John, 18 June 1765, in Macumshi, by Father Farmer, to Barbara Schmidt; witnesses Henry Fredder, Christian Henrich, and Mathias Riffel.
GRUNEWALD, John, 8 May 1791, having first been married by a Calvinist minister, and the wife before the baptism of their offspring, having being duly instructed in the Faith, received the
sacraments and made a profession of Faith, to his wife, Mary Ann, formerly Calvinist.
GRUSER, Elizabeth, see KOHL, Jacob
GRUSS, Jacob, 20 Sep 1768, in the church, widower, to Catharine Nester, single and fifteen years of age; witnesses Andrew Nester, James Matthes (or Maerten), Margaret Mathes (or Maerten.)
GRUSSER, Catharine, see KOHL, George Bernard
GUBERNATOR, John Laurence, 2 May 178^, our schoolmaster, to Johanna Derham, widow; witnesses all that were present.
GUTLAN?, John Joseph John (?), 12 Feb 1766, in the church at Gosshehopen, to Margaret Flower; four months previous had been married civilly by a justice of the peace.
GUTTMANN, John, 2 Mar 1791 Ť having first been instructed in the Faith, which he has now professed, at Mass, youth, and formerly a Calvinist to Eva Strunck, maiden; both from Reading.
HAFFNER, Frederick, 25 Apr 1775, in the chapel, to Barbara Stahl, both single; witnesses George Kientz, George --- and M. Ermann.
HAMMERSTEIN, Andrew, 20 Feb 1775, at Edward Carty's house at Haycock, to Anna Barbara Rosner, both single, witnesses Anthony Honig, etc.
HAMMERSTEIN, Catharine, see ADAM, John HAMMERSTEIN, Louisa, see EGG, John HAMMERSTEIN, Margaret, see RUFFNER, Philip
HARTMAN, Francis, 29 Oct 1765, in our church, to Mary Eva Altendorff, the second marriage for both, residents of Rich valley hills; witnesses John Eck and Henry Norbeck.
HARTMAN, Francis, 28 Dee 1775, to Angela Herb, both single, with the condition that they do celebrate their marriage solemnly; witnesses the brothers and sisters of both parties.
HARTMAN, Francis, 1H May 1800, in the church at Reading, widower, and Widow Lutz (?); witnesses Sebastian Allgeyer and Eva Fricker.
HARTMAN, Magdalen, see KLEE, Ernest
HARTMAN, Michael, widower, 8 May 1785, before Mass in Matthias Keffer's house at Allemangel, to Margaret Eckenroth, widow Beverts; witnesses Matthias Keffer, Henry Eckenroth, and Margaret Eckenroth, the mother of the (bride?)
HARTMAN,, Michael, 10 Apr 1809, to Susan Liess, non-Catholic, renew their consent.
HARTMAN, Michael, 14 Oct 1811, son of James and Catharine Hartman, to Elizabeth, dau of Ernest and --- Clee.
HARTMANN, Barbara, see KEFFER, Peter HARTMANN, Catharine, see LUTZ, James HARTMANN, Catharine, see WINDBEIGLER, Philip HARTMANN, Elizabeth, see BOCK, Nicholas HARTMANN, Elizabeth, see ECKRODT, Christian
HARTMANN, John, son of James and Catharine Hartmann, to Elizabeth, dau of Joseph and Christine Bauer. (In the year 1816.)
HARTMANN, Michael, 25 Feb 1816, son of Michael and Margaret Hartmann to Mary Magdalen, dau of John and Barbara Kemp, witnesses John Hartmann and John Kemp.
HARVEY, Sara, see CLEE, Charles
HARZEL, Henry, 1 Oct 1809, son of Henry and Eve Harzel, to Margaret, dau of Caspar and Margaret Shonebruck; witnesses Peter and Christine Erb.
HAUSS, Jacob, 19 Jan 1800, a convert to the Catholic Religion, son of Abraham and Veronica Hauss, non-Catholics, to Mary, dau of John and Anna Elizabeth Els, Catholics; witnesses Jacob Els and Jacob Ranklings.
HECHT, William, 1 Jan 17^7, to Barbara Fridrich; witnesses several Catholics and some others.
HEITZ, Michael, 6 May 1773, to Eva Wagner, for both the second marriage; witnesses Fr. Uhlein, Patrick Griffith, Mar. Griffith, and Ursula Uhlein.
HENRICH, Barbara, see MERKEL, John HENRICH, Catharine, see IUNZ, John
HENRICH, Christian, 20 Sep 1767, at Magunshi, to Magdale-n Beverts, both single, residents of Allemangel; witnesses Adam Stabler and Maria Henrich.
HENRICH, Christian, 31 July 1808, widower, and Mary Eckenrodt, widow, having been married before a non-Catholic minister, renew their consent; witnesses Andrew Grett and his wife Elizabeth.
HENRICH, Elizabeth, see RIFFEL, George Jacob
HENRICH, Elizabeth, see GRETT, Andrew HENRICH, Elizabeth, see SEIFERT, Philip HENRICH, Eva Mary, see STAHLER, John Adam
HENRICH, John, 19 Jan 1777, to M. Barbara Spring; witnesses Henry and Adam Finck and Magdalen Henrich.
HENRICH, John, 11 Apr 1814, the second feria of Easter, in the presence of the congregation, son of Philip and Elizabeth Henrich, and Catharine, dau of Peter and Magdalen Egg.
HENRICH, Joseph, 5 May 1800, at Caspar Shonebruck's house, the banns having been called three times, son of Philip and Elizabeth Henrich, Catholics, to Elizabeth, dau of Caspar and Margaret Shonebruck, Catholics.
HENRICH, Magdalen, see FINCK, Henry HENRICH, Margaret, see WEIBEL, John HENRICH, Mary, see KASS, John
HENRICH, Philip, 16 May 1773, at Christian Henrich's house, at Asperum Collem, to Elizabeth Weibel.
HENRICH, Philip, 28 Mar 1803, son of Christian and Magdalen Henrich, to Mary Elizabeth, dau of Simon and Elizabeth Meyer, non-Catholics; witnesses George and Christopher Eckenrodt.
HENRICH, Philip, 15 Mar 1818, before the congregation, at Reading, son of Philip and Elizabeth Henrich, to Catharine, dau of Sebastian and Catharine Kiesel.
HENZIGER, Margaret, see SHNABEL, Michael HERB, Angela, see HARTMAN, Francis HERP, Catharine, see JACKS, Michael
HESS, John, 15 Apr 1799, at Reading, son of Jeremiah and Catharine Hess, non-Catholic, to Catharine, dau of Francis and Catharine Hopp; witnesses Andrew and George Hopp.
HILD, Catharine, see KUPSER, Jacob
HILD, Joseph, 25 Nov 1777, in the chapel, solemnly, to Albertina Kientz, both single; witnesses George Kientz, George Wantz, Catharine Kientz and Anna M. Fraul.
HILL, Mary, see SHONEBRUCK, Andrew HINDERLEITER, Elizabeth, see KUNZ, Joseph
HOCK, Anna, see BERNER, Jacob HOCK, Juliana, see ENS, Valentine HOENIG, Elizabeth, see MEGADDY, John
HOENIG, Michael, the usual banns having been called, youth, to Mary Magdalen Schoffer. (In 1788.)
HOENIG, Simon, 23 Feb 1787, Catholic, to Anna Peyl, non-Catholic, having married before a Lutheran minister, renew their consent.
HOENIGS, Magdalen, see MELCHIOR, Michael HOFF, Mary, see DUM, Thomas HOFF, Susan, see O'BOIL, Neal
HOFFMAN, Abraham, 15 May 1815, son of Michael and Christine Hoffman, to Mary, dau of John and Eve M'Farthring; witnesses Daniel and Mary Coblet.
HOFFMANN, Catharine, see STRACK, Henry
HOGNER, Peter, 8 Mar 1743, in the Philadelphia chapel, widower, to Elizabeth --- (P), widow, in the presence of several witnesses.
HOLLER, Catharine, see DORST, Frederick HONIG, Eva, see RUFFNER, Philip
HONIG, Jacob, 22 Apr 1798, in Nicholas M'Carty's house, son of Jacob and Catharine Honig, to Theresa Gording; witnesses Anthony Griser and Anthony Honig.
HONIG, Joseph, 27 Aug 1798, in Nicholas M'Carty's house, son of Jacob and Catharine Honig, to Catharine, dau of Jacob and Anna Weaver; witnesses Jacob Honig and --- Weaver, the bride's brother.
HOPKINS, James, 6 Jan 1745, in Henry Gibson's house, to Mary Roosberry; witnesses Henry Gibson and Frank Gibson.
HOPP, Catharine, see HESS, John HOPP, Catharine, see ZWEYER, Thomas
HOPP, George, 29 Sep 1790, after the usual banns of the Church, at Mass, to Mary Gibsen.
HOPP, Magdalen, see SHLOSSER, John HOPP, Margaret, see DILLON, Daniel
HORNECKER, John, 2U Nov 1773, during Mass, to Mary Norbeck. HORNECKER, Mary, see NORBECK, James
HUCK, Paul, 11 Apr 1763, in Zweyer's house, to Juliana Zweyer, witnesses the bride's parents and others.
HUCKI, Elizabeth, see DEPRE, James
HUCKI, Nicholas, 16 Aug 1778, in Edward Carty's house near Haycock, in full accordance with the rites of the Church, widower, to Catharine Demuth, widow. (Witnesses not named.)
HUDEL, Magdalen, see ADAMS, Paul
HUNSBERGER, Peter, 11 Oct 1804, son of Peter and Catharine Hunsberger, to Catharine, dau of John and Elizabeth Gret; witnesses not named.
HUVER, Adam, 11 Aug 1799, at Reading, son of Francis and Mary Ann Huver, Catholics, to Susan, dau of Jonathan and Nelly Pantan, Catholics; witnesses Thomas Zweyer and John Huver.
HUVER, Francis, 8 May 1791, the banns having been called as prescribed by Trent and as usual in the Church, to Anna Mary Geth.
HUVER, John, 13 May 1810, son of Francis and M.Ann Huver, Catholic, and Elizabeth, dau of Jonathan and Helen Benton; witnesses Th. and J. Benton, and James Lambert.
ILAIN, Laurence, 8 Sep 1817, before the congregation, son of Francis and Juliana llain, and Margaret, dau of ---.
ILAIN, Mary Magdalen, see KASS, James
ILEIN, Francis, widower, 7 July 1789, the banns having been called, to Juliana Kremers, maiden.
ILEIN, James, 29 May 1814, in the presence of the congregation, son of Fr. and Catharine llein, to Margaret, dau of James and M. Barbara Kass.
ILEIN, John Anthony, 22 June 1790, youth, to Elizabeth Eck, single.
JACKS, Michael, 26 Dee 1745, in Jacob Keller's house, to Catharine Herp (Luth); witnesses Jacob Keller and Nicholas Schappert.
JOHNS, ---maus, widower, 18 Apr 1793, to --- Minsen, widow of the deceased John Minsen.
JUND, Anna Maria, see FELUR, John
JUTZ, Anthony, widower, 9 Nov 1767, at Sigfried's, in the Oley hills, to Anna Grubler, single; witnesses John Adam Schmitt, John George Wants, Margaret Norbeck and Catharine Hild.
KAES, John, 7 Aug 1791, the ususal banns having been called, after Mass, to Mary Bies?
KAES, John, 13 Oct 1793, at Caspar Shonebruck's house, having previously been married before a lay judge, to Catharine Kuns.
KAES, Magdalen, see ECK, Peter
KAES, Peter, 18 Nov 1791, lawful son of Peter Kaes and Margaret Kun, to Magdalen Eck, lawful daughter of John Eck and Eva Staal.
KAIFFER, Joseph, 26 Dee 1792, the banns having first been called, lawful son of Peter Kaiffer and Barbara Hartmann, to Christina Rohrbach, lawful daughter of George Rohrbach.
KALL, Elizabeth, see M'CARR, Henry
KAMPERLING, John, 30 Nov 1769, shoemaker, to Anna Maria -, (it seems from the term 'conjugum' after their names, that they had been previously married to one another); witnesses John Walter, Frederick ---, Margaret Matthes and Christina Weiler.
KANNER, John, 7 July 1791, after the usual banns, at Mass, to Anna Carr.
KAPUS, Lothaire, 14 May 1809, at Reading, to Christina Shafer in the presence of the congregation.
KASS, Elizabeth, see WALKER, John
KASS, Jacob, 29 May 1785, in Caspar Schonebruck's house, to Mary Barbara Meckler, both single; witnesses Simon Ruffner, Peter Kass, Mary Ruffner and Mary Kass.
KASS, James, 19 Apr 1813, in the presence of the congregation, son of James and Mary Barbara Kass, to Mary Magdalen, dau of Fr. Louis and Catharine llain.
KASS, John, 12 July 1807, son of James and Barbara Kass, to Mary, dau of Philip and --- Henrich, Catholic; witnesses the brother and sister of the bride.
KASS, John, widower, 18 Apr 1808, to the widow of Christian Rodt; witnesses John and Catharine Kuns.
KASS, Margaret, see ILEIN, James KASS, Mary Margaret, see EGG, Daniel KASS, Mathias, 26 Dee 1795, before Mass, son of Peter and
Margaret Kass, to Elizabeth, dau of John and Catharine Kuns. KAUFFMANN, Mary Eva, see LORENTZ, Maurice KEFFER, Barbara, see SPRING, George KEFFER, Barbara, see SHNABEL, Jacob KEFFER, Catharine, see REPPERT, John KEFFER, Elizabeth, see SHEPPERD, James
KEFFER, John, 19 Apr 1803, Catholic, and Susan Spang, Lutheran; witnesses Joseph Keffer and James Shnabel.
KEFFER, Matthias, 7 Sep 1766, to Eva Margaret Weismiller, both single; witnesses Theobald Miller, Louis Keffer, Elizabeth Miller and Eva Keffer.
KEFFER, Peter, 7 Nov 1762, in Christopher Henrich's house, to Barbara Hartmann; witnesses Joseph Lorentz and Wendel Lorentz
KEISLING, Sebastian, 8 Nov 1795, banns having been called once, in the presence of the congregation at Reading, Sebastian a non Catholic, to Catharine Shmidt, dau of Philip Shmidt.
KELLY, John, 6 Sep 1798, at Gosh(enhoppen), to Anna O'Neal. KEMMEL, Regina, see SCHMITT, Joseph KEMP, Barbara, see GAUGER, John
KEMP, George, 30 Jan 1802, son of John and Anna Christina Kemp, to Elizabeth, dau of George and Catharine Mayer, non Catholics; witnesses Jacob Rohrbach and Elizabeth Weller.
KEMP, James, 7 July 1805, to Magdalen Mayer; witnesses (illegible) Kemp and James Waghon.
KEMP, John, 2 Feb 1790, to --- non-Catholic, having previously been married by a Calvinist minister, are re-married by me, his wife first making a profession of Faith and being admitted to the Sacraments
KEMP, John, 10 Feb 1795, the banns having been called, son of John Kemp and his wife Anna, Catholics, to Barbara Buck, dau of Nicholas Buck and his wife Elizabeth; witnesses Jacob Keffer and Frederick Kemp.
KEMP, Mary Magdalen, see HARTMANN, Michael KEMP, Susan, see ROHRBACH, Jacob
KEMPERLING, John, 28 June 1774, in the church during Mass, widower, to Mary Cecily Uhlein, single; witnesses all that were
present. .
KIENTZ, Albertina, see HILD, Joseph KIENTZ, Magdalen, see BRAND, Frederick
KIENTZ, Michael, 6 Feb 1758, in Philadelphia, to Catharine Geidlinger.
KIESEL, Catharine, see HENRICH, Philip KIESEL, Elizabeth, see GRETT, Christian
KLEE, Ernest, 26 May 1808, son of Ernest and Christina Klee, Catholic, and Magdalen, dau of Michael and Margaret Hartman, Catholic; witnesses John Adam and his wife, Catharine.
KLEIN, Elizabeth, see ZWEYER, James KOBEL, Barbara, see SIEGFRIED, Joseph KOHL, Apollonia, see BOCK, Nicholas
KOHL, Elizabeth, see MAYER, Simon
KOHL, George Bernard, 20 Nov 1771, at Carty's house, at Catharine Grusser, both single; witnesses, the grooms brothers and others.
KOHL, Jacob, 24 Nov 1773, during Mass, at John Eck's house in Rich valley, to Elizabeth Gruser.
KOHL, Jacob, 28 Apr 1801, son of Joseph and Margaret Kohl, and Elizabeth, dau of Nicholas and Elizabeth Buck; witnesses Jacob Buck and Nicholas M'Carty.
KOHL, Joseph, 23 May 1774, in the church, during Mass, to Margaret Depre, both single; witnesses all that were present.
KOHL, Joseph, 1 Feb 1818, son of Joseph and Margaret Kohl, to Mary, dau of John and Elizabeth M'Carty; witnesses Nicholas Bock and Peter McCarty.
KOHL, Mary Salome, see LENTZINGER, James
KOHL, Michael, in George Kohl's house, to Elizabeth Becher; witnesses the bridegroom's father, the bride's father and others. (In 1760.)
KOHL, Nicholas, 26 Dee 1807, at Goshenhoppen, son of Joseph and Margaret Kohl, to Mary, dau of Nicholas and Elizabeth Bock; witnesses Nicholas Bock and Thomas M'Carty.
KOHL, Salome, see FRICKER, John KOLB, John, 8 May 1797, widower, to Elizabeth Buck, widow.
KOLB, Margaret, see STAHL, Michael
KRAFFT, Michael, 28 Apr 1767, to Elizabeth Adams, both Catholics and single; witnesses Simon Adam (sic) and Catharine Litzinger.
KRAMER, Joseph, 5 Nov 1799, son of Mathias and --- Kramer, Catholic, and Veronica, dau of John and Magdalen Egg, Catholics; witnesses Nicholas and Jacob Buck.
KRAUS, Gertrude, see LEIBIG, John KREBS, Anna Mary Walburger, see DUBON, Laurence KREMER, Elizabeth, see BOCK, Leonard KREMERS, Juliana, see ILEIN, Francis KUHN, Barbara, see LOCHLER, John KUHN, Elizabeth, see BAUER, John KUHN, Eva, see SCHMIDT, Philip
KUHN, Henry, 16 Jan 1776 to Margaret Wider, both single; witnesses Jacob Kuhn, --- Wider and Elizabeth Wider, brothers and sister of the two parties, respectively.
KUHN, Jacob, 3 May 1768, to Magdalen Tapper, both single; witnesses Jacob Kupser, John Jodocus Riffel, Eva Kuhn and Elizabeth Tapper.
KUHN, John, 25 Apr 1775, in the chapel, to Theresa Fricker, both single; witnesses Henry Kuhn and Catharine Erman.
KUHN, John George, 27 Nov 17^, in John Kuhn's house, to Catharine Riffel; witnesses the bridegroom's parents and brothers and others.
KUHN, Magdalen, see BUTZ, William KUHN, Margaret, see OWINGS, Robert KUHN, Mary, see BRUCKS, Mathias KUHN, Mary Eva, see WALTER, Nicholas KUNS, Catharine, see KAES, John KUNS, Elizabeth, see KASS, Mathias
KUNS, John, 1 May 1804, son of John and Catharine Kuns, to Mary Barbara, dau of Caspar and Margaret Shonebruck; witnesses Bartholomew Coblet and John Gret.
KUNS, Mary, see SHMIDT, Michael
KUNSS, Andrew, 17 Mar 1811, son of John and Catharine Kunss, Catholics, to Elizabeth, dau of Balthasar and Magdalen Meister, Catholic, witnesses John and Daniel Grett.
KUNSS, George, 2 Feb 1812, in the presence of the congregation, son of John and Catharine Kunss, to Elizabeth, dau of Caspar and Susan Shmidt.
KUNSS, Juliana, see BAUER, John KUNSTLER, Margaret, see RIEGEL, Daniel
KUNTZ, John, 9 Oct 1770, in the church, to Catharine Eysenhutt, both single; witnesses Philip Ritter and Mary Elizabeth Mensch.
KUNTZ, Paul, 31 May 1818, by Rev. L. Barth, to Catharine Bauer; witnesses George Kuntz and John Bauer.
KUNZ, Christina, see ERB, Peter
KUNZ, John, widower, 3 Mar 1818, son of John and Catharine Kunz, to Catharine, dau of Philip and Elizabeth Henrich; witnesses Joseph and George Kunz and John Henrich.
KUNZ, Joseph, 29 Jan 1811, son of John and Catharine Kunz, to Elizabeth, dau of Mathias and Catharine Hinderleiter, non-Catholic; witnesses James Waghen and Theresa Grett.
KUNZ, Susan, see SHELL, John KUNZ, Theresa, see ZETTELMAYER, Jonathan
KUPSER, Jacob, 11 Oct 1768, in the church, to Catharine Hild, both single; witnesses Simon Kupser, Peter Wantz and Margaret Matthes.
KUPSER, Magdalen, see LITZINGER, Leonard
LAFLEUR, John, 17 Aug 1773, in the chapel, to Catharine Baur, both single; witnesses all that were present.
LAMBERT, Margaret, see ALLGEIER, Joseph
LAMBERT, Peter, 12 June 1803, to Susan Weiss; witnesses Joseph Grett and George Miller.
LAMBIN, Christopher, (or Langbein), 19 May 1766, in the church at Gosschehopen, widower, to Mary Ann Wanner, single; witnesses John Adam Schmidt, Michael Kraft, Anna Maria Riffel and Eva Kuhn.
LANGHAMMER, George, 9 June 1771, at Reading, to M. Barbara
Rittner, both single; witnesses all that were present.
LAUB, John Michael, 8 Dee 1741, in the chapel at Philadelphia, to Regina ---, widow; witnesses John Schmidt and several others, Protestants as well as Catholics.
LAURENZ, Joseph, 16 Apr 1787, to Catharine Ebrers. LECKIS, Mary, see FELIX, Solomon
LEDERMANN, John, 6 Feb 1758, in Philadelphia, to Catharine Becker.
LEHR, William, 12 July 1813, widower, Catholic, and Elizabeth Ebert, widow, non-Catholic; witnesses Andrew and Margaret Shimfessel.
LEIBIG, John, 2 Aug 1763, in the chapel at Goshenhoppen, to Gertrude Kraus; witnesses George Demand and John Bischoff.
LENTZINGER, Jacob, widower, at Edward Carty's house at Haycock, to Salome Wagner, single; witnesses all that were at Mass.
LENTZINGER, James, 6 Jan 1766, in the church at Gosschenhopen, to Mary Salome Kohl, Widow Fricker; witnesses Joseph Kohl, John Adam Schmidt, Albertina Kohl and Elizabeth Adams.
LEONARD, Margaret, see FERNANDEZ, John
LEPLE, Laurence, 27 Nov 1775, to Margaret Becker, the second marriage for both, witnesses Michael Kuhn and wife and Andrew Schimpfessel.
LIESS, Susan, see HARTMAN, Michael
LITZINGER, Henry, 28 Apr 1772, to Anna Maria Schmitt, both single; witnesses Simon Adams and Francis Hartmann.
LITZINGER, Leonard, 8 Oct 1765, in the church, to Magdalen Kupser, both single; witnesses James Kuhn and James Kupser.
LOCHLER, John, 9 June 1767, of Philadelphia, to Barbara Kuhn, both single; witnesses Henry Lochler, Jodocus Riffel, Eva Lochner (sic) and Eva Kuhn.
LONBERG, Michael, 15 Aug 1813, son of Michael and Mary Lonberg, to Elizabeth, dau of Joseph and Jul. Rohr, renew their consent having been married before a Protestant minister, witnesses Henry Covely and Joseph Rohr, Sr.
LORA, Catharine, see BINDER, George
LORENTZ, Maurice, 12 May 1761, in the chapel at Goshenhoppen, to Mary Apollonia Reppert; witnesses Nicholas Cardy, Wendel Lorentz and others.
LORENTZ, Wendel, 7 June 1763, in the chapel at Goshenhoppen, to M. Eva Kauffmann; witnesses Maurice Lorentz, Joseph Lorentz and others.
LORENZ, Joseph, 30 June 1766, in the chapel, or church, at Gosschenhopen, carpenter, to Maria Gibson, single; witnesses Jacob Kuhn, Henry Gibson, Barbara Kuhn and Mary Barbara Fischer.
LOVE, Louis, 2 May 1819, to Elizabeth Reichard; witnesses Charles Mcintire and John Kiler.
LUTZ, ---, see HARTMAN, Francis
LUTZ, James, 10 Fob 1809, son of Frederick and Mary Elizabeth Lutz, to Catharine, dau of Francis and Angela Hartmann; witnesses Daniel Lutz and D. Hartmann.
MC FARTHING, Eve, see WINGART, Joseph MAC ALISTER, Elizabeth, see FOWLER, Edward
MAGDANEL, Edmund, 9 Mar 1712, after dispensation and in the presence of witnesses, to Sarah Welsh, both Irish
MALZBERGER, Margaret, see FRICKER, Nicholas
MARTIN, Anthony, 15 Aug 1811, son of John and Catharine Martin, to Eve, dau of Martin and --- Felix; witnesses John Kunss and Magdalen Reichert.
MARTIN, Catharine, see FELIX, Anthony MARTIN, Eva, see RUTTNER, Joseph MATHEIS, Apollonia, see STALTER, Henry MATHEWS, Mary, see BEYLER, Balthasar MATTES, Susan, see FENSTERMACHER, George
MATTHES, John, 11 Jan 1785, during Mass, in the church, to Anna Maria Eck, both single; witnesses George Fricker, John Tren (or Treu) and the two sisters of the bride.
MATTHES, Margaret, see RIFFEL, John Joseph MAYER, Elizabeth, see KEMP, George MAYER, Magdalen, see KEMP, James MAYER, Rebecca, see FLOWER, Joseph
MAYER, Simon, 22 Apr 1771, at Nicholas Hucki's house near Easton, to Elizabeth Kohl, both single; witnesses all that were present.
M'CARR, Henry, 23 July 1815, son of Francis and Bridget M'Carr, to Elizabeth, widow of Dennis Kali; witnesses Bernard Ferry and Michael Sires.
M'CARTY, Elizabeth, see STRIBY, George M'CARTY, Mary, see KOHL, Joseph
M'CARTY, Nicholas, 24 Apr 1798, in Nicholas M'Carty's house, son of Nicholas and Louisa M'Carty, to Elizabeth, dau of Andrew Emmery.
M'CARTY, Sally, see BUCK, John MECCLE, Elizabeth, see BOCK, Joseph MECK, Marian, see EIMOLD, Peter MECKLER, Mary Barbara, see KASS, Jacob
MEGADDY/M'CARTY?, John, 23 Feb 1787 to Elizabeth Hoenig, Catholics, having previously been married before a preacher, renew their consent.
MEISTER, Elizabeth, see KUNSS, Andrew
MELCHIOR, John, 4 Feb 1816, son of --- Melchior to Sara, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Buck; witnesses Christian Clemmer and John Kemp, Sr.
MELCHIOR, Michael, 1 Feb 1788, to Mary Magdalen Hoenigs, both resident in Hegau in Bucks county. On the day of his marriage, the bridgegroom, having received the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist, made public profession of Faith before the altar.
MENSCH, Susan, see SHONEBRUCK, James MERKEL, John, 17 May 1801, non-Catholic, to Barbara Henrich. MEYER, Catharine, see SCHMITT, Anthony MEYER, Mary Elizabeth, see HENRICH, Philip M'FARTHING, Mary, see HOFFMAN, Abraham
M'GILL, James, 8 Mar 1812, in the presence of the congregation at Reading, son of James and Mary M'Gill, and Frances, dau of John and Mary Walter.
MILD?, Charles, widower, 2 Aug 1784, to Anna Schorb, widow, at Mass; witnesses all that were present at Mass.
MILLER, Catharine, see GANTZ, John
MILLER, Catharine, see ASHBURNER, William
MILLER, Daniel, 30 Mar 1818, son of Nicholas and Anna Miller, Catholic, to Magdalen, dau of Joseph and Mary Burgy, Catholic.
MILLER, Jacob, 1 July 1800, son of William and Barbara Miller, Catholics, and Gertrude, dau of Henry and Catharine Gibson, Catholics; witnesses Jacob Hauss and his wife.
MILLER, John, 6 Nov 1769, to Apollonia Rupert, non-Catholic, the second marriage for both; witnesses John Grett and Anthony Gruser, with their wives.
MILLER, John, 20 Mar 1818, son of George and Margaret Miller, non-Catholic, to Christine, dau of Joseph and Mary Burgy, Catholic.
MILLER, Juliana, see SHNBAEL, Joseph MILLER, Magdalen, see ALOIN, John MILLER, Margaret, see SHNABEL, John
MILLER, Martin, 6 Nov 1769, by Rev. Luke Geisler, to Anna Egg, both single; witnesses James Norbeck and Catharine Egg.
MILLER, Mary, see SAMSON, Peter MILLER, Salome, see GANTZ, Balthasar
MILLER, Theobald, carpenter, to Catharine Wenig, both single; witnesses Jacob Krupser (sic), Jacob Kuhn and Barbara Kuhn. (On 14 Oct 1766.)
MINDER, Susan, see SIGFRID, Jacob MINSEN, -, see JOHNS, --maus
MINZER, William, 9 Mar 1812, William and Sara Minzer renew their consent before Anna Minzer and Mary Jones.
MOHR, Joseph, 14 Nov 1809, son of Albert and Catharine Mohr, Catholic, and Mary Catharine, dau of Henry and Elizabeth Eckenrod, Catholic; witnesses John and Mary Gerstweiler and Joseph and Frances Wolter.
MOLTZBERGER, Catharine, see OBOLTZ, Anthony MOON, Philippina, see SHMIDT, Andrew
MORGAN, Francis, 19 May 1744, in Jacob Frantz's house in New Jersey, an Irishman, to Catharine Seibert; witnesses Jacob Frantz and his wife, and others.
MULLER, Frederick, 5 July 1791, after the usual banns, to
Elizabeth Breyer.
MULLER, Isalas, 11 Oct 1789, to Susanna Dossert, non-Catholic.
MULLER, John Henry, Christmas day 17^1, in John Kuhn's house, Protestant, to Anna Margaret Gartner (P), in the presence of witnesses.
MULLER, Michael, 19 Apr 1761?, in Edward Carty's house, to Elizabeth Grunewald; witnesses the bride's father and others.
MULLER, Paul, 11 Apr 1743, in the Philadelphia chapel to Mary Magdalen Walltrich; witnesses the bride's parents and several others.
MUTARD, Catharine, see SHNABEL, Andrew NESTER, Catharine, see REINTZEL, Conrad NESTER, Catharine, see GRUSS, Jacob
NEUER, John, 29 July 1798, in Adam Reichert's house, to Mary Reichert; witnesses Thomas and Valentine Dum.
NORBECK, Henry, 22 Apr 1779, at Mass in the chapel, to Catharine Rohr, both single.
NORBECK, James, 24 Nov 1773, during Mass, to Mary Hornecker.
NORBECK, John, 16 Apr 1776, to Rose Reppert, both single; witnesses Henry and Catharine Norbeck.
NORBECK, Magdalen, see STRUPPEL, Peter NORBECK, Mary, see HORNECKER, John NORDBECK, Margaret, see SCHMITT, John Adam
OBERDORF, Abraham, 10 Aug 1812, in the presence of the congregation at Reading, son of John and Christine Oberdorf, to Elizabeth, dau of Joseph and Christine Gibson.
O'BOIL, Neal, 4 Sep 1808, to Susan Hoff; witnesses Thomas Dum and John Grett.
OBOLD, Catharine, see UMBENHAUER, Samuel OBOLD, Margaret, see GRETT, Andrew
OBOLTZ, Anthony, 2 Feb 1787, the banns having been called, youth, of Conewago, to Catharine Moltzberger, maiden, of Herford township, in Berks county.
O'NEAL, Anna, see KELLY, John
ORENDORFF, Christian, 30 Nov 1789, the three banns having been called as decreed by Trent, youth, of Lebanon township, ---county, to Mary Eva Eck, maiden, of Langenschwam township in Berks county.
ORENDORFF, John, 12 July 1795, the banns having been called once, in the presence of the congregation at Reading, to Magdalen Aloine.
OWINGS, Robert, 14 May 1771ť of Conywaga (sic, may be Conewago) to Margaret Kuhn of this place (Goshenhoppen?) both single; witnesses Joseph Riffel, John Kuhn, Margaret Matthes and Anna Maria Schoner.
PANTAN, Susan, see HUVER, Adam PETER, Barbara, see REPPERT, Melchior PEYL, Anna, see HOENIG, Simon PLOCK, Susan, see ELS, John
QUEEN, Thomas, 19 Aug 1800, the banns having been called three times, son of Thomas and Catharine Queen, to Mary, dau of Daniel and Mary Coblet; witnesses John and John Coblet, kinsmen.
REDENER, James, 2 Nov 1818, before the congregation and me (Rev) Maximilian Rantzau, to Catharine Richard.
REESE, Barbara, see FELIX, James REFSHNEIDER, Catharine, see BURKHARD, Joseph REFSHNEIDER, Elizabeth, see COBLET, John
REICHARD, Anthony, on 23rd inst. 1793, the usual three banns having been called, the said Anthony Reichard was married according to the rite of Holy Church to Catharine Els, dau of John Els and his wife Anna Elizabeth Welken.
REICHARD, Elizabeth, see LOVE, Louis
REICHART, John Adam, 9 Sep 1777, to Mary Eva Thumm, both single, residents of near Missill (?) creek; witnesses Th. Thum, George Wantz, M. Thum and Catharine Sigfried.
REICHER, Magdalen, see REIMEL, John
REICHERT, Augustine, 27 Feb 1810, son of John and Catharine Reichert, Catholic, and Anna, dau of Joseph and Jul.(iana) Rohr, Catholic; witnesses John B. Covely and William Rohr.
REICHERT, John, 9 Dee 1806, son of Adam and Eva Reichert, to
Mary, dau of John and Elizabeth Uhlein; witnesses John Egg, Sr. and Thomas Dum, Jr.REICHERT, Joseph, 30 Mar 1812, and --- Reichert renew their consent before John Kunss and Henry Covely.
REICHERT, Mary, see NEUER, John
REICHERT, Michael, 11 May 1806, before the congregation at Reading, son of Adam and Eve Reichert, to Elizabeth, dau of Joseph and Catharine Sauvert.
REICHERT, Philip, 23 Apr 1805, son of Adam and Eva Reichert, to Susan, dau of Philip and Elizabeth Shmidt; witnesses Philip Shmidt, Jr. and John Reichert.
REIMEL, John, 17 Aug 1817, son of John and Magdalen Reimel, Catholic, to Magdalen, dau of Adam and Eve Reicher; witnesses the congregation, Adam Reichert and Peter Egg.
REINTZEL, Conrad, 15 Nov 1785, after the three banns, in the church, widower, and a farmer of Pine township, Berks county, to Catharine Nester, widow of this town of Herford; witnesses Jacob Gruss, William Strunck, Michael Hartmann, Joseph Schmitt, weaver, who all bound themselves under their seal and signature that no attempt would be made to break this marriage.
REISEL, Martin, 16 Dee 1744, in Jacob Pawlitz's house in Allemaengel, to Sarah Catharine Bewerts; witnesses the bride's parents and others.
REISINGER, Elizabeth, see GRET, Philip RENINGER, Catharine, see BURGY, Philip
RENINGER, Frederick, 14 Apr 1795, the banns having been called, son of Frederick and Anna Mary Reninger, Catholics, to Catharine Gibson, dau of Henry and Catharine Gibson, Catholics, witnesses Caspar Shmidt and George Bauer.
REPPERT, Catharine, see ECKENRODT, John
REPPERT, John, 5 Oct 1794, having previously been married by a lay judge, to Catharine Keffer.
REPPERT, Joseph, 21 Feb 1813, in the presence of the congregation at Goshenhoppen, son of Stephen and Magdalen Reppert, to Eve, dau of James and --- Sherf.
REPPERT, Melchior, 30 June 1761, to Barbara Peter; witnesses Mathias Reichart, Joseph Lorentz and others.
REPPERT, Rose, see NORBECK, John REPPLIER, George, 10 May 1801, at Sebastian Allgeyer's house to
Catharine Allgeyer; witnesses Francis Eichorn and Eve Sigfrid. RICHARD, Catharine, see REDENER, James RICHER, Mary, see ARENS, Jacob
RIEDACKER, Jacob, 19 Apr 1759, the chapel at Goshenhoppen, Lutheran, to Anna Mary Brunner; witnesses Maurice Lorentz and Nicholas Frantz.
RIEGEL, Daniel, 17 July 1803, having previously been married before a Protestant minister, non-Catholic, to Margaret Kunstler, Catholic, renew their consent; witnesses Caspar Shonebruck, Jr. and Elizabeth Henrich.
RIFFEL, Catharine, see KUHN, John George
RIFFEL, Jacob, 8 Jan 1747, to Mary Catharine ---; witnesses Maurice Lorentz and his wife.
RIFFEL, George, 8 Nov 1778, at Matt. Bruck's house near Cedar creek, to Barbara Spring, widow, born Keffer. (No witnesses named.)
RIFFEL, George Jacob, 16 May 1773, at Christian Henrich's house at Asperum Collem, to Elizabeth Henrich.
RIFFEL, Mary, see TAPPER, Andrew
RIFFEL, Mathias, 3 Aug 1784, to Eva Weibel, both single; witnesses Bernard Riffel, Bernard (Fries?) and M. Elizabeth ---(last name too much blurred to be read.)
RILAY, Ambrose, 19 Apr 1741, after publication of the banns in the city and in the country, in Henry Guibson's house, in the presence of many witnesses. Catholics and non-Catholics, to Judith (O'Nayl) ---, widow.
RITTNER, Barbara, see LANGHAMMER, George
RITTNER, John, 10 Dee 1810, son of Peter and --- Rittner, Catholic, and Elizabeth, dau of Martin and --- Felix, Catholic, witnesses James Felix and Catharine Hartman.
RODGER, James, 14 Mar 1814, son of Michael and Sara Rodger, to Mary, dau of Nicholas and Mary Felix, renew their consent; witnesses Sebstian Allgaier and John Sigfrid.
RODT, -, see KASS, John RODT, Eva, see SHONEBRUCK, John ROHR, Catharine, see NORBECK, Henry ROHR, Catharine, see REICHERT, Augustine
ROHR, Charles, 25 Oct 1810, son of John and Juliana Rohr, Catholic, and Elizabeth, dau of Christian and Catharine Clemmer; witnesses John Kunz and Daniel Grett.
ROHR, Elizabeth, see LONBERG, Michael
ROHR, Joseph, 24 Dee 1815, in the presence of the congregation, son of Joseph and Juliana Rohr, to Margaret, dau of Frederick and Catharine Febinger, non-Catholic.
ROHR, Margaret, see SCHWITTMANN, John
ROHR, Martin, U May 1779, in the church, widower, to Anna Maria Schorb, single; witnesses all that were present at Mass.
ROHR, Mary, see COVELY, John
ROHR, Matthias, 3 May 1779, in the church, to Catharine Sigfried, both single; witnesses Nicholas Rohr, two sons of the Widow Zweyer, Catharine Butz and Barbara Sigfried.
ROHR, Sara, see ROHRBACH, John
ROHR, William, 26 May 1808, son of Joseph and Juliana Rohr, Catholic, and Sophia, dau of John and Elizabeth Els, Catholic; witnesses James Els and Henry Covely.
ROHRBACH, Christina, see KAIFFER, Peter
ROHRBACH, Jacob, 18 Oct 1796, the three banns having been called, son of George and Eliz. Rohrbach, to Susan, dau of John and Anna Kemp, Catholics.
ROHRBACK, John, 23 Jan 1817, son of James and Susan Rohrbach (sic), to Sara, dau of Joseph and Juliana Rohr; witnesses Charles M'Entire and wife.
ROOSBERRY, Mary, see HOPKINS, James ROSNER, Anna Barbara, see HAMMERSTEIN, Andrew
ROSNER, John, 5 Nov 1775, in the chapel, to Catharine Ziegefuss, non-Catholic, both single; witnesses, the bride's two brothers and Catharine and Margaret Eck.
ROTH, Michael, 14 Apr 1766, at Sigfrieds at Oley, to Anna Maria Cremer (Krebler), single, residents of the same place (Oley hills); witnesses John Ehrman, John Baur, Jacob Kuhn and Henry Gibson.
RUFFNER, Philip, 11 Jan 1774, in the mission chapel, widower, to Eva Honig, single; witnesses Anthony Honig and Maria Ermann.
RUFFNER, Philip, 8 Apr 1798, son of Philip and Eva Ruffner, 35
Catholics, to Margaret Hammerstein, dau of ---.
RUFFNER, Simon, 8 Jan 1771, to Catharine Griffin, both single; witnesses George Adam Ruffner, Simon Kupser, Margaret Kuhn and Maria Ermann.
RUPERT, Apollonia, see MILLER, John
RUPPLE, George, 26 Aug 1798, in Nicholas M'Carty's house, widower, to Elizabeth, dau of Bernard and Elizabeth Wenarmer; witness Mother Rupple.
RUPPLE, Joseph, 22 June 179^, in Edward M'Carty's house, having previously been married by a lay judge, to Barbara Greenwald.
RUTTNER, Joseph?, Sep, 1784, widower, to Eva Martin?, widow.
RUTTNER, Peter, 11 Oct 1812, son of Peter and Barbara Ruttner, to Sara Scott; witnesses John and Catharine Hahn.
SAMSON, Peter, 6 Sep 1812, in presence of the congregation at Goshenhoppen, son of Paul and "Gene" (Jenny?) Samson, to Mary, dau of Frederick and Elizabeth Miller.
SANDERS, Margaret, see SMITH, John SANDERSON, Ann, see CARDY/MC CARTY, Patrick
SAUVERT, Daniel, 13 Apr 1806, at Reading church, son of Joseph and Catharine Sauvert, to Elizabeth, dau of Thomas and Elizabeth Dum; witnesses Adam Reichert and George Hopp.
SAUVERT, Elizabeth, see REICHERT, Michael
SAUVERT, John, 15 Oct 1798, to Magdalen Berger; witnesses Adam Bomer and Magdalen Shmidt.
SAUVERT, Joseph, 16 July 1809, non-Catholic, to Magdalen Ziegler; witnesses Joseph Reichert and M. Grett.
SCHAFFER, Dorothy, see ECK, John
SCHAPPERT, Nicholas, 17 Apr 17^6, to Mary Clara Stockschleger; witnesses the bride's father and Wendel Heiffer.
SCHARG, Catharine, see ZWEYER, Joseph
SCHARP, Joseph, 12 Feb 1793, in church, lawful son of Andrew and Mary Scharp, to Anna Maria Strunck, lawful dau of Philip and Elizabeth Strunck.
SCHIMPFESSEL, Andrew, 19 Apr 1773, at Goshenhoppen, to Margaret Becker, both single; witnesses Thomas Thum, Matthias Kuhn, Anna Maria Fraul and Catharine Sigfried.
SCHINDLER, Henry, 13 Feb 177^, in the chapel at Reading, to M. Catharine Weissenburger, both single; witnesses the bride's brothers and sisters.
SCHLOSSER, Catharine Anna, see ECKENROTH, Christian SCHLOSSER, Magdalen, see FLOWER, Christopher SCHMIDT, Barbara, see GRUNEWALD, John
SCHMIDT, Philip, 26 Apr 17^3, in John Kuhn's house, to Eva Kuhn; witnesses the bride's parents and several others.
SCHMITT, Anna Maria, see LITZINGER, Henry
SCHMITT, Anthony, 12 May 1774, during Mass, in the church, widower, to Catharine Meyer, widow; witness Peter Keffer.
SCHMITT, Catharine, see GIBSON, Henry SCHMITT, Elizabeth, see BAUR, Francis
SCHMITT, John Adam, 12 Jan 1768, in the church, twenty years of age, to Margaret Nordbeck (perhaps better Norbeck?), about seventeen years old; witnesses Philip Schmitt, James Norbeck, Margaret Schmitt and Mary Norbeck.
SCHMITT, Joseph, 16 June 178^, single, to Regina Kemmel, Widow Klee; witness John Gaucker.
SCHMITT, Margaret, see ARENTS, Jacob
SCHMITT, Nicholas, 19 Mar 1785, in the priest's room, surgeon, to Elizabeth Fischer, for both the second marriage.
SCHNABEL, Joseph, 28 June 1785, Catholic, to Anna Maria Bussch, non-Catholic; witnesses Th. Thum and Michael Scynabel.
SCHOFFER, Mary Magdalen, see HOENIG, Michael SCHOLL, Sara, see GERY, Philip
SCHONEBRUCK, Caspar, 27 Apr 1772, in the chapel, to Anna Margaret Meckler, both single; witnesses Elizabeth Schmitt and three other heretics.
SCHORB, Anna, see MILD, Charles SCHORB, Anna Maria, see ROHR, Martin SCHOS, Susan, see EYSENMANN, Christian
SCHREIK, Apollonia, see ZIPP, Joseph
SCHUHMANN, Andrew, 30 Dee 1770, in the father's house, to his cousin, in the third degree touching on the second; witnesses, the father, mother and whole family, together with some Catholics. (Father Ritber observes that the above parties had previously been married civilly by a Protestant minister, and the (Fr. Ritter) dispensed them from this said impediment in virtue of faculties accorded to him by his Reverend Father Superior to use only in regard to those, who were coverts to the faith, and that the bride in the above marriage was yet non-Catholic.)
SCHWAGER, John Peter, 28 Fob 1744, in the priest's house, widower, to Anna Magdalen Schwitz (Luth.); witnesses Valentine Wild and several Protestants.
SCHWARTZ, John, 12 July 1742, in George Zimmerman's house, puddler, to Agnes Fischer (P); witnesses George Zimmerman and wife.
SCHWITTMANN, John, 28 May 1788, the usual banns having been called, youth, to Margaret Rohr, maiden.
SCHWITZ, Anna Magdalen, see SCHWAGER, John Peter SCOTT, Sara, see RUTTNER, Peter
SEBOLD, Peter, 3 Apr 1809, son of Nicholas and Anna Sebold, to Catharine, dau of John and Elizabeth Diederich; witnesses James Els and Michael Grett.
SEIBERT, Catharine, see MORGAN, Francis SEIFERT, Magdalen, see SHED, John
SEIFERT, Philip, 14 June 1812, at midday before the congregation at Reading, son of Joseph and Catharine Seifert, to Elizabeth, dau of Philip and Elizabeth Henrich.
SEIFFERT, Elizabeth, see GRETT, John
SEIFFERT, Philip, 2? Nov 1784, at Christian Henrich's house near Asperum Collem, to Barbara Grett, both single.
SHAEFER, Catharine, see GRETT, Solomon SHAFER, Christina, see KAPUS, Lothaire
SHAW, Denis, 20 Dee 1762, in John Faller's house, to Ann Carroll; witnesses Philip McDeed and his wife.
SHED, John, non-Catholic, to Magdalen, dau of Joseph and ---Seifert. (In 1816.)
SHELL, John, 16 Aug 1810, son of James and Catharine Shell, Catholic, to Susan, dau of John and Catharine Kunz; witnesses John Grett and his daughter Theresa.
SHEPPERD, James, June (maybe better July) 11, 1785, during Mass, in the church, to Elizabeth Keffer, both single; witnesses Edward Gainer, Elizabeth Stoll and Maria Butz.
SHERF, Eve, see REPPERT, Joseph
SHIMFESSEL, Peter, 8 May 1808, at Reading, son of Andrew and Mary Shimfessel, to Elizabeth, dau of James and M. Arens; witnesses Adam Reichert and Thomas Dum, J. (Junior?)
SHLOSSER, John, 18 Apr 1796, at Caspar Dum's house, son of Joseph and Mary Shiosser, Catholics, and Magdalen, dau of Francis and Catharine Hopp, Catholics.
SHMIDT, Andrew, 11 Nov 1816, son of Joseph and Regina Shmidt, Catholic, and Philippina, dau of Josue and Sara Moon, non-Catholic, witnesses James and Elizabeth Felix.
SHMIDT, Catharine, see KEISLING, Sebastian SHMIDT, Catharine, see SHORP, Anthony SHMIDT, Elizabeth, see KUNSS, George SHMIDT, Elizabeth, see FELIX, James
SHMIDT, Michael, 7 Jan 1798, the banns having been called three times, son of Philip and Ursula Shmidt, to Mary, dau of John and Catharine Kuns, Catholics.
SHMIDT, Susan, see REICHERT, Philip SHMIDT, Susan, see EGG, Peter
SHMIDT, Thomas, 7 Oct 179^, the banns having been called once, son of Christian Shmidt and his wife Mary Magdalen, non-Catholic, and Elizabeth, dau of Andrew Shnabel and his wife Mary Eve, Catholic; witnesses Michael Shnabel and George Bauer.
SHNABEL, Andrew, 15 Sep 1798, son of Andrew and Eva Shnabel, to Catharine, dau of Frederick and Magdalen Mutard, Catholics; witnesses Michael Shnabel and James Adam.
SHNABEL, Barbara, see ZERLY, James
SHNABEL, Daniel, 7 Aug 181^, in presence of the congregation, son of Joseph and Mary Shnabel, and Catharine, dau of Simon and Catharine Adam.
SHNABEL, Elizabeth, see SHMIDT, Thomas
SHNABEL, Jacob, 30 Dee 179^ť the banns having been called, son of Andrew Shnabel and his wife Mary Eve, to Barbara, dau of Peter Keffer and his wife Barbara; witnesses Andrew Shnabel and John Keffer.
SHNABEL, John, 5 Nov 1799, son of Andrew and Eva Shnabel, Catholics, to Anna, dau of John and Elizabeth Fine, Catholics; witnesses Andrew and Michael Shnabel.
SHNABEL, John, 30 May 1811, in presence of the congregation, son of Joseph and Mary Shnabel, and Margaret, dau of Frederick and Elizabeth Miller.
SHNABEL, Joseph, 18 Aug 1816, at Goshenhoppen, son of Joseph and Mary Shnabel, to Juliana, dau of Frederick and Elizabeth Miller; witnesses Richard Rohr and John Egg.
SHNABEL, Mary, see GROSSKOPP, Jonathan
SHNABEL, Michael, 28 Oct 179^, the banns having been called, son of Andrew and Mary Eve Shnabel, Catholics, to Margaret, dau of Jacob Henziger, Catholic, and his wife Barbara, non-Catholic; witnesses Magdalen Taubetsen and Jacob Shnabel.
SHONEBRUCK, Andrew, 5 May 1800, the marriage consent renewed between Andrew Shonebruck and Mary Hill, non-Catholic, before Mathias Bruck.
SHONEBRUCK, Caspar, 20 Nov 1810, son of Caspar and Margaret Shonebruck, to Apollonia, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Back; witnesses John Kunz and Elizabeth Henrich.
SHONEBRUCK, Elizabeth, see HENRICH, John
SHONEBRUCK, James, 13 June 1805, son of Caspar and Margaret Shonebruck, Catholics, to Susan, dau of Adam and Margaret Mensch, Catholic; witnesses John Grett and John Kuns.
SHONEBRUCK, John, 5 Feb 1799, in Goshenhoppen church before Mass, to Eva, dau of John and Eva Rodt; witnesses Elizabeth Shonebruck and the bride's brother.
SHONEBRUCK, Margaret, see HARZEL, Henry SHONEBRUCK, Mary Barbara, see KUNS, John
SHORP, Anthony, 6 Feb 1814, before the congregation, son of John and Elizabeth Shorp, to Catharine, dau of Caspar and Susan Shmidt.
SHORP, Catharine, see BUDDE, Maurice SHREER, Catharine, see BURGY, John SHREER, Catharine, see WEBER, Mathias
SHWEYER, John, 27 Jan 1807, and Elizabeth Burgy; witnesses Henry Gibson and John Burgy. (Full name is John Nicholas Shweyer.)
SIEGFRIED, Joseph, 3 Feb 1788, the banns having been called, youth, to Barbara Koble, maiden, of Berks County.
SIEGFRIED, Mary Agatha, see STRUNCK, Philip
SIGFRID, Andrew, 8 Nov 1762, in Zweyer's house in the Oley hills, to Mary Agatha Zweyer; witnesses Jacob Kuhn and Paul Huck.
SIGFRID, Charles, 2 June 1811, at Goshenhoppen in presence of the congregation, son of John and Barbara Sigfrid, to Helen, dau of Joseph and Elizabeth Wingart.
SIGFRID, Eva, see EHRMAN, John SIGFRID, Eve, see EICHHORN, Francis
SIGFRID, George, 21 Oct 1798, at Goshenhoppen before Mass, son of Michael and Justina Sigfrid, and Barbara, dau of Nicholas and ---Felix, Catholics.
SIGFRID, Jacob, 7 Oct 179^, the banns having been called, son of Michael and Justina Sigfrid and Susan Minder, dau of Frederick and Catharine Minder; witnesses Joseph Sigfrid and Burchard Minder.
SIGFRID, Joseph, 16 Feb 1806, to Elizabeth Felix; witnesses John Grett and Bartholomew Coblet.
SIGFRID, Juliana, see ZWEYER, Balthasar SIGFRIED, Barbara, see ZWEYER, Adam SIGFRIED, Catharine, see ROHR, Matthias SIGFRIED, Mary, see WALKER, William
SMIDT, Caspar, 3 June 1793, widower, to Susan Trolling, his servant---a respectable woman.
SMIDT, Eva, see ARNOLD, John
SMITH, John, 8 Nov 17^3, in the priest's house, to Margaret Sanders; witnesses some English people who came with the young couple. Peter Schwager and Valentine Wildt.
SPANG, Susan, see KEFFER, John
SPENGLER, Adam, 12 Apr 1818, before the congregation at Reading, son of Christ, and Elizabeth Spengler, non-Catholic, to Sara, dau of James and Mary Lambert; witnesses Anthony Felix and William Rohr.
SPRING, Anna Mary, see GRET, John Adam SPRING, Barbara, see RIFFEL, George
SPRING, George, 19 Sep 1773, at Asperum Collem, to Barbara Keffer, both single; witnesses Louis Keffer, John Henrich, Ann M. Keffer and M. Barbara Spring.
SPRING, James, I May 1769, at Christian Henrich's house at Monte Acuto, to Catharine Fuss, both single; witnesses John Adam Fuss, John George Spring, and Margaret Schmitt.
SPRING, Joseph, 16 Apr 1804, son of James and Catharine Spring, to Susan, dau of Andrew and Susan Gret.
SPRING, Margaret, see STABLER, Christian SPRING, Mary Barbara, see HENRICH, John
STAAB, John Adam, 4 Apr 1743, in John Utzman's house in Falkner's swamp, to Catharine Bewerts; several witnesses were present.
STAHL, Anna Maria, see FELIX, Nicholas STAHL, Anna Mary, see ZWEYER, Stephen
STAHL, Michael, 13 Dee 1762, to Margaret Kolb; witnesses Paul Huck and Anthony Zinck.
STAHLER, Christian, 16 Dee 1801, son of Adam and Mary Stabler, Catholics, to Margaret, dau of Jacob and Catharine Spring.
STALTER, Henry, youth, 15 Apr 1787, of Manthobb, and Apollonia Matheis, maiden, of Herford Twp in Berks County.
STENGLER, Barbara, see BECK, John
STERLING, John, 27 May 1806, to Elizabeth Wingart; witnesses John and Joseph Wingart.
STOCKSCHLEGER, Mary Clara, see SCHAPPERT, Nicholas
STRACK, Henry, 24 June 1794, in Edward M'Carty's house, to Catharine Hoffmann.
STRIBY, George, 26 Jan 1796, to Elizabeth M'Carty; witnesses John M'Carty and John Buck.
STRUNCK, Anna Maria, see SCHARP, Joseph STRUNCK, Eva, see GUTTMANN, John
STRUNCK, Philip, 26 Dee 1792, the banns having been called, lawful son of William Strunck and Elizabeth Weismiller, to Mary
Agatha Siegfried, lawful dau of Andrew Siegfried and Agatha Zweyer.
STRUPPEL, Peter, 30 Oct 1777, during Mass, to Magdalen Norbeck, both single; witnesses Henry Norbeck, Catharine Butz, and M. Elizabeth Struppel.
STUMF, Anna Mary, see GROSSKOPF, Jacob
TAPPER, Andrew, 8 Sep 1767, at Cedar Creek, of Sacone (sic maybe Saucon) to Mary Riffel, of Makunshi, both single, witnesses Jacob Kuhn, Jodocus Riffel, Eva Kuhn and Magdalen Tapper.
TAPPER, Magdalen, see KUHN, Jacob THUM, Catharine, see CHEVIN, Peter THUMM, Mary Eva, see REICHART, John Adam TROLLING, Susan, see SMIDT, Caspar
TROUT, William, 2 July 1810, son of George and Eve Trout, to Catharine, dau of Adam and Barbara Zweyer; witnesses James Sigfrid and Mary Zweyer.
UHLEIN, Francis, June, 1785, to Catharine Eck, both single; witnesses the brothers and sisters of the parties.
UHLEIN, Juliana, see BURKOPP, John UHLEIN, Mary, see REICHERT, John UHLEIN, Mary Cecily, see KEMPERLING, John ULRICH, Catharine, see BRAND, Peter
UMBENHAUER, Samuel, and Catharine, dau of Joseph and Margaret Obold. (In 1816.)
VINGART, Elizabeth, see COBLET, Bartholomew
VOGELY, George, 6 Apr 1801, son of John and Catharine Vogely, and Catharine, dau of Daniel and Mary Coblet; witnesses Thomas Queen and Barbara Gruver.
WACK, Martin, 24 Nov 1811, having been before a lay judge, son of Frederick and Elizabeth Wack, and Catharine, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Bock, renew their consent; witnesses C.Shonebruck and J. Kass.
WAGNER, Eva, see HEITZ, Michael
WAGNER, Ferdinand, 11 July 1784, our schoolmaster at Haycock, to Anna M. Creutzer, widow, born Grandjean; witnesses, all that were present at Mass.
WAGNER, Salome, see LENTZINGER, Jacob
WALKER, John, 19 Apr 1813, son of Daniel and Gertrude Walker, and Elizabeth, dau of John and Catharine Kass.
WALKER, William, 30 June 1778, in the chapel, widower, to Mary Sigfried, single; witnesses all the were present.
WALLTRICH, Mary Magdalen, see MULLER, Paul WALTER, Frances, see MC GILL, James
WALTER, James, 22 Apr 1779, at Mass in the chapel, to Catharine Drollinger, both single; witnesses the entire congregation.
WALTER, Nicholas, 13 Sep 1768, in the church, by Rev. James Frambachs, to Mary Eva Kuhn, both single; witnesses the groom's father, the bride's mother and step-father etc.
WANNER, Mary Ann, see LAMBIN, Christopher
WATERS, Anthony, 12 Jan 1816, son of Anthony and Margaret Waters, non-Catholic, and Anna, dau of Martin and Barbara Felix, witnesses John Kemp and Bartholomew Covely.
WEAVER, Catharine, see HONIG, Joseph
WEBER, Mathias, 5 June 1775, to Catharine Zerfass, both single; witnesses Henry Stattler, Henry Rosch and Catharine Hailmann.
WEBER, Matthias, widower, 27 Apr 1777, to Magdalen Buger, single, of Macungi; witnesses Matthias Riffel, Nicholas Rohr, Agatha Riffel and Catharine Rohr.
WEBER, Mathias, 29 Mar 1818, widower, and Catharine Shreer, widow, renew their consent; witnesses Adam Reichert, Peter Egg, Sr. and Nicholas Grett.
WEIBEL, Catharine, see ALLWEIN, Conrad WEIBEL, Elizabeth, see HENRICH, Philip WEIBEL, Eva, see RIFFEL, Matthias
WEIBEL, John, 20 Nov 1775, at Christian Henrich's house at Asperum Collem, to Margaret Henrich, both single; witnesses John Egg, John Weibel, Magdalen Henrich and Eva Weibel.
WEIBEL, Margaret, see ECKENROTH, Christopher
WEIBEL, Mary Barbara, see GAUCKER, John
WEIRICH, James, 13 Dee 1807 at Reading, son of James and Magdalen Weirich, non-Catholic, and Elizabeth, dau of Conrad and Catharine
Aloin, Catholic; witnesses Sebastian Allgayer and John Franz. WEISMILLER, Eva Margaret, see KEFFER, Matthias WEISS, Susan, see LAMBERT, Peter
WEISSENBURGER, Christian, 15 Oct 1771, the usual banns having been published for this marriage, single, to Anna Carlin, widow and non-Catholic; witnesses Jacob Weissenburger and the bride's sister.
WEISSENBURGER, Mary Catharine, see SCHINDLER, Henry WELSH, Sarah, see MAGDANEL, Edmund WENARMER, Elizabeth, see RUPPLE, George WENIG, Catharine, see MILLER, Theobald WIDER, Margaret, see KUHN, Henry WILL, Margaret, wee BURKOP, John
WINDBIEGLER, Philip, 20 Feb 1816, widower, non-Catholic, and Catharine, dau of James and Catharine Hartman; witnesses John and Sara Kemp.
WINGART, Elizabeth, see STERLING, John WINGART, Helen, see SIGFRID, Charles
WINGART, John, 17 June 1802, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Wingart, and Philippina, dau of Daniel and Mary Anne Coblet; witnesses Bartholomew Coblet and George Vogely.
WINGART, Joseph, 9 June 1807, and Eve M'Farthing, widow; witnesses Joseph Martin and James Waghon.
WOLF, Catharine, see ARNOLD, James ZERFASS, Catharine, see WEBER, Matthias
ZERLY, James, 5 Oct 1814, at the house of Michael Shnabel, son of Louis and Eve Zerly, and Barbara, dau of Michael and Margaret Shnabel; witnesses Jonathan and Margaret Grosskopp.
ZETTELMAYER, Jonathan, 18 June 1815, at Goshenhoppen before the congregation, widower, and Theresa, dau of John and Catharine Kun z.
ZIEGEFUSS, Catharine, see ROSNER, John ZIEGLER, Magdalen, see SAUVERT, Joseph ZIPP, Joseph, 26 June 1761, in the chapel (at Goshenhoppen), to
Apollonia Kohl; witnesses Maurice Lorenz and John Wendel Lorenz.
ZWEYER, Adam, 10 Jan 1785, during Mass in Michael Sigfried's house in the Oley hills, to Barbara Sigfried, both single; witnesses all that were present at Mass.
ZWEYER, Anthony, 20 Aug 1791, the bride having been duly instructed, absolved from the Calvinist heresy, and having made her profession of Faith before Mass in her own home, Mary Zweyer and Anthony Zweyer, Catholic.
ZWEYER, Balthasar, 1 Apr 179^ť with dispensation, and without banns, son of George Zweyer and his wife Juliana, and Mary, dau of Michael Sigfrid and his wife Justina; witnesses John Gauger and Elizabeth Kemp.
ZWEYER, Catharine, see TROUT, William ZWEYER, Elizabeth, see GIBSON, Henry
ZWEYER, George, 15 Nov 1795, the banns having been called once, in the presence of the congregation at Ouitopahill, on Sunday, son of Stephen and Mary Zweyer, and Christina, dau of John and Elizabeth Arnold.
ZWEYER, James, 13 Apr 1806, at Reading church, son of Thomas and Mary Zweyer, and Elizabeth, dau of Philip Klein, non-Catholic.
ZWEYER, John, 23 Apr 1770, at George Sigfried's house, to Eva Becker, both single; witnesses all that were present.
ZWEYER, Joseph, 11 Apr 1799, during Mass, in Michael Sigfried's house, to Catharine Scharg, both single; witnesses all that were at Mass.
ZWEYER, Juliana, see DUM, Thomas ZWEYER, Juliana, see HUCK, Paul ZWEYER, Mary, see ZWEYER, Anthony ZWEYER, Mary, see ANGST, Daniel ZWEYER, Mary Agatha, see SIGFRID, Andrew
ZWEYER, Stephen, 13 June 1763, in Zweyer's house, to Anna Mary Stahl; witnesses the bridegrom's (sic) parents and others.
ZWEYER, Thomas, 13 May 1811, son of Jospeh and Catharine Zweyer, Catholic, and Catharine, dau of Andrw and Magdalen Hopp, Catholic; witnesses William Fricker and Daniel Steward.
ADAM, Simon, d 27 Mar 1803.
ADAMS, ---, an infant son, one year old, of Simon Adam; buried 4 Mar 1782 in the chapel graveyard.
ADAMS, Anna Maria, widow, formerly Kupser, an excellent old woman after the apostolic model; buried 5 Mar 1781 in the chapel graveyard.
ARENS, Elizabeth, widow, strengthened early with all the sacraments of the Church; died in the Lord 19 Oct 1790; buried during my absence from home.
ARENS, Margaret, widow of Jacob, aged 68 y; died 6 July 1811, buried on the 8th.
ARENS, Margaret, one half-year old, daughter of James Arens and his wife Margaret, buried on 8 Mar 1791.
ARENZ, Jacob, aged 69y, 2m, 1w; died 21 Jan 1807, buried on the 23rd.
BAUR, ---, daughter of Leonard Baur, workman, at Mebris Furnace.
BAUR, John Jacob, aged four years, son of Leonard Baur, died of dysentery; buried 8 Sep 1769 in the public graveyard near Mayburri (perhaps better Mayburry) furnace.
BAUR, Leonard, carter, at Spring forge iron mines; buried 12 Dee 1776 in the graveyard.
BAUR, N---, son, six years old, of Leonard Baur, workman at Mebris furnace; buried 24 Apr 1766? in the graveyard at Couissahopen.
BEAVER, Samuel, son of Christopher and his wife Susanna; aged 6m; died in the month of August, 1808.
BECKER, Elizabeth, dau of Jacob and his wife Elizabeth, aged 1y, 2m, died 7 July 1813, buried on the 9th.
BECKER, George, weaver, died two days ago of dysentery, buried 13 Sept (this date however, has been crossed over with the pen and underneath it another date, 1 Sept, also crossed over), on his farm in the Olivet (Oley) mountains.
BENNEN, anna, wife of John Bennen, aged 30 years and 5 weeks, died 18 Mar 1800, buried on the 20th.
BERGMANS, Christopher, d 6 Jan 1766, in Linen (better. Linn) township in the Blue Mountains, buried 8 January in the graveyard at Couissahopen.
BISPING, Henry, commonly called "the old Hollander," died 13 December after having been fortified with the last rites, buried 15 Dee 1766?, near the church used in common by the Calvinists
and the Lutherans, above Goshenhoppen.
BISSCHOFF, Peter, fifty-six years of age, died 15 Mar 1771, of pleurisy, buried 18 Mar in the graveyard near John Bergmann's grave.
BISSCHOP, Simon, son of Peter Bisschop, tailer, at Allenstown.
BOTH, John Leonard, lawful son of John Both, farmer of Magunshi, less than two years old; buried 23 (Sept) in the graveyard at Gosschenhopen. (1765?)
BRAUN, John, son of Andrew Braun, six years old; buried 3 May 1783.
BRAUN, Magdalen, the little daughter, one year old, of Andrew Braun, buried 30 Mar 1782.
BRUCK, John, son of Matthias and Mary Bruck, aged 4 months and 3 days, d 30 Jan 1799, buried 1 Feb.
BRUCK, Joseph, infant son of Matthias Bruck, buried 2 Feb 1781 in the chapel graveyard.
BUCHART, Martin, son of Martin Buchart, four years old, died yesterday, (5 Sept 1776), buried 6 Sep in the chapel graveyard.
BUCK, Joseph, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Buck, aged 5 years, 6 weeks and 6 days, d 21 Jan 1797, buried on the 23rd.
BUDDE, Antoninus, son of M. and Catharine, d 8 Sep 1815.
BUDDE, Henrietta, dau of Maurice and his wife Catharine, aged 11m, 2w. Id, d 4 Sep 1813, buried on the 5th.
BURCHARD, ---, the little son of Martin Burchard, buried 26 Feb 1771 in the graveyard.
BURCHARD, -, follows an entry dated Feb, 1779, "I buried an infant child of Martin Burchard."
BURCHART, Cornelius, a youth, fifteen years of age, for one year had been ailing of a lung disease, had received the sacraments not so very long ago, was stricken down suddenly with apoplexy; did not receive the holy oils, died the day before yesterday, buried 14 Apr 1774 in the chapel graveyard.
BURCHART, William lawful son of Martin Burchart, b 5 Apr, died of small pox, buried 14 Nov 1782 in the chapel graveyard.
BURK, James, son of Joseph and Rosina Burk, nine months and 12 days old, d 17 Jan 1797, buried on the 18th.
BURK, Mary Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Burk, about 35 years old, d 24 Aug 1794, buried on the 26th.
BURKARD, Martin, d 11 Apr 1806, buried on the 13th near the church.
BURKARD, Gertrude, aged 66 y, d 29 Dee 1806, buried on the 31st.
BURKARD, Peter, son of Martin and Dorothy Burkard, aged 18 years, d 7 Feb 1797, buried on the 8th.
BURKOP, Juliana, wife of John, aged 45y, d suddenly 21 Dee 1809, buried on the 24th.
BUTZ, Charles, son of William Butz, four months old, buried 16 Feb 1785 in the graveyard.
BUTZ, Laurence, son of William Butz, b 21 Nov 1778, d 6 Feb 1779, buried 8 Feb 1779 in the chapel graveyard.
BUTZ, Magdalen, infant daughter, one year old, of Mr. Christian Butz and his wife (Catharine Struppel), d of smallpox, buried 5 Sep 1782 in the chapel graveyard.
BUTZ, William Peter, an infant, three months old, buried 6 Oct 1777 in the chapel graveyard.
CARTY, Catharine, wife of Edward Carty, over seventy years of age, d 16 Oct 1766, of old age and a contagious fever, buried 19 Oct on her husband's farm at Haycock.
CASSELY, Michael, aged 50 y, d 13 Nov 1814, buried on the 15th.
CHAUMONT, Anna Maria, born Fricker, wife of Joseph Chaumont, a Savoyard, d 10 Nov 1765, seven days after child birth, her infant dying at birth or rather perishing through unskilful handling; buried 11 Nov in the Catholic graveyard at Reading.
CLARK, William, aged 25 y, d 1 Oct 1801. (sic, but apparently an error for 1804.)
COVELY, Elizabeth, wife of Henry, died in child-bed 18 Jan 1817, buried on the 19th.
COVELY, John, aged 36y, 1m, 29d, d 22 Apr 1816.
COVELY, Mary ann, wife of Daniel, aged 75 y, d 22 Sep 1817, buried on the 24th.
DENS (?), Conrad, of Baaden, aged 39 y, d 2 Mar 1818, buried on the 4th.
DEPRE, James, widower, strengthened with the sacraments of the dying, buried with the usual rites of the Church, 23 Oct 1790.
DIDERICH, John, aged 37 years, out of his mind about 7 years, d 27 Sep 1795, buried on the 29th.
DIEDERICH, Elizabeth, d 26 Oct 1808, buried on the 28th.
DIETRICHS, Maria, infant child, two days old, of John Dietrichs, buried 9 Mar 1785 in the graveyard.
DOLLHAUER, Henry, aged 54 y, d 6 Sep 1813, buried on the 8th.
DOLLHAUER, Mary Barbara, wife of Henry, aged 44 y, d 14 May 1813, buried on the 16th.
DUNCKEL, Jacob, over eighty years of age, buried 28 Mar 1783 in the chapel graveyard.
DUVAL, Francis, single, born at Calais (France), d 30 June 1808 at Pottsgrove, buried 1 July near the church.
ECK, Magdalen, dau of John Eck, farmer in Rich valley, had been aiding Mary Hartman during her illness and, having contracted the same ailment during her labor of charity, died of the same, buried 12 Sep 1765 in the graveyard used by the Lutherans near her father's house.
ECK, Magdalen, wife of John Eck, d 6 Mar 1775, in child birth, was the mother of eight children, of whom she left six living, an excellent woman---a loving-hearted wife, esteemed by all for her truly Christian traits, buried 8 Mar in the public graveyard at Rich valley, a short distance from her husband's farm.
This entry is found following the death of Magdalen Eck: In the list of baptisms is recorded the birth of Veronica Eck, on 6 Mar 1775, and her baptism on 8 Mar. The little daughter, in giving birth to whom, Magdalen Eck died, was born on the day of her mother's death, and baptized on the day of her mother's burial.
EDELBLUT, Anna Catharine, dau of N. N. Edelblut, non-Catholic, hammerer in Christian Butz's iron works, d 15 Sep 1782?, of small pox, buried 17 Sep in the chapel graveyard.
EGG, Anna, dau of Daniel and his wife M. Margaret, aged 1y, 1m, 13d, d 13 Feb 1814, buried on the 15th.
EGG, David, d 25 July 1806, and his twin brother John on the 26th, sons of Peter and Magdalen, buried on the 27th.
EGG, Elizabeth, dau of John and Dorothy Egg. (1793-1794?)
EGG, Eva, wife of John Egg, Sr., aged 84y, d 13 Feb 1814, buried on the 14th.
EGG, James, son of Theodore and Mary Elizabeth, aged 5y, 5m, 12d, drowned 16 Mar 1801, buried on the 18th.
EGG, John, Sr., aged 89yť 4m, d 9 June 1809, buried on the 12th.
EGG, Lia, dau of Joseph and Agatha, one month, one day old, d 10 Mar 1806, buried on the 12th.
EGG, Paul, son of John and his wife Louisa, aged 6y, 9m, 2w, d 11 Sep 1808, buried on the 13th.
EGG, Samuel, son of Peter and Susan, aged 9m, 3w, d 25 Dee 1817, buried on the 27th.
ELS, Mary, dau of Jacob and Mary M., aged 13y, less 2w, d 2 Sep 1815, buried on the ^th.
ENGEL, Catharine, d 24 Aug 1814, buried at Reading on the 26th.
ERB, John, son of Peter and Christine, d 23 Apr 1806, buried on the 24th.
FELIX, Nicholas, aged 82 y, d 22 May 1813, buried at Reading on the 23rd.
FISCHWASSER, Rosine, married, for thirty-five a Quakress, having been instructed by me (Rev. Peter Helbron), and baptized and strengthened with all the sacraments of the Holy Church, died in the Lord 12 Apr 1788.
FORTMANN, Margaret, wife of C, d 31 Jan 1815, buried 3 Feb.
FRENDENBERGER, Conrad, a rather old man, had been ailing from a slow and lingering wasting away, received in due season all the aid of the dying, d 18 Oct 1774, buried 20 Oct in the graveyard.
FRICKER, Anthony, of Reading, aged 65 years, d 27 Nov 1796, buried on the 28th.
FRYDENBERG, Eve, aged 20 y, d 29 Apr 1804.
GAAS, Salome, at Reading, aged 16 years, d 4 Dee 1796, buried on the 5th.
GAIJNER, Edward, died suddenly, buried solemnly on 6 Dee 1791.
GAUCKER, Anna Maria, infant daughter, eleven months old, of John Gaucker and his wife Barbara Weibel, died of convulsions, buried 10 Dee 1773.
GAUGER, Peter, son of John and Elizabeth Gauger, aged 1 year and 7 months, d 16 Sep 1796, buried on the 18th.
GAYNER, Elizabeth, widow, aged 91 y, 5m, d 7 May 1815, buried at Gohenshoppen on the 9th.
GEHRY, Eve, aged 80 y, d 15 Jan 1806.
GERI, Philip, workman, d 27 Mar 1768, of consumption, he was beloved by all for his uprightness, he left a widow and several
small children, buried 28 Mar in the graveyard.
GERNAND, Mary Magdalen, aged 21y, 6m, 14d d 19 Fob 1818, buried on the 22nd.
GERY, Philip, aged 29 years, d 21 Sep 1795, buried on the 23rd.
GEYER, Conrad, d 19 Apr 1767 after having received in due season all the aids of the dying, had been for many years ill of dropsy and finally died of apoplexy, buried 21 Apr in the church graveyard.
GIBSON, Francis, an old man, suffered from pain in the bowels--of his own accord desired to be fortified in due season with all the sacraments of holy Roman Church, buried 27 Mar 1774, in the very spot in the chapel graveyard where he stood while attending the funeral of John Linch.
GIBSON, Henry, d 22 Feb 1804, buried on the 24th.
GIBSON, Margaret, widow, seventy years and upwards of age, died 18 June 1794, buried on the 19th.
GOBELE, Magdalen, dau of John and Mary, aged 7m, 3w, 3d, d 4 Apr 1810, buried on the 6th.
GREEN, Frederick, black or mulatto, son of Abraham and Mary, aged 3y, d 15 Sep 1813, buried on the 17th.
GRET, Susan Barbara, dau of Michael and Catharine Grett, aged 5 years, 4 months, and 2 days, d 21 Apr 1794, buried on the 23rd.
GRETT, Andrew, aged 56y, 2m, 15d, d 2 Oct 1811, buried on the 4th.
GRETT, Andrew, aged 90y, 1w, 3d, d 5 Jan 1811, buried on the 8th.
GRETT, John Adam, aged 29y, 4ws, 5d, d 3 Apr 1808, buried on the 5th.
GRETT, Magdalen, aged 86 y, d 4 Feb 1806.
GRUNEWALD, Anna Maria, lawful dau of John Grunewald, d 31 Oct 1774, was baptized the day before, b 23 Sep, buried 1 Nov in the church graveyard.
GRUNEWALD, John, an infant, a few months old, buried 8 Sep 1780, in the graveyard.
HARTMAN, Michael, carpenter, had been ill for a long time and finally died 20 Nov 1768, of dropsy; buried 22 Nov in the graveyard near the church.
HARTMAN, Magdalen, aged 84 years, died 30 July 1798, buried 1 Aug.
HARTMAN, Margaret, wife of Michael Hartman, born Hammerstein, died of dysentery, contracted in child-birth seven months ago; buried 30 Aug 1784, in our graveyard here.
HARTMAN, Mary, wife of Francis Hartman, farmer, in Rich valley, fell from a rock, broke her arm and died of dysentery, was buried 28 Aug 1765, in the church graveyard at Gosshenhopen.
HARTMAN, Francis, died yesterday, in the school-room, of dropsy; buried 3 June 1768, alongside his wife in the church graveyard.
HAUSS, John Jacob, son of Jacob and his wife Mary, aged 1y, 7m, 3w, 4d; died 28 Apr 1813, buried on the 30th.
HEITZ, Eva, widow, by her second marriage, of Michael Heitz, formerly Wagner, died 23 Dee 1784, buried 25 Dee in the graveyard.
HEITZ, Michael, d 30 Nov, of old age and a short illness; buried 1 Dee 1774, in our graveyard here.
HENRICH, Christian, aged 83 years, died 12 Dee 1798, buried on the 14th near Sharp Mountain.
HENRICH, George, son of John and Barbara Henrich, six and a half years old, died 2 May 1795; buried at Sharp Mountain on the 4th.
HENRICH, Mary Margaret, wife of Christian Henrich, aged about 71 years and 10 weeks, died 14 May 1795, buried on the 16th near Sharp Mountain.
HERBST, Richard, aged 23 (?) y; died 5 Sep 1814, buried at Reading on the 6th.
HILD, ---, infant daughter, a few days old, of Joseph Hild and his wife, buried Dee, 1768, in the church graveyard.
HOFF, Magdalen, aged 73y, died 9 Aug 1811; buried on the 11th.
HOFMAN, Magdalen, daughter of Michael Hofman, seven years old, died 29 Jan 1776; buried 31 Jan, in the chapel graveyard.
HOFMANN, Catharine, fifteen years of age and in my service for eight days, died 15 Aug 1777, of dysentery; buried 17 Aug in the chapel graveyard.
HOPP, Elitta, died 18 Dee 1808; and Margaret, on the 20th, daughters of Andrew and his wife Margaret; buried on the 21st in the same grave.
HOPP, Elizabeth Margaret, three months old, daughter of Andrew Hopp and his wife Magdalen; buried 10 Mar 1791.
HOPP, Francis Anthony, son of George and Margaret; aged 2y, 9m, d 53
26 July 1801; buried on the 28th near Massillum.
HOPP, Magdalen, dau of George and Margaret, aged 5y, 6m, 19d; died 28 July 1801; buried on the 30th near Massillum.
HUCK, Juliana, widow of Paul, aged 71y; died 9 July 1811, buried on the 10th.
HUVER, Jonathan, son of Adam and his wife Susanna, aged ^y, 5 1/2m; died 31 May 1808, buried 2 June.
ILLAIN, Francis Louis, aged 65y, 1 month less 3 d; died ^ Dee 1812; buried on the 6th.
ILLAIN, David, son of Francis and Catharine Illain, died 8 Feb 1799; buried ont the 10th.
ISINGER, Margaret, a widow, sixty-six years of age, died 10 Sep 178^, in Magunshi; buried 11 Sep in our graveyard here.
JONES, Anna Maria, aged 60y, 5m, 21d, died at Pottsgrove, 13 Nov 1813, buried on the 15th.
JUNG, Catharine, wife of Ferdinand Jung, died of dropsy, after having been fortified with all the sacraments, on the 7th inst.; buried 8 Aug (1773?) in the church graveyard.
JUNG, Ferdinand, widower, rather aged, died on the 28 of February 1777, buried 2 Mar in the graveyard.
KASS, Daniel, son of Nicholas and Margaret, aged 5y, died 7 Mar 1806, buried on the 8th.
KASS, David, son of Jacob and Magdalen, buried 20 Nov (1815?)
KASS, John, son of Peter and Magdalen Kass, two and a half years old, died 6 Mar 1795, buried on the 8th.
KEFFER, -, son, six months old, of Peter Keffer and his wife Barbara; buried 13 Sep 1768 in the church graveyard.
KEFFER, Barbara, wife of Peter, aged 71y, 8m, died 20 June 1811, buried on the 22nd.
KEFFER, Catharine, daughter, six months old, of Peter Keffer and his wife Barbara, buried 27 Mar 1773.
KEFFER, Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Keffer, two years old, buried Oct, - (1783?)
KEFFER, Jacob, son of Jacob and Magdalen, aged 13y, died 12 Mar 1814, buried on the l^th.
KEFFER, Mary, an infant, a few days old, buried 10 Sep (1780.)
KEFFER, Peter,
aged 73y, died 20 Jan 1814, buried at Reading on the 22nd.KEMP, Elizabeth, dau of John and Barbara, aged 3m, 17d, died 28 Dec 1813, buried on the 30th.
KEMP, John, aged 76y, cemetery on the 23rd.
9ni, died 21 Nov 1808, buried in theKEMPERLING, Anna Maria, wife of John Kemperling, died suddenly, 27 Aug 1771; buried 28 Aug in the graveyard.
KIENTZ, Matthias, died 6 Apr 1777, buried 8 Apr in the chapel graveyard.
KLEE, Hilary, hammerer at Mayburri (perhaps better Maybury) forge, died yesterday, (9 Apr 1782) of a quick epidemic; had been married only a few years; was barely thirty years of age; left a widow with a child two years old, and also a child born after his death; had received the sacraments, while in good health on last Easter Day, 31 Mar, buried 10 Apr in the chapel graveyard. (In the baptismal register is the record of the baptism of John Adam Klee, son of John Hilary Klee, and his wife Regina, born 5 Apr 1780, baptized 23 Apr, and of Anna Elizabeth, posthumous child of Hilary Klee and his wife Regina Cammel, born 28 Apr 1782, and baptized 19 May. By reference to the birthday of Anna Elizabeth, who was the posthumous child of Hilary Klee, it seems that Father Ritter did not make any note of the father's death until at least nineteen days after it occurred.)
KOBLE, James, lawful son of Bartholomew Koble, three weeks old, died 23 Jan 1790.
KOHL, Michael, died 3 Apr 1806, buried on the 6th in the graveyard near Haycock.
KUHN, Eva, widow
of Peter Wurf, about twenty five years of age, died 1 Dec 1783, after having received in due season the Holy Viaticum, buried 3 Dec in our graveyard here.KUHN, Eve, aged 68 years, died I Feb 1798, buried on the 3rd.
KUHN, John, on 14 Feb 1751, carpenter, with whom Rev. Theodore Schneider, the founder of the Goshenhoppen missions, was wont to lodge.
KUHN, Margaret, dau of Henry and --- Kuhn, died 19 July (no date), from being burnt while her parents were away attending a religious service at Magunshi, buried 21 July near her father's house at Cedron Creek.
KUHN, Margaret, widow, died 22 Nov 1773, of hysteria, at Cedar Creed, after having been fortified with all the sacraments of holy Roman Church; buried 24 Nov in the church graveyard.
KUNSS, Mary Barbara, wife of John, aged 29y, died 8 June 1812, buried on the 10th.
KUNZ, Mary Barbara, dau of John and M.(ary) B.(arbara), deceased, aged 1y, 2m, 2w, 6d; died 3 Aug 1813, buried on the 5th.
KUPSER, ---, infant son, one hour old, of Jacob Kupser and his wife Catharine, was baptized before death, buried 25 Sep 1769 in the church graveyard.
LINCH, (perhaps better Lynch), John, unmarried, over twenty years of age, had not been brought up a Catholic. Two months before his death, he, of his own accord, came to the priest and said that he desired to embrace the true faith, in the meantime having been stricken with the smallpox he signified his wish for a priest and his desire for the faith. On perceiving that he had suddenly gone out of his mind I did all I could for him---l baptized him, absolved him and anointed him. He had always lived most uprightly. He died 16 Mar 177^, and was buried 18 March in the chapel graveyard.
LITZINGER, Anna Maria, born Schmitt, died 16 May (1785), buried 18 May in the graveyard.
LITZINGER, Magdalen, widow, over seventy years of age, for six years had been afflicted with various ailments and lastly with asthma---yesterday, (4 Apr 1771), while all were rising for the day, she was found dead, though apparently resting in a most peaceful slumber; she had frequently been refreshed with all the sacraments of the holy Roman Church; she died of dropsy and was buried 5 Apr, in the chapel graveyard.
LORENZ, ---, infant son of Jacob Lorenz, had scarcely been born when it was baptized and died, buried Dee, 1765, in the graveyard at Couissahopen.
MAGUIN, Mary, wife of Henry Maguin, buried 27 May (no date) at Dinekum. (Tinicum.)
MARTIN, Catharine, widow of John Henry, aged 66 y, died 8 Apr 1815, buried at Reading on the 10th.
MARTIN, John, aged 53y, died 31 Jan 1807, buried at Reading 1 Feb.
MARX, Thomas, an old man, died 15 July 1783, after a short illness, after having received in due season all the sacraments of the Church; buried 17 July, in the chapel graveyard.
MATTES, George, son of John and Mary Mattes, two months old, died 18 Mar 1800, buried on the 20th.
MATTES, John, (died or was buried) 13 Feb 1816.
MATTES, Mary, wife of John, aged 49 y; died 13 Apr 1812; buried
on the 15th.
MATTHES, -, infant son of Martin Matthes, died last night, without having been baptized, buried 6 Sep 1771, without ceremonies.
MATTHES, Margaret, relict of Nicholas Matthes, deceased, in the preceding year, had received all the sacraments of holy Roman Church; buried 29 Mar 1782.
MATTHES, Nicholas, a most worthy old man, eighty years of age, full of days, had seen his daughters' children unto the third generation, died 25 May 1781, buried 27 May in the chapel graveyard.
MATTHYS, Joseph, son of Martin Matthys, ten years old, died 12 June (1766?) in the mountains, buried 13 June in the graveyard at Gosschenhopen.
MECKEL, Elizabeth, aged JU years, married 52, died 30 June 1799, buried 2 July.
MILD, Catharine, wife of Charles Mild, died 2 May 1784, of ulcerated thighs, after having been fortified in due season with all the sacraments of holy Roman Church, buried 4 May in our graveyard here.
MINTZER, Joseph, son of Engelbert and Mary, aged 30y, 10m, 6d, died 10 Mar 1812, buried on the 12th.
MUTHARDS, Magdalen, for 40 years Catholic, wife of Frederick Muthard, non-Catholic, buried 18 Feb 1791, a large assembly of the people hearkening to the funeral sermon.
NESTER, Frederick, an old man, seventy-three years of age, died 21 Apr 1782, buried 23 Apr in the chapel graveyard.
NOEL, Catharine, twice widowed, wife first of N. N. Kraft, then of Ignatius Noel, seventy-five years of age, buried 22 Mar 1783.
NOEL, Ignatius, ninety years of age, a native of Lorraine, resident of Pennsylvania for more than thirty years, had once been rich, but died in poverty,where his drunken son-in-law had brought him, died 23 Mar 1775, buried 25 Mar in the church graveyard.
NORBECK, ---, infant child of John Norbeck, buried Feb, 1783.
NORBECK, Catharine, a maiden about seventeen years old, had received in due season all the sacraments of holy Roman Church; buried 8 Jan 1777 i" the chapel graveyard.
NORBECK, Henry, infant son, four months old, of James Norbeck, died of contagious cough, buried 19 Aug 1779.
OBOLD, Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Obold and Phil. Shmidt, aged 70 y, died 20 Mar 1814, buried on the 22nd.
OBOLD, John, aged lly, 4m, 2d, died 31 aug 1806, buried 1 Sep ( 1806?)
QUEEN, Henry, son of Thomas and his wife Mary, aged 3 y, died 2 June 1807, buried on the 4th.
REICHERT, John, son of Anthony and Catharine, aged 23y, 6m, 3w, 3d, died 24 Feb 1818, buried on the 26th.
REICHERT, Michael, son of Adam and Eve, aged 25 y, died 23 Sep 1807, buried on the 25th.
REICHERT, William, son of John and Catharine Reichert, aged 13 years and 5 months, drowned in a well 29 Aug 1799, buried on the 31st.
REPPERT, Stephen, an old man, died 3 Nov 1785, buried 4 Nov in the graveyard.
REPPLIER, Anna Catharine, dau of George and his wife Catharine, aged 7m, lid, died 11 June 1808, buried on the 12th.
RIFFEL, Augustine, the six year old son of Matthias Riffel and brother George Jacob Riffel, who was slain (by Daniel Starr); had been ill for several months, buried 2 Oct 1775 in the chapel graveyard.
RIFFEL, George Jacob, more than twenty years of age, married two years ago, a certain Daniel Starr taking him so he said, for a deer, shot him dead; may this victim be the last in these most fateful times; buried 23 May 1775.
Rittner, Joseph, aged 74; died 19 July 1794, buried on the 21st at Reading.
RITTNER, Regina, lawful daughter of Joseph and Barbara Rittner, died 7 Sep 1768, of small pox, aged three years, buried 9 Sep in the church graveyard.
ROHR, ---, infant son of Martin Rohr, was what is known as "a seven month's child," died six hours after birth, baptized by its father, buried 2 Dee 24 Dee 1777.
ROHR, Anna M., mother of the above infant, and wife of Martin Rohr, died yesterday (27 Dec 1777), of dysentery, during childbirth, leaving eleven children to her surviving husband, and nearly all under age, buried 28 Dee in the graveyard.
ROHR, John, lawful son of Martin Rohr, three years old, died three days ago of small pox, buried 13 Mar 1778 in the chapel graveyard.
ROHR, John, son of Matthias and Catharine Rohr, about 6 years old, died 20 July 1795, buried on the 21st.
ROHR, Joseph, son of Matthias and Catharine Rohr, about 9 years old, died 17 July 1795, buried on the 19th.
ROHR, Martin, shoemaker, had been twice married, died 2 Apr 1781, after being fortified in due season with all the aids of the dying, buried 4 Apr in the chapel graveyard.
SCHMITT, Anthony, an old man, died 14 Feb 1777, buried 16 Feb in the graveyard while I was away.
SCHMITT, Catharine, wife of Caspar Schmitt, on account of the alms given by her to the church was solemnly buried therein on Friday before Pentecost, 1792.
SCHMITT, Catharine, wife of Anthony Schmitt, formerly widow of Caspar Meyer, a Catholic, who died without the sacraments which he had always neglected, she imitated his life but not his death, for of her own accord she begged the sacraments with great piety and received them; died yesterday (30 Dee 1776), buried 31 Dee in the chapel graveyard.
SCHMITT, Frederick, an old widower, in Allenstown, died 8 Feb (1777?), after a short illness, buried 10 Feb in the graveyard.
SCHMITT, James, infant son of John Adam Schmitt, buried 5 Feb 1781, in the chapel graveyard.
SCHMITT, Mary Dorothy, daughter, three years old, of John Adam Schmitt and his wife Margaret, died 8 Feb 1771, buried 10 Feb in the graveyard.
SCHMITT, Michael, lawful son, two months old, of Philip Schmitt, buried 2 February 1770 in the church graveyard.
SCHMITT, Philip, the father by his two marriages, of a large number of children, all living, died yesterday (17 July) after having been fortified in due season with all the sacraments of holy Roman Church, buried 18 July 1775, in the chapel graveyard.
SCHMITT, Rose, wife of Anthony Schmitt, not quite sixty years of age, died yesterday (23 Dee 1773) of dropsy, buried 24 Dee in the chapel graveyard.
SCHWOB (?), Anna Elizabeth, married, strenthened with all the sacraments, died in the Lord, 25 Jan 1790-
SEBOLD, John Jacob, son of Peter and his wife Catharine, aged 1m, 1w. Id, died 23 July 1810, buried on the 24th.
SEIFFERT, Anna Maria, an aged widow, long ailing, and twice within the last few months refreshed with the sacraments of holy Roman Church died yesterday 24 July 17691 unexpectedly and
suddenly at a neighbor's house where she had gone in good health, buried 25 July in the church graveyard.
SHMIDT, George, son of George and Barbara, died 25 May 1801, buried on the 27th.
SHMIDT, Philip, aged 61y, died 6 Mar 1808, buried on the 8th. SHMIDT, Philip, aged 45 y, died 21 Oct 1814, buried on the 23rd. SHNABEL, Catharine, wife of Andrew, died 18 Aug 1805.
SHNABEL, Jacob, son of Michael and Margaret, aged 11m, died 10 July 1811, buried on the 11th.
SHNABEL, Mary Eve, widow of Andrew, aged 78y, 5m, died 26 Aug 1809, buried on the 29th.
SHORP, Catharine, dau of Caspar and Susan Shmid and wife of Anthony Shorp, aged 23yť 10m, died 14 Feb 1818, buried on the 16th.
SHURP, Joseph, son of John and Elizabeth Shurp; aged 8 years and 8 months, died on 8 Aug 1797, buried on the 10th.
SHURP, Simon Lazarus, son of John and Elizabeth Shurp, one year and 11 months old, died 10 Aug 1797, buried on the 11th.
SHUTT, James, son of Anthony and Catharine, died 27 Nov 1806, buired on the 28th.
SIBERT, John Felix, a noble, buried after solemn Mass, 13 July 1793.
SIGFRID, Andrew, aged 78y, 5m, 4d, died 29 June 1810, buried in the graveyard at Reading, 1 July.
SIGFRID, Joseph, son of Andrew and Agatha Sigfrid, buried in Reading graveyard. (1793-1794.)
SIGFRIED, George, a most worthy old man, aged eighty-two years, died 21 Mar 1782, in the Oley Hills, buried 23 Mar at the same place.
SIGFRIED, John Michael, fifty-seven years of age, died in the Olit (Oley) hills, leaving a widow, the mother of fifteen children, ten still being alive; buried 2 Feb 1785 in the same place.
STOLL, Erhard, died (rest wanting) (In with burials for 1807.)
STOLL, Eve Margaret, wife of Erhard, aged 75 y, died 20 Mar 1807, on the 22nd buried in the graveyard near the church.
STROHM (?), Anna Maria, widow, died yesterday morning (the month
is blurred, it looks like October), of old age and a long illness, after having received in due season all the sacraments of Holy Roman Church; buried October ? y, in the church graveyard. (In with burials for 1767-68.)
STRUNCK, Barbara, dau of William Strunck, two years old, died yesterday (11 Oct 1782) of small pox, buried 12 Oct in the chapel graveyard.
SWEETMAN, John, aged 35 years, died 22 Jan 1798, buried on the 25th.
SWEETMAN, Joseph Richard, son of John and Margaret, aged 23 y, 2m, died 9? March 1813, buried on the 12th.
UHLEIN, Valentine, about twenty years of age, died 21 Feb 1777, of disease, buried 23 Feb in the same graveyard.
WALKER, ---, a little daughter, two years old, of Daniel Walker, buried April -, (1783.)
WALKER, Elizabeth, wife of John, aged 21y, 10 m, less 4 d, died 19 July 1816, buried on the 21st.
WALKER, Gertrude, aged 51y, died 20 May 1807, buried on the 22nd.
WALTER, James, an old man, hammerer in Mayburri (perhaps better Mayburry) iron mines, died yesterday (24 October 1780), of dysentery, buried 25 Oct in the chapel graveyard.
WALTER, James, aged 67 years. (Dates of death and burial not entered.) (In with burials of 1797-98.)
WEBER, John James, an infant, one month old, died of a cough, buried 25 Jan 1781 in the chapel graveyard.
WEEGLLAIN ?, Daniel, d 1 Sep 1797, buried on the 3rd.
WEIBEL, Valentine, the truly Christian parent of a numerous offspring, died 28 Feb 1777, buried 2 Mar in the chapel graveyard.
WELCKER, Henry Stephen, son of James Weicker and his wife Magdalen, one year and seven months old, buried 3 July 1790.
WELKER, Mary Barbara, wife of Peter Welker, brought some months ago from Jersey to the iron works of Mr. Butz, died 7 Apr 1780 of dropsy, buried 8 April.
WELKER, Mary Magdalen, wife of Gottlieb Welker, aged 70 years, died 3 Dee 1795, buried on the 5th.
WELKER, Thoephilus, aged 89 y, died 24 Aug 1806, buried on the 26th.
WELSCH, Elizabeth, died of a quick epidemic, though had been ill of consumption, buried 21 Apr 1782, alongside her sister int he same graveyard.
WELSCH, Juliana, daughter of Conrad Welsch, hammerer at Mayburri forge, fourteen years of age, died within two days ofthe quick epidemic, was anointed, had received the Easter sacraments on Palm Sunday, buried 5 Apr 1782 in the chapel graveyard. (Probable sister to the above.)
WENIG, Anna, wife of George Wenig, a poor laborer on my farm, was ill of dropsy for some months and died 15 June 1766, buried 17 June in the graveyard at Gosschenhopen.
WENIG, George, a poor laborer on my farm, died of old age, after having received in his full senses all the sacaments of Holy Roman Church, and having had a short agony, buried 15 Nov (1766?) in the church graveyard alongside his wife Anna, deceased during the past summer.
WINEK, Caspar, ninety-five years old, the only one of his family holding fast to the Roman Catholic Religion, to whom after some visits I administered once the sacraments of Penance and of the Eucharist. When near his dying day, and in the presence of his son, he begged me at his funeral to give a discourse on death to his non-Catholic children, and his other relatives present. And this was done. He died unexpectedly near Kutschenstattel on 5 Oct 1788, buried on the 7th.
WUMMER, Jacob, son of Adam and his wife Magdalen, aged 10m, U d, died 25 July 1808, buried on the 27th.
ZIEGLER, Catharine, wife of Melchior Ziegler, non-Catholic, mother of six children, all dead, died 18 July 1768, about eight o'clock in the morning, buried 21 July in the church graveyard.
ZIP, Mary Eva, wife of George Zip, seventy-five years of age, and of married life fifty; this truly pious old woman had long prayed God and besought Him to take her from life before her husband, and to end her life by a short illness; she died before her husband, and was ailing barely three days, buried 2 Feb (1768?) int he church graveyard.
ZIPP, George, survivor of his wife by only eleven days, he, too, had prayed God not to keep him long separated from his wife, buried 13 Feb 1768, alongside her grave.
ZWEYER, George, a resident of Oley hills, died 30 Dee 1769, of old age and asthma, buried 25 Sep 1769, in the church graveyard.
GORDON, Rachel, wife of Anthony Grusser, makes profession of faith at Edward Carty's house, 19 Aug 1782.
HAMILTON, John, and his wife Frances, Irish, and formerly members of the Church of England, make public profession of faith, in the chapel, 6 Jan 1781.
HONIG, Salome, wife of Anthony Honig, born of church of England parents, makes public profession of faith in Nicholas Carty's house at Haycock, 27 Apr 1783.
KLEE, Christina, wife of Ernest Klee, makes profession of faith, in the church 15 Apr 1781.
LUSL/LASL, Elizabeth, twenty years old, betrothed to John Schorb, to whom she is married the same day, makes public profession of faith, 24 Feb 1783.
REICHERT, John, makes public profession of faith in the church, 25 July 1785.
SCHLAUER, Cecily, makes public profession of faith, 6 Feb 1784.
SCHLINGS/SCHLUYS?, Thomas, a married man, twenty-four years old, makes public profession of faith, in Michael Sigfried's house, at Oley, 12 Apr 1781, and is afterwards baptized.
SCHUHMACHER, Catharine, betrothed to Joseph Schmitt, makes public profession of faith in the chapel, 14 Apr 1781.
SCHUL, M., wife of Matthias Cremer, makes profession of faith at Edward Carty's house, April or June 15, 1781.
STOLL, Edward, laborer, and a married man (a word or two is here illegible, but seems to read, "rather an elderly Man") having renounced the Lutheran heresy, makes public profession of faith, in the church, 22 Dee 1782.
STRUBEL/STRUPPEL, Charles, unmarried, makes public profession of faith, Jan, 1783.
STRUNCK, William, a Lutheran, father of several children, makes public profession of faith, 16 Mar 1783, the ceremonies of baptism being afterwards supplied.
UHLEIN, Margaret, wife of Joseph Uhlein, makes public profession of faith 17 Jan (1785?).
WALKER, Daniel, eighteen years of age, makes public profession of faith in the chapel, 17 Feb 1781, and is afterwards baptized conditionally, since neither he nor his brother William remembers being baptized.